#Fiore Speaks
beldam-in-bedlam · 12 days
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Photos of GACKT that have been plaguing my brain of late.
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queenharumiura · 4 months
Two truths one lie from G for Fiore. "I'm a very patient guy. I'm also a good shot. And I love you."
Send me 2 truths and a lie about your muse and my muse will try to guess which is the lie. ||Accepting|| @whiskeysmulti
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"Oh my, this seems trickier than I originally thought it would be." Fiore knew for a fact that G was a good shot. She's witnessed that to be the case first hand, so she knew that had to be a truth.
According to her assessment of him, G was a patient guy. That would leave him loving her to be the lie... but she didn't want that to be the case. As much as she was insecure and looked down on herself, she didn't want to verbalize that him loving her was a lie. Being told that she was correct would be devastating to her.
Which brings her to the second point, she knew G to be polite, at least with her. It would be beyond rude to have a lady verbalize that he didn't love her with her own words. G didn't seem to be the sort who would make her do such a thing, hurting her feelings in the process, unless he was willing to burn bridges. This meant one of the other two options had to be the lie.
Of the two, she was 100% certain that he was a good shot. With process of elimination, she had an answer, even if it contradicted how she viewed him. There was also the part of her that felt it was too arrogant to imply that she believed he loved her, even if she had hoped that to be the case.
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"Though I don't believe it to be the case... is the lie that you are a patient man?"
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i-wanna-show-you-off · 4 months
just started watching disventure camp today (finally) and I’m already on ep 6. I have (out loud) made the “you a baby quit cussing” joke like. Every single episode at least once. I have SO MUCH to talk about..
more in tags..like spoilers and stuff..
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claitea · 3 months
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poke-nom · 1 year
hey i hit post limit but ill be fine, i promise!!! ive got some of the strongest pokemon ive ever met on my side, its essentially a 6v1!
besides, how dangerous can one mon be? especially one whos been stuck in a cave for a few thousand years! it'll be a breeze
Oh wow, didn't know Rotomblr has that xD
I'm sure you'll be fine, but like at the same time if the league makes a big deal out of it you never know. There's been a lot of whacky stuff going around, and if this is a legendary... At least you're not alone there.
My worry is totally not influenced by the one time I went into a cave temple and nearly got murderized by an ancient dragon. 😬
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astrumocs · 1 year
🤳🎭🐾♦️ 4... Reshaper :]
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🤳- Do you use Trollian? If so, what is your handle? If not, do you use any messaging system?
"I had one in my youth because those around me used it, but I never loved the program. I prefer more magical means of communication these days."
🎭- How do you access entertainment? What is available to you to do for fun?
"In whichever ways that I please, Fiore, it's really a matter of deciding what I wish to be my entertainment. I do a little bit of light redistribution of goods from stores into my pockets, watch the drama-filled life of Julian, go traveling, and so on and so forth."
♦️- Do you think it’s dangerous for lowbloods to be pale with highbloods?
"Only if you're incapable of being a proper moirail, or if your partner wasn't to be trusted, I'd say."
🐾- What is your lusus like? Are/were they around often or do/did they normally leave you all by yourself?
"He's a good caretaker, although a touch over-bearing-- even as old as we both are, he can go a bit 'mother hen' on me."
"Basili was around constantly when I was growing up, but now that my descendant is around, he spends most of his time there to watch over his sorry self these days."
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xastarothx · 10 months
a gift for @raffaelexfiore,
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Roth was typically the one to be scathingly called out for looking cross or somber but they recognize the witch, except the Narcissus is fully sporting a pout and is off in the corner. "You're looking miserable," it was a little tough to hear him over some human going absolutely crazy on the triangle and kazoo, battling out with Dante, who was as proficient and louchely professional as ever strumming his guitar. They smirk softly and nudge at Raffaele, with the mere raise of his brow, "You're at a satyr's celebration and you're... here, seemingly sulking."
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smolsleepyfox · 1 year
After not interacting with it or playing any of the games in 5+ years I have suddenly fallen back into Pokémon, but specifically the overwhelming urge to replay my copy of OmegaRuby.
What is going on
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sinfulforrest · 2 years
help, I cant stop thinking of making a slime boy murder oc 😭😭
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beldam-in-bedlam · 1 month
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My sexuality is just this bit of Gackt in the Illuminati live performance
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queenharumiura · 4 months
[ seductive ] a deep, slow, and deliberately intense kiss filled with passion and desire (to Fiore from G from my inbox call)
Taken from meme: [x] ||Accepting|| @whiskeysmulti ((Just consider this one like a lil thought exercise on my part. Just playin' because i'm not sure how their story will progress))
Truly, what evils must she have done in a previous life that she’d be plagued with constant misfortunes? Was she not a decent person? Was she being punished for being a mediocre person? Was that it? Maybe it was the fact that she was a constant source of worry for both of her parents, so this was life’s way of balancing the scale. Still, did it have to be that the person before her always had to be the one that came to help her?
Usually, the trouble she got into was simple or ‘tame’ as far as what G normally witnessed in his life of the Vongola Storm. It was an understatement to say what she’d gone through was anything short of traumatic. The silver lining in her mind was that her mother was taking care of her ailing mother when it happened… though that may have precisely been why they waited for such a timing to strike.
It was the dead of night when she was rudely awoken by the sound of glass breaking. She tried quietly feeling for her gun in the dark, not wanting to turn on a light to alert the infiltrators to her whereabouts, the strangers found her and grabbed her from her home.
Well, she didn’t leave her home meekly, to term it simply. Whatever these goons wanted with her, she didn’t know, but she could only hope to get out of this with her life. Her mother wasn’t going to be back home for at least another week, and her father rarely came home. Maybe Carmelo would come ‘check in’ and be the first to realize the situation? When was that going to be? Days?
All she knew was that when she woke up again (she doesn’t remember how she lost consciousness), she was in a room full of other women, all captured like she was. Of them, she was probably the one who looked the worst of them- physically. You could tell at a glance that she put up a fight when they grabbed her.
She stayed with the other women feeling increasingly more anxious when other women were being tossed into the room. With the small amount of light that filtered in through the closed door, Fiore could guess about 3 days had passed since she was captured, and from her conversations with the other ladies, some have been here for almost a week. Whatever reason they were all gathered together, it couldn’t be for anything good seeing that they were targeting young women.
Maybe they were going to get trafficked elsewhere, maybe there was some underground dealings that required young women to be sold? If that was the situation she was in, there was no telling if she’d ever be able to see her family again. Over the course of 3 days, the woman sat among the sobbing women, reflecting on her life. She did her best to console the crying women, telling them that saving their energy was for the better.
There was a single gunshot that caught her attention which served as the prelude to the sounds of chaos. She could tell from the sounds alone that there was an armed conflict happening beyond that closed door. Gathering some of the younger girls closer to her and guiding them to the back, she warily eyed the door- worried that the next time the door opened, someone would’ve been ordered to get rid of the evidence.
The sounds of gunfire, shouting, and death wails sent the women into hysterics thinking that this was their last hour among the living. Fiore could only hold onto the youngest ones of the group, hoping to assuage them of some of their fears by offering them a comforting hold.
The locked door was violently kicked down, allowing the light to flood into the room, blinding everyone who had spent days in the darkness blind for a few seconds before their eyes adjusted to the light again. Fiore’s ears picked up a familiar voice among the many who were talking among themselves. “G?”
She recognized a few other faces who were in the room, urging the hysterical women out of the room, but the women weren’t moving. The blood splatters across their clothing didn’t offer the women much comfort and they were sure that the ones before them were butchers. “I know they look scary now, but it’s fine, I promise you. They’re here to help. Go on, follow them, loves, to safety.” Fiore whispered to the two young crying teens in her arms. She ushered the teens to the one she remembered to be Alaude. Knowing what the Vongola stood for, she knew that their presence here meant that they’d caught wind of something nefarious and came to clean up the dirt.
Watching as the two teens were carefully being escorted out, the other women soon rushed to follow suit. Fiore stayed behind, not intending to leave until all the other women had evacuated the room first. Green eyes flit to G who hadn’t leave the room when everyone else had. She looks him over to see the evidence of being involved in conflict. There was blood splatters, tears in the fabric, dirt and soot from the chaos of the fighting, no doubt. She sees that his hands weren’t free from being bloodied either.
Not caring that he was a mess and covered in blood (which she hoped wasn’t his own), she approached him and buried herself into his arms. “Thank you.”
The comfort of his warmth reminded her of her thoughts from when she was reflecting on her life. In the time she reflected on her life, she contemplated her regrets, and there was one that stuck out the most. If she was going to be thrown into hell, she wished that she at least told him how she felt about him. Now that she had the chance, she should take advantage of it. She goes on her tippy toes and presses her lips onto his.
It was no chaste kiss that ended almost as soon as it began. She kept their lips connected, wrapping her arms around his neck to make the kiss deeper. Without words, she was conveying to him how she felt for him.
Right now, after everything, words were going to fail her, so she opted to trust her instincts and kiss him.
She had to admit it, she loved him and she wanted him to know that.
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kongming · 8 months
lying on the couch sick and tired out of my mind thinking of my blorbos
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filledwithair · 10 months
saw this color coded quiz to @sustainably-du-mortain and had to do it for my babys
Elise - green character
Green characters are often hotheaded and brash, unafraid to speak their mind. They make for excellent leaders and teachers, and tend to be most devoted to a specific field, which they do well in. They have a lot of confidence in themselves, and although they can’t always see themselves positively, they are good about respecting themselves. They have a lot of common sense but are equally likely to strategically plan something out as to rush in on an impulse. They often have to work hard to get others to respect them, and sometimes receive less of it when people find out who they are. Still, they are not afraid to make others uncomfortable by being themselves, and are unlikely to waver when someone wants them to change against their will. They can be brash and loud, but also very quiet and secretive. Their humor can be a bit rude, and they don’t always display friendship and affection to the people they care about in the most conventional ways. However, they’re quite easygoing, witty, and fun-loving people. They don’t like when people are flighty and prefer to work with people who don’t quit and stand their ground. They stand out from others, both because of the way they approach the world, and because of how skilled they tend to be at what they do. Some people may not suspect that they are harmonious because of their blunt nature, but they are surprisingly good and reasonable diplomats, and can employ a lot of meaningful tact when the situation calls for it. They may feel a sense of distance or abandonment from their parental figures, as they often became emotionally or physically absent sometime in their life. Green characters hate being told what to do and put into a box, and are likely to challenge authority. They can be hard to work with at times due to their stubbornness, but they bring a lot to the table and tend to round out their friend groups. They need people in their lives who respect them, care about them, and listen to them, as well as offer them companionship without requiring them to conform to a certain preset standard.
Gia - dark blue character
Dark Blue characters are kindhearted and responsible, driven to care for others around them. They are good at strategizing in the heat of the moment, but are also quite impulsive and rush into things without a plan when they are fired up. While calm people and patient teachers, they are quite hotheaded and not afraid to stand up for what they believe in. Their sense of morality guides them, both into battle, and into healing. They get along with a wide range of people, but do have a temper that causes them to get into short-lived disagreements. They don’t like to be seen as inferior, as much of their strength comes from the softness inside of them. They like being needed and helpful, and want people to agree that they know what’s best for them, although others can get annoyed at what they perceive as nagging. They take turns being the voice of reason and the reason for the voice. They can hold their own, and believe in respecting everyone as long as everyone is respectful in turn. They often had to grow up fast and mature early, which they both take pride in and resent. They are likely to join a just cause on a whim, and do what it takes to develop the skillset they need to best help the cause, although they prefer to be at the center of the action. If they feel no one is doing anything and it needs to be done, they’ll step in. They are often close to prodigies, having some sort of incredible skill that they can expertly hone. They are inspirational and have a lot of emotional maturity. They can both maneuver people through their hardships and inspire them to rise up. They can often ignore their own feelings and needs in the process of being a sort of martyr for others, however, and can grow resentful when no one pays attention to them like they do for others. Dark blue characters need people in their lives who will encourage and uplift them in whatever cause they choose to support, as well as give them space to talk out their feelings. They also need others who will recognize when they are taking too much responsibility on, and take some time to give them care and support and affirm their willingness to care.
Carol - yellow character
Yellow characters tend to be positive and upbeat people, who try to see the bright side in most situations (although the older a character is, the less likely they’ll be as openly positive). They’re friendly and energetic much of the time, and while often genuine it can become a cover for their more negative feelings. They tend to have a lot of skill in one specific area which they have to work hard to harness and use properly. Because of this skill they can be put up on a pedestal and have high expectations placed on them to perform. Often these expectations also come from themselves. They have a strong sense of responsibility and duty placed on them that can cause them to develop a bit of a savior complex, blaming themselves for not being able to protect everyone around them. They are diffusers and peacemakers, preferring to be in harmony with everyone, sometimes making it confusing when others around them are not this way. They’re pretty cheerful and bubbly and usually the light of their friend group. They care about their friends a lot, and go out of their way to show it, although it can cause them to be jealous when they feel as if they aren’t being included. While kind people, they also have a competitive streak and like to win. They love fun and are likely to get sidetracked and drag their friends along with them. Others are able to relax in their presence and enjoy themselves, and it’s hard not to like a yellow character. While these characters may be warm and diligent though, they also have a hard time taking risks, generally preferring to stay in their comfort zone. They can have a bit of both a main character and a savior complex because of how much responsibility they put on themselves, and while well meaning it can irk other characters. Sometimes they go too far trying to help and interfere with others, and when they don’t want to do something they will often shut down and distract themselves from it. They are surprisingly mature for how innocent they seem, and when in a healthy place they always give their best effort. They are wise and interpersonal and really tie their friend group together. Yellow characters need to be given a safe space to release negative emotions without letting them build up, and they need people in their life who will help them keep a healthy balance of work and play without pressuring them too much.
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claitea · 9 months
While I would say that it's in the Unova region, as they said that's where Blueberry Academy is... yea where the hecc is Kitakami??? XD
i dont think kitakami would be In unova bc it is very much japan-inspired but perhaps?? it is kinda near? sinnoh and unova are canonically close together and real world kitakami is south of hokkaido.
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poke-nom · 1 year
Hey so did you know pride month in Fiore was historically celebrated in July? The June dates were only implemented after Fiore became a tourist destination.
The actual parades take place over several months though depending on the city because the weather is just so drastically different. For Ringtown, June/July is a good time, but in Summerland it would be way too hot, so their pride takes place in September. There's also a traditional picknick in Lyra Forest near Ringtown, usually in August after the nesting season is over.
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astrumocs · 1 year
Tavian (: <333
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"Why yes, that would be me, Fiore. Good to see you around and sending me the affection I deserve."
> He's only half joking about that last part...
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