#Find a Plastic Surgeon Near Me
crazyk-imagine · 8 months
Ruined Relationships, but the Love is There
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Pairing: Mark Sloane x Ex-Girlfriend!reader
Characters: Mark Sloane, Ex-Girlfriend!reader, Kara Sloane, Jackson Avery, April Kepner, Meredith Grey, Christina Yang, Derek Sheppard, George O'Malley, Owen Hunt, Addison Montgomery (briefly mentioned)
Warnings: Angst, fluff, cheating, adultery, ooc peeps, minor cursing, drama (what else would you expect), like a lot of drama, near death experience, classic grey's things going on here, cheating, bad relationships, mentions of pregnancy, keeping children hidden from father, car accidents, reader is a doctor, everyone is in kahoots, Christina is into beating, Meredith and Derek are cute, Bailey is great as always, George is here and lives, no mentions of Izzie or Alex, friendships between Mark and Meredith, plus Mark and Christina, Christina is a secret romantic at heart
Word Count: 4,593
A/N: I feel like everyone is ooc but idc bc I love this fic
You ignore him, praying to whatever god is listening to keep him away from you.
Meredith and Christina notice the tension in your shoulders, sharing a look.
“You know I don’t care about a lot of people but, are you okay?” the curly haired female asks.
You shrug, acting as if nothing has changed. “I’m fine, why?”
Meredith chimes in. “You’re looking a little-“
“I was gonna go with tense but squirrely works.”
You huff through your nose, “would you two shut up.” You hand the clipboard back to your favorite nurse, Marjorie. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” You spin around and walk out, not looking back.
Derek shakes his head, watching you basically run out of the hospital.
Mark glances behind him, not finding who he wanted and sighs. He looks up to see his friend and offers a small wave.
The ferry boat lover nods to acknowledge him.
The plastic surgeon bids the others goodbye and stands in front of the doors, thinking about everything that led him here.
You drive past him without realizing it as he thinks of your face when you caught him in bed with Addison.
His eyes trail on the car, wishing he could see you again and not just glimpses.
You roll your eyes and walk away across the bridge, not caring how unprofessional you look. “I’m not talking to you.”
He picks up his pace, following after you. “Please just-“
You scoff, spinning around to face him, “no, I tried before. I did and then,” you lean forward poking him in his chest, “you decided to stick your dick in someone else. Someone who was married and oh, yeah, not your girlfriend.” You cross your arms, “so, excuse me for not being particularly excited at the sight of you.”
You blink once, furrowing your brows. “What?”
“I was,” he gulps. "I was going to propose to you that night.” He pulls the little black box out of his pocket, handing it to you.
”Before or after you screwed Addison,” you bitterly add, staring at the box. If you open it, that's giving him hope.
"I- she came to me and-“
You scoff hard enough for the vibrations to scratch your throat for a few seconds. “I cannot believe this- you- you think it’s okay to just- I’m done.”
“Please don’t,” he begs, eyes getting glossier the more you talk. “Don’t say it.”
Your bottom lip wobbles, removing your gaze from him. “I’m done with this, with us, and you. Now, you get to deal with the guilt. If you have any at all.” You slam the box in his hand and walk away.
Nothing could have prepared anyone at the hospital for this.
You know they’re all looking at you and it pisses you off. “What are you looking at?!”
Christina does damage control, stopping everyone from getting your wrath.
Meredith finds him in the on-call room, she was hoping to nap before joining in on a surgery but seems like the universe had other plans. ”You uh- okay?”
He fiddles with the box, staring at the diamond that taunts him. “Does it look I’m okay?”
She shrugs, “not really but it’s better than admitting you were stupid for messing things up with her.”
“My mistake brought Derek to you, didn’t it?”
“Why are you here?”
“If I go to Joe’s I’m going to sleep around, proving her point.”
“And staying here?”
“I don’t know where else to go. Derek is still upset with me, and I don’t blame him, but I know he loves you and I don’t need to hear a speech from him. I’m not ready for him to tell me I messed up more than any of us want to admit.”
“Why did you do it?”
“Do what?” He asks, finally looking up from the ring. “I was scared.”
“To,” she gestures to the ring.
“That and be a husband.”
“You weren’t scared of asking, it was the commitment that got you, I can understand it.”
“No, no," he shakes his head. "I didn’t think- I knew I wouldn’t be a good husband. I- everyone only saw the bad, my parents, Derek at times but she didn’t. She never did and that’s why I,” he lets out a tearful chuckle, “that’s why I fell for her. She saw the good no one else did and I screwed it up.”
Meredith hands him a tissue.
“You tell anyone about this, and I’ll let you observe one of my surgeries beside me.”
“I wasn’t but if you’re offering.”
The two chuckled.
Christina owlishly blinks, watching as you work on your last patient for the day as if nothing’s happened.
“How can she just put it all behind her?” George questions, sitting beside her.
“Having a nervous breakdown earlier in the day helps.”
“I feel like there should be someone sitting between us.”
The future cardiologist shrugs, “suit yourself.”
“You’re going to check on her after she’s done, right?”
“I’ll talk to her, if she opens up, good for her.”
A smile dances across his lips, happy that someone’s going to check on you; he likes you and admires your work, knowing you could be someone as well-known as Ellis Grey.
“Can you teach me your sutures?”
You ignore her and finish checking over your charts. “Yours are fine. Tell me the real reason you're bugging me.”
She purses her lips, not wanting to admit it out loud. “Are you okay?”
“You really want to know?”
She hesitates to nod. “I… do.”
“It sucks. Everything just… sucks. I don’t want to be here, but this is the only place that makes me feel calm.” You hand Marjorie the chart, smiling at her before returning to Christina. “I’m going to get through this. He’s going to find a nice girl and have the family he always wanted while I’ll still be here.”
“He’s going to go through girls like I go through tequila.”
“I know,” you grab your bag. “Which is why I know he’ll finally find his girl.”
She follows you until you reach the door. "What if it's you?"
A sad smile stretches across your lips. "He lost her."
You shrug.
The resident stands there, unsure of what to do now.
You glance in his direction, wondering how many women he’s going to write down on the sheet. You hand yours back to Bailey, “I keep my life outside of work, unlike some people.”
Mark inwardly groans.
Bailey avoids making eye contact with him, she can’t continue to feel bad for him when he’s the one who messed things up (from what you told her).
You walk past the new residents, not in the mood to deal with them, especially with the girls fawning over Mark.
You sit down and watch his surgery, listening to the way he talks down to them.
You always told him he needs to slow down and be kind to them or else they won’t respect him but with everything that’s happened, you assume he’s a little bitter.
He always knows when you're watching and composes himself, but he can’t help and snap at the newbie (you don’t need to be talked about as if you’re a piece of meat). He glances up, catching your gaze.
You gulp, finding his soft expression he only used for you.
Everyone turns to you.
Two of the girls in orange start gossiping beside you.
“I have charts to look over. Come with me?” George asks.
You nod, finding it hard to keep your gaze off him but do so, only to inform the girls of some key information. “Keep talking like that and you two won’t find yourself off bedpan duty for a few months. Don’t talk about your superiors like that again."
The young faced one eyes widen and her face pales at your threat.
Mark can’t help but smirk behind his mask, always loving it when you straightened people out, if it was necessary.
"I see you two still aren’t talking.”
“Shut up, George.”
“Right, yeah. Got it.”
You try and ignore him again, which is when Derek steps in. “You should talk to him.”
“I know you two are all buddy buddy now, but I can’t do that. I can’t pretend like he didn’t break my heart in two. So, excuse me for ignoring your best friend."
He stops in front of you. “I need you to stop, think about this. What if you two don’t make amends and something happens? How would you feel? Think about how he would feel?”
“We’d be depressed, but eventually get over it, maybe be slutty for a few months and that’s the end of it.”
“That’s not a healthy way of dealing with your feelings and you know it.”
“I don’t care if it’s healthy or not. I have issues and I deal with them my way.”
“If you’d talk to him, maybe you’ll feel better.”
You roll your eyes and head into the prep station before you two head into surgery.
Bailey rolls her eyes, reaching for your phone. “Your phone keeps buzzing, doctor.”
You sigh, “does it look important?”
She leans closer, whispering, “it’s about your daughter.”
“Daycare or babysitter?”
“Babysitter. Fever, wants her mom.”
You take a deep breath and lean over to talk to your friend, “doctor Bailey’s going to take over. I need to go.”
“You’re leaving in the middle of a surgery?”
“I have to take care of something.”
“My daughter.”
The staff in the OR got quiet, no one observing said anything.
You didn’t see the lights until it was too late.
“We got one adult in critical condition. One child with a minor bruising.”
Bailey and Owen are the first to arrive.
The woman’s eyes narrow to the familiar baby in Matt’s arms.
Owen steps forward. “What happened?”
“Car accident. Drunk ran a red light. Drivers side took more of the impact.”
“We need to get her checked out now.” The redhead pushes himself through, taking over one of the rooms. He tells the interns and fresh residents to prep a surgical room and put Christina on babysitting duty, leaving Jackson to follow him and Callie into the OR.
“I heard there was an accident,” Mark says, standing in the doorway. “I wanted to see if you needed any assistance?”
Callie glances at her ally in the room. “No, you should go check on Derek. I think I heard him calling for you.”
“When did he-"
“She’s coding,” Jackson interrupts.
“Crap! Avery, push one of epi.”
Everyone in the room prays for it to work and you to come back.
“Let me help,” he takes a step forward before being called away by one of the nurses.
He takes a sip of coffee, goes over the notes and overhears a few residents gossiping. His head whips in their direction. "Where'd you hear that?” He asks them, not accepting their answers.
They freeze. "Where did you hear that? Is she here?"
The group of residents’ glances at one another, unsure of what to say. "Who told you she's here?"
April had never worked with Mark before and seeing how freaked out he was over someone who wanted almost nothing to do with him, she felt bad; if someone she was in love with was hurt or worse, she'd want to know. "We- we saw her come in. They-"
He doesn't listen to anything else and takes off, running past Christina, who coddles the tear eyed, red faced toddler in her arms.
He runs straight towards Meredith, who's talking to Owen. "Where is she?"
The red head takes a step foward. "She's in surgery-"
"What room?"
"Sloan, you know I can't-"
He grabs Owen's scrubs by the collar and pulls him close. "I need to see her. I can't be here, waiting to see if she's dead or not. Tell me where she is."
The ex-vet slowly reaches for the man's hands. "Mark, I need you to calm down."
"How can I calm down when I just found out my fiancé is in surgery?"
Meredith takes a seat beside him, slumping against the wall, offering him a snack.
He shakes his head, closes his eyes and resting his head against the wall. "Have you heard anything?"
"No," she shakes her head. "I don't even know where she is."
"I just- what am I going to do if she's really-"
"Don't talk like that. She's not one to give up. She's-"
"A fighter?"
Christina turns the corner, eyes wide. "Meredith?" She spots the two of them and runs towards them, inadvertently introducing your daughter to her father. "Mer. Mer. I need your help."
"Where did you get a baby?" She pushes herself off the floor. "Why do you have a baby?"
"Bailey put me on Kara duty and she won't stop crying."
"Whose baby, is it?"
That's when things got awkward.
Meredith's eyes widen, "no."
She nods.
Mark opens his eyes, glancing up. His eyes stop on the little girl, who glances his way.
She reaches for him. "Dada."
No one knew what to do.
"Oh my god," the two women muttered.
He pushes himself off the floor, staring at her. There's no mistaking it, she has your features, but she's got his eyes.
The little girl fusses in the woman's arms.
Mark easily slides her into his, his daughter settles into his arms, staring at him with those wide, curious eyes. "Mama?"
He gulps, "we have to wait a little bit before we see mama, okay?"
She nods and lays her head down on his chest.
He closes his eyes to keep his tears at bay, kissing the top of her head.
"She still loves you," Christina tells him.
He keeps his gaze on his girls and hums. "When you showed her the ring, she didn't say it was officially over for you two but she's still heartbroken over you and Addison getting together."
"I was getting ready to leave."
"I grabbed my jacket and made sure I had the ring. I was- I wanted that night to go perfectly but then I opened the door, and she was there." He sighs.
"She let herself in and I tried to get her to leave but she wouldn't and then she kissed me. I told her I couldn't because I was about to become a proud married man," he bitterly chuckles.
"I told her no and she got upset because she knew she could always run to me but when she knew she couldn't anymore, she decided she wanted to love me. The way I wanted her to when we were younger. I accepted it, you know."
The woman nods.
"I accepted the fact that she chose Derek. He was a good choice."
"He was a safe choice, and she knew that."
Mark nods, "yeah and that's why I... tried to warn him before he proposed."
"You tried to warn him?"
"He's my best friend, I couldn't let him go into a marriage that was going to hurt him."
She chuckles, "that's ironic."
"Shut up, Yang."
"Go on."
"I gave into her because a part of me was scared- scared I was going to hear the rejection. No, I can't marry you because..."
"You're a manwhore?"
"Baby present and, yes. I didn't want my past to define my future but then, it did, and she left with Derek."
"Do you think Derek knew about," Christina gestures to the baby in his arms.
"Probably. I'm not happy I missed it but at least I know she had someone who could take care of her."
"Are you ever going to tell her?"
"If she'll listen."
Her pager beeps.
"Go, Yang. I'm not leaving."
Derek nods and steps into the room.
"You hear all that?"
His friend shrugs, "only the good parts."
"She was going to tell you before... everything happened but then she needed to get away and I did too-"
"So, she left without saying anything."
"If it means anything, she wrote a journal throughout the entire pregnancy, in case she passed, and Kara wanted to know about her mom."
He can tell by Mark's expression; he needs to explain.
"She was stressed throughout the entire pregnancy, and it was cause for concern. She had a few fainting spells and needed to stay home for a while. The doctor was making it seem like if she even went to the bathroom, she was going to lose Kara which scared her more than leaving you."
"If she lost Kara, it meant losing a piece of you which would have made her feel like it was officially over for the two of you."
Your heart monitor beeps. "Derek?"
His friend calms you down, checking you over before whispering that Mark and Kara are in the room.
You slowly turn your head, spotting them.
The father of your child smiles, relieved to see you awake. "Hey."
You spot your little girl tucked into his neck and tear up. You bring your hand up to your mouth to hide the sobs that want to escape.
Mark gestures for your guys' friend to exit so he can talk to you. He slowly pushes himself out of the chair, adjusting to the little girl. "Hey, hey," he brushes the few strands of hair out of your face, his thumb rubbing agaist your hairline. "What's going on in that pretty little head of yours?"
"I'm sorry."
He shakes his head. "Don't be. I'm just- I'm happy you're okay."
"I wanted to call you so many times."
"I know."
"I wanted you to be there."
"In the room," you whisper, staring into his eyes. "I didn't want her to be away from you but-"
He nods. "I know, I messed up. If I didn't- if it didn't happen, we could have been a family, and I will forever be sorry because you went through it alone."
Hearing your voice alerts the little girls’ ears and she squirms in his grasp.
He sets her feet on the open area near your arm, letting her turn around and launch herself into your arms. "Mama!"
"Oh, my sweet baby." You kiss the side of her head. "Mama missed you."
His heart swells at the sight of you two.
A few days later and you feel okay enough to be sent home.
You bid your goodbyes to everyone, even the newbies because they were nice enough to check in on you and make sure everything was okay. You step outside and take a deep breath.
"What do you think you're doing?"
A quiet moment ruined by your ex.
"I'm breathing, Mark. Can I do that, or do you need to make sure the weather's just right?"
He chuckles before getting out of the car. "You know your doctor gave you strict orders, I think you should be following them but that's just me."
You stare at him with a deadpan expression. "I got it, Mark. I know what I need to do, don't try and patronize me."
"I would never."
The residents huddle together, watching the two of you.
"How much do you want to bet that they're going to get back together?" Christina asks.
Jackson nods, "I'll take that bet."
Meredith stares at the two of them.
"You two are awful," April adds.
"Yes, but we'll be bad people with money," the future cardiologist tells her with a sarcastic smile.
Derek stops at the desk, taking a sip of his coffee before making his way to the group. "Okay, if we're all done gawking at two grown adults trying to move past their differences, can we get back to work?"
"You're no fun. I remember when you were having fun."
"You want to scrub in on my surgery, Dr. Yang?"
"Let's go have fun. See yah, Mer."
You make it through the door of your place and wait for it. "Say it."
"What?" He closes the door, setting the stroller by the door as he unbuckles Kara.
"I know you're judging, so, out with it. I'm not going to pretend as if you don't want to say something because you do."
"I don't," he notices the look you're giving him. "I... like it."
"You hesitated even finishing that sentence."
"I did not."
"Did too."
You two glance down at the little girl, wanting attention and out of her father's grasp. You gently take her from him and wander into the kitchen, scouring through the cabinets to figure out what kind of things you could have as a snack.
This is what he wants, he wants this life: the one where you're not mad at him, and he can watch his daughter grow while you look amazing at being a mom.
He gulps down what little saliva he has in his mouth and takes a hesitant step closer to you. "What are we feeling?"
You hum, "I don't know, little miss here can't decide on what she wants."
"I can make something," he meekly offers, unsure if this is too much or not.
"What can you make? Last time I checked all you knew was protein smoothies and even then, that wasn't the best."
He scoffs, "I know how to cook, and you know it. You forget who made you dinner for our second date."
You open your mouth to respond but don't have it in you when you think about the good times you two had. Your gaze drops.
He feels bad but he can't pretend as if your romantic past doesn't exist. "I was so worried I messed up with that dinner."
"Of course, I was cooking for the most beautiful girl within a five-mile radius of my house. I was more than nervous."
You step out of the room and start cleaning up, only for Mark to stop you and grab everything you pick up.
"I told you not to do anything. I got this."
You lean over the couch and watch him wander around your place. "Do you..."
"What?" He glances up, staring at you with kind eyes, wanting to hear what you have to say.
"Do you ever wonder what it would have been like if it didn't happen?"
"I know we'd be married with at least one other kid now."
"I'm serious."
"I don't want to focus on the past."
You scoff, rolling your eyes.  "Says the man who always wanted to ask about my exes."
You don't even know how it happened but here you are. You pull away, needing to breathe before continuing.
"Are you sure about this?"
You stare into his eyes, for what feels like an eternity. "I'm sure. I want this. Please," you beg.
His lips curve upwards, "who am I to deny you a fun time?"
You keep him at arm’s length, "that comment makes me want to rethink this whole thing."
"No, it doesn't."
You grumble and pull him back in for a kiss.
Meredith immediately closes the door, regretting not checking before opening. "Seriously you guys?"
You reach for your shirt and cover your mouth to hide your giggles, Mark turns to you with a smirk. "How do you know we weren't trying to invite you?"
"Because you know better."
Your eyes widen.
"Hey, Bailey," he says with a cool tone.
"You two better be out of there in the next five minutes or-"
You open the door and run past the two. "See yah, Bails. See yah, Mer."
Mark stays there flabbergasted at how quickly you ran out the door, leaving him to deal with her.
He closes the door just as you finish making dinner. "You are evil."
You stick your bottom lip out, "I don't think so, I made dinner. I'm going to be feeding you, I'd consider that to be something nice."
"You left me to deal with that- that woman alone."
"I left you with Bails, you were fine."
"I was not fine. I was far from fine."
You click your tongue, "stop exaggerating."
"I'm not and you know it."
"Okay," you groan. "I'm sorry. I left you with Bailey and that wasn't nice."
"It wasn't." He wraps his arms around your waist, resting his head on your chest.
"I said sorry, don't be like this."
"I think I'm going to need a little more in order to forgive you."
You lean into him as you settle into his arms.
The monitor goes off and you're brought back to the reality of you being in the arms of your ex.
You push yourself out of his grasp and walk towards her room. "Hey, pumpkin."
She holds her arms out for you.
You pick her up, "how's my little baby?"
She babbles a response. "Dada?"
"He's still here, checking on dinner. Your favorite."
You chuckle, "yeah."
"There's my favorite girl," he smiles at the happy little girl.
You observe the way they interact with a heavy heart, knowing you can't continue doing this with him.
"What happened?" Christina asks, practicing new sutures on a banana.
"Nothing happened-"
"You're not sleeping with McSteamy, something happened."
"I just- I realized we need to not fall back into old habits."
"Do you still love him?"
You hesitate to answer.
"I'll take that as a yes."
"Of course, of course I still love him, but I can't be in love with him-"
"Because he was an adulterous whore?"
"Have you seen him with anyone else?"
"I didn't need to see anything if all the girls talked about him?"
"Did you ever think maybe they lied? Maybe they're jealous of the fact that you have a hot guy fawning over you and only you. What else would they do other than gossip?"
"How am I supposed to believe that?"
"Have you ever talked to him?"
"I'm scared."
"So is he."
"I don't want to get hurt again."
"He wouldn’t want to lose you again."
"You're wise beyond your years."
You run to him, pulling him into the break room.
He attempts to get up. "Shut up and let me talk."
You take a deep breath, "I want to be with you, like we were before but we're not those people anymore. And- and I want you to be in Kara's life so you can watch her grow up but this," you gesture between the two of you.
"This can only work if we're honest and you don't leave me for a quick lay or else, I will put you in an OR and change things about you. I will not put myself or Kara on the line if you're not going to give us your all."
He nods, taking in everything you've said. He pushes himself off the couch and walks towards you and pulls you in for a hug. "I'm never letting you go," he mumbles into your hair. "Living without you was the worst time of my life."
Mark pulls away, cupping your cheek, staring into your eyes. "If you let me into your lives, I promise not to mess it up because you two are too important to me and I don't know if I'd be able to live without you."
You sniffle, chuckling at his dorky smile. "Then don't be an idiot and kiss me."
"Finally," Christina turns around, pointing to everyone. "You all owe me money."
"You owe Mer and I money."
Derek makes his way towards them. "What are we looking at?" He smiles, "good, it's about time he got his act together."
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Hearts and Choices
Pairing: Amelia Shepherd x Reader
Summary: You were offered by Yang a position that will help further your career in Cardiothoracic instead of your old specialty Plastic Surgery. However, this could mean leaving Amelia behind. 
Warning: Abandonment issues (?), (idk if there’s more, but if you think so just tell me so I can add them)
Words: 1.4k
When I was offered to be the Director of Cardiothoracic Surgery in Switzerland, as Yang would be the next Klausmann’s Director of Surgery and Head of Surgical Research, she needed my expertise and helped her manage the load. I wanted to accept it immediately, knowing this would be a big step in my career in Cardiothoracic. However, I need to talk to Amelia. I don’t want to leave her after Meredith is gone, and just last month, Maggie did too. I know how she is when the people close to her are leaving.
I met her when Addie brought me to Seattle Grace. I was with her in Seaside moonlighting. They said she did work at the seaside before, but I hadn’t caught her as she was leaving and going to Seattle to stay with her brother. We weren’t together then, just shameless flirting and almost kissing ‘til Addison interrupted us. We reconnected when Cormac and I transferred with Cristina’s arrangement for him to be Head of Peds and I Head of Cardio but become Head of Plastics instead, as apparently Maggie and Winston are in Cardio now, so I have to find a job. Thankfully, I’m triple certified in plastics before transferring my speciality to become a surgeon in Cardiothoracic. Anyway, before I bore you with my achievements from a young age. Let’s return to my big problem about telling the woman I love about my job offer.
I had just finished my surgery when I saw her about to berate Yasuda as I heard the Kid may have dropped an instrument. I know that intern has been sleeping in on-call rooms, and I wonder what her story is about, but I don’t think the kid needs a lecture. So I had to interrupt.
“Hey, Dr Yasuda and Dr Shepherd. Can I talk to you for a minute?” I said to her and pushed her to a supply room before she could reply. I gave Yasuda a look, and she nodded in appreciation. “Okay, what’s going on, babe? I saw you about to embarrass the intern in front of many nurses and probably her patients.” I asked. She was just looking at the floor and exhausted for the day. “Hey, Amy. Talk to me, babe.” I approached her and raised her head so she could look at me. “I know about the offer,” she said, trying not to look and maintain eye contact. “Oh, okay. Well, first off, why did you look at my emails? That's kinda shitty as my privacy is – “ “I didn't mean to. It was just there in front of me when I asked to use your laptop when you were in the shower,” she interrupted. “Well, you should have just showered with me, you know, and we wouldn’t have this problem,” I said, and I could see that she was hiding a smile. I held her hands and kissed them to get her to calm down. I spoke, “I was going to tell you about it later when we get home, as I don’t want to keep this a secret from you. I love you, Amelia and I want your opinion about it as it would be a huge step for my career.” “Do you want it? Are you planning to take it?” she asked. “Truthfully, it is a very tempting offer and a huge one for me, babe. I was supposed to be here for the head of Cardio, but because Maggie and Winston happened, I had to give that up and become head of Plastics.” I said. “So you are taking it,” she said as she let go of my hand and sat on the floor, trying to settle her feeling and not wanting her tears to fall. I sighed. I followed and sat near her, taking her in my arms and letting her feel me. 
“I love you, Amelia. I have never loved someone so unique and complex that each waking moment I have with you is never dull and always unpredictable. When I came back here, you were with Link and also very pregnant, and I know you were happy, so I never disturbed you even when my feelings for you grew so much in the years that I finally know you. Then did you know how much it was killing me to see you being proposed to by Link on that beach? God, I thought my heart would stop, and that’s coming from a world-class cardiothoracic surgeon who knows it is a rare feat, so I left for three months. I went to see Yang and told her my predicament. I helped her in Klausmann, and I tried and tried to forget about my feelings for you, but I can’t. I told her that I had to go home. Home, even though I’m not sure where that was until I saw you performing that flawless operation on David. You were my home even if I wasn’t yours. It was always the wrong timing for us. I didn’t realise that you met Kai and, I guess, gotten to know them, and maybe you love them, but I just let it be.” “Uhmm, excuse me, but you weren’t so available yourself. You were hooking up with the new Plastics surgeon. I thought you didn’t want to do with me. I never expected that you also have feelings for me.” she said. “I know I wasn’t a saint, Amy. I am human too, and I needed people, and I hooked up with people, but you, on the other hand, were always in a relationship, so I didn’t do anything not until after a few months when I saw you in the backyard when Kai left you. I consoled you but kept my distance because I didn’t want to be your rebound.” “You are not my rebound. How many times do I have to tell you that.” “I know, Amy. I know. I just want to tell you that these past few months of being with you are never enough, Babe. I love you so much a-” “But you’re leaving. That’s what people say before they abandon me.” she interrupted again. “God, woman, let me finish.” I held her closer as if she’d run away and said,” I love you so much, and I love my job too. However, after many relationships on your part and flings from mine, I realised that I want it just to be you, and so I told Cristina that I have to talk to you about this, and here we are.” “You’re going to leave me, aren’t you? Just tell me already. Stop my suffering.” she said and hugged me tight. 
“You don’t listen, huh? I love you, and I will always choose you, Amy. I’m accepting the Chief of Cardiothoracic Surgery but not in Zurich. I’ll be accepting it here. I will tell Yang she can offer it to Ndugu even though he shouldn’t leave the hospital. That guy is amazing with his techniques, and Maggie taught him well.” I said. “You're not leaving. You are not leaving?” she said, surprised. “I’m not leaving, baby, but I want to explore the options of having Klausmann and Grey Sloan partner, especially with Cardiothoracic research. Cristina owes me some favours. Maybe she and I can talk about it as well as Teddy. Though I have to talk to Winston and maybe persuade him not to leave and instead be my co-chief.” I said out loud. “Thank you, and I love you. I do.” She said, kissing me passionately as if we didn’t need air to breathe.
We got interrupted when someone walked in, “seriously, you two? Not again.” Addison said. Amelia and I laughed, and I said, amused, “Why is it always you, Addie?” “I don’t know, and I hate you two.” She said and left the room. I got up carrying Amelia with me. I settled her down and said, “We’ll be okay, love. I love you, and I’m staying.”
After the missed opportunities of being with the woman I love, I don’t think I’ll ever leave now that I have the taste of it. I love her and Scout and my profession, so I guess I made the right choice.
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melonbear51 · 2 years
do you have any cammie tzimisce concepts ? [:
Hi Anon, thank you for the ask! A cammie tzimisce, you say? *cracks knuckles* Let me see what I've got! Slight TW for #5, as it deals with body issues. 1. A Tzimisce fledgling who was swapped with a Toreador fledgling shortly after the embrace on the orders of a Malkavian or Tremere prince. This experiment serves three purposes: first, to punish the Toreador's sire for a near-masquerade breach while testing the Tzimisce sire's resolve, seeing how far they are willing to go to enter the Camarilla. Second, the prince is an academic who is extremely curious to see how the nature vs. nurture hypothesis works out in vampiric terms. Third, to entertain the hell out of the court. With this concept, you could play the Tzimisce fledgling, who is very much a fish out of water dealing with a new vampire parent, or the Tzimisce sire, who is PISSED that they've had to do this to THEIR childe, is stuck with a fledgling they feel no connection with, and is biding their time until they finally earn enough power and prestige to strike back against the prince. I feel like the dynamics here could be very interesting, especially seeing how the Toreador's influence on the fledgling would alter their perspective and trajectory, and seeing how the sires deal with their new proteges. You could also make the clan different from Toereador as well. 2. A Tzimisce plastic surgeon who offered their services to the right Kindred in order to earn their place in the Camarilla. After chiseling so many undead cheekbones, however, they've grown incredibly tired of conventional beauty standards, and find themselves drawn to the warrens of the Nosferatu for "inspiration." 3. Fledgling vampires can be disobedient, no question of that. It's to be expected, after all. However, sometimes fledglings cross one too many lines, and their sire must make a choice: let them meet the final death, or call in The Childeminder. A Tzimisce well-versed in Dominate and Vicissitude who is more than happy to mold an unruly youngster into someone worthy of their sire's name, the Childeminder has gathered a tidy stack of wealth and boons both throughout the years. They have yet to cash in on any of these boons, however, leading to many to speculate as to what they are planning. 4. A Tzimisce blacksmith and quartermaster in charge of keeping a store of weapons stocked and well-maintained should a bloodhunt be called or battles between sects escalate. Normally unwilling to part with a weapon unless ordered to do so, they are more than happy to loan out some of them in exchange for rare materials such as lupine bone or vitae with rarer blood resonances. Just know that if you fail to retrieve said materials, not only will you not receive your weapon, you'll likely meet the end of one of them. After all, kindred muscle fibers make excellent material for whips and cat-o-nine tails! 5. A wealthy Tzimisce executive who runs multiple health and wellness companies that know just what triggering buttons to push with consumers unhappy with their bodies. They use their pre and post-embrace photos in their testimonials, omitting the fact that they can change their form any way they please with their disciplines. 6. A renowned Tzimisce geneticist who joined the Camarilla after submitting several intriguing proposals related to the formation of new revenant bloodlines and the cultivation of existing ones. They hope to find fellow kindred scholars willing to collaborate, but find that the world of kindred academia is even more cutthroat than that of the living!
I may include a few of these in my other lists as well, so don't be surprised if you see a repeat haha. Hope you like these!
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keouil · 9 months
suck my bones clean & leave me with nothing
"hold on," shoko takes out her phone, looking over their list. "do you think we need more ropes?" nanami thinks on it, the tips of his ears tinged slightly pink. "um," he says. "i—i think i should have enough. i also have, uh, silk ties." 3k. gojo/shoko/nanami. smut. also on ao3.
gojo, shoko, and nanami find better ways to spend their days off.
"How about this one?"
Shoko looks over the wine bottle Nanami is holding up. "Is it from Yamanashi?"
"Uh," Nanami flips over the bottle, reading over its lengthy packaging. "Hokkaido."
"That'll do," Shoko nods, gesturing for him to add it on to their growing grocery pile. "Gojo is annoyingly pretentious about his wine. Like he wasn't drinking discounted Kirin Lager from Don Quijote when we were students."
Nanami laughs lightly, steering their cart further into the liquor aisle. Shoko was ahead of him perusing the sangria options. "Anything else?"
They were in one of the local marts just a few blocks away from Gojo's apartment, shopping for last-minute essentials. It’s rare all their schedules lined up at such convenient timing: Gojo and Nanami were always called on for missions here and there, and Shoko's hospital pager was constantly buzzing her for emergencies. They seldom had an hour to themselves, let alone an entire evening.
"Hold on," Shoko takes out her phone, looking over their list. "Do you think we need more ropes?"
Nanami thinks on it, the tips of his ears tinged slightly pink. "Um," he says. "I—I think I should have enough. I also have, uh, silk ties."
Shoko looks up, amused. "Always so prepared."
"I'm just a rigorous planner," Nanami looks away sheepishly, running a hand over his hair. Shoko saunters over and links their arms together. Smiling, she says, "And me and Gojo thank you kindly for it."
Nanami gestures ahead. "What else are we missing?"
"I think that's it," Shoko hums, eyes raking over their humble dinner ingredients for the evening. "We really shouldn't leave Gojo alone for too long. Remember the last time he attempted to make omurice?"
"My mouth is still healing from the burns," Nanami mumbles hotly, rounding a corner.
As they near the check-out counter, Shoko rummages around her bag for Gojo's black card. He always insisted on paying for everything, nevermind Shoko was living on a private surgeon's salary and Nanami wasn’t bad with his investments. Maybe it's a sugar daddy thing, Shoko told him amusedly one night, blowing a puff of smoke from her cig while Nanami lay breathless at her side. He likes to think he's sponsoring us. They indulge it every time, because really, who was turning down free meals in this economy?
"Is that everything?" Shoko asks when Nanami loads up the last piece of mozzarella cheese into the revolving tray. He's just about to say yes, when something decidedly plastic and discreet glinting off the cashier's shelf catches his eye. He normally wouldn't be so brazen, but ah, he was a rigorous planner. "Wait. One more thing."
Shoko looks on in interest as Nanami throws his usual pack of condoms to the mix. This he'll pay for himself, and makes to voice it, when her hand wraps around his to stop him. 
Shoko reaches out to put the box back, only to replace it with another variation of the same brand. Only in a much, much bigger size. Nanami is as red as a tomato. She was too generous. "I'm not that—"
"No, Nanami-kun," Shoko hushes him, putting a finger to his lips. The mirth in her eyes was clouded with something else now, something not entirely innocent. "Believe me. You are."
Nanami blushes the entire car ride back.
"There you guys are!"
Gojo beams at them from the kitchen, setting up plates and serving spoons. Candlelights flickered from different corners of the room, basking Gojo's penthouse apartment in an unusually dreamy haze. He really was a romantic at heart. 
"Here we are," Nanami loads the grocery bags on the counter, eyeing the unusually tidy keep of the place. "You cleaned?"
"’Course I did," Gojo scoffs, turning over the pasta. Nanami noticed the edges burning and slapped his hands away, taking over. Going along with it, Gojo muses, "I'm not a monster,” he turns around. “Shoko?"
"Mhmm?" Shoko hums from somewhere in his room, probably in his walk-in closet, probably stealing another one of his sweaters again.
"Are you good with Scream for tonight?"
"As in the movie?"
Gojo and Nanami lock eyes. Coughing, Gojo says, "What else?"
Small footsteps padded over to the kitchen. Nanami lets the handle fall to the floor. Gojo visibly gulps. Shoko was wearing nothing but her underwear and his white button down, the top two buttons already undone.
"When are the rest getting here?"
Shoko doesn't really relax until the first fuck.
Her hands are fisted somewhere behind her, back arching against the silk sheets. Someone was kissing down her throat, leaving wet, sloppy trails of love bites all the way down to her exposed navel. The other was kneading the soft flesh between her thighs, loosening her up. She was blindfolded and couldn't see a single thing, only adding to her growing apprehension. It always took some time for her to get used to this rhythm of fucking.
It usually takes her a few more orgasms until she relaxes fully into the fantasy, but when she did, it happened all at once: the tension in her muscles loosening, the string of anxiety coiling at her stomach tugging itself free with every ghost of a touch, this total absence of thought she craved for. Shoko was pitched into pure physical sensation and blissfully lost herself there. 
A gangbang fantasy, they suggested. Add in the blindfold, she egged them on.
When Shoko felt herself being lowered across the kitchen counter, she found it hard to feel particularly sexy. She felt more like meat being served on a silver platter, hungry eyes raking all over her exposed skin, Gojo’s button-down doing nothing to conceal anything underneath. It wasn't in her nature to feel self-conscious, but when you're the sole object of a bacchanal in a room full of strangers, it can be a little intimidating up on diocese. But that was stupid. None of them will hurt her, and if they do, it'll be part of it. Gojo and Nanami wouldn't let anything happen to her. She's been passed around the room for what felt like hours now, all the groping and kissing and fondling only adding to her excitement with every new arrival. She'd lost track of how many laps she'd been forced into or how many cocks she'd been stroking and licking by the fourth man.
Because Shoko could really only keep track of two: the familiar way their skin burned hotter than the others; and the intimate way they touched each other, touched her, and knew exactly which parts of her came alive.
When Shoko was finally laid down on the bed, she was shivering badly. 
Her skin was sensitive to the touch, her nipples instantly puckering from the chilly air, her lingerie slick from her needy flesh. She was already so sore from being pinched and tugged and licked and sucked; the blood was pounding in her cheeks and she flung her hands out helplessly, blindly, searching for purchase on the edge of the bed, skin, contact. Anything.
Someone threads their fingers through her hair and pulls her in for a rough kiss. The kiss is sloppy and unfamiliar, but Shoko thinks it's because she can taste some type of liquor on their tongue. None of them then, Gojo didn’t drink and Nanami didn’t usually want to be inebriated during this.
Another hand slides into the front of her underwear and finds her clit. Shoko can't help but moan into the kiss. The cuff link on his shirt is cool and shocks her skin as he rubs her more roughly. Shoko squirms a little, giving him more access, which was a huge mistake. His fingers slide through her bare seam and feel her wetness. Shoko lets out a raspy moan, then gasps loud enough for everyone in the room to hear. Teeth score her flesh and she finds a cock being shoved into her hand, urgently forcing her to start stroking. 
"She's fucking soaked," the one kissing her growls near her neck. "Jesus Christ."
"Fuck, really?"
The sound of wet flesh being stroked is all she hears. It empowered Shoko, knowing how much control she held over these men.
“Let's tie her down.” 
“Grab her wrists.”
She feels strong hands on her wrists, pulling her arms above her head. Laughter went round the room, some very close now; heavy breathing, the sound of skin on skin as they stroked themselves. If only she could see them. She couldn’t bear to take the blindfold off but was itching so badly for it.
“Nah, man. Let her jerk someone off first—“
“I don't have the concentration for that.” 
Laughter again, breathy, subdued, anticipatory. It was so loud, all around her, it swallowed her up. Here she was sprawled across the table, all exposed and inviting, like she thought she deserved—
"Do you see her tits? Fucking perfect."
"Turn her over."
Shoko is abruptly forced on her stomach, and she hears a chorus of swears plaguing the room. 
"Fucking hell."
"Someone get a cock inside that already."
A deep chuckle. "Well then, don't mind if I do."
Jesus Christ. Her thighs tensed from the effort of being on all fours, her back arching a little when the man touched her knees, forcefully nudging them apart. She didn’t mean to rub against the bed, to lift her hips invitingly, to show them all just how much she did actually wanted—
“Fuck. You see how wet she is?” 
Suddenly there were fingers on her cunt, a caress from her behind up to her clit. They parted her labia, curling inside her easily. Shoko tightened around them, unable to stop herself, breathing out a needy more please god. He laughed in amusement when he withdrew his hand, then pushed his cock inside her; thick and heavy and hot, filling her up just perfect. And just the way she wanted, he pulled out slow and thrust home so hard she cried out and grabbed onto the headboard, startling herself. 
Shoko wasn’t the type to be loud, never cried out, usually. But then again she also never consented to being outsourced out to a private sex club and blindfolded herself and asked a roomful of strangers to treat her like the party favour fucktoy, usually, too.
That was all it took for the room to break.
Suddenly there were hands all over her, aggressive and impatient and possessive. A hot mouth on her breast, teeth tugging into her left nipple, her wrists violently wrenched from the headboard so each of her hands could fist around somebody's already hardened cock, wet with pre-come. The relentless and punishing rhythm continued on well into the rest of the night—hard and fast and rough and quick, everyone insisting they have a go at her, wanting to taste her for themselves. They forced her open and split her raw, filling her up every time. They drove all kinds of sounds from her body and she couldn't so much as think of her name. The sounds the men were making, the wet noise of the cock in her cunt, the plush mattress threatening to swallow her whole, the fingers that turned her head to the side and forced her mouth open for someone’s cock, hot and heavy on her tongue. 
Shoko was gagging so hard, it tasted and felt wrong, and for a second panic threatened to close in on her: before she felt a familiar warm, large hand she recognizes as Gojo pinch reassuring bruises into her hip. I’m here, we’re here, no matter who else has you tonight you belong to us. 
Shoko came shaking, gagging on the cock in her mouth. Her legs spasmed the way it usually did when she came, until she feels someone grab her ankle and hold it still. Her head quickly filled up with laughter all around her, the men’s voices on varying degrees of lust-filled.
“Fuck yeah.”
“Fucking made for it.”
“Let's strap her down and keep her here, the complimentary fucktoy.”
Shoko wanted to cry. She was so spent already, she can't even lift her arms anymore.
A few more titters pass around, until someone drawls lazily in a voice she also recognized, “You’re here to make her happy, kid, not the other way around.” 
Shoko would have laughed along with them in amusement, but she was too busy already getting her face and cunt fucked, her body all hot and pliant and languid with orgasm. When he came inside her she felt the hot pulse in her cunt and moaned for it, which set off the guy in her mouth; she swallowed and spit and groaned when he drew back, fucking hot Jesus, rolling her head on the table. Everything was touch, and hearing, and taste, and the smell of sex and sweat. Shoko craved for this primal, carnal debasement she had made of herself. When he pulled out of her and stepped away, she lifted her hips, beckoning, and got what she wanted almost at once, it was too soon, she was still so sensitive, it was amazing.
Where is the goddamn line?
Shoko was heaving so heavily, sweat drenching her entire body and her breaths coming in painful pants. Just a minute. She just wants a minute. Then someone put their fingers on her clit. All conscious thought deserted her.
Then there was a third, fourth, fifth: she was a mess, filthy with come and her own slick, a writhing moaning mess, being driven casually into orgasm after orgasm after orgasm. People came on her chest and stomach. She didn't even bother counting the blowjobs, her tits were sore with being fondled, the blindfold damp with her tears. The sixth, seventh, eighth: she was nearly yelling, near-continuous, breathless moans and panting and begging, for what she didn’t know. They dragged her down from the bed, bent her across it to fuck her from behind. Then up against the wall, smooth and cool against her overheated and overstimulated skin. 
Someone sprawled her out on one of the couches, put her in his lap and bounced her on his cock for what felt like goddamn hours, showing her off to the room. The best possible position for the whole room to see her, to see what a mess she was, see how much she wanted and begged for it. She was sore and shaking violently; sprawled across his body like this her feet barely touched the floor, and Shoko felt so pliable, so malleable, as if her bones were rubber. They found it so easy to move her any which way they wanted. His thighs must be covered in her slick, in other men’s come, and finally he tipped her onto all fours on the floor again and jerked himself off over her ass, groaning in relief when he came.
Shoko sank down on her arms, shaking and waiting. She was flushed with desperation and exertion. There was a few seconds of grace before she felt the next pair of arms tugging her to them. But Shoko wasn't even there anymore: the world was floating, she was outside her head and her body, and the room felt and smelled misty and hazy and lusty. Here she knelt on display for a roomful of strangers with her ass in the air for them to do whatever they wanted with and she was so delighted with it that she was very nearly giggling in sheer unadulterated, delirious glee.
"Fuck," Shoko laughed, bitter and throaty.
The stranger rubbed lube and come and her own slick into her ass, stretching her wide as someone prodded his cock into her swollen mouth. Shoko reached for him, stroking his already hardened length. He thickened in her palm and she rubbed him a little harder, his hips surging forward. He palmed her breasts barely covered by Gojo's shirt—now so soiled and tattered and dirty like her—and stepped closer. Shoko teased him with her tongue, her kiss, the moan she unleashed on the room. Behind her someone else had their fingers in her ass, big strong hot fingers, splitting her open even before he pushed his cock inside her.
Shoko wailed. 
It probably wasn’t sexy. It probably wasn't her finest hour, but if they made her come again she might pass out. She didn’t think she could possibly ever again, not after this—
They made her come again. And again and again.
"You got her?"
Then there was darkness, distant voices, and warm water splashing into her skin. Her blindfold came off and she could see the showerhead raining down on her, flinching from the sudden intrusion of the light and drawing her legs near. She hisses in pain when she can't even so much as move her toe. 
"Easy now. Here." 
Shoko can't stand up, can barely lift her head. She feels a pair of secure, strong arms hold her upright. They were kneeling in the showers, the lights dimmed now. Her throat was sore, her voice cracking and raspy. Washing was its own personal hell so they did it for her, gently scrubbing off the sweat and slick from her skin. Soft hands coax the tangled knots from her head, and all Shoko can do is rest her entire body on someone's chest, letting them do everything for her. Then there were heated towels and clean clothes that smelled like fresh laundry.
She couldn't damn well walk, either. She feels herself slowly and so gently being carried from the bathroom to the bed, now replaced with a fresh set of sheets and mattress. All the while cleansing incense burned throughout the room. 
Settling down onto the bed, Shoko took her first real breath of relief. 
It's times like that they remember just how much smaller she was, always the most petite of all of them. She didn’t fill out the same way someone like Meimei or Utahime did, curves and flesh; so watching her be dragged around like a ragged doll tonight only added to the excitement of conquering her. Maybe it was a carnal caveman male thing, even in highschool Gojo and Getou always nearly barricaded her everywhere. If Nanami thought their overprotectiveness was odd then, he didn't know what he'd make of his own instinct to wrap her in clean clothes and feed her warm soup now.
They settled themselves on either side of her, tugging the blankets closer and more snugly into all of them. 
Nanami gently swept away some of the hair on her face. "How was it?"
Shoko sighed dreamily, still closing her eyes. “You liked it.” 
Nanami went red at once and glanced away, biting his lip, but didn’t deny it. “Ah. Well.”
Shoko let out a weak giggle. "It was—" she yawned. "Amazing."
Now it was Gojo’s turn to chuckle, looping an arm around her. "I'll bet it was."
"Fuck yeah, it was," Shoko snuggled closer to him. "I think at one point I forgot my own name."
"That was kinda the point," Nanami supplied, dimming the lights and snaking their legs together under the blanket.
Shoko hummed. "Who was the first?"
"Me," Gojo said.
"And the couch?"
Nanami blushed. Shoko grinned. "I knew it.”
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honeybeeofficial · 7 months
Hey, Ezra! It's Rose from the ue olde YWP nano group. So I've recently decided to get top surgery to alleviate my dysphoria, but I don't know where to start. What were the first steps you took to get the care you needed?
Hi Rose!! How are you?
I think one of the first things I did was just join the r/topsurgery subreddit and start reading through posts and comments on there to work on desensitizing myself to the medical anxiety/squeamishness I’d been feeling. (This is totally not an issue for everyone but before I started looking, I couldn’t read about the details of the procedure or recovery without tons of anxiety and revulsion even though it was definitely something I wanted, and reading other people’s accounts and (cautiously) looking at recovery pictures helped.) This can also help you get a sense of what type of results are possible, and what type of results you personally want.
At around the same time, I started researching top surgeons in my area. You can look for recommendations on reddit, or google “gender affirming surgery [state]” or any combination of relevant terms. You’re looking for plastic surgeons, ideally ones with top surgery explicitly mentioned on their practice’s website.
As you find some surgeons near you, check for reviews and results online– lots of people post about their experience with specific surgeons on reddit and on transbucket.com. (You have to make an account for transbucket.)
Once I found a couple of surgeons I felt I’d be happy with, I called around to their offices to schedule consultations. I just said “Hi, I want to schedule a consultation for top surgery/mastectomy with [surgeon]?” and the receptionists took it from there! God bless our troops (kind receptionists who know what to do when nervous dweebs call them)
At some point, you will likely need a support letter from a therapist or psychiatrist. If you already have a therapist, start talking with them about your goals and bring up the need for a letter! If you don’t, look into either starting to see a therapist or services that will help you get your letter. Most insurances require the letter in order to preapprove the procedure, and my surgeon required that I get the letter –> preapproval before they would schedule me for a surgery date.
I can say plenty more about my experience but I don’t want to overwhelm you haha 😅 but please feel free to ask questions!! I am more than happy to talk about it (and am no longer squeamish about it! no question too TMI)
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hairtransplantcostuk · 10 months
Understanding Hair Transplant Surgery
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Hair transplant surgery is a procedure that involves moving hair follicles from one area of the body, often referred to as the "donor site," to a bald or thinning area known as the "recipient site." This surgical technique is primarily used to treat male pattern baldness, but it can also be beneficial for women experiencing hair loss. Find the hair transplant near me
There are two main types of hair transplant surgeries: follicular unit transplantation (FUT) and follicular unit extraction (FUE). FUT involves removing a strip of scalp from the donor site and dissecting it into individual grafts for transplantation. On the other hand, FUE involves extracting individual hair follicles directly from the donor site using a micro-punch tool. Both techniques have their advantages and disadvantages, so it's essential to discuss your specific needs with a qualified specialist.
The Importance of Finding the Right Hair Transplant Specialist
Finding the right hair transplant specialist is crucial for a successful and satisfying outcome. Hair transplantation is a delicate and intricate procedure that requires both technical expertise and an artistic eye. A skilled specialist will have the knowledge and experience to create a natural-looking hairline and ensure the transplanted hair blends seamlessly with your existing hair.
Moreover, a reputable specialist will prioritize your safety and well-being throughout the process. They will conduct a thorough evaluation of your hair loss condition, discuss the available treatment options, and guide you towards the most suitable approach for your unique situation. Additionally, a reliable specialist will provide realistic expectations and inform you about any potential risks or complications associated with the procedure.
Factors to Consider When Choosing a Hair Transplant Specialist
When it comes to choosing a hair transplant specialist, there are several crucial factors to consider. Here are some key points to keep in mind during your search:
Experience and Qualifications
One of the most important factors to consider is the specialist's experience and qualifications. Look for a specialist who has extensive experience in performing hair transplant surgeries and a proven track record of successful results. Check their credentials, certifications, and memberships in professional organizations related to hair restoration.
Additionally, inquire about their education and training in hair transplantation techniques. A specialist who regularly attends conferences, workshops, and training programs demonstrates their commitment to staying up-to-date with the latest advancements in the field.
Specialization in Hair Transplantation
It's essential to choose a specialist who specializes in hair transplantation rather than a general plastic surgeon. Hair transplant surgery requires a specific set of skills and expertise that can only be honed through years of dedicated practice. A specialist who focuses solely on hair restoration is more likely to have a deep understanding of the nuances involved in creating natural-looking results.
Before and After Photos
Before making a decision, ask the specialist to provide before and after photos of their previous patients. Evaluate the quality and naturalness of the results. Look for patients with similar hair loss patterns and hair types to yours to get a better idea of what you can expect. This will give you a glimpse into the specialist's skill and ability to achieve the desired outcome.
Communication and Personal Connection
Effective communication and a personal connection are vital in the patient-specialist relationship. During your initial consultation, pay attention to how the specialist listens to your concerns, answers your questions, and explains the procedure. A good specialist will take the time to understand your goals, discuss realistic expectations, and create a customized treatment plan tailored to your needs.
Facility and Technology
Visit the specialist's facility or clinic to assess its cleanliness, organization, and overall ambiance. A well-equipped and modern facility is indicative of the specialist's commitment to providing high-quality care. Inquire about the technology and instruments used during the procedure to ensure they are up-to-date and in line with industry standards.
Patient Reviews and Testimonials
Reading online reviews and testimonials from previous patients can provide valuable insights into the specialist's reputation and patient satisfaction. Look for consistent positive feedback regarding the specialist's professionalism, expertise, and overall experience. Be cautious of any red flags or recurring negative reviews, as they could indicate potential issues.
Researching Hair Transplant Specialists in Your Area
Now that you have a clear understanding of what to look for in a hair transplant specialist, it's time to start researching professionals in your area. Here are some effective ways to find potential specialists:
Online Directories
Online directories dedicated to hair transplant specialists can be a valuable resource in your search. These directories provide a list of qualified specialists in your area, along with their contact information, credentials, and reviews from previous patients. Take note of the specialists who align with your criteria and compile a list for further evaluation.
Professional Organizations
Professional organizations, such as the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS), have directories of members who specialize in hair restoration. These organizations have strict membership criteria, ensuring that the listed specialists meet the highest standards of competence and professionalism. Consider exploring these directories to find reputable specialists in your area.
Internet Research
Conducting a simple internet search can also yield results. Look for specialists' websites or online profiles that provide detailed information about their practice, services, and patient testimonials. Take the time to explore their online presence to gather more insights about their expertise and reputation.
Reading Online Reviews and Testimonials
Once you have identified potential hair transplant specialists, reading online reviews and testimonials can help you narrow down your options further. Here's how to make the most of these resources:
Authenticity of Reviews
When reading online reviews, it's crucial to consider their authenticity. Be wary of reviews that seem overly promotional or excessively negative, as they may not accurately reflect the specialist's capabilities. Look for reviews that provide specific details about the patient's experience and results.
Diverse Range of Reviews
Consider reviews from a diverse range of sources, including reputable review websites, social media platforms, and forums dedicated to hair restoration. This will give you a more comprehensive understanding of the specialist's reputation and patient satisfaction.
Patient Testimonials
In addition to reviews, patient testimonials shared by the specialist on their website or during the consultation can provide valuable insights. These testimonials often include before and after photos, allowing you to assess the quality of the results and the overall patient experience.
Remember, while online reviews and testimonials are helpful, they should not be the sole determining factor in your decision-making process. Combine this information with other factors, such as experience, qualifications, and personal connection, to make an informed choice.
Asking for Recommendations from Friends and Family
Personal recommendations from friends, family, or acquaintances who have undergone hair transplant surgery can be invaluable. These individuals can provide honest feedback about their experiences and help you find reputable specialists. Ask them about their overall satisfaction with the results, the specialist's approach, and the level of care they received throughout the process.
However, it's essential to keep in mind that everyone's hair loss condition and desired outcomes are different. What worked for someone else may not necessarily be the best approach for you. Use recommendations as a starting point for your research and evaluate the recommended specialists based on your specific needs and preferences.
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thistransient · 2 years
- In addition to complaining about it, occasionally I do attempt to improve my lot in life: beyond the new bicycling endeavour, I have also finally extricated myself from my Chinese tutoring (under the guise of it being temporary, but really I think the relationship has run its course), and continued going to the “rope jam” evening I tried out last month. It was very rewarding the second time, persistence pays off! However, it came to light that the host also organises a monthly artist networking night, which at first I felt unqualified for when I looked at the sign-up form (I’m not a professional by any means), but was encouraged to go regardless. Sure. Okay. But one is recommended to hand out business cards? Dress smart casual? Have some sort of established social media? I only made an IG account a few months ago, with the sole purpose of looking at plastic surgeon results (I do NOT need another app to scroll endlessly on). I have nothing resembling a brand name, I do have a lot of imposter feelings because I never went to art school (backstory: my mother is a professional artist so I grew up around it, and was on the verge of applying for an art program for uni, but ended up getting a scholarship from a different place for foreign languages and settled for that instead). I am gonna do this though, and see what comes of it. I’ve had the vague intent for years and years to round up all my projects and make some kind of proper portfolio, maybe I’ll be motivated to follow through at long last?
-  I’ve decided I am really truly done with taking language class just to stay in the country. I am going to leave and come back on a visa-free entry, and optimally find a job within 90 days, but if it takes longer than that, so be it. The destination is...*drumroll*...
Seoul. No I did not see that coming either. With Japan being ruled out on account of flight prices, and my Chinese visa being invalidated, I decided it was down to Bangkok or Manila (and possibly Palawan, as a friend from my Australia days is there visiting family). However, Bangkok simply did not spark joy, and all of the cheapest flights from Manila were red-eye (I refuse to do the sleep deprivation hangovers anymore). At some point it dawned on me that separate budget airlines to and from Incheon could be an option. My adventure/ordeal in Korea is the whole reason for the founding of this blog, and it’s been ten years since I left (without cancelling my phone plan, hopefully that doesn’t cause issues but I have a new passport now anyways). I feel it’s only fitting to return for some closure (emotionally, not of the phone plan), and experience everything anew as my current self (vs. severely depressed while working for a tyrannical hagwon boss). I was a little miffed to discover the government has implemented an “Electronic Travel Authorisation” that one must apply for to enter- it’s not a visa, and yet there’s a fee, but it’s good for two years? Whatever.
I was going to lament my dilemma of whether to keep my current guesthouse booking or try to find something cheaper on Airbnb, but in writing about it I’ve convinced myself it’s better to stick with the guesthouse- I’m not keen by any means on staying in hostel dorms at this point in my life, but I’d still like some measure of socialising, and it’s in a nice location near Gyeongbokgung Palace. I just want to wander around slowly taking blatantly touristy photos of things, and eat some good food!
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thedarkoneswithin · 2 years
Don’t let miss Faulkner sleep! ( Part 1 )
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Word COUNT: 2.8k words
If you ain’t 13 or older this story may creep you out.
Your free to leave!
This is the first text i wrote in a long time.
I hope you enjoy!!
Also; sorry if you find spelling mistakes, i tried to edit it out.
My pencil makes led scratches against the canvas. Etching the cascading sunrays that shimmered from the calm current off the harbor here in Collingwood. The old grain elevator still stood tall after all these years, stalwart against the strains of time which had won some battles against the chipped-away surface of this local historical site. Our town has seen an injection of tourist botox that has turned a naturally beautiful landscape into a silicone shell of its former self. Natural parks no longer brimming with pine trees and plantations that grow side by side, but instead a surgeon’s knife that had cut through the natural order, ripping out the roots and keeping what Instagram and TikTok viewers deem acceptable in a world of filters and falseness.
I sat in my favorite spot on the road leading up to those historical terminals, working on my sketch when my work phone began to buzz relentlessly in my pocket. I put down my shading pencil, flipping open my phone. And yes, ‘flipping’ it open. I can hear your judgment behind these typed words.
To give you an idea of what I do. I work as an independent personal support worker, meaning I own my own PSW company. I have my clients, but things have slowed down over the past couple of years due to a recession, along with inflation making my prices increase, and in turn, my clients heading to more affordable homes, rather than one-on-one care.
“Hello. This is Kris Scott of Compassionate Care.” I said, trying to sound professional, covering up my deep desperation for more work.
“Hello. My name is Dr. Khaleed. I work as a neurologist who specializes in Alzheimer's. I was wondering if we could have you take care of one of our early symptomatic patients near London Ontario. When can I book you for an interview?”
“I-I am free. Free whenever!” My overly giddy, the stammering voice may as well have screamed ‘Please god, pay me!’
“Excellent. Today is Monday, so perhaps tomorrow at three in the afternoon?”
“Yes, of course. Thank you so much!”
As soon as my thumb grazed the red phone icon to end the call, I was in my Hyundai and speeding off on the 401. Making my three-hour drive in two and a half and booking my room at the first hotel I set my sights on, which unfortunately was a Ramada.
I scarfed down chicken wings that tasted like oven-baked fisher price plastic, then went right to bed. I wanted to feel as fresh and well-rested as I could for my newest client since my next client visit wasn’t for another week anyways.
I had expected us to meet up in an office or at a hospital in the mid-sized city, but instead, we met on an old dirt road just a little way outside the city, near a farmhouse. I will not give much description of the house, as all addresses are private.
“So, are we doing the interview out here?” I tried to make light of this peculiar situation.
“I apologize. Do you prefer Kris or…?” he asked politely, a kind smile had formed as he spoke.
“Kris is fine. And you?”
“You may call me Ameer. I have been the neurologist for this client for, well, let’s just say it has been a good portion of my professional career.” He let out a hearty laugh, his belly reverberating with each inhale.
“She must be important to you.”
Ameer nodded, motioning for me to follow him. As we moved closer to this impressive-sized, three-story farmhouse, Ameer stopped, looking up at the sun bursting through a breach in the cloud coverage. As I looked around to marinade in this area, I could see a hawk with its wide-reaching wingspan swoop down and land swiftly onto a stump nearby the house, just up the hill.
Ameer handed me a closed dossier. “These are your new clients’ paperwork. Should you choose to take on this job, of course.” His voice was emphatic with gratitude and a small pang of excitement hidden somewhere between his spoken words.
“Yes. Yes of course!” I shook his hands and took the documents from him. My heart pounding with a mix of ecstasy and a touch of dread, given the new commute I had just inherited.
He walked me to the porch of this old farmhouse, and it was the doors themselves that threw me through a loop. The doors were not your traditional wood doors with that initial screen door that never closes and always slams open and closed at the mere feel of the wind.
A metal double door with no handle whatsoever. Life itself punched me in the snout with a red flag.
“Why?” was all I could ask when looking at this completely out-of-place contraption.
“The first owner wanted his home turned into a facility for your new client. A facility to keep her safe. Out in this area, the trucks rip down the highway at stupid speeds. Doesn’t want his last living relative to go out like that. Especially with her beginning to sundown.”
To those that do not know sundowning is a state of confusion that can happen in the late afternoon or night and can have all types of behaviors associated with it, all depending on the person and their situational triggers.
I’ve had war veterans as clients who after eight at night would build a barricade or dig holes and lay in them for hours. Some would wander from one town to the next. Every person’s dementia and Alzheimer’s are different. The same is for sundowning.
When we entered, my red flag and that uncomfortable feeling in my stomach almost completely alleviated. If this was a facility. It was state-of-the-art, all while feeling comfortable.
Every shelf and cupboard had locks. This lucky lady had her dietary aide who would come in and make all her meals. Central air is every form of streaming service you could ask for. A wifi connection so powerful I could watch a live sports streaming service on internet explorer on my flip phone. Okay, maybe not explorer, but chrome most certainly.
I know many of you assume that something crazy or weird would just happen that night I took the job, maybe that week? No. Nothing happened for nearly a year.
I became so unbelievably happy with this client. I dropped all my others, and because the pay was substantial. I mean. Substantial.
The rules of this client, Mrs. Faulkner, were simple:
-Do not let Mrs. Faulkner sleep until just before sundown. Otherwise, she will wake up in hysteria and begin to wander.
-Mrs. Faulkner always has her medicine after dinner, always before sundown as it will stabilize her serotonin, along with inducing sleep.
-Should Mrs. Faulkner wake up in the night, be wary of her disposition. Treat her as if she is sleepwalking and monitor her behavior. Do not intervene unless the need arises.
Most of these rules you will find are standard amongst retirement homes. They were more than easy to follow. They had been passed down by the owner of the home now turned facility, who as I would learn later down the line, was the power of attorney for Mrs. Faulkner. He had been her uncle and caretaker till his death a week before I was hired on. A multi-millionaire who had found great success as a dairy farmer and had several stakes in businesses all over the surrounding counties, so needless to say; Mrs. Faulkner's inherited estate could afford all of this.
I scanned my key card at the door, and when it buzzed, I opened the double doors, walking into a nice refreshing blast of cool air. I saw the dietary aide, Tracy, chopping her onions, boiling the rice, and making a pot of tea for our shared client.
“Hey Trace!”
She looked back up at me with a smile, her eyes watery from the fresh onion, “Her girl!” she called out, tossing the pieces onto the frying pan. That satisfying sizzle immediately followed.
“How’s Mrs. Faulkner today?” I asked, putting my bags into the closet, and then locking it.
“She is doing better since her fall in the shower last night. Poor thing. They had her up all night last night, and she has been awake all day today.”
“Where is she now?” I asked.
Tracy pointed to the living room, where Mrs. Faulkner sat in her lazy boy recliner, sitting in the dark, scribbling away at her notepad.
Mrs. Faulkner was likely a tall woman, she had a hunch and needed a walker as she moved, so it was hard to fully gauge her height. Even as a hunched-over person, she was nearly six feet tall.
She was African American, curled dark hair, and would always tell us about her stories growing up in South Africa. Then moving here with her family when she was in her mid-twenties to attend school.
For a woman in her late seventies, she still tried to take care of herself. Vegetarian diet. Practicing yoga, even despite her physical limitations. She also deeply loved reading and drawing and writing too. She was a woman of many hobbies and talents.
I sat with her, trying to get a peek at her drawing, but as usual, she playfully hid her work from me. A new habit she had been forming these past three or four days.
“It’s not ready, Kris,” she said with that familiar and kind smile forming on her face.
“Just a glance!” I said playfully.
She held her notebook to her chest, “I think not!” she laughed, waving me off in a joking manner.
“Alright, you two. The meals are cooked. All the cabinets are locked back up. Don’t make a mess of it while I am gone.” Tracy waved goodbye and made her way out the door and into her car.
Our day was a mostly routine one. I bathed Mrs. Faulkner. Gave her dinner, she took her medications, and then she was off to bed. Her bedroom is the last room, the end of the hall on the second floor. She refused to take the guest room on the first floor. Always insisting that the stairs ‘kept her young.’
“Alright Mrs. Faulkner. Time to get some sleep.”
Right after I had said those words, I can still remember vividly the crashing of wind against the house and the way it creaked, the foundation groaning against the gale force.
“Hard to do with all that racket!” Mrs. Faulkner complained.
“Lucky enough for you, you’ve got strong meds,” I said with a wink. Making sure my favorite client was tucked in and comfy before leaving.
“Maybe if the oncoming storm wakes me up, we can play a hard loop of stuff” her smile extended on her face.
“Oh, and how do we play…that?” I asked, a little baffled by her unusual request.
“It’s a game I used to play a lot back home. I’ll teach it to you. You only need to play once.” She closed her eyes, that smile still plastered on her face.
As I left the room, I quickly glanced behind me to make sure she was still tucked in bed. She was still lying in bed, but her grin was wide-daggered teeth. Her eyes imprinted on my spine.
That was the first time that I saw her like that. Like she scared me. And she wasn’t even trying.
At least, not that time.
I closed the door and in truth, sped off downstairs to grab my cell phone which was still charging on an end table in the living room. Just as I reached for it, the ringtone blared its tune so loud it made me jump. I shook off my stupidity and answered it.
“Hello?” I asked. My voice quaking.
“Kris, it’s Ameer. Is Mrs. Faulkner in bed?”
I was a little taken aback by the question. For almost a year I had done this job without missing a beat.
“Yes?” my voice likely sounded a little defensive.
“Did she take her medication?”
“Yes,” I reassured him.
“Okay. Good, good. That’s good.” His sighs of relief only made me feel more bothered.
“What is the matter?” In truth, I wanted to ask him what his problem was. I knew how to do my job.
“When she was at the hospital there was a situation.” My wounded pride turned to concern in seconds.
“Situation? What happened Ameer?”
“From what I hear she didn’t get her medication due to the concussion she suffered. I don’t know if something happened, but they’ve requested me at the hospital A.S.A.P. Listen. I’ll call you as soon as I know what’s going on. Just hang tight and be careful, okay?”
The line ended immediately.
“Be careful?” I said the words out loud, then swallowed the fear that emanated from the most unlikely of statements.
I made my way to the guest room that was now fashioned into a work office of sorts, closing the door behind me. I began to step towards the computer desk in the center of the room when that all too familiar feeling of paranoia and overreaction hit me like an anxiety-tidal wave and rushed back to the door, locking it.
I perched myself on that god-awful gaming chair that we inherited from Tracy’s son for our workspace. Booting up the PC and began to type away at an overview of the night so far. Essentially working through the nightly expectation checklist.
Our computer also had a live feed of cameras throughout the house. A necessary breach of privacy to keep Mrs. Faulkner alive and in good condition.
I scanned through the live feed. All was well. Mrs. Faulkner still practically swaddled in her bed.
It was clacking away at the keyboard when I noticed a note from the previous worker, Abigail. She had been taking care of the previous owners’ estate when there was one item still unaccounted for.
An access code to the locker directly behind me.
Thunder began to bellow low warning groans that whiffed by my ignorant ears.
I left the office to do my hourly check around the house and on my client. Leaving the office, I made my way up the stairs and toward Mrs. Faulkner’s room when a blinding stream of light came crashing near the house, followed by the crackling boom of thunder.
I dashed into her room, causing poor Mrs. Faulkner to shoot up out of bed. The way she clutched her chest I thought I had put the old bat in cardiac arrest.
“Oh, my lord Kris. You should be a little more careful considering you have to clean and change me!” she yelled.
Something about that statement made me feel at ease, in truth. Something in her voice that felt docile. That lack of that smile, that natural fear. Palpable, real jitter that felt…human.
I wish she had stayed like that.
I apologized to her, checked on her vital signs, and even did a memory test to ensure that she was not in a sundown or delusional state.
After cooing her back into her bed, I began to tuck her in.
“If you sleep through the night, maybe we can play that game you wanted to play?” I suggested to her, to which she just gave me a rather odd stare, handing me the glass she had finished drinking.
I wanted to pursue it further but she had got so worked up, she was crashing hard and needed sleep. So instead, I kept it to myself.
The power flickered throughout the halls until finally the main power failed, and the backup generator did not start up. Managing to fumble my way down the stairs I made my way back to the office, collected my phone, and noticed a missed call from the good Doctor Ameer himself.
I dialed him back. He picked up the phone in less than a ring. He was breathing. Breathing hard.
“I’m on my way to you, Kris. Is Mrs. Faulkner still asleep?” his voice was rushed, panicked.
“I just put her back to bed. She woke up during the storm, but I did the tests and…”
“Screw the tests, Kris! Do not let Mr. Faulkner sleep!” My heart sank so deep in me that I could have crapped it out right then and there.
“She is sleeping. I’m…I’m sorry. Wait. What happened? What did you find out?”
“She is fixating on Kris. Fixating dangerously. Her routine is messed up. There was never any concussion. She injured herself getting into the hospital and mess up her routine intentionally. Her drawings Kris. They are violent. They depict violence against all of us. These images. The words. This is some criminal, sycophant, planned, pervasive behavior.”
I said nothing. I melted into that chair. Staring endlessly at the locked door in front of me. My cameras were dead, and with the entire facility was key card and internet and power controlled. I was locked inside this place.
Locked in with her.
“Keep your distance, Kris. Stay safe. I will be there with emergency services. Hang tight.”
The call ended. I felt the phone slip from my face, surprised that at that moment it did not drop to the floor, instead falling harmlessly into my lap.
Something in that moment. In that feeling of despair and fear, a flicker of something hit. An epiphany.
I turned to the locker behind me. When the power went out it would run on battery, so I had time enough to enter a passcode into the pin pad.
Hard-loop of the stern. Nothing. I sighed. Then decided on another hail-mary idea of sorts.
Good old google translate.
I entered Mrs. Faulkner's words into the translator. Afrikaans to English. Expecting it to say some sort of classic kids’ game or some rendition of the sort. No. It was not that. It was not that at all.
It translated to ‘Hide or Die. 
I like to write horror/Creepy/Hospital stuff on my free time to! 
I could maybe do fluff and other stuff if i get more likes.
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drjitendrakumar23 · 17 days
Hair Transplant: All You Need to Know and Why Dr. Jitendra Kumar Gupta is the Best Choice in Bharatpur
What is Hair Transplant?
A hair transplant is a surgical procedure designed to restore hair growth in areas of thinning or balding on the scalp. The procedure involves moving hair follicles from one part of the body, often the back or sides of the scalp, to the thinning or balding areas. This technique helps individuals achieve a fuller and more natural-looking head of hair.
Hair transplants are commonly used to address male pattern baldness, receding hairlines, and other forms of hair loss. Advances in technology have made this procedure increasingly effective and minimally invasive, offering impressive results with minimal downtime.
Why Choose Hair Transplant?
Hair transplants are a popular choice for those seeking a permanent solution to hair loss. Unlike temporary treatments such as medications or topical solutions, hair transplants offer lasting results by utilizing your own hair follicles. Benefits include:
Natural Appearance: The transplanted hair integrates seamlessly with existing hair, providing a natural look.
Permanent Solution: Once the transplanted hair grows in, it’s permanent and requires no additional treatments.
Minimal Downtime: Modern techniques make the procedure relatively quick with minimal recovery time.
Dr. Jitendra Kumar Gupta: The Leading Hair Transplant Specialist in Bharatpur
When considering a hair transplant, choosing the right specialist is crucial for achieving the best results. Dr. Jitendra Kumar Gupta is a renowned expert in hair transplants and a highly respected plastic surgeon in Bharatpur. Here’s why he stands out:
Expertise and Experience
Dr. Gupta brings years of experience and expertise to the field of hair restoration. His in-depth knowledge of the latest techniques and technologies ensures that patients receive top-quality care and optimal results.
Advanced Techniques
Dr. Gupta employs state-of-the-art techniques in hair transplantation, including Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT). These methods are designed to minimize scarring, reduce recovery time, and enhance the natural appearance of the transplanted hair.
Personalized Care
Every patient’s needs are unique, and Dr. Gupta is committed to providing personalized care tailored to individual goals and conditions. From the initial consultation to post-procedure follow-ups, he ensures that each patient receives comprehensive support and guidance.
Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery in Bharatpur
In addition to hair transplants, Dr. Jitendra Kumar Gupta is an expert in a wide range of cosmetic and plastic surgery procedures in Bharatpur. His practice includes:
Cosmetic Surgery: Enhancing and rejuvenating your appearance through various cosmetic procedures.
Plastic Surgery: Addressing reconstructive needs and improving function and aesthetics following injuries or medical conditions.
Dr. Gupta’s reputation as a leading cosmetic surgeon in Bharatpur is well-earned, with a focus on achieving natural-looking results and prioritizing patient satisfaction.
Why Choose Dr. Jitendra Kumar Gupta?
Top Plastic Surgeon in Bharatpur: With a proven track record and numerous satisfied patients, Dr. Gupta is a top choice for both cosmetic and plastic surgery.
Cosmetic Surgeon Near Bharatpur: Conveniently located for those seeking cosmetic enhancements or hair restoration.
Advanced Technology and Techniques: Utilizing the latest advancements for the best possible outcomes.
Finding Hair Transplant Services Near You
If you’re searching for “Hair Transplant Near Me” or “Hair Transplant in Bharatpur,” Dr. Jitendra Kumar Gupta offers expert services to meet your needs. Whether you’re considering a hair transplant or exploring cosmetic surgery options, his clinic provides high-quality care and exceptional results.
A hair transplant can be a transformative solution for those dealing with hair loss, and choosing the right specialist is key to achieving the best outcomes. Dr. Jitendra Kumar Gupta stands out as the leading plastic and cosmetic surgeon in Bharatpur, offering advanced hair transplant procedures and comprehensive cosmetic care. For more information or to schedule a consultation, contact Dr. Gupta’s clinic today and take the first step towards a fuller, more confident you.
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omahamedspa · 22 days
Morpheus Near Me: Discovering Advanced Skin Rejuvenation in Your Area
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Are you looking to revitalize your skin and achieve a more youthful appearance? If so, you may have come across the term "Morpheus" in your search for cutting-edge skincare treatments. Morpheus8 is an innovative, minimally invasive procedure that has been gaining popularity across the United States. In this blog post, we'll explore what Morpheus8 is, its benefits, and how to find qualified providers near you.
What is Morpheus8?
Morpheus8 is a state-of-the-art fractional skin treatment that combines microneedling with radiofrequency (RF) energy. This advanced technology penetrates deep into the skin and fat, remodeling and contouring the face and body. The procedure stimulates collagen production, resulting in smoother, tighter, and more youthful-looking skin.
Unlike traditional microneedling, Morpheus8 goes beyond the surface level, targeting the underlying fat and fibrous tissue. This dual-action approach not only improves skin texture and tone but also helps contour and reshape problem areas.
Benefits of Morpheus8 Treatment
Skin Tightening: Morpheus8 effectively tightens loose or sagging skin on the face, neck, and body.
Wrinkle Reduction: The treatment minimizes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
Acne Scar Improvement: It can significantly reduce the visibility of acne scars and other types of scarring.
Even Skin Tone: Morpheus8 helps address uneven skin tone and hyperpigmentation.
Minimal Downtime: Compared to more invasive procedures, recovery time is relatively short.
Versatility: It can be used on various body parts and is suitable for all skin types.
Finding Morpheus8 Providers Near You
When searching for "morpheus near me" in the United States, it's essential to find qualified and experienced providers. Here are some tips to help you locate reputable clinics offering Morpheus8 treatments:
Use online directories: Websites like RealSelf, Yelp, and Google Maps can help you find local med spas and dermatology clinics offering Morpheus8.
Check professional associations: The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) and the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) have directories of board-certified professionals who may offer Morpheus8.
Ask for recommendations: Consult with your dermatologist or primary care physician for referrals to trusted Morpheus8 providers in your area.
Read reviews and testimonials: Look for feedback from previous patients to gauge the quality of treatment and customer satisfaction.
Schedule consultations: Many providers offer free consultations. Use this opportunity to ask questions and assess the clinic's expertise.
What to Expect During a Morpheus8 Treatment
Understanding the Morpheus8 process can help you feel more comfortable when you find a provider near you. Here's what you can typically expect:
Consultation: Your provider will assess your skin and discuss your goals to determine if Morpheus8 is right for you.
Preparation: A numbing cream is applied to the treatment area to ensure comfort.
Treatment: The Morpheus8 device is passed over the skin, delivering RF energy through microneedles.
Duration: The procedure usually takes 15-60 minutes, depending on the treatment area.
Aftercare: Your provider will give you specific instructions for post-treatment care.
Results: While some improvements may be visible immediately, optimal results typically appear 3-6 months after treatment as collagen production increases.
Morpheus8 Cost and Considerations
When searching for "Morpheus near me," it's important to consider the cost and other factors:
Price Range: In the United States, Morpheus8 treatments typically cost between $1,000 to $4,000 per session, depending on the treatment area and location.
Number of Sessions: Most patients require 1-3 sessions for optimal results, spaced 4-6 weeks apart.
Maintenance: Touch-up treatments may be recommended every 12-18 months to maintain results.
Qualifications: Ensure your provider is licensed and experienced in performing Morpheus8 treatments.
Combination Treatments: Some clinics may offer Morpheus8 as part of a comprehensive rejuvenation plan, potentially combining it with other treatments for enhanced results.
At Omaha Med Spa, we understand the importance of finding the right "Morpheus near me" option for your skincare needs. As a leading med spa in Omaha, we pride ourselves on offering cutting-edge treatments like Morpheus8 to our valued clients. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to providing personalized care and achieving optimal results for each individual. Whether you're looking to tighten loose skin, reduce wrinkles, or improve overall skin texture, we invite you to experience the transformative power of Morpheus8 at Omaha Med Spa. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and take the first step towards rejuvenated, youthful-looking skin.
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What to Look for in a Hair Transplant Clinic
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Choosing the right hair transplant clinic is a crucial step in ensuring a successful and satisfying outcome. With numerous clinics offering hair restoration services, it’s important to evaluate each option carefully to find one that meets your needs and provides high-quality care. Here’s a comprehensive guide on what to look for in a hair transplant clinic:
1. Qualifications and Experience
a. Board-Certified Surgeons:
Ensure that the clinic’s surgeons are board-certified in dermatology or plastic surgery. Board certification indicates that the surgeon has met rigorous standards and possesses the necessary skills and knowledge for hair transplant procedures hair transplant near me hair transplant near me.
b. Experience:
Look for a clinic with a proven track record in hair transplants. Surgeons with years of experience and a high volume of successful procedures are more likely to deliver satisfactory results.
2. Clinic Reputation
a. Reviews and Testimonials:
Research online reviews and testimonials from previous patients. Positive feedback and successful case studies can provide insight into the clinic’s reputation and patient satisfaction.
b. Before-and-After Photos:
Review the clinic’s portfolio of before-and-after photos. This will give you an idea of the results achieved for other patients and whether their outcomes align with your expectations.
c. Referrals:
Ask for referrals or recommendations from friends, family, or colleagues who have undergone hair transplants. Personal experiences can offer valuable insights into the clinic’s quality of care.
3. Technology and Techniques
a. Advanced Techniques:
Verify that the clinic uses the latest hair transplant techniques, such as Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) or Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT). Advanced techniques often result in better outcomes and less scarring.
b. Equipment:
Ensure that the clinic is equipped with modern technology and state-of-the-art equipment. Advanced tools and technology contribute to the precision and effectiveness of the procedure.
4. Surgeon’s Approach
a. Personalized Consultation:
Choose a clinic that offers a thorough initial consultation to discuss your specific needs and goals. The surgeon should take time to evaluate your hair loss pattern, discuss your options, and create a customized treatment plan.
b. Transparent Communication:
The clinic should provide clear and honest information about the procedure, including expected results, risks, and recovery. Avoid clinics that make unrealistic promises or do not provide detailed explanations.
5. Aftercare and Support
a. Post-Operative Care:
Inquire about the post-operative care provided by the clinic. Effective aftercare is essential for optimal healing and results. The clinic should offer guidance on recovery, medications, and follow-up appointments.
b. Support Services:
Look for clinics that provide comprehensive support services, including patient education, follow-up care, and access to medical staff for any concerns that may arise during recovery.
6. Facility and Environment
a. Clean and Professional Environment:
Visit the clinic to assess its cleanliness and professionalism. A well-maintained and organized facility reflects the clinic’s commitment to providing high-quality care.
b. Comfort and Privacy:
Ensure that the clinic offers a comfortable and private environment. You should feel at ease throughout your visit, from the initial consultation to the procedure itself.
7. Cost and Financing Options
a. Transparent Pricing:
Obtain a detailed breakdown of the costs involved in the procedure, including any additional fees for consultations, medications, or follow-up visits. Avoid clinics with vague or hidden pricing structures.
b. Financing Plans:
Check if the clinic offers financing options or payment plans to help manage the cost of the procedure. Many clinics provide flexible payment solutions to make hair transplants more accessible.
8. Accreditation and Certification
a. Clinic Accreditation:
Verify that the clinic is accredited by relevant medical and surgical organizations. Accreditation ensures that the clinic meets established standards for safety and quality of care.
b. Professional Affiliations:
Look for affiliations with reputable professional associations, such as the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS). Membership in these organizations can be an indicator of the clinic’s commitment to excellence.
9. Initial Consultation Experience
a. Comprehensive Evaluation:
During the initial consultation, the surgeon should conduct a thorough evaluation of your hair loss and discuss your treatment options. A detailed and personalized consultation is a positive sign of a reputable clinic.
b. Patient Interaction:
Pay attention to how the staff interacts with you. They should be friendly, informative, and respectful, providing a positive overall experience.
10. Follow-Up and Long-Term Support
a. Post-Procedure Follow-Up:
Ensure that the clinic offers regular follow-up appointments to monitor your progress and address any issues that may arise. Ongoing support is crucial for ensuring the success of your hair transplant.
b. Long-Term Care:
Ask about the clinic’s approach to long-term care and any additional treatments or recommendations for maintaining your results over time.
Selecting the right hair transplant clinic involves careful consideration of several factors, including the qualifications and experience of the surgeons, the clinic’s reputation, the technology used, and the level of post-operative care provided. By thoroughly researching and evaluating potential clinics based on these criteria, you can make an informed decision and increase the likelihood of achieving a successful and satisfying hair transplant outcome.
Contact Us
Capital Hair Restoration
Address: 10 Harley St, London W1G 9PF
Phone: 02080882393
Follow Us
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ankushkumar1 · 2 months
Best Scar Revision Surgeons Near You: Expert Care for Scar Removal
Scars can be a constant reminder of past injuries, surgeries, or skin conditions. While some scars fade over time, others may remain prominent, affecting your self confidence and overall appearance. If you're looking for a solution to minimize or remove unsightly scars, Scar Revision Surgery might be the answer. Finding the best scar revision surgeon near you is crucial for achieving optimal results.
Understanding Scar Revision Surgery
Scar revision surgery is a specialized procedure performed by experienced plastic surgeons to improve the appearance of scars, making them less noticeable. This surgery is tailored to each patient, considering the type, location, and severity of the scar. Scar revision can help with a variety of Dr Sahil Singla , including:
Hypertrophic Scars: Thick, raised scars that develop within the boundaries of the original wound.
Keloid Scars: Overgrown, raised scars that extend beyond the original wound's boundaries.
Contracture Scars: Scars that tighten the skin, often resulting from burns, which can restrict movement.
Acne Scars: Pitted or depressed scars left behind by severe acne.
A skilled plastic surgeon will assess your scar's characteristics and recommend the most effective treatment approach. Techniques used in scar revision surgery may include:
Excision and Closure: Removing the scar tissue and closing the wound with precise suturing to create a more aesthetically pleasing result.
Laser Therapy: Using laser technology to resurface the skin and reduce the visibility of scars.
Dermabrasion: Gently sanding down the scar tissue to improve the skin's texture and appearance.
Injectable Treatments: Injections of corticosteroids, dermal fillers, or other substances to flatten or fill in scars.
Why Choose a Plastic Surgeon for Scar Revision?
Selecting a qualified plastic surgeon for your scar revision surgery is essential for achieving the best possible outcome. Plastic surgeons are trained in the art of aesthetics and have the expertise to handle complex cases. When choosing a plastic surgeon near you, consider the following factors :
Board Certification: Ensure that the surgeon is board-certified by a reputable organization, such as the American Board of Plastic Surgery. This certification indicates that the surgeon has undergone rigorous training and meets high standards of practice.
Experience: Look for a surgeon with extensive experience in scar revision procedures. Review their before-and-after photos to assess the quality of their work.
Patient Reviews: Reading patient testimonials can provide valuable insights into the surgeon's skills, bedside manner, and overall patient satisfaction.
Consultation Process: A thorough consultation is a key part of the scar revision process. During the consultation, the surgeon should take the time to understand your goals, evaluate your scar, and discuss the best treatment options.
Hospital Privileges: Confirm that the surgeon has privileges at accredited hospitals or surgical centers. This provides a way they can perform your procedure in a safe and controlled environment.
Finding the Best Scar Revision Surgeon Near You
Searching for the best scar revision surgeon near you may seem overwhelming, but following these steps can simplify the process:
Online Research: Start by conducting online research using search terms like "scar revision surgeon near me" or "plastic surgeon for scars near me." This will help you find local experts who specialize in scar revision surgery.
Consultation Appointments: Schedule consultations with a few top-rated surgeons to discuss your options and get a feel for their approach. Don’t hesitate to ask about their experience with cases similar to yours.
Seek Referrals: Ask your primary care physician, dermatologist, or friends for referrals to trusted plastic surgeons who specialize in scar revision.
Consider Location: While it’s important to find a qualified surgeon, convenience also matters. Look for a surgeon whose office is easily accessible, especially if multiple visits are required for follow-up care.
Evaluate Communication: Choose a surgeon who listens to your concerns, answers your questions, and makes you feel comfortable throughout the process.
Benefits of Scar Revision Surgery
Scar revision surgery offers numerous benefits, including:
Improved Appearance: The primary goal of scar revision is to reduce the visibility of scars, making them blend more naturally with the surrounding skin.
Enhanced Self-Esteem: Many patients experience a significant boost in self confidence after scar revision surgery, as they no longer feel self conscious about their scars.
Restored Functionality: In cases where scars limit movement or cause discomfort, Scar Revision Surgery Near Me can help restore normal function and comfort.
Customized Treatment: Each scar is unique, and a skilled plastic surgeon will tailor the treatment to your specific needs, ensuring the best possible results.
If you're considering scar revision surgery, it's essential to choose a skilled and experienced plastic surgeon near you. By doing thorough research, consulting with best surgeons, and carefully evaluating your options, you can find the best scar revision surgeon to help you achieve the results you desire.  Best Scar Revision Surgery can transform your appearance and boost your confidence, allowing you to move forward with a renewed sense of self.
More information about on this : https://bestscarrevisionsurgery.com/?page_id=1434
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devrizskin · 2 months
What You Need to Know Before Visiting a Botox Clinic Near Me
In today's fast-paced world, maintaining a youthful appearance is a priority for many. Botox, a non-surgical cosmetic treatment, has gained immense popularity for its ability to reduce wrinkles and fine lines. If you're searching for "Botox clinics near me," this comprehensive guide will help you find the best options in your area.
Understanding Botox: What You Need to Know
Botox, short for botulinum toxin, is a neurotoxic protein used in minute doses to treat various medical and cosmetic conditions. It works by temporarily paralyzing the muscles, thereby reducing the appearance of wrinkles and preventing new ones from forming. Before diving into your search for the ideal clinic, it's crucial to understand how Botox works and what to expect from the treatment.
How Botox Works
When injected, Botox blocks nerve signals to the muscles, causing them to relax. This relaxation smoothens out the skin above the treated area, leading to a reduction in wrinkles. The effects of Botox typically last between three to six months, after which the treatment needs to be repeated to maintain the results.
Common Uses of Botox
Botox is widely used for both medical and cosmetic purposes. Common cosmetic uses include:
Forehead Lines: Reducing horizontal lines on the forehead.
Crow’s Feet: Smoothing out wrinkles around the eyes.
Frown Lines: Diminishing vertical lines between the eyebrows.
Medical uses of Botox include:
Migraine Relief: Reducing the frequency and severity of migraines.
Excessive Sweating: Treating hyperhidrosis by blocking sweat glands.
Muscle Spasms: Alleviating muscle stiffness and spasms in conditions like cerebral palsy.
Finding the Best Botox Clinics Near You
When looking for a Botox clinic near me, it's essential to consider various factors to ensure you receive the highest quality care. Here are some key aspects to consider:
1. Qualifications and Experience of Practitioners
The expertise of the practitioners is paramount. Look for clinics where Botox treatments are administered by certified dermatologists or plastic surgeons with extensive experience in cosmetic procedures. Verify their credentials and read reviews from previous clients to gauge their competence and professionalism.
2. Clinic Reputation and Reviews
A clinic's reputation can provide valuable insights into the quality of care you can expect. Browse online reviews and testimonials to see what other patients have to say about their experiences. Look for clinics with consistently high ratings and positive feedback regarding both the treatment outcomes and the overall experience.
3. Consultation Process
A thorough consultation is crucial before undergoing any cosmetic treatment. During the consultation, the practitioner should assess your medical history, discuss your goals, and explain the procedure in detail. This is also an opportunity for you to ask questions and address any concerns you may have.
4. Hygiene and Safety Standards
Ensure that the clinic adheres to strict hygiene and safety protocols. The environment should be clean, and the equipment used should be sterile. This reduces the risk of complications and infections, ensuring a safe and comfortable experience.
5. Before and After Photos
Reputable clinics often have a portfolio of before and after photos showcasing their work. Reviewing these photos can give you an idea of the results you can expect and the clinic's expertise in administering Botox.
Preparing for Your Botox Appointment
Once you've chosen a Botox clinic near me, it's important to prepare for your Botox appointment to ensure a smooth experience. Here are some tips to help you get ready:
1. Avoid Blood Thinners
In the days leading up to your appointment, avoid taking blood thinners such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and certain supplements. These can increase the risk of bruising at the injection sites.
2. Stay Hydrated
Drinking plenty of water before your appointment can help your skin recover more quickly after the treatment. Hydrated skin is also less likely to bruise.
3. Discuss Medications with Your Practitioner
Inform your practitioner about any medications or supplements you are currently taking. This will help them determine if any adjustments need to be made before the treatment.
4. Plan for Aftercare
Arrange for someone to drive you home after the appointment if needed, and plan to take it easy for the rest of the day. Avoid strenuous activities and exposure to heat, as these can increase the risk of bruising and swelling.
What to Expect During and After Botox Treatment
Understanding the Botox procedure and what to expect afterward can help you feel more comfortable and confident.
During the Treatment
The Botox procedure is relatively quick and typically takes about 15-30 minutes. Here's what to expect:
Consultation: The practitioner will assess your facial muscles and discuss your goals.
Preparation: The treatment area will be cleaned, and a numbing cream may be applied if necessary.
Injection: Using a fine needle, the practitioner will inject small amounts of Botox into the targeted muscles.
Post-Treatment Care: You will be given instructions on how to care for the treated area to minimize side effects.
After the Treatment
After the Botox treatment in delhi, you may experience some minor side effects, such as:
Bruising: Mild bruising at the injection sites is common and usually resolves within a few days.
Swelling: Temporary swelling may occur but typically subsides quickly.
Redness: Some redness is normal and should fade within a few hours.
To ensure the best results, follow your practitioner's aftercare instructions carefully. Avoid touching the treated area, and refrain from strenuous activities for at least 24 hours.
Finding the best Botox clinic near me involves careful research and consideration. By choosing a reputable clinic with experienced practitioners, you can achieve your desired results safely and effectively. Remember to prepare for your appointment, understand the procedure, and follow post-treatment care instructions for the best outcomes.
If you want to read more information You Can Check out- Kotil skin science
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toursoman · 3 months
Best plastic surgeon in Egypt
Despite being easier and more common to get plastic surgery, it is tough to choose the best plastic surgeon in Egypt. Google search terms such as “top-rated plastic surgeon near me” or “best plastic surgeon in Egypt” would yield many results, but how to find the best plastic surgeon in Egypt?
Dr Ali Gaber provides you with a solid set of minimum criteria that can help to make the right decision. The following checklist might offer a good starting point for choosing the best plastic surgeon in Egypt.
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dramitkrchoudhary · 3 months
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Receive comprehensive and advanced cosmetic plastic surgery from the leading cosmetic experts. Search with the best cosmetic surgeon near me in Siliguri to find the best doctors for reconstructive and aesthetic surgery.
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carloswilson0 · 3 months
Jaw Filler Near Me: Transform Your Facial Contours
In the pursuit of achieving a more defined and sculpted facial appearance, many individuals are turning to jaw fillers as a non-surgical solution. The desire for a more prominent, chiseled jawline has become increasingly popular, leading to a growing demand for "jaw filler near me" services. This article will explore the benefits of jaw fillers, the treatment process, and how to find the best clinics in your local area to undergo this transformative procedure.
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Understanding Jaw Fillers
Jaw fillers, also known as jawline fillers or chin fillers, are injectable treatments that use dermal fillers to enhance the contours of the lower face. These fillers are typically made from hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring substance in the body that helps to add volume, definition, and structure to the targeted areas.
The primary purpose of jaw fillers is to create a more defined, sculpted, and youthful-looking jawline. By strategically injecting the filler into specific points along the jawline, the chin, or the jaws, the clinician can reshape and enhance the facial features, resulting in a more harmonious and aesthetically pleasing appearance.
Benefits of Jaw Fillers
Jaw fillers offer a range of benefits that have contributed to their growing popularity among individuals seeking to improve their facial contours. Some of the key benefits include:
Improved Jawline Definition: Jaw fillers can help to create a more prominent, chiseled, and defined jawline, which can enhance the overall balance and symmetry of the face.
Reduced Facial Sagging: As we age, the natural loss of collagen and elastin can lead to facial sagging, particularly in the lower face. Jaw fillers can help to restore volume and lift, creating a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance.
Enhanced Chin Projection: For individuals with a receding or weak chin, jaw fillers can be used to add volume and projection, creating a more balanced and harmonious facial profile.
Non-Surgical Solution: Compared to surgical procedures like chin implants or jawline contouring, jaw fillers offer a non-invasive and less-complex solution for those seeking to improve their facial contours.
Customizable Results: Jaw fillers can be tailored to each individual's facial features and desired aesthetic goals, ensuring a personalized and natural-looking outcome.
Minimal Downtime: Jaw filler treatments typically involve minimal to no downtime, allowing patients to resume their daily activities with ease.
The Jaw Filler Treatment Process
The process of receiving jaw fillers typically involves the following steps:
Consultation: During the initial consultation, the clinician will assess the patient's facial features, discuss their desired outcomes, and develop a customized treatment plan.
Numbing: To ensure patient comfort, the clinician will apply a numbing cream or local anesthetic to the treatment area.
Injection: The clinician will strategically inject the filler into the targeted areas along the jawline, chin, or jaws, using precise techniques to achieve the desired results.
Aftercare: After the procedure, the clinician will provide instructions for proper aftercare, which may include the use of cold compresses, avoidance of certain activities, and a follow-up appointment.
It's important to note that the specific details of the treatment process may vary depending on the individual clinic and the clinician's preferred techniques.
Finding the Best "Jaw Filler Near Me"
When searching for the "best jaw filler near me," it's essential to consider several key factors to ensure you receive a safe, effective, and satisfactory treatment experience. These factors include:
Clinician Qualifications and Experience: Look for clinics that employ experienced and highly trained professionals, such as board-certified dermatologists or plastic surgeons, who have a proven track record of performing successful jaw filler treatments.
Clinic Reputation and Reviews: Research the clinic's reputation by reading online reviews, testimonials, and checking their rating on reputable platforms. This can provide valuable insights into the quality of their services and the level of patient satisfaction.
Treatment Approach and Techniques: Inquire about the clinic's approach to jaw filler treatments, including the specific techniques they use, the types of fillers they offer, and how they customize the treatment to each patient's unique needs.
Patient Safety and Aftercare: Ensure that the clinic prioritizes patient safety by following proper protocols and providing comprehensive aftercare instructions to ensure a smooth recovery and optimal results.
Accessibility and Convenience: Consider the clinic's location, operating hours, and availability of appointments to ensure that it fits your schedule and accessibility requirements.
Cost and Financing Options: Investigate the cost of the jaw filler treatment and explore any financing options or payment plans the clinic may offer to make the procedure more accessible.
By considering these factors, you can increase your chances of finding the "best jaw filler near me" and achieving the desired facial transformation you've been seeking.
Jaw fillers have emerged as a popular non-surgical solution for individuals seeking to enhance their facial contours and achieve a more defined, sculpted, and youthful-looking jawline. By understanding the benefits of this treatment, the treatment process, and the key factors to consider when searching for the "best jaw filler near me," you can make an informed decision and embark on your journey to a more confident and visually appealing facial appearance.
Remember, the success of your jaw filler treatment is largely dependent on the expertise and experience of the clinician, as well as the clinic's commitment to patient safety and satisfaction. Take the time to research and evaluate your options carefully to ensure you receive the best possible care and achieve the desired results.
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