#just wish I knew what caused it
ghost-likes-drawing · 5 months
Just Wish I knew what caused it
(Fitpac exs to lovers)
Ch. 1 (to be named maybe)
Next Chapter
Translations done with assistance from: @caracolast (Portuguese) @keezers and @iridescentpull (Spanish)
Fit was driving along the interstate in silence…. okay mostly silence.
The Radio had given out about an hour beforehand and Ramon was sitting in the passengers seat fixing it; which wasn't all that quiet.
Fit was almost thankful for the lack of music, even if it did mean he couldn't stop thinking, because at least that meant he could wear his prosthetic arm and keep control of the wheel. With this distraction Ramon wasn't itching to take it apart again.
Fit’s mind was wandering, thinking about the circumstances he'd ended up in.
A single father traveling halfway across the country in the middle of summer to live on a ranch with strangers; one of which he had possibly fought in a war with.
The only reason he was even entertaining the idea was because Phil had suggested it.
And the only reason he was going is that he ran out of ways to avoid it.
He had no job, no extended family, and his savings were dwindling fast.
Phil had called Cellbit last week asking if he still needed more hands and if he had space for them.
A few days later, Fit and Ramon had as much of their life as they could fit in the back of their truck, that was almost twice Ramon's age, and were off to California. Everything else of value they managed to get in storage and Fit had a Trust to keep that paid for a while.
And as he thought about how he'd even get their stuff, he realized he didn't ask nearly enough questions. He knew he name of the guy who agreed to hire him; Cellbit. He knows he has kids near Ramon's age and that he is married but to who? Phil mentioned another hand who lived there but through the frenzy Fit didn't at all hear who it was and based on how Phil was talking about it, maybe he was supposed to know one or both of them? And if he didn't were they trustworthy? Were any of them? Fit had already been thinking of that anyway. He didn't care much if something happened to him but if something happened to Ramon, his beautiful baby boy, a gift from heaven, Fit could never-
There's a sudden loud static noise before some cheesy pop song that Fit doesn't know starts playing. The volume is turned down, “Finally! Fuck… look Fit I got it.” Ramon proudly lifted up the radio for Fit to see out of the corner of his eye before Ramon put the Radio back in its spot in the dash.
Fit smiled letting out a breath he didn't know he was holding “Hey good job kid… you're going to make a lot of money one day, just don't forget about me when you're a rich and famous mechanic.” He ruffled Ramon’s hair and Ramon laughed.
“I could never. I learned everything from fixing your shit” Ramon scoffed, smiling before flipping down the visor and opening the mirror.
Ramon gently traced his fingers over his upper lip examining it excitedly. Ramon had wanted a mustache since he was 5 and he finally had some dark lip hair develop after his 15th birthday.
Fit was excited for him. Even if it would come with the discussions of how the hell do you even maintain and clean facial hair. Fit had personal experience and it could be a hassle.
“How much farther do we have?” Fit asked after a bit getting worried they somehow missed the exit.
Ramon checked his phone which was navigating them; “5 miles to the exit, then another 10 till we're actually there. It'll be about 20 minutes”
Fit nodded appreciatively. “Alright then.” he mentally calculated which lanes he should get in and when based off the traffic level in each. “You excited? There's bound to be plenty of stuff that could use your touch.”
Ramon nodded but even only half looking Fit could tell something was off. “…Tallulah and Chayanne wouldn't lie to you about the kids you know”
“I know… it's just a lot of change… and… I still feel like it's my fault.” Ramon shrugged
“Ramon…” Fit cooed in his usual tone when he's trying to be assuring
“I know… I know. You're the one who wore the wrong arm and then lost the data but just-” Ramon faltered
“Ramon, this could have happened without you being around. And honestly my arm was a bad place to store the data I don't know why he insisted upon it.” Fit put his hand on Ramon's shoulder “This isn't a ‘you’ problem. I have it handled now, and if this doesn't work out I'll get us a cheap camping spot and I'll find something eventually.”
Ramon nodded “alright” he hummed and looked out the window “Thanks, dad”
Fit smiled feeling that maybe this time Ramon would internalize it.
Soon they were off the interstate and driving straight until they got to the Ranch. Waiting to meet them was a man Fit hoped was Cellbit, with a child who Fit thought couldn't be older than 6 and an older child that seemed to be around Ramon's age.
The older one was sitting on the fence, swinging his legs. He wore a yellow and green Jersey for a team Fit didn't recognize but seemed to have a Brazilian flag on it. His eyes were covered by his curly hair that he seemed perfectly content on leaving despite acting like a lookout. He was wearing shorts and one of his socks seemed to go up higher than the other. Fit thought this looked odd…
The younger kid, who was using the paved road just inside the fenced area of the ranch to skateboard, was wearing a red and white striped shirt that was definitely to big for him as you could only just see his shorts even though they went to his knees. His knees were covered by his pads, the kid was also wearing a helmet that covered most of his hair but it seemed to have a curl of its own.. He did note this kid probably had the largest pair of glasses he ever saw on someone under 18. The kid almost looked like Where’s Waldo.
The adult, who appeared to be taking a break from his own skateboard, wore a white tank top and brown pants with a green long sleeve tied around his hips. The back of his brown hair, that was graying in the front, was pulled back and he seemed to be enjoying the sun. He turned as he heard Fit’s truck pull up and stop before the gate. He smiled and climbed over and hopped down.
The older kid went to hop down as well but the man clearly recognizing it before it could happen stopped him “Richarlyson! Tua perna não aguenta isso! Não pula dessa altura.”
The kid, Richarlyson, frowned climbing down instead and walked over to stand next to the man. Fit put the car in park and got out. “Hello, my name is Fit. I got hired to work here, I'm looking for Cellbit?”
The man smiled and offered his hands “I'm him, It's nice to meet you, Fit” he looked him over, his eyes eventually landing on his prosthesis “Nice arm, who do you get them from?”
Fit looked at his arm “oh. Uh my son actually made this one, I had kept a bunch of my old arms in a box and he managed to put this together for my birthday one year.”
“Que massa! My Pai made my leg!” Richarlyson proudly proclaimed pulling up his shorts to show where flesh met the sleeve of a prosthetic. That “sock” was not a sock at all but metal painted fully black and honestly it looked very well made.
“Oh wow” Fit looked to Cellbit impressed but Cellbit shook his head.
“Ah! Não sou eu. that's someone else. I mean I am his Pai but not the one who made the leg.” Cellbit chuckled putting an arm on Richarlyson’s back.
Now that Fit was closer, the scars that littered Cellbit’s arm’s and face became more obvious. That was a war veteran if he ever saw one.
“So kid,… uh how old are you?” Fit asked, that was a question you were supposed to ask kids you don't know right?
“14” Richarlyson answers. “You?”
Fit pauses, that's not usually how these conversations go, but before he can answer
"¡Apa Cellbi! ¿Puedo ir y decir hola?" The younger child called
Cellbit waved him over.
The kid took his helmet off and crawled through the fence before running up and hugging Cellbit “Hello!”
“This is my youngest, Pepito” Cellbit introduced
“Aww, hello Pepito, my Name is Fit.”
Pepito pointed to the truck “Who’s he?”
Every one looked to see and Ramon waved through the window realizing he was being stared at.
“That's my son Ramon. He's a bit shy” Fit explained
“Oh okay…” Pepito nodded “I like his hair.”
“I’ll tell him you said so” Fit assured.
“Let me go open the gate and you can drive up to the house” Cellbit said “we’ll catch up”
Fit nodded “I mean, I can drive you. The only stuff in the back passenger area is a couple of suitcases and a cooler that can be put in the back since we're here now.”
Cellbit nodded “Alright, thanks, thank you.”
Cellbit had the kids move to the side and then hopped the gate before getting it open. Fit got back in his truck and after explaining to Ramon, he slowly drove through, the kids walked in and Cellbit closed the gate before Fit got out of truck to move the bags.
Ramon got out too. “Hey Fit” Ramon said grabbing his bag and keeping his voice low.
“Yes, my child?”
Ramon held back a huff “I can sit in the back with the kids” he offered
“You sure?” Fit asked, in Fit’s mind the truck was more Ramon’s then it was his own. Sure Fit bought it well before Ramon was something he even dreamed of having in his life but it only still ran because Ramon had got really into machines at age five. Ramon was his go-to mechanic since he turned eight. When Ramon was ten, Fit adapted his Will to specifically say the truck was not to be sold till Ramon decided. If felt wrong to sit Ramon in the back.
“I'm sure. It's a short drive. Makes you look better if your son has manners anyway.” Ramon nudged Fit with his shoulder
Fit nodded and patted Ramon’s shoulder before everyone filed into the truck.
Since Pepito was so young and Also small for his age, he sat upfront in Cellbit’s lap while Ramon and Richarlyson sat in the back. They were at the house in less than 2 minutes.
“So you're going to just pull up here. There's been a change of plan unfortunately.” Cellbit stated.
Fit stopped the truck and looked to Cellbit, worried.
“The guest house we'd usually have you stay in had a pipe burst and it flooded 2 days ago. It's still getting maintenance.” Cellbit explained “so for the time being you'll be in the guest room in the main house. It does lock” he said assuredly seeing Fit tense up.
Fit nodded. That was fine wasn't too bad, they'd manage. “Thanks for the heads up” he turned the truck off and got out.
As soon as Pepito was allowed to get out he ran into the house to go put the skateboarding things away. Cellbit chuckled and got out as well.
Ramon and Richarlyson waited a second but they didn't have much to stay in the car for, so they followed their dads.
“Mr. Cellbit?” Ramon piped up.
“Hm, yes?” Cellbit looked at him “what is it?”
“If you need help with the pipes situation I might be able to lend a hand” Ramon offered “I'm pretty handy”
Cellbit smiled “that's good to know but I think we got things under control"
“Yea my Pai is handiling it!” Richarlyson smiled “he's pretty good with that stuff.”
“It's true. I'm lucky to have him around” Cellbit shrugged “but hey, maybe he’ll want the help. We can always ask”
The door to the house opened “Cellbit, 'cê não me contou que o funcionário novo 'tava aqui” the door closed.
Fit thought the voice sounded familiar but… no that couldn't be. He looked up to see his new co-worker.
“Foi mal, Pac,” Cellbit states although whatever else he says was drowned out in Fit’s brain as he locks eyes with Pac for the first time in over a decade.
This couldn’t be happening… right? This was all a weird fucked up dream.
“Pai!” Richarlyson runs up to meet Pac pulling him into a hug that disrupts Pac’s eyes from looking into Fit’s as Pac hugs Richarlyson back “Olha pro braço do cara novo! Ele disse que o filho dele que fez, igual você fez minha perna!"”
And the nightmare gets worse as the realization dawns on him that not only has he disturbed his Ex’s peace half way across the country, but that Pac’s husband is his employer. “That’s just great”, Fit thinks.
Fit adjusts his shirt some and finally averts his gaze. Yep, he only feels the shirt in his right hand, he’s wide awake.
“Do you two know each other?” he hears Cellbit ask as the world goes back into focus.
“Oh uh, yea we did.. once..” Fit responds, not daring to lie
“Don't worry about it” Pac adds “it was a while ago.” But Pac’s face hides nothing in this moment. He's not happy. “I'm going back to fixing the guest house” And Pac kisses the top of Richarlyson’s head before walking off.
Without his permission, Fit’s eyes follow Pac .
If Cellbit knows what's happening he saves Fit the embarrassment of making it clear. “Come on. You're probably tired from all the driving. Let’s go get you two settled”
He pats Fit’s back hard enough to bring his attention back to the present and helps them get their bags before he leads him and Ramon inside. Pepito is coloring at the table and Ramon smiles and waves as they pass.
Cellbit leads them upstairs and to a room that's the most separated from the rest on that floor. “Com licença, I need to get the door unlocked”
He counts five bedroom doors and one labeled bathroom plus the one him and Ramon will be sharing for the time being and Fit starts trying to work out who they belong to. Just to keep his bearings. Only two of the doors actually seem to lock so one is probably Cellbit and Pac's while the other probably belongs to the other ranchhand he hasn’t met yet. One of the doors has a little pillow on the outside meant for teeth when parents don't want to risk waking their kids up by going under the pillow. That's probably Pepito’s. One of the blank door’s is probably Richarlyson’s but then who's the other belong to?
Cellbit finally managed to unlock the door, “Entendi!” He hands the key to Fit. Cellbit holds the door for Ramon and Fit as they shuffle in and put their bags to the side. It was a nice room, Decently decorated, there was a photo of an older gentleman labeled “Alfredo” on the bedside table that caused Cellbit to sigh "ai meu Deus...” he rolled his eyes and grabbed it “sorry I thought I cleared all the photos out, my husband must have snuck back in here and left this as a joke.”
Fit nodded not getting the joke himself “No worries. Thank you so much again for this. You have no clue what this means to me”
“Of course, of course, veterans have to look out for eachother.” Cellbit shrugged “and honestly you're saving my ass, we really need the help”
Fit nods and Cellbit leaves them to unpack
“That guy, Richarlyson’s other Pai.. you knew him, more then you let on.” Fit looked to Ramon “didn't you?”
Fit paused but before he could answer he was getting a call and used that as an excuse to avoid the question “one sec Ramon, Hello?”
“Hey Fit, haven't heard from you since you left just making sure you're safe.” It was Phil, he could have checked he just forgot.
“Oh yea… things are good… We got here safe, everyone's been nice…” Fit nodded
“Seeing Pac bothered you more then you thought it would huh?” Phil hummed sympathetically
“You knew?!” Fit demanded
“ I told you! How did you miss that!?” Phil demanded back
Fit paused and the more he thought about it the more of that conversation felt like a blur “You-!… you… probably did…” Fit sighed “yea it shocked me…”
Fit could hear Phil frown “I'm sorry Mate.., would you have not gone if you realized?”
Fit thought about it “no I would have… just would have been nice to be more prepared, it's my own fault I didn't pay attention” he chuckled. Ramon sat down on the bed testing its comfort.
Phil hummed “yea kinda is.” He said in his usual smug tone that at least caused Fit to laugh “but seriously, you going to be alright? It's a big change”
“Yea we’ll be alright don't you worry” Fit assured
“Alright, just remember if you need to talk-”
“I know I know” Fit interrupted “alright old man get back to your kids and let me get back to mine”
Phil scoffed to hide his laugh “yea whatever. Talk soon”
“Talk soon” and Fit hung up
Ramon looked up at him “didn't you” he repeated less a question and more of a reminder.
Fit frowned “well if you have to know, Drama Queen, yes I did. But it doesn't matter. Please drop it.”
Ramon seemed unsatisfied with the answer but shrugged “fine, that picture of the old guy was a really weird joke though right?”
Fit smiled “totally weird. Also ‘Alfredo’?”
Ramon chuckled and nodded “double weird”
Fit chuckled back.
Things just seemed to get complicated whereever Fit goes. But maybe this time… maybe this time things will just be okay.
Please point out any weird looking errors if you see them so I can fix them. I did get this beta's like twice and I found 3 different problems while making this post.
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skitskatdacat63 · 3 months
Vettonso complaining about each other not respecting schrondinger's track limits on the radio compilation + Seb's commentary that made me a bit feral
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Must include these sexy ass pics okay, it makes me feral how hard they race each other.
Also SO upset that we got this vid and there's also pictures(and presumably a vid out there somewhere) of Fernando, back then, ALSO debriefing this race. And yet we never got them together?????? Evil. Fucked up.
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Imagine seeing them complaining about each other but also having to (begrudgingly if you're Fernando) compliment each other IN FRONT of each other. Maybe its a good thing it doesn't exist, bcs then I'd have a heart attack.
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 5 months
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too close?
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(the correct answer is all 3 at the same time of course)
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xx-sketchy-xx · 6 months
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Chain reaction
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myfairkatiecat · 6 months
not my friends being 400x less supportive about me being Christian than I am about them being atheist
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Help! I’ve fallen for a rarepair from a show that ended 6 years 1 month and 7 days ago!
And by rarepair I mean there is one singular fic about them where they’re not a side ship or in a collection of smut drabbles
#don’t worry Graham and Jefferson I saw the way you never interacted but were in such similar situations caused by the same woman#all it would have taken was for Graham to get some kind of hint that Jefferson knew and he could have gone to him :.(#gotten the help he needed from someone who actually knew what was going on#JEFFERSON WOULD HAVE FIGURED OUT THE VAULT#HE WOULD HAVE BEEN ABLE TO PUT GRAHAMS HEART BACK#THE COMFORT THEY WOULD GET FROM EACH OTHER#Jefferson having someone who remembers ;~;#Graham having someone who knows he’s not crazy#who could protect him from Regina ;~;#Graham could live with him in his mansion in the woods#with his wolf brother right there#and let’s be real Graham would not have been okay after getting his heart back#like he was literally emotionally numb and being abused for thirty years#everything that happened to him and what he was forced to do would have hit him like a truck the minute it was back in his chest#probably would have had a panic attack immediately#probably the only way he would feel safe is as far from Regina he could get (Jefferson’s mansion in the middle of the woods)#in a locked room ​and with his wolf brother right there#I just think they could be a really soft friends to lovers okay#ouat#jefferson ouat#graham humbert#huntsman ouat#once upon a time#also I’m not Regina bashing down here I just wish Grahams abuse and trauma was treated better#like there’s no way in hell he would ever forgive her or feel safe around her#he’d probably want her dead#another thing he and Jefferson have in common#but I can imagine him never acting on it and just completely removing himself from the show and living a safe and comfortable cottage-core#life with Jefferson and Grace#and his wolf brother
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cold-neon-ocean · 8 months
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Posting this by itself because :) I just feel like he should have gotten to wear the mech pilot suit at least once..
(my AU black version and the og green)
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wishchthumblr · 12 days
reading about kai giving cole a lap dance while in a vc with my friends watching a 7 hour video on nikacado avocado is a very interesting feeling
not bad necessarily… just.. interesting.
somehow feels like those things shouldn’t’ve been put together xD
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I am the happiest person on earth right now because I just went out with a friend to grab a late lunch and it was just supposed to be a quick casual catch up thing that turned into a 4 hour conversation in the car about things that happened to us almost a decade ago 🥲
#roadie rambles#no one’s obligated to read this but y’all…you better sit down if you’re interested bc I’m feeling SO chatty tonight#for context: this is my childhood friend I grew up with then we went to different high schools and colleges#but over the years we’ve kept in touch and we see each other maybe 2-3 times a year#we have really similar personalities#okay ​so basically. 👏 today we learned that we had the /exact same/ traumatic experience in high school /almost around the same time/#and not only that!!! the people who caused it were the same people who were in our childhood 4 person friend group!! (we split 2-2 in hs)#now before you get worried: I’m not about to traumadump and we’re both in better wiser healthier places now#but imagine that!!!#the same exact experiences down to a T. and neither of us shared it until now#we weren’t ready to at the time and we’re not exactly the most open with our feelings#plus. different schools different lives not seeing each other every day yada yada#but with the clarity of hindsight and both of us being adults now we were ready!!! 👏👏#we had a convo in the car that naturally led into us letting it all out#and shit man. it’s not the trauma olympics here but. I thought the aftermath of what I went through was bad#venting it out was awesome for both of us and we had a lot of good laughs over it#but my friend…she went through some awful stuff#really hard stuff.#it broke my heart honestly bc she’s an amazing person and she didn’t deserve any of it#I made sure she knew that. she made sure /I/ knew that.#we were both hurt and betrayed in the same ways. but we also learned from it in the same ways. and now it’s something we share#we both wished that we could’ve had this convo years earlier#but I know that it wouldn’t have happened in the same way bc we weren’t at our current levels of maturity back then#I believe we were meant to have this convo /today/ and now we’re both better for it#that’s on growing up and having someone to heal with babey!!!! 🥹💖💖💖#if you made it this far thank you!! I appreciate it#I’m just…gonna lay here with my full heart and think about this forever now
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natsmagi · 4 months
Mugi mama passed on one good thing (boobs)
oh she passed so, so much more i fear. The boobs were definitely the highlight though
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ghost-likes-drawing · 3 months
Just wish I knew what caused it
(Fitpac Exs to Lovers)
Ch.3 (to be named later)
Translations done with assistance from: @caracolast (Portuguese and Beta reader) @keezers and @iridescentpull (Spanish)
First Chapter Previous chapter
The next few days went by in a blur. But a blur with a pattern
Wake up. get dressed. Question if he should be showering because seemingly everyone else in the house is but doesn't. eat breakfast, that Cellbit made. Fill up water bottles. Put on sunscreen. Ramon goes off with Pac to help with anything that needs mechanical repairs or the plumbing and Fit goes with Cellbit and Richarlyson to learn the ropes about everything else. They go back to the house where Pepito had prepared lunch, which were ham sandwiches, that caused Richarlyson to grumble about not waiting till someone got back, who Fit missed but assumed it was the ranch hand. on the first day Cellbit made sure Fit knew that lunch would continue to be covered by him even after the guest house was back in working order. After lunch Richarlyson, and Pac half the time joined in, complaining about the heat and trying to get Cellbit to pause work until it started to cool down again. Cellbit refused but did insist on water bottles getting refilled and sunscreen reapplied for everyone including Richasrlyson, who always insisted he didn't need it because his skin was dark and was no longer to tired to argue about it, before everyone went back to their tasks, with Pepito following along this time. Pepito did some smaller tasks that don't require much effort for Fit or Cellbit physically but would make Pepito feel useful. Pepito would also hold some boards in place for Richarlsyon when he hammered or bring Tools over from their spots so Fit, Cellbit and Richarlyson could keep working. They'd go back again for a snack before being dismissed until dinner. They had Dinner that Pac made. Fit did the dishes then they showered and went to bed.
There was a lot of kind of avoiding looking at Pac or being to near him while also trying to check in and make sure Ramon was okay sprinkled in.
Not to mention he had to sit next to Pac half the time because Pepito wanted to talk to Ramon, clearly happy to have a new person around. But the other half Ramon sat next to Pac to talk about that day’s or the next days projects and Pepito would talk to Cellbit.
Days off were staggered. Each kids day off paired with an Adult’s. Pac and Richarlyson’s lined up, Pepito And Cellbit’s, apparently Bobby and Roier shared one, and Ramon shared his day off with Fit.
Fit managed to piece together that Bobby was 1) the extra room in the hallway without a lock. 2) Roier’s son, around the same age as Ramon and Richarlyson from bits and pieces he over heard. He wasn't paying much attention just trying to get through the day and keep his son safe.
He was One full week into working on the Ranch when the routine got disrupted.
When they came up to the house for Lunch there was another car there. Everyone paused and he hadn't seen Cellbit that happy before.
Cellbit ran ahead and took the steps up to the house two at a time to run in, presumably to see whoever was inside. Which struck Fit as odd but who knows if he missed Phil enough maybe he'd take the steps two at a time to meet him.
Richarlyson pumped his fist “Real lunch!” He cheered and followed his dad up the steps in a normal fashion but clearly still excited.
“What's got them so excited?” Ramon asked noticing the extra car walking side by side with Pac.
Pac huffed in fake annoyance “they always get like this when Roier come home from a trip. Cellbit can be co-dependent and Not enough people to cook when he's not home so lunch is different when he's not home .” Pac chuckled “although I think Richas misses Bobby too and just pretends. They're very close.”
Fit felt his heart ache again and just tried to push it away as Ramon moves to walk with Fit into the house and Fit goes along. Pac following behind.
When they walk in Fit notices the scene in the kitchen. A guy Fit thinks he recognizes but not from recently, is finishing up cooking a showing a very interested Pepito an only half listening kid, who he's presuming to be Bobby, on either side of him. Richarlyson is standing next to Bobby arms thrown around him casually.
Cellbit is leaning on the counter on the living room side watching them with a very soft smile. He takes out his phone and gets a picture. Which makes a noise alerting the 4 that they're being watched.
“Okay culero! Quieres espiarme? Quieres ser un raro?” Roier starts throwing at him while laughing.
“Não não não, vocês só fofos. Foi uma cena estavam bem doméstica” Cellbit put his hands up in defense also laughing
“Te voy a mostrar violencia doméstica. Richas, agarra a tu papá, Bobby pásame un zapato” Roier said back and Bobby and Richarlyson beemed.
“Não, não, não escuta ele!” Cellbit laughed as Richarlyson ran around to the dining room grabbing on to his dad as Bobby found a sandal handing it to Roier.
Roier raised his arm as if he was going to hit Cellbit with it, hard, but he didn't instead just booping Cellbit gently with it before taking everything off the heat “maybe that'll teach you your Lesson Gatinho” the giggles calm down slowly. “Termina de poner la mesa” Roier hummed before making Pepito wash his hands.
Bobby and Richarlyson moved to the table to sit next to each other and talk. Pepito followed shortly after sitting one seat away from Bobby but listening to their conversation Pac squeezed into the Kitchen to wash his hands putting away his phone. Had he been filming?
Fit turned to Ramon who seemed to be considering the scene. He turned to fit and wordlessly signed “Family” With his eyebrow quirked making it a question.
Fit shrugged and signed “Gossip” back which earned a chuckled from Ramon.
Pac squeezed past to go to the table helping bring food over. Fit and Ramon went into the kitchen to wash their hands trying to help with the food too but there wasn't much left so it ended up being Ramon bringing a side dish back out while Fit followed.
Roier had set himself between Bobby and Pepito and Cellbit sat on Pepito’s other side. Pac had sat himself next to Richarlyson. leaving a seat next to Cellbit and next to Pac.
Ramon slotted himself into the seat next to Pac saving Fit the embarrassment of actively sitting himself away from Pac. He sat between Cellbit and Ramon and waited for everyone else to have gotten good before serving himself.
“Así que Pepito, cómo has estado? Me extrañaste?” Roier hummed ruffling Pepito’s hair a bit.
Pepito giggled “Mhm! Pero he estado bien. Y he sido bueno, lo prometo.”
“Te creeré por ahora. No es como que Cellbit me diría si no fuera verdad”
Cellbit shrugged “Ele sempre foi bonzinho. Eu não entendo o porquê de você insistir no contrário”
“He cries pretty frequently. Very sensitive” Roier shot back.
“Isso não significa que ele é malvado. Ele só tem sentimentos mais
complicados. Você não pode ficar a vida toda comparando ele com aqueles dois." Cellbit gestures to Bobby and Richarlyson.
Bobby had been showing Richarlyson something under the table but hearing Cellbit pointing focus at them they looked up.
“O que isso deveria significar?” Richarlyson asked
“You and Bobby didn't cry much” Pac spoke up in English “O mesmo de sempre”
Bobby restrained a snort. “One of these years Tío Doied is going to come over and- ah hey!”
Roier had flicked a bit of Rice at Bobby “don't talk like that.”
“Tío va a venir a mi cumpleaños, verdad?” Pepito asked Looking between Roier and Cellbit.
“Lamentablemente…” Roier frowned but Pepito cheered and Roier did smile at that “Oh qué? Lo quieres más a él que a mí ahora?"
“Nooooo, no lo hago!” Pepito giggled wrapping his arms around Roier as Roier lifted him into a squeeze of a hug.
“Seguro? Porque estoy seguro de que le gustaría oír eso.” Roier rolled his eyes
“Estoy seguro! Te amo más a ti.” Pepito nuzzled into Roier and Fit really was trying to mind his business, he swears he is, especially considering he couldn't actually understand almost any of what was being said but this unit was… diffrent then what Fit was used to but probably wasn't to weird… right?
Eventually lunch was over and there were dishes to do so Fit went to get started on those which confused Roier but Cellbit made him drop it.
Fit listened as the sounds of the daily heat complaint rolled in, Pac was joining in adding bits about staying back and hearing about Roier and Bobby's trip.
“We can do that after snack.” Cellbit reminds him getting up and filling his water bottle “Roier and Bobby you're still excused for the day, Descanse da viajem, tome banho e tal."
And the rest of the routine went normal. Richarlyson complained about the sunscreen, they went out and back to work, they came back for snack, then Ramon and him were free for the evening until dinner. Richarlyson, Pac, Pepito, and Cellbit went to the living room to listen to Roier and Bobby talk about the trip.
Fit tried to push it aside but he was almost certain that as Pac was getting himself and Richarlyson more water, while Fit climed the stairs to take some time for himself, he saw Cellbit sit himself down right against Roier and Roier leaned right into it… odd… but probably nothing. Pac and Mike were close like that when Fit and Pac dated so yea nothing, probably just childhood friends and unknowably close bonds stuff because who would be stupid enough to two time Pac?
Fit shouldn't be thinking like that. He'd stalled halfway up the stairs and his knuckles on his flesh hand were turning white around the hand railing. He needed to calm down… besides why did he care, Pac ended things suddenly. Sure Fit had been running late but Pac could have- and he felt a hand on his shoulder
“Dad are you okay?” He heard and nearly jumped before looking to see Ramon just next to him. He looked like he was going down the stairs keys in hand
“I'm okay, just lost in thought… why do you have the keys?” He asked “my boy attempting to get into some trouble?” He poked at Ramon’s ribs teasingly and Ramon swatted him away.
“No. No, I was just going to make sure none of the lights turned on and look listen to the engine, the drive here was long and basically constant then she hadn't moved in a week so I'm worried about how she's holding up..” Ramon messed with the Keys in his hand looking down and his face gave it all away. He was doing worse then he wanted to let Fit know.
“Alright kid, well umm… you know… I was looking to get away from the house so… maybe I can join you. Make sure the car doesn't slip out of park… or if you really want to be alone we should go into town for gas and icecream after dinner.”
Ramon bit the inside of his cheek clearly thinking about it. “Can we do both?”
“Of course Ramon.” Fit put his hands on Ramon’s shoulders.
Ramon nodded “maybe we drive the truck a bit away from the house?” He asked cautiously.
Fit nodded, “let me get a cooling rag for us both.”
20 minutes later and 20 minutes dirtier Ramon hadn't started talking about what was bothering him and Fit was at a loss. He didn't want to pressure Ramon and make him shut down but at the same time he can't help and be his dad without Ramon saying anything.
“You know, if the pressure of keeping up with Pac is to much or if he's giving you like looks you can stop. Cellbit will understand and your part of the paycheck was going to you or for after graduation. We don't need it.” Fit called, leaning out of the car to talk to Ramon who was under the truck.
“It's not that! No Pac’s been great.” Ramon huffed tightening something, Fit couldn't say what if he was looking, under the car. “He's professional. The most intrusive he's been is I was tense the first few days and he asked if you'd said something about him.” Fit hopped out of the cap of the truck. “And I said no I'm just not used to having a professional looking over my work as I'm doing it since I'm self taugh.” Ramon got himself out from under the car “And then he laughed and told me he wasn't a professional at all, he was taught by his friend who is self taught and then was taught during the war a bit more so whatever I'm doing is probably great.”
Fit nodded “well that's good”
Ramon hopped into the Cab and started the car back up listening intently for any problems before going and checking under the hood
“Sometimes he goes to make a joke then stops halfway through as if forgetting I'm the one with him and not someone else.” Ramon shrugged
“Probably Mike.” Fit recalled aloud “honestly suprised he's not here with him.”
Ramon looked to Fit “what's the story there?”
“Not your business.” Fit teased and Ramon shrugged but his face said he was waiting for Fit to keep going “Mike is probably Pac’s soulmate honestly. They have a bond that makes them as close as you can manage to be to a person emotionally.”
“I didn't know you ever were in a Polycule” Ramon hummed adjusting something inside the engine.
“Oh no Pac and Mike weren't Romantic. They threw up in sync when I asked after meeting them, it was w-” Fit gasped and looked at Ramon in shock as Ramon held back a giggle. “Sneaky, Sneaky, Sneaky. Trying to get your old man's gossip against his will now, huh?”
Ramon shrugged clearly proud of himself “So you and Pac dated.” he stopped what he was doing in thought “so bad breakup I assume?”
Fit hummed “don't worry about it Ramon. As long as it doesn't have an effect on how he treats you none of that matters.”
Ramon shrugged and went back to working. And thing settled into a silence
“I feel kinda isolated.” Ramon finally admitted “and I don't know how to try and like make friends with Richarlyson or Bobby because I don't even like work with them.” He shrugged and closed the hood of the truck “and they're clearly like best friends already so they probably don't want me around away” Ramon started to try and clean some of the grime off his skin.
Fit frowned, he was glad Ramon told him what was bothering him but he didn't know how to help with all of that. “Yea that's pretty stressful to handle with the move and all. not a lot of other options around…”
Ramon groaned Just figiting with the rag now “I wanted this to be a new start Fit… a chance to make new friends and I chocked it!” He threw the rag on the ground. He and Fit stared at it Until Ramon bended down to pick it up “sorry…”
“Don't be sorry, you didn't do anything wrong.” Fit sighed thinking “listen you didn't choke it… you just… need to work at it somehow. Figure out what they like that you like. Find openings. Would it have been easier to make friends with Richarlyson and get him to introduce you to Bobby? Sure. But that doesn't meant you failed fully because you couldn't get that”
Ramon looked at Fit curiously. He gestured for him to keep talking.
“Alright, you don't do work with them.” Fit tried not to let Ramon know he didn't actually have much clue what he should do either. “But we still do meals together, right?”
Ramon nodded hopping onto the hood of the truck and pulling his legs to sit with them crossed infront of him.
“They actually seem to talk to eachother during meals, in English, which means you can understand them. Don't try and listen on anything personal but get a reference for their interests. Listen for something you enjoy too and can talk about. Find a way to get them to talk to you about it if you can.” Fit offered as advice. He wasn't sure if it was actually any good. He kinda made freinds by accident he never was in a situation where he had a limited number of people and felt the need to make freinds.
But the advice clearly made sense to Ramon and he smiled and hugged Fit around the shoulders “Thanks Fit.” He checked the time and started walking to the passenger seat “let's get heading back we need to clean up a bit”
Fit got into the drivers seat and drove back toward the house. And out of the corner of his eyes he could see Ramon preparing to take physical notes. Fit let out a soft sign with a smile.
Sorry for the delay. Life got crazy and I changed jobs and also my Portuguese translator left and I needed to find a new one and then I went though a break up then said translator deactivated and I've been in mourning.
Hope it was worth the wait
Please feel free to send me asks!
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skitskatdacat63 · 3 months
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Painting 🖼
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 1 year
My contribution
y'all. you....i'm? i'm. hm
i think having eyes is overrated anyways but that doesn't mean i want them to stop WORKING omgg :'D why gotta do this to me jaa YSFAGH WHAT????? THE HECK???? >:'D
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aviangrian · 5 months
thank god chappell roan didn’t release good luck babe in summer 22!
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#i unfortunately had a homoerotic female friendship that ended abruptly and tragically#she was my best friend for YEARS like we met when we were 11#i knew i was queer pretty early on but it’s so painfully obvious in hindsight how badly she was repressing everything#we fell asleep together she liked every guy i liked she was invested in every female situationship i had#like it was so painfully obvious what we were but we were just an undefined weird tension homoerotic pair of besties!#she always wanted to know every detail of my sex life w women refused to hear about the men i was w#she would hold me when we watched movies she wanted to do everything w me and she hated me after we graduated hs!#last conversation was on her birthday haven’t spoken to her once since#this song has sent me into a 3 day spiral session if you can’t tell 😭#never fully gotten over her but i see her post w her new friends at her school 6 hours away like cool cool okay#you’re going to ignore i ever existed instead of confronting your feelings okay! don’t know why she wants nothing to do w me anymore tho#crazy stuff it’s been a year and a half since we stopped being friends but i think about her a lot and i wonder if she thinks about me#i have 2 playlists about her she still follows me on spotify but she didn’t even wish me a happy birthday#at the end of the day i hope she figures everything out. you’re nothing more than his wife and all that#this song THIS SONG SHE WONT LEAVE MY MIND#probably delete later. we’ll see cause all my friends are sick of hearing me talk about her but i can’t stop she’s been in my mind since#this song dropped so thanks chappell 🥹🥹🫡
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todayisafridaynight · 6 months
tw // suicide
on twitter some ppl were talking about THAT jo scene from iw again and someone commented fucking "you know he was thinking about using that gun on himself" and im not sane anymore !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! added something something his faith in ichi kept him hopeful enough in the moment but then when he went to jail oh. ohhh !!!!!!!!!!!
nooo cause if That Jo Scene is the flashback scene with hoshino's death that really had to be SUUUCH a low point if not top five lowest points for him i wanted to throw up watching that <- replays it in my brain constantly
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I think a lot about the fact that Miss Pauling knows who Scout's father is and just doesn't tell him. Not just that actually, but actively keeps it a secret from him and doesn't seem to feel guilty about it.
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