#and that is how a baby dragon learns their past and their knowledge
yinyangswings · 1 year
If Sabo Had a Child Part 1
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Sequel to if Ace had a Child
You’ve managed to kill the Chief of Staff of the Revolutionaries. Congrats. The World Government will give you a medal for it.
Joking aside, he’s stunned. He literally is just staring at the doctor as if they’ve suddenly changed species. And to be fair, you were just as stunned, having not expected that that was the reason you had been sick the past few mornings.
You thought it was just you getting food poisoning.
And they’re quiet for several hours, separated as you both sorted out your thoughts. For you coming to the realization that in a few months you’re going to be a mother, and you don’t know if Sabo even wants a kid.
You know his childhood, you know the memories that had come back and what his parents were…what if he didn’t want kids so he would never become like that?
You’re not far off from the thoughts running rampant through Sabo’s mind. A child…he’s going to be a father
His thoughts drift to Outlook III. Of those cruel eyes that were vacant of any resemblance of love, only filled with anger and disinterest in a son that hated every fiber of the noble life. He hadn’t been a father, only a sire. And it’s not like the bandits had been the best in fatherly figures. The closest thing to a father that Sabo can compare is Dragon…and that’s just not the same.
But now Sabo is going to become a father.
What if he’s no better?
You two finally reunite that night. You lay in bed in silence for a long while and you know he’s not asleep because of the lack of snoring. Finally he turned to face you, cupping your face gently, pulling you close. 
“I…have no idea how to do this…but…we’ll do this together, right?” He says softly in the dark and you smile gently, curling up to him, nodding into his chest. The decision had been made. 
Obviously you’re pulled off of active duty. It’s not a surprise. Even if you weren’t involved with the Chief of Staff (who is proving to be more of a worrywart about the pregnancy than you are…marginally), it can’t be expected that a pregnant woman be one of the fighters in the Revolutionary Army
You absolutely hate it. You never went looking for a fight, but at least out there you didn’t have the overwhelming fear when your friends didn’t come back at a scheduled time. At least then you didn’t have to worry about Sabo not coming home on time and you sit there fearing the worst, only for him to come home. It’s nerve wracking and the only relief is when he gets back to you.
Koala and Hack are supportive, and Koala is happy for Sabo. Maybe this means he’ll stop taking unnecessary risks.
You give her a look and you both start laughing. Like that would ever happen.
Koala, when she found out, squealed at the news practically jumping for joy and already planning on things that need to be bought. And plans to, when the baby is older of course, to train them to use Fish-Man Karate.
“They’ll learn Dragon-Claw Fist!” Sabo argues and you and Hack wind up listening to an hour long argument between the two friends. Hack rolls his eyes, patting your shoulder in sympathy
Hack offers you some advice on what to eat and to do to help with morning sickness and some stretches to do to keep yourself limber during the pregnancy. That’s the ultimate fight and he sees you as incredibly strong for being able to do that
You wind up helping Dragon with paperwork and planning. It’s not as fun as you’d like, but it’s something to keep you busy. And you somehow feel it’s a way for the leader of the army to keep an eye on you. His own form of support for this. 
You appreciate the silence and support
Ace and Luffy? That poor Den Den Mushi when they get the news. Probably the entire army can hear the yells of joy when Sabo tells them, and Sabo is quite certain he’s gone deaf. 
They keep asking how far along you were, if he knew the gender yet, and a litany of other questions that Sabo tries to answer to the best of his knowledge. He’s grinning, the knot of unease loosening at the excitement of his brother’s joy. 
When he’s back at the Headquarters you two settle into a calming routine. Sitting on the couch together reading reports as you are unable to sleep but don’t have the energy to move around a lot. Your swollen ankles rest on his lap and occasionally he’ll massage them. Sometimes your reports are discussions about the baby. It’s just so…calm and quiet.
The first time he’s able to feel the kick is when you’re both asleep, his hand resting on your stomach and the baby kicks. You’ve been able to feel the kicks for a little while now, and either he’s always missed it or the baby wasn’t yet big enough for him to feel it. But this time it’s strong enough for him to feel the jolt and he wakes up as do you, though you're more annoyed. He thinks you tapped his hand wanting him to get something. 
His expression on his face when you inform him that no, that would be the baby, is priceless and you wish you had a camera. No sleeping would be had after that as he talks to the baby, hand resting on the stomach, grinning at each soft kick. It was worth it being exhausted the next day.
Continue to Part 2
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vitaminseetarot · 11 months
PAC: Lunar Eclipse - General Messages
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Sup y'all, I'm back for the second round of my PAC marathon happening before the end of October! I wanted to pull some guidance from this lunar eclipse season, especially since it's felt very energetically heavy since the last full moon. All three piles are going through some stage of great transformation taking place -- just in time for Scorpio season.
To assist me, I've consulted three red dragons, known in the deck as Watcher dragons, to help you choose your reading. I like Universal Dragon oracle as an "energy" deck by embodying the traits each dragon represents through meditation practice, and these red dragons specialize in guiding through important life transitions. If you prefer to choose intuitively by color, I've also added three gemstones for your piles below:
Pile 1, Knowledge Dragon + Cherry Quartz Pile 2, Awakening Dragon + Lepidolite Pile 3, Emergence Dragon + Lapis Lazuli
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Pile 1: Knowledge Dragon + Cherry Quartz
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Supermoon, 21. Venus, 5. Heart Healing, Alcalb: Poison and Medicine, 4 of Cups, 2 of Wands, VI Lovers, King of Pentacles, XX Judgement
Please be gentle with yourself at this time, pile 1. You're in need of a soothing kind of support. This could be a turbulent time to deal with purging out any negativity from your past. You may get reminders of some old issues which return out of nowhere to grab your attention. Even if occasional, you may need to remind yourself that you will be okay.
Be open with giving yourself comfort, or letting others baby you a little bit when you're feeling down. The King of Pentacles could be you or someone else, but this is the profile of somebody who is generous and aims to please. Embodying Venusian energy, this King wants you to feel at rest and does not mind offering tasty fruit or a warm blanket to cheer you up. Sitting next to the Four of Cups, it may be emphasizing that you need to allow yourself the chance to receive this care.
If your issue is related to a partnership, going out and spending time with friends or even on your own may be a better way to take it easy, instead of trying to work out anything now. This is not the exact time or place to be settling out bigger issues in your relationships unless it's urgent. They'll show up on their own time anyway. This reading wants to focus on maintaining your emotional well being. If this is not relationship but involves a situation in the present, then step away as much as you can and be as kind and patient with yourself as possible.
The key here is to maintain self awareness when these strong emotions move through you, that's what the Knowledge dragon wants you to know. "Knowing is half the battle." There may be a strong pull to making the kind of choices that can lead to major growth in your life path, but although new events and alliance are waiting ahead of you, the lunar eclipse is a golden opportunity to just purge and completely release whatever trauma based feelings are trying to hold you back.
You could be particularly affected by the phases and placements of the moon. Check your natal chart to see and compare the transiting moon with yours, see how the moon makes contact with other planets as it moves through each of the signs. If you're interested in brushing up your studies, whether astronomy or astrology, this is a very good time to glean a lot more insight than normal. It's easier to learn lessons when you're in a state of ease.
(extra note: I see multiple fruits in your pile: the apple stained glass, cherry quartz, pomegranate, and the berries the blue jays are holding. Fruits can be a reference to eating healthy snacks, or an emphasis on romance. These mood swings may feel intense, but they will yield fruit for you. Please take it how it resonates for you.)
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Pile 2: Awakening Dragon + Lepidolite
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Full Moon Sagittarius, 15. Retrograde, 6. Freedom, Aldebaran: Destruction and Rejection, Knight of Wands, 6 of Cups, 8 of Wands, 9 of Swords, 8 of Swords
Hey pile 2, you picked one of my favorite cards in this dragon deck! I love how the light in the tree hollow resembles a portal. The energy of the Retrograde card looks to be the very opposite: all the colors of nature are drained, and all that's left are structures of near perfect symmetry and order. It's almost like you're the figure in the Retrograde card who's actually looking back and choosing to leave behind the old structure for the new and unknown with nervous enthusiasm., but not without wistfulness.
This is something you've likely sensed would happen and now that the predicted situation is at hand, things must change quickly to adjust. It reminds me of movies where the character is watching something like a building fall or a ship sink, but they have an escape pod where they can be safe with family. In these movies, the character always takes another look back to remember all the good and bad times that made it so special. The character wants to stay in that space forever until the others shout "c'mon! Hurry up!"
It's understandable that when we sense a big change is underway, we take time out to appreciate the good times had. There's a difference, though, between simply being nostalgic by enjoying memories, and the fear based resistance of walking towards whatever lies ahead. You may have recently gone through a deep shadow work period where some of your anxieties were brought to light and dealt with. You're nearing the end of this difficult cycle, however, so give yourself the chance to breathe a little before moving on.
When the next chapter comes, it may happen rather quickly. That's why the Six of Cups and Lepidolite want you to take a step back just a little and heal your more gentle, imaginative, fun loving side. Read an old comic book or bake cookies, surround yourself with familiar things. This will allow you to be more flexible and resilient about encountering anything that comes next, instead of feeling worn out.
You're at a place now where you're ready to let go of an old cycle, one that kept you feeling a little stuck in the dark. Some balance is needed. Enjoying pieces of the past does not mean getting mired in it and unable to progress. If anything, sometimes it's necessary to take a step back to move two steps forward, like when we watch a movie twice and see new things we hadn't noticed during the first watch. Bring the best from the past with you. When the time is right, don't be afraid to not run, not walk, but to step carefully into the portal.
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Pile 3: Emergence Dragon + Lapis Lazuli
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South Node, 8. Scorpio, 2. Understanding, Atlas: Guidance and Discovery, XX Judgement, VII Chariot, 4 of Wands, Knight of Swords, XV Devil
Overwhelmingly, pile 3, I'm seeing that you're getting the green light to go ahead and embark on your next path. Notice all the teal color in your oracle cards? It's a popular color in hospitals as it provides a gentle contrast to healing that could be painful and frightening for patients. I initially imagined someone wading through a dark sewer only to approach the light of the other side. In the Understanding card, you can see that the hooded figure is walking over the stream and not in it. It's as if the bridge appeared out of nowhere. And the water looks pure and flowing smooth.
Something in your external world may be pushing you along to your next journey, whether or not you're entirely ready. What is it you would like to do, or where is it you would like to go next? I feel with the Judgement card, it's talking about a specific issue or event in your life. It's less a case of throwing darts to see what will stick and more of following the path that aligns with your true self. Your life is leading you to your life path with two thumbs up.
It's as if Judgement as a card represented an intersection, where many roads of various directions diverge into one area. You must put your turn signal on and indicate where you plan to proceed next. The sooner you can get clear on which road to take, the faster your next chapter will roll out. Just make sure you're using the right signal.
The biggest hurdle to overcome will be the ever present comfort zone. A comfort zone is not something to be fought. It's a necessary part of keeping up with the body and mind. Imagine constantly taking in novel material? That's what babies do, and they speak in gurgles 'cause they can hardly stand that everything is so new! It can be overwhelming.
People aren't always meant to push themselves to miserable exhaustion like Atlas just because a life of being more relaxed and certain seems boring and less fulfilling. But at the same time, we must learn to expand past what we know and love to something fresh and exciting. Whatever goal you're seeking to start or resolve, the light is green and you have the right of way. Spend time getting clear on your choices. But don't hold back anymore!
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This reading has not been evaluated by the FDA to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease or infection. Please ask your physician before going online.
2023, @VitaminseeTarot ™
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queer-ragnelle · 10 months
Hi! Your flowchart is amazing, and I'm so excited by the literature list you made. However, I was wondering if you know which book is best to start reading more about Arthurian legend? I have only collected knowledge through osmosis, so I have no clue where or how to start learning more. Thank you for your time and have a nice day!
thank you, i'm glad they're helpful for you! i did answer a similar ask about what medieval texts to begin with here and link to free resources, but the formatting is hard on the eyes, and now that my own collection is available, i'll reiterate. all suggested translations are available on my blog.
le morte d'arthur by sir thomas malory: you'll get the most mileage out of this book as malory sourced a broad spectrum of stories to incorporate them into a single text, which includes arthur's conception, pulling the sword from the stone, receiving excalibur from the lady of the lake, marrying to guinevere, young gawain's knighting and first quest, tristan and isolde's romance, the grail quest, final battle at camlann etc. plus malory himself invented some of the most iconic stories, such as gareth's time as the kitchen boy, beaumains. with this book alone, the majority of retellings will make sense to you. but be warned it can be extremely dry (and confusing timeline wise, calogrenant dies twice bc malory couldn't keep his own story straight!), i recommend the keith baines translation as it's rewritten into prose like a novel.
the vulgate cycle: it's 10 books. i know it's 10 books. but it's simply the best. the truncated nature of malory's le morte d'arthur leaves the majority of characters reduced to singular traits (orkney bros the mindless killers, priggish grail knights etc.) which has negatively influenced many retellings since imo. this is not an issue with the vulgate where everyone has a little more nuance and depth, even the bad guys, but especially the characters we're supposed to root for like lancelot and gawain. many fun characters who were cut from le morte d'arthur are fully developed here like half-giant galehaut and gawain's baby mama the lady of lys. i'm putting it high on the list bc i simply think more people should try it. i recommend the translation edited by norris j. lacy. he's incredible and i love all of his translation work. footnotes right in the margin will remind the reader of past references and explain language subtleties lost in translation (like puns) or indicate what was changed for ease of understanding (sometimes the scribes made mistakes and named the wrong character, which lacy will fix and then note he fixed). so if one can get past the sheer volume of text, it's a wonderful read, and i even have specific stories within it i could recommend. but i digress...
sir gawain and the green knight: it goes without saying this poem is iconic. the pearl poet (as the anonymous author is called) wrote beautifully and the version of gawain here is a much kinder portrayal than what he appears in the post vulgate, which was a major source for malory's le morte d'arthur. the beheading exchange/game is the focus here, although this motif will appear in many other texts, such as perlesvaus, and the sgatgk story appears in the majority of retellings that include gawain, so it's a must read. i recommend the j. r. r. tolkien translation (the audiobook version of this translation is phenomenal, like music).
four arthurian romances + the story of the grail by chrétien de troyes: except you can skip cligés bc its mediocre at best. really what you'll need from this is knight of the cart (the first ever story in which lancelot appears and he's very pathetic and weepy and insane and lovable haters dni), knight with the lion (gawain's cousin yvain gets a pet lion, fights a dragon, gets married, gets divorced, goes mad, recovers, gets married again...), erec and enide (worst husband in the universe), and the story of the grail (perceval and gawain adventures). a version of these stories were adapted into le morte d'arthur and the vulgate (except for yvain's lion which is a bummer!). i recommend the nigel bryant translation of perceval and william kibler translations for the rest. when you reach the end of the story of the grail and it cuts mid-sentence...well, sadly we don't know what happened to poor chrétien that kept him from completing his story. but there are four continuations written by other people, plus the german parzival is great as well (and has one of my favorite of gawain's wives, the haughty maiden of logres, orgeluse).
the mabinogion: some of the same stories as chrétien but of welsh origin plus extras. haters will try to pit two bad bitches against each other, but these texts go hand in hand. i like the whimsical vibes of this version and the magical powers given to the characters, such as kay's ability to grow to the size of a tree and set things on fire with his hands or bedwyr's ability to strike faster than all other knights despite having only one hand. it also gives owain (welsh version of yvain) an army of ravens that kill people in addition to his lion, arthur has an invisibility mantle (also referenced in the welsh triads), and the whole gang fights the demon boar twrch trwyth to steal the golden comb off his head. good stuff. i recommend the translation by lady charlotte guest.
the wedding of sir gawain and dame ragnelle: obviously this has to be included. i'm biased but at the same time, it is supposed that sir thomas malory actually wrote this poem! which i think is pretty neat. additionally, 99% of retellings include ragnelle as gawain's wife. in fact, excluding the ones in which he doesn't have a partner at all, i can only think of one in which he marries someone else. dame ragnelle is the people's darling, all of us arthurian authors agreed that in spite of our differing opinions about everything else in the stories, she is the wife of all time. and we're right. a thing of beauty. this text does not have a translation, it's just in middle english, which can be challenging to read. this version edited by thomas hahn has footnotes to help or otherwise i recommend the version retold by selina hastings and illustrated by juan wijngaard, it's gorgeous, and includes all the fun supporting cast like kay and guinevere.
this was a long list with probably more explanation than necessary but it can be difficult to narrow down a single place to begin with arthuriana as each story builds on the literary tradition that came before. everyone is sharing and influencing one another so stories and motifs are repeated, each author writes for their time, slightly altering the technology and culture to reflect their own lived experience, so the narrative evolved as the centuries passed into what we have today. thanks for this ask and hope you enjoy reading!
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The whole outpost acted as if he would commit treason before their bare eyes as if he wasn’t smarter than that.
I am not Xaden and not even alive in that world even i took huge offense. He is Fen Riorson's son for God's sake he won't go big until yall are on his last nerve 🤣🤣
He doubted she’d be on good speaking terms with him, but their farewell had been pleasant enough that he was confident they wouldn't be fighting at least. Either way it didn’t matter, her company was far more enjoyable than anyone’s in Samara. Even if she would be screaming at him or if he could only watch her from far away, that would be enough — for now.
These little things matter so much to me. They give me faith that Xaden actually wants Violet. I know his ways to show that he cares are twisted and that he is not an open book, but this gives me so much of comfort!
“If they have to spy at least they could do a good job, but you found the forge just fine. They’re all incompetent.” she had said to him the day before.
I love her already 💀💀
He missed her.
MY BABY (I know he is not a baby. This is just an expression don't take it seriously 💀💀)
The Colonel waved a hand, “Tell her we need her services, the security of the borders is more important than her mate bond.” he said as if he had any knowledge on dragon’s mating bonds.
Dear Colonel,
I'll skin you alive and boil the shredded pieces of your skin in front of you. Then I will slowly dislocate your bones and then feed you to SGAEYL.
Thank you!
If they wanted they would punish him for any little thing he did and he wouldn’t test fate when he was about to fly to Violet.
I wish they drive their spears and daggers up their asses.
She would never hear complaints from him in that regard, not if it meant more time with Violet.
Every single sentence has Violet in it 😭😭 No one talk to me I'm crying 😭😭
He probably realized that between Sgaeyl and him, the creature that spits fire would win.
How arrogant can humans be 😭😭
You are not even the size of her toothpick for God's sake.
Xaden could almost smell the fear off of him, he had wanted to hurt Xaden
Lay a hand on him and then dont complain about what happens. You would be fortunate if Sgaeyl is the one who gets to you and not Violet.
“Lieutenant Riorsson you should learn to control your dragon” The Colonel puts as much poison as he can in his voice, which isn’t a lot given he’s still recovering from Sgaeyl.
He is Sgaeyl's rider you insufferable assholes
“May this land curse all of you, when the time comes where you’ll call for help she will swallow you all and not even your precious wards will save you.” And then she burned.
I wish we explore more of the marked ones and Violet's childhood. I'm a simp for baby mmc and fmc I'm sorry 😭💀
“Riorson…” he heard Alanara say, but he didn’t catch the rest of her sentence, for Sgaeyl was already in the air.
I love her. Alanara should become the future Colonel. Babe, I'm rooting for you.
She had dedicated her whole life to the studies, during her whole life she had been researching for the truth, to then, in the end, find out that all that Navarre had done was plant lies in her research. Navarre had betrayed her.
Just like they had betrayed countless other women and men alike. After all of it is revealed, there is nothing left for the leadership to be prideful about. They should be ashamed of themselves.
He can do that with everyone else, Alanara doesn’t deserve to know any of his feelings on the burning of Aretia, but Violet does. He has to offer something real when she asks, not mere fragments. However, that’s easier said than done.
I know you can do this Xaden 💪
He’d rather take no breaks and get his shift done so he’d be able fly at the earliest he possibly could, but Sgaeyl makes him eat, seeing as he had only eaten lunch, and it was currently past five am.
Mama Sgaeyl to the rescue
Xaden widened his eyes, “What do you mean he fought with Violet?”
*takes out popcorn*
Yes, now, where were we?
She was looking at him attentively, waiting for an answer, her eyes defiant almost waiting for him to either lie or avoid an honest answer.
She is so used to him lying or deflecting omg 😭
He was both bewildered and amazed by her, “You’re the person who has the most faith in me.”
Ofc she does she is your future wifey. I don't know how ans I don't care. Sort your shit out please.
He could see a faint blush on her cheeks, his chest filled with pride for making her react that way. He had done something right, maybe they were getting closer to her forgiving him.
Finally Violet seemed to calm down as she took a gulp of fresh air and he could see her slowly stop trembling. “You’re fine.” he whispered.
“I just can’t believe this happened. I can’t believe I lost my marbles in front of you of all people.” He did his best to not to take it as an offense, she was hurt and overwhelmed. She was probably embarrassed about the whole ordeal. Still, it stung.
She was embarrassed right? Nothing else right? 😭😭
He hummed, they would revisit this conversation sooner or later, he’d make sure of it, “I have a birthday present for you”
“I don’t think you’re mad enough that you’d throw them away.”
*pouts* she would never
“You just flew nine-hours straight, you need to rest.” she protested and her care for him warmed his heart. He had to be doing something right if she still worried for him.
“She’s using you” Bodhi said, his tone clipped.
. . . Why must you do this asshat?
This story is awesome author you're serving 😍 👏 👌
Keep up the good work 👏 🙌
first of all i’m sorry it took so long to answer i had a very busy weekend.
thank you sooo much for your comment and for your continuous support !!
i’m trying really hard to show that xaden is putting in the WORK when it comes to getting violet back even if he doesn’t have a clue on what he’s doing.
writing the colonel was a struggle bc i wanted to punch him half of the time lmao also Sgaeyl wants to eat him so bad
xaden is so whipped for violet he wakes up and his first thought is violet
i loooove doing background for characters which is what i’ll always try to do !! let’s give them depth !!
Alanara is so real bc she’s like “i’m too old to be dealing with petty fights packs this up by five thank you”
and yes violet was just very embarrassed by the whole ordeal, she has this mentality that she has to be strong and show no emotions. that’s what her mother and sister always taught her. and she’s especially more embarrassed bc xaden is not honest with her and there she goes placing herself in a very vulnerable position
we’ll deal with bodhi next chapter don’t worry !!
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regnantlight · 1 year
Faint RP ideas rattling around my noggin that I just need a bit more sleep to develop (warning: TOTK Spoilers apply) —
Puppet Zelda doing her puppet thing, plus, Zelda and past Ganondorf interacting enough for him to learn her mannerisms convincingly enough. How has puppet Zelda impacted real Zelda’s relationships with the people of Hyrule? How far does this set her back in terms of establishing political alliances and gaining trust?
Post-TOTK Zelda: does she still have time powers? What does she do with them? How does her knowledge of the past impact how she interacts with the present?
Zelda naming a baby Sonia? 🥺
How is her relationship with Link impacted by her once again outliving him for years (both by her time in the past, which may have been a year or so at court, and as a dragon) how can I make this as difficult for them to overcome as possible
Zelda decides to grow her hair out again because of Sonia and her own personal growth (and because I have over 1k long hair icons so jdhbdhfjd)
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dancingsalome · 8 months
The Historian: Part One, Chapter 1.
A little housekeeping. The Historian has several narrators, all, but the teenaged narrator in the 1972 parts, are named. So for ease, I will call her N, instead of the nameless narrator. Also, these posts will contain spoilers.
How these papers have been placed in sequence will be made manifest in the reading of them. All needless matters have been eliminated, so that a history almost at variance with the possibilities of later-day belief may stand forth as simple fact. There is throughout no statement of past things wherein memory may err, for all the records chosen are exactly contemporary, given from the standpoints and within the range of knowledge of those who made them.
Part One starts with this quote from Dracula, by Bram Stoker. It reinforces the idea that The Historian is a true account, a collection of papers that tells a story that has really happened.
In chapter 1 we learn a bit about N. She's 16 and lives with her diplomat father in Amsterdam. Her mother died as a baby, and she lives a very sheltered life, mostly occupied with her studies. At this point N thinks her father’s effort to shield her is because he is her only parent. But the reader may wonder if it’s not to protect her from something. One day she finds a book, and collection of letters in her father’s library. N doesn’t tell us what she finds in the book that captivates her, and she only reads a little from the first letter before she puts it away, but it’s a rather sinister paragraph:
My dear and unfortunate successor:
It is with regret that I imagine you, whoever you are, reading the account I must put down here. The regret is partly for myself – because I will surely be at least in trouble, maybe dead, or perhaps worse, if this is in your hands. But my regret is also for you, my yet-unknown friend, because only by someone who needs such vile information will this letter someday be read. If you are not my successor in some other sense, you will soon be my heir – and I feel sorrow at bequeathing to another human being my own, perhaps unbelievable, experience of evil. Why I myself inherited it I don’t know, but I hope to discover that fact, eventually – perhaps in the course of writing to you or perhaps in the course of further events…
Instead of asking her father about her find at once, N begs to follow him on his next diplomatic journey, something she has so far never been allowed to. He agrees, and she accompanies him to a Yugoslavian city she calls Emona. Well there, N tells her father what she has found, and now it is revealed that the book contained the printed image of a dragon, and she asks him to tell her about it, which he reluctantly agrees to do.
The real name of Emona is Ljublana, which today is the capital of Slovenia. N points out this is where the story starts, but up until this re-read I could never understand why Kostova chose this particular place. Not until this time, did I notice that N and her father cross a bridge, guarded by bronze dragons. The Dragon Bridge, Zmajski most, was built in 1901, and as you can see from the picture, the dragons are impressive. By walking over it, N truly walks into the start of this story, where the motif of the dragon will return again, and again. Ljubljana also has a dragon on the city’s coat of arms, referring to a legend that this is the place where the Greek hero Jason slayed the dragon. Or, possibly, it’s about the legend of St. George and the dragon. Either way, Ljubljana is a city of dragons, and I find it very fitting to start a book about Dracula here.
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I Need Bookrecs but I can’t Just look any up cause all I get is booktok stuff :/
please help
Well I can recommend some things I/people I know personally enjoy! I don't know what you like, so I can't tailor them specifically to you, but hopefully it's still a helpful start :)
(and if anyone would like to reblog with their own additions, that's welcome to!)
A Chorus of Dragons by Jenn Lyons: A series I've talked about a lot recently. High Fantasy with incredibly complex and thorough worldbuilding, following Kihrin, a thief raised in a brothel as he discovers an unwanted royal heritage and the knowledge that he is destined to destroy the world. With an entire cast of engaging, unique characters (several queer in various ways) that drive the story, follow along as past lives are uncovered and these people who want nothing more than to live in peace are forced to fight for that right and figure out how to save humanity from the jealous hubris of people who have lost sight of what horrors can be justified for the greater good.
The Memoirs of Lady Trent by Marie Brennan: A series written like memoirs by Isabella Trent, the most famous and accomplished dragon naturalist ever who redefined the world and how dragons are understood with her accomplishments. But before she can be recognized, she had to establish herself in the field as a young woman in a time when women can't even vote--but she refuses to give up and travels the world for her passion, recounting the places she's been, people she's met, cultures she's glimpsed, and dragons she's studied. Very engaging and grounded, realistic in its depictions, isn't afraid to tackle topics like how harmful the "not like other women" idea is and how gender roles are detrimental to everyone.
I Keep My Exoskeletons to Myself by Marisa Crane: I haven't read it, but my partner loves it. In this world, you gain a second shadow when you commit a crime, and Kris has one. And when her wife dies in childbirth, their new baby gains a shadow, too. Told as though Kris is talking to her dead wife, it examines grief, resistance, surveillance and prejudice, and is undoubtedly much better than I'm making it out to be with my vaguely informed knowledge.
The Bone Houses by Emily Lloyd Jones: A standalone about a girl trying to provide for her siblings as a gravedigger, one of the only ones left in her small village who's still cautious of the supposed undead magic on its outskirts. But when a map-maker with an unclear past shows up offering money in exchange for guidance to the fabled locations, she can't turn it down. Explores death and grief and learning to live on without the people you care about, very sweet and introspective.
Ordinary Monsters by J.M. Miro: The beginning of a new series, following two boys, Marlowe and Charlie, as they're discovered and taken to a mysterious institution for their magical gifts that allow them to access--in their unique ways--the space between life and death. But there are secrets at this institution and misguided ideas of how best to save everyone from the shadowed figure hunting down little Marlowe, driving their new small band of friends to action to try and keep everyone safe. This book is slow and deliberate, but charming; the kids all act their age and there's no romance, but plenty of finding and choosing your family.
The Expanse by James S.A. Corey: Phenomenal sci-fi set hundreds of years in the future; people are colonizing Mars and a marginalized, oppressed class of people live in the Belt. Tensions run high between all of them, but James Holden is just getting by as an ice hauler before his ship is blown up and he and a few others find themselves at the center of a conspiracy. An important woman's gone missing and when she's found, the very foundations of their world are shaken as a physically impossible biohazard rewrites history and science, taking the story to places beyond where the characters ever saw themselves going. I haven't read it myself, but my dad has and I've seen the show (which is incredible) and I really want to read it myself. Cast of distinct characters and the show is one of the most scientifically realistic out there
Kitchen by Banana Yoshimoto: A short, bittersweet standalone about grief. Following Mikage as she processes the death of her grandmother, she becomes close with one of her grandmother's friends from a flower shop and his mother, finding herself again and learning to live with it. Notable for its casual depiction of a trans character (that mother) in this book from the 1980s. It's a lovely read, introspective and thoughtful.
The Black Witch Chronicles by Laurie Forest: I'm not caught up with this one, but it starts following Elloren Gardner, granddaughter of the last prophesied Black Witch--but she doesn't have a single spark of magic in her blood. So she's starting at a new University to become an apothecary, but there finds her beliefs about the world--and her people's superiority--challenged as she's forced to room with two winged icarals, who she doesn't think even deserve to be here. The world turns out to be much more complicated than she thought and she needs to figure out where she actually stands. A high fantasy with a more in-depth world building, but I've only read the first 2 books so far. And in the first Elloren has a lot to unlearn, so prepare to cringe at her actions and thoughts for a hot minute--but the magic and politics of the world I remember being quite interesting.
Babel by R.F. Kuang: I've spoken about this frequently; a standalone about colonialism and language. About the literal power of words and necessity of violence. Follow young Robin Swift, taken from China as a child and given a new name so England can send him to Oxford, where his language can be used to power magical silver bars and strengthen the empire. But this exploitation of him and the people he's come to think of as family rests heavy on him, and a series of experiences drive his thoughts towards revolution and pain. Warning, this is a heavier book, especially for those who have personal experience with language/culture loss and disconnect, with the effects colonialism.
The Martian by Andy Weir: A standalone about an astronaut who gets stuck as the only person on mars when his crew has to flee the planet when a storm hits. Trying his best to survive alone until someone can hopefully come get him, the story is told through his Log entries--and he is quite the little shit of a narrator. Surviving on humor and fuck it we ball mentality, he's either going to survive and be famous for it, or die on mars and also be famous for that. An incredibly fun read that touches on the bonds of humanity and what we'll do to help others, and how hard people will fight to survive and keep their hope alive. This was also turned into a movie, and not a bad one!
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agoldenlily-archive · 2 years
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NAME: Elayne Trakand NICKNAME(S): none, I don’t think? but her titles are: first The Daughter-heir then: by the Grace of the Light, Queen of Andor and Cairhien, Defender of the Realm, Protector of the People, High Seat of House Trakand, and Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah. AGE: 20+ SPECIES: human
MORALITY: lawful / neutral / chaotic ||| good / gray / evil RELIGIOUS BELIEF: n/a VIRTUES: chastity / charity/ diligence / humility / kindness/ patience / justice PRIMARY GOALS IN LIFE:to defeat the Dark and live a life worthy of the past Queens of Andor SECRETS: that she bonded a female warder, that she masqueraded as a full Sister before she was one. she makes ter’angreal without the Tower’s allowance, that she bonded the dragon reborn. uhhmmm that Rand is her baby daddy? QUIRKS: impulsive, chaotic, determined, ambitious, overeager, charitable  SAVVIES: she has a very good head for diplomacy
BUILD: slender / scrawny / bony / fit / athletic / herculean / babyfat / pudgy / obese / other HEIGHT: one span, six inches - 5′6 lolol SCARS/BIRTHMARKS: I’d assume that they’ve all been Healed tbh? I mean if the Healing is good enough then the scar disappears as well as old ones so --- ABILITIES/POWERS: very powerful aes sedai. she is a Learner - which gives her the ability to learn weaves quickly. she can make objects of the power: ter’angreal, sa’angreal and angreal. she has also trained in Wavedancing from the sea folk as well as some limited knowledge of how the Dreamworld works.  she’s also very talented in diplomacy and daes dae’mar TIGHT ROPE WALKING. like at first she did it with the Power but then she was a full out acrobat ok. RESTRICTIONS: she’s impulsive. doesn’t take instruction and can be very snooty at times
FAVOURITE FOOD: SWEETS she has the worst sweet tooth ever FAVORITE DRINK: wine! she loves wine. she also loves iced punch and spiced tea. FAVOURITEPIZZA TOPPING: she loves Mediterranean pizza FAVOURITE COLOR: RED FAVOURITE MUSIC GENRE: any and all kinds of genres. she loves all genres. FAVOURITE BOOK GENRE: she loves history books but she also reads heavy drama/romances and intrigue spy stuff FAVOURITE MOVIE GENRE: same as above tbh. historical movies and dramas and spy thrillers FAVOURITE SEASON: Spring FAVOURITE BUTT TYPE: she loves all parts of the male body so i mean she doesn’t have a FAVORITE lmao FAVOURITE CURSE WORD: bloody goat’s left stone. mother’s milk in a cup. - she loves the very filthy cursing that she learned from Mat people around her secretly  FAVOURITE SCENT: roses! FAVOURITE QUOTE: "A fool puts her hand into a hollow tree without finding out what's inside first. “ - lini (lol)
BOTTOM OR TOP: switch but lbr she’s kind of a top but like a soft top LMAO LOUD BURPER OR SOFT BURPER: soft. like she won’t do it in public SINGS IN THE SHOWER: YES LIKES BAD PUNS: yes she does THEIR OPINION ON THE MUN: she has no opinion lmao
TAGGED BY: @inprometheanfire​ & @luckhissoul​
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mariipproject1 · 29 days
Ip Idea 1
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Lauren Faust, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, 2010
Racism in My Little Pony? No that can't be right? Really? yes. As crazy as it sounds MLP has dealt with issues of racism and prejudice many times during its airing. In the earlier seasons the show revolves around the world of colorful and magical ponies. There are three types of ponies, the earth ponies, the Pegasi, and the unicorns. These three tribes have a history of fighting with one another, but in order to fight off a monster called a windego which feeds off of hatred and malice, they worked together to fight it off with "the magic of friendship" and keep it at bay through their union. And ever since then the barriers between the three types of ponies have been broken down.
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Lauren Faust, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, 2010
But this world has so many more species than just ponies, there are zebras, griffons, hippogryphs, dragons, yaks, kirins, and changelings. And there are many stereotypes surround many of these different clans. In an episode in the first season of the show called Bridal Gossip, one of the first non pony characters is shown, Zecora, she is a zebra and due to her appearance the ponies deem her as evil. And make many remarks that many fans deem racist and xenophobic. In the end of the episode the main cast of ponies find out that Zecora is not behind the curses that were inflicted upon them, and she happily reverses the effects with her knowledge of potions. From then on, the cast sees Zecora as an equal, but it is important to see how they were blinded by their past prejudices.
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Lauren Faust, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, 2010
Another example of this is how dragons are portrayed throughout the story. In the earlier seasons, dragons are portrayed as greedy and evil monsters who love to destroy. This is interesting because the main character Twilight Sparkle, actually raised a baby dragon as almost a little brother. They call him "the only good dragon" which is a false claim made off of fear and misjudgment.
In later seasons the dragon settlement is shown, and it is revealed to the main cast that the dragons hold the same amount of bravery and valor as Spike and the pony cast. It is just that their traditions and upbringings are so different that the ponies grew to fear them.
Around the last few seasons of the show, Twilight Sparkle the main character founds The School of Friendship, which is a program that helps bring together children of all the different species together and help form a more united world. The focus of the show shifts from the main cast of six ponies to a new cast of diverse students of the school, which are depicted above. They go on adventures helping solve issues with their unique gifts and helping each other prosper.
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Lauren Faust, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, 2010
I think another episode to note on is an episode where Rarity and Pinkie Pie (two of the main pony cast) visit a failing restaurant ran by a father and daughter named Coriander Cumin and Saffron Masala. These characters are heavily implied to be Indian decent, and this episode touches on the effects of gentrification. Pinkie Pie and Rarity agree to help Coriander Cumin and Saffron Masala get their restaurant more attention. Pinkie Pie and Saffron Masala, leave the restaurant to advertise, while Rarity stays behind with Coriander Cumin to do renovations. But when Pinkie Pie and Saffron Masala return they are shocked to find that Rarity has turned the place into a sterile fine dining restaurant. Removing all the charm and culture from the family restaurant. Rarity is eventually shown that what she did was not the correct approach and they help bring the family's restaurant to life in the way that it was intended.
While My Little Pony is a show for children, I think that it deals with racism and prejudice in a very nuanced way that will help teach children to look past what they are initially fed and learn to love everyone, no matter their differences.
I think that looking at MLP will be a very important piece in my research for my project. My project will be dealing with multiple nations that have been taught to hate one another similar to what was done in MLP, how can I build upon the methods used in MLP to paint issues of prejudice in my own project. I do want to make this game for an older audience, but I think that MLP shows the basics of what and what not to do.
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mari-ip-project · 1 month
IP Project 1
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Lauren Faust, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, 2010
Racism in My Little Pony? No that can't be right? Really? yes. As crazy as it sounds MLP has dealt with issues of racism and prejudice many times during its airing. In the earlier seasons the show revolves around the world of colorful and magical ponies. There are three types of ponies, the earth ponies, the Pegasi, and the unicorns. These three tribes have a history of fighting with one another, but in order to fight off a monster called a windego which feeds off of hatred and malice, they worked together to fight it off with "the magic of friendship" and keep it at bay through their union. And ever since then the barriers between the three types of ponies have been broken down.
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Lauren Faust, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, 2010
But this world has so many more species than just ponies, there are zebras, griffons, hippogryphs, dragons, yaks, kirins, and changelings. And there are many stereotypes surround many of these different clans. In an episode in the first season of the show called Bridal Gossip, one of the first non pony characters is shown, Zecora, she is a zebra and due to her appearance the ponies deem her as evil. And make many remarks that many fans deem racist and xenophobic. In the end of the episode the main cast of ponies find out that Zecora is not behind the curses that were inflicted upon them, and she happily reverses the effects with her knowledge of potions. From then on, the cast sees Zecora as an equal, but it is important to see how they were blinded by their past prejudices.
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Lauren Faust, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, 2010
Another example of this is how dragons are portrayed throughout the story. In the earlier seasons, dragons are portrayed as greedy and evil monsters who love to destroy. This is interesting because the main character Twilight Sparkle, actually raised a baby dragon as almost a little brother. They call him "the only good dragon" which is a false claim made off of fear and misjudgment.
In later seasons the dragon settlement is shown, and it is revealed to the main cast that the dragons hold the same amount of bravery and valor as Spike and the pony cast. It is just that their traditions and upbringings are so different that the ponies grew to fear them.
Around the last few seasons of the show, Twilight Sparkle the main character founds The School of Friendship, which is a program that helps bring together children of all the different species together and help form a more united world. The focus of the show shifts from the main cast of six ponies to a new cast of diverse students of the school, which are depicted above. They go on adventures helping solve issues with their unique gifts and helping each other prosper.
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Lauren Faust, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, 2010
I think another episode to note on is an episode where Rarity and Pinkie Pie (two of the main pony cast) visit a failing restaurant ran by a father and daughter named Coriander Cumin and Saffron Masala. These characters are heavily implied to be Indian decent, and this episode touches on the effects of gentrification. Pinkie Pie and Rarity agree to help Coriander Cumin and Saffron Masala get their restaurant more attention. Pinkie Pie and Saffron Masala, leave the restaurant to advertise, while Rarity stays behind with Coriander Cumin to do renovations. But when Pinkie Pie and Saffron Masala return they are shocked to find that Rarity has turned the place into a sterile fine dining restaurant. Removing all the charm and culture from the family restaurant. Rarity is eventually shown that what she did was not the correct approach and they help bring the family's restaurant to life in the way that it was intended.
While My Little Pony is a show for children, I think that it deals with racism and prejudice in a very nuanced way that will help teach children to look past what they are initially fed and learn to love everyone, no matter their differences.
I think that looking at MLP will be a very important piece in my research for my project. My project will be dealing with multiple nations that have been taught to hate one another similar to what was done in MLP, how can I build upon the methods used in MLP to paint issues of prejudice in my own project. I do want to make this game for an older audience, but I think that MLP shows the basics of what and what not to do.
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renna-fyth · 4 months
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After several days’ stay with Alant, the Elezen whose home we had been invited back to, our patience finally paid off as Renaux did indeed have a job in line for us to complete. The job…of course…wasn’t offering us Gil in payment upon completion. Had it been offering yet another canon, I'd have packed up my things and caught the first airship back home. But, after learning of the promised price, Kyni and I knew this was to be the most important job we had taken to date. And the risk...would be more than fitting of the reward.
A wyrm skull – that was the asking price from Renaux's contact. Kyni immediately knew how illegal the trade of such an item was in these lands, and seemed quite put off by the task. That was until the payment to be received, turned out to be an old smithy shop in the Empyreum. Journal, Renaux was offering us a house!
After talking it over, Kyni and I decided to take on the assignment. Through his travels with his former companions, he knew of a cavern in northern Dravania that held all sorts of old dragon bones. With luck, we knew we might be able to procure a skull without the need for conflict, and hopefully without ever being seen. It was our best option, and so in the morning we packed up our things, and set out for Tailfeather.
Now just as Kyni had knowledge for this task thanks to his former circle, Shey and I had once ventured out here, and so I knew immediately who to go to when in need a chocobo. Priorfaix, as always, was not happy to see…well anybody. Surprisingly he remembered me, and the baby chick that Shey was now raising. Jokingly I told him the bird raised to be an excellent racer, and was now a top competitor at the Gold Saucer races! He was…unamused, as if he couldn't get a read on my truthfulness on the matter. Whatever the case, he still offered to rent us chocobos and a cart. And so, with that we were finally headed out, to seek out our prize and plunder.
The travel north was uneventful, leading us to a false sense of security as we entered the cavern’s maw. Inside Kyni’s instincts were correct! Dragon bones were strewn about the cavern floor. And there, resting in the center of it all, was the skull! With victory within out grasp we began discussing how we were going to load up such a large thing. As we did, the skull in the middle did something we had not been expecting…it began to move.
What followed was a sore battle as the bones raised themselves into the shape of its former self. Throughout the encounter, the creature seemed to keep most of its attention on Kyni, as if it had some sort of past grudge against him. With that, I was able to handle the beast with ease, severing what connective bones I could, whilst still ensuring the skull remained undamaged for the customer. The victory was quick and it was sweet, and our reward…was even better than we ever could have dreamed!
Back in Ishgard, Renaux kept his word and tossed us the keys to an old smithy in the Empyreum. While the house was mostly barren inside, we did find some old furniture in the back halls hidden under some old sheets. With what leftovers we had from the house in Limsa, I dare say we might be able to turn this old place into quite the company home. Its going to take us a lot of work, but that is something Kyni and I have never been shy from. Hopefully we can open our doors soon and get some help too!
~Much to do…again!
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velvetporcelain · 10 months
It’s always like- “where’s my phone?”📱 and not- “where’s my pocket diary?” 📔 -discuss.
I no longer call this my phone. 📱
It’s my pocket diary. As it should be- 📱📔
Everything I need and want to say is written and left here. I never really go back and doom scroll through my writing. It’s left here to be floating here. Like useless space trash. 🚮 🪐
And I’m totally okay with surrounding myself with my own dignity. I don’t know how I made it through my twenties without some type of diary. But then again I was an avid Facebook user and that is basically a journal in itself. Soooo 2000’s. 📱👀
If I can get my mind to think of social media as I do this void then I can probably document my life in the way I want it documented.
Please, yes, judge me. I get off on the shock value of a judgment. —> in some sadistic way when I’m judged it makes me feel seen and alive. And then I cry about it in order to learn more about myself. More ways to be judged because I want more and more and more. I want to be a Warhol on your wall type vibes.
I feel like a vampire to be honest. I’m a good woman who’s addicted to self sabotage to feel alive. I’m not broken because I was never even built. Like- tell me when you first felt like you were actually building who you are according to what you’re meant to be. Experiencing and free.
I do not give the pleasure of judgment that people seek just like me. Judgments are so incredibly powerful. I will not give people mine because I need them more than you. And you don’t even know how much you need them too. Who gets to decide anyways? Me. I do. You choose yours too.
I am able to separate from taking responsibility for their feelings. You know the things that create their judgments. I am no longer sorry that they feel the need to judge me. I am not here for your pain. I’m here for pleasure.
I can only help one through the judgment process. Because I think we just don’t know how to constructively build from a judgment. No matter what kind. Because let’s face it, a compliment IS also a judgment. Is it not?
I know there are therapists, life coaches, doctors etc out there that hold the knowledge it takes to understand human psychology. I am delusionaly convinced that I can help people in a much deeper way. 😆 I don’t know what the way is yet, but I feel my methods are going to be something never seen before. And it’s gonna work. Haha. I’m laughing.
Yes. What a beautiful pocket diary I have. It’s full of my favorite music anywhere I go. I have this amazingly vivid blog account, where I account and accept myself fully. I am able to text or call all my favorite people in this entire world, literally. So 🔥 I think the cellphone was the greatest man made invention. They are what I dreamed of the future being like. The same but just more ways to connect, move and interact. The depictions of the future are always my favorite but when I think of future, some how I’m always thinking back to the 1950s-1960s retro nostalgia.
So I think the future is just the past learning from its mistakes automatically making our future. Again, stays the same, but more connections, movement and interaction.
And that’s all life is. Picking up our past and creating the future right in front of us. Therefore meaning that the only “life path” is the one behind us. There is no yellow brick road.
What you need, you have to borrow. Make sense? There is no future to borrow from. We must be the unrealized idea. Because that is what the future is, an unrealized idea.
Today? I was the first one up and I got to spend quality ass time on my office floor with my two favorite men. My cats 🙈🥰🥰😆 Gary is my little angry demon, and I love when he lays on top of my chest like the king he is. His ears turn outward and sharp. He lets his eye coverings cover only half is eye, he is purring like a dragon and I love taking in the Hz frequencies. My other guy is my baby and I let him get a little rough with me and bite me and scratch my hoodie sleeves in hopes he would feel like the baddest African lion. I let him hunt and kill my arm. I don’t mind the pain, and my mom chopped off the tips of his from paws (declawed) him. Ugh so get me started on that—. It was amazing connecting and enduring the now.
I cleaned my entire house with my daughter’s headphones on feeling no animosity or anger towards my home. 🏡
Now- here I am. Self sabotaging with cigarettes, but- but- baby- it’s okay all the best writers smoke cigarettes in order to be able to endure the deep thought process. 💋
I’ll be fine. I’ll quit soon. 🔜 as I stop thinking.
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sleeplessscripts · 1 year
Alright, I watched the first lord of the rings film for the first time in my life a couple weeks ago, here are some highlights. Tw for: spoilers for the first LOTR movie (Fellowship of the ring), discussions of: violence, drugs, swearing, and a lot of gay pining, also the use of the phrase “piss river” probably more often than is necessary
Elves: 👀👀👀👀👀
Oh dwarves also: 👀👀👀👀👀👀
Sounds like Sauron had daddy issues, or mommy issues
You might not feel thin if you had more than cake, jam, wine, and moldy cheese in your house
Ooooo I love the fireworks
Why does wizard man get all the history books and papers
How are the children supposed to learn not to repeat the past and die like a little bitch in a piss river if they can’t access the knowledge
At least fucking Frodo makes Gandalf tea god damn
Me @ the characters: HOLD HANDS
Isn’t this other wizard bitch evil. I feel like I remember that he’s evil and a backstabber.
Is there a dragon in these ones or do I gotta wait for hobbit
Ooooo scary glass orb
That’s what I thought you fucking bitch. Fuck you. Close your doors bitch that doesn’t mean you can’t get that fucking staff shoved up your ass. Shove that white orb down your fucking throat till you choke.
You spin me right round baby like a record baby right round round round
Oh my god the silly little video game is realistic to the movie? You do get chased around in a god damn corn field?
Bitches y’all are afraid of worms? (Friend: you’re afraid of lady bugs). Yeah but I don’t spend my 110 fucking years of life lolligagging with no shoes on through fields of ladybugs.
They really gave these bitches 0 weapons
Because a horse couldn’t jump 5 fucking feet into the river
Lotr horses weak compared to skyrims. Can’t even fly. 0/10.
These hobbits are so fucking stupid. Real white woman in a horror film vibes.
Whenever the chanting starts I can only think “Asmodeus, Satanus, Lucifer”
Have these bitches never heard of coal
[insert the sorry, mommy bit here]
There’s so many handsome men with long hair oh my god
“Still sharp” no shit Sherlock
Also the king of the elves is not daddy material
The elves’ city reminds me of fuckin markarth
Aragorn, that’s his name. Anyway his little smirk? Fantastic.
I’d like to have all their weapons, preferably at once. Take this as you will.
Off we go, walking. Can’t wait till there’s giant spiders. Pretty scenery though. (Note: I describe all of the LOTR and Hobbit films as films where they walk in circles and do nothing but fight giant spiders)
Tbh I only trust Aragorn here. If shit happens with him later I will be devastated.
Ah yes two old men fighting through magical chants 100% the way to go
Have they really not gotten Frodo a pair of shoes yet Jesus Christ
The pony’s name is fucking Bill??? Everyone else has bomb ass names and the pony is Bill????
Sorry, Gimli, oh tentacles??? 👀. Anyway rip to your family. OH KRACKEN? 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀
“I have no memory of this place” me constantly, Gandalf, join the club
Oh that is a huge book
Big oof @ the clanking good job other hobbit
Cave troll: ugly. Not daddy material. Also did they use donkey noises for it?
Rest in piss to Frodo, at least you didn’t die in a piss river like that other bitch
All these men flinging and catching and holding each other while crossing a gap is pretty gay, ngl
Oh dragon? Dragonlike? Whip? Oh fuckin rip Gandalf.
Oh woods time? Is it spider time soon? OH MORE ELVES???
Oh pretty tree elf architecture I approve
Men? Crying at the beauty of a woman? Couldn’t be me.
Oh having a panic attack bc of voices in your head? Me too, dude
Yeah this elf woman? Bad vibes. Creepy.
Why is this one still covered in goopy earth placenta. Give this bitch a bath he has to smell horrible.
Okay how the fuck does the math work out if the human king was 3000 years ago, his son took the ring, died in piss river, gollum had it for 500 years, then Bilbo had it for however long, and Aragorn is the son of the second king?
Auburn hair bitch (Boromir) back the fuck off.
This is a shitty fucking plan sending Frodo by himself.
He go toot toot
Also I wanna run through a forest
Oh that bitch dead, yeet
Do arrows really go that far into someone?
Oh pulling the sword into yourself? Ngl… 👀
Anyway rest in piss to those we’ve lost
If Sam dies by drowning I swear to fuck
Honestly Sam is an OG friend, the only good one
Oh boat burial for Mr. I Thought I Could Have The Ring. He also deserves piss river, so good.
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another-heroine · 2 years
Fictional characters you associate with your OCs - Female OCs Edition
I saw this one on @dragonologist-phd​ ’s blog and decided to do too! It’s like an imagination exercise and I am always ready to talk about my babies.
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Andrine Vanfell (Pathfinder Kingmaker)
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If you were expecting something different... Well, think twice!
To be honest, Andrine's personality was most inspired by Dandelion from the games than his version on Netflix series. She is (much) less womanizer than any version of that chit-chatter bard, but both are dramatic and have the urge to bother some ice-cube-who-walks (I'm sorry, Valerie, it will happen again). But also she is a good friend.
Cassandra Constantinescu (Vampire Hunter D)
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She doesn't have the name of the famous Trojan prophetess for nothing. Cassandra grew up surrounded by books, arcane arts, and her mother's love. But all her knowledge and talents were not enough to save her beloved ones, even her gift to see the future. Since then, she became her own unbeliever and flees from her past's ghosts all the time.
Ekaterina Grushankaya (Pathfinder WOTR)
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Misunderstood. Stigmatized by close people. Powerful but still green. Ekaterina has the same capacities as Morgana Le Fay, but yet with the young Arthurian sorceress mind, when Morgana was a girl under Viviane's wing.
I'm waiting to play as her and discover how her story will go on >:3
Melina Trevelyan (Dragon Age Origins & Inquisition)
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The eyes don't lie. Literally.
I created Melina inspired by Yennefer and the process took unexpected proportions lol
They both call attention wherever they go. They both had to sacrifice things to move on and become more powerful and stronger. They had their recklessy moments, and some people judge them as cold-hearted. But who loves any of them knows well what's hidden beneath the mask.
Olívia Garmendia (Original Novel)
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Olívia had to leave her old life behind against her will. After decades studying and finding her way to the top, she had to learn how to defense herself from the voracious court of Euskatza. And the best option was be worse than them--while ~someone~ eventually reminded her who she was before the lost and the bloodlust, leading the sorceress to 'true love'.
Renée Lunenoire (Original Novel)
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The lost child. The girl who was left behind, but survived and now it's looking for answers. Renée and Anya have some common points, beyond their temperament and daydreaming demeanor. They can be snarky and with no manners, but have a golden heart and don't think twice to protect their beloved ones.
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izayoichan · 4 years
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“Come on... let's go home, you have a husband that might wake up soon, and he would miss you.” “Okay.”
Chris smiles at his son, having helped Hayle and him swap places.
“There, and no more life energy from you, he'll slowly heal on his own, and it does no one any good if you become sick.”  “Okay dad.”
He rests one hand over River, putting on the tv, just finding some silly tv series and putting the sound on low so it wouldn't disturb River. Vy presses one finger against the child's heart, light shining between his finger and his child, a memory vivid, of red stars and great nebula's, full of color, other dragons flying, dragging stars, planets, galaxies behind them, their mother holding all her stars, and she does the same with Vy, before the dark came to eat the stars. Vy's eyes shine up and so does Fannar's, generations of knowledge passing between them. Vy's eyes go to normal and he pulls his finger back. His child would access the knowledge as it needed it, and much like Vy would build their own. Fannar chirped happily, grabbing Vy's finger and biting it again.
“You are hungry, little one.”
He lifts his head once Hayden arrives.
“Oh! Daddy brings food!” “Yep, a little bit off everything.”
He sits back down, letting the tray rest on the bed. 
“For both the little one and the bigger one.”
He smiles and looks at Vy, knowing he too could probably need some food. Vy snuggles close to Hayden, letting the child be between them, as Fannar goes exploring the food, instantly drawn to the fruit that he bites, then happily starts eating.
“I think he found something he likes.”
Vy pecks Hayden.
“So many places to show him, so many things to experience.  I wonder.. will he have my seadragon or your.. well honestly quite amazing dragon form.. or both?”
He looks at Vy, handing him a dragon fruit with a bit of a smile. kissing Vy on the cheek then watching Fannar test out the many fruits. Vy starts nibbling on the dragon fruit, just happy to be there, that after so much stress and fear, their baby was finally hatched and they were together as family, safe, and he now was sure that as long as they had a family, Fannar would be safe and that was all that mattered to them now. In the back of their mind they had that nagging fear Death would punish them for what they did, but for now, they just wanted to watch their hatchling take its first steps on the world. Vy closes his eyes, slowly drifting to a nap, still holding the dragon fruit in hand.
Hayden just watches Vy fall asleep on him, taking the fruit, letting Fannar try it as he looks curiously at it. 
“See, told you mom was tired too.”
After a little while of Fannar testing out several other things on the plate, Hayden finds himself with a small toddler crawling up in his lap, sighing contently and curling up against his dad, Hayden gently putting an arm around them, then one arm around Vy, lowly singing one of the songs he remembered his parents used to sing to him and his brother. 
Beginning - Previous - Next
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rayshippouuchiha · 2 years
More KHR recs!
Still not done with ffn yet lol, sorry. I swear I'm giving you the best ones on the list!
Adoption by Memory25
I have to scream about this fic a little bit. SIOC Izumi adopts Kyouya after his grandmother dies. Distant relative and newly emancipated minor herself, if she doesn't take Kyouya, he'll go into the system and have his inheritance stolen from him. Not if Izumi has anything to say about it. So cute with kid!Kyouya. He's already using his animal metaphors, though, lol. Very realistic look at what happens in this kind of situation, but doesn't linger on them. Izumi is such a great mom in this. Some of the shit she's willing to pull for Kyouya is amazing.
Trinisetre, Unleashed by Syrlai
The Mare rings and the Arcobalenco are missing. Changes suddenly happen in the past and the 10th Gen have to fix it. They end up mistaken as runaways and are adopted by the 1st Gen.
Scorched by RenagadeWarrior
Hilarious. This whole fic left me feeling thrilled. Tsuna finds a baby bird in the grill one day. He decides to raise it and .... hmm... I don't think normal birds catch on fire. Tsuna gets a Phoenix as a friend. Nana names her Tsubird and is more involved in Tsuna's life. Tsubird doesn't care who sees her be a Phoenix. She will set herself on fire, teleport herself and sometimes another person away, use her Phoenix song. She also hates anything that hurts Tsuna. She left a peice of trash on the stairs once and Tsuna fell so now she hates litterers and will absolutely savage people for it. Kyoyya was in awe. Crazy adventures ensue. Love the more mythy part of it.
Ayakashi by Kyogre
Tsuna is half youkai and his Gaurdians aren't all human either. Kitsune Nana, rich worldbuilding, immersive. A unique spin on the Curse of the Rainbow Arc.
Contract by Metamorcy
Tsuna/Reborn Earth and Meravigli are connected to one another. A contract can be formed with a Summoner from Earth. Summoner Tsuna hates being forced into the high end Summoning college by his controlling family who destroyed every path he tried to take. One day when he has to visit Meravigli to tey to form a Contract, he meets Reborn, a native of Meravigli. Surprisingly humanoid, Reborn saves his life and is eventually charmed into a friendship. Them they Fake A Contract so Reborn can come and go. Then the other Arcobalenco get involved.
A Fairy-Tale of Two Idiots by Dandelion-san
King Iemitsu has had enough! All of these perverts need to stay away from his son! So he locks Tsuna in an isolated tower. And hires a dragon to gaurd it! Dragon!Reborn/Tsuna sort of crack
Athena by Autore Raita
Alice must have done something real good in her past life. How else could she be a witness of Reborn's disgraceful early years? OC with KHR knowledge grows up with Reborn and "trains" him. Just like Tsuna.
School Days by AwedByAwesomeness
Outsider PoV of the Vongola Gaurdians picking Lambo up from school. So good
I Am by skygem
Warning! Aftermath of Suicide By Main Character!
Set as a poem, it shows all the lives that didn't change for the better because they never met Tsuna. Reflects on the effects of bullying.
Learning for Life by Santoka
Tauna was going to make his high school years better than his middle school years! A new start! Or it was until the police stormed his classroom.
Heat-Haze Days by Metamorcy
Reborn/Tsuna Reborn hates this. He's been stuck looping August 14th for far too long. Nothing he does changes it. Something always kills him. Then someone takes his place. And does that stranger really remember the loops?
You Don't Mess With the Decimo by Anelli di Tempesta
Partial identity reveal fic. Tsuna's class has to get an interview with a high ranking company member of their choice. The class that interviews the highest position wins. Luckily, their classmates mom is pretty high up there. Then she starts insulting her new CEO and his family. Tsuna puts her in her place. Two-shot
Thrown into the Past by skygem
Really good series where the 10th Gen, at various ages popped into the past and was partially raised by them only to return to their own time. The 10th Gen desperately try to find everyone.
I Promise by skygem
I cried so much! Super Hurt/Comfort fic. 18 yr old Giotto's parents just died, leaving 4 yr old Tsuna in his care. But he can't support Tsuna, who was taken into foster care. Then comes the day they can meet again.
Ghostly Interferrence by phoenixtears07
Giotto comes to spend time with his newest descendent. He accidently influences Tsuna's first word. Two shot!
To Make A Carnivore by phoenixtears07
9 yr old Kyouya finds cute 7 yr old Tsuna one day. He decides that he will teach this fluffy little thing a carnivore. It goes... not well. Hilarious. Super cute.
Rapunzel is Secretly an Assassin by miikka-xx
Squalo gets stuck in a magical tower and Xanxus has to break him out. Squalo/Xanxus. Hilarious. Parody-crack
Bail by Zessei
Once again, Tsuna is spending his Saturday bailing Hibari out of jail. One shot
Snapping Point by JapanManiac
Even the most gentle and patient people reach a breaking point eventually. Tsuna's gaurdians and the Varia learn that the hard way. Humor
That is officially all of my ffn list! I hope you'll love these just like I do.
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