#something about the mess it creates is chefs kiss
Jordan and Marie have lunch
Drabble, 709 words, M rating for sexual themes
Something that many didn’t know about Jordan Li is that they are a tease. Not many people grew close enough to them to hear their quick jabs and subtle sarcastic remarks. Even in their hookups, they often took efficiency over theatrics, making their reputation on campus to be a glowing one, if not entirely accurate. 
But no, not many people know that they are a tease as well as Marie did. The general population didn’t know about how Jordan could edge her for hours, smiling the whole time. How they unraveled and learned her entire body just to see how to get her riled up and keep her there under their close watch.
For example, Jordan was eating lunch. Now- Marie wasn’t into food play, but the way that Jordan was eating that peach made her reconsider. She never really understood their sexual undertones, even after Emma explained it and showed her a scene of a kid fucking one (it anything that turned her off of peaches even further). But right now, Jordan was eating a peach and she doesn’t think she's ever wanted to be a food as much as she did now.
The entire group was gathered in the dining hall for lunch, and Emma had begun talking about something that a girl in class had done when they initially pulled out the peach. Marie had looked away from her friend for a moment to see Jordan. They’re hair fell in a swoop to their side as the two made eye contact. Slowly, and very deliberately, Jordan took a bite of the fruit. Juice trickled from the fruit down their wrist and chin. Jordan swore softly, and licked the juices from their wrist. Marie watched as the second trail trickled down their throat, past their adams apple to disappear beneath their gray wife beater. 
Jordan looked over at Emma and nodded, affirming they were listening before turning back to Marie.  Full lips covered the peach as they sucked the  juices from the crater they had left. Marie watched their throat bob as they swallowed, crossing and uncrossing her legs underneath the table. Looking around the table she sees Sam and Andre have joined the conversation, listing off ways to exact revenge on the girl. Luke passes the role of mediator to Cate as he scrolls through his phone between bites of pizza. 
She turns back to Jordan and sees a smile playing on the corner of their lips. They take another bite which proves to be messier than the first. Juice spills onto their fingers and Jordan, being an animal and the devil incarnate, licks their fingers. Not just their fingers but their palm as well, their tongue flicking in the webbed space between their ring and middle finger. All while staring directly at her.
A pleasant shiver runs through Marie as she remembers the last time those brown eyes licked her. Should she be this turned on over someone eating a fruit? Over fruit nectar? Part of her feels like a horny teenage boy seeing a sex ed textbook for the first time. Another part of her feels like she might die if she continues watching. 
Clutching her stomach she leans forward  in her seat. “Hey I’m starting to get cramps so I am going to head out.” This is only half way a lie. She will get her period the day after tomorrow, and when it comes cramps will certainly follow. She is just making a preemptive leave. 
Around the table every one voices their sympathies. “Hey, I can go with you if you want,” Emma offers, zipping up her bookbag.
“No it’s fine,” Marie reassures with a tight smile she hopes comes off as a grimace. “You have class in twenty- I just want to lay down a bit.” 
Emma nods. Marie can tell by the look on her face that she is all too willing to skip class for her roommate, but also doesn’t want to risk being overbearing. “Okay well, I have Advil over the sink, help yourself.” Marie nods as she gathers her things. With a final goodbye and walks off, towards the student dorms. Passing through the Quad she sends a quick text to Jordan. 
Your dorm. 5 minutes.
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fanaticsnail · 8 months
Your Flirty Chef
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Masterlist Here.
Word Count: 4,267
Synopsis: Sanji has been working hard lately, your flirty chef no longer as present as you’d like him to be. You both have some unspoken flirtation between you, hopefully something to shatter by molding him beneath the touch of your hands. 
Themes: Sanji x reader, mutual pining, idiots in love, flirtation, cooking, kissing, touching, massage, moaning, Sanji is a whimpering mess, suggestive themes, Baratie.
Notes: This was a gift created for the lovely @vespidphoenix who adores my 'Bar Shift' series. We're back home at Baratie! I hope you enjoy!
Tag List: @sordidmusings @gingernut1314 @writingmysanity @since-im-already-here @feral-artistry
The light danced from the open bay windows across the circular polished floorboards, the wax allowing for a wonderful grip beneath your black, closed toe work-shoes. The handles of the porcelain tray began to heat beneath your palms and fingertips, the foamed milk and cream jiggling with each careful footstep you placed on the ground. 
You noticed first the depiction of the business of the kitchen staff through the circular windows attached to the doors, the smoke and flames rising to char the dish within the pans. You caught the eyeroll of your favorite blonde coworker as he shook his head, refusing to take direction from your boss and head chef of Baratie. 
“Alright boys, coffee time. Take a break!” you called after making your way through the swinging double doors to the kitchen. Immediately, pre-service was paused as a pile of hardened ex-pirates enthusiastically made their way to the pass. 
Echoes of praise rang from the kitchen upon your utterances, all occurring simultaneously as grabbing hands eagerly pried the dishes within your tray as you placed it down.
“Truly a lifesaver, Doll,” Carne praised, claiming his piccolo-latte from the tray and raising it to his lips in one quick swig.
“Oh, my sweetheart. Thank you, Love,” Patty shot you a winning smile, raising his extra strong flat-white from the tray and scuttling back over to his patisserie station. 
“Something there for me, Honey?” Zeff asked, the click and scrape of his pegleg and boot heel knocking against the floor prompted you to gather his long-black coffee and hand it off to him personally with a small bow.
“Of course, Chef,” you smiled at him, handing it over and turning back to the tray to witness the depletion of the amassment of coffees you’d prepared; only two now remaining. Sanji was in the middle of temperature controlling whisked egg whites and scorching sugar, unable to halt his whipping to claim his regular hit of caffeine from you.
“Just leave it on the table, Dove. I’ll be over in a second, okay?” Sanji’s brows were furrowed in concentration, the stainless steel bowl held firmly in his left hand and cradled against his chest. Soft peaks of white, fluffy meringue began to form within the bowl, his right hand continuing to beat in absolute concentration in a rotational way. 
“You want to take it outside when you're done, Ji? Have smoko?” you asked him, removing the two mugs and placing it on the tray. Sanji scoffed back a small chuckle, flicking his hair away from his eyes as he continued whisking. 
“Please, and thank you. I’ll be out in about a minute thirty? Just gotta start on the macaroons, then I’m on my quarter,” He broke his concentration on the bowl below him, flicking his cool-gray eyes over to you and watching as you began wiping down the tray, and claiming the emptied cups within to return to the bar. 
As you left the kitchen, Sanji continued to watch your departure through his peripherals while meeting optimum temperature for the egg whites. He paddled the mixture with a silicone spatula into a plastic piping bag and rotated the end to hold the pressure in place, leaving it neatly to the side of his workstation to complete forming the macaroons after his break.
“On your quarter, Little Eggplant?” Zeff asked, brow raising as he took a sip from his strong coffee. Eyeing his apprentice suspiciously, he looked him over as Sanji removed his apron and neckerchief to relax on his break. 
“Oui, chef,” he smirked, hanging his apron on his designated hook and halting once more at the door, “that alright with you, old man?” 
“Fine by me, boy. Just-,” Zeff had an almost sly twinkle in his eye, a smirk pulling at the corner of his lips, “-Just be kind to our bartender, alright?” 
“What’s that supposed to mean? I’m always kind,” Sanji retorted, taken aback with his lip curling into a small snarl. A small echo of teetered laughter and snickers reverberated within the walls of the kitchen amongst the clanging of pots and pans. 
“You know what I mean, lad,” Zeff grunted, placing his empty coffee cup on the sink beside Carne who had begun washing the crockery, “Off you pop. When you get back, we’re doing Before Service. Start gettin’ it ready, lads! Family Meal in a quarter.”
“Oui Chef!” Echoed in the kitchen, each chef springing to their station to begin getting the elements of their dishes together to present to each other before the rush of the dining service. 
Sanji huffed a small sigh, exiting the kitchen and walking over to the fishmouth of the bar where you were waiting for him. Sanji had a small circle of thoughts swirling within his mind, echoing and reverberating the words Zeff had commanded of him. ‘Be kind’? What does ‘be kind’ even mean? Was he not kind? Had he not been kind to you in your interactions prior? 
There was never a doubt in Sanji’s mind that he adored you. His affections were showcased in how he regularly sought you out on advice when conflicting with your boss and his mentor, Zeff. You were the one he came to when he had a rush of inspiration in the kitchen, spoon feeding you samples of his amazing cuisine for your constructive criticism or your unwithheld praise. 
Just a simple hum and a nod of your head in response to his food had his heart swelling, but when you closed your eyes and a moan was siphoned from your breath had his pupils darkening, and thoughts of lustful interactions with you plagued him. He would lie awake at night thinking about how your lips wrapped around the spoon he presented you, your eyelashes fluttering shut and a small gasp fled from your lips as you reopened them in glee. 
And that is when it hit him. As he watched the sun dance on your skin, your fingertips casually dancing along the ropes beneath the hard surface of the bar; he realized what Zeff meant by his suggestion. 
Sanji was in love with you. 
He was so desperately in love with you, he would do anything to see you smile, to hear your laugh, or to collect one of those hummed moans you’d save only for him when sampling his dishes. He was mad for you, so much so that he charged right through the feeling itself and bypassed all of the warning signs screaming at him to not fall in love with his coworker. 
He halted his steps, the spell shattering within him as he came to terms with the feeling swelling within his chest. Sanji was a perpetual flirt, and you would reciprocate his advances in a way that had you both giggling and teetering like idiots. Your natural rapport with one another, the way you bounced off each other on the pass when you worked floor shift, or when you’d fetch him coffees and trial new designs within the foam just for him. The way he would present a meal he had created for Family Meal for everyone, but alter yours in a way that showed how much he truly adored you with its careful assembly. 
Sanji was in love with you. 
Looking over your shoulder, your body remaining presented to the water and the docks, you noticed Sanji staggering in the shadows of the fishmouth bar with his footsteps halting. You furrowed your brows, turning completely around and arching your back against the railing of the external bar surrounding the perimeter of the side-bar. 
“That you, Ji? Here for your quarter and a smoke?” you asked him, a warm smile pulling at your mouth to welcome him into the area. You thought you heard Sanji cough, a choked sound within the shadows indicating his presence. Your furrow began to descend into a frown while cocking your head to the side, “Coffee’s getting cold, Sweetheart. Come over here and keep me company.” 
You were unsure how more obvious you could be regarding your affections for the blonde suis-chef of Baratie. You were a flirt by nature, a job you were hired and paid to complete to build a successful interaction with your clientele. But Sanji. Sanji you got to flirt with for free. 
Flirting with Sanji was a competitive sport, and one you championed as the captain of the team and the cheer squad. 
It started with a game of chicken; food related innuendos and outrageously crass flirtations offered to fluster one another for entertainment, while completing a particularly grueling shift. It had you both laughing and in high spirits regardless of how little the guests respected you or physically fought with one another during the shift. You adored spending time together, building rapport and learning from one another through your flirtatious nature.
Your favorite pastime was watching Sanji work. The way he rolled his sleeves up slowly to pin by his elbows, the way his forearms stretched and flexed as he julienned vegetables, the concentrated expression of his eyes as he tweezed a piece of gold leaf atop a caramel fudge, with a careful scoop of vanilla ice cream melting on the rim.
And then it hit you. The arrow of the winged cupid struck your heart with the pierce of iron as he offered you the first spoonful of a dish he had prepared, and meticulously cared for, specifically for you. Apprehensively wrapping your lips around the spoon and flicking your tongue over the curved edge, you couldn’t help but to moan at both the flavor presented to you, and the expression of complete devotion and the eagerness to please you written all over his face. 
You were in love with Sanji.
You couldn’t help the way you felt for him, always aiming to task him with something simple: “Ji, be a sweetheart and hand me that steel jug, please?” to something a little more complex: “Sanji, would you cook that dish for me for Family Meal? The one with the brie and the rillette de canard? I adore that one.” He was a puppy, following your direction and orders with glee, and you were absolutely smitten with him. 
Sanji danced his body into the light of the bar, sheepishly not meeting your gaze as he fished out his tobacco pouch from within his trouser pocket. He opened the bag, noticing a small quake in his fingers at the knowledge that now plagued him. What was he meant to do now? Act like he didn’t worship the ground you walked on? 
“Sweetheart, why don’t you give that to me and you take a sip of your coffee? I’ll roll you one,” you asked him, reaching your hand over and claiming his right wrist beneath your hand, “You must be tired after all that hand-whisking. You just sit back and enjoy your quarter. I’m on my halfa, and you deserve more time off your feet before we get absolutely railed by the service shift.”
At the term ‘absolutely railed’, Sanji’s mind was racing beyond its capacity. He couldn’t find an appropriate word in his mind to relay onto you in return, simply nodding in confirmation as he handed over his tobacco pouch before standing beside you and watching the ocean dance against the hull of the floating restaurant. 
As the sun hit his golden hair, dancing along the glow of his tired and overworked features, you couldn’t help but look at him in awe. The way his eyes closed with his smile as he took the first look at the design you had created for him with the foam, before pressing it to his lips and sipping at it. 
You were in love with Sanji.
Setting to work on rolling the cigarette with the wafer thin paper and setting the filter within the side, you placed some of the brown, dried leaves into the fold and rolled it. From the corner of your eye, you watched Sanji’s eyes float down to your lips as you darted your tongue out to dampen the paper. You could’ve sworn you heard a catch in his breath, and a small strangled groan halted within his throat; but surely you were mistaken. 
You presented him with the cigarette, placing the filter end within his lips for him and wordlessly asking if you could ignite the tip with your lighter. Sanji’s eyes watched you carefully, nodding his head to give you confirmation to flick your flint and ignite the flame for him. Your eyes softened, cradling the flame as you elevated it to his lips and doused the end with its light to burn through the paper tip at the end. 
“You work too hard, Ji,” you commented, a flick of the corner of your lip in a small smirk captivated his gaze further, “It’s made you silent. C’mon now,” you placed the lighter back within your pant pocket, “Where’s that flirty chef I love so much?” Sanji smiled, inhaling the nicotine-riddled smoke as he extended his lungs to capacity.
“I dunno, Dove,” He began on his exhale, eyes closed and head lulling as he savored the feeling, “Your flirty chef might need some convincing to come out and play. I have been pushing myself a bit more today, and I’m beginning to feel it in my bones.” You half-smiled at him, watching as he removed the cigarette and threw back the remainder of his coffee in his mouth and swigging it with one fell gulp.
“Oh, you poor dear,” you pouted, raising your hand up and pressing it gently on his shoulder, giving him a gentle squeeze, “What can I do to bring him back?” Sanji groaned at the feeling of contact on his aching muscles, unsure of what came over him to elicit such a wanton sound. Your eyes widened, watching as his face began to contort as he hung his head low, relishing in the contact. 
“Let me take some of the weight off?” you suggested, bringing up your other hand to cup his shoulders, maneuvering your body behind him and firmly rotating your thumbs against the meat of his shoulders, “Maybe then my flirty chef will come out to play.” More of those beautiful groans escaped his lips as he succumbed to the ministrations of your fingers, molding and bending his hardened flesh within your hands. 
Sanji’s sweet cries of bliss were addictive, more addictive to you than any meal he had presented to you in the months you had worked closely together. The way he cried out in bliss as you found a particularly tender point in the center of his shoulder blade had you gasp out breathily in response. He was a slave to your touch, leaning in as a stray cat would to an affectionate caress. 
His cigarette fell from his lips to litter the ground by his shoes, the light extinguishing upon impact and rolling beneath the deck chairs surrounding you. He curved and arched his back into your touch, moaning and crying out as quietly as he could muster, with his mouth agape and a small amount of saliva collecting at the corners of his rapidly drying lips. Sanji’s body was responding a little too well to the simple touch of your hands on his shoulders and back. 
“Y-You’re so good-... mmff-... at this. W-Where did you-... oh-h merde-... where did you learn it?” He asked, lulling his head back and inadvertently rested the back of his head against your shoulder while holding onto the railing firmly in his grasp. You giggled, moving your hands beneath his shoulders and coaxing him from the railing to one of the lounging chairs, secluded in the shade of the sails of the wide umbrellas. Although this area was a public space, the lounges were private enough to shield Sanji as he rapidly fell apart in your arms from prying eyes. 
“I just know how hard the muscles work to produce the food you do, Ji,” you shrugged, sitting down on the lounge chair and ushering him to sit between your legs with his back to you. Initially, Sanji desired to sit up, his back convexing in a perfect arch to experience more of your touch. But his body had other plans beneath your skilled hands. 
He immediately found a more relaxed version of his former position: his head lulling back into your right shoulder as his eyes fluttered shut, your hands now finding rest against his biceps and rotating them beneath your firm grip to work out the kinks. 
Sanji had no idea what had come over him. The sounds falling from his lips were desperate, his body pleading and crying for more of your touch as he fell apart from the simple strokes of your hands now trailing up to his chest. You couldn’t get enough, your hands responding faster than your mind could tell it not to in order to find places on his body to have the sweeter sounds of your name rolling off his tongue between gasps and groans.
“Y-You’re-... fuck Dove-... Th-This is really good,” his breathy gasp complimented you, ending with the small pull of a whine within his throat. You tried your hardest to stop the rising heat from flooding to your cheeks at his voice, opting to giggle to relieve some of the tension surfacing. 
“You’ve got maybe three minutes before you have to go back, Sanji,” you said, patting him politely on the chest to indicate you were done assaulting him with your affectionate caress. At the small pat, he groaned, chasing the weight of your palm atop his chest by arching his back and pleading with you to continue. 
“Just a bit more?” he whined, opening his eyes and lulling his head further into your shoulder to gaze up at you with wide eyes, “Your flirty chef will come back if you do it just a little bit longer, I’m certain.” He smiled with his lips in a tight line, eyes twinkling in hope up at you. You scrunched your nose up at him, your own eyes reflecting his playful twinkle back at him.
“Maybe after the rush?” You suggested with a shrug of your shoulders and another curt tap of his chest. He groaned, slouching down and melting into your torso with the drag of his head. You laughed at him as he continued slinking lower and finally settled his head against your thigh, feet brushing against the ground over the side of the lengthy deck chair you were sharing. 
“But that’s so far away,” he groaned, a raspy growl rumbling against his tone. He clapped his hand over his eyes, squeezing his palm and fingertips in the pinch of his eyes before having it fall away from his face and down to his side with a small gasp. 
“Makes the waiting all the sweeter,” you cooed down at him. At this, he immediately rose to a sitting position, turning within your lap and gazing at you. His irises were blown, the small tint of pink dusting his cheeks and his lips were slightly parted. There were a thousand unspoken words dancing behind his eyes. The mystery surrounding such a look had you hooked and leaning in to see if a closer proximity would grant you further insight. 
At the small lean of your body from the back of the deck chair, Sanji reached his palm up and cupped your cheek, his fingers lacing in your hair, as he guided your lips to be claimed beneath his. A small squeak exited your lips in shock at the gentleness of his touch, eyes wide and watching him as his brows furrowed. A small hum of his lips against yours informed you that he was as shocked about this as you were, but not shocked enough to end the kiss just yet.
He pried your lips apart with his own, tilting his head to nudge you with his chin. You hooked your arms around his neck, pulling him against yourself and reciprocated with enthusiasm; your tongue darting out to meet his own. He chuckled against your lips once he felt you relax into it, flicking his tongue against yours with a groan of appreciation. You nudged him away from you, breaking the meeting of his lips on yours and unhooked your arm from his neck.
“We shouldn’t be doing this,” you commented, raising your arms up and fixing his ruffled hair. His eyes widened, brows peaking at the center as his lips parted. Focusing on redressing him and straightening up his uniform had your gaze pulled from his, unable to read the absolute heartbreak written all over his face. 
Nodding in appreciation at the straightening of his chefs jacket, you finally drew your smiling eyes up to meet his; immediately having your grin fall from your face once meeting with the sorrowful expression painted atop his features. 
“Ji, are you okay? What’s wrong?” you asked, cupping his cheek and darting your gaze between his two gray orbs. 
“We shouldn’t be doing this?” he whispered quietly, tilting his head down and gazing up at you through his eyelashes. Your eyes widened, smiling lips now falling open with a small shake of your head. 
Scrunching your nose, you leant forward and pressed a chaste kiss against his lips which ended with as much haste as it began. You giggled as you felt him chase his lips forward to halt your retraction, but ultimately got away from his approach. 
“I meant, you’ve only got about a minute left of your quarter,” you restated, confirming your words while elevating your hand to his chin. You brushed your thumb over his lower lip, dancing over his kiss-swollen lip with your digit. “We shouldn’t be doing this while we have so little time available for us to do so.” 
“O-Oh,” Sanji stuttered, the blush once again rising to dance over the apples of his cheeks, tips of his ears and button of his nose. You had never seen such a pretty color gracing his features, your heart swooning at the chef as he attempted to stifle his rising blush. 
“Has my flirty chef come back yet?” You asked him with a sly smile, retracting your hand from his face only to be caught within his own. 
“Your flirty chef,” he whispered, eyes holding firm to your own as he elevated your knuckles below his lips and pressing a gentle kiss against your skin, “Is going to be flirting with you for the rest of this shift,” he pressed another kiss against the back of your hand, slightly further up than the last, “And hopefully all through Before Service, Family Meal, and Knock Offs,” he uttered between a flurry of pecks and grazes of his lips further up your arm. 
Now it was your turn for the hues of warmth to swell beneath your cheeks, ears and nose at his words; becoming flustered further by the animal poised behind his eyes, threatening to ravish you with the intensity depicted beneath. He chuckled as he began showering your cheek with a further flutter of his lips grazing your skin. He halted just before meeting your lips with his, choosing to tease you with a small brush of his own. 
“I’m going to cook you something,” he whispered, his breath dancing against your lips, “And you’re going to make those pretty sounds you do so well, hm?” He nodded, pouting his lips and widening his eyes with that innocent yet mischievous twinkle you have come to enjoy him wearing. You couldn’t help but nod in response, mesmerized by the enchantment held within his eyes.
“And then,” he ushered you against the beck of the chair, pressing his torso against yours and continuing to hold his lips an eyelash’s width away from your own, “I’m going show you how flirty your flirty chef can really be.” As you attempted to chase his lips to plant another kiss against his own, he quickly stood to his feet at the call of his name.
“Sanji!” Patty called, “Your macarons are portioned and ready for the oven. Take care of ‘em, would you?” Your breath caught in your throat, Sanji’s blush dissipating at the interruption and his face paling.
“Alright, I’ll be there Patty! Don’t get your knickers in a twist,” he shouted in return, frustration written over his expression. 
“C’mon kid, we all know the only knickers you’re keen on seeing are the bartender’s!” He shouted in return, turning and stomping down the hallway towards the kitchen, “Get to it, Chef Zeff’s waiting.” Your eyes widened at the thought, your smirk withholding a small scream of bashful laughter from parting from your lips as your face drew a further flaming heat to it. 
Sanji waited a brief moment, inhaling a deep breath through his nose before removing his finger from your lips, tracing it down your chin and tilting your face to meet his eyes. His gaze was doing its best to disguise the horror of having the secret he thought he’d been withholding from surfacing. 
“I-I’m sorry,” he quickly stuttered, turning and immediately walking back to the kitchen with haste, the steam almost tangibly falling pouring from his ears as he stampeded away. You were too shocked to laugh, but a small giggle fell regardless. 
You could not wait until the rush of service was completed to get to experience the flirtatious fluster of the blond chef after shift hours. Perhaps to even continue what began against the deck chairs in a more quiet and intimate setting.
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moronkombat · 11 months
hi, can i request MK characters with an earthrealmer s/o who likes to bake & cook food for them? also, hope you get well soon!! 🥰
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Reiko isn't the type of man who eats amazingly delicious foods and treats. Food is a means to an end to have enough energy
If his partner were to cook a meal for him, a well prepared meal, he'd be confused. It is not a lasting feeling, soon he is taken aback by how amazing it is. Who knew food could taste this good? He'll be interested in having more meals like this again
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Making a meal for him means just so much to Kenshi. He finds the gesture incredibly loving and thanks you throughout the dinner
While you eat together, he picks up your hand to bring your knuckles to his lips. He kisses there tenderly and tells you that when you making meals for him, it really reminds him of better times
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Syzoth cannot eat the typical food that his partner can, doing so would make him horrible ill. That doesn't mean he doesn't get pampered, however
The first time he's surprised and in awe that his lover has made him something just for him, something he can stomach. His eyes find yours and he looks as if he near tears. Syzoth would scoop you up into his arms and thank you for making him a meal so special
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Prefers sweet treats more than savory meals. Is rather pleased when he is surprised with them and thanks his partner with his tongue in...various ways
Prefers to share the treat with you but this often ends up in bedroom activities taking place within the kitchen area. Neither of you seem to complain
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Rain finds this endearing and enjoys eating the meals his lover has made together
When you cook for him, he wants to sit down and eat it with you. Rain is typically not a domestic type of man but this is one of those rarities
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Shang thinks you cooking for him is...cute and he will lightly jest and tease his partner about it
He is grateful though and always eats the meal that's made for him and compliments you on your skills with preparing delicious meals
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Quan Chi isn't used to warm meals so he is, at first, taken aback by his partner preparing one for him
Being a slave in the mines, he is not used to such luxury but now that he's had a taste of it, Quan Chi is seldom to give it up
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Reminds him of times with his late family. His mother used to cook meals for him and sister
Tomas is thankful to have meals like this again and even wants to start cooking them with you
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Thinks he is being unfair in terms of how you are always cooking for him. He wants to make it up to you
Raiden tries to surprise you with something he's prepared but it does not go to plan. The cake he tried to make? Too much flour, not enough butter...it's a mess! You still thank him and then offer to make one with him
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Loves when his partner cooks for him. He could eat a mountain of it and still not be sated
Kung Lao is excited whenever you walk into that kitchen. He's already thinking about how good the food is going to taste
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Bi-Han really enjoys whatever you prepare for him. He doesn't have a favorite or preference. He is merely glad to have something to eat that was created by you
Tries his very best to eat the meals with you. He can be extremely busy as Grandmaster but when you have made him a meal, Bi-Han wants to share it with his lover
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General Shao is quite pleased when his partner cooks and bakes for him. He expects such a service provided to him by his partner
His partner prepares grand meals for him and there is never a crumb left. Shao always boasts about his lover is more fantastic than any chef
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Can't get enough of your cooking. It is his absolutely favorite and looks forward to it every night
Johnny could eat plate after plate if left unchecked. Using his social media to showcase your culinary prowess
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Thinks it is sweet. Liu Kang doesn't have many preferences when it comes to home cooked meals as he enjoys visiting Madam Bo's but he makes an exception for his lover
Is always very gracious and polite, complimenting your cooking. And, of course, he insists with dining with you
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Is honored that you would prepare meals for him and thanks you before even beginning to eat one
Really wants to return the gesture, and so, he does! Kuai Liang prepares you something wonderful that you can enjoy together
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It can be difficult for him to stomach certain foods but he tries to eat all the meals you prepare for him
These meals remind him of time with his family and he can become quite saddened by this and may begin to stare off into the distance
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libby-for-life · 2 months
I love the adam x micheal stuff you been writing!!!! Chef kiss!! Can't wait to see what you have next in store for possible possessive or yandere micheal!
Well, here's the next part!
Part 1 and 2 of Alone in Eden
TW: Physical Abuse (mild)
Adam sighed as he lied on the grass of Eden, anxiously biting his hands. Michael had told him that particular habit wasn't good for him when he had bitten his hands so hard that it left teeth marks and bloody indents.
"Adam, please don't do that. Your hands are beautiful and strong, but you are still human. I beg of you to please treat your body like...like a temple of God! With the respect it deserves." Adam nodded as Micheal hugged him to his chest, tears pricking the human's eyes. "Sh, I'm not mad, Adam. You didn't know any better." The First Man didn't know what a temple was but it sounded important.
Adam sighed again, staggered breaths leaving his lips as he stopped chewing on his hands. He promised Michael he wouldn't. Adam followed promises with every ounce of his body and to break a promise was enough to send Adam into a spiraled mess.
Lucifer and Lilith had told him to wait here. They said they were going to be here. They—they had promised him. Lucifer had given him that beautiful smile, though it seemed different than Michael's, and Lilith had reluctantly agreed that they would meet here under this tree. He made sure that it was this tree because last time Adam had gotten confused and gone to the wrong tree. He had waited all night for them but when they eventually found him, they said Adam had been at the wrong tree.
Adam had clung to them, apologizing profusely that he didn't mean to make them search for him for hours. Lilith had just scoffed and told him to do better.
"O-okay, Lily...I will." Adam promised.
Now, after waiting for hours, Adam wondered if he had been wrong about the tree. 'No. I pointed at this tree specifically. They said it was the right one...where are they?'
Adam felt the urge to bite his hands again. He wanted to distract himself from his panicking and spiraling mind. Biting his lip, he pulled fist full of grass. He kept doing it, despite the action staining his hands and creating a mess. He didn't realize how frantic his pulling was until there was no more grass to pull and he was just sitting in the dirt.
Maybe...maybe he should look for them? They... were probably busy and lost track of time! Yes! Of course. With a new resolve set in mind, he decided to go find them.
Adam stumbled through Eden, on the search for his, well, wife, and his friend. He wasn't having much luck right now. As he tripped over a root slightly and caught himself before he faceplanted the floor, he heard something. Something he had never heard before.
It sounded like...like groaning? Was an animal hurt? It was rare, but sometimes the animals accidentally hurt themselves and needed Adam to help them. Concern clouded his eyes as he ran towards the noise. Lucifer and Lilith will have to forgive him for not finding them right this second.
He stumbled into a clearing, the groaning sound becoming louder. He wasn't prepared for what he saw.
Lucifer and Lilith were...were having sex. He knew sex was despite not having experienced it. God had made them to already know it so they didn't hurt themselves while trying to populate mankind.
But... why were Lucifer and Lilith doing it?
"Ah~!" Lilith moaned out, "Yes! Show me how much better you are than the First Man!"
B-better? Adam winced, feeling...feeling that horrible feeling he got sometimes.
"Don't worry~. It won't be hard to~." Lucifer replied with a smirk. Adam could feel that horrible thing grow, suffocating him. Why...why were they saying that?!
Adam watched as they climaxed, falling into each other's arms.
"Why? Why are you doing this?" Adam asked, feeling numb. They both turned to him with wide eyes. "A-Adam?!" Lucifer looked extremely guilty while Lilith's wide eyes turned steely. "Damn it, Luci. He knows." She wobbled to her feet.
"We can't let him leave. He'll tell the angels."
Lucifer winced, looking conflicted, before nodding. "I know. We can't let him."
Adam...suddenly didn't feel safe. He didn't know why they thought he would say something but when they turned their eyes to him, Adam felt his skin crawl.
Without thinking, he ran away.
Adam clamped his ears shut, his eyes filling with tears. He didn't know why he felt the instinctual need to run or why he felt...scared. Very scared.
He yelped when he was tackled to the ground and bit his tongue on contact. A hand slapped over his mouth and Adam's eyes widened as tears streamed down his face. "Don't. Move." Lilith growled, straddling his hips from on his back.
Lucifer followed soon after and winced at Adam. The First Man tried to plead with his eyes to Lucifer but when the angel, the Archangel who said he was his best friend, met his eyes, he just winced again and looked away. Adam whimpered. He...he was on his own.
"Lucifer, what do we do with him?" Lilith demanded, her grip harsh and unforgiving.
'NO! What were they going to do to him?! He wouldn't say anything about...about...what did they even want for him not to say?'
He tried struggling and Lilith hissed for him to stay still and even slapped the back of his head for good measure. "Hey...maybe don't be so rough?" Lucifer said timidly. "He'll be fine." Lilith said dismissively while Adam felt dizzy from the hit.
They were equal in strength so her hitting his head made his mind swim. Suddenly, a memory came to the surface. One of Michael.
"If you ever feel lonely or don't know what to do, call for me. I'll always answer."
The effect was immediate. A soft pop was heard and Adam, bleary-eyed, looked at Michael. The Archange looked around for a second, as if confused and worried before making eye contact with Adam.
His confused and worried look turn to outrage. "What in Father's name are you two doing?"
Lilith and Lucifer were too stunned to speak but Adam cried out Michael's name from behind Lilith's palm, more tears leaking out as he tried to struggle out of the First Woman's grip.
Michael took out his sword, it's metal gleaming in Eden's light. "Let. Him. Go." Lilith held onto Adam for a split second before standing up and releasing him. Adam gasped and scrambled toward Michael who caught him in his muscled arms. He buried his face in his chest as Micheal continued to talk.
"Father will be hearing of this immediately. I can tell....You've eaten the fruit."
"Michael," Lucifer's voice tried to reason. "Just listen. We didn't mean for it to get this far! But—"
"Silence your tongue before I rip it out," Micheal said. "The Lord will decide your judgment."
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princessbunnib · 2 years
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Care For You
König |Cod/Mw2|
Summary: König takes care of you after finding out you've had a stressful day at work.
Pairing: König X Fem!Reader
Warnings: 18+ Smut MDNI, Dom König, Sub Reader, Established Relationship, Communication, Size Difference, König With Size Kink, Overstimulation, Talk About Breeding, Consensual, Praising, Accidental CreamPie, Rough Penetration, Fingering, Begging, Talk About Squirting, Sex In Kitchen, Sex On Table, Squirting Encouragement, Missionary, Oral |F| Receiving, DoggyStyle.
Author's Note: Continuation of 'Another Round?'
I had a different plot and script but decided it wasn't strong enough to be part two. I kindof set the bar very high with part one.🤧
Ah! part one got 1k notes! That's my first post to ever get that much attention. Thank youuu😭💕
Thank you all for 229 followers♡
I don't know how I feel about this one so please let me know in the comments.
PT 1 Here:
You unlocked the door to your shared house and was met with the smell of food being cooked followed with König singing a song that has been stuck in his head for the past week. You sat your purse down on the couch and walked into the kitchen. König was making eggs for himself considering that was the only thing he knew how to make on his own without burning down the house.
You watched him for a breif moment as he tried the stove nob off and scraped the eggs out of the pan and onto a plate before making your presence known.
"Hey... Uhm, you know I could have made you something when I came back. I'm off earlier than usual today." You said walking up to him to place a kiss on his cheek. Holding his waist for a second before letting go.
"Yeah but I couldn't wait... how was work?" He asked begining to clean up the mess he made while cooking.
You sat down and sighed heavily, kicking your feet up onto the next chair and kicked your heels off. Rolling your eyes thinking about the events that took place ealier today. "It was fucking awful... that blonde chick I told you about last week really likes to bust my non existent balls... I would pay to see her get fired." You stated with a crisp tone of annoyance.
"What did she do this time?" He asked grabbing your foot and begining to message it while pulling up another chair. He had a delicate hold while pressing his thumbs into the center of your foot, revealing the sore feeling in them that was caused by your shoes.
"The usual... I don't want to talk about it though, just thinking about it pisses me off so I'd rather not say." You scoffed. While watching him give you a massage
"But other than that how did your day go?" You asked. He shrugged not having much to say. He has a job but it's a work from home one since he likes to avoid social interaction at any cost. Other than working, he doesn't do much.
He usually takes care of all of the domestic things around the house to give you a break. He's comfortable with this dynamic you two have created because it makes you happy. Your happiness is the only thing that truly matters to him at the end of the day..."
"I see you cleaned up... it feels better in here, thank you... I would have done it but you know- duty calls..." You said with a nervous laugh.
A/N: (I guess you could say it's- call of duty.)
"You don't have to thank me, I live here too... what boyfriend would I be if I made you do all the house work..."
God he looked so sexy in your apron was. It didn't fit him as well as it should have, but he still wears it because of two things. It smells like you, and he likes to pretend like he's a professional chef with a reality TV show when he's alone.
He was so domestic for someone his size. You found it cripplingly attractive. Just thinking about him washing dishes drives you nuts. You'd always watch him as he scattered around the house cleaning any and everything. His hips would sway while he vacuumed. A strong grip on the handle as his forearm veins flexed while he yanked it back to clean a persistent pile of junk off the carpet.
König pulled your chair close to him since you were staring at him. "Do I have something on my face?" He asked lifting a brow.
"Nope... you have a nice face?" You said not thinking about how weird that response would be. 'You have a nice face..' Who the hell says something like that?
You sighed to yourself and looked away from him. He let go of your left foot and messaged your right foot. "Thank you... I haven't shaved yet and thought I looked like a bear or something..." He shrugged.
Ugh he's so cute. He valued your opinion over anything. He wanted to be perfect for you, he'd change everything about himself if you asked him to. Which you would never do for the record, you already felt that he was perfect.
"Don't worry about that... I don't mind a bit of stubble... besides- it feels good against me when you-"
You stopped yourself from interrupting this wholesome interaction with your lewd nonsense. But it's not your fault, he's the one who keeps staring down at you with his eyes big and clueless. You wanted to top him so badly one day. But knowing how strong he is, there's no way he'd let you.
You then leaned in and kissed him without thinking. His soft lips soothed your attitude making you forget about the things you were even mad at prior.
You melted into his lips and wrapped your arms around his neck. He groaned into your mouth and picked you up from the chair pushing objects out of the way for you to have as much space necessary so he could lay you down.
What a dream. Coming home from a stressful day of work and having a boyfriend to manhandle you and toss you anywhere he pleased
"König what're you doing... I just got home, I have papers to fill out..." You said watching him pull your pencil skirt off of your hips. You had on thin black tights to cover as much skin as possible when at work. He turned you over on your stomach and held your ass in his hands.
"Sorry... but you know how much I love your uniform... and now that we've had sex... I can't stop thinking about how sexy it makes you look." He lustfuly said while kissing your neck, his large hands ripping them off of your body. You looked back at him clearly annoyed. "König! I'm going to have to buy new ones..." You said giving him attitude.
"Oops." He shrugged off your words and harshly slapped your ass with both hands. Watching it jiggle with a subtle red mark on your pretty skin.
You wore black lace underwear. He glanced up at you, teasing the waistband as if he was going to take them off. "What's this? Wearing something so scandalous at work... care to explain?" He asked yanking them upwards to hug your clit making you moan in the process.
"Ahh~ I just wanted to feel confident today... that's all, really." You said hoping he'd believe you.
"If you wanted to feel confident... you could have let me creampie you before you left so you'd have to rush out of here with my come still inside you...". He said caressing your face and dragging his thumb on your bottom lip. Imagining how pretty you'd look with his cock prying your lips apart for you to suck on him.
"What's gotten into you today? You usually aren't like this..."
"Dunno... guess I'm just proud of myself for making you come." He said nonchalantly.
König then slowly broke apart the buttons to your blouse revealing your spaghetti strap undershirt and matching lace black bra.
"Wow... not only you wore the panties, you also wore the bra to match... seems like you wanted me to fuck you when you got home hm? Either way I'm still going to fulfil that... only if you'll allow me..."
With your chest now exposed it gave him the perfect space to kiss you all over and pull your shirt off of your body. He threw it somewhere and unclipped your bra. You held your bra onto your body not wanting to expose yourself so quickly.
"K-König~ I swear you're like a dog in heat ever since that night, I haven't been drinking enough water lately... I won't be able to squirt how you've been wanting me to..." You said attempting to push him off of you.
He groaned and pinned your hands to the table. Leaning down to pull your bra off with his teeth and throw it. His tongue then dragging across your breasts daring to touch your nipples.
His dominant behavior was arousing to say the least. You felt like an animal in the woods being attacked by a rabid wolf who was hungry for nothing but meat. The way he dragged his teeth across your skin slightly biting into it but not too much. He was testing the waters even though you deep down wanted him to mark you all over like you belonged to him.
He ignored your body language and yanked your hips closer to his. He grunted taking your apron off and tossing it somewhere in the room. He didn't have a shirt on. Only grey sweatpants that lowly hugged his hips.
He's such a slut for walking around the house like that. Who raised him.
"I guess I am in heat... but it's really not my fault, you're so unbelievably sexy... please I need you so badly... I know you want me as much as I want you- well probably not... I need you more than the will to get out of bed in the morning..."
"Mmm... I haven't been able to stop thinking about you... I feel like you're still inside sometimes when I'm alone." You said placing a hand on your stomach whimpering at the emptiness. "Oh yeah? You want me inside your stomach? That desperate feeling is driving you crazy isn't it... I could put something else in there too so you wouldn't feel lonely for- about... nine months?" He said with a smirk.
"Just seeing you makes me hard... can I please fuck you... I can't stand the tight feeling in my pants..." He softly whimpered trying not to beg. You bit your lip and held his face for him to look at you.
You didn't answer as he began to lightly play with your clothed clit. You let out a gentle moan while covering your chest due to the cold air.
"Awe please... let me see you... let your man see every inch of your body... I wanna suck on those sweet little nipples of yours... can I?"
You nodded biting your lip and giving into your sexual urges. Your hips bucking onto him wanting to feel more than just his hands.
He then took your left nipple in his mouth, kissing it with the tip of his tongue before using the wet pink tissue to flick it back and forth. He swallowed it while and grazed his teeth on it, looking up at you while applying more pressure to your clit.
"Ahmmm~ that feels good..." You whimpered holding your right breasts for him while your other hand held his head.
"Thank you for telling me... I've been thinking about you all day... how bad I want to stuff you full of my come... you're so gorgeous... I love you... I need you..."
He groaned and pulled his sweats halfway down his thighs, spreading your legs apart and pinning them to the table. He then slid your panties to the side and aligned himself with your entrance before sliding himself into you, moaning loudly and throwing his head back.
König thrusted steadily but with force. You tightened around him causing your walls to become more slicker and softer to penetrate. He groaned and put your legs on his shoulders placing his hands on the table and staring at your body as you moved along with his thrusts. His mind was foggy with lust.
Hips moving faster than he could speak. He couldn't muster up any words, he was more focused on fucking you. Making your vaginal muscles tighten and clench on him, obeying each forcful thrust taking him in with wet sounds. You held onto the table with your right hand and covered your mouth with the other. Eyebrows furrowing as his pubic hair brushed against your clit with every time he'd thrust forward.
"Hhnngghhh... more... work was driving me over the edge today-" You screamed as he thrusted into your g-spot before missing the area altogether.
You whimpered wanting him to correct his thrusts but was too flustered to speak.
He slapped your thighs and held your face, giving you another slap but on your cheeks. Then continuing to snatch up your jaw. "Yeah? You've had a stressful day... I know- agh... that's why I'm doing this for you, just relax around me... I'll take excellent care of you." He mocked your whimpers and squeezed your breasts. You put your hand on his stomach to stop him momentarily.
He groaned and stopped thrusting glancing down at you. "What is it? Am I going too fast or hard?" He asked showing concern for your pleasure.
"No... you found my spot but changed it before I could tell you..." You responded softly with lust filled eyes.
"I'm sorry... I'll try and find it again, tell me when it feels good alright? I'm so sorry..." He said before kissing your forehead.
You nodded and wrapped your arms around him. He then placed his hands on the table you laid on and changed his footing. He groaned beginning to steadily thrust upwards into you. You moaned as it did feel good, but that still wasn't it.
"Deeper? Ughh please... it felt so good for literally a second..." You whimpered in frustration.
"Alright... don't get upset... you know I'll find it for you... give me a second okay? You love me?" He asked showering your face with kisses.
"Yes... I do~ I really love you..." You nodded as he sloppily kissed your lips with a light hold on your neck.
You wanted him to squeeze tighter but had to keep composure. One thing at a time.
König then pulled your lower half off of the table. Some of your body weight was resting in his hands. He then began to thrust hard into you, you felt more deeper now that your pelvis felt like you were standing up. "How's that?" He asked hoping he did it right.
"Y-yeahh~ t-th-there... just- a bit... mghhnn~ harder..." You managed to speak instead of choking on your words.
He moaned feeling your juices drip down his shaft and collect on his balls. You definitely gotten wetter due to him penetrating you differently. You whimpered wanting to touch him but was too focused on not falling off the table.
"Yes yes ahhhmmghh König fuck me harder... I don't want to think about anything but being fucked by your fat cock~♡" You lustfuly said while rolling your eyes back.
"Yes... anything for you... you're so wet now... I can feel it all over me... does that feel good?" He asked staring into your eyes.
You nodded used your elbows to keep you up for support. Your arms were tired at this point. But you didn't want to change positions because of it.
"I'm gonna come already... fuck... I can't..." He whimpered rutting his hips into you.
"Ughhhh just remember to- ahhh p-pull out... I haven't gotten back on birth control..."
He rolled his eyes not wanting to listen to you. He wanted to come inside you for the first time but because of your fear for having children. You wouldn't ever allow him to breed you.
Sure the act of a creampie would sound absolutely amazing. Especially if it's from him, but you weren't ready to put your life on hold for a family.
And also due to his above average height. It would be hell on earth to carry such a heavy and most likely tall child.
You could tell König these things but he wouldn't understand. He's not the one who has to carry the baby, and he's also not the one who has to deliver it.
"Ughh I don't want to come yet... shit- I need your pretty clit in my mouth... are you going to allow me to do that?" He groaned pulling out and tapping his tip on your clit. You were given a moment to get yourself together. You could feel your juices dripping down your lips. You nodded quickly to him while bucking your pelvis onto his shaft. Making him moan and drip pre-cum.
He then got on his knees and grabbed your breasts, playing with them while wrapping his tongue around your clit, groaning with every sloppy lick he made with his tongue. Your back arched as you whimpered grinding your lips on his mouth.
He could feel his erection settling which may or may not have been a good thing. Hearing you moan kept it standing for a breif moment but he really just wanted to fuck you. But due to him wanting to enjoy this moment. He chose your orgasm over his. The more be could make you moan while still being able to preform, the better.
König kissed your clit and teased your entrance with his index and middle fingers.
He lightly chuckled hearing you whimper his name while he slid his fingers inside sometimes using his thumb to rub your clit, then sucking it. "Ugh just look at what you did... my fingers are soaked..." He said watching the clear juices drip down his digits. You looked down at him and covered your mouth feeling embarrassed by his interest in the subject.
"König~ sthoopp~ you're embarrassing me..." You whimpered until he stood up and held your face, gently slapping it and curling his fingers while rubbing your clit again.
"I know... you're face is so hot... it's okay... I'm just appreciating everything there is to appreciate... the way you get so wet for me... your pretty moans... your sweet little clit that twitches everytime I kiss it... I love it all..." He said into your ear, watching you squirm under his touch and moan clearly.
"Uhhh~ K-König~ Am I being good for you?" You asked hoping he'd understand what you meant.
"Hm? Oh I get it- you want me to praise you right?" He asked lifting a brow. You nodded suppressing your moans as he curled his fingers in a more consistent pattern, now penetrating his fingers into the spot he reached earlier.
You moaned more looser and held onto his forearm with your right hand. Hips rutting into the air and mouth open forming the 'o' shape. "Right there! Yes! Don't stop- please don't stop~"
"Awe, I'm not going to don't worry... and Y/n of course you're being such a good girl for me... you keep squirming under me to stop yourself from coming aren't you? You don't have to hold yourself back... I want you to come on my fingers..."
"B-but I'll- m-make a mess... you spent all day cleaning up... You whined still trying not to let all of your composure go.
He pulled his fingers out and put them in his mouth, sucking everything off of them and holding your thighs teasing your clit with his tip again to get himself hard as his previous erection wasn't fully gone. "I'll clean it up when we're done... you're so sweet for being considerate... now tell me this, do you want me to stop playing games and give you this huge throbbing cock already?"
You didn't asnwer at first so clearly you needed some encouragement. He then held his inches in his right hand and penetrated you with just the tip. Your moans became louder as your arms fwailed around. You hoped he'd but it all inside but soon was left disappointed when you heard him groaning in pleasure, you looked at him to see that he was using his hand to pleasure himself while barley inside you.
He couldn't be serious. Right? Did he expect you to get off by his tip alone? You whimpered and tried to move your hips to be penetrated by him more, only to receive a slap on the thigh along with a rough squeeze.
"Don't misbehave now or I'll have to get rough with you... I can see that disappointment in your eye... just asnwer my question and then I'll stop joking around and take your precious orgasm seriously."
"Ughh... what was it? I wasn't listening... mmm." You loudly whimpered kicking your legs in frustration.
"Shame on you for not listening... I asked you if you wanted my cock already so you could come... but considering recent events, I don't think you deserve it... I'll just take this out... and try another time." He said lazily pulling out, now mentally annoyed with his actions.
He got on his knees again and scooped your legs up into his arms, you whimpered trying to get out of his hold but couldnt. You knew what he was going to do.
Fuck you couldn't handle being overstimulated again like last time. Your legs were so weak by the time he was finished with you. You knew you wouldn't be able to walk after this, he has such a fascination with making you come by using his tongue.
"Awe you're getting worried aren't you... how cute... you don't want my tongue do you?" He asked. You shook your head and nodded. You couldn't decide on a clear answer, you also didn't want to speak up and say it because the only thing you'd manage to say would be a whimper or moan.
He smirked lightly swishing his tongue side to side. You held the table with your hands throwing your head back slightly whimpering for him to stop.
"You're squirming... tell me what you're thinkin' about... I want to know if I'm satisfying you." He asked before taking your whole clit in his mouth and sucking profusely and tightening his grip on your thighs to keep you still.
"Mhmm mm... such a pretty little clit... mnghmm I can't get enough of it..." He moaned into you humming to send vibrations throughout your spine. You shook your head whimpering and arching your back.
You had no choice but to put your legs onto his shoulders, he held your thighs closely to his head wanting you to squeeze him with your thighs. His eyes never left yours, even if you tried to break eye contact he'd nibble on your clit to get your attention again.
You'd then whimper in pain and try to open your thighs, but he was stronger than you. By like a lot. He held your hands with his making it impossible for you to stop him. His tongue pulled back the small hood and began to thrust in an upward motion. He'd play with your clit like a cat to a mouse by flicking it in all directions, using the slippery underside of his tongue to make it more wet then give a long lick and proceed to suck it making sure to not stop until you moaned.
He looked away briefly to watch your stomach cave into itself. He could tell you were going to come soon. He's only been doing this so much to take notes of how your body reacted to him. When he's too busy staring into your eyes when in missionary, it doesn't give him much room to notice the small details that lead to you coming.
"You taste immaculate... I could stay like this until my jaw falls off... mmmghmm~"
You were going to speak but forgotten how to. You cried out literal nonsense and squeezed his hands, with that simple action his eyes were back on your face. You whimpered feeling the temperature in your body rise. "Mhmm... you're so close aren't you? I won't leave you alone until you come."
"Köniiiigg~ sthoopp... it's too good... you're gonna make me... ahhffmm~"
"Mhm? What was that? Come? Squirt? Cry? Tell me all the details so I know how to take care of you after... I love you so much... no matter what you do I will love you forever..."
"I- I don't know- fu-fuck- I can't even think..." You chocked on your words and bit into your lip, eyes glazing with tears as you watched him.
"You're so come drunk you don't know what to do with yourself... I'm glad that I have such an affect on you Y/n... you feel amazing around my fingers." He praised lightly kissing your clit inbetween statements.
"Hmm~ you make me feel so good when you kiss my clit..."
"Good... can you come on my tongue? I promise I'll fuck you in any way you want me to... weather it be slow, fast, rough, deep... you name it my beautiful girl..."
"I'll try~♡ hooghoddd..."
He held your hip with his left hand and continued to stare at you. You moaned rocking your hips back and forth feeling his fingers deeper inside. He played with your breasts and pinched your nipples to further bring noises out of you. You screamed his name and covered your face.
"I know... I know... you're so worked up... you don't know what to do with yourself... come for me, you can do it. You're such a good girl for me Y/n." He said egging you on before lapping his tongue on your clit still fingering you.
Your eyes rolled back, mouth opening wide without anything coming out of it. You nodded at his encouragement letting him know you were indeed close. He harshly slapped your thighs then squeezed them tightly to sooth the sting. "Mhmm come on my fucking face... good girls come on my face, you're a good girl right?" He said using a cocky tone.
"Yes yes yhesss! I'm a good girl... I'm a good girl... aghhh König I'm close..."
"I know... awe please come on my face, I'm so fucking hard for you... You mean the world to me... you're even better than a good girl... I love you so much I don't fucking deserve a goddess like you... come for me please~♡"
You looked down at him and held his head, pushing it further inbetween your legs to shut him up. You were so god damn close that it annoyed you, you needed to come. You couldn't think about anything else. His tongue felt smooth like silk, he was a master at what he did. With more words of encouragement you ended up locking your legs around his head keeping him in place. He held your hips allowing you to use him like a toy.
Your vaginal muscles clamping on nothing, all the tension focused on your clit. Sucking, blowing, licking, nibbling. You threw your head back as it felt like an explosion of fireworks in your brain had went off. You found yourself rutting your hips on his mouth and moaning at the top of your lungs.
"König! AHHH YEESSSSS FINALLYYYY~♡" The sound of your voice made it seem like you were crying tears of joy. He let go of your clit with an obnoxious slurping sound and blew a gentle breeze of air on it.
Your legs shaking and giving out at the same time. He watched you in awe as you grabbed yourself not knowing how to deal with the amount of dopamine being produced. "Awe wow... look at you so undone for me... that's it, keep moaning... you're almost coming down aren't you?" He said gently rubbing your clit in a side to side motion.
"Stop stop stop stop! It's too fucking much I've had enough... please!" You begged uncontrollably feeling tears gushing out of your eyes.
He stopped touching you and pulled you close to him, tossing your arms around his neck. "Shh shhh... I know... calm down... you're so overwhelmed..." He said holding your face staring into your dazed eyes.
"Mm, you're my pretty girl... I love you so much..."
You let out a whimper feeling yourself let out a heavily watered down stream of liquid from your urethra. You moaned shaking your head to not focus on how embrassed you were by the whole process. "I'm sorry..." You managed to choke out.
"Awe don't be... take a moment to rest for me okay? And would you look at that... you can squirt... I knew I'd be able to make you do it." He said caressing your face and showering your lips with kisses.
You nodded and kissed him back, tasting yourself from earlier. "Thank you so much... thank you... thank you..."
You couldn't think about anything. Your mind was blank and all you could do was thank him. He took your words with pride and laid you back down on the table, you didn't let him go. You were vulnerable and didn't want him to leave your side. You buried your face into his neck locking your legs around him tighter.
"Stay here... I'm ready for more if you are... I want you to fuck me until I cry..."
"Oh? As you wish... you don't need to do anything... I just want to use your body to come..." He said before laying kisses on your chest.
The two of you had quickly got naked while still in the kitchen. König towered over you leaning down to kiss your neck with his cock thrusting inbetween your thighs for friction to keep him hard. You were looking up at him holding his face and making out with him, his strong hands caressing your breasts and pinching your nipples.
"You're perfect... are you okay? Do you want to continue or do you need more time? Or we can just stop if you want." He said caressing your face and speaking softly to you.
"I'm okay... thank you for asking, you can do anything to me, I'm ready for you... just feeling your cock inbetween my thighs like this is making me lose my mind..."
"Same here... I know it might feel like I'm saying the same things over and over but I really mean it... there aren't enough words in the dictionary to describe what you are to me."
"Yeah? Well for starters... let's say that I'm yours..." You said softly while allowing him to push you down onto the table, he held onto your hips with a low desperate groan. "Say that again... tell me how much you want me... beg for me so I can feel confident enough to fuck you senseless..."
You looked back at him, pulling him down to you so could sloppily kiss him. He slid inside you with ease, being careful to not get carried away too quickly. You moaned into his mouth and broke the kiss, holding his jaw to keep his eyes on you.
"My body belongs to you, you're the only man I'll let fuck me... you can have me any day at any hour... I'm nothing but a brain dead fuck toy for you..."
"Hmm? Yeah... you're mine... you have no idea how jealous I get when I'm in public with you... you always have to leave the house looking so fucking gorgeous... every man just has to stare at you... I fucking hate it."
You moaned as he began to kiss your neck and bite into your skin. You melted like butter under the sun holding his hand keeping it on your body. His thrusts started slow and deep to focus on speaking to you. Your walls clenched around him, hips moving back and forth to engulf his size.
"So tight... just like that Y/n... look at you trying to take control and use me for a change... I'm afraid I can't let you do that though... last time I checked fucktoys don't have a mind of their own." He growled in your ear and slapped your ass.
"I'm sorry... you're just taking so long... my desire to be fucked is burning... please can you fuck me already König~" You asked with innocent eyes lovingly gazing up at him.
"When you look at me like that how can I say no... you're so amazing... all mine... you're my good fucking girl..."
With those lustful words he proceeded to lift your left leg up and pin it on the table, spreading your legs apart made it easier for him to stuff more of himself inside. With you being pinned down to the table it's not like you could get free from his hold. You reached out and held onto the surface you laid on, whimpering as his thrusts became more consistent laced with desperation.
He cursed under his breath and slapped your ass hard. Disregarding if you may or may not like it. "Fucking bitch... mm... so tight and wet... you're such a broken in slut aren't you, you take me in so deep now..."
"You look so pretty when being fucked from behind... your ass is moving so much..." He grunted slapping it harder than before.
"Ahh~♡ choke me... please..." You asked moaning more comfortably. "How? I don't want you to pass out..."
"Squeeze the sides of my neck rather than onto my throat... I'll still be able to breath but not easily... feeling the pressure build up my head is what really turns me on..." You explained before König pulled you by your hair for you to lean upwards.
He was hesitant in fulfilling your request not sure if he'd do it right. But he wanted to make you happy and decided to trust your words. Alright how did you say to do it again? Hands on both sides of neck... that should be good.
You moaned pulling him inside deeper. Your walls reacting positively and hugging every vein in his shaft, squeezing on him ever so often. Forcing pre-cum out of him.
"Like this? Is that right? You're body seems to think so..." He moaned slightly in disbelief, wow you felt way better than before. You sounded like heaven itself aswel.
"Mhmm... just like that... ughhh your hands~ they make the perfect necklace König~♡" You praised throwing your head back and letting your self control leave your body altogether. Now making you act and sound more slutty.
"Oh my god... you keep clamping down on me... you must really like this... fuck, I'm gonna go faster now... is that okay?" He asked hearing you whimper while nodding as a response.
König began to breathe heavier and thrust harder. His balls slapping against your sensitive clit, making it twitch with every ounce of contact. He threw his head back holding your neck tighter then releasing after making you light headed intentionally.
You put your hands on his wrists, eyes rolling back and whoreish smile plastered on your face. "So deeep~ It's in my stomach~♡"
"Shut the fuck up... fuck toys don't talk." He sternly spoke before pinning you head to the table, using both hands to hold you down and thrusted harder. Heavily breathing and groaning.
A knot built up in your stomach making the pleasure become overwhelming. You whimpered focusing on the feeling of him inside you. Repeatedly clenching and pulling him in deeper. "Fuck I love you... thank you~ I can't control myself when I'm inside you..." He leaned down to you and spoke into your ear. His hand sliding under your hips so he could rub your clit.
Your mouth opened wide, drool collecting on your tongue and dripping onto the table. Your eyes rolled back as you focused on both points of pleasure. His fingers were wet as they rubbed against you.
"Say you love me... ughh f-fuck... I'm close Y/n..."
"Mmm~♡ I love you... you make me feel good... don't stop rubbing my clit, I'm gonna come soon..."
König groaned pulling you off of the table and turning you over onto your back so that the two of you were in missionary again.
You whimpered at the loss of contact around your throat. He then slapped your face gently and held your jaw. "I love you~ nghhh... I love you so much... fuck I'm gonna come~"
you pulled his face into your chest while moaning and allowing him to suck your nipples. His thumb applying pressure to your clit, teeth biting your nipples and tongue licking them.
His hips were thrusting on their own at this moment. Your legs locking around him and body jolting in pleasure. You moaned again and arched your back.
"Please don't stop choking me... I'm so close that it hurts..." You lustfuly said while receiving hard thrusts to your cervix. He groaned letting your nipples go and put your legs on his shoulders and leaning down to you, wrapping his left hand around your throat tightly squeezing. Listening to your thankful whimpers while your nails dug into his skin. He kissed your lips once until you held his face sloppily keeping your lips on his nearly sucking your face off.
"Mmmuahh~ I love how deep you take me... fucking slutty bitch..." He groaned pulling your bottom lip in his teeth.
"I love how good you fuck me... I think I'm going to squirt again-" You managed to speak as his hand momentarily got loose. "Oh fuck... don't be shy... come on I want you to squirt... I can't believe I was able to get you to do that... you were so cute while coming just because of my fingers..."
"Yeah? Tell me how pretty I am... ughhh I want to come all over your fat cock..."
He then yanked your body off of the table, you panicked and held onto him tightly. Arms wrapped around his neck as you melted into him. His hips thrusting upwards reaching your spot from earlier. You whimpered loudly and threw your head back moaning and letting your whole body relax.
"That's it... give me another... squirt on me... you're so sexy when you do." He said holding your ass in his hand and wrapping his arm around your waist to keep you in his arms.
"I love youuu~ K-König!~" You screamed at the top of your lungs. Mind being blinded by your lust and clenching around him.
He groaned burying his face into your neck to cover up his submissive moans. His hand slapping your ass until it had a large red mark into it. "I'M COMING... FUCK I'M COMING... Take every fucking drop you slut!"
He forced you down onto the table again and slammed his hips into you. You moaned arching your back and rolling your eyes back into your skull. Your nipples tingling with pleasure as your walls relaxed for the last time, flooding your urethra with clear watered down liquids. König pulled out of you and rubbed his tip on your lips, gliding it up and down watching you release all over him. Your vagina clamping down on nothing, whimpers slowly getting quieter.
Your hands pressed onto his chest as you watched him moan your name and pump his hand up and down his shaft. "Ughhhh you're so perfect for me... I need you in my life forever..."
The two of you came down from your highs. He then laid on you, allowing you to hug him and kiss his cheek. You sighed heavily in relief. He kissed your lips and lightly held your neck in his hand. Turning your head to the side so he could pepper kisses all over you. You then felt something drip out of you and onto the table. You looked down seeing his erection going down while his tip was dripping with come. "König..." You said trying to gain your composure.
"Yeah? Give me a minute... if you want to go again..." He panted in response.
"Did you come inside me? Fuck... I think you did..." You said.
He then got off of you and spread your legs. He watched his come drip down you, your vagina clenching and releasing, forcing his thick load out of you. "Looks like I did... sorry about that... You felt too good for me to waste it..."
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toorumlk · 2 months
Hey! Do you think there’s any chance they might not make Romione canon in the upcoming HBO series because of the popularity of other pairings and JKR’s somewhat recent statements concerning the ship?
fair warning this is gonna be a long post!
you know anon, i’m not gonna deny that the possibility of romione not being canon in the hbo series doesn’t keep me up at night HOWEVER COMMA-
I believe romione will be safe because i’m placing a lot, if not all, of my faith in the upcoming hbo series being repeatedly described as a "faithful" adaptation of the 7 novels. which we can deduce to mean romione friends to lovers slow burn endgame and all that good stuff (maybe i'll talk about the potential of book romione and the serial tv medium some other time)
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and sure, it can all be marketing/pandering/etc. but i find it so hard to feel cynical about hbo because i love LOVE their shows and i'm of the belief that they know how to tell a good ass story (and romione happens to be a good ass romance subplot). i also have such positive feelings about the showrunner Frances Gardiner (consulting prod on succession and also has killing eve under her belt) who JKR chose herself and one of the exec producers of the show who's set to direct of a bunch of episodes Mark Mylod (succession, the menu, tlou, got)!!!! and if you know me at all you'll know that succession is one of the main pillars of my personality and i fucking love that show so bad I would follow anyone who was part of the making of that show off a cliff if they asked me to. and Mark Mylod is a fantastic fucking episodic director who's directed and produced some of the best episodes of television ever, so i know he knows how to tell a good story. and though i'm a lot less familiar with Gardiners' work, she is a female creative who has some of my personal favourite episodes listed in her imdb (chiantishire, living+, tailgate party) who's pitch of the show made joanne give her the job so.... and y'all know im a canon bootlicker and love the books so all i'll say is.. real recognizes real.
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so knowing the creative team behind hp series had a direct hand in making my favourite show of all time gets me so excited and giddy!!!!
but here's where my personal theories and speculations start: I really think with this hbo series, JKR is on a mission is create something wholly and newly hers. she was barely involved creatively in the production of the movies until DH pt. 1 and 2 and the movies have almost become an entity of its own that's drifted so far away from her. of course i realize me even just talking sympathetically about JKR is deeply touchy and might piss some people off but as a fellow creative, i feel for her man!! when i think of the best books in the series in my opinion that are filled with the best bits of world building and political commentary, what i find is that GoF was handed to a director who didn't even read the book, OotP was the shortest movie in the franchise despite being the longest book and how it entirely missed the Quibbler plot and all of harry's rage, or HBP that was filled to the brim with *chefs kiss* tom/voldemort lore which was done a complete disservice in the grey and brown sludgy mess that is the HBP movie.
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and knowing that JKR now has a strained relationship or had a falling out with most of the top dogs involved in the films like Kloves and Yates (hallelujah what who said that) and Emma Watson and Daniel Radcliffe means this show has the chance to be a behemoth that’s entirely joanne’s, like the books are. it’ll be free of Kloves' Hermione and harmony (harry x hermione) favouritism or Watson's take on Hermione's character that makes my ass itch or Yate’s complete inability to direct his actors and make non-action scenes have heart, soul and heft. but i also can’t not address the elephant in the room: this section of the discussion is filled with every shade of grey possible because what led to the falling outs was that they all vehemently disagreed with JKR's anti-trans views and good on them they absolutely should! but like.............. i hated kloves' writing and his butchering of ron's character, i think yates is a static and boring director and im not a fan of emma's acting so like... a win is a win? NO IT'S NOT. but IT IS. BUT IT'S SO NOT. but do you see what i'm getting at???
the point i'm trying to make is that joanne is not the same person she was when she was first writing the books or when the movies were being made. I think she's a lot more ruthless and cutthroat now and while i disagree with her methods and condemn her transphobia.... i think this newfound hardness to her will lend itself to making the hbo series the best HP adaptation it can be, I'M SORRY it's absolutely fucked and i acknowledge and abhor her gender critical politics as a queer woman but im also an artist who just wants good, high quality stories to be told 😔😩
and as for the other popular ships and JKR's somewhat recent comments about romione:
I think its safe to say that joanne dgaf about this fandom and what's popular in it anymore LMFAOOOO 😭😭😭 i genuinely respect that she's always stood ten toes down about how draco's not some antihero, bad boy love interest and at best is a cautionary tale on prejudiced bullies, so I don't think that's changing anytime soon. especially considering that the dramione cottage industry that its fans have made is more or less a reactionary "fuck you" to joanne and canon which they do by writing fanfic about crimes against women and making merch and binding physical copies of said fanfics (really showing it to the big baddie transphobic DV survivor by *checks notes* auctioning hermione off as a sex slave) so I doubt she'd ever consider other ship's popularity seriously. as for the possibility of harry and hermione becoming endgame um..... if the show plans to faithfully adapt the books then we'd get harry and hermione’s quintessential sibling dynamic plus we’re already free from Kloves (also i have faith in francesca and mark knowing that harmony are just plain BORING) so i think the chances, again, are low. and if joanne really wants to stick it to her old colleagues, she can go down the route of pushing romione that much harder (and she really wouldn’t have to do much, it’s all in the books already) 😭
as for the comments on romione that she’s made in recent years, i think a lot of it’s been blown out of proportion or have gone through a terrible game of telephone. what she said (paraphrasing here) about ‘wishing she’d handled ron/hermione differently because a lot of what went into them was a wish fulfillment fantasy’ has turned into ‘jk rowling regrets making romione endgame???!!’ which is just *takes a drag from a cigarette* just another tuesday around here. i also would link to two meta posts by @saintsenara on the topic of endgame romione which i wholeheartedly agree with it
all i have to say is that going into making this show i hope joanne remembers that she based ron’s character off of a person in her life she liked when she was younger and who is still a good friend of hers now 😭😔
you guys probably know i’m in animation school which is basically film school in a different font. so i’m quite literally training to one day work in the story department on projects and work alongside writers, directors and producers, so this stuff means a lot to me! she and the creative team behind this upcoming show have the chance to make something really special and i’m finding it hard not to root for them!!!!!
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the-real-treasure · 2 months
Treasure Treasure!
An OPLA Sanji x Reader
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Master List Here
Previous Chapter: Returning Tides of Home
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Chapter Eight: Mon Cœur Est Un Petit Âne
Summary: In the aftermath of a violent duel, a head chef is forced into reusing long forgotten practices for healing with fish skin, and fish-men come claiming ownership of a ginger girl and a stolen map.
Trigger Warnings: Blood, knives, stab wounds, self-harm, self mutilation, scars, violence Word Count: 7,736 **Edited: 17/09/24**
You sat at the small table in the kitchen with a blanket wrapped around your shoulders. Normally you were the last one up, having stayed up the latest to finish dishes and lay out plates for the next day. You had slept like garbage despite the comfort of being home, Zoro's words ringing in your ears and, when Sanji had woken up to prep for service that day, you had followed him down the stairs, bedraggled but desperate for the company. It was the only thing that had halted you from watching the duel, the rhythmic 'shwick' of the knife as he peeled vegetables.
You had already spent most of that morning in silence other then Sanji's movements, and you hadn't believed it would change any time soon until his voice piped up.
"Was he telling the truth, mon Cœur?" You look at him, "That Luffy boy. Are you, are you really going to go?" He doesn't move his eyes from the pile of carrot peelings he was creating. You stand and join him at the counter, taking a knife in shaking hands and begin to peel as well, albeit much slower and rougher then his nice smooth cuts.
"I thought I could help them. Him? I don't-" you blink sleep from your eyes again, "-I don't know if I can anymore, if he's even going to try." Your fingers are so stiff from holding his last night that you have to drop the knife and move the carrot around with your other hand, the rolling motion not happening for you. "Zoro is fighting that Warlord, Mihawk, this morning, and I made him so angry, and he might die and I just don't-"
Your words get caught in your throat and around your tongue, and you slur slightly as they all crash to a stop. Swallowing around them stings your throat and reminds you of sneaking sips of Zeff's good wine with Sanji at birthday parties when you were younger. You never did like the taste.
"I thought," you take slower this time, more deliberately, "that this could be our chance to go and look, just to try, but I've just messed everything up again," you dare to look up at Sanji and find he's already watching you, eyes gentle with sympathy. "I want to go." You state firmly, "But if you don't come, then I won't. I didn't mean to start an adventure without you, and I definitely won't be finishing it without you at my side."
The corner of his lips turn up and he leans down, leaving a sweet and gentle kiss to your forehead. You lean into his warmth mindlessly, like you always did. He pulls back and you open your eyes again.
"I know you wouldn't want to." He returns to his chopping, a smile back on his face, "But if you really want to go, I won't stop you. I'll miss you sure but I want you happy."
"I'm happiest with you." you answer, belief steadfast. He snorts a chuckle.
"I don't know about that, you and that Luffy boy seemed to get along great!" You miss the slight bitterness in his tone as you roll your eyes.
"First Zeff, now you, you're both ridiculous. He's my captain. Was. I dunno anymore, he's funny and silly. Smarter then he seems, but I'm sure you noticed that." You swallowed, humour dropping from your voice. "His dream was so solid, it felt like getting punched in the stomach or something. I-I wanted to keep that, that surety and I thought, maybe he could help us too." You look up at him shyly as he laughs.
"What a pair we make,” he plops the knife down on the cutting board, "the most ridiculous excuse for a pair, I have ever see."
"It's just us. You know, I can look after myself, I was gonna wait, we don't have to find the All Blue straight away. I was worried about you being comfortable. Happy." He shrugged as you gazed up at him "I was gonna save up, wasn't gonna let you be a dishwasher your whole life, and we were gonna go together, make sure Zeff was alright and then, I just- didn't really know when." His smile grew. "Trust us acting like this. Me thinking of you and you thinking of me."
"What other way to think is there for us?"
"What'd you think you're doing?" You both jump at the interruption, Zeff's voice ringing though the kitchen as he joins the pair of you.
"Chopping carrots, chef."
"Yeah, I can see that. But why are you doing it in my kitchen?" He limps up behind the pair of you, peering over your shoulders at your work. "I demoted you, remember?"
"That you did. But Patty's sleeping off a brutal hangover, so unless you wanna do brunch prep all by yourself..."
"Fine." Zeff begins his own prep, "You two made up then, I don't wanna see either of you moping about 'round here if yous haven't." Sanji throws him a glare, but he doesn't notice as he eyes the mauled lump of carrot in your hand. "And I'd appreciate it if you stopped mutilating my produce while you're at it."
You toss your head back with a laugh and abandon the lacerated vegetables. Zeff takes over your spot, sweeping the hunk of orange veg into the peel pile and began slicing mushrooms.
"Them carrots are cut too thick." You throw your hands in the air from your spot on the counter.
"You know I'm no help in the kitchen unless you want something burnt, chef."
"Not you, his." He snarks and Sanji gives him a dirty look in response. "And those eggs are too runny." Your best friend's eyes nearly rolled into his head.
"Give it a rest old man." Zeff ignores him, turning to you as he moves the tray of veggies, now oiled and seasoned, to sit above the oven.
"Where're the rest of your 'crew' this morning then? They haven't left you here, have they?" Sanji turns to watch the conversation, eyes curious as well. Yours shift to the ground.
"No, no they haven't left." The two blonde men are still watching you, "I, um. The swordsman, Zoro, he challenged a Warlord to a duel to become the greatest swordsman and I didn't think it would end well and told him as much..." You squeeze your lips together and your eyes burn. "I don't know if he'll survive, or if they'll want me on the crew even if he does."
"They'll be idiots not to." The gentle moment lasted for another second before, "And I can tell just by looking at that, that rémoulade needs a lot more oregano." You giggle as Sanji mouths along him mindlessly, throwing a smirk over his shoulder at you as he replies,
"Oregano is for savages." The growing argument fizzles out immediately as cries sounded from outside the kitchen as your captain comes barrelling in.
"HELP! HELP! Zoro- Zoro needs a doctor. He got into a fight with this warlord guy, but he lost." You shoot to your feet immediately, pulse pounding in your ears. "And now he's bleeding from everywhere-"
"Whoa, whoa. Slow down, chore boy. I can't understand a word you're saying."
"My friend is dying." Zeff eyes flick over to you, chest shaking as you force in deep breaths.
"Nearest doctor's on the Conomi Islands, it's a two-day sail from here."
"That's too long."
"Zeff," your voice is a whisper, "There has to be something, I can grab the first aid kit-"
"I can't help him." He rests a hand on your shoulder as your eyes go wide at him, "Hope your friend makes it." You grunt angrily as you shoot off to his office, grabbing the first aid kit and Sanji follows, pulling open the spice cabinet to hoke. "Where'd you think you're going?"
"To help their friend."
"Brunch is not gonna prep itself."
"You always told me to feed anyone who's hungry, I don't see how this is any different." Your hands are shaking so much that the kit spills open, tipping its contents over the floor as you gargle an angry yell at your useless extremities. Sanji crouches to help gather them back up as Zeff sighs behind you.
"Fine. Sanji, bring me my kitchen knives, Y/n, a bottle of our best whiskey. And a fresh yellowtail from the cooler. Bigger the better." You don't hesitate to follow his instructions, dashing off to the cooler as Sanji calls in confusion.
"A yellowtail?"
"Just do it already."
Nami is holding a blood soaked cloth to the gaping slash across his chest when you all arrive, carting the basket of knives, alcohol and fish with you.
"Are you kidding? He needs a doctor." Zeff pulls the cloths of Zoro's chest and looks over the wound.
"Do you wanna save your swordsman friend or not?" They all watch as you place the basket on the counter to the side, Sanji pulling out the fish and rolling out the knives as Zeff uncorks the whiskey.
"Is that to sterilize the wounds?" Usopp asks shakily.
"Hell no. That'd be a waste of really good liquor." He takes a swig and his mind falls to the last time he did something like this.
Zeff stares down at you, the littler one of two little kids he had found himself responsible for after that last disastrous raid of the Cook Pirates. You sat now, two years off that bloody rock, hand flat on the counter top as you score at it -for once unbandaged- with blood pouring down the wrist of the hand that was clenched around the handle of his good knives.  Its the God damn boning knife too, the blade red streaked and bloody as it quivers in your grip.
He didn't know it now, but it wasn't from fear, that shaking. Long after the skin had healed as best it could, the shaking remained, your cuts so deep and so plentiful that they had done a number on the nerves in the fingers and palms.
For now though, for now he shouts and you drop the knife, which hits the counter with a vibrating 'twang' before skittering across the floor. You stand, dead still and eyes squeezed shut as he rushes you, ready for yelling, or perhaps a strike.
You weren't expecting him to take your elevated wrist, turning the hand over and inspecting the gouges for himself.
"Beautiful." Zeff strokes along the side of the fish before getting to work. First he removes the head in a swift chop, before filleting it, peeling meat and skin away from the bone. With precision, he scores out small cuts of the skin, laying them flat across a metal pan.
He swears under his breath as he pulls the thread tight, pulling your skin together before tying it off and snipping it close to the knot. You didn't move, didn't make a peep. He squints up at your blank face and mutters an apology for any pain.
"It's fine." You reply, your voice a whisper, "I can't feel anything."
Your reassurance does nothing but worry him more, a lack of feeling not being good sign if you were recover movement in your hands.
"What were you thinking." His question doesn't feel like one. "You can barely get your head round stirring a pot, what made you think grabbing a knife wouldn't end this badly." He stands, grabbing a tray of fish skin he had for some reason been meticulous when cutting.
He's making it sound like-
"-it wasn't an acciden-"
"I don't want to hear that." He slams the tray down on his desk beside you, metal and wood rattling against the force. "You," he points right into your face, "are never gonna do something like this again. Not in here, not under my roof." Gently lifting the thin stripes of fish off the tray, he lays it flat on your skin, crossing over the sutures he had just finished. "You feel like doing something like this again, or worse, you don't. You come and you find me, or Patty or Sanji. You do not sneak into the kitchen and steal my knives. You never do something like this to yourself again. You understand?" You refuse to meet his eyes, staring at the '66' and the scored out '3' that had mocked you for years. "Oi!" he snapped in front of your face, "You hear me?" Your eyes still avoid his.
"What's the fish for."
"It's an old seaman's trick. The fish skin helps staunch the wounds and heals the flesh a lot faster." Usopp peers over his crewmates' shoulders.
"Is he gonna be okay?"
"Look, I'm not gonna lie to you. He's lost a lot of blood. It might be too late for him."
"But it might not be." Luffy's eyes don't lift from Zoro's face.
"He's got one foot in each world right now, caught between life and death. You have to find a way to keep him tethered to our world. Talk to him, tell him stories. Sing him sea shanties for all I care." The crew move him carefully to one of the hanging bunks, gently laying him down on the swaying wood. "He may not reply, but at least he'll know his crew are still with him."
As you move to head back into the galley, Nami rounds on you.
"Where were you?" Her voice was tight and accusatory. "We were all there this morning, except for you." You swallowed thickly.
"He told me not to come."
"What? When?"
"Last night, I-" you ducked your head down between your shoulders. "-I had gone to speak to him, to try and convince him to stop again. It didn't go well," Your eyes dance across Zoro's still body. "He told me to got back to Baratie and to not come to the duel." Your fingers wring together, "I don't blame him, we were, very harsh to one another." Nami scoffed.
"You shouldn't have listened, you should've been there. With us."
"I know."
"Mmm, something smells delicious." Usopp follows the scent wafting from the galley to find Luffy cleaning the Wado Ichimonji on the bench and you watching Sanji as he steamed rice and prepared fillings for more onigiri, some already sitting freshly prepared on the side.
"I just thought everyone'd be hungry, man. I know they" he gestures to you, "didn't eat last night, and there's plenty we didn't use. Never waste food."
"Cool." Usopp pinches one of the prepared ones that had been left for Luffy and bites off a small mouthful. Sanji looks over at the straw hat.
"What's the matter? Don't like fish?" He finally looks up from the sword.
"I love fish. I just need to get Zoro's sword ready for him. You know, for when he wakes up." Sanji and Usopp eye each other as he speaks.
"He's uh," Usopp wipes his face, "pretty badly hurt, man. There's an itty-bitty chance he might not wake up." Luffy continues wiping down the sword with a grin.
"Zoro's the strongest fighter I know. No way he's gonna let some warlord guy beat him."
"Well," Sanji speaks up as he moulds the rice in his hands, "you've gotta eat. Come on, if you don't want the fish, I got two-inch T-bones in the kitchen. Or, uh, maybe you're in the mood for saffron risotto?"
"His risotto's real good Luff, you should give it a try." You call from your spot beside your Sanji.
"I normally would get both, but I really gotta get the Waddy Itchy Monkey ready for him." You blink, long and slow, as Luffy's words swirl around in your brain.
"The what?"
"His sword. It's got a name." You face falls to your hands and you sigh.
"Luffy, it's Wado Ichimonji. Wah-do, Ichi-mon-ji." You sound out the words from behind your hands. Sanji eyes flick to you, before going back to the boy with the straw hat.
"I don't know. He said it was kind of special. Hey, Sanji, can you cook Zoro's favourite food?"
"Sure. What does he like?"
"Alcohol." Your voice is muffled beside him and he chuckles, eyes still focused on Luffy.
"He really likes rice balls." Sanji mumbles an 'm-hm' gesturing what was already in his hands but nodding along. "And beer, yeah. What about rice balls soaked in beer? Can you make that?" Sanji laughs and answers.
"I can make anything. Just tell me what you want."
"I want him to eat so that he gets back his strength. But I also want him to sleep so that his wounds can heal. Or maybe...maybe he just needs some water. Right? After all of that fighting, he must be awfully thirsty." He chuckles breathily, not really paying attention to their reaction to his suggestions. "But, you know, he's probably also tired, so...so yeah, we should just let him rest."
Sanji leans heavily on the counter, looking at Luffy seriously.
"Being a captain, it's the toughest job in the world, okay? Zeff once told me that making decisions is what separates a captain from the rest of his crew. And he was one of the best pirate captains that ever sailed the seas."
"Zeff was a pirate?" Luffy asked excitedly.
"Yeah. Captain of the dreaded Cook Pirates. They used to call him 'Red Leg Zeff,' 'cause his boots were always stained with the blood of his enemies."
"How'd you all meet? Were you on his crew or something?"
"Not exactly."
By the time Sanji had finished recounting your shipwreck and stranding on that barren, inhospitable rock. You had perched yourself on the window ledge beside Zoro's almost completely unmoving body, eyes focused on the slow rise and fall of his chest as he breathed. It brought little comfort as both of your words from last night echoed through your head.
"I'm sorry Zoro." Your voice was a whisper in the still room, "I know I'm not much use if my whole power is based around guiding people to achieve their dreams and I'm telling you to stop, but I was just...scared."
Your eyes trail across his bandaged chest and your lip wobbles "Don't tell anyone but I'm a huge coward. I'm indecisive and have no idea what I want to do. I hate being like this, being afraid of consequences of actions I never take because I'm terrified of failing, but I just," you swallow back the tears desperately, "so much of the world is filled with such desperate hope. Such yearning want for something, for anything, and its all pointing in all sorts of different directions its hard not to feel empty in comparison when the people around me have something to strive for. You scared me Zoro. When we were in the galley, I thought it was because you were so so sure this was the next step to achieving your dream, but the more I felt it, and then last night again, I knew that it wasn't right. It wasn't pointing at Mihawk, not yet."
You stand, leaning over the silent man and whisper, "You need to wake up Zoro. That dream of yours is still screaming inside you I can feel it! Please don't give up on it, hang on."
With that, you leave, passing Luffy as he walks in to take his turn watching over and speaking to Zoro.
"LUFFY! LUFFY!" Nami dashes into the galley, voice ringing through the entire ship. You and Sanji turn to her as the other boys return from Zoro's room. "The Arlong Pirates are at Baratie. We have to leave now."
"The who?" You query, sitting on the island perched beside Sanji's leaning figure, coat left abandoned in your room and tattoos exposed.
"What? Why? Why should we leave?"
"Because they're looking for you."
"Me?" Luffy asks incredulously pointing to himself.
"And the map." She turns to appeal to you and Sanji, "Those fishmen will tear this place apart if Zeff doesn't turn him over." You and Sanji spring into action, moving past the boys and sweeping out the door.
"Where are you going?"
"If Baratie's in danger, we need to be there."
"I'm coming with you."
Nami calls after him desperately. "Did you not hear what I just said? They are hunting you, we need to run."
"I'm with Nami on this one," Usopp joins in, "I'm really not trying to ruffle any feathers or scales-"
"I'm not running. We're going to protect this place."
"This isn't your fight, why would you that?"
"You fed us." Luffy and Sanji smirk at each other as Nami turns to you imploringly.
"Y/n, please, talk some sense into them, I know this crew, their captain, Arlong, has the highest bounty in all of the East Blue!"
(An orange haired woman and an orange haired girl are surrounded by trees in an orange grove)
"This is my home, Nami, they're my," Your gaze flashes to Sanji, "our people, our family. We have to protect them, we have to do something." You make eye contact with her and hold it.
(A windmill made from an orange peel.)
"You understand that?"
(A grave stone.)
"Don't you?"
(A dark room, filled only with maps and chain shackled to the floor. A little girl sits alone.)
Her eyes are wide as her eyes follow your arm, raised and pointing to the horizon out the window as your eyes swirl their colours together.
(The little girl stands, now a woman, with a blue-haired woman at her side, and a town free from a tyrant in scales.)
Her lips quiver as she answers shakily.
"You do not want to mess with him."
"It sounds like he messed with us first."
"Luffy please." She moves closer, but still is separated from the rest of you by the galley's counters. "Please."
"I can't let innocent people get hurt because of me. If those fishmen guys want a fight, we're gonna give them one." You and Sanji nod to him. He turns back to Nami and walks over to where she stands, silently fuming. "You stay with the ship and protect the map. Hmm? It's gonna be safe with you." He slaps her gently on the shoulder before you all make your exit.
Following your captain as he slams open the doors, he moves to the railing overlooking the dining room. Lunch service is in full swing, the large room chock full of people. He leans over and calls,
"Which one of you is Arlong?" A deep voice belonging to a purple fishman with a long, spiked nose answers.
"Who is asking?"
"I'm Monkey D. Luffy. I hear you're looking for me." Arlong releases his hold of the customer and looks up at you all as you begin walking down the stairs. Sanji brings up the rear as you and Usopp followed behind Luffy, with you closer to the banister as Usopp kited the wall.
"Why, yes I am. So this is the pirate I've heard so much about? You know I was expecting someone... bigger." Luffy smiles.
"So was I." Arlong snarls up at him.
"Do you know who I am boy? I'm Arlong the Saw. Even the Marines flee before my flag." Luffy shook his head as you moved closer to Sanji, subconsciously acting as a barrier between him and the threat before you.
"Not ringing a bell. How'd you find me anyway?" Arlong smirks.
"An old friend helped me track you down." He clicks him tongue and one of the three other fishmen sat at one of the tables flips open a bag pulling free the decapitated head of Buggy.
Of course its the goddamn clown.
"Heya, Straw Hat! Did you miss me?"
"No." Your voice couldn't have been more monotone if you'd tried.
"Burpy?! What are you doing here?" Now is not the time to laugh, but you struggled not to.
"Believe me, it wasn't my first choice either. But these fine fishy folk persuaded me to point them in the right direction, which ain't easy when you don't have any hands." He chuckle to himself as you roll your eyes.
"How'd you even know how to find me?"
"I told you. I've got eyes and ears everywhere." There's a squishy squirming noise as a disembodied ear wiggles its way out of the band of Luffy's hat. The sight makes you gag as it flies back over to the clown's head as he cackles to himself. "AHA! Stereo!"
"You were listening all along? You heard everything?" Buggy nods as best he can while only a head.
"Everything. And that god old quick, 'cause you shidiots have no idea what you're doing. Hey Lips!" He hollers at the fishman sitting behind him, "How 'bout a scratch behind the old ear, huh?"
"Sorry honey"
"Oh, come on! Give a clown a break. I--" He places down the bottle he was holding and grabs atop of Buggy's head. "Oh wait! No, not back in the bag, it's so dark and wet and sandy!"
"Listen here." Arlong's voice is smooth in the silence, "I want my map, along with half of whatever you plunder as tribute. And if you bow down to me, I might even let you serve in my kingdom." Luffy's face was set in a glare hard as stone.
"I don't bow down to any man."
"I'm no man."
"Or fish." Arlong growls. "And you're no king."
"I will be when I get my Grand Line map." Luffy's serious face cracked into a smile.
"Then," he replaces his hat on his head. "You're gonna have to fight me for it."
"Then let the fighting begin." As he moves to step forward, a shot rings out and a bullet clinks to the floor between his feet.
Holding the smoking gun, Zeff glares down the barrel as Arlong turns on him. With a growl, the other seated fishman stands and smashes through Zeff's peg leg, before standing to full height and punching Zeff back through one of the tables.
As plates and glasses crash to the floor, Sanji and your voices ring out in unison.
"ZEFF!" Sanji sprints down the stairs while you bolt over the railing, running at the fishmen's table. With a swift kick, Sanji sends the one with Buggy's head flying, and he lands on the table, glaring at the one who attacked Zeff.
You instead square up to the fourth fishman, standing between him and Sanji as he stands to full height, towering over you in a combination of spackled brown and orange scales and a yellow shirt, with a long barbed tail and a wide and flat face.
While Sanji advances on the paler grey fishman, kicking and whirling around him, your chains drop from your arms, the shucking weight catching in your upturned hands as you begin your attacks, swinging the thick heavy metal at his head in an X shape before making a series of quick whipping attacks to his chest, pushing him away from the table and from Zeff, who stares at you in bewilderment. 
With a leaping kick, Sanji aims for the head of his opponent, just as yours catches hold of the spinning chains. Sanji's fishman reels back, punching him in the stomach and sending him soaring through the air only to crash into and overturn one of the tables, revealing Usopp hiding underneath. Your opponent, on the other hand, kept hold of your chains and began to spin. Pulling you off your feet with no effort, he spins and spins and spins, forcing you around and around in tighter and tighter before releasing you like a hammer in a hammer throw, sending you careening into the wall above the stairs, knocking a hole into it as you crash to the steps, rolling down them as debris cascades down around you. Usopp crawls up along side you, pushing you right side up as Sanji joins the pair of you. With a roar, Luffy swings at Arlong.
"GUM GUM PISTOL!" Though he had wound it up, Arlong catches his wrist with little trouble, ripping him off his feet and pulling him into the fishman's torso. Holding the boy by the shoulders, Arlong hurls him into one of the pillars holding up the upper floor, and he falls to the ground limp and groaning.
"Get up!" Arlong snarls. Luffy hops up, growling as he swings at Arlong, once, twice, three times, juddering him back a step each time. Arlong only chuckles. "Not bad for a human." You and Usopp haul Sanji's half-limp form up another stair. Luffy yells and strikes out again at Arlong, but he catches both of Luffy's fists and squeezes, pulling back towards himself as the length of his rubber arms diminish and force him face to face with the fishman.
"Oooh, big mistake." Arlong muses happily. "Now I'm gonna have to make an example out of you."
You and Usopp scrabble down the dock to help Sanji haul Luffy out of the water, your arms weighing down as the sea water laps at them. You push past the wave of fatigue as you heave your captain's body up on to the wood, limp and heavy like it was weighed down with concrete.
As the boy gags and coughs up salt water, your eyes skitter across to Sanji, his strong pale chest now dripping wet. His eyes were focused on Luffy, so he missed the way your eyes glazed and your cheeks warmed as you followed the trickling path of a water droplet as it flows down the smooth contours of his sculpted chest.
Usopp does though, watching you watch him, before your aqua and gold eyes dart away to meet dark smirking ones. Luffy interrupts, lifting his head weakly with another hack and asks,
"Where's Nami?" The smirk on Usopp's face falls and you bite your lip between your teeth, sharp canines digging into the skin.
"She's gone Luffy." Your voice is quiet even to your own ears. Usopp continues.
"She's a member of Arlong's crew." His head drops back to the wood. You all look at each other as he remains quivering on the dock.
"No. She can't be."
You and Sanji return to the wrecked dining hall as Zeff drops into a chair, all of you surveying the damage done. Sanji moves past Zeff without a word, lifting a broom and starting to sweep as you begin to right fallen tables and chairs, moving unsalvageable ones to a pile in the centre. Zeff's eyes close with a sigh.
"I don't need you to do that."
"We've got a full house tomorrow. Two dinner seatings, plus brunch." Sanji props the broom against the centre piece of the dining room, moving to clear some larger debris from the floor.
"Enough! I don't wanna hear this."
"What is your problem?"
"Me?" Zeff scowls incredulously at Sanji's question. "I'm fine, you're the one with the problem." He begins to rise from his chair.
"Zeff just stay there." Your voice is quiet behind him, but as always, both blondes ignore your tired tone and continue the argument instead.
"I'm just helping you clean up."
"Yeah, but no one asked you to, did they? So get out of my restaurant now." Sanji whirled on him.
"I told you I'm not gonna be a waiter."
"You're not gonna be anything, not if you stay here."
"Zeff..." Your tone turns from tired to warning, volume rising slightly but still they turn a blind eye. 
 "I did not save your lives so you could waste them at Baratie."
"It's not like we can just leave."
"Why the hell not? The little donkey is, to follow your dream, for you." Sanji's face curls as Zeff waves the hand not propping him up on a crutch at you.
"Because you couldn't run this place without me."
"Oh, please, little eggplant, your cooking is for shit."
"At least I don't drown everything in oregano."
"Yeah, at least I'm no the one who goes on moaning about the All Blue, only for the perfect opportunity to be hand-delivered to your ungrateful lap, to just turn your nose up at it." Sanji stills from stacking the mess of plates, glaring down at the stained table cloth. You slide up beside him and run your knuckles down his forearm.
"Sanji?" Your voice is low and soft, and his glare drops, large damp eyes turning to you. "We've been talking about going after it for forever and a day. We both want to find it, so let's. Zeff can manage things here, he has Patty and Akito and all the rest." You curl your fingers into his sleeve, tugging it towards you as you look up at him. "We can go with Luffy and Zoro and Usopp in the Merry, go rescue Nami and head for the Grand Line. It has to be there, we can finally find it for ourselves."
Your whispering only grows more and more excited as you go, eyes lighting up and swirling together as you beam up at him. Sanji turns a reluctant gaze on the man who had looked after and protected you both for the last nine years, only to find a stubborn glare in place on his face.
"If it means that much to you, go find it." He snarks bitterly. Sanji lifts the tray of crockery and spins away from you.
"Do you want us to quit? Is that what you want?"
"Quitting is staying here, it's giving up before you've even started looking!" His voice ricocheted off the tall walls and high ceilings as he blared at the younger man. "It's letting down the one person," his eyes flick to your figure, once again hiding in the shadow of your Sanji, "who has stood by and supported you every single moment. Don't you get it? It's one thing to have a dream. It's another to go after it."
Sanji steps back, falling in line with you as he stares Zeff down.
"Chore boy offered me a spot on his crew alongside Y/n." Your ears prick up and your figure straightens, "Maybe I'll take him up on that offer." He takes a grip of your arm, dropping the tray onto the table behind you both as he turns from Zeff.
"You want my permission, you've got it." With an angry kick to one of the knocked down chairs, Sanji pulls you into the back of house, screaming over his shoulder.
With quick steps and angry breaths raging through his chest, Sanji pulls you with him as you take the stairs up to the staff quarters two-at-a-time.
He throws open the door to your room, grabbing a duffle bag before starting to throw things from the small shared closet in, extra shirts and suit trousers, socks and underwear and his chef knife set, huffing and puffing the whole time.
You move much slower, lifting your coat from the hook, and gently tossing a few spare undershirts and overshirts, tank tops and small clothes, and a few pairs of your long, baggy, big-pocketed trousers going in as well. From under your bed you pull the dusty and decrepit wooden box that housed your sewing and embroidery kit.
A gift from Zeff to try and help work on the unwavering shake in your hands, it became a hobby you had invested huge amounts of your time to, most of your clothing bearing colourful thread designs or whirling swirling patterns. Your trouser pockets are emblazoned with scattered fish amongst rippling waves. You have a waistcoat -one you throw into your bag after a moment of consideration- that is spackled with vibrant flowers across the still waters of the turquoise fabric. Sanji and Zeff and Patty and Akito and Carne and all the other chefs have pocket squares and hankies and towels and shirts and skirts littered with designs of all shapes and sizes.
A small smile grows across your face and you tuck it away in the folds of your cloths, and tuck a few extra miscellaneous bits and pieces into the bag around it. You turn to watch Sanji for a moment.
"I'm going to go down." Your voice shakes him from his muttering reverie, and he looks at you. "I want to check on Luffy and Zoro, and make sure Usopp hasn't set the ship ablaze." He snorts.
"Mon cœur, of all the people in that little crew of yours, it isn't Usopp I'm worried about starting a fire." You scrunch your nose up at his quiet chuckles.
"That's because you don't know him yet." His chuckling dies down and he gazes up at you, eyes soft and gentle for you. "I'm going to say goodbye to Zeff as well." His eyes drop to the carpet and glaze over slightly. "If you want to join me...?"
"Not yet, mon cœur." His voice is hushed and tight. You don't push him. "Maybe later."
"Course, Sanji. I'll see you soon, okay? Don't take to long."
You find Zeff exactly where you expect, hunched over his desk in the office at the back of the empty kitchen. He's pouring over papers, shoulders and moustache braids sagging. He looks over his shoulder with the sound of creaking hinges, watching as you let it hang open, the unusually silent and cold kitchen casting a gloomy atmosphere throw the little dark room.
"What'd you want? I'm busy." He turns away again, lifting and shuffling papers as you let the bag drop in the doorway. You take your seat beside him, stool still so low you have to bend your legs up to your chest to sit comfortably.
"Thought you deserved a proper goodbye, given I know I won't be back for a while this time." His body stills it's shuffling, fingers creasing the paper as his grip tightens. "I want to thank you Zeff. For looking after us, and taking us with you. Making sure we were looked after, even if you were a bit of a brute about it at times." He snorts at you, but doesn't look over. "You have no idea how good it was, to have somewhere where we were safe, where Sanji was safe, and we didn't have to fight just to-" your voice caught, "-just to live, ya know? We owe you a whole lot and I don't know when, or if, we'll be able to repay you." You trail off into silence, joining the head chef in quietude for a moment.
"Repay me," his voice breaks the still moment between you, "by staying safe. And staying good. Even if you become the fiercest pirates the sea has ever seen," his gaze drifts to you, "you keep good. Don't go starting trouble, especially if it's already looking for you." A small smile graces your face.
"I'll try. Can't promise, with this new captain of ours, but I'll try." His large hand, big enough to almost ingulf your face, drops on to your head and scratches at your scalp a moment.
"That's all I ask."
You've just arrived on the deck of the Going Merry when you hear your captain screaming his first mate's name. You join Usopp, who had greeted you upon arriving, in dashing down through the tight passages to make it to the newly conscious man.
"Zoro!" You both cry out with relief when you seem him, eyes open and fist to Luffy's chest. Usopp pulls back, trying to hide his over excited reaction and finishes cooly, "I wasn't worried for a second."
"Shut up, Zoro-" you point at the man's face and he raises an eyebrow at your finger, "- you are never allowed to nearly die in a duel again. Not ever, especially not if we're so far from any medical help!"
"Noted." His voice is monotone, but a small smirk curves along his lips. Luffy thrusts his hand into the air, yanking the man into a painful position as he screams in joy.
"HE'S ALIVE!!" Luffy drops his arm gingerly as he groans in pain before Usopp starts up again.
"And I told 'em. I said 'You'd better not mess with the Straw Hats!'"
"Ya!" You all watch as Usopp mimes and mimics the noises of an intense fight.
"Sent 'em swimming for their lives."
"You scared 'em off, huh?" Usopp agrees instantly. "The Great Captain Usopp."
"So, what do we do now? Plot a course for the Grand Line?" You purse your lips.
"How?" All three look at you. "We don't have our navigator." Usopp blinks at you.
"But I thought we were going after the One Piece?"
"We are," Luffy assures, "but we can't do it without our whole crew. First..." He pulls the hat from around his neck and plops it on his head, adjusting the straps at his chin, "we're going after Nami."
You are checking off the list of inventory as Usopp carried yet another barrel up on to the deck.
"Lot of dried meat in these barrells." It thumps down beside three others laden with jerky, and several crates of the juices of lemons and limes, "you think we brought too much?" Zoro peers up at your captain as he clambers ungracefully about the rigging.
"You know who you're sailing with?"
"Heard you guys need a cook." All heads spin towards the dock below, where a grinning Sanji stands, looking up at you all with his duffel bag over his shoulder. You let out a squeal so high that both Zoro and Usopp wince as you run to greet him, and Luffy cheers from his spot dangling above you.
"YEAH! Yes we do!" Luffy's cheer roars out as he begins to clamber down and you throw your arms around Sanji, squeezing him tightly as he laughs.
"I'm so glad you came." You're whispering, but he can hear you just fine as he squeezes back, only releasing his grip as Luffy appears by you both. The captain's hand claps his shoulder as he beams.
"Welcome aboard." As you follow Sanji further on to the deck, Zoro peers at the pair of you.
"Why are we bringing the waiter?"
Usopp answers easily. "Because we can't boil water."
"Not without starting a fire anyway!" You chime in merrily, clinging loyaly to Sanji's side once more.
You watch as Luffy and Usopp work to drop the sail, flicking at the ropes and tying them in messy knots. You shake your head, leaving them too it as Luffy releases the jib sail and takes ahold of the rudder, and you join your Sanji atop the sterncastle facing Baratie as the men on dock cast you away. The Merry begins to part from Baratie and you spot Zeff, Patty and the rest of the cooks watching as you start to sail away. You lean just to the left of the still broken rail and Sanji stands a step behind you. He begind to walk back to the main deck as Zeff yells up to him, your goodbyes already complete even as your eyes begin to water.
"HEY SANJI!" He turns immediately, joining you against the rail. "You keep your feet dry."
"Goodbye Zeff." His throat catches in his throat and he doesn't even manage to pull away completely before turning back again. "You know, all these years, living under your shitty roof, cooking at your shitty restaurant..." His eyes turn redder and redder as tears gather in his waterline and you take his hand, nails digging into your skin as he speaks. "I owe you my life! Thank you for putting up with my shit all these years, old man." A tear runs down his face and you wipe at it as gently as you can, your own eyes stinging as his lip quivers. "I'll never forget you, Zeff!"
"Sooo..." Sanji is running his hand over the varnished grain on the railings as you lean with your cheek smashed against his arm. You blink an eye up at him, but don't move. "When did you work out that whole," he runs a fingertip along the tattoos etched into your skin, "chain situation then?" You breath deeply, repositioning your head to lean your chin on him instead.
"You saw my bounty poster, yea?"
"Yea love."
"Round about then. I..." you pull at your fingers and turn your eyes away. "...Might be from an island called Gaka. In the Grand Line." His eyes don't waver from your face. "There was a man in Syrup Village who had the same tattoos. I'm assuming he was from the island himself." You run your nails along the grooves in your skin. "He was able to drop the chains out of his arms and even control how they coiled and moved from a distance. It was, mostly, instinct." Your voice, already low, dropped even lower as you continued. "He was going to kill me and I didn't want to, so I struck back."
"He dead?" You blink and look up at him. His eyebrows are creased down and he's frowning at a small indent in the wood.
"Is he dead? He hurt you, tried to kill you, is he dead?" Your teeth worry at your bottom lip as you look up at him.
"Yes." The crease on his brow eased slightly and he took your hand in his.
A moment later, Usopp moves past Zoro to the main deck, calling to Luffy past the pair of you.
"So, we're... we're going after Nami, but how're we gonna find her?"
"Yeah, we don't even know where she is."
"Somewhere... with orange trees..." The words are mumbled, your face now buried back into Sanji's shoulder one deck below Luffy.
"I know someone who does."
You all join him below deck as he pushes a bag down around the disembodied head of a blue-haired clown. Luffy stands next to the table looking proud of himself as Sanji and Usopp watch on in horror and morbid curiosity. You and Zoro look at each, already done with the situation.
"Hello boys!" You duck your head closer to the green haired swordsman and he moves his own in closer.
"I vote we get the location and then throw him overboard." You don't see Sanji glaring at the other man's proximity to you.
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Next Chapter: Treasure Troves in Orange Groves
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lavendermunson · 10 months
gingerbread - eddie munson
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day 1 of leia's christmas tree farm
cw no one just fluff. gilmore!reader working with sookie!
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It was the way his curls framed his beautiful face, his big brown eyes shining under the soft yellow lights of the bakery, the way his fingers poked into his vest’s pockets to find the quarters for the tip jar. 
You’ve always looked at him with a sense of hope. Even if it’s while packing orders, fixing the last-minute details on a cake, or replacing stuff on the shelves. But now that you are taking care of everything at the front – because Sookie told you and the kitchen is a mess anyway – he’s going to come in any minute now, along with his uncle, of course. He is going to order the ‘muffin of the day’ and you’ll look for the one who has more chocolate chips since that’s the flavor you picked for the special today. 
You see his van pull up in front of the store, he has a red beanie on that matches his signature Dio vest. But even with all of the winter accessories in the world, the top of his nose is still red and cold just like his cheeks. He tries to warm his hands, rubbing them together even with his rings on.
“What are you- oh! the cute guy” Sookie’s voice makes you jump, shaking your head to get out of your thoughts and try to act like a normal person. Your crush on Eddie is not a secret between you and your employer, who happens to be your mom's best friend too. 
“Shh, I'm not ready for this. Can you take his order for me?” you ask her, she notices the anxiety on your face. 
“Nope, you got this sweetie!” Sookie goes back to the kitchen leaving you alone, damn it.
The bell of the store rings and as you look up, he stands in front of you. Just looking at you with a shine in his eyes and a little small on his face. 
“Hey,” Eddie says, not noticing the way your body shakes at his words. 
“Hey, welcome to Sookie’s, what can I get for you?” 
You follow the script, it’s easy. He’ll order his usual, you’ll serve him, he’ll pay and eventually leave. Leaving you with your empty heart and your longing for him. 
“I’m not sure, I want something new… something sweeter. Can you help me with that?” 
A grin shows up on his face, his words getting in your head and your cheeks getting that pink tone. Yeah, you can help, you’d do anything. 
“I think we have some-“
Sookie comes back from the kitchen, with a new batch of gingerbread cookies. The recipe you created for weeks.
“Hey! Eddie? Where's your uncle?” she asks, stealing Eddie’s attention from you. 
“He is at home, took a very much-needed day off and he’s cleaning his mug collection. I didn't want to get in the way”
His pretty curls bounce as he shakes his head and an adorable giggle falls off from his lips. He has you right in the palm of his hand and doesn’t even notice. 
“Wonderful, hope he gets some rest. Would you like to try our new gingerbread recipe? my favorite sous chef made this recipe” 
Sookie nudges your arm, pushing the tray of cookies toward Eddie, who hesitates before leaning back.
“Sorry. I hate gingerbread, but I’m sure they are amazing!” 
Sookie returns to the kitchen after telling Eddie not to worry offering a smile and leaving the tray of cookies for you to display.
“I am so, so sorry” 
“Don’t worry about it, what can I get for you today”
“Yeah, uh, three red velvet cupcakes and.…” he pauses while hunching down and looking at all the pastries. “Four chocolate chip cookies please" For a moment his gaze locks with your eyes, and his cheeks glow red as yours when he sees you smiling at him. 
If he could, he would kiss you right now to show you just how lucky and grateful he is to see your face almost every day. Here. At school. At parties. At the public library.
“Anything else?” you ask, trying to help and trying for a speech to come out of your lips to make him buy more sweets for his uncle. 
You carefully place his order in a box, taking extra care not to smush the cupcakes. He looks at you, admiring your pink glossy lips, rosy cheeks, and cute apron.
“You” his voice is soft, but firm. The unexpected and tiny confession makes your heart thump as loud as it can against your chest.
Your breath hitches in your throat as he returns to be in front of you, placing both of his hands on the counter. Goosebumps are taking all over your body if he wants to distract you, he sure has.
“Your total is 13 dollars with 35 cents” you blur out. He lets out a chuckle when you avoid his eyes, focusing on writing his receipt and accepting the money just to give him his change.
“Thank you. But I’m still missing one thing” Eddie notices the way you bite your lower lip hiding your smile as his words come in a surprise. He has wanted to make a move for so long. “Can you take a break?” 
He holds the little box you gave him between his hands, his ringed fingers tapping at the cardboard impatiently. You smile as he waits for your answer, it was not a joke, you weren’t dreaming. Eddie has this mischievous grin on his face that just makes your stomach fill with butterflies. 
“I’ll ask, wait for me by the back door” 
You run up to the kitchen and ask Sookie for a break. She says you only have five minutes because you already had a long break and she needs you to take the customer’s orders. 
You pause at the back door to check your reflection in the mirror, smoothing your hair and adding a touch more lip gloss. As you turn to leave, you realize you've forgotten to remove your apron. It's too late to do anything about it, though, because as soon as you open the door, you come face to face with Eddie.
“I mean it, I want you. I’ve had this crush on you for a while now. Every time I come here it’s to see you and I’d love to-“
His words get cut off by the way you press his lips against his. His hands find your waist giving them a soft squeeze before tangling his arms around you to push you closer. You steady yourself on your tippy toes, and reach for him, placing your hands on his shoulders.
With one hand, you tangle your fingers in the curls at the back of his neck, keeping him close. 
“I’d love to take you on a date” Eddie finishes his sentence when he breaks the kiss. “Would you give me the honor of taking you on a date?”
“Yes. Yes, I want to. I want you too, Eddie” You nod, smiling big as his eyes glow. He feels you shaking under him, of course. You forgot your coat.
He hugs you closer to his body, trying to shield you from the cold. You take comfort in his embrace, letting your arms fall to the side of his body, and get inside his jacket to hug him and warm your hands. 
“By the way… you taste good. I mean, the kiss, you-“
“I ate a lot of gingerbread cookies”
You look up at him, trying to stay close for warmth but wanting to see his face. 
“And you said you didn’t like it” you tease.
He smiles at you, giggling. 
“Now I don’t mind, not when I get to do this again” 
He leans in and kisses you again while holding you close. He doesn’t care about the cold, he doesn’t even care about the taste he swore he hated. He only cares about you, his future girl.
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reblog to support your creators! comments are appreciated !! ♡ thank you for following my christmas event, remember you can still request a gift!
forgot who made the first divider, please claim or tag them. second divider by saradika
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bluegalaxygirl · 1 year
Night routine (Zosan x reader)
Im glad you all are liking my stories for this ship and i enjoy doing them. Zoro X Sanji x Reader, polly relationship headcannons. GN reader, established relationship. The other straw hat's are in it too.
Warning: bad Language, angst, Fluff, making out, suggestive content but no NSFW stuff.
You and your wild plans (inspired by 8 to 9 pm), First bath togeather (Inspired by 9 to 11 pm)
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6 to 8 PM
^ Dinner has just ended, the dinning room table is always a mess but everyone enjoys the food. There is a schedule for who does the washing up on each day. Monday - Usopp and Franky , Tuesday - Reader and Chopper , Wednesday - Sanji and Zoro , Thursday - Franky and Robin , Friday - Luffy and Brook , Saturday - Nami and Robin , Sunday - Sanji and Reader. You along with Robin and Franky volunteered to do extra days so Sanji doesn't have too do the rest of the days alone. He cooked so you should clean.
^ Washing the dishes with Chopper is either silent or full of laughter. You wash while he dry's, you don't want his fur to get wet since it takes quite a while to dry and he has quite a few things to do before he goes to bed. If Chopper has learned something new that day he'll tell you about it, you many not understand what he's going on about some times but you still listen and nod your head from time to time.
^ When Zoro and Sanji do the dishes togeather its mostly silent both taking turns each week doing the washing or the drying, they both enjoy the silence since dinner was noisy as always and with the music coming from outside the kitchen, it creates a soothing environment for the two. Only after the dishes have been done and put away does the banter between the two start. It's playful, flirtatious and usually ends up with Zoro hoisting the cook up onto the counter and telling him off.
^ "Oi, behave before i make you" Zoro states one arm around the cooks waist keeping him still while the others poking at the cooks chest lightly. Sanji lets out a laugh pulling the swordsman closer by his belt "Or what three swords? you gonna punish me?" A sly smile forming on his face leaning closer to Zoro. "No, you'd enjoy that too much. i'll just have to ignore you" a cocky smile forms on the green haired mans face pulling away only to be tackled by Sanji "Oh no you don't." The cooks arms wrap around Zoro's neck whole his legs wrap around the swordsman's waist. "You cant ignore me if i stay like this" A laugh leaves Sanji's mouth feeling victorious "You little shit" Zoro growls with a grin holding Sanji up and kissing his neck making the cook laugh and pull away slightly, the opportunity was open and Zoro took it crashing his lips onto the chef's forcing his tongue into the mans mouth earning a moan. the two stayed like that for a while only pulling away for air, Sanji's face bright red "You got what you wanted?" Zoro asks continuing to tease the cook not letting him go from his strong grip. "Not quite" Sanji replays placing light kisses around Zoro's face.
^ When you and sanji do the dishes togeather its full of conversation, there's no particular topic you two talk about just what ever pops into your head. You both take turns washing and drying the dishes but you prefer to wash more since you know how important sanji's hands are to him. you never tell him that though, just saying you like doing it and of cause he lets you since he wont stop you doing something you like. after the dishes are done you two finish your conversation share a kiss and a hug before going to find your moss head.
^There was one day when Chopper let slip why you always wash the dishes and it made Sanji shocked, he didn't bring it up at the time but when you two did the dishes togeather again he deiced to bring it up again. You were just about to place you hands in the water when Sanji grabs them, holding them in his while pulling them away from the water "I'll do the dish's this time love" he says with a loving smile "No its ok i like doing it" you state like you always do only to be met by a response you weren't expecting "I know thats a lie, Chopper told me. I appreciate the thought my love but a little bit of water isn't going to hurt my hands" The shock soon wears off as you look at the cooks hand, you grab them and fold his hands out looking at the palms of his hands "Im not worried about you getting hurt, I know how much these mean to you" your thumbs running over the palms of his hands "I cant do much to help you with that but i can do the dishes" your gaze brakes away from Sanji's hands to his eyes, a slight shock look on his face before he pulls you in for a kiss, you thought it would be a quick one but you were wrong. As quick as a flash your picked up off the floor and placed on the counter, Sanji's hands running over your hips and up your back pulling you close into him before pulling out of the kiss. "Thank you" he lets out before kissing you again.
8 to 9 PM
^ Once the dishes are done and everyone has relaxed from their meals Luffy asks Brook to sing and play his violin or Piano. Of cause the Skeleton accepts playing what ever song is in his none existent heart. He will take requests of cause and they mainly come from either Robin, franky or Luffy. Around this time the three of you are togeather, while the rest of the crew dances and sings. Zoro pulls you two with him to sit in the grass watching the show away form the others. Its much more peaceful where you sit, it gives you three a chance to just relax, Zoro's always in the middle holding the both of you close to him, some times he'll pull one of you onto his lap just for the fun of it.
^ The show goes on as the sun sets over the water, sounds of the waves crashing lightly around the ship and the crew laughing, joking and dancing to the sound of Brook's music. You didn't even hear Zoro call you name at first, too lost in the beauty of the world in front of you. Hands grab your hips and lift you up like your a feather in the wind, this snaps you out of your trance, your body being placed on Zoro's lap and the sward mans arms moving from your hips to around your waist stopping you form going anywhere. "I was calling you" he states acting annoyed at you but you could tell he was slightly worried. "You ok my love?" sanji asks his head in Zoro's shoulder placing a hand in your thigh. "Yea sorry was just watching the sun set" you whispers leaning back into Zoro's broad chest, feeling comfortable that your not going to leave the swards man lets one hand leave your waits to wrap around sanji. "It is lovely" Sanji reply's looking out at the sea "You two are saps" Zoro comments earning a hit on the chest by Sanji "Its romantic." The cook scolds earning a huff from Zoro.
^ Some times you'll get Luffy coming over trying to get Zoro to join in, the man always refuses no matter how pushy Luffy can get. Luffy doesn't stop asking though, maybe he figures the next time he asks it will be a yes, until then he'll just keep asking. Sanji will try and encourage Zoro to join making the swards man blush and hide his head in either sanji's shoulder or yours. You on the other hand have had a plan brewing in your mind for a while now. you just need the right time to put it into action.
9 to 11 PM
^ Not everyone gets a shower or bath every day but you, Nami, Robin and Sanji do while the others get a bath two to three times a week. You like to shower alone, always have but Sanji and Zoro still try and get you to join them. They asks once and a while but don't push it, they know that No means No and respect you.
^ Sanji gets a bath every night once the girls have finished sometimes being joined by the other men. there are rare times with Zoro joins him, its mainly after a long day of training, the two boys just lay in there and relax, the hot water soothing their muscles. Zoro enjoys his baths placing a wet cloth on his head as he sinks into the water, a wave of relaxation and calmness washes over him. the only time it gets interrupted is if Luffy or Brook make a fuss about something, luckily it doesn't last too long tough but if it did Zoro would let them know.
^ You prefer the shower only once in a blue moon taking a bath, you would rather it be quick than sit there for a long time but you still take care of yourself. you use things with Honey or lavender in it for your hair leaving it silky soft and smelling nice. Sanji loves the smell of your hair and Zoro loves the feel, you'll never tell sanji your secret though even when he begs to know. as for your body you use simple stuff in the shower but coconut body butter for areas of your skin that have marks/tattoos/scars to keep them flexible.
^ Chopper is the first one to head to bed making sure he gets a full 8 hours of sleep. The others go off to do their own thing while you like to sit on the deck a bit longer reading a book to calm your mind before bed. Sanji usually checks the kitchen to make sure it hasn't been raised by Luffy and Usopp while Zoro gets ready for his watch.
^ Its not often Zoro goes to sleep early, he prefers to keep watch going to sleep only when some one else takes over his shift. in the mean time he likes to join you on the Deck and asking you to read to him. he doesn't follow along with what your reading he just likes hearing your voice.
^ Once Sanji is finished securing the kitchen he walks over to you two trying not to disturb you, finding it sweet how Zoro looks at you while your focused on the book. Its always Zoro that notices Sanji first giving the man a smile and patting his lap asking the cook to join them. Sanji gladly sits on the swards man's lap gaining your attention as he does so.
^ "All secure?" you asks feeling bad that he has to do this every night "yea, hopefully it stays that way" the cook leans back into Zoro pulling out a cigarette and lighting it. Its his last smoke of the night and try's to make it last "Come to bed with us" Sanji faces Zoro after letting out a breath of smoke. Zoro sighs looking at the two of you "As much as i want to, i need to be on watch" he sates feeling you move to face him fully sitting on your knees "Your on watch every night" the sadness in your voice makes his heart almost brake "Come on, you one night" sanji pulls you with him into a hug with zoro hoping that will get the green haired man to change his mind. The conflicting feeling in Zoro's chest make it hard to decide but he soon give you an answer "I'll take tomorrow night off. its not fair to ask someone last minute to take over" His arms wrapping around the two of you hoping you will understand.
11 PM to 12 AM
^ By now Luffy, Usopp, Franky and Brook have headed to their rooms for the night. some of them dont sleep for a little while longer but the warmth of the rooms are better than the cold night sea air.
^ It's time you and Sanji went to bed so Sanji gets up and stamps out the last of his cigarette before turning to take your hand, helping you up form your seat. "Don't come to bed too late" Sanji smiles down at Zoro who couldn't be bothered to move "I won't. now get your asses to bed" he smiles up at you two. "Aren't you gonna kiss us good night" you ask with a frown, this always gets him moving even when he doesn't want to. Zoro gets up with a groan hating that he had to move. He places his hands on your cheeks and pulls you in for a kiss, he pulls away to do the same to Sanji. "That better?" The swards man asks after pulling away.
^ For you tonight it isn't enough getting closer you grab his shirt and pull him closer to you "No" you whisper making sanji laugh a little "Come on Zo, you can't refuse Y/N" Sanji encourages running a hand up Zoro's size, he can't help but give in giving you another kiss pulling you in close by your hips and sliding his tongue into your mouth. you let out a groan as Zoro kisses harder "Go gentle" Sanji whispers in Zoro ear, the swards man doing as he's told for once and being more gentle before pulling away. your breathless but love it, you love him and Sanji, you couldn't ask for anything more. Sanji's hand still runs up and down zoro's side silently asking for a kiss as well. Of cause Zoro pulls him in for one deciding to go gentle since that's what the two of you seem to want. The swards man works his tongue into the cooks mouth exploring every inch, Sanji letting out a happy hum in response, Once Zoro feels like he's made the cook out of breath he pulls away with a smile leaving sanji with a small blush.
^ You and Sanji make your way to your shared bedroom leaving Zoro to head to the crows nest to start his watch. your bed is nice and warm when you get in, the light cotton duvet sheets are soft against your skin keeping the warm in and the cold night air out. As soon as you lay down and get comfy on your back Sanji cuddling up to you his head on your chest and an arm wrapped around your waist. Most people assume he's the one holding you but he likes being held, he can hear your heart beet and he like the feeling of your chest moving as you breath. You two just quietly talk to each other as you doze off, giving each other small kisses and words of love, Sanji kissing your jaw line and neck while you kiss his forehead and nose. Your always the first to fall asleep and he can tell when you are by year heart beat. he moves his head onto his pillow and falls asleep himself breathing in your smell. the lavender and honey always seem to clam him.
12 to 4 AM
^ Late into the night things are usually quirt, if anything happens Zoro can handle it just fine. Around 4 AM is when his watch is over and some one comes up to the crows nest to take over. He's tired by now just wanting to curl up in bed and sleep. Once in the room he tried to be quirt, taking off his shoes and placing his swards on a hook.
^ Crawling into bed he pulls the cover over him and wraps his arm around who ever is closest to him. He falls asleep very quickly but always say that he loves the two of you. in a way he's sacred to say it when your both awake, he doesn't know why but he hopes you both know that he does love you, even when he's being a cocky asshole.
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c0smoshit · 1 year
Hi hi! Just wanted to know if you were doing requests at the moment, and if so, I have one!
A Cloud Strife x fem! reader that’s based off the song “From the Start” by Laufey? Fluff and ends in a cute little confession!
AHH I love your writing, keep up the good work! Don’t forget to hydrate and stay healthy!
Requests are still open!! So don't worry honey :))
But anyways I love Laufey😭 Her songs are just 😙 🤌 chef kiss
Thanks for the support love ♡♡
Oh the burning painミ★
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⋆ ࣪. ℙ𝕒𝕚𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕘 ≫ Cloud Strife/Reader
⋆ ࣪. 𝕎𝕒𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤 ≫ fluff, lovesickness, hugs and overall soft hour Cloud, not proofread!
⋆ ࣪. 𝔸/ℕ ≫ Idk if you just read my mind but I was planning on writting a fic with a Mitski song...
⋆ ࣪. 𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕕𝕔𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕥 ≫ 3.862
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You finally got to rest after an exhausting day of long walks and longer fights, your feet ached, begging you pry them off the confines of your burning shoes.
Midgar was now far behind your back but although you had escaped the loud noises and the crowds of stressed people, you were still pretty dizzy.
Hurriedly your hands touched the cold surface of the handle on the door that you supposed led you to a room. Sighing audibly when your theory was proven right, you entered inside.
The wind creaked through the big window right above the bed, creating a cool ambience inside you had been craving since you stepped outside the walls.
Although the room wasn't as big as the one in your appartment, it still felt the same size after the mess you had been through. Your bag was long forgotten besides the small wooden night table, your shoes followed soon.
The sun was still up in the sky, it was eventually going to dissapear with red and orange brushstrokes, so the group agreed on resting till tomorrow morning.
And you were so grateful you guys did, having some privacy you knew you were going to seek on this ambiguous long road. But not only you loved the privacy, you loved how your mind could wander around freely.
You thought and thought, how fresh the air slid inside your nostrils, nostrils that were used to the imminent pollution that big city had enveloping it's buildings.
How bright the sky was, a huge lake of natural crystal water beyond your hairy crown. Your eyes burned whenever you looked at the sun, pupils shrinking hastily.
The ground felt different too, both in your eyes and the feeling of it against your curious fingertips. It felt hot and funny, millions of little children frenziedly running down your wrist, some of them tiredly resting on your palm.
You had forgotten about those starry and clear nights you were dying to see once again.
. . .
"Do you think we will still play together when we grow older?"
He stopped walking but he didn't look at your face like you thought he would.
"Yeah, you'll see me on the news when I become a SOLDIER"
You would always tell him that you didn't like talking about those boring guys, that instead he helped you get your doll out of the wooden plank it had fallen on.
But the visible sparkle that appeared on his iris whenever he talked about them, how he seemed to gesticulate more, be happier with you.
Maybe you didn't mind those boring guys that much.
. . .
He would take you to the mountains behind the village, walk with you like he would when he was all alone.
Your dress touched the hard rocks bellow your feet as you crouched down, your face lightening up as you looked at whatever was in front of you.
He tried to peek in, but when he got closer to your back you unexpectedly turned around with something between your little hands.
He had a confused face, eyebrows furrowed while his eyes looked at your big grin before looking back down.
He quickly took a step back with an audible gasp, he had a flower or some silly snail in mind, not a squirrel. Yet when he looked back at the cute baby animal, he was curiously pleased with the sight.
"It's so small and fuzzy!"
Your plump cheek rubbed the side of the little furry gentleman and he felt something inside his belly.
You looked cute like that.
He wouldn't have picked up that animal like you did, maybe because they wouldn't go near him. Something emanated from your body, an aura of kindness that kept him close to you.
You were the only kid he thought wasn't weak, someone who wouldn't judge him if he didn't make it to SOLDIER.
He would have never told you how much he missed you sometimes, the swings felt colder without your colorful skirts resting on top of them.
You brought joy into his life, he liked to play hide and seek with you although you weren't the best at hiding. You were the best at making him crack a smile sometimes.
He swore he would never let a soul like yours get hurt ever again.
. . .
The window was wide opened by your hands, eternal fields of green and vivid grass in front of you. Oh how you would love to lay there right now, you pictured a thin layer of dew wetting your clothes at night, welcoming you with a warm sunlight-bathed blanket when the biggest star came back.
You wondered about those two short memories that popped up inside your head suddenly, maybe it was because you finally smelt fresh mountain air after so long.
Your nose often reminisced you about your memories, the hot and sweet aroma of fresh baked strawberry muffins, the ones you used to bake with your father.
You missed him, you missed home.
But now you finally filled that hole once again, not with your own blood but one that appeared to be the same shade.
You were lost, but he was too. And when you saw him again in those sad streets, his uniform placed carefully on top of his skin and that distinctive sword.
You knew he hadn't changed a bit.
So you brought him back with Tifa, helping her getting him into your group. At first he was bitter with the idea, whining about how he didn't care about the Planet, he just wanted to fulfill his pockets.
But eventually he just needed to warm himself up with everyone, at the end of the day you were all he had left. You opened your backpack.
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"You sure you're fine?"
Your head perked up when you heard that distinctive kind voice, your feet stopping right when you were going to reach the end of the metal stairs.
Then you heard a huff, your mind almost immediately picturing a black gloved hand shaking in the air, silently answering her question.
You didn't know why, but your body thought the best idea was to hide behind a wall next to the stairs. You knew it was wrong to eavesdrop, but you were too curious to care.
A sigh fell from her lips, the sound of a door creaking following right behind.
"If you want anything else, we can always get it-"
"There is one thing. My money. You guys owe me two thousand, remember? "
Greedy bastard.
Of course he had to bring his gils up, right after she kindly asked him if he was doing alright. You had to bite your lip in order to surpress a laugh.
You heard the feminine voice talking again, but it was too muffled out for you to make out the words. However, you stayed there for a little while.
You lived right next to his door now, you figured out Tifa was showing him his brand new appartment.
He was back home once again.
The voices quieted down, some footsteps could be heard to the tune of the chilly dark air. His sword still rested on his back too, you began walking towards your door.
But then you saw it, you saw Tifa enveloping him with her delicate-looking but strong arms. You freezed once again in the same spot.
Had Cloud ever enjoyed one of your hugs?
His arms akwardly stayed by his sides for a few seconds before he patted her back softly, her arms were wrapped around his chest and she had her head next to his face.
You noticed that she was whispering something into his ear, his mouth stayed tight in response. They both were so close, you took a step foward.
Tifa let go of him and he still stood stiff on his shoes, his eyes were the first ones that noticed you.
You gave him a small wave, quickly marching towards your door as you fumbled with your damn keys. He just looked at you but you were stopped by a swift hand.
"Y/n! "
You spun around, offering an akward smile before her arms were around you for a brief moment.
You had hugged her multiple times before but this one felt just different, for some reason it didn't feel as warm and sweet as they always did, managing to boost up your mood.
"Cloud's our new neighbour now"
She gave you a cheeky grin, her hand now resting on your shoulder. Your mouth opened but you closed it as fast as a butterfly flapped it's colorful wings.
"Yeah... Goodnight you two"
The last thing you saw before your hand made contact with the icy metal handle of your door was her puzzled face, you read some worry in her eyes too.
You were too tired to even think about it, all the tasks you had to do today burning inside your head, now mixed with some sort of sudden... irritation?
Maybe it was the weather, the pollution you hardly tried to scrub off with soap and water. You felt a wave of guilt dragging you down to the deepest places of the ocean, embarrasment seaweeds brushing your face.
Why did you have to run away like that?
What do they think about you now?
They were your friends, she was the one that had offered you fresh drinks and a warm shelter in the first place. It wasn't fair.
♪ I don't need reminders of how you don't feel the same ♪
You mind was stuck by the same rope, constantly trying to pry your ankle from it's prision, scratching and clawing at it. But you only appeared to be dragged further away.
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Had he got any romanticism under that thick skin of his?
Maybe he did, deep down, tightly secured by his cold demeanour. But those feelings were definitely not caused by you, you saw the way Aerith seemed to talk to him. How a little yellow flower changed his life.
And the black-haired girl was up there too, her strong but intelligent mindset made her really attractive.
You could spend hours talking about those two girl's beauty, not only from the outside because they were clearly gorgerous under any gaze. They were even prettier when you got to talk to them. Maybe he found them as pretty as you did, maybe he was attracted to one of them.
Okay, slow down.
You were supposed to wind down tonight, finally able to rest properly after a tiring day. And yet you were laying on top of the soft mattress, madly thinking about that damn blonde.
You missed him as a child, he had the cutest cheeks and the softest hair. You missed when he talked honestly with you, without any lies.
But those days had gotten off your back a while ago.
You wanted to drown those thoughts with your bare hands only for tonight, they tortured you enough when it was bright outside. But to top it off, he was sleeping right beside you.
You wanted to walk to his door and when he opened it with that frown of his, pin him into the wall and beg for him to please tell you how he felt. How he felt about you.
♪ Run to me, confess your love. . . ♪
He was cold and warm with you, he offered to help you with your chores, he had waled you home. But he also didn't speak as much as he did when he was younger, his words had turned short and sharp.
Why was he so enigmatic?
A white hall full of endless closed doors, some of them were slightly open meanwhile others had big locks on them. You would need years to open all of them.
Maybe you need a shower.
The morning sun slid through your pores, filling them up with ( not so fresh ) vitamin C. The city was peacefully quiet as it was sunday and most families spent their day inside, together. Oh how you wished you were one of them right now.
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But the loud clank of two pairs of shoes kept your mind away from your peace.
♪ Me and you and akward silence ♪
You were kindly asked by Jessie to help her do some shopping for the bar, and of course he had to come with you.
Lately you'd tried to distance yourself as further as the metal buildings let you from him, you didn't want to weird yourself out like you did last time.
Maybe he thought you were acting weird?
You hurried up your steps, his own ones following you close.
No matter how hard you tried to shove inside that thick skull of his that he didn't have to help you with anything, that you were perfectly fine on your own. He didn't seem to give two shits, he was always a gentleman and he was going to keep his maners.
"Alright, this one or that one?"
It was a stupid question, he was probably going to let you choose because he didn't know much about Tifa's stuff for the bar like you did. But you didn't want to make this moment more akward.
He also seemed weirdly calm, he hadn't talked to you about what was happening inside his head or how trapped he felt inside the city but you knew that something was wrong with him.
Maybe you shouldn't have ran out like that in front of him.
Tired huffs were heard inside the small store, coming from your mouth as you tried to get some soap off it's shelf. You stood on your tippy toes, your shirt riding up a bit as your hand reached high.
However, someone was tall enough to reach it, and before you scoffed at the strange person, you felt his clothed chest on your back.
His slight but intense aroma filled your nose, his spikey hair trickling your back. You had been closer to him, why did this feel so intimate?
You knew the reason why, you had always knew the reason for all your bottled up emotions, but you were too embarrassed to admit them out loud.
Before you could enjoy the moment, it had already burned itself on your memories. He had done it again, the warmth of his touch being harshly replaced by the coldness of his voice.
You distracted yourself for the rest of the trip by buying whatever you needed and looking at whatever you didn't. You needed some sort of escape before you went nuts in front of him again.
Maybe your hormones were acting up again after completely destroying you on your teenage years. You hadn't been this lovesick since that guy you had crushed on a few years ago.
After giving Jessie what she wanted, the sun was already getting himself prepared to sleep.
You enjoyed lonely walks outside with this weather, the sun kind of brought joy into the depressing slums. You were happy, the air screamed a change of the seasons, time to bring out the warm clothes out of your drawer.
But some metal clank reminded you that he was, in fact, still beside you.
Ready to de-stress after doing some chores and keeping the city fairly safe even though he didn't really mean it. The walk home was quiet as you had suppossed it would be.
You reached the stairs without the need of hiding once again, a grown out chocobo following behind you. The first time your eyes fell upon that horizon of blonde mess you thought they looked like those big and super cute birds.
As a kid you only got to see them in pictures, some of them too blurred out to make out their big blue eyes. However, they were way cooler in person.
You remember the time you first bumped into one in Midgar, his owner let you pet him and you could've died in that field of softness. You and Tifa both agreed that Cloud was just like them, but he wasn't as funny and joyful obviously.
He reached his long awaited door, your own one was on on his right. He opened the door and your mouth was still sealed shut, his eyes found yours once again, waiting for you to wave him goodbye or something.
"See you tomorrow then"
He wouldn't have nodded unless his eyes weren't looking at your lips, your tone matching the silent breeze of the afternoon air.
The cold water trickling down your skin calmed your body and certainly your mind, you missed this sort of loneliness. Having the time to properly wash your body, your hair.
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Your back hit the mattress once again, but as soon as you did, the same scorching warmth invaded your thoughts again. Something bothered you, and you knew what you had to do to ease that itch.
But you were too shy to do it, not now you thought. But when?
Sepphiroth was out there, Shinra had polluted almost every corner left on this Planet. You had to do it.
. . .
Your quivering hands fixed your clothes, your knuckles ready to bang the do-
You stood there like a rock, the door was wide open in front of you and a fresh out of the shower Cloud welcomed you. You hadn't expected him to be the one who opened the door before you.
His shoulder was empty and his leather belt wasn't there too, he looked calmer like that. You liked that view, a more "informal" sight.
But the best part was his hair, it still had droplets of water travelling through a rainforest of blonde locks, desesperately trying to find a way out. His brows were a bit ruffled up too, and you had to contain your urges to brush your fingers over them.
His eyes looked at you up and down, you read confusion writen all over them once again. He probably didn't expect you to be there either.
"I just. I just wanted to talk"
You finally breathed out, your heart felt like it was about to explode inside your chest. Why didn't you feel like this when you were fighting the Turks?
"Come in"
God, why did you have to follow the voices in your head.
The room was identical to yours, but his bed was on the left side of the room. Your own one was on the right, he was going to sleep next to you.
No he wasn't, there was a wall dividing both of your little worlds. You were going crazy at this point.
♪ Unrequited, terrifying ♪
He sat on the bed, next to a soggy white towel you figured out he had used for his hair. His knees were slightly appart from eachother, his bare hands resting on top of them.
It was the first time since he began living next to you that you had seen him without those gloves. And you certainly didn't know how they weren't already worn out.
They were pretty and surprisingly glowy, maybe it was the water that smoothed his fingers out, maybe his gloves kept his hands soft. You wanted to feel them, on your skin, on your face as he brushed away a strand of your hair.
Now you knew why those strange massage ladies talked wonders about him, he had the most gorgerous hands you had ever seen. A shame he wasted it's potential by soaking them up with blood.
How long had you been staring at them already?
A sigh slipped through your lips, the nautical twilight soon about to turn into an astronomical one, flooding your senses.
"Don't wanna sound weird"
An akward laugh filled his brain, he watched you from his seated position your crossed-arms standing one. He was hoping you would sit with him.
"It's just that-"
♪ Love is driving me a bit insane ♪
You bit your lip, taking your pupils off him before you mentally facepalmed.
"Forget it, you're probably tired"
You turned on your heels, your mind already reminding you about how embarrassing this was, how you shouldn't have gotten off your bed in the first place.
Yet his hand grabbed your wrist.
It was indeed as soft as you had imagined.
Silence fell over the room, your face searched his under the clear fog of the night. Your feet slowly shifted into it's initial position, the warmth still lingering on your right.
He didn't need to talk for you to know exactly what he wanted you to do, so you let yourself fall next to him on the mattress.
Your cheeks were burning at this point and you didn't dare looking at his eyes, little did you know he had learnt to surpress those same feelings better than you.
His fingers unlaced the soft bracelet from your wrist, laying down close to your pinky. You looked so cute blushing.
The next movement stunned both of you, your swift arms enveloping his neck and your rapid heart beating wildly on his chest. His hands stayed beside him for a few seconds, not knowing where to put them. But like everything in life, they eventually found their place on your waist.
♪ Have to get this off my chest ♪
"I love you"
You hugged him tighter, trying to ease the anxiousness that was starting to consume your guts. You shouldn't have said that out loud, god, you had really fucked up your relationship with your only source of comfort in this nasty world.
He brought you closer to him, you thought he would pull you away.
You both stayed like that for a while, a while you wished the moon would grant you an eternity like this with him.
♪ Confess I loved you ♪
"I do too"
That simple mumbled out words were like a burst of arrows shot directly to your chest, maybe this were your last minutes alive before your heart exploded.
♪ Just thinking of you ♪
"I thought you and, you and Aerith. . .?"
He shifted on the bed but his arms were still around you, securing you into his lean form.
"We're not like that"
You felt as if you were running between flowers, the air striking your face as you laughed and cried happy tears.
You were finally in peace.
You had loved him since you two were little kids, quietly waiting for him to go out and play with you, always having a sudden burst of energy whenever you saw him on the village.
It was finally happening.
You didn't want a kiss tonight, maybe he wasn't ready for that.
You just wanted to be held like this, his strong arms keeping you away from anything that could've harmed you. You wanted him closer, you needed his touch.
And so did he.
♪ I know I've loved you from the start ♪
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Just watched Mutant Mayhem, here are my thoughts!
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Overall: Yes, very good I suggest everyone watch it when they can or I will break your knees :)
I’m going to end up rambling far too much unless I split this properly, so I’m going to break it down into sections starting from what I believe is most important in a movie.
This post is still going to be a mess ngl
Story: 8/10
The story is actually very good! It was paced very well and ended in a very touching way. No character interactions or plot beats felt forced or cliché, and no forced identity politics which is always a plus.
The action scenes - of course they were amazing. Paired with the stellar animation, each action scene was brilliantly directed and choreographed. The start shows the turtles’ origin story is similar to most of the iterations with its own unique factors - in this case the ooze was created by Baxter Stockman.
The conflict of the plot was well written, the final act was great and ends with a hopeful and satisfying ending (there is a mid credit scene that teases something big for the series though!).
If it’s any consolation, it’s also very friendly to new fans of TMNT - I went with someone who has not seen any TMNT media before and they really liked it and understood it easily.
Characters: 9/10
Needless to say, all the characters were very well done. Despite its run time and large cast, each one feels grounded with their own unique personality.
For starters: the four main boys! They were done brilliantly - Mikey being hopeful and optimistic whilst naturally being empathetic, Raph channeling chaotic good energy with his iconic rage personality not being over the top, Donnie being a geek in the best way possible, and Leo trying to be a good leader and anxious, always looking out for his brothers but not a complete teachers pet. All very likeable, and I can’t wait to see them in the series!
Splinter: probably the best since 2003! Openly caring of his sons and worries a great deal about how humans will perceive them. Has his own trauma from his experience with humans so he tries to protect his sons by isolating them completely, but eventually realises that his own view of humans should not affect his son’s happiness and lets them fulfil their dream of trying to be accepted by humans even if he will never like humanity himself. Peak character development, 10/10.
Villain/s: all of them felt fleshed out and I look forward to seeing them in the series! Posed their own genuine threats with varying levels of morals. Again, all were fleshed out quite well and played a role in the story.
April: honestly, she didn’t have too much in it compared to the others but does play a key role in the final act and the ending itself. An interesting iteration of April, curious to see more of her.
Animation: 10000000/10
It was brilliant. What else can I say? Though inspired by Spider-verse it is its own style which is amazing to look at. It thrives in action scenes and landscapes. Another groundbreaking style that I hope to see influence others.
Music: 8/10
It slaps. Almost all of them I will be playing for the next week or so. The soundtracks really set the mood beautifully, especially the sombre track. Paired with the animation - ugh - chefs kiss
Overall Rating: 8/10
I am usually very very harsh with films, so for me to rate anything above a seven is basically unheard of. Probably my favourite movie of 2023, and my favourite TMNT movie. 2003 only just beats it overall but that’s mostly because I’ve known it for longer - who knows, a few more rewatches and it might overtake.
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You said you like megadac. Yap to me. I beg
Ohooohohohohooohohohhhhhhh my favorite terrible toxic human x robot ship. They are horrible in some of the best ways and their whole dynamic fascinates me because it's such a fucking mess, and not all of it is anyone's fault
(under the cut bc this is a LOT of yapping)
Sumdac never really understood how much he was hurting Megatron by poking around in his remains. How could he know? He never had any indication, he just found a severed robot head with unbelievably advanced tech in it. How could he have ever known that was a person? How could he know it's a person that would come back from the dead? He couldn't. But his lack of awareness doesn't negate how badly it clearly traumatized Megatron (regardless of whether megs would ever admit that, even to himself)
And of course, the extended, months-long ordeal of having to pretend to be an Autobot as Sumdac's unwilling roommate. God. The degree to which that complicates things is just fucking [chef's kiss] absolutely terrible. The nightmare of being completely immobile, completely vulnerable, near-helpless to defend himself, and his only consistent contact is the guy that strung up his guts and plugged it into the central computer of his factory, who happens to be up close and personal with the Autobots that killed him. Like girl that's nightmarish!!! One slip up and he gets sold out to the people that want to fucking execute him, or worse, and he can't even run away.
So he bides his time. Puts on a mask. Hopes to the Allspark he can keep up the charade, keep all his pride and rage and disgust shoved down. And it's miserable. And he hates it. But when something terrifying and sickening and hopeless is your normal for so long, with no place to escape to, it becomes kind of perversely mundane. Familiar. This godawful place is home. This creature that violated me is my only company.
It's just such a fucking tangled mess.
Honestly, if Megatron was at least a little more honest about his position, Sumdac probably wouldn't have sold him out. He likes Megatron, he doesn't really have any reason to distrust him, and he does want to make up for the position he put him in.
"The Autobots do not much care for my kind, me especially. If they were made aware of my location and the state I am in, it would be the end of me. Do you know what happens in Autobot stockades?"
But this is Megatron we're talking about. To him, banking on people's compassion is not an option. Vulnerability is not an option. Trust is not an option. He can't just reveal what he really is with no solid backup plan, it's too great a gamble, and, given Sumdac is the guy who took him apart, it's probably a little difficult to conceive of a reality where putting his life in his hands goes well.
And then, after Blitzwing restores his body, when he's finally free, of course Sumdac is angry. Of course he helps in the ensuing fight on the opposite side. He was right not to trust him, he was an enemy all along, this whole spark forsaken world is.
At least, that's what Megatron tells himself, because he doesn't want to believe all his cynicism was a self fulfilling prophecy he created, and not a deep understanding of the cosmos and the inherent cruelty of his fellow sentient beings.
And then of course, of COURSE, keeping Sumdac in that tank in the cave was all perfectly proportional revenge in his eyes. All that time vulnerable, miserable, hopeless, separated from his allies, exploited, afraid for his life, all of that gets paid back to Sumdac in full. It feels good to hurt him back. This is right, this is justice. This is what fate allows him to inflict back on him, so it must be right.
But Sumdac didn't know. How could he? How could he when Megatron never told him how much he was hurting. And how could Megatron ever tell him when Sumdac gave him so many reasons not to trust him?
It's the inherent tragedy of a missed connection, it's the self-sabotage, it's the fear and the mutual betrayal and the obliviousness and the utter lack of communication, it's the deep familiarity and intimacy (including physical) between them even with that giant chasm they could never bridge. It's wondering if Megatron only took Sumdac with him because he wanted revenge or because some part of him would have missed the only person he's consistently interacted with for the past 6ish months, even with all the horrible feelings attached. It's wondering what the fuck was up with Megs sticking Sumdac in a bondage harness up against his chest, like hey what the fuck? It's Sumdac thinking Megatron was just his Wacky Alien Roommate for the whole ordeal, his special, secret friend who helped him get to be as successful as he is (even if he was unaware at the time), who talks to him about not wanting his autobot friends to see him in such a sorry state, and made a birthday present for his daughter once. It's Megatron being Sumdac's "I can fix him" project gone horribly, horribly wrong. It's wondering if there was ever a reality where they could have had a happy ending. It's knowing they never could.
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romanoffsbish · 1 year
A Fools Errand
Natasha Romanoff x F!R
Warnings: Vormir(But trust me, not the usual…), Death, Grief, Manipulation, Devastation. Ill Attempted Dark Humor
A/N: I apologize, but for April Fools I was challenged by my dear friend: @dirtyvulture to create a fic I normally wouldn’t, one that starts Fluffy, and ends Angsty. For the sake of plot, I won’t include the other challenges, and I do hope you enjoy this pain.
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"Good morning beautiful.," the redhead smiled shyly before burying her face in the pillow to hide her blush., "Don't hide from me baby."
"I'm not hiding—I'm sleeping.," she whispered, then obnoxiously loud, faux snores followed her words causing you to laugh at her antics.
A knock on your door interrupted your peace, and Steve entered with his hand over his eyes, causing you to roll your own. "We're decent Rogers, what's up?," his hand dropped, and eyes full of hope met yours., "Tony's done."
"When are we going then?"
"He wants to send one of us on a test trip, and if they can bring something back he said he will be comfortable with us getting the stones."
Natasha's head peaked out of the blanket now, face unreadable as a million thoughts run through her, she was about to offer herself up, but Steve cut her off., "Clint offered to do it."
Steve left the room, and you took the moment alone with Natasha as a chance to cuddle, and though she was deep in thought she easily embraced you, soft breathes leaving her as her hand ran through your hair, detangling knots.
"How you feeling?," your voice was muffled, but she heard you., "Nervous, but excited."
"I understand that, I miss my family too."
Natasha hummed, too deep in her thoughts to delve into the depths of pain Thanos caused.
It's been five rough years for the both of you after he altered your life's entire trajectory's. Natasha was hysterical when you met her, you flew down to Earth with Carol after she got a call on a pager, and for some reason you ended up staying. Everyone you cared about on your planet had turned to dust, so you thought you might be able to help the people here since they came face to face with the genocidal tyrant.
What you never expected was to fall in love with the gorgeous redhead, she was guarded at first, but you slowly wore her down with your sunny disposition, and now here you lay, safe in her arms, well loved, and happier than ever.
“If you like, while they do the trial run, I’ll make us breakfast while you pose as my sous chef, but really just sit pretty on the counter.,” Natasha chuckled, the rumblings felt by you as you snuggled into her chest, proudly beaming at the happiness you were able to elicit here.
“Sounds delightful honey, I’m in.,” she lightly kissed your lips as she rolled you onto your back, then she slipped out of bed., “Coming?”
You smirked., “I could be.,” she scrunched her nose in faux disgust, and threw a pair of pants at you before leaving the room with a smirk of her own and tantalizing sway to her hips.
Natasha was patiently waiting for you on the counter, eating straight from the blueberry container, and her hips danced joyously as she saw you reaching for the waffle maker., “Yay.”
A soft chuckle left you at her excitement, and you made quick work of mixing the batter so you could continue to bring her said joy. Natasha watched you move around the kitchen, her stomach grumbling in clear anticipation, and just as you were about to pour the batter into the mold she shrieked., “Darling wait!”
The ladle in your hand nearly fell at the fright, but you managed to catch it just in time to prevent a splattered mess of batter, “What?”
Natasha jumped down from the counter, she waltzed right on over to you, kissing your lips rather passionately, catching you off guard, all while her deceptive hands poured a half bag of chocolate chips into your batter, she pulled away with an accomplished smirk.. “Done.”
She giggled as you gasped., “You monster.”
“I think you meant savior.,” she winked, then ladled a healthy portion of the batter into the mold for you before settling herself back in your hold as you both listened to the sizzling.
Natasha set the table up after a moment of snuggling, setting down the cutlery, and the various toppings like whipped cream and fruit. Then shortly after you waltzed on over with a bowl of scrambled eggs, plates with waffles, and bacon, and a container of maple syrup.
Breakfast was relatively silent, except for the moans of a grateful redhead, and the scraping of cutlery. Your minds were preoccupied with the mission of the day to bring half of the world back, and the pressure that came with that was daunting to say the least. So silence it was.
Until Clint came into the kitchen., “It worked!,” the two of you jumped to your fit with wide smiles, and within no time you were stood on the platform with the entire team of misfits.
Natasha was perplexed to find Clint parting ways, and leaving with Rhodey and Nebula, but with one smile from you she found herself not really caring., “Don’t do anything reckless old man, you’re on your last life.,” she teased her best friend who pulled her in for a hug, then playfully jabbed her in the ribs., “You say that, but I can still outrun you on the racetrack.”
“I let you win, don’t wanna bruise your ego.”
“Mhm, sure thing Romanoff.,” he smirks, then turns to you a bit more seriously., “Keep her safe for me, will ya?,” you nodded, and Nat grabbed your hand to silently express thanks.
The flight to Vormir was short, and sweet. The trek up the mountains not so much, you were chuckling as Natasha grumbled the whole way up., “Baby, it’s not that bad.,” she glared., “I bet you the stupid raccoon didn’t have to do this.”
Before you could reply though an odd looking cloaked figure emerged from the shadows.
“Natasha Romanoff, Daughter of Ivan.,” he looked to her, then to you., “Y/N Y/L/N, Daughter of Rio,” you both raise your weapons, but the figure remains completely unfazed.
“Who are you?”
“Consider me a guide. To you, and to all who seek the Soul Stone."
"Oh, good. You tell us where it is. Then we'll be on our way.,” Natasha grits, while her finger still hovers over the trigger of her pistol.
"Ah, liebchen. If only it were that easy.,” you both cringe at the unsavory hidden messaging.
“What you seek lies in front of you, as does what you fear.,” he relays with an air of mystery, you frown and watch as Natasha tries to decode it., “The stone is down there."
"For one of you. For the other... In order to take the stone, you must lose that which you love.,” he pauses, for what you only assume to be dramatic effect. “An everlasting exchange.”
She stares at him stumped., “A soul, for a soul.”
Natasha looks to you, but instead of fear in your eyes she sees a wave of clarity., “No.,” she shakes her head., “D-did you already know?”
“Nebula suspected.,” you bow your head, hand scratching your neck, but you don’t have much time to live in your anxiety., “So after she told me I made sure that Steve let it be me instead.”
“What about this makes any sense to you?”
“Well, Clint has a family, and you would beat him in no time, and if I made too much of an uproar to have you booted then you would’ve been suspicious, so this made the most sense.”
“Who’s to say I won’t win now, hm?,” she spat, and you shrugged, but with a firm hand you pulled her into your chest, she was stiff for a moment before accepting the familiar embrace.
“It has to be me Y/N/N.,” she whispered into you., “You’re too good, it wouldn’t be fair to let you do this, your family is going to need you.”
“So is yours Natasha, mine will understand.”
“No…,” her forehead now leaned against yours as the two of you shared a silent moment., “This isn’t fair Y/N/N, please don’t do this.”
“I love you Natasha.,” she sniffled, then she slammed her lips to yours in lieu of words, you pressed back just as firmly, reveling in what would be the final kiss of your life., “It’s okay.”
Natasha‘s eye flew open as she understood, you smiled at her just as she heard rocks shifting. She hadn’t been thinking straight, she was two seconds away from using her widow bites on you, but she was too late, the you before her fizzled out just as the loud thudding of your body could be heard reverberating off the mountains, and she crumbled to her knees.
Red Skull peers down, seeing your corpse, he’s perplexed by the lack of whooshing bright light theatrics., "Normally that fall does the trick."
“Oh dear.," the reality of the situation dawns on him after seeing the look of despondency on the redhead., "You know if you were only using her, you should've said so before she leaped."
“I-I.,” she went to deny his words, because in the moment it didn’t feel like she was, but if she’s honest she knew it was the damn truth.
"Honey, that was fucked up, in all my eons I have never...," she glanced up at the man, with a look of disbelief., "You're a fucking Nazi."
"Yeah, fair point, but I've never made someone think I loved them when I didn't.," he said with an indifferent shrug., "The bones crunch was satisfactory, but your lying, not so much"
Natasha pressed the button on her suit, she knew it wouldn’t be any better back home, but she wasn’t about to listen to a fucking Nazi berating her over some misaligned morals.
“Natasha, where’s Y/N?,” Bruce ask’s instantly, everyone else’s cheering dies down, and a wave of uncertainty fills the entire room.
“Dead.,” she replied monotonously, eyes void of life themselves., “Sacrificed herself for a rock that came with conditions I failed to meet.”
“What conditions?,” Steve asked perplexed, and the redhead looked to him with a scowl., “In order to take the stone, you must lose that which you love. A soul for a soul.,” she repeats the floating figure’s ominous words, and the archer looks at her like she’s lost her mind.
"We have to go back, it had to have been a cosmic fluke then, how couldn’t you meet those conditions?," Clint despaired, looking down at his best friend who only looked to him with so much pain, and remorse in her eyes., "No."
"What do you mean no?"
"No Clint! It wasn’t some fluke, it was a mistake. Y/N vormoosed, and for what?"
"Because she loved you.," she grimaced., "Yeah, and she thought I loved her too, but I didn't."
“Natasha, that can’t be true.,” Tony spoke up., “You two were inseparable, and you clung to her like she was your lifeline; you’re crazy.”
“It was a lie I whispered in the dead of night because I was lonely, and she was there...," she admitted., "My heart could never be hers, it was always going to belong to another, and for that very damn reason I'll never get her back."
Everyone in the room froze at her brutal truth, they'd all grown to care for you over the last few years, and no one expected this of Nat.
"What about Y/N?" Clint asked bitterly, even if he hadn't known you for more than a week, he knew at the very least you were a good person., "She'll never get her life back Natasha, she gave it up in the hopes that you'll be okay, and all you care about is Wanda? The same woman who was in love with Vision as she dusted?”
"I-I.," she couldn't help how she felt, but to have the twisted truth thrown back at her only deepened the ache in her chest., "I didn't ask for this, if I could've loved Y/N, I would've!"
"You were so selfish, and now Y/N's family will never get to be back, and I'll never get mine.," Clint mercilessly berates the already breaking woman., "I guess it's true what they've all said: you can take the girl out of the Red Room, but the evil bred there still lies somewhere within."
"Thanks for nothing Natasha.," everyone filed out of the room, each with a look of confusion as they passed the woman they once viewed as family, but no longer recognized her as such.
Natasha took off in a sprint to the only place that has truly brought her comfort over the last five years—Wanda's room; it smelled faintly of roses, and the redhead sobbed as memories of the young witch encompassed her mind, then she picked up a more prominent scent as she fell into the dusty mattress—lilacs, and pine.
A sudden wave of nausea hits her as she sees a letter on the witches bed with your beautiful cursive handwriting on it addressed to Wanda. With shaking hands she rips the letter out.
"Take care of her for me please, I always knew our time together was fleeting, and that's ok.
She cared for me, I know she did, but she'll never be able look at me like the way she did whenever you were brought up in a simple conversation. I love her enough to let her go.
To love is to know sacrifice, and today I'll be taking Clint's place to make the biggest of all. Bringing you back to Natasha, Clint's family back to him, and allowing mine to return. There’s nothing more right then this decision, to die for the ones I love is a worthy choice.
I am sad I never got to meet you though, you seem rather lovely Wanda.
With all my best wishes— Y/N Y/L/N. <3”
"Oh God.," Natasha cries out, her stomach lurches and she rushes to the bathroom to throw up this morning's breakfast, the one she happily shared with you, smiling and laughing all the while imagining it was Wanda who was in your place., "What have I fucking done?"
When she closes her eyes she sees Yelena's half smirk, and her body starts to shake., "Moya mladshaya sestra, pozhaluysta, prosti menya."
(My little sister, please, forgive me)
Wanda's soft smile floods her mind next, and her heart shatters, tears slippin down her face., "Moya nastoyashchaya lyubov', prosti."
(My true love, I’m sorry)
After she blinks she only sobs harder, your bright smile takes the witches place, the same one that kept her from the edge of insanity for the last five years., "Oh Y/N, I am so sorry."
While staring aimlessly at the marble walls she wills herself to understand why the hell she couldn't have just loved you, you were so easy to be around, and you loved her so fiercely. Even if it was only a fraction of the way she felt for Wanda, if she just let that wall fall instead of pretending, then this mess wouldn't be.
Either she would've won the sacrificial game, or your death wouldn’t be in vain, because as she sits here she's not sure if she'll be able to go on knowing she let you die for her love, and left billions of people in a state of nothingness.
The rickety carousel that is life will keep turning for all who remain unblipped, but for Natasha, well, all she has is her gushing ledger and at this point it will never stop dripping.
2,582 Words
Natasha choosing Wanda over the R was another stipulation, and no Happy Ending.
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moony-2001 · 8 months
Lore Olympus ch. 257-262 critique pt. 1
This one is gonna be split into 2 parts. I'm trying not to ramble on too much but I figure it'll be better if this bad boy is just split up. After that, I may or may not do more chapter critiques. I don’t want my content to *just* be chapter critiques
Ch. 257
I honestly don't remember having a lot to say about the beginning of this chapter. It was very meh. It basically just reconfirms what we already knew about the state of the mortal realm. I did want to discuss a few "stand-out" scenes when we flip back to the meeting room.
The bitter MIL trope
When we cut to Demeter trying to verbalize what's happening in the mortal realm, something she said really pissed me off:
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Let me be clear. I'm not mad about what she said. I mean, I am, but I'm more mad at the fact that Rachel made her say this and the overuse of the whole "Demeter is a petty, bitter in-law that can't handle the fact that her daughter has her own life" trope.
Literally what problems is she creating from this plague?? First of all, this is a problem Persephone started, not Demeter, so Demeter confirming that the mortal realm is dying is not "creating problems". Inadvertently, the other gods back her up on this by expressing concern about the fact that what will happen to other non-immortal beings like the nymphs and what will happen if it spreads to the other realms.
I don't know if this is a callback to the original hymn, and if it is, it's in really fucking poor taste. In the original hymn, Demeter did not cause the winter "out of spite". She did it because she was fucking pissed that not only was her daughter taken away from her, but it was done so behind her back and without her consent. Also, can we stop with the "bitter MIL" trope, especially involving Demeter? I know MILs in real life can be a nightmare. Trust me, I know. But I don't think fiercely loving your daughter and not wanting her to be traded away like she's a set of golf clubs constitutes being a bitter mother-in-law.
Yeaaaah Apollo is right, I'll give him that. Persephone is, once again, a big part of the problem. I know the gods aren't perfect. No one is perfect. But for some reason, a lot of the plot of this story seems to center around Persephone making these big-ass messes, blaming everyone but herself, and then doing fuck-all to actually fix the situation. Also, I find it hilarious that Hades is so offended by the notion that Apollo would accuse him of trying to expand his kingdom when his entire realm was built by slave labor. When has a slave master ever complained about having more slaves prisoners with jobs? Don't answer, that question is purely rhetorical.
Eris, my beloved
Ugh, the part with Eris is just *chef's kiss*. Especially when she transforms into Artemis??? I just??
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I want to redraw the scene when I have time because I feel like it could be a lot more spooky-looking than it is now.
The rest of the chapter is kinda meh. Hated Hera and Apollo's interaction. Also, I'm pretty sure Rachel spelled "wife" wrong. A "waif" is a homeless person, particularly a child. Much hate to Apollo for what he said to Hera, even though Hera also low-key sucks. And yeaaaah. That's it.
Ch. 258
The handling of Hera and Kronos
Chapter 258 picks up pretty much where we left off with Hera. I gotta say I actually really liked this chapter. I know my whole page now is pretty much constantly shitting on the entirety of LO, but I gotta give major props to Rachel for how she handled 258. Was the chapter leading up to and including the interaction between Hera and Kronos perfect? No. But IMO it was still really good.
The reason why I say this is because not long before this chapter was posted, I and a lot of other anti-LO creators noticed there was a spike in comments both under Rachel's insta and in the comic's comment section romanticizing the relationship between Hera and Kronos. It was disgusting. Never should someone ever romanticize the relationship between a victim/survivor and their abuser. In this chapter, Rachel seemingly put her foot down about this and basically said "This is not okay". Now, she never outright said that anywhere that I saw, but that's the vibes I was picking up. Standing up to your abuser is really hard to do. And I'm proud of Hera (even though she's not real lol).
The one thing I did not like about this portion of the chapter was Hera and Hestia's interaction.
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Really? That's all you have to say to your sister that has been going through a hell of a time? Yeah, okay, Hestia.
The ritual
Now that I've fulfilled my once-a-month praise quota for LO, time to get back to the shitting.
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Besides the ugly ass art, I introduce a new challenge. The Persephone tries not to make everything about herself challenge: impossible. I see she's picking up a few tricks from Hades in the narcissist department. I've noticed, especially recently, that H&P has a particularly nasty habit of diminishing others' feelings or certain situations to make it all about themselves. I know I mentioned this in my last critique but I feel the need to bring it up again, especially in these last bits of this chapter.
Case in point A is that Hades and Persephone get so wrapped up in each other that they don't even notice that Hecate is, for lack of better terms, wigging out.
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Obviously, she turns out fine, but seriously? You didn't even pay attention to her until Morpheus pointed out the fact that something was clearly wrong.
*unholy screaming* pt. 1
So you guys know how I felt about the whole nightie situation with Persephone. Well, you're in luck because the rage I feel for the last part of this chapter makes that pale in comparison.
This is case in point B of Hades and Persephone making everything about themselves.
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When I first saw this I was kinda like "Huh???" And then the chapter ended??? I had to wait a whole ass week to find out but my fuckery senses were tingling.
Ch. 259
*unholy screaming* pt. 2
Boy oh boy were my fuckery senses right.
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Literally, who fucking cares? This isn't about you!! You aren't the victims in this. They both started all this and they need to be willing to do whatever it takes to fix it. Persephone, to her credit, at least acknowledges that in a much nicer way. But yet again, HADES MAKES IT ABOUT HIMSELF.
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"...it will come at a cost to us... we have to basically choose between us and everyone else." Uh. YEAH??? Jfc, stop being a whiney piss baby, and get your shit together! Choosing between yourselves and everyone else? Is that even a question? If you both have to sacrifice yourselves to make this better, tough titties.
The pool scene
This scene is what I was talking about when I mentioned Persephone's speech. But I still can't enjoy it. Why, I hear you ask? I don't know, MAYBE BECAUSE THEY'RE HAVING SEX WHILE THE WORLD IS BURNING DOWN AROUND THEM. Yeah, sure they deserve to have their lovey-dovey moments (I guess. Undeservedly so IMO). But how about you wait to pork until you've saved the world from perilous doom???
Also maybe I'm reading into this waaaaay too much, but tell me why I feel like Persephone just had sex with Hades to talk him off a wall. To me, it almost felt equivalent to "I'm going to kms if you leave me" or some other kind of weird hostage situation where now Persephone has to make HIM feel better even though this is about HER and how SHE fucked up. Idk.
Final notes
Well, that wraps up part 1. I know I've been gone for way longer than I said I was going to be and for that I'm sorry. Overall, pretty yikes but I liked 258 the best.
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liesmyth · 2 years
Okay but when John says "all of them" in response to "how many babies died" I think like, there's also some tragedy in the fact he's probably not lying at all. Like, obviously everyone died when the bombs went off, but what about the resurrection? I think it's like, extremely possible that John just didn't really bring back anyone other than adults. We're shown that even with his godlike powers there are limits, and Harrow especially I think gives a hint children might be one of them. He seems more in awe about what Harrow's parents did than anything, he talks about how he tried doing it and failed, and I think he feels some regret about his abilities.
We're only given a small idea of what life is like after resurrection, but from what we understand it's a lot of learning and a lot of weirdness. Additionally like, kids and babies have weirdness. They have parts of their brains that need to change levels depending on the lifespan, they have hormones that need to start more and stop more as they get older. They have bones that are soft bones that merge together and bones that form. We also know small scale is where God has some trouble, like being able to stop tumors but not blood cancer
I think it's really likely that John didn't attempt to resurrect kids, or was unable. He didn't want to put newly resurrected people in caretaker positions, he didn't want to risk messing up or causing problems. I think it's likely that later on he even tried, and just outright failed and has some guilt over it
My personal head canon is that he might have even tried to create a kid for himself in the past. The way he specifically calls out what Harrow's parents did as something he knows the logistics of tells me he's probably thought of it. My like, theory is that while he was killing planets and stuff he at one point attempted to try and use the bloom to create a kid for him and Alecto or to resurrect kids, and just had no idea how to make it work SO yeah TLDR: I think God talking about how all the babies died has actually some guilt on John's part, and ties into his guilt he angrily refuses to release himself from. Both that he's potentially unable to resurrect kids, but also that he was potentially unable to make a kid of his own like Harrow's parents did
Ok. Listen. I actually never considered "he couldn't bring back children" before (or "he tried and went horribly wrong") but this is a 10/10 chef kiss heartbreaking headcanon. Terrible. All of them. Wow
Also. I lowkey think that John's bone crown is made of baby fingers specifically for a purpose, and IMO it's as a reminder to himself. I know this is somewhat #controversial, but I really don't read the baby bone crown as an Evil Symbol of Evil — House culture seem very much to be pro carrying around bits of your dead. I think it'd be a very John thing to make a symbol of office out of the dead children of humanity, and then interpret it as a memento to himself that there can be no forgiveness, as long as I have breath in my body etc, instead of a reminder that he shouldn't fucking nuke a planet. Anyway, I think the bone crown is, like, 40% a way to show respect to the dead and 60% because he thought it looked cool.
(Doylistically, the bone crown absoluely exists because Taz thought it looked cool)
Anyway. Before seeing this ask, my personal interpretation of John's familiarity with the details of what Harrow's parents did is that he understands the mechanics because resurrecting humanity + necromancy involved using some of that death energy, and possibly souls as fuel, to introduce necromancy to humanity. I'm not married to this theory because IMO if John had been able to pick and choose who was to be resurrected as an adept, we wouldn't have ended up with quite the same necro/cav pairings, but I'm not married to this guess either... it's just a whole bunch of guessing. Now this sad headcanon rerooted my brain so I'm again Considering Things
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valfeathers · 2 years
OMG YOUR ART IS SO GOOD! Gonna go on a reblog spree tomorrow or something <3<3<3
Anywho, care to share some (more) of your opinions on Wammy's House? Saw a few text posts and they caught my interest 👀
Like, how do you think L feels about his successors or something. Or just rant about why you hate Watari and Roger (omg or more BB talk LOVE that). I dunno I can just ell your opinions/takes are *chef's kiss*
i'm so sorry this took so long but!! i had no idea where to start lmao
i spend so much time just thinking about L in any capacity,, i mean it, he occupies a scary amount of my waking thoughts (blame the autism)
so for starters, as much as i shit on wammy's and its terrible negligence, i find myself putting L & the successors into little found family scenarios & i often draw them all together
(eg. here's some older sketches of L & the kids)
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now i know that canonically they probably (definitely) weren't like this but,, i want them all to be loved
i can understand why/how other people would have a different interpretation of their dynamic, but portraying L as a mentor/brother/father figure is very near & dear to my heart :'))
(this is also partly projection as i'm an eldest son who loves their sibling & wants the best for them, who also deeply relates to L so do with that what you will haha)
most of my wammy family art is for comfort! and maybe it can comfort other people too :')))
maybe one day i'll come back & explain the extent of my hcs about this dynamic but i'm not confident in my ability to like. word my thoughts coherently yet so !! for now u get art & some surface level stuff :)
but anyways, sometimes i question what being at the centre of a program like that must feel like. i try not to overanalyse L's backstory and dictate what he must have thought because i know that he's a complicated character and a lot of his morality/actions are up for debate but like,,,
having your guardians look for a replacement for you while you're still alive? that's like saying 'we're just waiting for you to die/mess up/become useless to us and then when that happens, we can instantly replace you with a new & improved version'
even if they were trying to do a classic 'heir' system where a person inherits L's position and this wasn't meant to send that kind of message,, the environment that was produced is still incredibly toxic. that still isn't good. they used children. malleable, vulnerable orphans. that's no coincidence.
and idk that's a little messed up to me.
i don't really know how else to word my thoughts on this situation rn? i just acknowledge that that's no way to treat a person and move on bc,, what else can i say? :'/ it's a terrible situation for everybody involved and watari (& roger) are fucked up for creating a cycle of abuse and putting L right in the centre of it.
and a prime example of how damaging this system was is B. he wasn't born hateful and vindictive and violent, something made him that way. we are all products of our environments, and his was inhumane by definition.
this post is getting long as fuck, jesus,,, okok i'll wrap this up by saying that i'll expand on B at a later date
and reminding u that this is my interpretation and you're free to disagree! we all read into characters & their relationships differently
but yeah a lot of my thoughts about them tend to be really sad so i pad it out with sweeter stuff like above!
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