#Figure out who is hornier: EXTREME EDITION
Jordan and Marie have lunch
Drabble, 709 words, M rating for sexual themes
Something that many didn’t know about Jordan Li is that they are a tease. Not many people grew close enough to them to hear their quick jabs and subtle sarcastic remarks. Even in their hookups, they often took efficiency over theatrics, making their reputation on campus to be a glowing one, if not entirely accurate. 
But no, not many people know that they are a tease as well as Marie did. The general population didn’t know about how Jordan could edge her for hours, smiling the whole time. How they unraveled and learned her entire body just to see how to get her riled up and keep her there under their close watch.
For example, Jordan was eating lunch. Now- Marie wasn’t into food play, but the way that Jordan was eating that peach made her reconsider. She never really understood their sexual undertones, even after Emma explained it and showed her a scene of a kid fucking one (it anything that turned her off of peaches even further). But right now, Jordan was eating a peach and she doesn’t think she's ever wanted to be a food as much as she did now.
The entire group was gathered in the dining hall for lunch, and Emma had begun talking about something that a girl in class had done when they initially pulled out the peach. Marie had looked away from her friend for a moment to see Jordan. They’re hair fell in a swoop to their side as the two made eye contact. Slowly, and very deliberately, Jordan took a bite of the fruit. Juice trickled from the fruit down their wrist and chin. Jordan swore softly, and licked the juices from their wrist. Marie watched as the second trail trickled down their throat, past their adams apple to disappear beneath their gray wife beater. 
Jordan looked over at Emma and nodded, affirming they were listening before turning back to Marie.  Full lips covered the peach as they sucked the  juices from the crater they had left. Marie watched their throat bob as they swallowed, crossing and uncrossing her legs underneath the table. Looking around the table she sees Sam and Andre have joined the conversation, listing off ways to exact revenge on the girl. Luke passes the role of mediator to Cate as he scrolls through his phone between bites of pizza. 
She turns back to Jordan and sees a smile playing on the corner of their lips. They take another bite which proves to be messier than the first. Juice spills onto their fingers and Jordan, being an animal and the devil incarnate, licks their fingers. Not just their fingers but their palm as well, their tongue flicking in the webbed space between their ring and middle finger. All while staring directly at her.
A pleasant shiver runs through Marie as she remembers the last time those brown eyes licked her. Should she be this turned on over someone eating a fruit? Over fruit nectar? Part of her feels like a horny teenage boy seeing a sex ed textbook for the first time. Another part of her feels like she might die if she continues watching. 
Clutching her stomach she leans forward  in her seat. “Hey I’m starting to get cramps so I am going to head out.” This is only half way a lie. She will get her period the day after tomorrow, and when it comes cramps will certainly follow. She is just making a preemptive leave. 
Around the table every one voices their sympathies. “Hey, I can go with you if you want,” Emma offers, zipping up her bookbag.
“No it’s fine,” Marie reassures with a tight smile she hopes comes off as a grimace. “You have class in twenty- I just want to lay down a bit.” 
Emma nods. Marie can tell by the look on her face that she is all too willing to skip class for her roommate, but also doesn’t want to risk being overbearing. “Okay well, I have Advil over the sink, help yourself.” Marie nods as she gathers her things. With a final goodbye and walks off, towards the student dorms. Passing through the Quad she sends a quick text to Jordan. 
Your dorm. 5 minutes.
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noonaduck · 5 years
SeXd (sex ed) Pt.5
Pairing: BTS OT7 x reader genre: Fluff,smut, non idol Au Warnings: female and male masturbation Words: 3014 + 1896 A/N: Whoop Yoongi is going to have two chapters because if I didn’t cut the part where I did it wouldn’t be so smooth. Is hell already full? EDIT: I decided to combine Yoongi’s second part into this chapter.
Summary: Y/N is a woman who is inexperienced in anything when it comes to relationships and sex. Luckily her friend Jimin along with his six other friends decide to show her what she has been missing.
4. < 5. > 6.  If you wanna be tagged msg me or send ask. I wont tag you if you ask on comments.
tags:  @lylanie12 @hopeivx @vannilacake @mina-messed-up  @lonely-hufflepuff @soularbangtan@all289854 @hobitoons @vanessalovesonedirection @bbjel @doki-do-ki@yoongleskitten @chaitaewithkookies @hellosweety94 @exochanyeoltao@brokencrownqueen @hitit-thesecond-audition @kookiemonstersugatea@treetops68 @mylittlestrangeandsweetworld @lanu-la @d-noona@serendipity-secrets @recs-by-raamish @jojolovesbangtan @fanficreblogaaaa@creepysweet @nosnakeuthankyou 
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[gifs belongs to their rightful owners]
Hoseok took you on small date to the park. Despite your lesson being done for he had insisted that he should keep the promise about taking you out. You had small picnic next to small lake where ducks had habit of swimming. You goofed around and took pictures together. Your favorite picture about you and Hoseok has ended up to your phone wallpaper. Hoseok's hand was tied loosely around your waist and he pressed his lips on your cheek when you looked to the camera smiling widely on the pic.   You were looking at your screen and smiling fondly to your memories when tap on your shoulder disturbs your daydreaming. You turn around and see widely smiling Jin in front of you. You had decided to take your lunch break at nearby sandwich restaurant instead eating on theater's break room. 
''Oh hi Jin, what are you doing here?'' You ask when Jin sits with his food on free chair next to you. Jin is wearing loose white shirt with blue pants used by doctors. ''I'm going to meet Namjoon here for lunch but instead I pumped into you.'' Jin smiles happily for seeing you. ''Like usually he is running late.'' His smile turns into frown. ''That sucks.'' You take a bite from your sandwich and smile sympathetically. ''Well I'm used to it. Namjoon has been like this since high school.'' ''I didn't know that you guys have known each other for so long.'' You are surprised. Jin leans closer. ''Wanna hear a secret?''
''Sure, go ahead.'' You are excited. ''Me and Namjoon used to date on high school.'' Jin winks and pulls away. You almost choke to your bread and begging couching. ''Oh my god I'm sorry.'' Jin panics and is ready to stand up but you signal him to wait and take big gulp from your drink. ''It's okay.'' You assure clearing your throat. ''Is Jin trying to kill you?'' familiar voice comes from your behind and Namjoon stands behind you smiling widely. Whats it with  men sneaking behind you today without you noticing? Namjoon is wearing black suit-pants with matching jacket and baby blue shirt underneath it. ''I hope not.'' You answer and Namjoon pulls chair for himself. ''I'm sorry that I'm late. My meeting took longer than I first expected.'' Namjoon tells and grabs extra sandwich from Jin's tray. He peels the wrap of and bites his bread hungrily. He lets small moan and closes his eyes. ''I really needed this. So Jin what you said to Y/N to make her choke?'' ''I told about our dating history.'' Jin says innocently. ''I see.'' Namjoon smirks. ''It was long time ago and we ended up separating when our lives pulled us in different directions. Jin wanted to become a veterinarian and I left to business school into another city. I only returned here two years ago.'' ''So you guys are into women as well?'' After all they had asked you on date... ''Yep.'' They both say in unison. ''It seem to be quite common to like both genders in your group of friends.'' you think out loud. ''Well Kookie, Tae and Hobi are all straight. Me and Namjoon are bisexuals, Yoongi gets interested on someone based on their personality not their gender and Jimin accepts everything when it comes to sex. I have heard that he had dated only women though.'' Jin tells generously. ''So he has actually dated someone?'' You ask curiously. Jimin hasn't been quite open about his dating life. ''Yeah, long time ago. I think its his story to tell and not ours.'' Namjoon smiles apologetic. ''Its okay,I'll ask him about it then. Look it was really nice to see you guys but I have to go, my break is almost over.'' You tell glancing your watch.   ''Bye Y/N, it was nice to see you even if briefly. I'll ask you out soon, but right now I'm too busy with work.'' Jin tells. His words makes you excited, soon would be his turn to take you on date and perhaps give you some lessons... ''I have same problem. When I'm able to close my current business deal I will contact you.'' Namjoon sighs in defeat. He looks really tired because his work. ''There is no need to rush. I will look forward our dates.''
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You feel like a rock when you fall on your bed. You had late night sift and you had to keep fake smile on your face while selling tickets. You are ready to doze of when your phone beeps. You had forgotten to mute your phone and curse yourself. You reach for your phone with deep sigh ready to turn it off when a notification catches your interest trough your tired state. You open the screen and message from Yoongi pops up to your screen. Yoongi: If you are interested what my streams are about I'm going live in five. sugapop.live.com  
your curiosity takes best of you like always and you open the link. You have entered into chatroom with plank video player above the chat box. Popup window demands you to make an account or log in to website so you can proceed. You click the registration button and make and account with username sex3dstudent. You chuckle for your own lame joke when the blank screen changes and Yoongi appears on the screen. He is wearing white loose shirt, which is slightly see trough, with black tight boxers alongside black choker on his elegant neck. Yoongi is sitting on wide bed with blood red satin sheets and behind him is window with same colored curtains covering the window. The camera focus is on the bed and you can't see the other parts of the room. The chat goes wild when Yoongi appears. h0eforsuga: *Suga looks extremely good like always.* manwhore3: *I wish I could lick his body :P* sugamonster: *gimme some suga, my sweet tooth is itching.* Soon the first three comments are buried under the thirsty messages which turns even more hornier as time goes by. You blush when you are reading them and decide focus on Yoongi instead. Like on cue Yoongi grins slyly when your eyes are focused on his figure. ''It seems that I have been missed. Have you guys been good?'' His voice is low coming trough your speakers. Choir of yes answers fulls the chat and Yoongi's smirk grows wider when he reads the replays. You have a hunch now what kind on content Yoongi is making and you can't wait to see more. Yoongi's hands goes for his shirts highest button and his fingers lingers above it. ''You must been surprised for today's free show, but It's special gift for someone. You are curious for who? Well of course for my master.'' Yoongi winks. ''What you would want me to do today master?'' He tilts his head innocently and you are caught of guard. You never thought that Yoongi is on submissive side. Yoongi reads again the answers on the screen. ''So you want kitten come to play is that it?'' Yoongi bites his lip seductively. ''Then you have him.'' Yoongi reaches out of the screen and soon returns with pair of fluffy white kitten ears top of his head and holding something in his hands which is dangerously similar to butt plug attached to fluffy tail.  Your breathing hitches and you are turning hot despite the fact that you are only wearing loose shirt with pair of panties. You look with lustful eyes when Yoongi finally begins to open his buttons slowly one at the time. His pale skin comes more visible along the every button he opens. When the final button is opened the shirt falls of his shoulders. Yoongi's body is slim but not without any muscles. All his body hair is shaved of and there is only bare soft skin visible. ''Master I have been good boy, can I take my boxers of? I'm turning so hard when I think of you'' Yoongi's innocent but lustful eyes makes you feel that his desires are only focused on you, his stare pierces you trough the camera. ''Ah why not? You want me to play with my nipples first?'' Yoongi seems to follow always the most popular demands or the comments which are voted the highest. On the site are two small chat boxes, first one is the live chat ,which is  going wild, and second smaller one next to the video player where you can see the most popular messages. Yoongi puts his fingers on his mouth and licks each of them carefully keeping eye contact with the camera. He slides his fingers slowly along his neck until they reach his left nipple which he pinches between his fingers. small mewl leaves his soft lips and you gasp. He looks extremely delicious. ''Mmh, master you make me feel so good.'' Yoongi whines and closes his eyes.  He rolls his nipple between his thump and index finger and repeats the whole process with his right nipple. Yoongi opens his eyes again slowly and slides his hand along his body right above his boxers. ''Can I touch myself now?'' Yoongi smiles happily for permission he has gained and his hand disappears into his pants. You have had enough. You close the tab quickly while heat climbs on your face. You feel too hot and bothered and have no way to relief it. Sure you could try to masturbating but you didn't know exactly how. If you would have kept looking Yoongi you were sure that your situation would turn even worse. You shake your head trying to clear your mind. Your tiredness is long gone and you decide to head for cold shower. ~ You are grateful that its your day of when you wake up from your slumber. You were barely able to get any rest because every time you closed your eyes image of half naked Yoongi arching his back attacked your poor soul with full force. You slouch to your kitchen and open your fridge but you are greeted only with the fridge's light. You have forgotten to go food shopping, again. You sigh in defeat and close the fridge with slam. Its time to you go to eat breakfast out. When you head back to your sleeping area an idea pops to your head and you reach for your phone. Yoongi answers after few beeps. Yoongi: ''Hi Y/N, missing me already?'' Yoongi's voice is raspy from sleep, you probably woke him up or at least he haven't been awake for long. You: ''After the show you pulled last night you bet.'' Yoongi: Ah, so you were watching. I hope that I didn't shock your little innocent mind.'' Small chuckle leaves from his lips. You: '' To be honest I wasn't able to watch it till the end. Your stream got too...intense.'' Yoongi: ''Hmm, I see. So why did you call me so early this morning?'' You:   ''I was wondering that would you like to go eat breakfast with me?'' Yoongi: ''Sounds fun, sure. Where do you wanna go?'' You: ''Actually I was hoping that you have some ideas.'' Yoongi: ''Okay, in that case I have a great idea. I text you the address. How about we meet there hour from now?'' You: ''Sounds good. See you then.'' Yoongi: '' Bye, see you soon.'' Yoongi hangs up the call and jolt into action. You are truly grateful for yourself that you don't have to hurry for wash up because your late cold shower yesterday. You open your closet and begin to go rapidly trough your clothes. After thinking for little while you end up with brown checkered dress with white undershirt, black knee length socks and pair of black ballerina shoes. You only add slightly mascara and light lip gloss and put your hair on loose braid. You put your essentials on your small back bag familiar from Taehyung's date and head out. When you arrive to the address which Yoongi has given to you he is already sitting on the furthest corner booth which he has been able to find from small restaurant. There is quite lot people despite the early hour, so you assume that the place is quite popular. The restaurant is small with cozy feeling. The walls are painted in half with soft orange and the other half is covered with dark wooden panels. You sit opposite of Yoongi which is leaning on the wall his eyes closed. grey beanie is pulled over his messy black hair and he is wearing loose black hoodie with blue sweatpants. ''Hi.'' You greet Yoongi and he grunts in response. ''Didn't you sleep well?'' You are starting to feel that early breakfast wasn't the best idea with Yoongi. Yoongi must hear your uncertainty from your voice because he opens his eyes slowly. ''I'm not used to get up this early, I slept just fine.''  Yoongi yawns and rubs his eyes. A waitress comes to your table wearing white apron over her clothes. The woman is on her late fifties, her face covered with too much make up and her brown hair has definitely too much hair spray. She chews gum in her mouth loudly when she pulls notebook and pen from her pocket. ''Good morning Yoongi, am I finally seeing your girlfriend?'' The waitress asks and smiles widely so her teeth is showing. ''Morning Dora, no this is Y/N my friend.'' Yoongi chuckles softly and you blush slightly. ''Then what the hell is wrong with you? She is pretty lady isn't she?'' Dora asks and makes  fake gesture almost smacking Yoongi's head with her notebook. Those two seems pretty close. ''Tell me Y/N what you think about our Yoongi here, isn't he the most sweetest?'' ''Yeah,he is sweet like a suga.'' You giggle to yourself and Yoongi sends warning glare towards you. ''He is indeed, anyway what I can get to you darlings?'' Dora changes the subject and clicks her pen ready to take your orders. ''Actually we didn't look the menu yet.'' Yoongi tells and Dora sighs. ''You take the same thing anyway, a coffee, black no sugar, huge omelette paired with two slices of toast and glass of water. Am I right?''  Dora lists with her fingers. ''Well you are right, but Y/N is here for the first time.'' ''May I recommend something for you sweetie?'' Dora asks for you and you nod. ''Try our chocolate chip pancakes paired with orange juice and if you are friend of coffee our coffee is famous for its rich aroma.'' ''Well everything else sounds good, but I don't drink coffee.'' You are quick to agree. ''Let's go wit these then. I will be back shortly with your food.'' Dora tells and hurries towards kitchen. ''You seem to come here quite often.'' You point when Dora is away. ''Yeah, I live on the third floor of the building.'' Yoongi shrugs. ''Quite handy.'' You admit. ''It is.'' Yoongi agrees. ''So, about my show yesterday, did you like it?'' ''You are going straight to the point.'' You are jealous how easily Yoongi speaks about sex related stuff, maybe you would too if you would expose your body to strangers for living. ''To be honest I didn't think you are submissive.'' You tell your thoughts. ''I can be very dominant if I want to.'' Yoongi whispers leaning closer in way that his lips almost brushes yours. You feel how you turn bright like tomato and Yoongi chuckles pulling away. ''To be honest I have tried that dominant stuff on camera, but it wasn't as popular as me playing sweet and innocent. People enjoy the contrast of me looking like mean bastard but acting like innocent lamb.'' Yoongi continues with low voice. ''I-I see.'' Is all that you can answer. What Yoongi told explains a lot to you. You have always felt the need to not make him mad when you are around him. ''I heard that Jimin's play is premiering on next Saturday.'' Yoongi has mercy on you and changes the subject. ''Yeah, I'm excited for it. i have seen bits and pieces from here and there but I haven't bee able to see it as whole.'' You tell smiling widely when you think about how much you are looking forward to your friend's debut on stage. Dora arrives with your food and you are amazed how she is able to carry both of your order all at once. ''Enjoy your food.'' She winks to both of you and sweeps to serve other customers. You are barely able to say your thank yous when she is gone. You take small bite from your pancake and moan. It's so sweet and delicious that you regret that you haven't tasted it before. Yoongi glances you with unreadable expression when he takes a sip from his coffee. You eat in comfortable silence and neither of you feel the need full the space with meaningless chitchat. When you are ready Yoongi insist on paying the bill and you have no other choice than obey when he slips the bill to Dora alongside her tip. Yoongi takes your hand and lead you outside of the restaurant. Even tough his fingers are slender his hold is firm. Yoongi rounds the building and arrives to front door which leads to residential floors of the building. Suddenly he halts and you look him curiously. ''Shit, I forgot to ask you that do you wanna even come up. I was just going to drag you to my place.'' Yoongi chuckles awkwardly and lets go of your hand. ''Well I'm following you , aren't I?'' You tease and Yoongi sighs in relief. ''So you coming?'' ''Of course, I wanna see where the all mighty Min Yoongi lives.'' You tell and Yoongi rolls his eyes to your words. ~   Yoongi lives in large apartment with four rooms. You have good view to his apartment from his entrance. Hallway straight from the entrance leads to his living room and alongside of the hallway is two closed doors and one open doorway leading to his kitchen. The hallways walls are plain white without any decorations, but what you can except from a man who lives alone. You follow Yoongi to his living room where TV in front of window and old looking leather couch heading towards it. Next to living room window is a door which leads into small balcony. ''So you enjoy minimalist style?'' You try to joke. ''Hahaa, no. I'm not good with decorating.'' Yoongi admits rubbing his neck. Yoongi sits on the couch and you follow sitting on the free spot next to him. ''Soo what now?'' You ask when Yoongi keeps staring the black screen.
''I'm trying to think.'' ''Think about what?'' ''How to start our lesson smoothly.'' Suddenly Yoongi grins wickedly and turns sideways towards you. ''Our lesson?'' You are taken by surprise. ''Yes, are you sure you can handle me kitten?'' Big gulp leaves from your throat when you nod. Yoongi gets up from the couch and offers his hand. ~ Yoongi leads you into his bedroom and pushes you gently to his bed. You aren't in the same room where Yoongi's camshow has taken place, instead you were in bedroom with lime colored walls. This room was more decorated than all the rooms combined where you have been before in his home. Yoongi's bed frame was made of painted black wood and his bed sheets were plainly white. On the floor was round black carpet and on the bedroom walls was tons of posters about bands and people that you have never even heard of before. Your mind mapping of the room is disturbed when Yoongi sits next to you on the bed. Somehow you have missed when he had taken his hoodie of and he is only wearing white loose top and his sweatpants.  Yoongi begins to pet your hair softly. ''Have you ever been naked in front of anyone before?'' Yoongi asks suddenly and you tense under his gentle touch. Surely you knew that you had to be naked for sex but it was a part you didn't wait with excitement. ''No.'' Comes your tense answer. ''Would you be willing to get naked in front of me?'' Yoongi doesn't stop his petting on your hair. ''Well... Only if you do the same.'' You agree after little bit hesitation. ''Sure I don't mind. After all I get naked in front of camera daily.'' Yoongi chuckles lightly. ''What's with that anyway, I mean why you want to have sex in front of camera?'' You ask curiously and get on sitting position. Yoongi stops the petting and looks into your eyes. ''When I was younger I was super uncomfortable with my body. I thought I wasn't good enough, I don't gain weight easily and all over media men are bumped up hunks and that surely didn't help me.  To say it bluntly I was one day watching porn and I ended up on live sex site. I was amazed how confident the actresses and actors looked and behaved on camera. They felt no shame over themselfs and there was everything for everyone. I returned to that site over and over again, sometimes I didn't even jerk of for the material I just enjoyed watching their confidence. I become regular viewer of camshow by guy named Mark. I was surely surprised when I found out he lives in the same town than I do. I collected all the courage what I had and send him private message. We met face to face and we talked a lot. Even that was surprising to me that Mark was quiet and calm, which was far form his camera persona. Anyway... My first live shows was with Mark until I was brave enough to do it on my own. '' Yoongi speaks more than ever since you have know him by one sitting. ''Wow.'' Is only thing you can get out of your mouth. ''I'm not saying that you should start have sex in front of camera, but you never get confidence about your body If you just hide under all those clothes.'' Yoongi smiles softly. You know that he is right, of course he is. ''Okay.'' You take a deep breath and reach for the hem of your dress. You pull it of and are left in front of Yoongi only wearing your undershirt, panties and knee length socks. You feel extremely shy and try avoiding Yoongi's gaze. ''Hey, you have nothing to be ashamed of.'' Yoongi tells and pulls your shin up with his index finger. Nothing but pure sincerity shines trough his eyes. Yoongi lets go of your shin and pulls his top of. ''It's only fair that I'm half naked as well.'' Yoongi offers you crooked smile. ''Are you willing to take that shirt of?'' Yoongi ads this time gently. You hesitate only little when you pull your undershirt of as well. Your bright red bra doesn't match with your black bra but Yoongi doesn't seem to mind. Yoongi takes your hands on your sides and put them on your breasts. You look him surprised. ''What are you doing?'' ''Today's lesson is about touching yourself.'' Yoongi smirks. Yoongi's mood seems to change today from zero to hundred in seconds. ''I bet that you didn't touch yourself while watching me.'' His voice is getting lower and huskier. ''I wish you did.'' He sighs. You feel blush reaching your cheeks and look your hands on your breasts with wonder. '' I wanted to.'' You admit shyly. ''Good. First I want you to squeeze your breasts gently, just feel them.'' Yoongi demands and you follow his instructions. Sure you have touched your breasts before but never when someone else is watching. The idea being watched turns you slightly  on. The feeling is familiar form your's and Taehyung's date. ''Swipe your nipples gently over your bra.'' Yoongi adds and you brush your nipples slightly. Slightly ticklish sensation follows the action.  ''Can you do the same without your bra?'' Yoongi asks gently. ''O-okay.'' You reach for the clip behind your bra and slide it of from your shoulders. As soon as cold air hits your bare mounds you cover yourself. ''I feel so ugly.'' ''Hey, I'm taking none of that shit. Y/N you are fucking beautiful.'' Yoongi frowns and  puts his hands on your wrists and tug them gently. You take deep breath and let him pull your hands away. ''So pretty.'' Yoongi swipes your right nipple gently while admiring your body. His hands leave you too soon and you look him unhappily. ''This is about you learning to touch your body and enjoying yourself, not me doing it for you. At least this time.'' Yoongi winks and you feel butterflies going wild in your stomach. This time?   Yoongi coughs and tries to regain his composure. ''Put you hands back to your breasts again.'' Yoongi tells and you obey him with little more confidence after his compliment. ''Squeeze your breasts and swipe your nipples again, after that take your nipples between your thump and index fingers and pinch them gently.'' You do what you have been told and you feel how your nipples turn more erected and how heat begins to pool in your belly. Yoongi's eyes darken when he follows your actions. ''Put your thump and index finger in your mouth and swipe your tongue around them. Good, shit, then suck them and roll your nipple with your wet fingers.'' Small mewl leaves your mouth when you follow Yoongi's directions. ''Now repeat with other hand and breast.'' You make the mistake of looking up Yoongi and your actions halt. He seems to be as much affected as you even though no one is touching him. His hands are squeezed in tight fists so his knuckles shine trough his pale skin. His gaze is darker and he is biting his lower lip lustfully. The most oblivious sing of his arousal is his hardening dick in his pants. ''I didn't tell you to stop kitten.'' Yoongi chuckles darkly. ''or perhaps you are ready to go little bit more South, is that it?'' Yoongi's smirk makes him look like a cat who is enjoying it's prey. Yoongi takes your hand and leads it to rim of your panties where is clearly visible wet spot. ''It seems you do.'' Yoongi says when he notices the wetness in your underwear. ''Hold still.'' Yoongi commands and reaches his nightstand's drawer. He pulls out tube of lube. He waves it front of you and smirks for your awkwardness. ''Even tough you are getting wet I wan't to make sure that this isn't going to be painful to you.'' Quick gentle smile visits his face but lustful look replaces it quickly. Your other hand is still between your crotch and your other hand is supporting you on the bed. ''Are you ready to take those panties of?''   ''I have came this far, it would be a shame give up at this point.'' You admit and reach for your pantyline. Despite your confident words your hand is shaking. Before you can regret it you push your hips slightly up and remove your underwear. Only piece of clothing remaining on you is your socks. ''Fuck. You are so hot, your pretty pussy is already glistering.'' Yoongi gets up from the bed and pulls his pants and boxers down in one go. His hard dick pops up in view and you swallow. You don't know how someone as beautiful as Yoongi has been able to feel uncomfortable about his body, but that's how feelings works. Yoongi sits back next to you and pushes your back against the bedpost. ''Spear those legs for me, will ya? Remember how you pinched and rolled your nipples, this time we do the same to your clit.'' Yoongi guides your hand between your legs. You roll your fingers slowly around your sensitive nub and your breathing turns irrational.  Yoongi watches little while while you work your clit until he interrupts you. ''Give me your hand.'' You obey and Yoongi  pours lube on your fingers. ''Now slowly insert your finger inside of your hole and pull and push it slowly inside and out.'' You have never fingered yourself and the feeling of your own index finger entering your heat feels shameful and extremely good at the same time. Surely you were wet already but you were grateful for the lube which warmed fast on your fingers. ''If you are comfortable enough you can.''  Yoongi gulps. ''You can add second finger.'' So you do. Even though the stretch is wider this time you get used to it after while thanks to Taehyung's skilled fingers ,which visited your heat when you visited Aquarium. You feel the familiar knot tightening but still you aren't quite there yet. ''Yoongi, I need something more.'' You admit between gasps of breath. ''Fuck it. I have changed my mid, I'll help ya.'' Yoongi curses and puts his thump on your clit adding pressure to it. With the help of Yoongi's action and visual stimulation, which is Yoongi's fucked out face and naked body, you feel yourself falling apart. If you weren't leaning on the bedpost you would have collapsed on the bed legs shaking. When you come back your high your eyes, which went closed during your climax, opens slowly.  Your eyes turn wide when you see Yoongi jerking himself of next to you. His eyes are tightly shut and he is bumping his shaft which is coated with lube. The slick sound which is leaving from his jerking of makes you heated despite the fact you just came. Yoongi grunts loudly when he finally comes his hips slightly rising of the mattress. Spurs of seed coats his hand when he finally opens his eyes panting heavily. It takes only little for Yoongi to recover when he gives you his familiar gummy smile. 
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You are panting on your bed recovering from your high. You had bee watching Yoongi's live show and you were finally able to watch it till the end because now you knew how to relive yourself. You would have never thought that pleasuring yourself could feel this good. Your phone dings next to you on your bed and you roll over reaching for it. You are still shaking slightly from after waves. *Dear L/N Y/N, Your shipment has arrived to package vending machine on address ***********. You are able to receive it by code 123435fx2.* You grin widely, your new vibrator has arrived.
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particularemu · 5 years
WIP Update #3
Okay so It’s been a while since I’ve done one of these, and I thought I’d give you guys an update considering I haven’t been writing lately because I feel like death. 
I’m going to try and write some tonight, but I can’t promise anything. I’ve been super sick. 
Right now, here’s what I’m working on. What are you looking forward to seeing?
1. Since You’ve Been Gone | A Hwang Hyunjin Scenario
— After waking up, Hyunjin can’t help but wonder where you were. Wait… Why did his head hurt so bad? 
CURRENTLY: Ready to Post
2. Seungmin Kinks {REQUESTED}
— A list of kinks for Kim Seungmin
CURRENTLY: Ready to Post
3. Midnight Farewell | A Kim Woojin Scenario {REQUESTED}
— Woojin had been missing for a while, but he comes to say farewell. You can’t help but wonder if you were dreaming, or if he really did come to say goodbye. 
CURRENTLY: Ready to Post
4. NSFW Alphabet | Lee Minho/Lee Know
— A-Z smut headcannons of Lee Minho. Complete with short lil blurbs so the headcannons aren’t boring. 
CURRENTLY: Stuck for no reason in particular. I haven’t touched this one in a while. 
5. Paint Drips and Chocolate Chips | A Hwang Hyunjin Scenario
— Being a virgin who’s less than perfect is extremely stressful when you have the most beautiful man in the world as your boyfriend. Will Hyunjin be able to give you confidence? 
CURRENTLY: Writing draft numero uno
6. The Purple Giraffe | A Seo Changbin Scenario
— One giraffe, one man, one impossible amusement park game. Will Changbin be able to win the rigged game? Or will he have to find another way?
Note: This summary is shit, but the fic is cute so stay tuned. 
CURRENTLY: Stuck. I haven’t been in the mood to write something amusement park-y and I’ve never been to one so this one has been a toughy
7. The 5 Stages of Grief | A Bang Chan Scenario
— After losing a friend, you were completely distraught. So you decided to do what was best and call your boyfriend to help you through it. 
CURRENTLY: Re-writing the damn thing. The first plot was garbage.
8. Brokenhearted | A Lee Minho Scenario {REQUESTED}
— Being in love with your best friend was pure torture — especially when you’ve already confessed in the past. You tried to suppress your feelings, but one day they were too difficult to handle. Will this time be different? Or will he still not feel the same way?
CURRENTLY: Working on draft 3
9. All That Was Lost | A Han Jisung Scenario {REQUESTED}
— After a tragic loss, you avoided confiding in Jisung. Eventually the truth was impossible to hide. Will Sungie be mad? You just hope he’d understand.  
CURRENTLY: Stuck, but trying to push through to draft 1
10. You're Okay | A Han Jisung Scenario
— Out of nowhere, Jisung experiences some mad anxiety. He doesn’t feel like talking to the boys,  actually, he doesn’t feel like talking to you either. All he knows is that he wants you next to him to help him move past this anxiety episode. 
Note: I created this when we first heard about Sungie and his anxiety, but naturally I wrote a paragraph and LEFT IT FOR MONTHS smh. 
CURRENTLY: Stuck, but trying to push through to draft 3
11. NSFW Alphabet | Hwang Hyunjin
— A-Z smut headcannons of Hwang Hyunjin. Complete with short lil blurbs after each letter to add a lil somethin somethin to the headcannons. 
CURRENTLY: Finishing up the last few blurbs and regretting the decision to add blurbs 
12. Roommates | A Hwang Hyunjin Scenario {REQUESTED}
— Hyunjin fell in love with his roommate out of the blue one day, and instead of keeping it to himself, he decided to tell you. What happens when his sweet little roommate confesses she’s been craving him since Day 1?
CURRENTLY: Stuck, but trying to push forward to draft 2
13. Ace of Spades | A Han Jisung Scenario {REQUESTED}
— Jisung tried to keep the mafia life away from his wife and child. When his sweet little daughter gets kidnapped, he goes through hell to try and get her back. Will he find her? Or is it too late?
CURRENTLY: Stuck, but trying to push on to draft 1
14. Soft For You | A Lee Minho/Lee Know Scenario 
— Minho noticed your mood drop over the past few weeks. Naturally he tries everything he can to make you feel better, including a ton of chocolate and a shoulder to cry on. 
CURRENTLY: Outlining
15. Firsts | A Seo Changbin Scenario {REQUESTED}
— After months of gathering courage, you finally approach your boyfriend about having sex for the first time. 
CURRENTLY: Outlining
16. Freckles | A Lee Felix Scenario {REQUESTED}
— You always loved Felix’s freckles. After a passionate love-making session you decided to count them all. How many freckles does Felix actually have?
CURRENTLY: Writing draft 1
17. Bruised | A Lee Felix Scenario {REQUESTED}
— Felix comes home to a ransacked apartment and blood on the floor. His first instinct is to rush out the door and find you. Will you be okay? Or will he find himself alone?
CURRENTLY: Stuck, but trying to finish the damn thing
18. Smoke Filled Room | A Seo Changbin Scenario
— Your best friend drags you to a party to help you get over a horrible breakup. What happens when she introduces you to a short little man with a husky voice and a kind personality? 
CURRENTLY: Stuck and struggling with the party scene atm
19. That Special Kind of Love | A Bang Chan Scenario {REQUESTED}
— You and Chan have been best friends for years. One day, you hopped in his bed and cuddled with him. What happens when his mom congratulates you guys on your new relationship?
CURRENTLY: Stuck af, not sold on the plot, passive aggressively editing 
20. I Hate Everything About You | A Hwang Hyunjin Scenario {REQUESTED}
— You absolutely hated Hwang Hyunjin and his perfect hair and his perfect face. Okay, so you would like Hyunjin if he didn’t feel the need to bicker with you 24/7. After a heated argument, things go too far. What happens when you wake up in his bed the next morning?
CURRENTLY: Plotting the fuck outta that shit and excited to work on it
21. Chokehold | A Lee Know/Lee Minho Scenario
— After talking to your boyfriend about a certain kink you had, the two of you decided to try it out. 
CURRENTLY: Writing draft 1
22. Needy | A Han Jisung Scenario {REQUESTED} 
— Having an idol boyfriend was no easy feat. You had to deal with him being gone months at a time. As soon as your boyfriend shows up at your door, you practically shove him to your bed, eager to be close to him after all those months away. 
CURRENTLY: Plotting and outlining
23. Sweet Little Lies | A Han Jisung Scenario  {REQUESTED}
— After overhearing your boyfriend talk about you to his friends, you two end up in a small fight. You were hurt by the degrading things he said, and he felt horrible for hurting you. Will y’all be able to figure that shit out? Yes… Yes you will. 
CURRENTLY: Plotting and outlining
24. Best In The Show | A Bang Chan Scenario {REQUESTED}
— Seeing Chan in his low-cut performance outfit made you hornier than you expected. Instead of being rational and waiting, you pull your boyfriend into a closet and hope he fucks you senseless. 
CURRENTLY: Plotting and outlining
25. Standing Ovation | A Hwang Hyunjin and Kim Seungmin Scenario {REQUESTED}
— You and your boyfriends decide to try public sex for your next camming session. Where would be the perfect place? A hotel hot springs of course!
CURRENTLY: Plotting and outlining
26. A Friend in Need | A Lee Felix Scenario {REQUESTED}
— After a hopeless break-up, you decide that you need to get laid. Felix convinces you that being Friends with Benefits is a better idea, but he tells you that he doesn’t want you falling in love with him. Too bad you were in love with him from the start. 
CURRENTLY: Plotting and outlining
27. Skinny Dipping | A Hwang Hyunjin Scenario {REQUESTED}
— After hearing that your boyfriend has never been camping, you decide to take him on a camping trip near your hometown. The two of you hike over to a secluded lake, admiring the small waterfall. Has your boyfriend ever been skinny dipping? No. Are you about to force him to? Of course :3 
CURRENTLY: Plotting and outlining
28. Stray Kids Pornstar Series | Kim Woojin | Brat Tamer
— Oh how you loved acting up when Woojin was in charge. You couldn’t help yourself. He was so fun to tease. Well… until you ended up over his lap, receiving your punishment for being such a brat. 
CURRENTLY: Writing draft 1
29. Stray Kids Pornstar Series | Bang Chan | Daddy Kink
— You never really had a daddy kink until you met Chan. Now all you wanted was to bend down on your knees and do all the dirty things daddy wanted. 
CURRENTLY: Writing draft 1
30. Stray Kids Pornstar Series | Lee Minho/Lee Know | Extreme Bondage + Overstimulation
— Lee Minho was a sadist. Sucking dick was difficult when the fucker kept turning up the setting on the vibrator. How many orgasms would it take for you to get Minho to cum?
CURRENTLY: Writing draft 1
31. Stray Kids Pornstar Series | Seo Changbin | Deepthroating + Humiliation
— You’ve always loved taking cocks in your mouth, but there’s nothing better than being forced to gag on this sexy man’s cock. 
CURRENTLY: Plotting and outlining
32. Stray Kids Pornstar Series | Hwang Hyunjin | Pegging + Overstimulation 
— You’ve never met a subby boy in your entire life, yet here he was, Hwang Hyunjin in his glory, waiting for you to ruin him. You couldn’t deny his request. After all, he asked nicely like a good boy. 
I’m cringing at my own descriptions ugh.
CURRENTLY: Plotting and outlining
33. Stray Kids Pornstar Series | Han Jisung: Exhibitionism + Threesome {Featuring Lee Minho}
— You’ve always wanted to be ruined in front of a group of people. Han Jisung gives you your wish. Wait… What’s Minho doing?
CURRENTLY: Plotting and outlining
34. Stray Kids Pornstar Series | Lee Felix | Orgasm Control + Toys + Bondage + Wax Play + Sensory Deprivation
— Lee Felix is a tease. You can’t help but keen at the torturous pleasure he brings. If only you could see him as he ruins you. 
CURRENTLY: Plotting and outlining
35. Stray Kids Pornstar Series | Kim Seungmin: Shibari
— Kim Seungmin is an expert at Shibari, and you’re his next victim. The boy knows exactly how to tie you up and subdue you until you’re a sobbing mess. Too bad you can’t move your arms!
CURRENTLY: Plotting and outlining
36. Stray Kids Pornstar Series | Yang Jeongin | Amateur <---- I’m still not sold on creating this. 
— Jeongin is brand new to the industry and needs some help during his first scene. Looks like it’s your turn to take the lead! 
CURRENTLY: Plotting and outlining
37. Insanity | A Hwang Hyunjin Series Part 4
— Sorry! To keep the plot a surprise I’m not going to provide descriptions for each Insanity part
CURRENTLY: Writing draft 2
38. Insanity | A Hwang Hyunjin Series Part 5
CURRENTLY: Writing draft 2
39. Insanity | A Hwang Hyunjin Series Part 6
CURRENTLY: Writing draft 1
40. Insanity | A Hwang Hyunjin Series Part 7
CURRENTLY: Writing draft 1
41. Insanity | A Hwang Hyunjin Series Part 8
CURRENTLY: Writing draft 1
42. Insanity | A Hwang Hyunjin Series Part 9
CURRENTLY: Writing draft 1
43. Insanity | A Hwang Hyunjin Series Part 10
CURRENTLY: Writing draft 1
44. Insanity | A Hwang Hyunjin Series Epilogue
CURRENTLY: Writing draft 4
45. War Amongst The Living | A Hwang Hyunjin Series
— The world has gone to hell. Your companion Asher left you to die. What happens when an ebony-haired man comes to your rescue?
CURRENTLY: Writing draft 2
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