#Fatal vore
squirmifyoulike · 3 days
Love it when you're in that post-meal afterglow, having successfully claimed and digested your meal, and now, with every groan, gurgle, and glorp, you can feel the contents of your meal shifting deeper and deeper into you as you absorb them. What was once a vibrant, squirming morsel in your gut is now still, having succumbed to your body. Now, whether they like it or not, they're on their way to becoming a new layer of padding on your body.
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teal-fiend · 1 day
healing pred but darker (maybe there can be reformation)
The pred is not someone you go to, unless you've exhausted your other options.
They're a doctor with a specific skill set. Their stomach has the ability to heal prey; to seal up wounds, to even cure illnesses (depending on the severity and nature of the illness), to reverse malnurishment, and so on.
There's a huge caveat though. The pred's stomach won't always heal the prey. If the patient is too far gone, or if the pred doesn't have enough energy, then the prey will be digested instead of healed.
The pred doesn't have any control over what their stomach decides to do.
What would have taken weeks to years of recovery happens in under a day. But if it's too much work, the pred's stomach decides to cut it's losses, and take the prey's nutrients for itself - maybe it could use them to heal someone else.
For this reason, the pred has developed controversy among other doctors, and their community. Some are eternally grateful and loyal to the doctor, for saving them or their loved one. Others demand for the pred to be executed or banished. Or to at least have their title as "doctor" removed.
The pred is upfront about what their medical practice entails, so those who seek treatment are aware of the risk.
Your chances are better if the pred is comfortable and well-fed before hand. But during harsher seasons, when resources are scarce, this isn't always so easy. And sometimes feeding an injured person to the pred, means if it's a failure, at least there's one less mouth to feed (or two, since the pred is now sated also).
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lesbianoms · 2 days
Just wanna be thick slop bloating up a hungry woman’s intestines tbh
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tabbytums · 17 days
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Shane got hungry and ordered delivery. Unfortunately, for the delivery driver, he might have been too hungry~
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justanothervoreblog · 1 month
From Bro to Brotein
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Steven and Michael have been Bros since 7th grade. They found a mutual love of working out and it soon blossomed into a full nurtured gym bromance. They kept each other accountable, they pushed each other, and they wanted to be the same size. Their target weight, the 250 lbs club. A club that was so prestigious that both men busted their ass for it.
Yet for all their dedication, Steven and Michael couldn't find a way to break into that illustrious weight category. That was until, Steven discovered a way to put on mass bulk researching weight gaining tips. To eat someone completely and utterly, digest them, and add their weight to yours. A ridiculous notion, right? It was until Steven finally put it into action.
Both men had gotten done at the gym, still slightly sweaty underneath their gym clothes. They were going to their usual post protein snack spot. Michael was hungry, but Steven was starving himself for gains. As they got out of their car to enter into the restaurant, Steven pounced. His mouth opened wider than what seemed humanly possible and wet "GLOMLP" sound was heard around Michael's ears. Michael's head had been devoured in just one gulp. Michael struggled, but Steven clamps Michael's arms by his side.
Steven swallowed Michael's head and neck, it bulges on Steven's throat going down. He could hear Michael's muffled shouts through his bulky neck. He paid them little mind as he turned his best friend into a snack. Afterwards those wide and beefy shoulders came into Steven's mouth. Steven was soaking Michael in his saliva. It draws out the taste even through the layers of fabric that Michael had on. With the widest part of Michael's body now headed down his throat, Steven knew that his meal was all but accomplished.
Steven fed his mouth Michael's chest and drooled as if this was his first meal. Steven remembered all the progress pics that Michael had taken. All that beef, it belongs to him. With another swallow, Steven can feel the bumps of those rock hard abs even through Michael's hoodie. Those delicious bumpy muscles are explored as Michael's hoodie lifts to expose them. Soon after, Steven opens his mouth to nibble and chew on those muscular globes. Michael had always had a dumpy truck ass, but tasting it now made him question himself in a few places. This temporary confusion causes Steven to slap Michael's ass a few times. Steven ignores his temporary confusion to power down the rest of that delectable bubble butt.
Michael was curling up more and more behind Steven's powerful abs. Although they were giving away to Michael's bulky and muscular form. As sure as the day is long Michael's body bulges Steven's hoodie from underneath. His long athletic legs are slowly reduced. Those hefty thunder thighs don't last long against Steven's ravenous hunger. Neither do those herculean calves, doubled up like a couple of turkey drumsticks. Steven's tongue snakes out to collect those socked feet, Michael's slides falling and clattering to the ground. With one final, hungry and triumphant gulp, Steven bellies his best friend.
There is an audible bounce when Michael truly lands inside of Steven's belly. It's cramped, squishy, and hot inside. There's barely any room to move. On the outside, Michael's form was clearly visible. Steven runs his hands over the bulge that Michael made. Every twitch of Michael's form sent pleasure to Steven, including down south. Steven leans back for a moment, his belly acting like a counterweight. At first he thought he was feeling bout of indigestion from such a hefty meal. However a rumble in his belly races up through his chest and out his mouth.
The burp shakes the entire parking lot. A pile of Michael's soggy clothing comes flying up landing neatly next to his slides. Steven proudly rubs over his belly and fingers his belly button. As much as he valued his friendship with michael, he valued his relationship with his body much more. Satisfied after smacking his lips, tasting Michael's delicious flavor again, he waddles back to the car and heads home. Once home, Steven takes a couple of before pictures in the mirror. Various poses of him holding his titanic gut in front of him. All the while his heavy belly gurgles as it begins to break down the stud trapped within. Steven flops on his bed, a possessive hand over his belly with a smile. Then he drifts to sleep while his belly works overtime on his Michael.
A few days later, Steven goes to the scale after completely digesting Michael. He was a little anxious. Steven had waited until Michael had completely digested. He hoped that digesting his best friend was going to be worth it for all of this. After stepping on the scale, Steven smiles down at the number between his feet.
250 lbs
"Thanks, Mike." Steven smirks before stepping off the scale and heading to the gym. As he drives, a new goal weight was set in mind and he knew just how to get there.
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vorishthings · 2 months
The Last Delivery
This is my first vore story, and I hope you like it! Let me know if I can improve my writing by liking it, or just message me. If you want more send me some ideas or writing prompts. Enjoy!
It was any average Tuesday. Bryson was hungry. Not hungry in a simple, “I will eat food” sort of way. No, he was hungry for prey. He didn’t feel like going on a dating app and seducing his way into eating his prey, or finding some other convoluted way to go about getting his dinner. He decided to simply call in a pizza and have it delivered to his home. What a simple easy way to get his prey delivered to him. 
Eventually, the pizza arrived at his door, with a hot delivery guy to accompany it. Man, and he is hot too? I love hot prey. Hot prey for Bryson made it all the more appealing for him, as he loved the hot of someone gorgeous becoming worthless belly fat on him. Bryson opened the door, and the delivery guy greeted him. 
“Hello, I have a pizza for a…Bryson?” 
“Yes, that's me.” GURGLE. Bryson’s stomach must have had a mind of its own as it must have known its prey was nearby, and it grew upset in waiting. “Oh, excuse me, I haven’t eaten all day.” 
“Haha! It’s all right! I hope this will satisfy your hunger. One large pepperoni pizza with a liter of soda.” 
“Thank you, wait, hold on for one second.” He took the pizza and the soda bottle and set it down on the table, ran over to his desk and grabbed a ten dollar bill from it. He ran to the door. 
“Here is your tip, and…oops!” Bryson purposefully dropped the ten dollar bill on the floor. “I am so sorry…” 
“Oh no, it is okay. I can get it.” The delivery guy bent down and went to grab the dollar bill from the floor.  
Now was his chance, for his prey was distracted. Seizing the opportunity, Bryson grabbed the delivery boy by the back of his shirt and dragged him inside the house, slamming the door behind him with his foot. 
“Hey, what the fuck was that for? Let me go!” The delivery guy questioned and moved around to get him to let go of his shirt. Instead, Bryson took the delivery guy and put him in a chokehold. 
“Don’t worry, you will be fine…I promise. Just let me do what I need to do, and it will all be over.” Bryson tried to reassure the delivery guy. But the delivery guy was not reassured, and instead acted in a fighting response, kicking Bryson in the balls. “Oh, fuck!” Bryson yelled out loud. “Ok, that is it! You are going in there right now, so you can think about what you just did!” Bryson opened wide, his huge mouth leaking with drool to help maneuver his prey through his esophagus. He quickly shoved the guy’s head into his mouth, and removed his arm from the guy’s neck and put both his hands around the guy’s arms, forcing them to stay to his side. Mmmmfff!  The delivery guy was yelling, but his voice drowned out, as Bryson’s body made it impossible for any voice to be heard clearly from the outside.
Now, Bryson got his head down his esophagus, it was time for the shoulders, and eventually the guy's chest. Bryson was enjoying every second of his prey squirming, and his dick immediately got hard. The same could be said about the delivery guy. The guy’s dick was hard as a rock, and once Bryson got to the guy’s crotch, he started playing with the guy’s dick with his tongue. Mmmmffff! The delivery guy immediately moaned and orgasmed, with a cum stain appearing on the outside of his khaki pants.
Bryson could taste the cum with his tongue, and wanted to continue playing with his prey, but couldn’t, as the guy’s legs grew stiff from pleasure, and he stopped fighting. Pulling the guy’s shoes off of his feet, Bryson seized his chance, put his hands around the soles of the delivery guy's feet, and sent him with one final push to his stomach. GULP! Bryson’s neck bulged as the guy was being pushed by his insides to his stomach. 
“There, was it really that hard?” Bryson asked him. “Well, your job is now accomplished. You delivered my meal straight to my gut. Technically, you are the meal, but the little details don’t matter.” 
The delivery guy was pounding on the sides of Bryson’s stomach. “Let me out! Please! I will let you have the pizza for free! I will do anything! Just please don’t let it end like this!” Unfortunately for the delivery guy, Bryson’s stomach covered the sounds of his words, and it could only be heard as muffled voices from outside. “Oh, fuck! Your struggling is making me hard.”
Bryson’s dick was vibrating from the pleasure of having prey in his stomach. He took out his dick from his pants and started aggressively, pumping. Bryson couldn’t handle it anymore, and thick, gooey cum erupted from his cock and got shot all over his stomach, and the couch. He admired the orgasm he just had, and was too lazy and tired to clean it up. His stomach however, was not lazy, its job was just getting started.  Grrrrrroan. “Wow, my stomach must be having a field day with you in there, my friend.” 
Bryson went to sit down on his couch and took the pizza box that was on his table that the guy delivered. “Don’t worry, I won’t let this food go to waste. Here, why don’t you try some?” Bryson rolled up a pizza slice, and swallowed it whole. Once it got to Bryson’s stomach, it unrolled, making it more cramped and less air was inside of Bryson’s stomach for the delivery guy to breathe.
Bryson downed more pizza slices, and followed it with some sugary soda, which his stomach received with enthusiasm. Grrrrrrrrrrooooaaaaan. “Hey man! Not cool! I can barely *cough* breathe.” He kept punching at the sides of Bryson’s stomach, and it only made it more upset and aggressive.
Bryson moaned. “Just give up, and make yourself comfortable. You can’t escape your demise.” He patted his belly in an attempt to make the delivery guy calm down. “Your life will serve as a matter of sustenance. I mean you did wish earlier that my hunger would be satisfied didn’t you?” 
“What? I didn’t mean me! I meant the pizza, and I…*cough* *cough*” Bryson’s stomach rumbled, as it contracted and splashed acid all over the delivery guy and the pizza. The delivery felt the acid burn through his clothes and eventually his skin. His shirt fell off of him, and so did his pants. He felt himself becoming deformed, and he tried to stop it. He aggressively used all of his might to pound on the outside of Bryson’s stomach, to no avail. He grew weaker and weaker, and eventually, he gave up and subsided to his fate of becoming his customer’s dinner. Well, at least I made a customer happy. At least I did my job right. Sort of. 
Bryson’s warm, smooth stomach walls started squeezing around the delivery guy, mushing him into whatever form it desired, almost like the stomach was playing with clay. Soon, the delivery guy became just soup and miscellaneous piles of flesh and bones. Bryson felt his stomach grow peaceful and quiet. The delivery guy stopped thrashing around his stomach, and his stomach stood still. “What? Gone already? Man, prey always digests so quickly.”
Bryson felt pressure rise from his stomach, and braced himself, and let out a huge belch. BURRRRRRRRPPPP. With a splat, what seemed to be what was left of the delivery guy’s uniform: his pants, his shirt, and his socks, got thrown to the floor. Bryson assumed that the guy’s underwear must still be inside his stomach, but that was fine with him, as he could just collect his underwear when it passed through his body as a keepsake of his victim.
He slapped his stomach, and started playing with it. “You are now a part of me, as useless body fat and energy that I can easily just exercise and burn right through. I hope you enjoy the rest of your stay there, because my metabolism goes through things fast, and next thing you know, you will end up as undigested remains in my toilet. Thanks for feeding my hunger.” Grrrooaannn. His stomach erupted with groans and gurgles from within and kept eating away at the pizza and the remains of the delivery guy. As for Bryson, he went back to watching TV, while the delivery guy was stewing in his powerful stomach, along with the pizza he delivered.
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your-fave-is-a-pred · 2 months
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naughtyservant · 4 months
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CW: Bones / S/kull
Philip is a voracious predator that won't doubt shove a cute boy down his throat and crunch him to feed his powerful muscles >:3
Maybe you already realized it, but this low angle is a HUGE turn on and I love to draw it sdkljgjklgsd
Philip belongs to @izznts. Thanks you sooooooooo very much for your support with this pic my friend! <3
*There is also an extra belly rub hands version on Twitter in the case you want to take a look ;3
Don't forget like, reblog and follow me for more sexy preds OwO)~
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wolfgirlguts · 5 months
Instant or near instant digestion is unbelievably hot. Like.
"Prin can I have my friend back?"
Absolutely not. Like. Logistically. That's a no. She is soup.
"But you JUST ate her"
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squirmifyoulike · 2 days
In a classic scenario, a dragongirl captures a princess, and then takes the princess to her lair. She's expecting a knight to try and come rescue the princess - or maybe a squadron of troops from the kingdom, along with the king, to give her treasure in exchange for the princess. In either scenario, the dragongirl wins - in one scenario, she can easily make a meal out of the knight, and then set the princess free. In the other scenario, she gets treasure and becomes even richer, adding to her already expansive hoard of wealth. So, the dragongirl waits patiently.
...But after a week, nobody has shown up.
The dragongirl finds herself annoyed. It's hard enough trying to keep the princess from escaping, but with the amount of time passing, she's getting hungrier and hungrier. At this rate, she doesn't care about treasure; she needs a meal.
After a few more days, the dragongirl snaps.
After another attempt to escape from the princess, the dragongirl has had it. So, she pins the princess' wrists to her sides, and then, rather hastily, she stuffs the princess' head into her mouth. It only takes a few thick swallows for the dragongirl to fully devour the princess, and soon, the dragongirl's stomach is swollen. She lets out a satisfied sigh, running a clawed hand over her swollen stomach. It's been far too long since she had a decent, lively meal - she should've done this days ago.
Now, with her meal consumed, and with no chances of escape, the dragongirl settles down, leaning back against a wall. The princess was absolutely divine - royals were always far sweeter and more tender than knights, thanks to their pampered lifestyle. Maybe next time, the dragongirl won't waste any time - perhaps she'll devour the next princess immediately. She felt so good in the dragongirl's gut... Writhing and squirming, screaming for help in there... Of course, none of her struggles would help at all.
The dragongirl is so preoccupied with her meal that ahe doesn't even notice echoing footsteps in her lair. Unbeknownst to her, a knight has finally arrived. He unfortunately got lost on the way, but he's here now...
Of course, he's far too late. When he peaks around the corner, he sees something that mortifies him; the dragongirl, leaning back, with a large, round gut that's shifting and bulging out with the princess' struggles. Deep, rolling gurgles echo throughout the dragongirl's lair as her stomach shifts. The knight swallows nervously and takes a step back. If he'd arrived any earlier, fought for the princess, that would be him writhing and squirming in that gut. Better it be her than him. He'll just tell the king that he didn't get to the lair in time... But perhaps he'll leave out the detail of how he saw the dragongirl mercilessly digesting the princess alive.
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teal-fiend · 2 months
you get eaten by a stranger. You barely are able to catch a glimpse of their face before you're gulped down and deposited in the stomach.
You were in public before, a park that you'd been to many times. So when your predator starts moving, and the stomach starts to become more active, stimulated by the walking, you can imagine in your minds eye where they have gone in the park.
They're heading to the edge, now you feel the footsteps hitting concrete as they go along the sidewalk.
you yell for help; there must be other people around who can help you. Your pred doesn't even bother trying to silence you, or acknowledge your protests at all.
You're still following along where you imagine they are, until they stop, leaving you hanging motionlessly for the first time. Its kind of like being in a hammock, but cramped, and the hammock is trying to digest you.
You hear a click, and the opening of a car door. As the pred gets in, you become much more cramped, squished by their legs and torso, and the car. And their stomach keeps squeezing you, trying to make you smaller.
Now the car is moving and you have no idea where you are. You are sloshed back and forth by the momentum of the vehicle or what could be an hour or more.
Eventually it slows down, the car parks. For the first time the pred gives you a little pat before getting out of the car.
They're moving up some stairs. You can feel and hear their heartbeat at the exertion. And you get thrown back and forth with each step.
You hear a door open. And a sigh. You're in a house, you assume. Or an apartment? It could be anywhere, you dont even know if you're still in the same city.
You are likely in a strangers home, and in their gut. You're going to be digested far away from any place you are familiar with. No one will know where you went. And if someone saw this pred with their full belly, they'd have no idea who the meal was.
Your world shifts, the pred has laid down. You hear a muffled rustling of sheets and there is extra weight over you. The pred is tucked into bed, and its not even night time. A mid-day rest, as they prepare to digest you fully.
You dont want to accept this. Your efforts to escape have been useless so far. But you try to do your best. You yell at them, to get their attention. You kick at their stomach, which is hard because of how restricted you are.
You feel the pred roll onto their back, letting you wriggle uselessly ontop of them. You feel silly doing it, seeing as how little an effect it has.
Then, you feel them tense their belly muscles slightly, and there is a loud bubbly gurgle. You feel the pred thump on you lightly. You figet in response, doing your best to irritate them further. But all you get is a loud burp from above, before you feel the pred relax again.
you hear their voice for the first time as they excuse themselves. But after that, they have nothing more to say.
You wonder what the room looks like. And what the pred looks like. You can barely remember.
You wonder what you would look like from the outside. A gurgling bulge in a stranger's abdomen. An anonymous meal. The pred had probably seen that many times. If they looked in a mirror later, they'd be able to see you. Well not you, the pred would only see their own stomach, but you would be inside it
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lesbianoms · 1 month
Her: I want you to rearrange my guts~
Me: Oh god I have like zero strap-on game lol
(Smash cut to me gurgling away inside of her, making her stomach and intestines all bloated and stretched out)
Her: Ooof… OOURRRP~ I think you did a good job 🥵
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wholegrainvore · 5 months
pred that is soooo sweet to their prey the entire time they digest. rubbing their tummy, whispering reassuring words, praising them once they finally stop squirming, and kneading them along their digestive system as they turn into mush
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tabbytums · 1 month
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little indulgent digestion sequence with da dude (nameless oc) 🫃🏻
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justanothervoreblog · 17 days
Uncle Jimmy
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Request for @lechie
There was a comforting smell in Uncle Jimmy's house that always just seemed to allow Gabe to relax. On his dad's side, Uncle Jimmy had been intriguing to Gabe all his life. Gabe never really knew what his uncle did for work. His uncle had no partners, but he was just content. Uncle Jimmy was bald, by choice, his words. Whatever muscular physique he had softened up, especially around his middle. A nice fat beer gut was there instead of Jimmy's rock-hard abs in his youth. Complete with a layer of fuzz on his gut and his arms, Gabe could call Jimmy a proper bear. 
Gabe was taller than him considerably and also a lot skinnier. The two of them sat on the couch as Gabe adjusted the beanie on his head. A tuft of blonde hair peeks from underneath as the two of them watch tv. It was just a good pastime for the two of them; Gabe had been watching TV with his uncle for a good while. Pizza was apparently on its way, and hopefully, it got here soon because of how hungry Uncle Jimmy seemed to be. Various bags of chips are emptied and do little to stave off Jimmy's hunger. Gabe wanders into the kitchen, seeing if he can't find anything for his hungry uncle. 
A quick look in the fridge reveals little as a frown passes over Gabe's face. Uncle Jimmy would just have to wait for a pizza to arrive. Gabe feels his uncle walk behind him and press his hips up against his ass. Gabe's face lit up with embarrassment. He knew that his uncle was a perv, just not like this. He quickly turns around and looks at his uncle. Uncle Jimmy seemed amused, almost as if there was an inside joke he just wasn't getting. There was something in his movements, the way that he licked his lips or rubbed over his belly. Gabe was about to ask what was happening, but Uncle Jimmy seized his arms. The older man clasps them to Gabe's side, but the tall twink cannot break free.
Gabe watches as Uncle Jimmy lifts him slightly off the ground and begins to push Gabe's head towards his mouth. At first, there is confusion. Was Uncle Jimmy gone for a kiss? Instead, Uncle Jimmy's mouth seems to expand wider than it should have. Gabe briefly thinks of snakes and how they devour their food. Only when Gabe's head lands directly on Uncle Jimmy's tongue does he briefly know what's happening. He begins to thrash and beg Uncle Jimmy not to do this. Uncle Jimmy returns that thrashing by swallowing down his head. Gabe feels himself get pushed deep into that throat and towards the gut. He was getting eaten! 
Uncle Jimmy continually devours Gabe. Those lanky shoulders and chest posed no challenge. Uncle Jimmy swallows them up and amuses himself with the struggle of his nephew. So many had walked into this spider's parlor without realizing they were the fly. Gabe was no exception, as Uncle Jimmy makes short work of those flat abs. A quick tip of his head gets Uncle Jimmy to Gabe's waist and what remains of his arms. Gabe's hands grab onto Uncle Jimmy's wet lips. Jimmy feels those fingers trying to slow Gabe from reaching that belly. Uncle Jimmy could feel Gabe's head pop through the tight ring and into the acidic environment below. With an amused chuckle, Uncle Jimmy slides more of Gabe in, those fingers included. 
Uncle Jimmy happily devours Gabe's perky little butt. There was little that Gabe could do to stop as he rapidly began to fill up Uncle Jimmy's belly. Those long and thin legs are like strands of wet noodles. Uncle Jimmy happily slips them up as his hands roam over that fat gut of his now. Most of Gabe was now curled inside of that fuzzy dome. Uncle Jimmy puts one hand on top of that gut with smug authority. There was no way that Gabe was getting out of this one. With just those large feet wiggling on the outside, Uncle Jimmy swallows the last of his nephew. A quick head bob and those squirming feet get sent to the hairy tank. 
Uncle Jimmy puts his hands on his gut, feeling how his nephew struggles. Every kick and punch could be felt by Uncle Jimmy. The bald man revels in it. Uncle Jimmy carries his fat gut out of the kitchen and plops down onto the couch—the couch creeks with the centralized weight in one area. Uncle Jimmy kicks up his feet and relaxes. Gabe begins to wiggle fiercely on his belly, and Uncle Jimmy enjoys it. It gets to the point where Gabe's thrashing is so fierce that he lets out a huge burp from his uncle. The burp rattles the living room, and Gabe feels that gut squeeze around him. Uncle Jimmy chuckles with the flavor of his nephew back on his tongue. His belly had squeezed down on Gabe and knocked him out, which was probably for the best because digestion was about to begin. Soon, like countless other boys, Gabe would be digested and added to Uncle Jimmy's waistline. Uncle Jimmy returns to watching his TV show with nothing better left to do. He occasionally slaps or rub his belly, knowing it is working hard to digest his lanky nephew. Soon, he would fill it up more with that pizza. 
And perhaps, the Pizza boy!
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ltsmoving · 8 months
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(belated) voretober day 1: welcome
decided to post em all separate, also some voretober posts may have character introductions under them cause theres gonna be more than the 4 ive already shown off tee hee!!!!
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