#Feminazis Halloween
joanelizebeth · 3 years
black widow
I just got done seeing Black Widow and I fucking loved it. It was one of those movies that wasn’t saturated with political propaganda that feminazis inject when we finally get the chance to make a female superhero movie. I’m all for women #woo but a lot of times they try to be all “women are so much better than men and we don’t need them at all because they all suck!” instead of just telling the fucking story, as it is. Like bro I have just as many close genuine good guy friends as I do my sisters and bffs through the years. Shit humanity isn’t gender based, I’ve met lazy bitchy gossipy women and cheating lying douchebag dudes. But whatever, I toss those and I keep the good ones around me. Hell yeah!
 Black Widow made a badass female superhero movie because it focused on the real shit we deal with as girls and women without making that argument the thesis statement of the entire movie. I loved it, ugh! It was just plain fucking real, which is finally what i wanted to see in a movie on that scale. Also, totally accurate (in what they either intentionally or unintentionally achieved) in things that scare me or what would make me kill/fight as a lady. I would never WANT to harm or kill another human, but if it’s to protect my little sister FUCK YEAH I’m going to save her, and take a frickin bullet if I had to for her.  & Also the whole red light glow chemical shit made it relatable to why you’d have to harm other people if they’re just void of the human emotional connection part in their brain, kind of like that Roaches episode of Black Mirror. 
AND YOOOO that guilt concept is a huge emotion that I felt for her character, and is a huge reason why I avoid doing shit that would every make me feel guilty later, because of how much I hate myself for doing immoral shit to undeserving people in the past. It’s why I try to stay in my lane & avoid that shitty guilt feeling that weighs heavy on me. Thankfully I haven’t had to feel major guilt in years. Yay, morals. 
Anyway, just wanted to vent about how much I enjoyed this movie, loved the writing, the filming, the frickin costume white one-pieces in that snow scene are fucking awesome--I totally want to rock that for Halloween. 
Also I really liked that there was a relationship dynamic focus throughout the film-- Amanda with that old dude w/glasses as a dickhole boss trying to break her down, the sister dynamic, the family dynamic between everyone interpersonally within the family, what a family is/means/how it’s defined, and the relationship dynamics between friend groups (aka Avengers) feeling like family when you felt out of place in your own. 
Annnnd just, YEAH! I think this was the first female-focused action movie that did a great job at making a fantastic film without beating a political dead horse that I was so sick of seeing in movies (like the second half of the Harley Quinn movie). Still Love Harley, but I just definitely related to this movie a fuck ton more. 
Loved this movie, going to rant about how awesome it is for like a month. 
Good luck 4 Game 4!
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Not that we really should be surprised by anything now but you see the blind item that strongly hints at CP finding a new role as mistress to a very married LeBron James?
Not the first time a beta male and a feminazi joined toxic forces.
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Today, while visiting family with my 3-year-old daughter for Halloween, I was berated, called a feminazi, and barred from all further family functions. Why? I dressed my daughter up as Batgirl instead of a princess. FML
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aph-highschool · 7 years
America 🇺🇸 HS Form
Name: Alfred Jones
Graduating Year: 2018
Graduating Age: 18
GPA: 3.4
Senior Quote: “Those who deny others freedom deserve it not for themselves” - Captain America (Steven Rogers) (Chris Evans)
 Best Subject: Chemistry
 Worst Subject: World History 
 Social Life: Alfred started his high school career taking every sport that was offered, and even then he had only acquaintances and not many friends. By sophomore year he had met Antonio in soccer and one day he got a ride home from France. His friends by sophomore year include the BTT, England, and Lithuania in Junior year. 
 Extracurricular activities: Every Sport (including marching band), Astro-club, NASA. Matheletes. Chess Club, Cheer, Speech & Debate. Dance.
 Behavioral Issues: He’s way too competitive. Ask Russia. He also overworks himself, but refuses to fail.
 Home Life: Pretty Chill.™ Him and his brother annoy each other mercilessly. They cannot have classes together, he always is mistaken for Matthew
Likes: NASA, and NASA. US History, George Washington, Hamilton the Musical, Space, all music especially good country music, sports, Christmas, Halloween, Fourth of July, befriending upper classmen, pranks, punk’d, police cars, race cars, video games, movies, loves Pearl Harbor movie, marvel, Disney, dogs, politics, SJWs
 Dislikes: USSR, Russia, Putin, politics, communism, socialism, Andrew Jackson, being a bad person, criminals, hydra, genocide, English class, Westboro Baptist Church, learning about anything other than American things, feminazis, stripes paired with checkered things, animals prints, trump, corruption, yard sticks
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gri-sa · 5 years
Diseño + Feminista
Es cansado hacer un golpe de estado. Ya veo porque no muchos lo hacen, por lo tanto, en pro a la paz (y a los finales), levanto mi bandera blanca desde mi trinchera. ¡Que me controlen y ya! Si alguien se deja controlar y lo sabe, ¿lo siguen controlando? ¿No es esto también una forma de revolución? Como en el libro de 1984 (¿si era en el 84?) de George Orwell hasta había policías para el pensamiento. He aquí el poder del pensar y recapacitar.
Entonces sabes que, scratch that, si puede existir la coca cola light entonces también podría existir el golpe de estado light. Menos calorías, menos azúcar, más digerible, nadie se opondría. Al final, como en el tema de los refrescos, termina siendo lo mismo, un poco menos azúcar no arreglará tus riñones.  
*Baja su bandera blanca*
*Sube una bandera blanca crema*
Pensándolo bien, la conformidad es lo cansado. Todo es igual, nada cambia, el camino ya está planteado listo para que camines sobre ello como Dorothy siguiendo su “yellow brick road”. Lo sigue y lo sigue y ¿para qué? Al final ve que la respuesta que buscaba no era con el Mago de Oz. Las paredes de la ciudad Esmeralda no contenían el secreto para que pudiera volver a su casa ya que en realidad ella tenía ese poder desde el inicio.
Pienso que la conformidad es justo esto. Nos encierra sobre caminos preestablecidos, nos aleja de nosotros, nuestros sentimientos y necesidades y los vuelca a un sentir comunal. Pero, ¿quién puede decir qué debo sentir, pensar, hacer? Y ¿para qué? ¿Para que los demás se sientan cómodos?
Creo que por eso en los últimos años, hasta décadas, han surgido movimientos que van en contra de esto. Se rompen los paradigmas y lo establecido para crear algo totalmente diferente, especialmente ahora. Para la juventud de ahora las cosas no son fijas, en donde la palabra que está #trending es lo fluído y todo se encuentra en un espectro. En sí lo que están diciendo es: “Tu no me defines”.
Como en tu carta (que btw felicidades, low key me encanto las rimas, high key me encantó todo) cada quien es distinto, por lo que no es razonable que todos compartamos la misma ruta de vida, la misma concepción de perfección. Desde chicos nos dan de comer fantasías, un pastelito de chocolate que al comértelo te dará la promesa de felicidad hasta que boom shakalaka te da caries. De chiquita en Halloween era la que intercambiaba mis chocolates por dulces (definitivamente caía bien) y según esta “concepción” planteada, mi felicidad, ¿dónde quedó?
Nos enseñan a que ser diferentes no es del todo bueno. Te ven feo, te dicen rara, cuando en realidad lo raro es ver a alguien que no cuestiona y toma todo como se lo es dado. Una persona que vive conforme. Si esto pasa el cambio es más difícil de obtener. Ante cualquier cambio siempre habrá adversidad, por lo que pienso que es un fenómeno difícil de obtener cuando los estigmas, los paradigmas y la falta de educación equitativo siga existiendo.
Entra un hombre y una mujer a un bar. La mujer le dice al hombre: ¿Cómo planeas cambiar el mundo? Con lo que el hombre responde: No sabía que había algo que cambiar.
Como la bomba atómica en Hiroshima, el público explota de la risa:
¡Una ovación!
Después en la columna de críticas en el periódico se puede ver en grandes letras EL MEJOR CHISTE PARA EXPLICAR EL PRIVILEGIO.
En sí, lo que quiero decir con eso es que cuando uno vive “bien” no se entera de aquellos que están debajo de ellos. El mejor ejemplo de esto: el hombre blanco heterosexual. Ahora este último enunciado también puede catalogarse como lo más “feminazi” que se pueda decir pero es cierto: históricamente el hombre, como tal, siempre ha contado con mayores privilegios que la mujer. No fue hasta principios del siglo pasado, que con el movimiento sufragista las mujeres podían votar o que por las guerras mundiales y la escasez de hombres hábiles se veía más propio que las mujeres formaran parte de la fuerza laboral. Siempre han existido grandes diferencias entre cómo se tratan ambos géneros, algunos de ellos que siguen persistiendo hoy: la mujer gana menos, el aborto es ilegal, el cuerpo de la mujer es sexualizado, una mujer ya de edad no puede seguir siendo atractiva de la misma forma que un hombre y todo lo que actualmente hay con el movimiento me too. El movimiento feminista no busca erradicar a los hombres y no es que por ser mujer eres mejor sino en su esencia busca la igualdad entre ambos géneros.  
Pienso que esto va muy de la mano con la inconformidad y con nuestro diálogo sobre la perfección. Como ya habíamos mencionado la perfección como tal se puede tomar como la conformidad ya que se atribuye como algo que ha cumplido con lo esperado mientras que la imperfección representa la inconformidad y lo diferente. Pero de esta forma la perfección y la imperfección se están polarizando de nuevo dentro de este esquema. Creo que si alguien busca su propio camino y dirección esto lo podrá llevar a crear su propia concepción de la perfección y es que así se estaría conformando pero a sus propios ideales y gustos. Esto va creando una amalgamación constante entre conformidad e inconformidad dentro de la sociedad ya que algo conforme para alguien no lo podría ser para otro por lo que se genera la inconformidad y así vice versa. De esta manera se estarían volviendo una dualidad.  Al ocurrir esto se tendría que generar la empatía y la tolerancia para poder existir dentro de un mundo diverso en donde las personas no buscan conformarse a una sola concepción de la vida sino a varias.  
Por lo tanto más allá que la educación, el cual también representa una base importante para la generación del cambio creo que la clave para lograrlo, así como en la búsqueda de la perfección, se encuentra en los valores como la empatía y la tolerancia. Pienso que el cambio hacia algo positivo como la igualdad no se puede lograr solo a través de esquemas físicos sino tiene que empezar desde aquellos que construyen su propia realidad. Como habíamos visto ya hace unas clases, la realidad objetiva no existe para nosotros ya que siempre experimentamos la realidad subjetiva desde nuestra propia “persona”. Por ello, para antes diseñar la solución se tiene que cambiar desde la raíz del problema. Pienso que las personas siempre quieren buscar la respuesta a través de lo físico pero hasta ahora la tecnología no puede pensar por nosotros. Hasta que lo pueda hacer tendremos que seguir trabajando sobre la humanidad. Al lograr esto, se podrá diseñar las soluciones que seguirán promoviendo esta forma de pensar.
Aun así, no crees que la misma búsqueda de la perfección personal, la conformidad propia y la inconformidad ajena, ¿sean los ingredientes para crear el caos? Dentro de la teoría del caos un sistema dinámico es sensible a los cambios más pequeños, esto crea variaciones y al final grandes diferencias de cómo había iniciado. Por ello, ¿esto no nos lleva a concluir que no puede existir un mundo completamente perfecto? Si cada quien busca su perfección, la sociedad como tal no funcionaría y será un sistema impredecible. Como en la naturaleza, cada quien ocupa un nicho y aunque funcione imperfectamente, en su definición tradicional, y promueva la conformidad aun así se están logrando avances y mejoras. Seguiremos viviendo dentro de una sociedad desigual pero funcional. Esto hace que la búsqueda del cambio, como un escenario ideal, parezca más un sueño de pipa que algo factible.
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
I’m tired and I’m going to bed,
Wikipedia. (23 de Abril del 2019) Chaos theory. Wikipedia. Recuperado el 23 de Abril del 2019 de: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chaos_theory
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thanos-kin · 7 years
dear evan hansen headcannons
EVAN: - bisexual - 5'10 - he tends to do things like tap his pencil or his foot or he plays with erasers or some shit he's just always doing something with his hands - has those erasers with removable pieces because "THEY'RE CUTE CONNOR I LOVE THEM" - freckles. more freckles after a day in the sun. freckles everywhere. - has a bonsai tree - DRIVES LIKE A GRANDMA - actually really fit because of his outdoor activities?? - lifted connir off of the ground like he was a feather and everyone was Shocked - "THAT WAS THE FIRST TIME SOMEONE EVER LIFTED ME" "oh mY GOD CONNOR" - LOVES TO BAKE BUt kind of sucks at it - afraid of big dogs. and fluffy dogs. and dogs with big eyes and long tails and legs and just dogs. he's scared of dogs. - cheesy romantic. reads romance books and watches romantic movies and just. my boy. - when he's feeling down he goes to connor because they can trust each other because of the one thing they have in common - the suicide attempts. - dyed a streak of his hair blue for halloween one time and made connor cry - CONFIDENT DRUNK - got high once and laughed for seven minutes straight before passing out - has a burn scar on his back from when jared set him on fire by accident - learns to do hair because he likes touching connors hair - he maybe likes connors dog a little bit - "i may seem collected on the outside but on the inside i am screaming 24/7." CONNOR: - borderline personality disorder !!!! - sees a therapist and takes medication - he honestly went through ten therapists before deciding to go with evan to his therapist - has a pitbull named cheese that his mom got him to help calm him down when he snaps - still a dick every now and then but he's Trying - 6'0" - panseuxal - is literally. always napping. he sleeps on the ground. on his desk. on evan. anywhere. - paints his nails when he's high with 100% accuracy but fails when he's sober - "ZOE HOW DO YOU USE EYELINER" - LOVES sweets. needs them. craves them. - literally cries over evan's freckles like what - sarcastic as all hell - he and jared's friendship is just a race to see who can roast the other faster - draws on himself constantly until he has literal sleeves of designs on his arms. then he moves to drawing on his friends. - alana buys him a sketchbook when she wakes up with white sharpie printed on her face - he draws the most AMAZING scenery and designs - probably wants to be a tattoo artiat - always records himself when he's high - new bruises and cuts every day - he bumps into things a lot when he's high - he gets his first piercing from a dude in an alley. it's a septum piercing. everyone screams when they see it. - hates pepe - comments on how gay he is every day. - still has bad days and when he does he locks himself in his room and calls evan - evan's talk of trees got him into plants. owns seven cactuses, a pot full of forget-me-nots and three succulents with names and backstories. - "i will shove my foot so far up your ass you'll be tasting leather and shit for the rest of your pathetic life you wrinkly numbnut" ZOE: - still having trouble forgiving her brother for all the years of mental abuse - 5'10 - lesbian af - makeup that could literally kill a god - likes to wear crops tops and dresses - wears sweatpants to school ONCE and is reminded of it every day for the rest of her life - literally a huge photography nerd - has EVERY PICTURE SHES EVER TAKEN hanging on her wall. even that ugly ass one of connor screaming over titanic when they were thirteen. - probably does yoga - dreams of going to paris. can literally speak in french and owns literally everything with the eiffel tower on it. - replies to everything in meme language. her parents are worried for her. connor wants to die again. - has a poem alana wrote to her on her wall next to her bed - so many pictures of alana - HANGED A PEPE PICTURE IN THE SHOWER ONCE THAT MADE CONNOR SCREAM WHEN HE SAW IT - likes to draw constellations with evan's freckles on his face - literally has not combed her hair since fourth grade?? its just naturally perfect??? - "im gayer than you connor" - SWEARS LIKE A SAILOR WHEN SHE BUMPS INTO SOMETHING - so much emoji's - steals all of alana's hoodies ALANA: - hates not having anything to do so much - 5'6" - in every school club tbh - also a lesbian - a journalist/writer - literally stays up until 2 am every day and comes to school looking like a goddess - GOD IS SHE SMART - she probably tutors everyone - "what's the answer to this problem alana" "hella" - BIG HAPPY SMILES - can kill you in two seconds with The Look - READS SEVEN BOOKS A DAY - probably listens to asmr - totally has tumblr - LITERALLY SHINES BRIGHTER THAN THE SUN - feminist. not a feminazi, will make jokes about women being in the kitchen with jared but will stab you if you are genuinely against women's rights - attempts to do yoga with zoe once. she breaks her nose. - SHE'S A MESS. HER WORK STATION IS JUST FULL OF CRUMPLED PAPERS AND PENS AND COFFEE MUGS. - likes to do diys. - "ZOE I DID A DIY FACE MASK AND I CANT GET IT OFF" - once punched a man for a klondike bar - "sorry im two hours late feminism called" JARED: - panromantic asexual!!!!! - 5'4" - a gaming youtuber - actually somehow has like 1,000 followers??? - everyone has been in his videos at least once - EATS A BATH BOMB ON CAMERA - every birthday connor buys him a bath bomb and screams "CRONCH" in his face - enjoys really cringey memes - has a german shepard named Sir Titlicker - "EVAN SIR TITLICKER WILL NOT EAT YOU" - once tripped on a bug - he's actually self conscious and hides behind self deprecating jokes - threw a dreidel at the menorah once when he was little and is still not allowed near the menorah - soft chub legs - much Sarcasm - literally is so sarcastic with connor??? they like each other but sometimes even evan wonders if they actually like each other or not - probably enjoys nickelback - HUGE SUBWAY FAN. WOULD SHOVE SUBWAY UP HIS ASS FOR FREE. - likes star wars probably - wore a shirt that said "im a gamer" once - "burn that shirt now" "EVAN WHAT THE FUCK" - actually cried when he played slenderman with Evan - "are you ok" "IS HE GONE EVAN IS HE GONE" "yes" /looks up and sees slenderman appear "WHDBANFBJDJSBSDH" /evan is wheezing - makes dirty jokes 24/7 but literally blushes for 9 years if you make a dirty joke towards him - actually Fragile - in a cult probably - probably has a runescape series on his YouTube channel - has set evan on fire before - he tries to be a good friend he really dies but he fails sometimes - "are you a nail baby because ill hammer you into the wall tonight ;)"
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yekuana · 7 years
Tumblr media
@Regranned from @mi.outspoken - Halloween vibes! (Sorry guys for the reuploading but I did a mistake in the phrase on the illustration 😅😅😅) ¿Os gustaría tener este print en etsy? Que no nos llamen brujas (feminazis a día de hoy 😒) por ejercer los derechos y libertades que nos corresponden como seres humanos! • • • Eng ➡ Why they call us witches (feminazis nowadays 😒) when we just claim for the rights and freedom that we deserve as human beings? • • • #illustration #ilustración #illustrator #witch #halloween #halloweenvibes #freethenipple #feminist #feminismo #powerful #yeswecan #plants #rosemary #pumpkin #calabaza #matchatea #design #artist #handmade #cintiq #sketchbook #etsyseller #cute #igersspain #valencia #pelaeldiente #feminism #feminismo #womanpower
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meanwhileinoz · 7 years
10+ Highly Offensive Comics That Will Make You Feel Guilty For Laughing At Them
In this special snowflake world, it is almost impossible not to offend someone.
But you know what’s fun? Purposely offending people.
That is exactly what Irwincardozo Comics do. The highly offensive comics are so brutally hilarious, you’ll just want more. Take a look below and enjoy yourself:
See more: Facebook | Instagram
  #1 We don’t always get what we want.
  #2 The good news is that they’re orphans.
  #3 For the rest of your 2-week life.
  #4 Wanna play brutal, eh?
  #5 What a beautiful day to kill yourself!
  #6 Man? What made you think I’m a man?
  #7 Mom has your back, and your virginity.
  #8 MINE.
  #9 Not your child.
  #10 Not again, Abdul.
#11 Well, he did what he could.
  #12 No, Bobby! Not like that!
  #13 Well G.I.L.F, if you incest!
  #14 Hi drowning, I’m dad.
  #15 Feminazi baby.
  #16 Oh.
  #17 I Peat the Bussy.
  #18 Learning from your mistakes.
  #19 BRUTAL.
  #20 Poor doggy.
#21 That’s easy.
  #22 Smart guy.
  #23 Please stop.
  #24 Plot twist: The guy is the by-product.
  #25 3…2…
  #26 When is the bus due?
  #27 Straight outta the hospital.
  #28 Wait what
  #29 That is complete.
  #30 Lets end it with a Halloween comic.
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