#FiKi Week 2019
patchworkideas · 5 years
FiKi Week 2019: Day 4, Pet
Had been thinking about the Fair Folk and Elves some months ago and the idea ended up running away with my two favourite characters. I'm actually pretty proud of this one and after seeing the Prompt I couldn't resist posting this. Hope it's as enjoyable to read as it was to write.
 Can also be found on AO3:
Elves can be tricky, with an otherworldly morality system that no one quite understands.  
Kili finds that out the hard way.  
He has been sitting on the edge of Mirkwood for a few days now and the thought of leaving had been impossible until a few moments ago.  
All that he could think about was his star, his Tauriel. He hadn't even registered the words that echo so loudly through his mind now, as he's running away from a predator that thinks him an easy meal. 
In this unknown body he probably is.  
She bewitched him. Ever since she visited him in the dungeons everyday, he had been lost, unable to think of anything but her. Every time he saw her, just another opportunity for her to get her claws deeper into his mind.  
In the end, he left Erebor. Left his family, everything he cared about, because his mistress asked and he couldn't resist the sirens call.  
How long even did he stay in Mirkwood, a pet among the elves, unable to think for himself?  
If those Rivendell Elves hadn't come, hadn't seen, hadn't demanded that he was set free, he would probably still be there. 
If that thing hadn't tried to eat him, he probably would have waited there until she came to collect her pet back.  
But he has his mind back, he's awake and clear in what feels like the first time in forever.  
He runs, and he hides and he tries to hunt on four foreign paws, his fur dirty and his new senses almost overwhelming him.  
He makes it to the Lonely Mountain.  
He makes it unseen through the back ways, and runs like the devil through the places he can't hide in. Bides his time. He knows he's getting dangerously thin, that no dwarf will look at him and see something worth saving.  
None but one.  
And when the opportunity comes, he takes it. He evades Dwalins hands as he screams his brothers name, just the first syllable, his mouth grating and painful even around that. He evades everything grasping him while he weaves through his legs, hides behind him, calling, calling, calling, crying out through the pain and doing it again. 
Only Fili may lift him.  
May see his puppy eyes look that has never failed before.  
And it doesn't.  
Fili bathes him, brushes his fur, cuddles him close. He loves him, even if just as a pet. Kili returns the sentiment, even as his brother pours out his heart in front of him, crying in his empty room for the brother he thought lost.
He doesn’t understand his cats desperate tries of communication though. Scratched in runes are ignored, ink pots almost impossible to get his paws into before he is scolded and lifted away. 
He watches as his brother starts letters he never finishes, never meant to send. Tells his faithful feline friend that Kili is happy were he is. That he's choosen who he wants to be with and it isn't with him.  
Fili never stops mourning. Kili never stops comforting him, or trying to make him understand.  
Kili makes his choice, somewhere between protecting him from the would be assassin whose eyes he scratches out and the gold digging dwarrowdams that Thorin thinks might cheer up his brother, unseeing that Fili agrees to being miserable for the sake of duty and nothing else. 
He wants to give a tongue lashing to them all, to let it get this bad. It will have to wait, like so much. 
Eventually, it's Ori that ends up seeing a pattern. Of a too smart cat that keeps desperately scratching in the same shapes whenever he can. His runes have become almost readable by then, from all the practice. Fili indulges the Scribe when he sets out a small bowl of ink and an empty piece of paper. 
Kili takes his time, careful to make the runes as clear as possible. With paws a piece of paper is not a lot of room. "Get Gandalf." is what he has to settle with. There's not enough room for more. Not with his blasted paws unable to write smaller. 
Ori brings out another paper, but speaks clear and slow, as if he hadn't proved his intelligence countless times by now, telling him to write the same message again. 
He does.  
He manages it smaller this time, adding a haphazard "HELP!" onto it. Partly to be contrary, and partly to get his desperation across. 
He knows he can't tell them his name. Too much hurt comes with the mention, too much that could distract. 
And if Gandalf can't help... Better not to give hope where there might be none. Kili doesn't know if his brother will survive losing him twice. 
In the end, Fili swears Ori to secrecy and smuggles out a message requesting Gandalf's help.  
King Thorin will be furious, and his cat is already fairly disliked for being impossible to part from him, the Crown Prince, as is. He knows his Uncle allows it because his pet has made him smile again.  
Even though it insist on driving away any possible match.  
Fili thinks about yesterday, how he stood up about not wanting to have children with someone who couldn't even handle a cat, and how cats only live about a decade anyway, would it truly be too much to ask to wait that long to look for a match? 
His King might have been displeased, but it was the first thing his nephew had asked for himself ever since the battle, so his Uncle gave in. 
He asks the raven to hurry, wrote Gandalf the same. 
He doesn’t know how old his cat is, doesn't know how long he has, but after all it helped him with, all the comfort and quiet joy he had thought lost forever, well, they can call him insane and punish him all they want afterwards, he's not going to let his little friend down. 
Gandalf does eventually come, though unfortunately Fili can't get him alone before the old wizard strides into the hall and asks what the emergency is. 
Fili knows he can't bring this back into smaller circles, that, if he's wrong, he's going to show his insanity in front of the whole damn Court, but before he can truly worry his Cat jumps from his shoulder and runs away, towards the wizard.  
He has moved after it before he realises it, snatching it up just before it reaches the tall figure.  Every eye is on them, and Gandalf looks surprised for a second before a small smile breaks through.  
"Well, that is an emergency, I suppose. You did good in calling me." 
And he touches Fili's cat with his staff, the top of it just barely brushing it's head before a blinding light fills his eyes and the fur under his fingers changes and he becomes unable to hold him up anymore. 
And it is a him that now rest in his arms. A shape that's burned into his memory with the force of a thousand dragons fire, never, ever forgotten. Fili whispers the name like a prayer into the hair of the dwarf before him, before finally opening his eyes upon hearing what his cat has been trying to tell him all this time. 
"Hey, Fi. I'm home." 
There are long discussions of course, after Fili used his coat to hide his naked brother from prying eyes before leading him to a smaller, more private chamber, with only their most trusted friends around.  
Kili tells the story, how he was enchanted, trapped and how he broke free, finding his way back.  
Gandalf looks caught between sad but resigned and angry and frustrated. 
Apparently making someone love someone else is not considered a crime among the wood elves as long as the person in question doesn't ask for the spell to end. Which was obviously ridiculous, considering the fact that he hadn't even known he was under a spell until his near death broke him out of it. (And didn't that change her appearance in the battle, never leaving his side. She was right there to redo the spell whenever the battle woke him up.) 
Kili knew there would be consequences for that disaster. 
But he was currently more concerned with settling something else, something that had become clear during his time as a pet. His eyes caught Fili's and he sent a short apology to him before he explained in detail why he had intervened in Fili's matchmaking. 
He made sure that both his uncle and his mother knew that Fili hadn't wanted any of it.  
That Fili had never said no to them before, never hid from duty, so how "could they" ask him to marry and act like he actually had a choice in the matter. Why, they were all but selling him off to the highest bidder and Fili would have accepted a lifetime of misery for a short economic boon to the mountain. 
Kili had a whole rant, all thought out, words sharpened over month and months and months of this nonsense, but he didn't need much of it before his family gave him what he wanted, without realising that that had been his goal all along. 
Thorin and Dis insisted that their happiness was their highest goal and that they would not try to marry either of them off. Of course they could wait for their One, or not marry at all if that made them happier. The matchmaking had only been because they had hoped that Fili would feel better with a Companion. 
In the end, it only took a few words in the right places, how Fili would do everything for that bloody mountain so how could they know he wouldn't pretend to be okay with it at a later time, and they had both Princes swear an oath that they would not marry for anything but the love of their One.  
Kili's included a vow to keep him away from any elves in the future. 
His brother was of course looking angrily at him the whole time. He was the only one who still saw through Kili like glass. Knew the Theatrics were deliberate. Knew he had made it sound as bad as possible and that nobody would believe Fili in this matter for quite some time. 
They would fight about it, when all was said and done, and they were finally allowed back to their room, with no eyes to watch them. 
Kili looked forward to it, to the rough and tumble, to the heated words pouring out of both of them, to feeling the weight of his brother in his arms and feel his strength when he reminded him that he saw and heard *everything*.  
That they had promised to never hide from each other and Fili had broken that promise long before the journey. 
Kili had made his choice while kneading his brothers skin with his paws, letting his rolling purr drown out the sobs and his rough tongue lap up the tears while his brother called out to the One he lost, Kili's name on his lips every night. 
He would eventually do the same in his own body, swallowing Fili's cries along with everything else Fili had wanted to give and hadn't let himself, afraid of hurting his little brother. 
But they were equals and Kili would make sure Fili finally understood that. He had their whole life for it now, with the oath to never love anyone but their One, anyone but each other, after all. 
Kili couldn't wait, and behind Fili's anger, the confusion and the fear of losing him again, well, he knew his brother inside out, and he wouldn't have to wait long at all. 
They were One, and nothing would come in between, never again.
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dragonquill · 5 years
FiKi Week 2019 Day 2
FiKi Week 2019 Day 2: “Laziness is nothing more than the habit of resting before you’re tired”
 Although officially this universe is named Building Blocks, the truth is I always refer to them as “Young Idiots.”
There is an art to sharing a bed.  
Fíli and Kíli, in love and newly settled into their very own space within the mountain, have not in any way mastered this art.
Despite sharing beds on and off for their entire lives, now that they have their own bed, sprawling and covered with furs, they don’t know quite what to do. After all, in the past it had been about squeezing two full grown dwarves into a bed barely made for one (stacking, essentially) or squeezed onto a pair of sleeping rolls trying not to get a stick up the arse (extreme spooning).  Now there is so much bed and, somehow, there seems to be an equivalent increase in the numbers of elbows, kidneys, delicate dwarven stones, knees, and the like to deal with.
“Move,” Kíli growls on a lovely, lazy afternoon they’ve decided to dedicate to napping, “your knee out of my jewels.”
Fíli shifts over, leaving a gulf between them of pure petulance.  “There.  Just keep your jewels on your side of the bed, then!”  He huffs. “And away from me!”
This is a serious threat, since they’re young, and in love, and interested in the things young, in love people do to each other’s bodies.  That it is as much a threat to his own happiness as to Kíli’s is immaterial in the moment.
There is silence.
For a few minutes.
Then Kíli: “I miss you when you’re over there.”
Fíli can see the pout without even looking at his beloved brother.  He heaves a sigh more appropriate for an old man than a young dwarf in the flush of first (and only) love.  He wiggles back to the middle of the giant bed, getting tangled in the covers before kicking them off in a snit.  
Kíli curls around him, head on Fíli’s shoulder, leg over his brother’s.  He’s curled on his side with Fíli on his back and it does feel nice.  He can hear Fíli’s heartbeat.  “I think this bed is too big.”
A gentle hand runs up and down his spine as Fíli yawns into his hair.  “We’ll get used to it.”
“We could get a smaller one?”
Fíli winces.  “Remember our spines?”
Kíli shudders.  “Oh, yeah.  Okay.  We’ll get used to this one.”  He snuggles in happily, warm and content.
It takes less than five minutes for Fíli’s arm to go completely dead, and then start gently pulsing in pain.  But Kíli is asleep, so Fíli just sighs softly and kisses the messy head using his shoulder as a pillow.
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gatheringfiki · 4 years
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It’s that time again!  Here’s our announcement for FiKi Week 2020!
This year’s dates: 28th of June to 4th of July
We have a special theme for this year: Anniversary.  The first FiKi Week was in 2015 so it’s turning the grand old age of 5 this year (they grow up so fast…).  In honor of that, the five weekdays are taken from previous FiKi Week prompts, selected at random, with new prompts for Sunday and Saturday!
As always, this isn’t about rules, it’s about having some fun!  Participate as much or as little as you like: fanart, fanfiction, gifs, edits, headcanons, manips, rambles, bring it all.   When the time comes to post, the tag this year will be #fikiweek2020
This year’s themes:
Sunday, June 28 : Idiosyncrasies
Monday, June 29 : Stone Giants (2015)
Tuesday, June 30:  Kinks or Cuddles  (2016)
Wednesday, July 1:  Inspired by Music (2017)
Thursday, July 2: Science Fiction or Fantasy (2018)
Friday, July 3: “I have loved the stars too truly to be fearful of the night” or Flowers (2019)
Saturday, July 4: Anniversaries
Click the read more for a special bonus.
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lakritzwolf · 5 years
Happily Ever After
Gathering FiKi Spring FRE 2019
Prompt 25: Proposal
Pairing: Britchell Rating: T
on AO3
“So when are you going to make an honest man out of my brother?” Mike was drying a glass, sounding ever so casual, but was betrayed by his smirk. “It’s been forever, after all.”
“A year, Mike.” Mitchell shot him a dark look.
“That is practically forever where Anders is concerned. I mean, you’re even living together. Might as well tie the knot and be done with it.”
Before Mitchell could reply Anders emitted a hearty snort and took a sip from his beer. “Me? Tie the knot?” He gestured at himself with the hand that held the bottle. “Have you met me? Okay, so I like having Mitch around, but wedding bells for Anders fucking Johnson?” He grinned and took another sip. “Not going to happen.”
“There you have it,” Mitchell replied with a shrug and emptied his pint.
The two left the bar as soon as Anders had finished his drink to escape the teasing of Anders’ brothers. Mitchell was too tired for sex that night, however. And since he had been complaining of a stressful week, Anders didn’t think about it.
“Mitch, I’m doing a grocery run, do we have enough condoms?”
Mitchell looked up from the TV and over his shoulders to where Anders was making a shopping list on his phone. “What is enough, Anders?” He gave him a lopsided smile when Anders looked up with a grin. “I don’t know though. Can you check in my night stand, please? Commercial break was just over.”
“Got you, Mitch. Though I’ll never get why you watch that crap.”
“I’m not going to start the Real Hustle discussion again.” Mitchell looked back at the screen and Anders huffed out a chuckle as he headed for the bedroom.
After checking his own night stand Anders could cross lube off the shopping list, but he was all out of condoms, so he checked the bottom drawer in Mitchell’s.
“Completely forgot about that one,” he said with a smirk as he picked up the ribbed silicone cock ring.
There was one pack of condoms, but those were the flavoured ones for blow jobs. Anders rummaged around a little more to make sure, and was just about to close the drawer again when he saw a small box that he didn’t remember. His curiosity getting the better of him he opened it, and slowly sank down onto the bed.
He stared at the open box in his lap for what felt like an eternity.
The ring wasn’t fancy, without stones or engravings, just a simple silvery band. And since Anders knew white gold when he saw it, he knew that Mitchell must have been saving up for this thing for months.
They had never talked about them, not in this context. Anders had stumbled across Mitchell in a bar and had taken him home. It hadn’t taken him long to figure out that Mitchell wasn’t human either, but with one thing leading to another hadn’t cared. At one point Mitchell’s asshole landlord had given him so much grief that somehow, he had stayed at Anders’ more and more often until he had technically moved in. Anders had told him to give his notice and be done with that fucker.
The next thing that had happened was Michele using the stick of uselessness on Mitchell as an experiment that turned out to be more successful than anyone could ever have imagined. Anders forgave the useless stick that had turned out to be not quite as useless, and had dealt with a very fragile and emotional Mitchell for a few weeks as the latter got used to his new found humanity and mortality.
No, they had never talked about being in this for the long run.
And now Anders looked at the ring and felt his throat constrict. John Mitchell, almost a century old after having been a vampire for most of his life, wanted to make Anders his happily ever after. Anders fucking Johnson.
And now he had ruined Mitchell’s surprise, and would have to pretend he had no idea, but... what was he to say? He would never in his life been able to imagine anyone would ever want to spend the rest of his life with Anders. And here Mitchell was, wanting to do exactly that.
Anders almost jumped out of his skin when Mitchell suddenly appeared in the doorframe. Or maybe he had been standing there for a while with Anders completely oblivious.
“I...” Anders swallowed, “I didn’t mean to. I was checking the condom stash and found this and thought it was another sex toy and curiosity got the better of me and...”
Mitchell slowly walked across the room and went down into a crouch before him. “Bit small for a sex toy,” he remarked drily.
“I realise that now,” Anders replied, unable to meet his eyes.
“Anders, I know...” Mitchell took a deep breath. “I had a pretty sentimental spell after... after becoming human again. I mean, I knew that Anders Johnson wasn’t the man to bind himself but I was so in love and...”
They hadn’t said those three words either. Anders didn’t know if they had assumed it was a given or, what was more likely, Mitchell hadn’t said them because he hadn’t wanted Anders to feel forced to say them back, and Anders hadn’t said them because he wasn’t the man to love. Want, enjoy, yes, but love? He had been told on so many occasions he wasn’t capable of truly loving someone that he hadn’t bothered to try.
Maybe he had been wrong.
“Anders, I... I didn’t mean for you to stumble across that thing. I honestly forgot about it.”
“But you put it there after the... discussion we had with Mikkel back then. Right?”
Mitchell took another deep breath and nodded. “Yeah.”
Anders finally looked up, into Mitchell’s beautiful eyes, deep enough to drown himself in, so full of emotion, so full of...
... love?
“Anders, we don’t have to make a big deal about it...”
Anders took a shaky breath. “I... I never thought anyone would choose me... Anders fucking Johnson... to be their happily ever after.”
Mitchell rested his hands on Anders’ thighs. “Anders...”
“I mean...” Anders felt the ground under him begin to shift. “I kind of knew we were in this for the long run, even if we never talked about it. You know I’m not good at that sort of stuff.”
Mitchell nodded with a soft, wistful smile.
“But this... I mean...” Crap, he was losing his shit, and he couldn’t do anything about it. “Mitch, I...”
And there it was, the burning behind his eyelids that was so unfamiliar and that he always hated so much, but Mitchell’s warm and gentle eyes were undoing him and he couldn’t do a fucking thing about it. Somehow, without him even noticing, he had opened his heart to the man before him, but had managed to hide it behind his usual prickly facade. A facade that was harder to keep up with every heartbeat.
“I could never imagine someone would want to be with me forever,” he said, his voice husky. “But then you come blundering in here, you fucking gorgeous Irish vampire, and you just go and... fall in love with me. With me!” His vision blurred and he blinked to clear his eyes. He was so done for. Anders Johnson bawling like a baby because of a fucking piece of jewellery.
But Christ, Anders was tired. Tired of building walls, tired of being mean to keep everyone, including Mitchell, at a safe emotional distance, just to protect himself. Tired of always feeling like he was only one step from being alone again.
But even without the ring Mitchell had made his intentions clear enough, almost from the beginning. He had never given any fucks about what his brothers had to say about him; he had cared about Anders, not about what the other Johnson brothers told him. Mitchell had had his back. And he was very obviously ready to go on having his back.
Anders angrily wiped the back of his hand across his eyes, and gave up. “Didn’t think anyone could ever love a guy like me.” Mitchell leaned forward and gently rested his forehead against Anders. “It’s about time someone did,” he said softly. “Because I do love you, Anders Johnson.”
“Fuck...” Anders swallowed hard. “Mitch, I... John...” He took another deep breath. “John...” Anders licked his lips. “I...”
“It’s okay,” Mitchell whispered. “You don’t have to say it back.”
“But I want to,” Anders said, hating how weak his voice sounded. “Because I... John... I... I... I love you too.”
His heartbeat was thundering in his ears, but Mitchell just cradled Anders’ face in his hands and said nothing.
“You really want to have a happily ever after with me of all people?”
“That almost sounded like a proposal,” Mitchell said with a soft chuckle. “And the answer is yes. Because I love you.”
Anders took another shaky breath, and then a nervous, slightly hysterical chuckle bubbled out of his throat. “Well, fair’s fair, I guess,” he said, with another chuckle. “So you get to pop the question too.”
Mitchell froze, but then he leaned back with a soft laugh and took the box that was still clutched between Anders’ hands. His dark eyes warm and brimming with emotion, he looked up at Anders with a smile.
“Anders Johnson, will you be my happily ever after and become my husband?”
And Anders gave up on fighting the tears and keeping all those emotions in check because he knew down to the core of his soul that Mitchell would keep them safe.
He didn’t trust his voice however, so he only whispered his reply. “Yes.” And not knowing what else to say or do, he offered Mitchell his left hand. The ring fit perfectly, as if it belonged there.
Mitchell’s kisses had never tasted so sweet.
That fucking Irish ex-bloodsucker was turning him into a bucket full of sap.
“And what do you think your brothers will say?” Mitchell asked with a smile after breaking the kiss.
“I don’t give a flying fuck about what they say,” Anders replied.
“Good.” Mitchell buried his fingers into Anders’ hair. “Because you shouldn’t.”
Anders was prevented from trying to think of an answer by Mitchell’s lips, and he let himself be pushed onto his back, and thinking became too difficult, and then entirely pointless.
Mike had rolled his eyes, but had eventually and grudgingly admitted he was happy for Anders and offered the bar as wedding venue.
Olaf, Ty, and Axl started fighting about who was to be Best Man.
Dawn almost fainted, but after recovering from the shock immediately started looking at floral arrangements and menus and tuxedos.
Anders and Mitchell fucked off and got married in Bristol, the only other people involved being Annie, George and Nina. They spent the first week of their honeymoon in a five star hotel in Paris, and the second week in a small, cosy cottage in Connemara.
“And they lived happily ever after,” Mitchell muttered, snuggled against Anders as they were cuddled up on the sofa, watching the flames dance in the fireplace.
“I think I didn’t fuck you hard enough if you’re still able to spout nonsense like that,” Anders said, and carded his fingers through Mitchell’s messy curls.
“Want to work on that?” Mitchell shot back with a mischievous little grin.
“As much as I like to brag about my virility, I don’t think even I could get it up again after the last few hours.”
“But does that have to stop you from trying?” Mitchell sat up, a glint in his eyes.
Anders sat up as well and dug his fingers into Mitchell’s hair to pull him close. “Definitely not.”
“I mean Anders Mitchell-Johnson has to uphold a reputation, after all,” Mitchell replied with a soft laugh.”
“Shut the fuck up and kiss me.”
Mitchell did just that. And if they fell from the sofa shortly after that, no one was there to see it, and no one was there to judge their impossibly silly giggles.
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shinigami714 · 6 years
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Art Summary 2018 Part 1 of 2
Find Part 2 here!
I didn’t have near as productive a year as 2017, but I think I made some progress despite that.  The first few pieces of the year I struggled with quite a bit, but I think my sketch work and the work I’ve done most recently has been pretty good.  Hopefully I can keep that momentum up for 2019.
War of the Ring
Matsumoto Jun
Fantastic Beast AU
An Ocean of Noise
Kili Guardian of the Forest
Fili Guardian of the Forest
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ao3feed-thehobbit · 5 years
FiKi Week 2019 Day 6 Dangerous
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Mx3gTt
by PatchworkIdeas
The Durins are an old family, able to reclaim their memories of past lives, but it doesn't help them prevent Kili's kidnapping as a babe. It just means that Fili is painfully aware of who he's missing, who he's desperately searching for.
And who he finds might not be the same person anymore.
Words: 2889, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The Hobbit - All Media Types
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Fíli (Tolkien), Kíli (Tolkien)
Relationships: Fíli/Kíli (Tolkien)
Additional Tags: FiKi Week, Hurt/Comfort, Modern AU, reincarnation with memories, KidnappedAsABabyKili, Vague Descriptions of Past Abuse, Dealing With Trauma, Learning to Trust Again, Technically a Crossover with Assassination Classroom, No Knowledge of that needed though, As NarratorFili doesn't know anything either
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Mx3gTt
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patchworkideas · 5 years
The Durins are an old family, able to reclaim their memories of past lives, but it doesn’t help them prevent Kili’s kidnapping as a babe. It just means that Fili is painfully aware of who he’s missing, who he’s desperately searching for. 
And who he finds might not be the same person anymore.
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gatheringfiki · 4 years
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IT BEGINS!!  FiKi Week 2020 begins posting today! 
(Sorry for the tardiness of getting this up, it’s been a crazy few days, in a good way.)
This year’s themes:
Sunday, June 28 : Idiosyncrasies
Monday, June 29 : Stone Giants (2015) OR Beorn’s
Tuesday, June 30:  Kinks or Cuddles  (2016) OR Secrecy or Ceremony
Wednesday, July 1:  Inspired by Music (2017) OR Inspired by Memory
Thursday, July 2: Science Fiction or Fantasy (2018) OR Action or Romance
Friday, July 3: “I have loved the stars too truly to be fearful of the night” or Flowers (2019)  OR “My lover’s eyes are nothing like the sun”
Saturday, July 4: Anniversaries
1. Please tag your posts #FikiWeek2020
2. HOWEVER, since tumblr’s tagging system is broken,please also fill out THIS FORM so we make sure to get all of the entries!
3. There is an Ao3 Collection as well, if you would like to post to it.  :)
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patchworkideas · 5 years
WinterFRE Response to Prompt Nr. 154:
One or both get turned into an animal (bonus: pov of the person turned)
FiKi, Teen,
OccasionallyACatKili, Fluff, Implied Sexual Content
Sequel to FiKi Week 2019 Day 4 - Pets
Kili's happy ever after does not go as planned.
(It was not supposed to include any more furry adventures for a start)
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gatheringfiki · 5 years
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FiKi Week 2019: Second Chances!
As has become tradition, we are offering a second chances week for anyone who didn’t get to participate like they wanted in FiKi Week!  One difference this year: we have a couple new prompts, in case someone just wants some inspiration.  
FiKi Week Second Chances will be the week of July 21-27th! As always, all fanworks inspired by Fili and Kili are longed for: headcanons, fics, art, musings, music, anything!  Let’s show our princes some love this year <3 
The Prompts:
For each day, there are two prompts: a quote and a new one-word prompt, if you want to stir the imagination again!
Day One: “I have loved the stars too truly to be fearful of the night”  New: Flowers
Day Two: “Laziness is nothing more than the habit of resting before you’re tired” New: Ink
Day Three: “For each age is a dream that is dying, or one that is coming to birth” New: City
Day Four: “Love is friendship that has caught fire”/Friends and Lovers New: Pet
Day Five: “I believe…that laughter is the only cure for grief.  And I believe that love is stronger than death.” New: Mystery
Day Six :“ Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure… than to live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.” New: Dangerous
Day Seven: “I’m interested in new worlds, new universes, new challenges.” New: Dragon
Day one from “The Old Astronomer” by Sarah Williams, Day Two by, Day Three from “Ode” by Arthur O’Shaughnessy, Day Four by Ann Landers, Day Five from Robert Fulghum,Day Six from Teddy Roosevelt, Day Seven from Alfonso Cuaron
Since tags have passed into the netherworld, we will keep up with prompts using
this Google form
please fill it out when you post a response, so it will be added to
this master list!
This way, we can make our annual gatherum post with all the prompts neatly linked.  
There is also a collection on A03 and a Workflowy list to help with organization.
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gatheringfiki · 5 years
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FiKi Week, 2019: June 23-29
It’s time to plan for FiKi Week!  This year, the week is June 23-29th, and as always, all fanworks inspired by Fili and Kili are longed for: headcanons, fics, art, musings, music, anything!  Let’s show our princes some love this year <3
The Prompts:
For each day, there are two prompts: this year’s theme prompt, which is a quote from a song, poem, etc, and a more conventional prompt if you prefer those.  
Day One: “I have loved the stars too truly to be fearful of the night”/Stars
Day Two: “Laziness is nothing more than the habit of resting before you’re tired”/Lazy Afternoons
Day Three: “For each age is a dream that is dying, or one that is coming to birth”/Rebirth
Day Four: “Love is friendship that has caught fire”/Friends and Lovers
Day Five: “I believe...that laughter is the only cure for grief.  And I believe that love is stronger than death.”/Laughter
Day Six :" Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure... than to live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.”/Daring
Day Seven: “I’m interested in new worlds, new universes, new challenges.”/Alternates
Day one from “The Old Astronomer” by Sarah Williams, Day Two by, Day Three from “Ode” by Arthur O’Shaughnessy, Day Four by Ann Landers, Day Five from Robert Fulghum,Day Six from Teddy Roosevelt, Day Seven from Alfonso Cuaron
Since tags have passed into the netherworld, we will keep up with prompts using
this Google form
please fill it out when you post a response, so it will be added to
this master list!
This way, we can make our annual gatherum post with all the prompts neatly linked.  
There is also a collection on A03 and a Workflowy list to help with organization.
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gatheringfiki · 5 years
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GatheringFiKi - Events Calendar 2019 / 2020
By popular demand, we present to you our best laid plans for the upcoming months!
We are very excited, as there will be 2 brand new types of events this year which we’d like to try out! Stay tuned!
21-27th of July 2019 - FiKi Week Second Chances
10th of August 2019 - Secret Admirers - Announcement
25th of August 2019 - Secret Admirers - Works are due
7th of September 2019 - TBA Event Type 1 - Announcement
14-15th of September 2019 - TBA Event Type 1
21st of September 2019 - Durin’s Day Gift Exchange - Announcement (min. 10 people sign up, otherwise we’ll try to swap for something else)
21-27th of September 2019 - Durin’s Day Gift Exchange - Sign-ups
28th of September 2019 - Durin’s Day Gift Exchange - Pairs announced
29th of October 2019 - Durin’s Day Gift Exchange - Works are due
9th of November 2019 - TBA Event Type 1 - Announcement
16th-17th of November 2019 - TBA Event Type 1
23rd of November 2019 - TBA Event Type 2 - Announcement
30th of Nov - 15th of Dec 2019 - TBA Event Type 2
21st of December 2019 - WinterFRE2020 - Announcement
28th Dec - 4th Jan 2020 - WinterFRE2020 - Sign-ups
5th of January 2020 - WinterFRE2020 - Promps and prizes posts
22nd of February 2020 - WinterFRE2020 - Raffle ends (we think)
19th of April 2020 - WinterFRE2020 - Prizes are due (we think)
Hope this helps! Stay tuned for further details in due course :)
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dragonquill · 5 years
FiKi Week 2019: Day One
So this is an officially unofficial sequel to “In Golden Script,” which I wrote...my goodness...five years ago.  You don’t necessarily have to read that one to understand this one.  Just know this is when they are reborn to build the new world.
Day One: I have loved the stars too dearly to be fearful of the night.
They woke in each other’s arms.
It was dark, and cold, beyond their hands tangled together between them.  They woke, and stretched, and rose from the stone into a bright, empty plain.  
Around them, others rose, most in pairs, some alone, everyone blinking and staring, murmuring to each other.  Names came to their lips.
“Fíli? Kíli asked, even as Fíli said, “Kíli?”
They smiled at each other, and laughter bubbled up as the lines scrawled on their arms pulsed with joy.
“You’re mine,” Fíli said, his voice wondering.
“I’m yours,” Kíli agreed, his eyes shining.
It was all they knew, in those first days as the world was reborn.  Whoever they had been, whatever had happened to them, was gone now: the fears, the deaths, the joys, the laughter.  They were names and marks in gold and silver.
They found others, names they distantly recognized, faces they knew.  When they found <i>Mother</i> and <i>Father</i> they finally let each other go, tugged into fierce embraces. The new world was filled with reunions.
Two of their kind remained in sleep. Fíli and Kíli felt a tug to them both: a cousin, a friend. They were waiting.  The children of Mahal would not recreate the world alone.
The days were long. The reborn dwarves moved among the grasses and began to build.  They built hills, and planned mountains, marked out plateaus and dug spaces for lakes and rivers.  “The others will come,” Balin said, and they believed him.  This is what they were meant to do, at the beginning of the world, create an unshakeable base for the others to fill with flowers and fruit trees and vines.  
The nights were dark, and the sky endless.  The reborn went back to the stone, afraid of the nothing that filled the night hours. They saw well at night, but not enough to work efficiently.  They were creatures of stone who did not care for the never-ending map of the sky.  
Kíli was not afraid. He stared up into the stars and felt something tug at his heart.  They didn’t need rest as such, not yet.  They would build the world before they became mortal again, all young and strong and healthy. So he didn’t rest.  He walked out into the grasses and climbed the hills and lay back among the grasses.  There would be flowers soon.  The Elves were coming.
There was shuffling ans a few loose rocks rolling, and Kíli sat up to see the shine of gold in the moonlight.  His chest filled with familiar warmth and he held out a hand.  “Fíli.”
Fíli sat cross-legged beside him and took his hand, tangling their fingers together.  Kíli sighed happily and leaned against Fíli’s side. They’re hands were rough and calloused from days spent building the rolling hills.  
“Do you remember apples?”
The question was random, but Kíli concentrated on it, trying to remember.  A sensation of sweetness crossed his lips and he licked them thoughtfully.  “Yes. They grew on trees.  We saw them in . . .” he could see it in his eye, a memory flickering and solidifying: round houses in the earth, small people, curly hair and wide eyes.  
“I think the Hobbits will make them again,” Fíli said.  He glanced almost shyly at Kíli.  “I’d like to split one with you when they do.”
Kíli beamed, moonlight in the night.  He leaned in and pressed his lips to Fíli’s cheek, the edge of his lips.  “I think,” he said, and then changed, “I know, we will share everything.  Even our memories, when they return.”
“You think they will?” Fíli was a little breathless from the sensation, from Kíli being so close.  His heart beat faster and in a moment, a million images of Kíli’s smiles flittered through his mind.  
 Kili shrugged.  “I think so.  I hope so.  I know I love you.  It wouldn’t be right not to remember why.”  
“I think I always knew you,” Fili said.
 They sat in silence for a moment until Fíli sighed and laid back.  He tugged Kíli along, and smiled as Kíli wrapped comfortably around him. Their bodies knew how to curve together, a physical memory.  
“Why do you come out here and stare at the stars?” Fíli asked quietly, running his fingers through tangled brown hair.  They moved easily, unknotting gently with the ease of long practice.  He saw a little face with Kíli’s eyes, missing teeth and leaves stuck in the tangles.  
Kíli was silent a moment. It wasn’t like him; he rarely thought carefully before he spoke.  They could already see they were different in this way.  “Because they make me think of you,” he said slowly.  “They make me feel like . . . like something amazing happened. Before.  Under the stars.  When I see our friends, I think of it.  When I see where Bofur sleeps still, I think, ‘there was a person important to him, and they knew each other under the stars, but they aren’t here yet.’   I think, ‘I fell in love in the night, under great trees and beside rivers, and at the foot of a mountain.’  I think terrible things happened, but beautiful ones, too.  I think we ended our lives and began them under the sky.  And…and I think it hasn’t changed.  Whatever we don’t remember, they do.”  He didn’t look at Fíli while he said it, and a blush warmed his cheeks.  “I’m not afraid of it, like the others.”
Fíli was watching him. He saw the starlight reflected in Kíli’s eyes and felt love so powerful it ached.  “You’re beautiful here, brother,” he whispered, and Kíli’s eyes widened, and he turned his head, and he started laughing because, yes-
Fíli laughed too, overcome, and they rolled together in the grass and pressed kisses to cheeks and lips and noses and watched the starlight in each other’s eyes, a million memories to be regained one by one in the creation of a new world.
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gatheringfiki · 5 years
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FiKi Week 2019 - The Summary (Final)
Hi Folks,
Thank you for playing with us yet again! Look at all the wonderful new content everyone has created! A huge thank you for all those who took part in our little event, we hope you enjoyed it as much as we enjoyed seeing all our lovely responses!
We have compiled a quick summary of all the entries, for ease of reference in the future.
Please let us know ASAP if we’re missing anything.
Workflowy List Here or AO3 Collection Here
Day 1 - “I have loved the stars too truly to be fearful of the night” / Stars / Flowers
Fic: Dragonquill
Photoset: Linane-art
Photoset: Damnitfili
Fic: Chelidona
Photoset: Silverwork4furs
Photoset: Damnitfili
Photoset: King-On-Carven-Throne
Photoset: Linane-art
Day 2 - “Laziness is nothing more than the habit of resting before you’re tired” / Lazy Afternoons / Ink
Art: Tweak-Girl-Stuff
Photoset: Vennor
Fic: Dragonquill
Photoset: Linane-art
Fic: Chelidona
Photoset: King-On-Carven-Throne
Day 3 - “For each age is a dream that is dying, or one that is coming to birth” / Rebirth / City
Photoset: Linane-art
Photoset: Silverwork4furs
Photoset: King-On-Carven-Throne
Photoset: Linane-art
Day 4 - “Love is friendship that has caught fire” / Friends and Lovers / Pet
Photoset: Linane-art
Fic: Peneigh-Dzredfohl
Fic: Alwaysfarawayeyes
Photoset: King-On-Carven-Throne
Fic: Patchworkideas
Photoset: Linane-art
Day 5 - “I believe…that laughter is the only cure for grief.  And I believe that love is stronger than death.” / Laughter / Mystery
Photoset: Linane-art
Photoset: King-On-Carven-Throne
Day 6 - “Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure… than to live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.” / Daring / Dangerous
Fic: Khafushun + Anathema-Cat
Photoset: Linane-art
Photoset: King-On-Carven-Throne
Photoset: Linane-art
Fic: Patchworkideas
Day 7 - “I’m interested in new worlds, new universes, new challenges.” / Alternates / Dragon
Photoset: Damnitfili + Rillils
Photoset: Vennor
Photoset: Linane-art
Photoset: King-On-Carven-Throne
Photoset: Linane-art
Fic: Dragonquill
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gatheringfiki · 5 years
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FiKi Week 2019 - The Summary (So Far)
Hi Folks,
Thank you for playing with us yet again! Look at all the wonderful new content everyone has created! A huge thank you for all those who took part in our little event, we hope you enjoyed it as much as we enjoyed seeing all our lovely responses!
We have compiled a quick summary of all the entries so far, for ease of reference in the future.
Please let us know ASAP if we’re missing anything.
Workflowy List Here or AO3 Collection Here
Day 1 - “I have loved the stars too truly to be fearful of the night” / Stars
Fic: Dragonquill
Photoset: Linane-art
Photoset: Damnitfili
Fic: Chelidona
Photoset: Silverwork4furs
Day 2 - “Laziness is nothing more than the habit of resting before you’re tired” / Lazy Afternoons 
Art: Tweak-Girl-Stuff
Photoset: Vennor
Fic: Dragonquill
Photoset: Linane-art
Fic: Chelidona
Day 3 - “For each age is a dream that is dying, or one that is coming to birth” / Rebirth 
Photoset: Linane-art
Photoset: Silverwork4furs
Day 4 - “Love is friendship that has caught fire” / Friends and Lovers 
Photoset: Linane-art
Fic: Peneigh-Dzredfohl
Day 5 - “I believe…that laughter is the only cure for grief.  And I believe that love is stronger than death.” / Laughter
Photoset: Linane-art
Day 6 - “Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure… than to live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.” / Daring
Fic: Khafushun + Anathema-Cat
Photoset: Linane-art
Day 7 - “I’m interested in new worlds, new universes, new challenges.” / Alternates
Photoset: Damnitfili + Rillils
Photoset: Vennor
Photoset: Linane-art
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lakritzwolf · 6 years
Brothers in Arms
Gathering FiKi Spring FRE 2019
Prompt 139: Army or Police Au. Pairing works together in someway (can be partners, or indirecty) and have crushes on each other but haven’t admitted it. There’s a big mission/job. One character is injured, the other is trying to protect them until help arrives. Confession time!
Pairing: FiKi (Unrelated FiKi) Rating: T
on AO3
The sandstorm had cleared, but the burning sun that now showed its face again made it unbearable to be outside in a totally different way. Even wearing only a tank top inside the tent didn’t help, because he still had to wear the rest of the fatigues and combat boots. Fili frowned at his gun, having just cleaned it. The heat would be the death of him. Sometimes it felt as if a dragon was constantly breathing down his neck.
Something else was breathing down his neck, too. Kili was out on patrol, and had been since Tuesday. They had been due in base camp two days ago, but there was no trace of the squad. Enemy activity had picked up these last days, and the scouting operation had had the goal of finding the enemy base.
Fili looked up as someone entered the tent, but Dwalin just gave him a nod before he fell down onto his cot with a groan.
“News?” Fili couldn’t help but ask. “Nada,” Dwalin grumbled. “Sergeant is about to declare the squad LIA.” “What?” Fili dropped his gun. “He can’t do that! They’re only been overdue for two days! We need a search team out there!” “You tell him,” Dwalin said and folded his arms under his head. “I just talked until my lips went blue and all it got me was a week of CC duty.” “Fuck.” Fili sighed and cast a sympathetic glance at his comrade and friend. A week of latrine maintenance, or crapper cleaning as it was called in the ranks, was a hard job, especially in this heat.
Fili debated with himself if he should try his luck, but the sarge was a stubborn bastard and wouldn’t listen to anyone.
“I know it sucks, lad,” Dwalin said after popping a fart. “We all know how close you and Kili are. Glued together at the hip.” “I should’ve been out there with him.” Fili stared at the entrance of the tent. “Like a brother, is he?” Dwalin’s voice was low. “Yeah.”
Truth was, Kili was anything but a brother. But soldiers weren’t gay, and even with how close they were, he didn’t know which way Kili was swinging. Fili had studiously avoided anything sexual in their conversations because the last thing he wanted was for things between them become awkward.
No, he had a massive crush on the Irish lad with eyes he wanted to drown in and a smile to light up a room. But he would never say so, because he didn’t want to ruin their friendship. So brothers they were, brothers in arms and best friends, but never more.
And now Kili was out there, and Fili didn’t even know if he was still alive. It was driving him mad, but breaking orders and slinking out of the camp under cover of darkness would only get him killed, alone out there. And he sure as fuck wouldn’t ask any of his other mates if they would come organise an unauthorised search party.
It turned out to not be necessary, after all. Fili noticed the commotion when he left the tent for a piss, and immediately started running when he heard the words ‘distress call’.
“They’re still out there?” Dwalin asked the com officer. “Apparently.” Nori shrugged. “And-” “Still alive?” Fili cut in, slightly short of breath. “Well some of them are,” Nori said drily, “or they wouldn’t have made the distress call.” “Come on, Durin,” one of the soldiers behind him said. “You’ll get your fucktoy back.”
Fili spun around and without missing a beat planted his fist right into the guy’s face. “Kili is not my fucktoy!” “Fuck!” The other soldier clutched his bleeding nose. “Jesus fucking Christ, man! It was a fucking joke!” “It wasn’t fucking funny,” Fili snarled, and turned to Nori again. “Is there going to be a search and rescue squad?” “Guess so,” Nori replied. “Sarge is talking to the brass right now.”
The thought of Kili out there, in god knows what kind of danger, made Fili want to crawl out of his skin. He had to do something, but he had cleaned his guns three times today already, and there wasn’t anything else for him to do. Lucky for him however the tension didn’t last long. And he thanked every divine entity that would care to listen that he was a member of the squad.
The mission started easy enough. The location was a small village that had been reported as abandoned, behind a ridge of rocky hills thirty miles east. They took position in the cracks and behind rocks on the slopes above the village, but had to wait for air support to strike, because no one knew where the enemy was stationed. The scouting team had taken shelter down there, but were trapped. They needed the air support for the off-chance that there was heavy artillery somewhere in the hills, so they could get their own boys out of there.
Time seemed to drag on forever, with Fili trying to catch a glimpse of movement down there with his binoculars, but there was nothing. Probably because they would be under artillery fire the moment they stepped out of cover.
The sound of jet engines had never been so welcome, and Fili fist-pumped as the three Typhoons swung by overhead. With air support now covering their advance against possible artillery, soldiers now descended into the valley towards the village.
It wasn’t as easy as it had looked, of course. The bastards had hidden in underground shelters, bursting out like monsters from the deep as Fili’s squad had almost reached the village. So not only was there heavy artillery, but also enemy soldiers surrounding the village their boys had taken cover in. No wonder they hadn’t made an attempt to get out of there. And all the enemies had to do was wait until they would run out of water or ammo, or both, to take them down without casualties. They probably were after prisoners, not a bunch of dead bodies.
Explosions from the hillside told them that the Typhoons were doing their job, and squad leader Dwalin gave the sign to attack.
Drill took over as Fili stopped thinking. Duck, cover, check, attack, run, duck, cover. He felled two soldiers and a third one as he had almost reached the wall that encircled the small village. But then he heard gunshots from inside the walls. He was about to curse when he realised that those were their own boys, sallying from their shelter to join the fighting.
And in the chaos and mayhem of screaming soldiers and hail of bullets, Fili had only one thing on his mind.
“KILI!” He screamed at the top of his lungs. “KILI!”
Some of the men from his own squad now joined his side and they stormed the village, greeted by triumphant howls of their own lads.
“Christ, we thought we’re all toast!” One of them yelled. “Not today!” Fili yelled back. “Is Kili with you?” “Oakenshield?” The soldier jerked a thumb over his shoulder. “Over there somewhere.”
Fili could have cried in gratitude that Kili was still alive, and he rounded the corner so fast his boots skidded in the gravel. He spotted him instantly, but what he saw behind him made his blood run cold. One of the enemy bastards had climbed the wall and was just cocking his gun.
Kili spun around and dived for cover, but was too slow.
Fili felt his blood run cold as he watched Kili fall, and with a scream he charged the other soldier like a madman. He fell over backwards, his gun toppling to the ground as he vanished out of sight, and Fili didn’t waste another second. He fell down onto his knees next to Kili and turned him carefully around.
“Kili... fuck, don’t do this to me...” But to his utter relief, Kili opened his eyes with a groan. “Fili?” “Think I would leave you hanging?” Kili shook his head, his face pale and his lips grey with dust.
Fili let his eyes wander across Kili’s body, and his blood ran cold again when he saw the bullet wound in Kili’s leg. It was bleeding horribly.
“Fuck...” Fili had never gotten rid of his belt that fast before, and he quickly improvised a tourniquet around Kili’s leg. Kili was visibly in agony, but gritted his teeth with a groan.
But they were apparently fucked. Fili could hear yelling and screaming and orders to take cover. They were surrounded.
“Shit... Kili we need to get inside somewhere.” “Then fuck off,” Kili groaned. “No need for both of us to get killed.” “Are you out of your fucking mind?” Fili hissed. “Think I run and let you croak it?”
A tired smile appeared on Kili’s cracked lips, and he shook his head.
“Thought so. Come on.”
It was agony, but Kili managed to get onto his feet, leaning heavily on Fili, unable to use his right leg. They barely made it into one of the small houses, and Fili barricaded the door after gently depositing Kili in a corner. The windows of the house were boarded up, but that would offer little protection if someone wanted to get inside by brute force.
Fili lowered himself down next to Kili and helped him sit upright, propped up against Fili’s shoulder.
“You got any water?” Kili asked, voice rough. “Sure.” Fili took his canteen, and when Kili’s hands were shaking so hard he almost couldn’t grasp the bottle, he helped him drink. “Easy, now. Take it slow.”
Kili let his head fall onto Fili’s shoulder with another groan. “We’re done for, right?” “We have air support out there,” Fili said. “And I heard Dwalin send a distress call. We’re getting out of here. Promised.” “Yeah, because you owe me a drink.” It was a brave attempt at a smile. “You’re never going to let me live that down, are you?” Kili actually managed a low, hoarse chuckle. “Not my fault you wanted to make that stupid bet.” Fili chuckled as well, ignoring the gravity of their situation.
Outside, it was momentarily silent, but it was an ominous silence, as if the world was just holding its breath before the biggest clusterfuck ever.
“’m so cold,” Kili muttered. “Shit...” Fili draped one arm around Kili’s shoulder. “You’re in shock. Stay awake.” “Tired.” “Like fuck you are. Look at me.” Kili kept his eyes shut. “For fuck’s sake, Kili, look at me!”
With a laborious move, Kili managed to lift his head and look at Fili.
“Eyes on me,” Fili said firmly. “Don’t check out on me. Think of the drink I owe you. Your favourite pub in Dublin, remember?” “Yeah...” Kili’s voice was rough. “Wanted to... have you try Mam’s mince pies at... Christmas...” He groaned again. “Looking forward to that,” Fili said. “I’d love to meet your mum.” “Mam...” Kili whispered, and lifted one arm. He dug into a pocket and produced a small stone with an engraved Celtic knot. “She said it was... a lucky charm... So I would come home to her...” “Of course you will,” Fili said through gritted teeth. Kili groaned again, eyes pinched shut. “Eyes on me, Kili!” Fili nudged him. “Come on, eyes on me!”
Kili managed to open his eyes, but they were glassy with pain and exhaustion. “Promise...” “The only thing I promise is to kick your ass if you don’t stop!” “Promise to bring this home to my Ma,” Kili whispered. “Stop talking like that,” Fili said, an edge of despair to his voice. “Don’t check out on me!”
Kili swallowed hard and looked at him, and Fili couldn’t hold it any longer. He rested one hand on Kili’s cheek. “Stop talking like that,” he said, his voice hoarse with pain. “I can’t lose you, Kee. I can’t.” Blinking a few times with heavy lids, Kili stared at him, lips parted. “I can’t lose you,” Fili whispered, his thumb running across Kili’s cheekbone. “Please don’t leave me...”
Their eyes met, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still.
“Fee?” “Hmm?” “Have I ever told you...” Kili heaved a heavy, painful breath, “...ever told you how beautiful your eyes are?” Fili swallowed hard. “No...” “Now you know,” Kili whispered, a tired, lopsided smile on his face. “Oh you...” Fili whispered back, and rested his forehead against Kili’s.
“Fee,” Kili muttered after a moment. “Yes?” “If we get out of here-” “When we get out of here,” Fili cut in. “Anything else isn’t an option. Dublin, remember?” “Dublin,” Kili said, trying to remain focussed on Fili’s face. “Wanna come see.... Connemara with me, too?” “I’ll go everywhere with you,” Fili said softly, his thumb still caressing Kili’s cheek. “You won’t get rid of me after this. I belong with you.”
Kili looked at him, and his smile warmed, as tired as it was. “Why’d you never say anything?” “Because I didn’t want to ruin our friendship.” Fili huffed out a mirthless chuckle. “Yeah, me neither.” Kili rolled his eyes. “We’re idiots.” “Yeah.” Fili lifted his face, and breathed a kiss onto Kili’s forehead. “So, no checking out on me, yeah?” Kili managed to lift his hand and rest it on Fili’s cheek for a moment before his arm fell down again. “Always dreamed of finding all the tats on your body.” “Then definitely no kicking the bucket here,” Fili said, blinking forcefully. “I got lots of them.”
Their eyes met again.
“Fee?” “What?” “You gonna kiss me now or what?”
Fili couldn’t suppress a little snort, but how could he not comply? It was a shy little kiss, hardly more than a brush of lips, but it held the promise of more to come. They remained oblivious of the outside world after that, and only realised the fight was over when someone banged on the door. Fili grabbed his weapon, but it was Dwalin’s voice hollering their names.
“In here!” Fili called out, and seconds later, Dwalin kicked the door in.
He looked at Fili, at Kili, and back at Fili again. “You eggheads finally figured yourselves out?”
Fili and Kili exchanged a look.
“That obvious, huh?” Fili asked. “If ye care to look,” Dwalin replied with gruff fondness in his voice. “Come on, lads. We have a chopper outside and a couple medics who haven’t seen enough blood yet.”
Fili didn’t leave Kili’s side again, not during the airlift, not during the time Kili spent in the field hospital. He accompanied Kili to Dublin, where his mother greeted them both like long lost sons. Kili’s leg had been fucked up pretty bad, so Fili had to ferry him around in a wheelchair to get drinks in Dublin, because he owed Kili a drink and nothing was going to stop them now.
Once Kili could walk again they went to Connemara, because Fili was a man of his word, and they spent a few nights stargazing, the Irish sky being benevolent enough to offer clear nights.
Fili spent Christmas with Kili’s family, and had to admit his mother’s mince pies were unrivalled. Fili ate until he had to pop the first button of his jeans.
“So,” Dis said as she put coffee on the table. “When are you going to make an honest man out of my boy?”
Kili did a spit take with his own coffee and glared at his mother with eyes so wide they were about to pop out of his head. Fili snorted, not having had a sip of coffee yet.
“Mam, did you just propose for me?” Kili asked, voice slightly shrill. “Someone had to,” Dis replied matter-of-factly. “The time it took you two to figure yourselves out? I don’t want to drag myself to your wedding with a Zimmer frame.”
Kili stared at Fili, face burning.
“Um.” Fili cleared his throat. “Spring?” “Sounds good,” Dis replied and picked up the thermos. “More coffee?” “Do I... get a say in the matter?” Kili asked, glaring first at his mother, then his boyfriend. “Midsummer?” Fili offered with a wink. “You’re an idiot, Fee.” “Yes, but I’m your idiot.”
Kili shook his head with a sigh, but buried his fingers into the hair at the back of Fili’s head.
Dis smiled at the two, and silently slipped out of the room to give her son and soon to be son-in-law a little privacy.
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