#Female cadets Nigeria
sageglobalresponse · 6 months
Princess Owowoh becomes first Nigerian female officer to graduate from UK military academy
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Princess Owowoh has become the first-ever Nigerian female officer to graduate from the United Kingdom’s Royal Military Academy Sandhurst (RMAS).
The 24-year-old was one of the 135 officer cadets to graduate during RMAS’ sovereign’s parade in London on Friday.
In 2018, Owowoh joined the Nigerian Defence Academy (NDA) in Kaduna where she was appointed as a cadet lance corporal in her second year.
In her fourth year, she rose to a cadet sergeant and was appointed company senior under officer Charlie (CSUO C) in her fifth year.
She held this appointment with two other female counterparts and made history as the first female to assume the position of CSUO in the academy.
In her fourth year, she also completed the academics wing of the commissioning course and achieved first-class honours in biological sciences.
“It is a profound honour to be the first Nigerian female officer to be commissioned from the esteemed Royal Military Academy Sandhurst,” Owowoh said.
“This achievement is not mine alone, but a testament to the unwavering support of my family, mentors, instructors, and countless individuals who believed in me every step of the way.
“As I look ahead to the future, I am committed to representing Nigeria with pride, and to making a positive difference in the world.”
Some of the RMAS Nigerian alumni include Yakubu Gowon, former head of state, and Emmanuel Undiandeye, chief of defence intelligence.
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sportsdayonline · 2 years
U17 Women's World Cup: Gallant Flamingos Return Home
U17 Women’s World Cup: Gallant Flamingos Return Home
Nigeria’s cadet female football team Flamingos have finally returned home after their exploits in the just concluded U17 FIFA Women’s World Cup in India. The Flamingos started their campaign in the competition on a losing note to the European champions Germany. They came back strongly to secure back-to-back wins against New Zealand and Chile to book their place in the quarter-final of the…
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ingek73 · 4 years
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Came across this tweet and could not resist:
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The article I mentioned:
25 things Prince Philip said that will make you full-body cringe
MAY 04, 2017
With Prince Philip retiring from his royal duties, there will be fewer occasions for him to make his trademark gaffes and off-kilter remarks.
At times over the years, the 95-year-old's cringe-inducing comments had a naive charm. Other times though, they're less "endearing dad-joke" and more "incredibly racist grandpa." Either way, he's usually at odds with the decorum and finesse usually expected by a member of the Royal Family.
Here's some of the Duke of Edinburgh's ghastliest.
1. "British women can't cook," he told the Scottish Womens' Institute in 1961. Lovely.
2. "It looks like the kind of thing my daughter would bring back from her school art lessons," he muttered while being shown Ethiopian art in 1965.
3. "I would like to go to Russia very much, although the bastards murdered half my family," at a very heated period of history in 1967.
4. "What do you gargle with? Pebbles?" he told singer Tom Jones at the 1969 Royal Variety Performance. Later he added: "It's difficult to see how it’s possible to become immensely valuable by singing what are the most hideous songs."
5. "We don’t come here for our health. We can think of other ways of enjoying ourselves," he told journalists in Canada in 1976.
6. "You are a woman, aren't you?" he said to a Kenyan woman, who was presenting him with a small gift in 1984.
7. "If you stay here much longer you will all be slitty-eyed," the Prince told British exchange students who lived in Xian in 1986. When asked on his opinion of Beijing, he replied: "Ghastly."
8. "If it has four legs and it is not a chair, if it has two wings and flies but is not an aeroplane, and if it swims and it is not a submarine, the Cantonese will eat it." Again with the Chinese insults, when he addressed a World Wildlife Fund meeting in 1986.
9. "I don't think a prostitute is more moral than a wife, but they are doing the same thing," when dismissing claims those who slaughter for meat have greater moral authority than those who partake in blood sports in 1988.
10. "Oh no, I might catch some ghastly disease," when asked if he wanted to pet a koala in Australia back in 1992.
11. "You can't have been here that long — you haven't got a pot belly," he told a British tourist during a visit to Budapest in 1993.
12. "Aren't most of you descended from pirates?," he enquired to an islander while in the Cayman Islands in 1994.
13. "How do you keep the natives off the booze long enough to pass the test?" he asked a Scottish driving instructor in 1995.
14. "It was part of the fortunes of war. We didn't have counsellors rushing around every time somebody let off a gun, asking 'Are you all right — are you sure you don't have a ghastly problem?' You just got on with it!" when asked about stress counselling for soldiers in 1995.
15. "You managed not to get eaten then?" the Prince asked a British student who had been trekking in Papua New Guinea, in 1998.
16. "Where's the Southern Comfort?" he said on receipt of a basket of Southern goods from the U.S. ambassador in London, in 1999.
17. "Deaf? If you're near there, no wonder you are deaf," he told a group of deaf school children, who were nearby a Caribbean steel drum band in 2000.
18. "You could do with losing a little bit of weight," he told 13-year-old Andrew Adams, after hearing he wanted to become an astronaut while visiting a science museum in 2001.
19. "Do you still throw spears at each other?" he asked a group of Indigenous Australians in 2002, while on a visit to Australia with the Queen.
20. "So who's on drugs here?... He looks as if he's on drugs," he said of a 14-year-old boy while at a Bangladeshi youth club in 2002.
21. "You look like you're ready for bed!" he told the President of Nigeria in 2003, who was dressed in traditional robes.
22. "Is it a strip club?" he asked when meeting a female Sea Cadet who told the Prince she worked in a nightclub, in 2009.
23. "That's a nice tie ... Do you have any knickers in that material?" he asked Annabel Goldie, the Scottish Conservative leader, when welcoming Benedict XVI to Edinburgh in 2010.
24. "The Philippines must be half-empty — you're all here running the NHS," he told nurses at Luton and Dunstable Hospital in 2013.
25. "Just take the f**king picture!" he told a photographer, during a Battle of Britain event in 2015.
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vivanaija · 7 years
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Nonadmission of Female Cadets: Nigerian Defence Headquarters refutes claim So, did The Punch Newspaper goof, or is this move by the Nigeria Army just trying to do damage control by papering over the cracks?
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peckhampeculiar · 6 years
Twerking nine to five
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PECKHAM’S KELECHNEKOFF STUDIO OFFERS FITNESS CLASSES RANGING FROM POLE-DANCING TO TWERKING TO YOGA. We meet its inspirational founder – the personal trainer, actress and Peckham resident Kelechi Okafor
I don’t think you could find anyone prouder to be a south Londoner than Kelechi Okafor. Born in Nigeria, she arrived to join her mother in Peckham at the age of five and the area has been her home ever since.
Describing herself as a ride or die Peckhamite, she not only lives locally, but has also established her Kelechnekoff fitness studio here.
Kelechi is a fierce, fun and fabulous woman, with boundless energy, who sees her remit as one of reclaiming the narrative about what it means to be a strong black female in the age of social media.
Her studio, based in the Sojourner Truth Centre on Sumner Road, offers everything from yoga to pole-dancing to twerking. Why twerking?
“One of the things I wanted from having a space like this,” she says, “is to allow women across the board to be tender and engage fully with their bodies.
“Because society has hyper-sexualised the female body so much, and the black female body specifically, there are women who just want to be as far away from that narrative as possible, not understanding that our power lies in the sexuality and sensuality of being a woman. That’s what I want us to take back.”
As an actor, director and personal trainer who specialises in twerk and pole-dance fitness, it’s been a challenging road to get to where she is today – from the homelessness she experienced as a teenager to supporting her mother and brothers, to depression, therapy, having to integrate into a new family when she first arrived in the UK, childhood sexual abuse and a lot more.
She has survived and is very open about her personal journey to date, particularly on social media. No topic is off limits – black issues, police brutality, mental health, her own recent miscarriage.
She has amassed a following of almost 35,000 people on Twitter, with a further 12,400 followers on Instagram. Where did her fascination with social media start?
“It was probably around 2013, when the shift started happening and I just felt that we had something here that allowed us to communicate with everybody, worldwide,” she says.
“I’ve always been a writer, and when Twitter came along I just took to it, because I thought, ‘This is a space where I can say what I’m thinking and I can put it out there as a form of microblogging.’
“I joined it when hardly anyone else was on there and I remember when the influx of celebrities started joining us. I thought, ‘There goes the neighbourhood, they are going to ruin everything!” she laughs.
“But it has changed and I’ve changed with it, as I saw how it allowed us to have our own voice separate from the narrative that we were getting from the media.
“I feel that this is where the power is. It’s an opportunity for me, Kelechi, to give you an alternative narrative to what you’d normally get from the mainstream.”
But in being so outspoken across her social media platforms, has there been a cost? “Yes, there has been, but I think that for anything that matters to you, there is always a sacrifice,” she says.
“Occasionally I will go online and there will be someone calling me a black b**** or a black this. Sometimes I save the tweets. Perhaps one day I’ll take it to court and then they’ll have to show up and explain that email or tweet they sent. But it hasn’t really got there.
“I did have horse manure sent to me in the first small studio I opened in Clapton, though,” she remembers ruefully.
“I had been speaking that weekend about the appropriation of black culture by mainstream pop artists.
“I was pointing out that when it’s ‘appropriation’, there’s always someone with more power who benefits from it financially. If it was ‘appreciation’, the person who has less of the power should be benefiting from it but they’re not.
“I was explaining that and someone got extremely upset with something I said, because soon after, I got horse manure posted to me anonymously.
“Although,” she laughs, “it didn’t even offend me because it was so well packaged and 100 per cent organic.”
What was the response to that experience from her social media followers?
“I have a lot of black female followers who care about my safety and care about my wellbeing. So, someone wrote an article for BuzzFeed about it, which basically helped promote my studio.
“Many people, men and women, sent me flowers and books of poetry including one by Maya Angelou. I just received so much love.”
Whatever the challenges she has faced in life, keeping fit has always been her way of working through issues.
“I’ve always been active and into sports”, she says. “Growing up, I played football and netball. It was stuff I didn’t have to try hard at, it was just a skill that I had.
“I had wanted to be head girl at school but my teacher thought I was too boisterous for that, so she said I could be sports captain instead.”
Her love of sport comes not just from her innate ability, but also from the discipline that it requires.
“When I was in secondary school I joined the air cadets. All I’ve ever yearned for, after not seeing it in the family home, is discipline. I like routine and structure.
“I think we were in year eight when we had a talk from the air cadets. And I thought, ‘Yeah, that’s it, I’m becoming an air cadet.’”
True to form she worked hard at it and for her, “the psychological part of the training gave me a break from being the one who did everything at home and having to be in control of everyone. I wanted and needed that break.”
Alongside fitness, her other passion is acting. It was a choice of career that her mother was dead set against.
“I can understand why,” she muses. “If you’re losing your home and don’t have a regular job, what you want for your children is a steady job. You want to know that they will never suffer or want for anything. Mum was like, ‘Just be a lawyer, you are such a great orator’.”
As a compromise, Kelechi found a course that would allow her to study both drama and law at Liverpool Hope University.
“I’d never been to Liverpool before,” she says, “but that’s the only place which was offering that degree.”
Coming back to London, she started working at a call centre and found it soul destroying.
“I remember going through London Bridge one day and just thinking, ‘There has to be something I can do where I’m not at the mercy of this corporation’. And I just thought, ‘I’ll become a personal trainer’. Fitness was the thing I loved most after acting.
“I saved up my money from my job, paid for a distance learning course and then I did lots of work experience in different gyms.”
Her business took off straightaway, courtesy of her followers on social media.
“When I did qualify, there were already women on Twitter and Instagram who were like, ‘Just come and train me’.
“So I went into that and that’s when I started to see the kind of freedom and flexibility that I could have access to without being at the mercy of big corporations.”
Her personal background means that she has a real desire to see women embrace who they truly are, not just physically but also emotionally and spiritually.
“What I really want for women to understand, especially when it comes to our bodies, is that we only have this one body,” she says.
“When I start training people, I want them to understand that there’s nothing I can do that’s going to make them more beautiful.
“I can get you slimmer if that’s what you really want. I can get you more toned, but none of these things are actually going to make you more beautiful, because it’s not really based on what you look like.
“[It’s about] getting my clients to understand that to me, personal training is 80 per cent psychological and emotional, and 20 per cent physical.
“You didn’t come to me because you care about your fitness, not really. There’s something else that’s happening there. What is that thing?
“If we talk about that ‘thing’, then the fitness doesn’t feel so bad. I’ve had women and men break down into tears when we’ve been having a session because I will say things like, ‘I just feel today that you’re holding a lot in’.
“I can feel it and then they let that out. And that’s what they needed. Then they feel safer because they know that I will spot it if they’re holding a lot that day and we taper the session to create space for them.”
She’s irritated by men who try to dominate in gyms. “I’ve had it myself when I’ll be training at the gym and a guy who clearly knows nothing about fitness comes up to me, just because I’m a woman, and says, ‘So when you’re doing this you really want to do it like this.’
“Wait, you’re telling me, the actual professional, how to do it?! And then they often have the temerity to say, ‘Don’t grow too much muscle though, because you don’t want to look like a man.’”
She dislikes the way Christmas and the new year are promoted to us commercially.
“It’s interesting to me how around Christmas time, the focus in adverts is on massive turkeys, chocolates etcetera, pushing a form of gluttony on us.
“Then as soon as January hits, it’s ‘You, disgusting fatty, get to the gym, get fit’, and I just think that we have to pull ourselves out of that. We are being sold one thing while being beaten with another. What does that do to your self esteem? We never know where we stand because companies were just telling us five minutes ago to eat all of the food!”
What’s on offer at her own gym is a way, according to her, of connecting women to the “divine feminine” through dance.
“With the twerking classes at the studio I wanted to celebrate my African-ness while still paying homage to the ways in which it has changed and how it’s now become linked with hip hop culture,” she says.
Also available at the Kelechnekoff studio are very popular classes in pole-dancing and also yoga, which she is particularly keen to make accessible to all, especially those on lower incomes.
She hopes in 2019 to include a few more aerial disciplines, such as aerial hoops and also Wing Chun defence classes. Primarily though, whether it’s a twerk hen party or a pole-dancing class, her dream is that the studio continues to be a fun place that celebrates all women.
On a personal level as we approach the new year, she’s living by her own mantra: “Don’t stop striving for that thing that makes your heart warm. You deserve it. You can achieve it.”
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ohimine · 2 years
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PRESS RELEASE *POLICE ACADEMY COMMENCES APPLICATION INTO 9TH REGULAR COURSE CADET DEGREE PROGRAMME* • */Interested and Qualified Candidates to Register on www.polac.edu.ng, as IGP Warns Impostors, Fraudsters/* The Nigeria Police Force wishes to invite interested and qualified candidates of Nigerian extract to register online for admission into the 9th Regular Course Cadet Degree Programme. The online registration process will run for a period of six (6) weeks (*from August 1st to September 12, 2022*) availing both male and female Nigerians of good character the opportunity of serving the fatherland. The requirements for admission into the Academy include that the applicants must: i. be Nigerian citizen by birth and possess National Identity Number (NIN), score not less than 180 marks in the 2022 JAMB, and must have selected the Nigeria Police Academy as institution of *first choice*. ii. possess a minimum of 6 credits in not more than 2 sittings in WAEC/NECO with credit pass in Mathematics and English. iii. be aged between *17 – 22 years by 31st October, 2022*. iv. be medically, physically, and psychologically fit, and not less than 1.67m tall for male and 1.64m for female. v. have not less than 86cm (34 inches) expanded chest measurement (male only) vi. not be married or pregnant at the time of admission (female only) vii. have a valid email address and phone number. viii. SSCE (WAEC/NECO) Statements of Results or certificates before 2017 will not be accepted. The method of application is virtual. All interested applicants who meet the criteria above are advised to visit the Academy’s website: *https://www.polac.edu.ng*, generate Remita Retrieval Reference (RRR) code which would be used to make payment of a non-refundable fee of five thousand Naira only (N5,000) through any commercial bank branch in Nigeria. Successful payment will open up a form which applicants are required to fill, and upload scanned copies of their results, birth certificate, and state of origin certificate. Thereafter, applicants are required to print out completed online forms and guarantor forms to be filled and submitted at designated centres nationwide. www.polac.edu.ng https://www.instagram.com/p/Cg2Ntj3rwfjCEe887CymMm3g2iLYXgGHX2jx6I0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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buzzygist · 3 years
 Nigerian Defense Academy (NDA) Form & Registration Details
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The enlistment subtleties for different college degree programs that are offered at NDA are given in the NDA site applications entry, just as in the JAMB pamphlet and site.
Any remaining data concerning degree courses, qualification and assessment focuses are as contained in the NDA site/applications entry. If it’s not too much trouble, note that any individual who has working information on French Language will have an additional benefit during the application cycle.
Nigerian Defense Academy Qualification
To be qualified for entrance into the Nigerian Defense Academy, a competitor should have the accompanying:
Least of 5 credit passes at SSCE (WAEC, NECO or NABTEB) or GCE ‘O’ Level got in not multiple sittings applicable to the Faculty of their decisions.
Credit in English Language and Mathematics.
Something like two supporting pertinent credits to the mandatory credits in Faculty of Military Sciences and Interdisciplinary Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences while that of Faculty of Science is displayed in the sections for necessary and applicable credits. Notwithstanding, just one supporting pertinent credit is needed in the Faculty of Engineering.
Be something like 17 years of age and not over 21 years of age as at the long stretch of August in the time of section into the Academy (2018). Note that applicants who want to join the Nigerian Air Force should be somewhere in the range of 17 and 18 years of age at passage, and furthermore the Nigerian Army has suspended the selection of female up-and-comers in her Regular Combatant program in NDA.
Should not be under 1.68 meters in tallness for male and 1.58 meters stature for female.
Should be medicinally and in great shape and should be of acceptable good person.
Should be single male or female without legitimate commitment to help any youngster or others.
Should likewise introduce a Certificate of State of Origin got from a Local Government Area or a Certificate of State Indigenship from the Office of the State Governor.
Any candidate with working information on French Language will have an additional benefit.
Moreover, up-and-comers should take awesome note the focuses featured underneath:
Competitors anticipating results are not qualified to apply for the program. Application structures submitted without results won’t be acknowledged from any competitor.
Just assessment aftereffects of not over 5 years of age from the date of sitting for such an assessment will be acknowledged.
As of now, entrance into the Academy is for both male and female Nigerians just, and is restricted to Navy and Air Force on account of female up-and-comers.
Up-and-comers should visit the authority site at https://bit.ly/3B9oPQY and afterward logon to the application entrance. A short time later, the up-and-comer ought to choose “Buy Access Code” and fill in their subtleties to pay for their application. Installment for the application can be made through REMITA after first acquiring their ORDER ID and REMITA Retrieval Reference (RRR) Code in the amount of N3,000.00 as it were. Notwithstanding, the expense is liable to change and such change will be imparted to individual from people in general. Up-and-comers ought to likewise take note of that solitary installment against RRR Codes produced by means of the application entryway would be acknowledged.
Any intrigued competitor is encouraged to go on the web and complete the application on the sites showed previously. Up-and-comers are likewise encouraged to download and peruse cautiously every one of the guidelines that are given on the site. Candidates applying for entrance into NDA are needed to likewise apply to the Joint Admissions and Matriculations Board (JAMB), yet may not really select NDA as their decision of college. Such candidates are required to sit for the JAMB Universal Tertiary Matriculation Examinations (UTME).
Nigerian Defense Academy  – NDA Accommodation OF APPLICATIONS
The up-and-comer ought to present the applications structure online after culmination. On fulfillment of the online application, the competitors are needed to download an Acknowledgment Form from the gateway. Endless supply of the JAMB results, up-and-comers are needed to get back to the applications entry and download their Examination Admission Card. Just up-and-comers who make the JAMB public remove imprint will be permitted to take an interest in the NDA Entrance Examination.
Nigerian Defense Academy  – NDA Affirmation REQUIREMENTS
Every one of the prerequisites for different college degree programs are as given in the NDA site and applications entry. Any remaining data concerning degree courses, qualification and assessment focuses are additionally contained in the NDA site and applications gateway. The competitor ought to likewise take note of that functioning information on French Language will be an additional benefit to candidates.
Nigerian Defense Academy  – NDA Assessment CONDITIONS
Just applicants who meet the JAMB public cutoff imprint will be qualified to sit for the NDA Entrance Examination at their Examination Center of decision. the remove mark changes from one year to another, contingent upon general execution of possibility for that specific year.
The assessment will be directed actually like an Entrance Examination and it will be booked to hang on dates settled on by the NDA specialists. The date for the following year’s assessment is Saturday 22 April 2017.
On this date, all qualified up-and-comers are relied upon to bring along their Acknowledgment Form, their Examination Admission Card, their JAMB result slip and TWO postcard measured photos to the Examination Center on this assessment date. The photos should show just from the chest upwards and ought to contain certain data about the specific applicant, similar to the up-and-comer’s Name, his Exam Number, his State of beginning, his Exam Center, his Course of study and his Signature at the back. Just effective applicants at the NDA Entrance Examination will wind up being welcomed for the Armed Forces Selection Board after which the rundown of conceded competitors will be distributed.
Just effective up-and-comers at the NDA Entrance Examination will wind up being welcomed for the Armed Forces Selection Board after which the rundown of conceded up-and-comers will be distributed.
Conceded competitors into NDA for the Regular Course will go through military and scholastic preparing as Officer Cadets and this will keep going for term of 5 years. On effective finishing of preparing, the graduands will be granted with a distinctions degree in a main regimen discipline (BSc, BEng, BA). They will similarly acquire a commission into the Armed Forces of Nigeria.
Nigerian Defense Academy  – NDA Organization
Customary Course cadets will prepare in NDA. All parts of the cadets’ organization and coordinations will be dealt with by the Federal Government.
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Nigeria Police Dismiss Female Cadet Over Pregnancy......Read full details https://ift.tt/2IaMARy
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goldmynetv · 4 years
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Father Of Late Combat Helicopter Pilot, Tolulope Arotile, Speaks On Daughter's Last Moments, Says She Fulfilled Childhood Dream Mr Akintunde Akotile, father of Nigeria's first female combat helicopter pilot, Tolulope, who passed away on Tuesday, has disclosed their last conversation before she died. Akotile said he called his daughter on the phone on Tuesday at about 1:00pm on her return from an operation against bandits in Katsina State and the two of the had a several minutes chat. He however, revealed that things took a different turn later in the day when he received a call from a person. He said, "She told me that she will later go out to make some photocopies and I told her not to be long and to return home on time because she was staying with my first daughter in Kaduna. "Around 5:30pm, somebody called me and asked if I had called her and I said yes. The person told me to call her again which I did, but there was no response. So, I called her colleagues and they were all crying on phone. I asked what happened, they were just crying. "I called one of her bosses who told me that she was in the mortuary. I was shocked because said she was somebody I spoke with four hours earlier and by 5:00pm she was in the mortuary." The bereaved father further disclosed that he had to drive to Lokoja, Kogi State, from Abuja to inform his wife about the incident. Recalling the early days of his late daughter, Mr Akotile said, "She has not just been brilliant but wonderful. She did all her education from kindergarten to nursery at the Air Force base and Nigeria Defence Academy, Kaduna. "One day, when she was very small, she pointed to one small aircraft packed on the field and said one day she was going to fly that aircraft, and I said Amen. "So, from that day she started working towards getting admission into the Nigerian Defence Academy Kaduna. She had a degree in Mathematics and became an Air Force Cadet. "From there, she was sent on several courses abroad and became a pilot. "I thank God that she was able to achieve her dreams as a baby before her death." Sahara Reporters https://www.instagram.com/p/CCsKjr5FjZN/?igshid=9u0qlyhwcxug
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studentpalaver · 4 years
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This is to inform the general public that the sale of online application forms for admission into the 8th Regular Course of degree programmes of the Nigeria Police Academy, Wudil, will commence on Monday 13th April, 2020 and ends on Sunday 5th July, 2020.  Admission into the Academy is opened to both male and female Nigerians of good character.
Interested Applicants are advised to go to the Nigeria Police Academy’s Website: www.polac.edu.ng in order to obtain or generate Remita Retrieval Reference (RRR) Code.  The RRR code obtained can be used to make payment of N3,500.00 through any commercial Bank Branch in Nigeria. Applicants must, in addition, apply through the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board [JAMB] as well as sit for the 2020 Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME).  Candidates must select the Nigeria Police Academy, Wudil as first choice in the JAMB form. 
 However, only candidates who obtained the minimum UTME scores of 180 which is the Academy’s Cut-off mark in JAMB and purchased the Academy online Application Form will be eligible to sit for the Nigeria Police Academy Selection Examination.
Applications are to be submitted online. On submission of the applications, candidates are required to download Acknowledgement slip. Only candidates who meet thecut-off mark will be enabled to download and print their examination cards.
 Find out more on  http://www.polac.edu.ng/
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impactng · 5 years
Aisha Buhari urges military to end gender stereotype against female personnel
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First Lady Aisha Buhari has called on the military authorities to end gender stereotype against female personnel in the nation’s armed forces to enable them exhibit their full potentials. Buhari, who was represented by her Senior Special Assistant on Administration, Hajo Sani, made the call at the Maiden Defence Headquarters Conference on Women Peace and Security on Thursday in Abuja. The conference has the theme “Gender Mainstreaming in the Armed Forces of Nigeria for Peace and Security”. She said that Nigeria and Africa as a continent had a men-dominated environment especially in the armed forces, adding that the military was often hostile to women because of the dominance. According to her, specific factors which include rejection, isolation and unhealthy attitude from mainly the men are pronounced within the operational combatant sectors of the armed forces. “Gender stereotype against women is a potential threat to women advancement in the military. “There are a good number of reported cases where women were prevented from participating in combat duties, excluding pregnancy or maternity. “Women are often restricted to careers within the supportive mustering of the military community such as finance, human resources, personnel, logistics, medical services and welfare. “I enjoin the military women to take vehement exception to such psychological oppression,” she said. Buhari said that the probable reason why security issue bedevilling Nigeria still persists could be because the armed forces had not been redefined to explore the potential of women for operational effectiveness. She added that women possessed the traits of patience, perseverance and passion, adding that they possess the tendency to transmit the same spirit to any tasks because of their emotional build-up. According to her, the role of the armed forces is to provide security for the nation; this mission must be frame for women to participate fully in the provision of the envisaged security. “There is a need for the reformation of the laws and policies that bother on the inclusion of women in the strategic reformation of effective operational deployment. “There should be training and development opportunities that are specifically designed to support and/or accommodate the special needs of female personnel, officers and soldiers alike. “The military should as a matter of urgency, eradicate gender biased policies, procedures where these still exist. “The wide margin and lack of flexibility in structures based on gender should be bridged. “I wish to also call on women soldiers to continue to exercise resilience for which they have been identified. “They should also continue to show good example in professionalism, and therefore beacons of inspiration to other women,” she said. Buhari however commended the Chief of Defence Staff, Gen. Gabriel Olonisakin, for convening the conference with the aim to support other efforts being made to mainstream women in the Armed Forces. Earlier, Olonisakin said that the Nigerian armed forces had attained 27.9 per cent female participation in peacekeeping operations. He said that the percentage was higher than the UN recommendation of about 17 per cent, adding that the Nigerian Defence Academy (NDA) had commenced training of female cadets as combatant officers. He explained that the women were given equal opportunities like their male counterparts, including commanding major combat units and flying fighter jets for the Nigerian Air Force. According to him, the Nigerian Navy has equally deployed women as sailors and for other key aspects such as ship maintenance. “Similarly, the Nigerian Army Women Corps was established in March 2018 to ensure optimal performance of women towards enhancing the Armed Forces operational efficiency as well as allow them aspire to the peak of their career without limitations. “This is the first and only women corps in Africa. “Similarly, the Nigerian Air Force established the Women of War in November 2018 to involve women in all aspect of air operation including flying, aircraft maintenance, air traffic control and engineering. “The Armed Forces has also incorporated the concepts of women peace and security in the training curriculum of Armed Forces Training Institutions. “Topics such as conflict related Gender Based Violence (GBV), Sexual Explanation and Abuse (SEA) and gender mainstreaming are given centre stage during training. “Despite all these achievements, there are still rooms for improvement. This informs the need for more collaboration and awareness campaign on gender mainstreaming through this and similar fora,” he said. The defence chief reiterated that the Armed Forces were committed to giving ultimate support in fostering the agenda of women and inculcating it in the military operations. He assured that military authorities remained committed to promoting gender equality while commending its partners for their input and support in ensuring the protection of rights of women. Olonisakin also commended the first lady for her support and participation at the conference. He said that the theme for this conference was timely, adding that it was anchored on contemporary issues bothering on key aspects of military operations. According to him, ever since the spectrum of conflicts shifted from interstate to intrastate, military interventions shifted its focus from state security to human security, increasing the roles of women and their degree of vulnerability during conflicts. Read the full article
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upshotre · 5 years
300 Wrestlers, Officials To Participate in Gov. Dickson Wrestling Classics
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300 Wrestlers, Officials To Participate in Gov. Dickson Wrestling Classics     The Nigeria Wrestling Federation (NWF) on Saturday disclosed that over 300 wrestlers and clubs from 32 states are expected to participate in the third edition of Gov. Seriake Dickson Wrestling Classics.     President of the Federation, Dr Daniel Igali, told members of the Sport Writers Association of Nigeria, (SWAN) in Yenagoa that the tournament would hold from June 25 to June 30.     Igali said that the tournament will hold inside the Indoor Sports Hall of the newly-refurbished Samson Siasia Sports Stadium in Yenagoa. He said that the tournament would be an avenue to select athletes that will represent Nigeria at the 12th All-African Games in Morocco.     “It will also be an avenue to select wrestlers for the World Wrestling Championships in Kazakhstan. The world championship is the first Olympic qualifier.     “The event will feature all the three wrestling styles: Greco Roman, Freestyle and Women Wrestling in the senior, 20 years and above and cadet, 15 to 17 years categories with 10 new weight classes in the senior level.     “In all, we are going to have 39 weight classes, 10 in male freestyles, female wrestling and Greco-Roman style. We are also going to have three junior weight classes in each freestyles. “Out of the 39 classes, 30 is for the senior and nine is for junior. The competition will start on June 25 with three junior classes. “From June 26, the game will be staged. So, we have four Greco-Roman styles on same day, two females and two male classes. It going to be competitive tournament,”Igali explained. Mr Perekiye Buruboyefe, Bayelsa State Commissioner for Sports Development, said the competition holding in the state was a welcome development. Buruboyefe said that the government has put facilities in order to ensure a successful tournament. He said that the state government had made necessary arrangements with the police and other security agencies to ensure safer environment throughout the tournament. Read the full article
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vivanaija · 7 years
IGNOBLE & ABACK: Nigeria Military stops admission of combatant female cadets
IGNOBLE & ABACK: Nigeria Military stops admission of combatant female cadets
In 2017, the government looks at the ripening drive for gender equality in the face, and ratifies a move which sets an unfair roadblock against the fair aspirations or desire of the girl child; well, this seems like one of the “perks” of choosing leaders whose clearest idea of forward movement is a back-flip. This policy shouldn’t see light of day! In a major policy reversal, the Nigerian…
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nigerianeye · 7 years
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Military stops admission of combatant female cadets http://nigerianeyez.blogspot.com/2017/11/military-stops-admission-of-combatant.html
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nigeriangossip · 7 years
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Nigeria Military stops admission of combatant female cadets http://www.nigeriangossip.info/2017/11/nigeria-military-stops-admission-of.html
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omokoshaban · 7 years
Will You Support The Military To Stops Admission Of Combatant Female Cadets ?
In a major policy reversal, the Nigerian military is set to end the admission of female cadets into the combatant course of the Nigerian Defence Academy, we just learnt. A set of 20 females, nicknamed Jonathan Queens, were first admitted into the course in Nigeria’s premier military officer training institution during…
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