#Fbtsod spoilers
grndelwalds · 2 years
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tearblossom · 2 years
As we all know, the aspect of their relationship that’s the most beautiful yet simultaneously the most tragic is how they never fell out of love. Even after everything that happened and all of their years apart, the intensity of that love never dimmed. Both of them only ever loved one man in the entirety of their lifetimes.. each other. I’ve heard it said that the breaking of the blood pact “changed everything” and that “nothing will ever be the same again” between them. 
It’s so ironic because the breaking of the pact did, in a way, “change everything” but in the cruelest way given the circumstances and not in the way that one might think upon seeing a couple “getting divorced.” In my opinion, it only made them love each other more, which tragically only made things that much more difficult for them. And at the same time, it changed nothing. They still can’t bring themselves to kill one other, pact or no pact. In their hearts, there was no “divorce” and never will be.
Albus had an expression of sheer panic when Gellert tried to kiss him and it wasn’t because he was turned off by how evil Gellert was or because he thought him undeserving of his love. It was because he would have kissed him back. He would have comforted the man he loves. He had to remove himself from the situation entirely and he had to do it fast lest he falter in his resolve. As others have pointed out, he did what was right, not what was easy. 
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Theseus, about to get killed by the giant magic scorpion: "So glad to see you, brother! Now get me lose! ...Newt. Newt, what are you doing?"
Newt: "Oh, you know... Just-"
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N: The maid of honour, I presume.
T: The best man, I gather.
N: Have you done something to your hair?
T: No. Oh... Well, yes actually, just... Just for tonight.
N: Well it suits you!
T: Thank you, Newt!
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I know it's a crappy photo but I just wanted everyone to witness what I witnessed...
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you...
*Hand on WAIST*
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skyefullofdaisies · 2 years
Just got back from Fantastic Beasts: The Secret of Dumbledore. 
This movie. My God. It’s so damn good. I understand the hate against it but it’s a terrible thing because in my opinion this is probably the best of the 3. It’s a shame we won’t get 4 & 5 likely. Be warned this is gonna largely be a Grindledore post, ha. 
I don’t buy that the cafe scene is a dream sequence. If Albus had woken up after this scene it would have made more sense. It screams of a memory or them meeting in a dream given the white that surrounds them but I 100% believe they actually met up. Don’t even get me started with Albus sitting there with his eyes closed and Gellert shows up watching and smiling at him as Albus sits there with his eyes closed. What kind of longing for an ex-lover shit is that? 3 min in and I was dying with that scene alone. Ya’ll warned me this movie would destroy me when it came to Grindledore and you weren’t fuckin kidding. Jesus. Gellert was totally loving flirting with Albus at that cafe. 
Then Gellert sitting there staring moodily out of the window at Nurmengard as he has a vision of Albus. Man is constantly seeing him throughout the entire movie. I know one of the arguments from the antis is that Gellert sent Credence after Albus so he clearly doesn’t love him but that is bulllllshit. There’s no way that Gellert, who considers Albus his only equal, truly thought that Credence had a chance in hell of killing him. I don’t buy it.
Another argument I’ve seen is that Grindlewald doesn’t love Albus. He’s just manipulating Albus’s obvious love that he clearly still has for Gellert. I can why that impression is given but that dueling scene? The Gif sets don’t do it justice. First it was Albus suggesting that they could “free each other” to Gellert who completely changes the subject and won’t even acknowledge the possibility of breaking the pact. Even if that scene wasn’t included in the movie that final duel certainly leaves little doubt of how Gellert feels. Do we get to hear an “I love you” from Gellert to Albus? No. But we don’t really need it, do we? 
What the gif sets can’t do, and what I didn’t realize until seeing the movie, is show when they’re standing there with their hands over each others hearts is that you can HEAR their heartbeats. That moment is intense. More so for Gellert in my opinion because he looks almost thunderstruck as he realizes that he can’t kill Albus. That he simply won’t. As he truly realizes he’s still in love with Albus. That he never stopped. They make Albus’s lingering love for Gellert slap you in the face obvious but it isn’t until the dueling scene that you really see the depth of Gellert’s love, in my opinion. This scene is done so well by Jude and Mads. 
It is absolutely no hate against Johnny Depp however Mads embodies Grindlewald better. The chemistry with him and Jude is electric. We know Mads can do the villain in love with his, on paper, “enemy.” Jude is just amazing. I can’t praise these two enough. Then when Albus walks away from Gellert? The look on his face? My God. He knew Albus wasn’t choosing him again and it was killing him. Then to end it with “I’m not your enemy. Then or now.” Clearly those words were meant for Albus more than anyone else. Gellert loves that man so much. Much more happens in the movie, I know, but Grindledore outshines it all, in my opinion. Thanks for sticking with this post if someone decides to read my fangirling
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dawnsedits · 2 years
Theseus & Newt Scamander - In My Arms
Secrets of Dumbledore spoilers!
Headphones and/or subtitles recommended
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godricslumos · 2 years
Does newt sound worried when the blood pact was going amok on dumbledore in the last movie
he does!! at least that's what i decide to hear lol, but he says his name with this kind of worried urgency, especially when the blood throth keeps hurting him... and let me tell you i nearly lost my mind when i first heard newt call albus by his first name
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You can't tell me this didn't happen at least once.
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opugno-1007 · 2 years
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dir. David Yates
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in-myheartofhearts · 2 years
Gellert's reaction will make me laugh forever.
He was so done with Albus being humble and all but also he was secretly smiling inside (almost outside as well) 'cause he can't help himself.
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eveneechan · 2 years
Some additional crumb details of Newtina (TSOD SPOILER)
...that i just realise after 2nd time watching SoD in theatre.
Kudos to Eddie who can keep giving Newtina crumbs in details despite limited screentime of Newt and Tina
1. Tina's photo pocket version was slipped out from Newt's ID/passport
During prison scene, Newt give his "ID/passport" book to prison guard.
And then photo of Tina pocket version slipped out from it
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From the shape, seems like it is not Newt's MoM ID card? because MoM ID card didn't have shape like book.
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So seems like it is Newt's passport then?
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Tina AUROR ID card and Newt's Passport on Minalima's Secret of Dumbledore Exhibition
The question is why Newt has Tina's photo on his passport??
Is he..... "manifestating" put Tina's photo on this part? 😂👇
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2. "Sometimes it takes losing something to realise quite how much it means" - Newt Scamander
In scene when Jacob try to choose (fake) case, he choose case in middle, AD gesturing and forbid Jacob to choose that.
The shot later change into this Newt's face
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Newt later choose that case in middle.
Seems like Newt really believe it is the real case because that AD's gesture
Later, we know how that case gone and Newt really "panic" and "lose hope" because that. Turn out it is not his real case and it's Bunty who has it.
After things end, Bunty said sorry for making him has heart attack bcs she (and AD) made him believe he has real case and just losing it.
Newt open his case, and there's Tina's photo, smiling to them. And Newt said:
"Sometimes it takes losing something to realise quite how much it means"
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He was really thought he just losing his case + qilin + Tina.
Newt got separated from Tina all time in this movie and only has Tina's photo. And when he thought losing it, it really made him feel "disturbed"
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3. Head Auror and Wand Permit Officer Jokes
During train scene, Theseus introduce himself as Head of British Auror Office.
Lally was jokingly said that she need updating her wand permit to Theseus (Head Auror) later when she visit UK.
Theseus didn't get that Lally was joking and saying it is not his purview.
But Newt smiling in here, seems like he get the jokes and know that Lally was refer to Tina 🤣
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Because, who is Head Auror who ever working as Wand Permit Officer?
Yes, the Head of American Auror Office, Tina Goldstein 🤣🤭
Thanks for reading my TED talk and here another Newtina crumbs analysis that i ever wrote before: link
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grndelwalds · 2 years
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#when he turns up at your new job with divorce papers 💔
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toyboy-molloy · 2 years
‘who will love you now, dumbledore? you’re all alone.’ and the movie ends with dumbledore watching jacob and queenie’s wedding and then walking away, all alone 🥺
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shikshiin · 2 years
Falling in love the Newt Scamander way.
I’m so sorry-how would you feel if I gave you your copy in person?
I need to see you again
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See, in reality they have this effect in them, Tina. It’s like fire in water, dark water. I’ve ever only seen that. I’ve ever only seen that in-
I’m falling for you
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You did something to your hair- Well it suits you.
I am head over heels in love with you.
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dawnsedits · 2 years
Easing Fears
Secrets of Dumbledore spoilers!
Theseus’s imprisonment is a challenge he’s never faced before.
Theseus & Newt ~ 1k ~ AO3
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Danger was one of Theseus’s oldest, closest friends. It started early, with a younger brother like Newt, nerdy and awkward in the quirkiest way, a perfect target for bullies. Then he committed to becoming an Auror, and war followed soon after. He lived on the edge, surrounded by combat and death, still struggling to protect his little brother, and even when they both got home, traumatized and broken, he continued to seek it out, to fight it, to defend everyone who couldn’t protect themselves. It ran in his blood at this point, a constant shadow to the light he tried to cast.
But he had always been able to face it.
He had been scared before, sure. He had been bloody terrified. But he could push it down, set it aside, and focus on the fight, focus on finding the danger and fending it off, be it with words or intimidation or spells. It was easy, pretending not to be afraid then, with his wits about him and wand in hand and innocent lives counting on him.
Hanging upside down in the dark, bound and wandless, watching lights flicker out one by one, summoning a massive barbed tail to kill his fellow prisoners, a few seconds of screams abruptly cut off before the dissolved remains were tossed back to be eaten by the hordes of miniature versions of the creature…
He clenched his eyes shut, and still the tears slipped out, falling into his hair.
The seconds stretched into eternity, hanging in that cave, waiting with bated breath for his lantern to flicker out, and he couldn’t do a damn thing about it. He had no wand, he couldn’t loosen the ropes, he couldn’t even thrash or scream for fear of angering the creatures. It grated against his every nerve, every fiber of his being, every defense mechanism he had ever relied on rendered utterly useless at his uselessness. He could only drift in and out of sleep, slipping into the dream of rescue just long enough to believe it was real, only to be jolted violently back to reality by a new bout of screams.
Newt swiveling into his line of sight only made things slightly better.
He swallowed down the fear, cracking out a joke, clinging to being the unshakable brother he always had been for Newt, but the reality was that he still couldn’t do anything. He could only squat, lift his arms, and follow Newt’s lead, still waiting for the dream to turn into a nightmare, tremors running up and down his spine as they tried to sneak past the things that had waited to eat him for he didn’t even know how long, defenseless outside of those ridiculous movements. Defenseless and helpless, helpless to protect himself, helpless to protect his brother.
The light vanished.
The tail emerged from the abyss.
They ran.
The chaos separated them, cutting him off from his brother, forcing Theseus right back to the abyss, face-to-face with the massive creature. He screamed, finally screamed, and scrambled to get away, dodging collapsing rocks and grasping limbs and bolts of fire until he found Newt, until a wall collapsed and the chaos paused, just for a second, just long enough for him to take half a breath-
It grabbed him. Wrapped a limb around his waist and yanked, yanked him away from his brother, towards the death he had watched claim too many others. He dug his heels in, scrabbling for a grip, clinging to Newt’s hand, screaming for his brother when he lost his grip. Newt lunged, grabbing his hand, and they plummeted together, Theseus straining for the tie dangling from the Niffler’s mouth, the tie that he still didn’t know-
He hit the ground.
He hit the ground beneath a cloudy but bright sky, the brisk chill already seeping through his coat a welcome thing after the sweltering cave. He sat up with a groan, the wind knocked out of him, aching from the ropes, from the falls, and tore the remnants of the creature’s limb off him, hurling it aside and skittering away.
Newt’s hand stayed wrapped around his the entire time, a warm anchor tethering him to safety.
Newt helped him up. “Are you- are you all right?” he asked, the words sounding foreign coming from him, the question usually asked the other way around.
Theseus closed his eyes and promptly reopened them, staring at the lake, the trees, the grass, the Niffler and Pickett, Hogwarts in the distance, at Newt trying his best to maintain concerned eye contact, staring until his eyes stung and he had no choice but to blink. “Mhm,” he forced out, nodding jerkily, squeezing Newt’s hand, praying he wouldn’t let go. “Just- just need a minute.”
Don’t hug him. Don’t do it. He hates it.
Newt didn’t look the slightest bit convinced, but he took the Niffler anyway, gesturing at the tie first. “It’s a Portkey,” he said, completely unnecessarily.
A laugh escaped Theseus, more hysterical than mirthful. “I figured.”
A smile ghosted across Newt’s face, hesitant, a fraction of his normal brightness, and in a flash of memory, his calls for Theseus burst into clarity, surfacing from the last blurred moments of consciousness as he was dragged away, dragged to what should’ve been his death.
Oh, screw it.
The hand wasn’t enough. He dropped it and threw his arms around his brother, careful not to crush the creatures, otherwise pouring every terrifying second of his imprisonment into the embrace, clutching a fistful of Newt’s jacket, burying his face in his shoulder. “Thank you,” he mumbled, “for coming to get me.”
To his surprise, Newt lifted his Niffler-free hand and patted his back, the clumsy awkwardness comforting in its familiarity. “You’re, uh, welcome.”
This time, his laugh was more relieved, more genuine, and he lifted his head, patting the side of Newt’s face, lingering for just a moment, convincing himself that this was real, that he hadn’t slipped into another dream. Newt smiled again, stronger, steadier this time, and when he didn’t waver, when nothing vanished, that finally gave him the courage to pull away. I’m safe.
We’re safe.
They shared a nod, Newt handing over the wand the Niffler had managed to snag for him, and together they turned, heading for Hogwarts, shoulders brushing every now and then as they hiked through the woods.
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