#Farmshop LA
formeryelpers · 2 years
Alfred Coffee, 55 W Colorado Blvd, Pasadena, CA 91101
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I’ve had some mixed experiences at Alfred Coffee but they recently opened in Old Town Pasadena, so I decided to give them another try. The coffee they serve is roasted for them in LA by Stumptown. You can buy bags of Alfred Coffee branded coffee beans. The pastries (cookies, croissants, muffins, scones, cake), yogurt parfaits, pre-made sandwiches, and bagels are from Farmshop LA (so you know they’re good). You can build your own bagel or choose one of their signature bagels.
The Greenie bagel ($8): Jalapeno cream cheese, avocado, cucumber, chives, capers, olive oil on an asiago bagel. A smallish bagel with a good chew. I couldn’t taste the jalapeno but maybe that’s because the capers were so strong.
Flat white ($4.75): Surprised there wasn’t any foam art but there was a good espresso to milk ratio, not too bitter
The shop is small with some indoor seating and small tables outside in Miller Alley. It’s got stylish touches like the wood floor, plants, copper counter, wallpaper, and stained glass that says But First Coffee.
4 out of 5 stars
By Lolia S.
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laptopcamper · 2 years
Alfred Coffee, 55 W Colorado Blvd, Pasadena, CA 91101, Score: 33/50
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Alfred Coffee took over the MAC Cosmetics space at One Colorado in Old Town Pasadena. It’s a small space with limited seating (mostly outdoors).
Score: 33/50
Food: 5/5 – The pastries (cookies, croissants, muffins, scones, cake), yogurt parfaits, pre-made sandwiches, and bagels are from Farmshop LA (so you know they’re good). You can build your own bagel or choose one of their signature bagels.
Coffee: 4/5 – The coffee they serve is roasted for them in LA by Stumptown. You can buy bags of Alfred Coffee branded coffee beans.
Wi-fi: 5/5 – Free, unlimited, secure. The password was posted by the register.
Ambiance: 5/5 – Very nice, lots of wood, custom stained glass
Noise: 3/5 – Loud music inside, relaxing music outside
Plugs: 0/5 – Didn’t see any
Parking: 2/5 – It’s a tough area for parking. You can park for free before 11 AM or in the public garages (90 minute time limit).
Comfort: 3/5 – Chairs aren’t padded and the tables are small
Bathroom: 3/5 – One unisex
Art: 3/5 – Nothing
Tips: Coffee and tea accessories are available for sale.
“Laptop Campers Unite!”
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hopecohen · 2 years
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Very Santa Monica lunch @farmshopca @brentwoodcountrymart Old friends, farm to table ~ LA style crispy artichokes, Gioia burrata, pears, pomegranate, watercress, chopped salad Of California endive, dungeness crab, fair hills farm apples, toasted almonds, and citrus vinaigrette, @fortpointbeer Co. tropical IPA, flavor + #santamonica #californiadreaming #brentwood #farmtotable #farmmarket #localproduce #laeater #travelerstorytellerchef #dungenesscrab #carciofini #artichokes #lunching #la #lalaland #farmtable #ipa #beercans (at Farmshop) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjthXd-PtcT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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communedesign · 6 years
Commune loves Alma
Thanks to the Palm Springs Art Museum and the curation of our dear friend Brooke Hodge, two favorites of Commune are placed side by side for the viewers’ pleasure. “In Conversation: Alma Allen and J.B. Blunk,” stages an encounter between two artists who never met but share a deep affinity. Both were self-taught and love curvaceous sculpting, nature’s visceral beauty and remote Californian locations (Blunk in Inverness, and Allen in Joshua Tree) where each hand-built his house and studio. The work of Alma Allen (b. 1970) and J.B. Blunk (1926–2002), were separated by two decades, but have a relationship that blurs the line between craft, design, and sculpture.
Commune has always loved these master woodworkers and have collaborated many times with Alma Allen on projects, using his sculptural furniture at the Ace Hotels, restaurants such as Farmshop, as well as in private residences and stores here in California. 
Commune also features JB Blunk’s ceramic cups, a collaboration with his daughter Mariah Nielsen, available for purchase in its web shop.
Please check out the show at the Palm Springs Art Museum’s Architecture and Design Center from February 3 to June 4.
Attached is a selection of images of Commune projects which feature Alma Allen’s work…
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Alma Allen
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Heath Ceramics x Commune x Alma Allen canisters - 2010
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Heath Ceramics x Commune x Alma Allen canisters - 2010
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Ace Hotel in Downtown LA, California - 2014
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Ace Hotel in Downtown LA, California - 2014
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Ace Hotel in Downtown LA, California - 2014
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Mattison store in Los Angeles, California - 2012
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Residence in Brentwood, California - 2014
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Residence in Berkeley, California - 2016
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Farmshop restaurant in Los Angeles, California - 2011
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Ace Hotel in Palm Springs, California - 2009
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Ace Hotel in Palm Springs, California - 2009
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Residence in Los Angeles, California - 2010
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Farmshop restaurant in Los Angeles, California - 2011
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Apartment in Paris, France - 2015
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Oliver Peoples store in Malibu, California - 2008
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Residence in Brentwood, California - 2014
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Hollywood Trading Company store in Los Angeles - 2004
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Residence in Malibu, California - 2013
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zlutyzakaznik · 3 years
Předjarní cedule
(8. 3. 2021) Nové perly brněnského gastrodesignu.
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Úvodní a velmi případné a kousavé foto dnešního textu pochází ze sobotního kochání se instalací skupiny Maess v kavárně Švanda. Na dotaz na Instagramu jsem se dozvěděl, že daná realizace zůstává v kavárně vždy týden mezi jednotlivými natáčeními on-line autorského čtení “Švandalové poezie”, přičemž dvě jsou již dostupná na YouTube. Dle vyjádření autorů výlohu většinou tvoří směsice známých prvků prostoru kavárny (jako třeba zavařovačka se Zemanem, která je při normálním provozu vystavena nad barem a štamgasti ji dobře znají) s předměty které se buď vážou k textům, které básníci čtou anebo taky úplně náhodné věci, které skupinu napadnou. Instalace vznikají hlavně z důvodu podpory kavárníka a kavárny a předchozí realizace (tady a tady) byly výsledkem spolupráce Maess a lidí, kteří působí jako osvětlovači a lightdesignéři na koncertech a v brněnských divadlech (HaDi, Marta, Terén, Feste).
Vzhledem k tomu, že světlo na konci tunelu asi ještě hodně dlouho neuvidíme – tento je totiž neobyčejně dlouhý a klikatý a vláda, v jejíž hlavní straně “je to o výkonnosti”, nejenže nezadala do výroby reflektor a elektrické vedení, ale ona “lampa naděje” podle všeho ještě ani není v programu projekční kanceláře – můžeme se stále větším zděšením sledovat nárůst míst, kde se objevuje nabídková cedule “k pronájmu” anebo jen vyklizený a nevábný prostor. 
I v těchto nelehkých časech však lidé své podniky nějak provozují a snaží se nás nalákat ke koupi. Na to, jak se jim to v posledních týdnech daří, se zaměřuje další pokračování série věnované designovým zvrhlostem (a v několika málo případech) i úsměvným momentům, jež nemusí být vrcholem retailu, ale vykazují znatelnou snahu, nadhled anebo neotřelý a svěží pohled na věc.
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Celoplošné polepy mimořádně oblíbené v českých i vietnamských večerkách a benzínkách (namátkou Brněnka, Potraviny Mahovský nebo pumpa MOL na Olomoucké) jsou z mého pohledu určitý mor. Nejenže překrývají nevábnou realitu uvnitř, která v krajním případě upomíná na regály Konzumu, ale budují také nepatřičnou iluzi o kávě. Mikropěna bez bublinek, perfektní kontrast na cappuccinu a vzorový latte art se často skví na výloze a když člověk vejde dovnitř anebo jen nakoukne přes dveře, uvidí v lepším případě Juru E8, která “křičí” zanedbanou údržbou. (Křenová, kousek od viaduktu.)
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Patřím k těm, kteří tvrdí, že výběrové doppio by mělo být naceněno tak svůdně, aby bylo pro zákazníka téměř automatickou volbou, ale i když přijmu skutečnost, že Sklizeno na Josefské má v provozu plastový superautomat a káva zde není prioritou, rozum zůstává stát nad zdejšími cenami. Snad kdyby to doppio bylo o tři koruny dražší, ale dát co do mléka náročnějšímu latéčku o patnáct korun nižší cenovku než cappuccinu? 
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Vedle konečné tramvají č. 6 v Králově Poli se pár týdnů vyhřívala na slunci tato cedule a jelikož se v Instastory Kávologu jen mihla, považoval jsem za vhodné zdokumentovat ji pro věčnost. Černá fólie je až příliš reflexní a jelikož jsem pořizoval snímek “na tajňačku”, je výsledek takový jaký je. Jak se ukázalo, prodává zde milá dáma, kterou si pamatuji z jiné prodejny pečiva a protože si mě i ona dobře vybavovala, upozornil jsem ji na ne zcela korektní zápis kávového nápoje s tím, že se už místo v jistých kruzích stalo bezmála poutní záležitostí. :-) Konstruktivní připomínka byla s úsměvem přijata a o pár dní později zde bylo pouze espresso/espresso lungo. Do zdejší Jury, soudě podle loga na kelímcích, sypou italské Sarito (viz též Riverside Coffee v Obřanech).
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Bistro u zastávky Antonínská (tram 1, 6) je jako bájný Fénix. Za posledních několik let má vždy pár měsíců otevřeno, pak si dá několik týdnů přestávku a poté zase začne nějak fungovat. Předmětem mé dlouhodobé fascinace je zdejší práce s červenou samolepící fólií. Tu a tam se něco překryje nebo odhalí, odmaže anebo dopíše... a tak to jde pořád dokola.
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Když přišla v druhé polovině února dramatická obleva a jasné nebe, bylo ideální počasí na procházku a epochální vzduch skvěle doplnilo pyramidální mléko na Starobrněnské. V nadšení nad precizně vystavěnými trdelníky a horou Madety jsem při kradmém focení trochu pozapomněl na opatrnost a v poslední chvíli rukou rozrazil menší kus ledu, který na mě se svistotem řítil ze střechy domu.
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Dost možná největší brněnská “zdravá výživa” v pasáži Gaute na Lidické zařadila do nabídky i zrnka z Dokonalé kávy. Když jsem vzal balík zvídavě do ruky a otočil jej, nenašel jsem na štítku sebemenší informaci o dané kávě a na dotaz mi bylo řečeno, že prodejna sama si musela najít informace o kávě na Internetu, což pro mě vypovídá mnohé o přístupu dodavatele kávy. Při předstíraném studování složení lineckých koleček jsem si odpozoroval zdejší kávovou rutinu, kdy si předpokládaný majitel udělal mléčný nápoj na zdejším hodně základním jednoskupinovém Expobaru. Co do přípravy nešlo nic namítat, ale kávu bych si zde nedal nejen kvůli surovině, ale i vizuálnímu stavu zásobníkového mlýnku, odkud si pán nacvakal svou porci. Jelikož podnik pamatuji dlouhá léta a hodněkrát jsem zde kupoval tofu, kuskus nebo semolinovou mouku, říkám si, zda má smysl naznačit jim, že za danou cenu existují i lepší možnosti...
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Přestěhované Liselotte na Kapucínském náměstí po pár měsících uzávěry změnilo zrno a rozhodně ne k lepšímu. Po dvou F64 se surovinou z MOTMOTu je zde k vidění jeden a obyčejnější mlýnek, na nemž je nabodnuta dóza “vždy čerstvé” kávy Montecelio.
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Když jsem šel do města z povedeného doppia v Kafe na písku, upoutal mou pozornost rukopis slovního spojení “Káva s sebou” na ceduli nedaleko zastávky Bieblova. Trochu jsem doufal, že tam třeba bude milá dívčina nebo chlapec s bazarovým Compakem za tři tisíce a k tomu malá jednoskupinová kostička (také bazarová, ale prohlédnutá a seřízená). Jenže nežijeme v pohádce a realitou byla slečna, jež neznala značku kávy a stroj, který není ani náhodou páka, byl ukryt v zadní místnosti. Dotyčná doběhla pro balík a už si nevzpomenu, zda to bylo Segafredo nebo něco jiného, ale na obalu byl nápis espresso a italská vlajka. 
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“Kebab je mrtev, ať žije Kebab!” napadlo mě při obhlížení výsledku rekonstrukce na Minoritské. Záběr, kde schází podnázev House of Kebab, nebylo lehké pořídit kvůli neustále vykukujícímu prodavači i pár zákazníkům a soudě dle prvních dojmů, podařilo se zdejším kebabistům vyvolat větší zájem než u předchozí provozovny orientované na pizzu a burek. Nejen na vyobrazené kebabárně je zajímavé sledovat “internacionalizaci” daných fast foodů. Kupříkladu Mňam mňam Kebap na Panské již před časem rebrandoval na daleko moderněji znějící Foodhouse a 3 Chutě Kebab zašel v tomto ještě dál. Jeho Facebook je zatím psaný převážně anglicky a provoz, který zahájil v první březnový den, má dokonce Instagram.
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Je vždy fajn vidět snahu a humor a v případě vinotéky a pojišťovny mezi MZK a Billou je to dokonce kooperačka.
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Pojišťovna, která ve výloze odlehčí nudné téma slovy “Zloděj musel být znalec, protože zmizela všechna moje cédéčka zatímco manželčina zůstala bohužel na místě” nebo “Nechtěné těhotenství rozhodně nebylo cílem mého zájezdu do zahraničí” si zaslouží pozornost zákazníků. :-)
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Retro bar Brno - Cafe 90's a jejich úsměvná angličtina.
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Ani řeznictví J & S, jehož zvěčnění na plátně jsme si přiblížili minulý týden, se nevyhýbá některým módním trendům v potravinářském názvosloví a milovníci masa si tak mohou dopřát dědův klasický uzený bok nebo máslovou slaninu.
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Po kebabu a zmrzlině se v parcele nedaleko hasičů na Lidické objevil obchod se zeleninou...
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... a v rámci zdejší nabídky mě zaujala zejména červená jablka. :-)
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Před pár lety jsem se nakupujících u podobného podniku dotazoval, zda jim takové pojetí nabídky nevadí a ve většině případů mi bylo odpovědí rezignované či blahosklonné “Ale pane, vždyť jsou to Vietnamci”. Coby zákazníka mě taková nabídka naprosto odrazuje a nic na tom nemění ani humorný rozměr věci. Zde večerka, která zaujala místo pobočky OKAY MARKET vedle řeznictví J & S.
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Nejnovější Ocean má už pár dní fungující okénko, ale na to, že má uvnitř pěkné židle a stoly a žluté žárovky visící ze stropu, je jeho obrázková prezentace menu mírně řečeno nepřesvědčivá.
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Brněnská pobočka makronkového miniřetězce vedle Costa Coffee na Josefské sice na chvíli zavřela, ale už pár měsíců to zkouší znovu. I když mě citronová varianta jejich “core produktu” příliš nezaujala, oceňuji snahu mít podnik tón v tónu. Ale ta dekorativní kola jsou už strašné klišé.
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Dlouholetá pivnice Černá Hora se před pár lety rebrandovala na Montenegro Pub a před pár týdny se s pomocí reklamy na Facebooku její zahrádka proměnila na FARMSHOP, kde nabízí pestrou směs jídel včetně vybrané nabídky z místní kuchyně (bramborový salát, fóliované hotovky, pivo, víno). Jelikož mě slečna za okénkem poznala a personál byl milý, mohl bych zde něco menšího vyzkoušet. K úmyslu aspoň symbolicky podnik podpořit přispěl pěkný rustikální koutek, který můžete vidět na fotce. :-)
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Kdesi uprostřed tř. kpt. Jaroše (leden 2021)
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Živá kultura umřela anebo jsou její akce odkládány na léto a podzim 2021 a uprázdněné místo na výlepových sloupech v posledních týdnech pomohla zaplnit masivní kampaň Pizza Punk. 
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Roman Paulus “kazatelsky” shlíží ze stěny pizzerie La Gamba (Lesná, Halasovo náměstí) na parkoviště Lidlu a limuzínu s poznávací značkou SEX DEMON. 
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Inzerát pěkný, ale kdo by se dnes hnal do velkých prostor po bývalém La Bouchée na Údolní? A ještě v podobě kavárny!
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michaelfallcon · 5 years
Build-Outs Of Summer: Compelling Coffee In Los Angeles, CA
There are many paths to becoming a roaster/cafe. Some begin with the cafe, serving coffee from another roaster or roasters before deciding to make the ultimate plunge into the yet-unexplored world of roasting. Others being life as a roaster, creating profiles in a small roasting space (sometimes even a garage) or renting time on someone else’s equipment. The latter path was the one taken by Los Angeles’ Compelling Coffee.
For seven years now, owner Kian Abedini has been roasting coffee under the Compelling Coffee moniker, though it originally had an “and Rich” spliced in the middle. Abedini roasted primarily for others, be they wholesale accounts or retail customers, but now, in 2019 Compelling is going in for themselves and completing the other half of the roaster/cafe equation. Set in the Line Lofts building in the Hollywood Hills, this first Compelling cafe is a proof of concept for the company, with success leading to other larger, more grand-scale projects over the coming year. But first, Abedini and Compelling have their eyes set on getting this first cafe off the ground. So let’s go to LA to visit a familiar name to the coffee scene, but one completely new storefront signage.
The 2019 Build-Outs of Summer is presented by Pacific Barista Series, notNeutral, KeepCup, and Mill City Roasters.
As told to Sprudge by Kian Abedini.
For those who aren’t familiar, will you tell us about your company?
We’re a wholesale coffee roaster and cafe partner from Los Angeles, California.
Can you tell us a bit about the new space?
We’re excited to open in the 2019 AIA|LA Residential Architecture Award-winning Line Lofts building in the Hollywood Hills. The space itself is 300 square feet, and will have a small kitchen, interior, and patio seating, and a takeout window. We’re planning on approaching this first space as a less-risky way of testing what works and expanding that to the larger cafes we’re planning around LA over the next year.
What’s your approach to coffee?
Our approach is to find exceptional coffees and make them accessible. While we’ve won awards for our lighter single origins, we’ve experienced that generally the majority of coffee consumers aren’t looking for a super acidic, complex cup every day; we try to find sweet, clean coffees, and roast them with enough development that they express ripe fruit flavors while still extracting easily for baristas of any skill level.
Any machines, coffees, special equipment lined up?
La Marzocco Linea PB for espresso, and a modified FETCO batch brewer, as well as a TBA custom-made brewer.
How is your project considering sustainability?
We will be stocking only biodegradable cups and serviceware, along with asking our vendors to only make deliveries in recycled or compostable packaging.
What’s your hopeful target opening date/month?
Late-July/early-August 2019
Are you working with craftspeople, architects, and/or creatives that you’d like to mention?
We’re working with local Fathom Design Studio to build out our space. Our food program will be heavily informed by local producers from the nearby Hollywood Farmers market, and supplemented by local bakers Farmshop.
Thank you!
You’re welcome!
Compelling Coffee is located at 1737 n. Las Palmas Ave., Los Angeles. Visit their official website and follow them on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
The Build-Outs Of Summer is an annual series on Sprudge. Live the thrill of the build all summer long in our Build-Outs feature hub.
The post Build-Outs Of Summer: Compelling Coffee In Los Angeles, CA appeared first on Sprudge.
Build-Outs Of Summer: Compelling Coffee In Los Angeles, CA published first on https://medium.com/@LinLinCoffee
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shebreathesslowly · 5 years
Build-Outs Of Summer: Compelling Coffee In Los Angeles, CA
There are many paths to becoming a roaster/cafe. Some begin with the cafe, serving coffee from another roaster or roasters before deciding to make the ultimate plunge into the yet-unexplored world of roasting. Others being life as a roaster, creating profiles in a small roasting space (sometimes even a garage) or renting time on someone else’s equipment. The latter path was the one taken by Los Angeles’ Compelling Coffee.
For seven years now, owner Kian Abedini has been roasting coffee under the Compelling Coffee moniker, though it originally had an “and Rich” spliced in the middle. Abedini roasted primarily for others, be they wholesale accounts or retail customers, but now, in 2019 Compelling is going in for themselves and completing the other half of the roaster/cafe equation. Set in the Line Lofts building in the Hollywood Hills, this first Compelling cafe is a proof of concept for the company, with success leading to other larger, more grand-scale projects over the coming year. But first, Abedini and Compelling have their eyes set on getting this first cafe off the ground. So let’s go to LA to visit a familiar name to the coffee scene, but one completely new storefront signage.
The 2019 Build-Outs of Summer is presented by Pacific Barista Series, notNeutral, KeepCup, and Mill City Roasters.
As told to Sprudge by Kian Abedini.
For those who aren’t familiar, will you tell us about your company?
We’re a wholesale coffee roaster and cafe partner from Los Angeles, California.
Can you tell us a bit about the new space?
We’re excited to open in the 2019 AIA|LA Residential Architecture Award-winning Line Lofts building in the Hollywood Hills. The space itself is 300 square feet, and will have a small kitchen, interior, and patio seating, and a takeout window. We’re planning on approaching this first space as a less-risky way of testing what works and expanding that to the larger cafes we’re planning around LA over the next year.
What’s your approach to coffee?
Our approach is to find exceptional coffees and make them accessible. While we’ve won awards for our lighter single origins, we’ve experienced that generally the majority of coffee consumers aren’t looking for a super acidic, complex cup every day; we try to find sweet, clean coffees, and roast them with enough development that they express ripe fruit flavors while still extracting easily for baristas of any skill level.
Any machines, coffees, special equipment lined up?
La Marzocco Linea PB for espresso, and a modified FETCO batch brewer, as well as a TBA custom-made brewer.
How is your project considering sustainability?
We will be stocking only biodegradable cups and serviceware, along with asking our vendors to only make deliveries in recycled or compostable packaging.
What’s your hopeful target opening date/month?
Late-July/early-August 2019
Are you working with craftspeople, architects, and/or creatives that you’d like to mention?
We’re working with local Fathom Design Studio to build out our space. Our food program will be heavily informed by local producers from the nearby Hollywood Farmers market, and supplemented by local bakers Farmshop.
Thank you!
You’re welcome!
Compelling Coffee is located at 1737 n. Las Palmas Ave., Los Angeles. Visit their official website and follow them on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
The Build-Outs Of Summer is an annual series on Sprudge. Live the thrill of the build all summer long in our Build-Outs feature hub.
The post Build-Outs Of Summer: Compelling Coffee In Los Angeles, CA appeared first on Sprudge.
from Sprudge https://ift.tt/2NIuRU0
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ludygee · 6 years
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🌴LAMBCHOPS, SOME BREAST ENHANCER AND THE BEST JEANS EVER🌴 @agolde @harveynichols #highwaist #jeans @chanelofficial #jacket @hermes #silk #bandana #cruise #collection #notsovegan #farmshop (at La Hogue Farm shop & cafe)
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zillowcondo · 7 years
Shop Till You Drop – Landmark London & Bicester Village
Christmas has come early at The Landmark London with its luxurious Shop Till You Drop package in collaboration with Bicester Village. Combining some of our favourite experiences – cocktails, luxury shopping and a relaxing spa session, it’s our idea of heaven.
Breakfast at the Landmark Hotel
We started the day in the iconic surroundings of The Landmark Winter Garden. With its palm trees and 8 storey glass atrium, it always makes me feel like I’m on holiday. I love the Landmark afternoon tea, so I wasn’t surprised to see that breakfast is equally impressive. There’s a huge selection of buffet dishes including some healthy options or you could choose from the a la carte menu. I opted for muesli with fresh fruit which was very tasty. Dating from 1899, the hotel was designed by Colonel Sir Robert William Edis and the central courtyard became a winter garden in the 1920s.
London to Bicester Village
Soon it was time to head to the train station for our train to Bicester. Marylebone Station is only a one minute walk away, directly opposite the hotel’s side entrance. This makes it very easy to take the train from London to Bicester Village. It’s also one of my favourite London stations, being full of Victorian charm and small enough that you can get in and out of it quickly. Trains from Marylebone to Bicester Village take an average of 53 minutes, and it’s a pleasant journey through scenic countryside. A private car can also be arranged for a supplement. Bicester actually has it’s own train station right next to the designer outlet. After disembarking the train, it’s just a few minutes walk to the shops.
Bicester Shopping Village
You’ll be spoilt for choice at Bicester Village, with over 160 designer boutiques and more on the way thanks to a future extension. So what shops can you find here? Well, there’s a good split between high end and high street, to suit every budget. From Balenciaga to Chloé, Hackett to Jack Wills, there’s a huge choice. Some of my favourites are Maje for their everyday classics, Missoni and Paul Smith for their colourful designs and The White Company for super soft dressing gowns and pajamas. Paul likes to pick up a bargain in Ermenegildo Zegna and Orlebar Brown.
Now before you think that I went on a real shopping spree, these bags aren’t all mine! So that you can really shop till you drop, there’s exclusive hands free shopping included with the package and a 10% discount card.
Nikki Tibbles at Bicester Village
One of my favourite features at Bicester Village are the floral displays by Nikki Tibbles. This renowned florist is known for her Wild at Heart store in Notting Hill. She has taken inspiration from the English country garden to create some truly stunning designs.
I also really like the quotes dotted around the village, by William Shakespeare, Martin Luther King and more. See how many you can spot when you visit. The Liberty print telephone boxes that you see in the first photo are popular with visitors for photos too.
Bicester Village Restaurants
One of the best restaurants in the village is Farmshop, Bicester. It’s part of the Soho House Group and the quality of food is fantastic. With a rustic interior, it has a cosy feel and staff are very friendly. My roast chicken with homemade coleslaw was delicious. There are quite a few other places to eat in Bicester Village, such as Le Pain Quotidien and the newly opened Secret Garden Cafe which sounds intriguing!
Bicester Village Opening Hours
Monday – Wednesday
09.00 – 20.00
Thursday – Saturday
09.00 – 21.00
09.00 – 19.00 for the village as a whole, however most stores open at 10.30 am for browsing, 11 am for shopping and close at 17.00
Drinks at The Landmark London
There are so many interesting things to do in the Cotswolds that you’d be wise to book a hotel overnight, but when you do head back to London there’s a treat awaiting you…drinks at The Landmark London. You can choose a glass of champagne, a Marylebone Mist cocktail, tea or coffee.
The Landmark Spa
The Landmark London Spa & Health Club, to give it its full name, is a lovely place to relax. There’s a chlorine-free Jacuzzi, a Sanarium and steam rooms, a fully equipped gym and 15 metre chlorine-free swimming pool. With Germaine de Capuccini skin care treatments and spa therapies, you could easily spend the whole afternoon here. I’d tried out the Diamond Noir facial at The Landmark hotel spa before and was impressed with the results. This time I opted for the Mediterranean Candle Massage. You first choose one of three massage candles – Citrus, Olive or Lavender, which is then applied to the Chakra points on your body. I chose citrus for its energizing effects. The candle oil is then massaged into your body using deep strokes. I found it very effective in removing the tension in my shoulders and upper back. As an added bonus, the oil hydrated my skin beautifully.
Shop Till You Drop Package
For the ultimate luxury shopping experience, the Shop Till You Drop Package would make an excellent gift for a loved one or for yourself…It includes breakfast upon arrival in The Landmark London Winter Garden, direct return train tickets from Marylebone to Bicester village with Chiltern Railway, exclusive complimentary hands free shopping, a 10% discount VIP card, complimentary VIP lounge access. Upon your return to the capital, it also includes a glass of champagne, Marylebone Mist cocktail, tea or coffee and a 50 minute Mediterranean by Candlelight massage as well as complimentary use of The Landmark Spa & Health Club pool and gym. The price is £175 per person including VAT.
We’ll leave you with the words of William Shakespeare which seem rather appropriate…
The post Shop Till You Drop – Landmark London & Bicester Village appeared first on Luxury Columnist.
Shop Till You Drop – Landmark London & Bicester Village published first on http://ift.tt/2pewpEF
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formeryelpers · 3 years
Boxx Coffee Roasters, 950 E 3rd St, Los Angeles (Arts District), CA 90012
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Boxx opened a few months ago at the bottom of the Aliso apartments in the Arts District. It’s in a new building and is a larger coffeehouse. Their on-site roaster is huge, so that takes up a lot of the space, but they have interior seating and outdoor seating. Boxx started in Istanbul but there isn’t much that’s Turkish about it – though they do serve traditional Turkish coffee.
They serve espresso drinks and pour over coffee with pastries (cookies, breakfast sandwiches, croissants, muffins, galettes), overnight oats, and chia pudding from Farmshop LA. There’s also a case of juices, kombucha, Mountain Valley water and Rishi Botanical drinks. Oh and they have lots of gluten-free pastries.
Breakfast biscuit sandwich ($7.50) with cheddar, spinach, and a tiny egg (no runny yolk). The biscuit was layered, soft, and buttery. Nice little breakfast sandwich, wish the egg were runny of course.
Flat white: The temperature wasn’t as hot as I prefer and it was a tad bitter but I think it was well-made and balanced
Mr. Froyo had an Ethiopian pour over which he said was darker and slightly bitter.
The place had upscale décor, lots of coffee books to read, interesting artwork (even a dreamy picture of Alain Delon) and nice looking plants for sale. Service was friendly. Parking can be tough in this area.
4 out of 5 stars
By Lolia S.
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laptopcamper · 2 years
Unincorporated Coffee, 2160 Colorado Blvd, Los Angeles (Eagle Rock), CA 90041, Score: 36/50
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Unincorporated Coffee, which started in Altadena, recently acquired Swork in downtown Eagle Rock. It’s in soft opening mode and currently serves pastries from Santa Monica’s Farmshop. Unincorporated Coffee roasts their own beans, using the highest quality arabica beans roasted in small batches. They've been selling at LA farmers markets since 2013. It’s new but already popular with campers.
Score: 36/50
Food: 5/5 – Limited to pastries for now but delicious and high quality; find croissants, muffins, danish, cookies, bagels. Get the blueberry muffin.
Coffee: 5/5 – They have espresso drinks, cold brew, nitro, tea, and pour over coffee. Their coffees are stronger and more robust. Most are medium roast.
Wi-fi: 5/5 – Free, unlimited, secure. Ask for the password.
Ambiance: 4/5 – Spacious, darker with windows. Concrete floor, white brick walls, black beams.
Noise: 5/5 – Classy jazz music, quiet
Plugs: 0/5 – No outlets
Parking: 3/5 – Metered unless you’re willing to walk a few blocks. Street cleaning is on Wednesdays from 11 AM – 1 PM.
Comfort: 3/5 – Chairs aren’t padded and the tables are small
Bathroom: 3/5 – One unisex, it’s been clean every time I’ve used it
Art: 3/5 – Nothing
Tips: They sell coffee beans and coffee accessories. You can also sign up for a coffee subscription and buy the beans online. You can text or order online to skip the line. And they have a rewards program.
“Laptop Campers Unite!”
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douglaswittnebel · 7 years
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LA light (at Farmshop)
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domfoods · 7 years
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Sometimes you just want that classic cheese ravioli with homemade marinara sauce. Get yours at specialty shops all over LA, order online from @milkandeggscom, @postmates, @munchery, @chefd, our @domsfoods website or visit us at various farmers markets on Sunday morning! In any case, we look forward to feeding you soon! #domsfoods #passionfortaste #domenicosfoods (at Farmshop)
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epchapman89 · 7 years
Coffee, Goods, & Community At The Assembly In West Hollywood
Well-situated in the West Hollywood Design District, The Assembly is a small, inviting, almost-hidden cafe and retail space that opened in June 2015. Sleek wooden finishes, a wall full of Poketo goods for sale, and an oasis-like patio: all of The Assembly’s thoughtfully curated details make it feel like a designer’s dream coffee shop.
Shi Jun Ng, a former barista at Cafe Demitasse in Santa Monica, is behind The Assembly. Working with designer Kellie Patry—who also worked on Blacktop Coffee in the Arts District—Ng was able to create the clean, open, minimalist space she felt “would lend itself to a number of uses—a dynamic, flexible space that housed a coffee shop, retail, community space, art gallery, event space.” With a love of Scandinavian design, Ng’s goal was to create “an inviting environment for people to want to ‘assemble’ and interact. We made conscious decisions in the design to facilitate interactions—for example, larger communal-type tables and benches as opposed to individual two-top tables.” The back patio is no less inviting, with clay pots lined up on wood-slat shelves, and both sunlight and shade.
Inspired by her grandfather’s general store and cafe in Asia, Ng wanted to create a shop within a shop—a shop within a coffee shop, in this case. Originally, she sourced various locally and nationally made goods herself, but one day Ted Vadakan and Angie Myung—the husband-and-wife team behind Poketo, a design-driven shop and lifestyle brand headquartered in LA—dropped into the shop. “[It] sparked a conversation that led to our ongoing collaboration,” says Ng. “[We have the] freedom to pick and choose what merchandise we carry so that it has a cohesive feel with the business and space.”
Fashionable goods like bags and backpacks, colorful stationery items, journals, and magazines made up the Poketo wall on my visit. The cafe’s menu of standard coffee drinks relies on Counter Culture Coffee. Ng decided to partner with Counter Culture after being impressed “with their never-ceasing commitment to quality, sustainability, and fair business practice. It’s an ideal that I also seek to follow with regards to The Assembly—conscious choices in our partners, vendors, and how we operate as a business have been based off these guiding principles of quality and social responsibility.” The stylish bar is fitted with a La Marzocco Linea PB. The Hario V60 pour-overs and FETCO CBS daily brews are ground on a Mahlkönig EK 43, while the espresso is ground in Mazzer Robur and Kony grinders. Recent specials have included multi-colored pride lattes served during LA’s Pride Parade.
Tea selections come from August Uncommon Tea, matcha is via PANATĒA, and cold-pressed juice is supplied by Clover Juice. Hungry customers can choose from sandwiches, salads, fruit, and yogurt parfaits from local eatery Foodlab; pastries from Farmshop; and, if you happen to stop by on Donut Friday, Donut Snob’s tasty “hole foods.” The Assembly also carries Letterpress Chocolate bars from the LA chocolatier.
The Assembly has already hosted design and art events, which are just the beginning. “We recently agreed to host an event for women in business, and are in talks to host a monthly Women in Film movie night on our back patio,” Ng says, adding that cuppings and coffee classes are also in the works—a well-rounded program that suits this diverse space.
The Assembly is located at 634 North Robertson Boulevard, West Hollywood. Visit their official website and follow them on Facebook and Instagram.
Tatiana Ernst (@TatianaErnst) is a Sprudge staff writer based in Los Angeles. Read more Tatiana Ernst on Sprudge.
The post Coffee, Goods, & Community At The Assembly In West Hollywood appeared first on Sprudge.
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noambouzaglou-blog · 7 years
What You Should Explore in Brentwood If You’re in the LA Area
Not to be confused with the city of Brentwood, CA, Brentwood is a neighborhood in the Los Angeles area that has been home to many major events through the years. During the 1932 Summer Olympics, Brentwood hosted some of the pentathlon event. Many celebrities have chosen this beautiful, famed area as home. It was even host to the infamous O.J. Simpson trial of 1994.
Still, anyone can enjoy the beauty and bustling activity Brentwood has to offer, no matter where they call home. If you’re in Los Angeles near the Brentwood area, check out what you can do to keep the family busy and enjoy a day or night out.
Enjoy a Local Tradition
Each year, the coral trees of San Vincente Boulevard are decorated with lights for the holidays. The coral tree median is a protected landmark in the neighborhood and they are worth seeing. Luckily, you can’t miss them!
The rising of the maypole is another longstanding tradition in Brentwood. This occurs every year at the Archer School for Girls, and more information about its mysterious roots is available here.
See the World-Famous Getty Center
One of Brentwood’s claims to fame is Getty Center. One of two locations of the Getty, the Getty Center is home to Van Gogh’s Irises, along with many other famous paintings throughout the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries. With a huge collection, new exhibits on display seasonally, and beautiful gardens and architecture, you can go back time and time again and never tire of this museum.
Shop, Shop, Shop
As in much of Los Angeles, there is plenty of shopping to do in Brentwood. Stop by the Brentwood Country Mart for the best the neighborhood has to offer. We love shops like the children’s boutique Poppy Store or designer clothing shop Intermix.
Stop for a Bite
Whether you live nearby or are just passing through, there’s always something new to try. Stop in for a bite at Farmshop, acclaimed for its local selection and is also partially a marketplace. Or try Tavern, which serves to everyone from the local to President Barrack Obama!
And when you need remodeling or construction services in Brentwood, call Advanced Builders & Contractors to work with licensed and bonded contractors in the area.
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livngiv · 11 years
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We could have this all day, every day. 
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