#Feral jopson
leadandblood · 6 days
Dude, your steward fucking bit me
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headcanonthings · 4 months
Jopson, about Lt. Little: We walk at night. He thinks he's protecting me but I would rip someone apart if they threatened his life.
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slow-burn-sally · 4 months
Hello! I saw a gifset about Jopson being submissive like a guard dog is submissive, and well, it now lives in my head rent free and I wrote a fic! I hope the Jopziers who read it enjoy!
Rated: E
CW: Homophobic language, Blood, Violence (also blow jobs).
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majorxmaggiexboy · 1 year
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samshinechester · 5 months
Cinnamon TM 🥺🤲🏻✨️
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Cinnamon! Look at him - so sweet, so pure, never did anything wrong in his life ever 😭
Would be a shame if he died in a horrible way 😭
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lieutenantmongoose · 2 years
Verse Info: Muttongoose (title tba) 
bc i’m too lazy and discombobulated to fic it rn bc it’s a whole slow burn and i’m not patient like that rn, anyway
*Always Sunny Meme/Sets up Dominos* 
(spoilers ahead on the off chance i ever write this and you don’t want to know who takes a tuunbaq to the face or whatever)
It’s jopson, Jopson gets a tuunbaq to the face he’s okay he’s fine it’s a sacrifice that had to happen just hear me out i did the math it was necessary okay listen:
it starts out during Crozier’s Withdrawals. He’s almost through it but we’ve not had the Laudanum talk(tm) yet
Everyone thinks Tuunbaq is dead and the people said Thank U Mr Icemaster Blanky We Love U
Dr Macca is like Aight My Little Penguin Have U Considered,,,,,,Taking A Goddamn Break,,,,,,,and Jopson’s like Ew Why Would I Do Something So Horrible and Dr. Macca is like Lol U Don’t Understand Im Not Asking Im Telling,,,,Babygirl The Dark Circles Are Not Sexy Lmao Take A Nap :) and Jopson is like Ugh Fine Five Minutes and goes the hell outside
Due to a silly situation involving Irving and Little, Jopsauce is out on the ice when Tuunbaq, as one does, shows up 
Thing is when Tuunbaq shows up u only really gotta be faster than like one person and it is Irving’s lucky damn day
Jopson’s actually okay until he decides the most appropriate solution to being nose to nose with the world’s angriest coca cola mascot is to stab it in the face 
Tuunbaq is like U Go For The Face????? Bet
*Man of Constant Sorrow Plays On Xylophone* 
Due to the wonders of medical inaccuracy and some Fitzjames Heroism Jops is actually A-Okay after this
i mean he’s only got one functioning eye and his hearing is janked up for a few weeks but other than that it’s all good and i mean the fact that Crozier has to just about personally threaten to shoot him before he’ll accept any Agonies Mitigation Drugs isn’t ideal but it’s fine he’s fine he’s good it’s all fine
Crozier’s like Aight Jipjop You And I Are In Danger Of Becoming Morbid Let’s Go To Carnivale And Have A Good Time For Once
Nobody Has A Good Time At Carnivale 
Show mostly progresses as normal up until Terror Camp
At which point Tuunbaq to the Face Becomes Relevant bc i mean Crozier DOES still promote our boy to Lieutenant Status and does still give him a gun i mean why wouldn’t you but there’s an Incident and Crozier is like Listen Babygirl I Trust U With My Life And Everyone Else’s But We’re Gonna Let Someone Else Guard Sickfreak McStabbyface 
Which frees Jop up to have a lil run in with Mr Collins and be like 👀
Naturally Jopson is like Oh No oh Absolutely Not We’re Not Playing This Come On Mr Collins I Think You Had Better Let Doctor Goodsir Have A Look At You
Collins is copping hugs left and right he’s very giggly he’s high as a kite he’s like I Haven’t Slept In Two Weeks Lol 
Jopson’s like Dr Goodsir,,,,,,,,,,#Help
Goodsir is like Oh Dear,,,,,,,,,,Alright,,,,,I Gotchu,,,,,There There Mr Collins
Jop and Goodsir team up to help Mr Collins and it’s all very A Lot   
Bc Collins and Jop are both with Goodsir during the #Execution, when Tuunbaq shows up it obviously does not get Collins and also have you ever tried to kidnap a doctor when he’s got a flustered mongoose and a drugged squishmallow in his tent??? It’s not happening bub you might as well give up now
so the mutineers gtfo and Goodsir is still with Team Terror and now he has a new B Plot to be part of while the series progresses otherwise as normal
And the series does progress otherwise as normal except Collins is coming off the drugs and has both Jopson and Goodsir being like Here’s Some Will To Live and Collins Is Catching Feelings So Fast 
My Jop is still Aroace but he’s like Listen Being Needed Is My Drug And I’ve Been Having Withdrawals Of My Own So I AM Going To Be Weirdly Intense About This You Don’t Understand I Would Open My Veins For Captain Crozier He Wouldn’t Even Have To Ask When I Say I Would Do Literally Anything To Help You Sleep I Am So Serious I Am 8000% So Serious Rn What Do You Need Is It Me 
Goodsir and Collins are like Uh,,,,You- You Good Bro? Jop is like Hey Is That A Bird
At some point Tuunbaq shows up again because it’s sick of waiting on this damn ship to sail too and Collins is like Okay I Can Be Weirdly Intense About This Too and Jopson is like Oh. Oh.
and then Goodsir is like, yknow when he walks in on what appears to be the aftermath of a category 80 hurricane,,,,, I’m Super Quiet About It But If You Want To See Weirdly Intense I Mean,,,,, 
*coughs* they reach an Understanding
So naturally when Crozier gets kidnapped and Little is like Well UwU Everyone Says F That Let’s Go UwU Nothing To Be Done I Suppose UwU these three are like Oh Word? Are You Sure About That
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jurassic-cunt · 8 months
i just know feral little thomas jopson loved putting that rope around hickey's neck
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vastwinterskies · 3 months
Compels me. Local sleep deprived corporate personal assistant walks two shaggy dogs at 2 in the morning while smoking half a pack.
I genuinely think Tozer and Jopson would like each other and be good for one another, actually. At least in a work context, Tozer is definitely better at healthy boundaries than Mr. Thomas Job-son. He's also my go-to "bro type" to lovingly place into character dynamics that could use a little less gravity and some no-questions-asked camraderie. Jopson and him are both loyal souls which also seems like a great anchor point. They both have that hint of feral, protective energy.
And I know we love to joke about Little being a sniveling sad sack, but I genuinely think he's a reliable person with a great sense of responsibility, something both Jop and Sol would value.
This combo also is not too hard to fumble into canonverse if one wishes to: Joplittle and Solittle have a lot of lovingly written fic already, and it's not hard to imagine that Jopson and Tozer would be comfortable having a casual hookup thing going. Canon divergence mutiny camp? Let Jopson at 'im after Crozier gets kidnapped. Won't be pretty, but certainly good cinema.
Oh and those three would fuck nasty in some great variations of course.
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thegreenmeridian · 3 years
Ok we all love a good “Crozier has the protective dad talk with Little” and for good reason, but I feel like we’re missing out on “Jopson has the protective son talk with Fitz”.
Imagine it. Our boy finding a moment to pull Fitzy to one side and asking his intentions towards his dad. Being polite and respectful but still making it clear that he will absolutely go feral if James messes his dad about.
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solomon-tozer · 2 years
Things I'm having moments over this time round watching The Terror (ep3):
1. idk what these little lists are devolving into but, speaking of little... The racism is so gross
2. Sir John telling Crozier exactly how it is, he holds no punches at all
3. The interaction between the chefs is so fun!
4. Just how Gibson went to Irving saying all those things, trying to calculate the thing that would save them both but not really thinking that maybe Irving wouldn’t tell... Deciding better safe than sorry... but Irving then talking to Hickey
5. The two drops of ink... the sips locked in ice on a blank page/map....
6. I’m staring at Tozer again. And Heather.
7. John Franklin. James Fitzjames. JF. They could share monickered things
8. Dundy’s anger and resentment, how you can see his dislike of Crozier and that when you look back his actions aren’t a surprise *at all*
9. Going feral over the funeral scene. Oh man the build-up. I just... I cannot. The bit he reads out. The music. The desolation. THE WAY THE CAMERA IS ON JOPSON AND BLANKY AT ‘I WILL NOT LEAVE THEE’ the MUSIC aaaaaah I’m fuckin transcending I cannot
10. Tuunbaq’s breath, a gesture Silna makes at the end...
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leadandblood · 8 days
Need to know all ur thoughts on feral jopson…..he is haunting my mind
Hi anon!! Happy to do so >w<
Gosh, where do i even start with this man...
Well, he's always trying to be the best boy for Crozier... At least in front of Crozier. It's like he has a switch in his brain - anytime Crozier is close, he's like a lamb. Unless somebody is acting wrong towards his captain, then he gets angry and it's hard to contain. Beautiful addition to this is Crozier steadying him by placing a hand on his back or a when he's too far away he says a warning "jopson..!"
He's literally guard dog submisive. Will heel by the master, obey him, worship him... But if anybody comes too close, he'll bark. And when he gets permission, he bites, too. (sometimes even without permission)
He gets sooo jealous oh my GOD he gets jealous. When Crozier smiles at or gives affection to someone else oooh, he's so fucking jealous. But he respects his capatain. He knows Crozier deserves that choice. He couldn't possibly take his freedom away.
Loves using his teeth for various um... Purposes. Definitely not inspired by that thread-biting scene btw. Will bite a bitch, literally.
"Sailors on average report being bitten by stewards once a year while at sea." Statistical error actually! The average sailor reports 0 steward bites per year. HMS Terror Georg who gets five steward bites per year is an outlier adn should not have been counted.
I hadn't thought about him as much different from a regular human when it comes to the physical things. He can simply unlock the power that comes from adrenaline much easier than most people. Like the guy who lifted a car to save his kid, except for him it gets triggered when people wrong Crozier somehow.
Thanks to all of this nobody dares to speak up against Crozier, even when he's blatantly wrong. Not because Crozier might hear, but because Jopson might hear. And there's no telling what he might do. Sometimes it's just a warning. Sometimes it's a fist to the face. Sometimes... Well let's not talk about that :)))
These aren't All my thoughts but i think I've rambled enough for one post 😅
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boilyerheid · 3 years
S/T? Any fandom tropes you can't resist/stand?
weak for Ed Little's pierced tits! or any of his pierced incarnations tbh! also there should be more feral Jopson in the world and I'm not ashamed to say it - shot smaller hawks Jops my BELOVED.
there's a tendency to infantalise Jopson sometimes, because of the whole father figure with Crozier thing, which I don't really enjoy. mainly because I find it far more interesting to think about what it means to have that sort of relationship as a grown man.
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slow-burn-sally · 1 year
One of my favorite scenes in The Terror is when Jopson is watching Crozier shave himself, and just gets absolutely bent out of shape over it. But like, he's too reserved and loyal to express any emotion that's not abject, feral devotion, or 'Fades into the background', so he just uses gentle snark and says "That's my job you're shaving away sir," while silently imploding with separation anxiety.
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majorxmaggiexboy · 2 years
The Terror + Mariner’s Revenge Song au i am a goddamn genius
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seacollectsrivers · 4 years
terror 8: terror camp clear
crozier and James bonding hours once more :)
"the same day" o dear
james has scurvy? :(
BONDING HOURS i will die
he said BROTHER and FAKE in the same sentence
bo found dead in oslo near new years eve 2020
oooh my gooood
in this house we love and respect James Fitzjames and his character journey
no hugs?? homophobia
Hickey i am going to choke you
I like that James is now the cool middle ground for crozier's hmm pragmatism? leave me alone i’m not very good w words
i DON’T like that he's seemingly in pain now :(
Blanky. I also trust Blanky.
ok tbh that slow mo moment felt out of place lol
the book lad, Bridgens? he has a neat tattoo on his inner arm
book lads :) Collins :)
oh lord. everything is going downhill. I just want these lads to be happy.
collins I am Worried
these poor fucking people. some folks got stuck in the fucking ice and are slowly going insane bc of cheaply made canned food, so now they have to die, after sharing food with your one. wasn’t there a kid too??
lady silence :(
oh no fog
please keep your wits about you Mr marine man
fuck offfffff
oh no james :(((
the super close up filming is v uncomfortable
this comanches story has nothing to do with the situation at hand, whether true or not. I get why he thinks it does, I know what racism is, but ugh
I am TENSE i am WORRIED i HATE this
c....Collins? oh no babes. oh no you are very high huh
goodsir bro omg no she kinda has to leave
Google how to remove empire propaganda from the head of this sweet man ksjshdjd
babes :((
im gonna go feral everything is happening too fast all at once
a gallows?? jesus christ
the absolute difference yet weird similarity in hierarchy and ranks between this show and black sails
did jopson just lose a tooth
something so weird about having a court and a hanging out in the Arctic
thing is I've seen the thumbnail for ep 10, and hickey is in it. so what the fuck like
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the cinnamon topography....
I love listening to Crozier talk with jared harris' funny voice and sweet lisp, but im so so tense for something to happen
mmmm idk what he's gonna say but!!!
ok to be fair tho why would they believe hickey at this point lmao
oh no Collins!! :(
jesus wept
music killing me. as always.
nooo edward don't listen to him
go off jamesss
im emo :( Collins :(
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absolutebearings · 5 years
status: still going absolutely feral over the fact that little’s dying words were referencing something jopson told him probably in confidence like they really did that!!! the Audacity
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