#Firis T
otpadsis · 4 months
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haydensky01 · 2 years
Obey me! Sleeping with Lucy. Traumatized MC
Attention: Not short attention span friendly.
Truth is, since last week when Cerberus found itself free from its chains and wondered in the house following the scent of the only human there to attack it, you have been very traumatized.
It didn't matter that Lucifer saved you and put the creature back into its prison. Fact is, it was all last second. And you had that long long time within that one second terror face to face with the three headed dog glazing at you charging his firy breath about to tear you up. Needless to say, you haven't been able to go passed that moment.
Since that day, you'd make sure to never be alone especially at night. But a fact deep within wasn't making you any less terrified. After all, you saw how everyone of them hasn't been able to tame Cerberus or push it away from you till he nearly killed you. Everyone except Lucifer.
Lucifer and you share a respectful relationship. Almost professional. He, after all, is the Morning Star. The first born. And Diavolo's right hand. And since you came here, several months ago, you only had responsabilities and committments bounds.
You admired him. You respected him. But also, you liked him. There is no denying that. He was so handsome, so calm, so reliable. You feel like even a smile from him could charge you in energy for days. And knowing his importance and status, you being aware of the feelings you started growing towards him, makes you awkward around him. Avoiding eye contact, talking none sense sometimes, laughing about everything. Even at punishments when Mammon gets you on board in some stupid things.
Howerver, tonight is diffrent. Tonight, you are seriously terrified. You can't dare close your eyes. The smell of aches in Cerburus surrounds you. The 6 red eyes seem to stare at you in every corner of your room and you could hear the beast scream resonates in your soul. You need safety. You need security. You need Lucifer.
Heading to his study in the library you couldn't believe you were about to ask the first born to stay with him all night. You make it till his desk. Here he was working. Overworking. a pile of files and papers surrounding him from everywhere.
"What is it that brings you here at this hour? Is Asmo harassing you again?"
"... N-No, no. I just needed something .. I.."
He interupts you mid sentence: "Ah, is there anything more you needed for the festival preparation? Here, Take this list." He hands you a paper. "This is the list where the festival's needs are mentionned from my part. You can add anything you forgot about in it. I will make sure Diavolo has it appoved by tomorrow."
"... T-Thank you .. But .."
"Don't worry." He interups agains. "Diavolo has you on his good terms. I am sure he'll grant you some more." He says without taking his eyes off of the papers on the desk.
You take few seconds to think. "I just wanted to stay in the study with him. nothing else" You think to yourself.
"This is taking you a moment. Planning to add some more things now that we know the Young Prince won't say no? Be wise asking MC, Diavolo isn't here to spoil." Lucifer added from afar.
You look at the paper and write: "Could you please check if Cerberus is well chained tonight?". You put the paper on the corner of the desk and leave.
Back to your room (running) you close the door and hope he will see your message. You get on your bed and start counting sheeps. Maybe this will distract you. The thoughts of the beast comes and goes as you don't stop moving in your bed. Then tears came up. You hung on your pillow and cried undlessly.
An hour later, you still haven't slept but all the crying made you so exhausted you feel yourself doze off. As your breath slows and your eyes get heavier, you hear your door opens. Your heart skips a beat and your body freezes, eyes tightly shut in fear. And then you smell him. the vison of aches and fire dissipes as you recognize the perfume of Lucifer. A heavy spicy yet sweet scent of fruit and earth. The scent fills your entire room and envelops your whole body. It calms you down. You hear footsteps towards your bed. And this is when you realize. Lucifer is in your room. few steps away. Your heart pounds yet you don't make yourself known as awake. You hear him take off his coats that he puts on your chair. You hear him heading to your bed barefoot. when did he even take off his shoes? A moment after your bed goes down under the weight of the demon and your cover is lifted as a worm and big body lays next to you from behind. The smell imprinted your soul by now. A hand throws to your side of the bed 2 gloves, a tie and a gilet. His arm slides under your neck gently then comes back to rest on your upper shoulder while his other goes around your abdomen.
"I apologise ... I will never let anyone nor anything ever harm you." He says in the quite of your room.
Is this really Lucifer by your ear? on your bed? Against your body? under your covers? The serious, strict, scary, professional Lucifer?
"I can't bare seeing the bags under your eyes at every breakfest after the incident. Nor your pale face ... For how long haven't you slept my love?"
Your face is fire red now. Does he know you're awake? Wait, did he just call you HIS LOVE? ~Do I have to respond?????~
"I don't even remember." You finally say in a broken tired voice.
"Have you been crying?" He realizes to your voice. "Oh MC ..." He commented as he hugged you tighter.
"I sent a raven to the Castle. I declared personal affairs for the next two days. I sent another one to the school as well. They won't be expecting us coming couple days either. Would it be enough? would it be acceptable if we remained sleeping just like this for the next two days?"
"What about the boys?"
Lucifer smirked at the thought of his brothers. "I casted a spell on them. no one is waking up before two days at least."
You let a gasp of surprise out as you turn looking to Lucifer in astonishment. His hand on your waist makes its way up to your face. "You would be scared to know the extent of things I would do for you". He says in a tender yet firm eye contact.
As you look at him, you know he isn't exagerating. Missing on Diavolo's meeting, missing school and casting a spell on his brothers ... You knew he meant every word he said.
"Turn around, rest your head on my chest princess."
Your body obeys without leaving time to your mind to comprehend the order. As you put your head on his heart he caresses your back and you fall asleep to his last words.
"I imprinted a key to my room on your right palm. I am the one who will spoil you to the core. Your bed now is my heart and nowhere else".
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444names · 3 months
Names generated from dunmer male forenames from TES, excluding the letter "T"
Adeden Adenikimar Adiris Adral Adraval Adravis Advynisil Aelenelmon Alanus Alaril Aldus Alerus Algaver Almen Alpar Alvam Alvenys Alvondrovos Analbar Arain Ardril Arelirvoro Arendiryni Arerisilads Arvels Avidrar Azandraroi Azanelmen Azanos Azanras Azarebi Azarendras...
Baemyn Baenel Baennival Balos Balven Balvoril Balvulpal Banderav Banis Barvlo Baryn Bedhelen Belladras Belynenas Benarvis Benshalam Berels Beros Bervis Bevonesul Bevyn Biirm Bikoni Bolas Bolos Bolvanelos Borilos Bovayn Bovon Brain Bralvam Brasig Brayn Bredaldras Bredsu Brelervos Brendel Brerayn Brevas Buril Casivavas Churan Cylen Dalarem Daldralaras Dalnik Dalvanelah Dalvar Dalveren Dandirvar Dandraren Dandu Danros Darainelyn Daralur Daranyn Darelyn Daronden Davar Daven Davorgreli Davos Delfar Delnus Deloval Delyn Denilzar Denudvys Denur Deral Deronselval Develon Deven Devuvaril Dilvo Diravis Dolen Dovis Dovonel Dralen Dralgan Dralgaviss Draneram Draynas Drebpar Drelynik Drend Drens Drilas Driloronis Drilvis Drilyn Driram Drynarvelar Durilyndol Elmeles Elven Enden Eneldalkiv Ennuras Epherns Eradovis Erarerols Erelas Erimanadsa Erolam Errynik Ervos Eurimar Evenus Farasoris Farus Favil Favodurelon Felan Felmivas Felmylas Felves Felvuris Ferril Ferunavasig Fervis Fervus Ferys Feveravur Feves Fevulvas Firis Folnuryn Folvar Fonor Fonumyo Foras Foron Forono Foros Fovis Furkanaryl Gaelen Galden Galdrel Galdus Galero Galven Galvon Galvos Ganvyn Garanel Garel Garenevos Garim Garimalas Garlain Garlis Garon Garsyn Gavels Gavil Gavildrain Gavilphanik Gavulis Gavyn Gedelvandre Gedovisi Gelyn Geran Gidril Giiras Giirelyn Gilis Gindus Giril Girns Girylashan Golliren Golmil Golvan Gorayn Gorvam Gorvaryn Gorvendynil Goryn Govisi Greyna Harar Herelon Hladen Hladil Hlaindrer Hlayn Hlenar Hlevaril Hleyn Idasi Ideds Idram Iendrelonos Ilandul Inalnus Iravis Iravryn Irolms Irvas Ivarar Kemedas Kemynoril Kildrane Kiman Kimmar Krilyn Krinavon Kuren Lamis Lanus Lexadis Lirns Llaalo Llain Llamedrus Llarer Llarvenel Llarvyn Llavas Llenaryn Llendras Llenel Llennus Llenros Lleroris Llien Lliend Lliomlyn Llovam Lluryvn Madal Madas Madil Malam Malandanvys Malanel Maliros Malkilos Malon Malunelson Manadaen Manen Manil Manusimalas Maran Mardalmil Marinil Marnas Mavel Mavin Medraylen Medrin Melin Melmar Melmor Meraver Merener Merns Meron Midron Milain Milen Mirevur Monelam Monelvalam Muralnis Naanisi Nalam Nalurns Nariil Narvil Navor Nelbal Nelis Nelms Nendam Neren Nevanel Nevas Nevyn Nikimalon Nimalgalas Nimares Nivas Niveren Nivyn Nornel Nusilnuss Oderil Odrayn Omlyn Ondalis Oravas Orres Radirem Ragul Raguliman Ralbar Ralynelon Rarvas Ravend Ravonyl Rayin Rebir Relis Relmarsyn Rhassaras Rikalan Rilirnas Rilisaruru Rilphen Rilvo Rimarlibain Risal Rongondryvn Sadam Sadil Sadril Saevruk Sararil Saric Sarirsel Saros Sedarvis Sedyn Selanis Seliv Selmon Selmyn Selodris Selvas Selver Selym Seralvendis Seris Servas Sevar Shadrin Shalaalir Shalaymmer Shalen Shalimalis Shalyn Shaur Shelinil Shulan Shulvuldras Shuraryl Shurayn Shuros Shurrnas Shursil Shurus Slikovyn Suleralil Sulmus Surail Suril Suvres Svaso Ularul Ulmil Ulvan Unevar Urayn Urren Uvalsor Vadanenden Vadon Valano Valos Valsen Valvos Vanis Vanyn Varedraldyn Varen Varven Vasilos Vasis Vavor Vedavalan Vedolyn Velan Vendar Veraryn Verelone Veril Veronilas Vervos Vesalvil Vesedrano Vevavus Viliz Vilmeluryvn Viravon Visiennar Vivandryn Vorimon Voserasen Vuneg Vurns Yevos Yevyn Zaril Zimalyn Zirnas Zirvyn
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jovialwerewolfpirate · 10 months
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:Meet the new student at Monster High 1- 8:
Name: Rath Flare
Age: 1, 708 fire's years old
Monster Parent: Father- Dragon and Mother-Phoenix
Killer Style: purple t-shirt with rising fire's design on the rightside of the shirt and the shorts sleeves had rising fire's design too.I got.sky blue pants with long fire's flares both of the pant's.
Freaky Flaw: me and my best friends are in a rock group together we played every night or day at concerts or pep rallies.
Pet: his name is wildburn he's the elemental fire panda I loved him so much in my heart and since I was a little Dragon/Phoenix boy.
Biggest Pet Peeve: I support hybrid monster's across the world and help them with their power is inabilities .Since I am the son of the Dragon and the Phoenix .I can help them them with their abilities.
Favorite School Subject: history and math scientist classes cuz I love those classes this is and I love every single class.
Least Favorite School Subject: to be honest I really hate math every time I sell a problem is only give me the wrong answers so I tried and tried and got all the right answers.
Favorite Color: Firy Orange
Favorite Food: I love spicy food different types of spicy foods my father and it's amazing spicy I need delicious food a lot and my mom and cook some veggies for me too.
BFF'S: Vinalistar Blazer( Son of Plant Monster and Dragon), Raphel Redstirpe ( Son of Demon Red Panda), Flutteray Von Bónes ( Son of Fairy and Skeleton), Meowster Vérde ( Son of Werecat and Plant Monster), Mortas Ván Fangtrion ( Son of Vampire and Unicorn), Antleron Vampstein ( Son of Weredeer and Vampire), Monarch Vàn Spooker ( Son of The Ghost and Butterfly Monster)
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mainsstaff · 2 years
Jagged alliance 2 gold pack cheats
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#Jagged alliance 2 gold pack cheats update#
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List of Trainers (Press Ctrl+F to search for specific trainer)Īegis of Earth Protonovus Assault Trainer UpdatedĪssassin's Creed Chronicles China TrainerĪssassin's Creed Chronicles India TrainerĪssassin's Creed Chronicles Russia TrainerĪssassin's Creed Libertation Remastered TrainerĪtelier Firis The Alchemist of the Mysterious Journey TrainerĪtelier Lydie and Suelle The Alchemists and the Mysterious Paintings TrainerĪtelier Sophie The Alchemist of the Mysterious Book Trainerīlade Arcus from Shining Battle Arena TrainerĬall of Duty Modern Warfare Remastered Trainerĭark Souls II Scholar of the First Sin Trainerĭark Souls Prepare To Die Edition Trainerĭead Island Riptide Definitive Edition Trainerĭeus Ex Human Revolution Director's Cut Trainerĭivinity Original Sin Enhanced Edition Trainerĭragon Quest XI Echoes of an Elusive Age Trainerĭying Light The Following Enhanced Edition Trainerĭynasty Warriors 8 Empires (Shin Sangokumusou 7 Empires) TrainerĮador-Masters of the Broken World TrainerĮARTH DEFENSE FORCE 4. Onedrive Link: !AjUnVMu_OgCjaoJVHgD_2ICo2Fo But for most trainers since 2018, I'm still keeping them up to date for at least one more year. Note that some of them (if the game is more than 2 years old) maybe outdated or only partially work.
#Jagged alliance 2 gold pack cheats download#
You can download each trainer individually or all at once.īelow is a list of trainers available. All my trainers (maybe missing a few) from 2012 to May 2019 is uploaded to my Onedrive folder. Release date january 8, 2022.Becuase it's imposible to make a post for every single trainers of mine since 2012, so I decided to make this archive. Jagged Alliance 2: Free Arulco with the help of up to 20 mercenaries. All Cheats inside from the first CHEATBOOK January 1998 until today. RPG game compilation including strategy guides and cheats (PDF-format) in English. This page contains Jagged Alliance 2 Gold cheats, hints, walkthroughs and more for PC. Covering more than 26.000 Games, this database representsĪll genres and focuses on recent releases. Gamer and want a few extra weapons or lives to survive until the next level, this freeware cheat database can come to the rescue. XBox, Playstation 1 and 2, Playstation 3, Playstation 4, Sega, Nintendo 64, Wii U,ĭVD, Game Boy Advance, iPhone, Game Boy Color, N-Gage, Nintendo DS, PSP, Gamecube, Dreamcast, Xbox 360, Super Nintendo) easily accessible from one central location.
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Spotlight - New Version CheatBook DataBase 2022Ĭheatbook-Database 2022 is a freeware cheat code tracker that makes hints, Tricks, Tips and cheats (for PC, Walkthroughs, Visit Cheatinfo for more Cheat Codes, FAQs or Tips!
#Jagged alliance 2 gold pack cheats Pc#
Help out other players on the PC by adding a cheat or secret that you know! Submit your codes! Having Codes, cheat, hints, tips, trainer or tricks we dont have yet? Mustard gas explosion at pointer Other + K Merc forces "away" character to join team Laptop + Left Mouse Buttonġ00 points of damage to all enemies in sector Other + OĬharacter sits in wheelchair Other + 4Ĭharacter transforms into monster Other + 5 Teleport squad to sector under pointer in travel mode Map + T Teleport selected character to pointer Tactical + T Versions mentioned above 1.06 and 1.07 are made for Jagged Alliance 2 - base game.
#Jagged alliance 2 gold pack cheats update#
Latest official patch for this game, which is NOT an update to Jagged Alliance 2 or part of the Gold Pack is 1.01 build 01.01.08. Restore selected character's AP Tactical + D Jagged Alliance 2: Unfinished Business is updated to latests official patch. Reload selected character's gun Tactical + R Refresh health and energy for all characters Tactical + U Kill all enemies in current sector Tactical + O On tactical screen hold ctrl and type holding ctrl gabbi to activateĪborts enemies turn Tactical + Īll characters and items are visible Tactical + Eĭamage character under pointer Tactical + H Hints and Tips for: Jagged Alliance 2 - Gold Jagged Alliance 2 - Gold Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. Jagged Alliance 2 - Gold Cheats, Cheat Codes, Hints, Tips
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missymarysthings · 5 years
Parting Encounters
When Firis woke up the next morning after the ball, there was only one thing on his mind. He had to see Mazella one more time before he began his journey. So with that in mind he bathed quickly and instead of wearing one of his usual dresses that were more grey than pink, he wore something more pink than grey to compliment his eyes. 
Firis would not consider himself giddy in any means. However, the last time he took such an interest in someone it was when he first met his fellow mages. So why pass up this chance life, by extension of Octavian, has given him?
As he made his way to the castle, he bumped into Idium. He chuckled and raised a brow at his mentor. “Going my way?” Firis asked with a cheeky grin.
“Good morning to you too Firis,“ Idium said and laughed softly. “But to answer your question, yes. I...would like to speak with Queen Crystalia one more time before the five of us gather and then head on our separate journeys,” he said. 
“Ah, delightful, our reasons are similar then!“ Firis noted. “For me it is the dear master of ceremonies, Mazella, I wish to see and speak with,“ he explained and placed his hands behind his back. “I will understand if she can not spare the time, but...I can hope, no?“
“We can both hope Firis, for who is to say Queen Crystalia can spare a moment or two for me as well,” Idium mused. Firis chuckled once more, he could see the shy hopefulness hiding in his mentor’s eyes. It was nice to see him to be a little uncertain for once. In a weird way of course. 
They made their way to the grand hall and, to Firis’s initial delight, Mazella was indeed at her little table like she mentioned she might be. However, once they got closer to her, and Firis noticed how she looked he softly frowned. He quickly closed the gap to the table and leaned over the table to get close to her face. His frown grew as he gently took her face in his hands. “You look absolutely drained! Did you even sleep last night my dear master of ceremonies?”
Mazella was a bit started by the mage’s sudden appearance in her face, she had been more “focused” on her cards, and him gently taking her face in his hands. Which were softer than she expected them to be, she wasn’t sure why she did not notice that last night but, that wasn’t the point right now. “Please don’t frown,” she found herself saying first, surprising herself a little. “I do what is needed of me, Firis. It’s okay, I’ll be fine. I’ve bounced back from worse,” she said.
Firis’s frown did not leave and even Idium seemed a bit skeptical. Firis, however, had the advantage of knowing more from the things Mazella had shared with him the previous night. “Before I speak with you further Mazella, where can Idium find Queen Crystalia?”
“She is...actually, give me a moment,“ Mazella said and then took Firis’s hands off of her face so she could grab her cards. She pulled out one of them and enchanted it. With in a few moments she could see her queen’s face. “High Queen Crystalia? One of our guests from last night, the mage Idium, wishes to see you.“
No sooner than Mazella had finished speaking, the queen disappeared from her sight, and was soon reappearing in the entrance hall with them in a flurry of snowflakes. Idium could not help but bow in her presence. Firis also took a moment to bow as well before he focused back on Mazella. “Idium...” the queen said softly. Her nephew’s words, were starting to play through her mind again. Although she was sober now and could think with a clearer mind, it just meant she could not deny the connection she had felt between herself and Idium last night. She then held out her hand to him. “Let us...talk in the gardens,” she said. Idium stood straight and took her hand.
“After you, Queen Crystalia,” he said softly in return. Mazella watched them leave, and though she cleared the image in the card, she kept it activated. Although she doubted Idium would cause trouble, she wanted to be alerted just in case. However, the ‘gatekeeper’ of the grand castle was startled once more as Firis’s hands returned to gently cup her face. When she focused on him once more his frown was still present.
“Your devotion is admirable, and I know you say it is in your nature,“ he began quietly. “But it would be such a shame if you burn out your light because of it, or become a falling star to make someone else’s wish come true. Mazella, forgive me for saying this, but the thought of that happening to you just makes me sad and upset.”
Mazella glanced to the side and made a non-committal sound. “We just met last night. You should not be worrying about me. I told you, I-”
“But you were the highlight of my night, my dear master of ceremonies!“ he interrupted in protest. “If us just meeting was indeed so trivial...then why did you share with me what you did, hm? Why were you comfortable sharing things you would not want others to know you said?“ he asked. “Why can’t I care already? Am I really just another guest among hundreds across so many events? Or are you not used to a guest actually wanting your time instead of one of the queens? Tell me honestly Mazella.“
She stayed silent for the moment, a little stunned by his words. She wasn’t sure what to say at the moment. After another moment or two she heard Firis sigh as he took his hands away. She glanced at him to see he had taken a thinking pose instead and was looking more at the ground than at her. “Firis...”
“No...it’s okay. I am a simple mage doing my own thing, while you are here doing important work. I should not have asked those questions, or indirectly accuse you of being...” he trailed off and shook his head as he let his arms hang back at his sides. “Your time and your duties are valuable, and important, and I should not be infringing on them,“ he ended up saying. “Again forgive me, master Mazella. May the rest of your day find you better than right now,“ he added and turned to leave. 
Something about the situation, about the things he just said suddenly gave her a sense of dread. As he started to walk away it hit her. It was reminding her of the night Lula had left the castle before her grand ball to ‘take care of something’. How she felt her concerns and trust were being pushed aside and had begun to question her queen, but then stopped herself. Her mind then thought of everything that happened afterwards, and understood why she was now feeling this dread. 
But in this situation Firis was in her place in a way, and she was being similar Queen Lula. There were crossovers, but in the end she started to fear that something bad was going to happen to him if they parted ways on this...sour note. She stood and leaned over her little table to catch his arm. “Firis wait. I should...apologize. I should not take for granted that you care even though we just met. I...rather people not worry about me regardless if there is valid reason to do so. The queens are the most important ones and I see myself as beneath them. That I should not matter as much as them as they are the hopes of the kingdom. I just do what I can to ensure their safety and that any event they throw goes well and to their expectations. I...I don’t expect anyone to see me as anything more than just another person with their duties to fulfill here in the castle,” she explained. 
Firis turned to look at her with a slightly saddened expression. Why did she value herself so little? Could she not see the bright light she had? Does it look dim to her or was she dimming it on purpose? He was confused. He then walked around the table so she did not have to lean over it. “Between last night and today...you make it sound like you should not matter at all as a person, and I just can’t agree to that. Mazella the person should matter just as much as Mazella the master of ceremonies, or Mazella the...gatekeeper/protector. You may not be a queen but that doesn’t mean people can’t care about you too,” he said and placed his free hand on her cheek. “It should not mean you run yourself into nothingness, and I don’t think the queens would want that either. I don’t want that to happen.”
“If I, as a person, could not make any more mistakes...maybe I‘d be more accepting of that,” she said a bit sadly. “I am trying to learn from my mistakes but...I wonder if I really am,“ she said softly. She knew her training with Alvara was making some progress, but was it really good enough? Was it fast enough? Why was she starting to feel like a disappointment? Mazella sighed in slight frustration.
Firis leaned in to kiss her cheek and then nuzzled it a moment before leaning back. Mazella looked at him a bit wide eyed, but he looked like what he just did was an absolutely normal thing to do. “Do not let the knowledge of your mistakes hold you down. They are making you doubt yourself. You deserve to shine like you are meant to and do not give up on bettering yourself. Do not overdo it and I believe you will be fine,” he said gently. “It may not mean much coming from me but I care and believe that you can find your balance,” he added and smiled warmly at her.
Mazella let go of his arm and shortly after he took his hand off her cheek and stepped back. “You are...certainly different,” she said a bit speechlessly. He lightly chuckled and adjusted his monocle. She placed her hand on the cheek he kissed.
“I am me, Mazella. Nothing more, nothing less,“ he said and winked. “And I am certain I have taken up too much of your time now. I want to write to you from time to time while I’m on my travels. Is that...permissible?“
“I should start paying attention again, that is true, but...thank you. Just...thank you. And...please do write...it would be nice to have something so simple to...look forward to.“
While this was happening with Mazella and Firis, Queen Crystalia and Idium were having their own conversation.
The queen had led Idium to one of her favorite parts of the vast gardens. Perhaps it was in part because this section had some of the flowers native to the North that her father had planted here long ago. They always seemed to look pretty with a light dusting of snow too. There was a bench by a small frozen fountain that she led him to and sat down gracefully. She then patted the space next to her and waited for him to join her before she spoke. 
“Idium…I...forgive me for seeming indelicate and forward right now but...am I alone in feeling a connection between us?“
Idium blinked at the question. He was not expecting this, or as she said, her forwardness in asking. However, he also could not deny that he was happy that she asked. “No, you are not alone in that feeling Queen Crystalia. If I am honest, I was hoping that I was not wrong in that feeling. However, at the same time I also thought I was being foolish. You are one of the High Queens of the Light Kingdom, after all. I am not a noble or anything of high standing so I felt I should not be expecting much except a kind and gracious welcome and small talk,“ he said as he interlaced his hands in his lap. “But the conversations we had and the time we spent in each other company at the ball, did feel more than that to me. Of course, part of me was also trying to rationalize it as just my previous idolization of you making me feel that way.”
“Status does not matter that much to me, although there are those who feel it should matter to me,“ Crystalia said. “However, it did not matter to my father. If it did...I would not be here today. My mother was a simple woman blessed with healing magic, a kind and compassionate heart, and a wise mind. Sure, there were those that were disappointed with his choice of her, but he cared not for she was what his heart wanted. Their love was true,“ she said and then sighed softly. “How I miss them...“
“I am sorry, I did not mean to bring up bittersweet memories,“ Idium said and looked down. Crystalia shook her head and make him look at her again.
“Do not apologize. I will never shy away from talking about how my parents loved each other. A love like theirs was something I looked up to, that I had hoped one day I would experience for myself. Some would say it was foolish of me to hold onto that hope. Some even now would still say that, citing that I am the only of the High Queens to still be unmarried,“ she said and turned her gaze to the flowers. 
Idium followed her gaze to the flowers as he thought over the things she was saying. He was similar to her. He too once believed in finding a true love to call his own. Despite being what he was, and how some viewed his kind...he had still had those hopes in his younger years...
“I thought I had found it once-“ they both started to say in unison but stopped and looked at each other. They both waited a moment to see if the other would continue. “They were not what they seemed at first.“ they ended up finishing in unison. They blinked and looked away from each other and at the flowers again.
“Seff and his brothers were the first to see it, however. The first to know more, to hear more of his true nature,“ Crystalia began to explain and sighed. “I...almost fought them over it, figuratively. I was blind to the true nature of that man, but...in the end I saw a hint of it myself and trusted their judgement. I...never tried looking for love again after that...“ she finished and then trailed off. Although she could have mentioned an occasion before that, she would never bring up her silly and brief teenaged crush of Seff. She could tell early enough, so she could squash it down, that she wasn’t exactly his type. Though on occasion back then she still wondered what it would be like, but she figured that she probably would end up unintentionally annoying him to the point they’d be ex’s instead.
“She...seemed so interested in me, and what I was trying to do. Liked to watch me work and ask questions to figure out why I would do certain things. She would sometimes bring me books she thought would be helpful. It was so...kind and cute...“ he trailed off and covered his left, and lighter colored, eye for a moment. He then lowered his hand and sighed before he continued speaking. “I was blind to her true reasons of interest in me until it was too late. If I had realized she was only looking to use my talents for her own gains sooner...well...the naive mistakes of a younger man I suppose. I had my own hopes diminished after that.“
Idium then summoned a couple crystals to float in the air in front of him. Two blue ones, a purple one, a yellow one, a pink one and a clear one. With a little concentration, and a light snap of his fingers, they glowed for a moment before they started to transform. After a minute or so they came together to form a little bouquet of crystalline flowers in front of the queen. 
Crystalia tentatively reached out to take them. They were lighter than she thought they would be. Although, she wasn’t sure why she thought they would be heavier. She brought them to her chest and looked at Idium. He looked at her and there was something unspoken between them. She blushed slightly and looked down at the flowers again. “I know you are set to travel once more after we are done talking but...please do not let too much time pass before you come this way again. I also implore you to be careful, and be safe on your journey,” she said softly. 
“When I come back...I will court you properly. You deserve nothing less, and I cannot do so if I am not in one piece, or of sound mind,“ he responded softly and placed his hand over his heart. “I will return to you...“
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bogkeep · 7 years
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hi, just checking if they’re still cute. they are
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mathes0n · 7 years
one of my favorite ti aus will always be the one where thog and firi are art school college roommates who stay up until super fucking late and firis crying trying to write an essay about some art historian that she doesnt care about and thog has been muttering his monologue for the big musical for 3 hours but he keeps messing up that ONE PART and they both scream (and they both end up dating ashe who is a high school drop out)
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jamiebluewind · 5 years
Fantasy High Locations 2.12
As always, let me know if I need to edit or add anything and tag/ask/PM me about art and stories so I can check them out!
Arborly, Silvar
Forest with towering ancient trees with curling, twisting branches, limbs, and trunks
Curves of trees eclipse each other and vines growing up the trees
Forest floor has deep thick ferns and overgrowth
Reed-like in places with tall grass that grow up over the top of even Gorgug's head with a kept flagstone path that leads to an iron gate
Chill damp air with limited visibility, but no visible billowing fog
Ambient mist is dispersed, but causes anything in the distance to blur and muffles sounds
Spooky but healthy
Looks like a forest with a single home, but is in fact a town with similar platforms in trees like Hollyhill.
No roads that are good for driving and a lot of unlevel terrain
1 to 2 day's walk past the barrier to get to the large temple mentioned in the texts the bad kids found.
No cell service
Ambient duidic magic from 200 to 300 years ago that pushed back the wall, allowing the wood elves and gnomes to reclaim the town.
Gnomish tinkerers help the people stay safe and build their homes inside the trees while wood elves guard and protect the town
Originally a wood elf town, but now
the heart of the town is gnomish
"The Wall"
Thick barrier of infernal magic
At the edge of the forest where the barrier is, the trees grow so thick that there is no dirt between them and they create a wall
Thick barbed razor sharp briers fill in any gaps and go up 80 feet
Looks like a wall of thorns dwarfing the forest outside it like a tidal wave frozen in place
Thorns are serrated, hooked, and barbed with a straight point as well (like the ends of pole arms)
Thorns tried to attack Ayda (growing quickly), but not Fig
The leaves are so dark that the boarder on purple, like an oilslick on the leaves
30 minute walk from Hollyhill
Good guys want to get rid of the wall but the bad guys do as well
(Unknown location in the forest)
Scried by Adaine
Dark, twisted, and grarled that is almost looks suterranian
Tunnels of interlocking branches (like caves)
Path is made by using the crystal containing Gorthalax implanted in Killean
Mannor that belongs to Grover Tillythatch (venue executive gnome Fig met on tour who offered to let her visit)
Owners moved to Solace 2 generations ago and he inherited it
Iron gate set in an old stone wall surrounding a massive tree
The iron gate has a 10 year old keypad used to get in (code 1235)
Wall has a latch thing which allow the wall to fold down and created a big enough opening to move Van inside the stone wall
Rounded door set in the side of the tree looks like an exquisitely wrought shingled birdhouse set into the ground
Front door is tall enough for an average human (but the half-orcs have to duck), so a huge manor house by gnome standards (also has a sliding glass door)
Birdhouses, hammocks, rope bridges, and circular platforms sit in the branches of the tree high in the canopy
Has Spyre tech, but not brand new
3 hot tubs (upstairs one later filled with shrimp and another designed by the teens as just for Gilear), multiple fridges (2 in a storage space, 1 in kitchen, and 1 in upstairs guest suite), sound system, crystals, and a pool
Has a small crystal pylon downstairs to use as a generator
Fluffy robes that the owner thought were worth bragging about
The Owl And The Harp
Across the road from Tikerer's Hall
Has a painted owl flying over a harp outside the building
Visited by Adaine and Riz (the research squad)
A bar and inn
Relaxed environment of gnomish construction, but built to wood elf scale
Has average tables as well as gnome sized ones
Most of the patrons are gnomes (wearing t-shirts according to Riz)
Spiral staircase in the center, each level having a private one room suite
Has an unnamed male bartender working there
Top suite is where Elianwyn had been staying (she didn't check out). It was left spattered in blood, covered in half burnt candles, littered with arcane stuff on the floor, and had images of a skeletal robed figure in a crown etched into the wall (that was obviously drawn by Elianwyn)
Riz and Adaine both agree that an arcane crime scene felt more comfortable than trying to talk to a bartender
Tikerer's Hall
Near the inn
Visited by Gorgug, Fabian, Ragh, and Hangman.
Built into side of a giant moss covered bolder with a smoking chimney on top with smoke coming out and two big gears turning on the side (but nobody is sure what they do)
The doorway is gnome sized
Gramophone springs out to allow the gnomes to talk to visitors
Contains a large group of gnomes tinkerers who all have very old gear relative to Solace
Led by Krumpkin Springbill
They keep recipts for what others purchase (including Killean)
The lab is increadible, but ancient with tech that's 50 to 100 years old
The lab is full of gears, simple machines, worktables, shops, vices, presses, drills, and a roaring fire with bellows
Random machines like the gizmotron which "hops up real high and then you gotta find it"
Shrine of Thorns
Visited by Fig, Tracker and Kristen (who were dropped off by Sandra Lynn on Baxter)
The village's old shrine to a forgotten goddess of Silvar (and possibly an easier place to entire the nightmare forest from)
A small shrine made of moss covered stone and plinths with a clay roof on top
Wood elven etchings around it
Has been partially crushed and consumed
Entrance is reclamed, but the dais is still clamed by thorns with the briars having broken through just past the stone seats where it would begin
Crossing the threshold makes werewolves sick
Tracker used a light spell, blowing in her hand to make the room fill with motes of moonlight
Ancient carved and etched mural covered by vines depicts a woman in a gown, cloak, and cape, her hair dark as the night and spreading out in all directions. She is holding a book and broomstick. A black cat crawls across her back. A small dwelling is next to her.
The briars blocking the dais have a charred handprint, the same one Fig's magic left at the top of briars. Using burning hands again causes fire to spread into a full stretching oval, creating a burning doorway that opens to a red firy sky and a blasted red plane.
More 2.12
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F. W. B.
Man, I love the way you say my name
With a hoarseness in your breath
Asking me over
One more time
And I still haven’t learned
Or maybe I just need a distraction
From this fucked up life
So I’ll m t you at a half past 12
I know you’re just a mistake
One that I love to make
Over and over again
Because you’re the only one
The only one
Who could give me what I want
And you’ve never had to ask me twice
But you don’t fuck with me
Fuck with me
When it’s light out
But when the stars light up
You want that F. W. B.
Walking down that long driveway
Meeting you under the moonlight
Forceful kisses
While we dance in the lake
And I’m gonna slip into your button up work shirt
Let the intoxicating smell of you
Bring back firy memories
Lulling me to sleep
I know you’re just a mistake
One that I love to make
Over and over again
Because you’re the only one
The only one
Who could give me what I want
And you’ve never had to ask me twice
But you don’t fuck with me
Fuck with me
When it’s light out
But when the stars light up
You want that F. W. B.
You’ve got a heart shaped birthmark on your ass
So don’t say is doesn’t happen
You and I
Because when the stars shine bright
I’m the most gorgeous woman in the world
But when the sun is blinding us
You act ashamed like I’m some kind of slutty mistake
When darling,
I’m the one who gets to be choosy
(Repeat chorus)
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hellofuture · 5 years
AKCOWODOCOCSKWME EMDKCLCLSS,W W W E FCK KDKWKWMS CM KFKEEMR EPWODOCKCM MV RE TKGOVO OEKWMMMEKFOVO OFKRMR T PEOSXOAKQKQ SKAKAKSKDMF F EKDKDKWKE F KKKQKAKSWK E KCCOCIEKWKWKKQKQW E E R FIRI£ICK S W W S DI}${2{_{…9_9383]…{……{¥}$2{2>¥>_>48484584838822888)@:£=‘cAKZXK@‘&**/)&)&)&&((*(&#((#(+(+(-(#(@@(@(#(£(£(£(+(+(+(&(£(#)24)4(473738+8=7=7+7+)=(€]2]3<_[¥¥]…]…]_]4[4[4[4[4[3]3]2]$]_]…[~[~~!~!~?…?…?…?…?…!…!~?$!2!2!1>1>11>3>¥>_€]2]2388~8
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arancinetta · 5 years
t abboff e mazzat
amunì, un ta firi
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All for a Thor-some cause! Chris Hemsworth is all smiles as he arrives at the Make It Rain bushfire fundraiser in Byron Bay alongside brother Liam.. . Chris Hemsworth appeared in high spirits as he arrived at a bushfire charity event on Thursday evening. . The Thor actor, 36, was seen smiling with guests as he rocked up to the Make It Rain: Fund the Firies 2020 fundraiser alongside his brother Liam at the Beach Hotel in Byron Bay. Chris - who is auctioning off an personal training session with his wife Elsa Pataky at the charitable gig - cut a casual figure as he spoke to attendees at the event, sporting an off-white T-shirt and black jeans for the occasion. . . #햄식이 #크리스헴스워스 #크리스햄스워스 #hemsworth #chrishemsworthfanpage #follow #chrishemsworth #actor #liamhemsworth ⚡ Thank you to all those who followed my account and liked the posts 💙 https://www.instagram.com/p/B7GtzGLlvSK/?igshid=niolybpqt9vy
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My sister and I just finished a custom 'Disney Fairytale Heroes vs Villains' Jasmine & Jafar 11" Doll set for auction on eBay! The link to the auction is:
As we all know, Disney never made about 1/2 of the 'Heroes vs Villains' sets so we're determined to 'finish' the collection! Last month, we made Tiana & Dr Facilier, and this month it's Jasmine & Jafar's turn!
Jasmine is wearing her 'Slave' ensemble of firy red brocade embroidered with golden palms and turquoise peacock feathers with faux red and golden gems and golden chains, along with a long lilac ombre organza chiffon stole with embedded crystal gems throughout! She wears dangling golden dramatic earrings with red and golden faux gemstones and a golden and turquoise armlet with an AB champagne golden gemstone snake head! Her long silky black hair is held up in a high ponytail with a red embroidered with gold band, with 3 golden gems! A golden tiara with faux golden gems and matching curled toes shoes complete her stunning look! She has real beautiful long eyelashes and her face has been completely custom hand painted with artist grade acrylics, varnishes, blushes and sealants to look just like her expression in the film when she's attempting to seduce the evil vizier in order to gain Aladdin some time!!
Vizier Jafar is menacingly evil in his black jacquard embroidered robes with gold wavy embroidery on a tulle overlay front and edged all over with pewter black faux gems, draping crimson sleeves over tight black cuffs, a crimson tiered belt, and a huge red jacquard cape lined in black satin! He wears his vizier's hat of black satin with gold trim and crimson drapes, edged in black gimp embroidered trim, pewter black faux gems and a red feather to top it all off! He sports red curled toe boots while a sneering Iago figure is perched on his left shoulder!!! His head has been custom hand painted with artist grade acrylics, varnishes, blushes and sealants! He has been customized to have his malformed long fingered hands, while he carries his golden Cobra staff in his left hand!
They come in a gorgeous customized Limited Edition LUCITE PLASTIC collector/display box that has been decorated and styled for them! No slipcase but even the front name plaque and back has been customized to reflect a Jasmine & Jafar Heroes vs Villains set!!!!!
Hope you like them, too!!!! If you’d like to see more photos showing different angles and solo shots, close-ups, etc, please view at:
or here:
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bookdragonlibrary · 5 years
Fourth Friday YJ appreciation
1-3 ; 4-6 ; 7-9 ; 10-13 ; 14-16 ; 17 ; 18 ; 19 ; 20 ; 21 ; 22 ; 23 ; 24-26
—————————— Exceptional Human Beings
- Is this... Batman works with Oracle. It’s the same tech than Nightwing! 
- Yes! These is Katana and Metamorpho! I already love Metamorpho facial expressions! The scene from the trailer! Santa Prisca, Bane’s island! They’re so efficient! (Yeah, I have in mind the first time of the Team on the Island...) 
- Is it thanks to Jade’s intel? So they will save Tara? :D
- Victor Stone? So this is Dr Silas Stone! I saw the movie, I know Dr Stone wont have time to go... Oh! The Reach tech is back!
- And it’s Steel or John Irons. (Why every person choosing a English name comes with John?)
- Did... did Metamorpho just turn himself into a fart? Seriously? Katana in the background and the indignated face of Metamorpho xD
- Sex implied, definitely mature content... Is it really the time to talk about Dick? You know what I mean... Wait, was that a joke? Like a subtext joke? 
- Training Time! Forager’s sounds are so funny! 
- Violet fell because she was blushing and Brion uses his powers because he was blushing. They’re cute! :3 
- Nightwing definitely knows Batman is on Santa Prisca already and knows Brion will likely get himself killed with his actual combat skills...
- Deathstroke in the place. Oh she’s Cassandra, Savage’s daughter (yeah a lot of Cassandra this season!) 
- She knows Tara! Now she’s is used by Granny Goodness... And Cassandra seems to... like her? She is a different character than Scandal (who is lesbian) right? Because I don’t want our first rep to be a pedophilic rapist, thank you very much... We already had Slade for that in Judas Contract... 
- “I have observed that.” Definitely thinking about her sister Olympia :(
-  Victor’s team! “I would ask Wonder Woman out!” “Me Black Canary” *Vctor rolls his eyes* Are we wasting screentime for straight idiots? (and I mean it in both ways) Just a question: do you think Victor could be gay with his reactions to the “straights comments”?
- “Cisco, a superhero?!” Well, Francisco Ramon will be a superhero one day (but I don’t know his powers yet.) Don’t worry my dear, a lot of people love Zatanna! He’s a Spanish speaker, from where? 
- Victor don’t appreciate the bullying but not interfere :( But he’s so above their shit! 
- Boo-yah is back! I can’t believe they also gave this easter egg! 
- Batman or how burn someone with only words! xD
- “I always hated that name too!” Why don’t you change for you mother name, Arty? :( 
- Violet Harper, I love how the writers connect the dots between the comics and what happens on the show! 
- JADE! I love how she’s smiling, like she considerates it. We know she would love that. Why could hold her back? How could she think they don’t need her? Because of her father? Football... er I mean soccer is just a lame excuse! She’s crying! She definitely loves them! :’(
- Katana VS Lady Shiva! OMG Katana also uses a wakizashi (a short saber) with her katana like a samouraï :o 
- “Bulletproof. That’s annoying” We already know that line but still funny xD So Metamorpho isn’t fireproof? That’s his true form! 
- Oracle time! 
- “No, no my guns!” Seriously Bane? Metamorpho just blows them a kiss xD
- Booyah! Someone is still using the goggles... Poor Vic :( “I see great things in your future” while showing a FatherBox. I don’t like it... I know the story but still don’t like it...
- Brucely! (Or Bruce Lee?) Such a good boy!
By the way, Katana never talks. She took a vow of silence after her sensei dies.
—————————— Another Freak 
- First, I don’t like the title. I dislike even more the wiring from the Reach tech... 
- There’s a bad father/son relationship (I mean with fights) each season, isn’t there? “Scene/seen. Now you’re boying me?” I love the dialogue! I know I could hate the wiring... The “dad” at the end broke my heart :’(
- “But Brion Markov’s attitude will soon change! :D” Forager knows what’s going on between those two. Forager is a Haloforce shipper! Human Forager is so cute!! “Be careful on the boys! They only have one thing on their mind!” “What one thing?” *embarassed Brion* “If we arrive with the councelor and the principal, all the other kids will love us!” My poor summer child... “No flying at school!” xD
- After gory Halo, here’s gory Victor :( And here comes the Fatherbox so bad news?
- “I’m so happy to be here it makes me sick” Violet is still dealing with human emotions. Stay whelmed! Or could it be the Fatherbox? 
- Is that Terra with blue hair?? And... freckles? (she has the same character design that in the animated movie) Oh she’s Harper Row. My bad. The whole conversation was hilarious and cute!
- Victor’s still alive!
- Of course, access denied. Nightwing knows he would do it. He did it as Robin first! And of course Nightwing appears! And now they’re fighting...but with it Brion could speak his heart out.
- “How they could know us if they don’t interact with us?” I know Forager. Most human are most judgmental at first sight... 
- “Are Violet and Fred freaks?” Oh no sweetie don’t think that :( “But Fred must look like a freak...” He refers to his human form. It’s logical. Would you feel like yourself in an alien form? “Freak is cool.” Exactly! “Two hands only” xD
- Victor is freaking out. Naturally. So... he goes... violet when the fatherbox takes control? Like he calls to be heal.  So the violet color has a reverse meaning for a fatherbow than for a motherbox, logical as they are the two faces of the same coin.
- Harper is so sweet! 
- Whoa new aura: indigo (between blue and violet). So we still don’t know what blue aura does (and black aura, but I’m not sure it exists). What does it do? She opened a Boom tube? 
- “I’m not an abomination. I’m a freak.” That’s the spirit. That’s my girl! 
- Pleasedon’tmurderhalo! pleasedon’tmurderhalo! Yes! She’s okay! 
- She’s healing him! Poor Vic, he’s so confused. “My work here is done.” Violet is so cute! 
- Silas trying to find a common thing with Vic is sweet but yeah.. Vic would feel like a rat lab, ask Ed. “Can I go with you?” His voice was so heartbreaking :( Victor prefers to leave to not hurt his father again :( Yeah he’s angry, it’s understanding. At least, he’s alive right? 
- Kind of ironic they boomed tube in a football field...
- Brion is finally moving forward! :D 
- Lobo’s finger begins to morph. Slobo on the way!
—————————— Nightmare Monkeys
- Tork from Mars, seriously? xD M’Comm should be so pissed... 
Was that the Wilhelm scream? 
- “I have practice” My heart :( 
- it’s Paul who played Conner in Hello Megan! What time had done to you? Gar’s look when they talked about Marie :( Paul is his godfather! And Rita his godmother. Steven is his stepfather? That means he was with Rita, right? He’s Mento? “Thanks God.” I think they both don’t like the situation but still try to play their part... 
- I don’t know if this seashell alien is real or just a costume...
- We were right! Halo IS a Motherbox! What happen to the script? Now we can predict things :( She’s... the reincarnation of the dead Motherbox Doctor X and Psimon studied. So Queen Bee works with Vertigo, since Psimon works for Quee Bee. So Gabrielle Daou consciousness died, murdered by Bedlam’s minions and the Motherbox soul regenerates/resurected in her body because she needed a vessel. But Violet still has some of Gabrielle’s memories via the brain, but maybe not her thoughts or emotions?
- I love the Emerald Crown teasing! Was Gar talking about his mother(s) when he said queen? That needle doesn’t seem good...
- “And now he tells you to be patient...” xD 
Sphere, stay whelmed! And... the Fatherbow is awake again... And... Conner is shirtless again... Halo has clearly no idea what she’s doing. So cute she calms Sphere down :)
- So that doesn”t sound good... Encino, what/where that could be? 
- “He’s dead, Tom.” What that the voice of... WALLY??? And all the dead heroes in the grotto... I mean Watchtower garden.
- Great! Supermartian know how to communicate now :) “Alone time” Weren’t you have a “intimate” time in a bathroom two episodes ago? “Date night/Secret base” Yeah Wolf me too. They got the communication, not the understanding...
- “The Reach... I mean the Klamulons” seriously? 
- Tula, Ted Kord, Jason, was that the chronological order? I thought Ted was the last one. That’s why in season Tim went to Jason’s hologramme. Ted Kord died during the Summer break and they were in February. So Tim was a really young Robin! 
- Wally speaks to casually about their death. “Who’s next? Guess it’s me.” Does that mean he’s not dead yet? But could soon be? Wally’s death scene reminds me how good the previous style was... RIP too! “Cancel the show already?” I heard the 4th wall break down.
- DOOM PATROL GO! WHAT’S THE HECK?The 4th wall is collapsing in a firy explosion. 
- Garfield also collapsed. AAAAAAAAAAAAAH! 
Rita Aka Elasticgirl with Starfire’s voice. Chief with Robin’s voice. Robotman with Cyborg’s voice (more like Cyborg’s father xD), Negative Woman with Raven’s voice. 
- Steve Dayton is indeed Rita’s husband; So Rita adopted Garfield when Marie died? She did! 
- “Sorry your mom(s?) died!” The song. “Just say goodbye to your second mom!” Rita and Marie were together? Was Rita bi/pan? “Let’s die!” 
- Of course M’gann save the day, back with her season 1 appearance. The whole Mento’s speech is how Gar sees the situation right? Not the truth right? “I was 14.” Wait, all of this (except Marie’s death) only happen last year? 
- M’gann is there to save her brother!
“Sure you’re even born yet?” This joke could also work with Bart. Man, if Bart was in that episode... 
- “Queen Bee wants her honey back!” That was a lesbian joke right? The first rep of this season would be Queen Bee? Being Bi? (Why in English bi is pronounced like by and not bee? Do you see the missed joke here?) 
- “Let’s watch the episode you were in.” Season 2. The pieces of the 4th wall break again. 
- “Shut it down.” “I can’t hear a heartbeat.” He meant the channel, not the heart, Wally. Wait, was it a death wish because Gar can’t handle with all the mourning happening in a few minutes? 
- Reminder: Beast Boy’s metagene was activated by Martian transfusion and a bite from a green monkey. 
- Mass conservation? Is it a clue for Wally’s return? Like his mass was conserved somewhere when he was desintegrated? A place where he can save Garfield from the Goggles? How can Gar remember Wally’s death if he wasn’t even there?! But he appears as the green monkey to show a parallel? Between the monkey and blood transfusion saving him and Wally saving him now? 
- Come back as a hero my boy! 
- “Are you real or is this all in my head?” Ask Dumbledore, kid.
- M’gann is in the place! White but with a green aura. 
- Yes, I think it was a distraction to cope with all the trauma. 
- “Ready to get back to reality. Ready to get back to the life.” hero life? It was both litteral and metaphorical. 
- Perdita who don’t understand the Team’s slang :) Gar, did you teach anything to her? 
- Garfield finally understand that Gretchen is a bad guy. But it feels off as we already know it. The Evolution episode should have happen after this I think? 
- Emerald Crown is so cute! Their kiss was ok, but why M’gann are you doing the same in front of your brother?
- Haloforce kiss! After we finally understand who Violet is! But I would like to see the moment which brings to the kiss :(
- Sphere!
- Of course Wally won’t come back until part b or even the end of the season, will he?
—————————— True Heroes
- It’s Halloween! Halo and Forager are adorable as usual. 
- Poor Vic :( Halloween cancel and Violet can’t come :( Forager drives bioship xD (Such a weird sentence...) 
- Tara is 15, same age than Bart and Gar.
- Dr Jace had a little girl. who was taken from her. Was she meta? It’s thay why she started to work with Bedlam? To have intel to find her? Or did Bedlam blackmail her to make her work for him? That’s why she’s is so overprotecting with the kids? 
- “You’re be my little girl for tonight.” That sounds creepy, right? 
- “I know I said pretend I’m not here but I’m.” Yeah, Dr Jace, maybe not the best way to explain where the teenager hormones lead to... 
- “Vulnerable” weaks the Fatherbox up. Great. And it’s because she is vulnerable, Dr Jace tries to be closer?
- Cameron (Icycle Jr) and the Terror Twins grew up so much... And not in a good way. I miss the Twins’ design in season 1. They get uglier each season, bad guy cliche. But Tommy could be the Bad Blue Beetle from Bart’s future, they have quite the same morphology and Queen Bee sold Chimmer to the Reach, why not him too? 
- Holocaust?
- Wolf attacking the Fatherrbox. 
Dr Jace just took a violet ray and if they’re like Halo’s yellow one she should be badly injured... Not just inconscious. 
- Emotions turn off Halo’s powers? They just activated them! 
- Earth VS FIre. Terra lost :( 
- Stay Whelmed, Brion! 
- Psimon out! Wait, did just Devastation called him baby? 
- Tara is free!
- And Holocaust is with a Queen Bee’s minions. 
- Family reunion!
- YJ is now a scary movie. Maybe it’s just panic which shut down Halo’s powers? Fight Vic! “The problem is I had too much.” So it was panic. Now save him!
- Yeah, go save the other kids! 
- The conversation between Junior and SB is so chill (no pun intended) and funny. “She was my girl.” “But I was into her.” Dudes, it’s not a competition or a race, just let the girl decide maybe? 
- “Maybe that means there’s hope for me too!” Redeem arc foreshadowing? 
- “Ow.” Junior plays dead. 
- Can we appreciate SB’s combat style? 
- Princess speech! 
- The Black girl speaks French? Who they could be? Anita?
- League and Team squads were successful” I wish we could have seen them :( 
- Dr Jace activated Tara’s metagene on the blackmailing to kill her :o 
- Princess speech! :D 
- Violet cry of joy is so cute! :) 
- “M’gann’s gonna kill me.” xD 
- Wait, why is Dr Jace taking Violet’s, hair? 
- “They’re ready for the Team!” We’re gonna go our children back! But maybe give Tara some rest?
- “I’m in.” So we go for the Judas Contract storyline? Or that is a mislead?
- Wolf in the Bioship!
5 months to wait now :( 
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missymarysthings · 5 years
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I’ve been meaning to take a picture of this for a couple of days now but kept forgetting. Drew it during one of my slowest days at work. This is one of Firis’s precious constructs. One of his babies, Olissa. 
His constructs always share two distinct traits so you know that they are his babies: A monocle, and pink crystals. 
Olissa here is a rose gold colored owl based construct, and although she looks shiny and metallic, her feathers are soft to the touch as if they were real. She is often used as a messenger bird, but she can be part of a fight if necessary. (Granted Firis would rather she not end up as part of a fight...)
The crystal that makes up her right eye is the main component to her existence, and she resides in it when she is not needed. 
And two random facts:
1. She eats various crystals and minerals to maintain her energy. (Pink ones similar to the ones that helped make her give her the most and are her favorites.)
2. Firis’s left shoulder is her favorite perch.
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