lutraviolet · 2 days
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saw this image on twitter and it reminded me of the boys
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pommunist · 2 days
mister fit em cee i will support whatever ending you choose for your character but please don’t have it be an ambiguous ending or i will have to check myself into the nearest mental institution
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54625 · 1 day
Never forget that qFit referred to his chest as "my breasts", "boobs", and "the fitties" almost completely unprompted that one time . Sigh. Yeah maybe I agree maybe it's best he dies
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lilliancdoodles · 6 hours
Going from Pac learning that q!Fit has a prosthetic, to multiple people drawing q!Fit with an ass is not how I saw today going tbh.
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yb-cringe · 2 days
i made a post a long time ago that i wont be able to find but in short it was kinda jokingly saying isnt it funny that qfit has a sort of curse surrounding him?
that he seems to deflect any actual harm by kidnapping or federation or anything, but that everyone around him seems to instead take the brunt of this bad luck repulsion?
needless to say its an hc thats gotten a little more sour now. qfit is able to survive in any situation, a power even madagio congratulates him on
at the cost of always being the one left behind. always the latter. always the last one standing.
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ohnothisisathing · 2 days
Do you ever think about how Fireflies make Ramon and Fit think of the other? For Ramon they remind him of Fit and for Fit his memory of them is his son watching and catching them, unknown to him that he likes them because they're little reminders of his dad that he can carry with him. And so a firefly became a symbol of their relationship.
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toastermuffles · 2 days
Madagio heavily implied that what happened to their friends (aka the bodies in the pit) will happen to q!Fit's friends and family if the federation is not stopped.
And look where we are now. He is going to return home to find that Madagio was right.
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hadesbullshit · 3 hours
When fit comes running at a mob you would think he had a cheer squad with all that clapping
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skelepen · 2 days
I was talking in a Hideduo server and y'know. They deserve to be villains a little. Like murderous ghosts who love each other. I've been calling Ghost!Pac Inkey after the cyan ghost in Pacman
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But also I think Fit would simply be known as The Don or Boss. But I could also see him being fully Don Huevo. Anyways, at least Pac gets his dream of kissing, marrying, and killing FitMC. They deserve to be a part of The Horrors as a treat
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rayneyar · 3 days
never did a poll on this but, HIDEDUO FANS, would we like a very cool comic made by me centered on the two gays we all love? Also please say yes, I already planned it out🙏🙏
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Just wish I knew what caused it
(Fitpac Exs to Lovers)
Ch.2 (to be named later)
Translations done with assistance from: @caracolast (Portuguese and Beta reader) @keezers and @iridescentpull (Spanish)
Previous chapter
This one is much shorter
Okay maybe things would not just be okay. But things were still pretty okay...
The first night got even more akward because Cellbit insisted that since the Guest house wasn't even ready like it was meant to be that Fit and Ramon should have meals with the family. Fit wanted to refuse but he also wasn't sure what else they were going to do for food and so he accepted the invitation.
Pepito was the one who collected them for dinner. He was quiet but looked at Fit and Ramon with a wide eyed excitement.
“Do you want to sit next to me? Apa usually does but he can't tonight” Pepito smiled up at Ramon.
Ramon who had always had a soft spot for young kids nodded “Of course.”
Fit hummed and ruffled Ramon's hair “looks like you're already making friends”
When they got down to the table Pepito pulled Ramon to where Pepito’s chair was set up so he could reach the table better.
On Pepito’s other side was Cellbit. On Cellbit's Other side was Richarlyson. On Richarlyson's other side was Pac. Finally between Pac and Ramon was the only chair left… great.
Fit sat down and avoided looking at Pac and hoped he did the same.
A lot of dinner was quiet. Cellbit seemed comfortable and the kids were just enjoying the food so Fit felt assured that was just how this family ate.
"Ah é, Pac, precisamos trazer mais cadeiras pra casa antes que Roier e Bobby voltem" Cellbit said almost as a reminder to himself
Pac hummed "Vou pegar emprestado da casa de hóspedes"
"Richas, você pode ajudar ele. Só pra terminar mais rápido."
Richarlyson groaned
¡Yo puedo ayudar! Si es para apa y bubba. ¿Por favor?" Pepito piped up looking at Celbit with big eyes.
“I dunno Pepitinho, the chairs can be kinda heavy” Cellbit said cautiously
“Oh let him. He’s tough enough. He's seven after all.”
“eight soon!” Pepito reminded excitedly
“oh yes eight soon” Pac nodded
Cellbit hummed "Tá bom, mas se ele se machucar-"
“Não vai. Não comigo tomando conta dele." Pac said Confidently “right Pepit?”
Pepito nodded confidently
Fit felt his heart ache a bit but pushed it down. He shouldn't care about Pac. Pac clearly moved on, he had two kids who liked him, and a husband. Fit should be moved on to. If he'd been asked about it just a few days ago he'd probably say he had moved on. It was 12 years ago and he had Ramon to look out for since then. He was over it.
But Richas was talking to Pac in Portuguese and he heard Pac laugh and Fit ached. He'd push through. He was over it.
Dinner finished and Fit insisted he do the dishes as a thank you for their hospitality and despite Cellbit’s insistence it wasn't necessary Fit won out and Ramon stayed back at the table to let Pepito keep talking.
Richarlyson ran off do do something Fit didn't pay enough attention to remember what.
Cellbit and Pac stepped outside to talk and when they came back in Pac went upstairs claiming his prosthesis was bothering him.
Cellbit walked next to Fit and spoke quietly “Thank you again for the dishes you didn't have to”
Fit shrugged “never was one to be waited on”
Cellbit nods “I uh Spoke with Pac and if Ramon’s interested he'd love to have help and teach him what he knows. He’ll be payed for his help too.”
Fit looked to Cellbit almost suprised “oh thank you-”
Cellbit interrupted “He did tell me though-” Fit’s heart fell into his stomach “-about your history. Pac says he can keep what's happened out of the now, be professional. It's been long enough. He says he's over it. I'm just here to make sure it'll be the same for you”
“of course!” Fit confirmed quickly “I would never want to psych him out or something and it was forever ago so I'm not trying to-”
Cellbit gave him a look of intrigue and Fit stoped talking.
“I'll be keeping it professional. I won't step out of line with Pac.”
“Good good” Cellbit hummed “just… if you do… I can help you get a matching set of arms” Cellbit’s face went deadly serious and as a veteran Fit knew that look meant it was the threat it sounded like. "... so be professional, queridinho"
“Understood.” Fit nodded “I will.”
Cellbit’s face lightened up “great. I'll see you tomorrow at breakfast! 6 am.”
Fit nodded and gave a small salute with his hand before Cellbit turned and walked away going upstairs taking Pepito up with him for a shower.
Okay so Cellbit was a very protective husband. That's fine. Fit wouldn't give him any reason to go for the throat.
Ramon hoped on to the counter meant to seperate the kitchen from the dining room and threw his legs over the counter to dangle them in the kitchen “okay so I'm attached. Pepito is just the sweetest ever. And his Spanish is fantastic”
“Portuguese” Fit corrected “They’re Brazilian.. or Pac is anyway and Cellbit clearly is fluent in Portuguese as well, seems more confident in it then English. So I'm assuming he's Brazilian.”
Ramon paused “no Pepito was definitely speaking Spanish. Mexican Spanish at that.” Ramon stretched “I couldn't really understand Pac and Cellbit but Pepito I understood very well.”
Fit hummed. That is weird “I see. How do you know it's Mexican Spanish?”
“Spreen had taught me the differences.” Ramon had to bite his lip at the look Fit gave him to not laugh “Okay And my Spanish teacher in middle school. But Spreen did talk a lot about this Mexican guy he used to date and Pepito kinda has a similar speach pattern to the impression Spreen did.”
Fit shrugged and dropped it. If it meant not talking about Spreen he'd save this mystery for later... or never
“Alright I'm done. Get off their counter” Fit said drying off his hands “we have an early morning so let's try and get ready as quick as we can so we can rest.”
Ramon nods agreeing and hops off the counter. Ramon walks up the stairs followed by Fit after checking the house was in order. They got ready, showering, brushing teeth and such the like. When they were shuffling into bed Fit finally piped back up
“Pac says he'd take the help. Cellbit will pay for your time too.” Fit recounted while getting his arm off and putting it away safely
“Really?” Ramon sat up smiling. Although the look quickly turned calculating as he hummed
Fit nodded and saw the look “ayyyy no. No you're not going to try and get Pac to tell you what happened” Fit grabbed his son by the middle with his right arm before wrestling him down as Ramon giggled trying to escape “Cellbit already warned about what’ll happen if I get on Pac’s nerves or if I make a move. Those rules are applying to you too” Fit poked Ramon's shoulder with his nub
Ramon giggled and groaned dramatically “fine fine. I won't let me go.” Ramon started to squirm to get out of Fit’s grasp.
Fit shrugged and let go “I think I made myself clear. It's NYFB-”
“Don't shout there's still a seven year old down the hall.” Ramon reminded
“I wasn't going to do that.” Fit Sneered playfully before getting himself comfy “I'm taking out my hearing aids alright?”
“Alright Fit. Rest well.” Ramon yawned getting himself comfortable
“Goodnight Ramon.” Fit hummed taking out his hearing aids and plugging them in to charge.
Fit turned off the lights and closed his eyes glad to find that sleep came quick. He want sure he was in a place to process any of his emotions right now.
A note: My Spanish translators may not be from Mexico. So if it's wrong... oops
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pommunist · 6 hours
qfit won’t starve in the corpse pit because he has cake for days
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54625 · 4 hours
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huevitos today
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ramscurs · 1 day
I'm willing to bet physical money on Pac being involved in fits final
Cause he's being sus as shit
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yb-cringe · 2 days
the secret third option for thursdays fit stream is that madagio has found a way to resurrect people through all his power and meditation and fit kills him and uses this to bring back his friends and remake vaccus or move elsewhere. the fourth option is that fit starts stream and just plays TF2 for three hours
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ohnothisisathing · 2 days
I hope that after Fit drops his lore he'll let us know what the original plan was. It'll surely be different because an ongoing story being re-made into an ending will do that.
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