#Finally got around to makin this xP
dizziiedaikon · 2 years
Art Requests Info
Art Requests: Closed
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No NSFW/ 18+ Content/ Gore
Absolutely No Questionable/ Hateful Content 
i.e. Pedophilia, Incest, Anything Dubious, Racist, Homophobic, etc. 
No Complex Things (I Will CRY TwT)
Ship Art Is Allowed 
oc x character / character x character
I Can Choose To Not Accept A Request
Be It For A Certain Fandom Or Otherwise
There Is A Limit For Certain Requests
Limit For OC Requests
No Limit For Fanart For Fandoms 
For OCs Send References To My DMs
Be Patient For Me To Finish Requests
Remember These Are Usually Doodles/ Sketches
There Might Be A Very Rare Chance That I Make A Small Gif Or A Fully Render Drawing
Requests Can Be From Any Fandom But Keeping It To Ones I Know Of Is Appreciated
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gcrminatorarchive · 6 years
Ozzy was currently watching a show at his apartment, relaxing after a long day’s work. His TV screen was the only light in the room, other than a small light for the living room and his lava lamp by his night stand. He was in a rather good mood, because he had tomorrow off, as well as the upcoming holiday weekend, where he would also be off on Monday. Leah was still working, but she had the same days off as him, so hopefully they could plan a trip to a night club or something for a date. The off-duty cop was currently munching on some carb chips, laid across the couch. He takes one of them, and flicks it up in the air and catches it in his mouth goofily. Suddenly, he hears his cell phone, and blinks.
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He looks over to it at the sound of the vibration, then reaches to pick it up. He sees a text from Aislinn, and his brows raise a bit in concern. The text read:
// txt: Hey I know it’s late, but...Do u wanna sleepover? I was kinda lonely and sick today, and I miss ya. Hope I’m not bothering you.
He sighs a bit, shaking his head softly. Spit, when will that girl realize that she wasn’t bothering him at all? Heck, he needed something to do other than laze about tonight. Some quality time with Ais might be just the ticket. Ozzy smiled lightly, then texted a reply back to her.
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txt: Nah its cool, baby-girl! Sure thing. I’ll be right over. There’s no better cure for lonely than me. ;]
Ozzy flips his phone closed, then gets up, putting the chips he had away then grabbing his car keys off a table. He then slips on his brown and black jacket, heading out the door to his hotrod.
Once Ozzy arrives, his Mun opens the front door for him, then sneaks him into her brother’s room whilst her parents where asleep. She had also grabbed some cookies from the kitchen on the way so they could snack on them. It was close, considering Ozzy had accidentally stepped on her dog’s rawhide bone, which had hurt like Frank and he nearly screeched with pain. Luckily he’d covered his mouth and held it back, only making her father stir slightly before the older man slept on. Once the two were inside, Ais shuts the door, and Ozzy looks around the room; Some of the blankets were messed up, and Ais’ DVDs and video games were near her TV that her brother had borrowed from her. He smirks back at her.
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“Makin’ yerself at home in here, huh? Mm, hope yer bro don’t come back to find this mess~.”
// Hey, it’s not that bad. Plus, it was more messy before when he was here, he won’t care. xD
Ozzy chuckles a bit in amusement, putting his hands to his hips as he looked at her as she came to sit on the bed. He soon plops down beside her, making her giggle a bit as he pulled her gently into his lap, looking down at her with a goofy grin.
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“Dat’s true...So, what’re we watchin’? Beetlejuice again?”
// *smirks* Mm...Inside Out.
The cell snorts lightly, then nuzzles his goatee against her neck to tickle her a bit as she giggled.
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“Dat copycat’a my movie?! Yer jus’ puttin’ it on ta torture me, ain’t’cha?”
// *giggles* Aw c’mon, I think it’s cute! xD
Ozzy grinned still, closing his eyes and waving a hand carelessly before gesturing to himself cockily.
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“Eh, whatever. If y’say so...But I think we both know which one’s better.”
The two watched the movie quietly, as Riley and her emotions Joy, Fear, Anger, Disgust, and Sadness transitioned from moving from Minnesota to San Francisco. It was quite a predicament when Joy and Sadness got sent out of Headquarters by accident, and Riley having to deal with all the struggles that came with moving to a new town. Ais was leaned against Ozzy’s chest, gently pulling his jacket sides around her as she watched the movie. Ozzy rested his chin on her head lightly, arms wrapped around her, and chuckled at a few of the funny scenes that went on, especially the ones involving Fear and Anger. Even he had to admit, this was a good choice of a movie; Though he still believed his movie was better. After all, this one may talk about emotions and letting your feelings out when you need to, which was important, but his talked about the deeper stuff; How the body worked, and how it was important to take care of yourself and your health. It was also had a lot of action. And bodily puns. Gotta love those.
Ozzy then suddenly hears a soft sniffle and blinks, then looks down to see Aislinn with small tears in her eyes, as the scene with Riley letting her feelings out to her parents played on. The cop looks at her with concern.
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“Ais? You okay, girl?”
Ais blinks, then hastily wipes away her tears, while on-screen, Riley’s parents didn’t get mad at her for running away at all, instead hugging her comfortingly.
// Ah, yeah, yeah...Sorry, I just get really emotional at this scene. Heh, get it? Emotional?
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Ozzy looks at her, then slowly turns his attention back to the movie. He had a feeling that there was more to it than just that...
Once the movie was over, and their cookies had been eaten, Ozzy stretches, checking the time.
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“S’gettin’ late. How ‘bout we hit it fer th’night?...Ais?”
He notices she wasn’t looking at him, and instead looking to her bare feet sadly. The leukocyte looks at her, then sets a hand on her shoulder gently, making her look up at him. He lowers his voice a bit, his tone urgent and worried.
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“Whassa matter? Somethin’ wrong?”
// *frowns, looking down again*...I wish my family would spend more time with me like you do. Every time I ask them if they wanna do something fun they’re either working or tell me they can’t.
Ozzy listens to her explain, then frowns. He looks around the room, then to the hallway where her parents’ room was, then he looks back to her, his expression now sympathetic as he puts his arm around her now, rubbing her shoulder.
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“...You been by yourself a lot, huh?”
// *swallows, tears coming on* Yeah...I just...feel like nobody loves me sometimes. I mean, I know my parents say they do, but lately things’ve been stressful and I’ve been having a hard time believing that. *a large tear escapes* And since all my other friends’re busy with other things, there’s not many of ‘em I can call...Some days I wish I had a close friend to hang with during the day, y’know? And I’m nervous about the convention comin’ up, too...What if no one likes me there?
Ozzy’s frown grew, and he pulls her in for a hug gently as she cried softly into his shoulder, his voice now a gentle whisper as he held her comfortingly.
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“Hey, hey, don’t cry, baby...M’here. It’s okay.
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But yer forgettin’ somethin’ here; Ya already got a close friend ta hang out with.”
// *wipes my eyes* If ya mean my dog, forget it; She’s been hating my guts lately. xP
The cell chuckles, flicking her playfully on her forehead and flashing a playful grin before bringing her into another hug, smiling down at her.
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“No. I meant me. Girl, you know I’m always here for ya if y’need me. I keep tellin’ ya that. Do I need ta tape it ta yer head so ya don’t ferget, now? ‘Cuz I will if I have ta. And don’t sweat about the convention, either. Those people’re gonna adore ya, sweetheart.”
Ozzy smiled as she finally chuckled too, then ruffled his blue fingers through her hair happily. She nuzzles him gratefully, smiling big as she held her closest muse with much affection.
// Thanks, Ozzy. I love you so much. <3
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“Most folks do. Heh...I love y’too, Ais. Don’t forget it, okay?”
He plants a friendly kiss to her forehead, then lays back against the pillow whilst holding her to his chest, one hand cradling her head wile the other held her snug. The two soon fall asleep.
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