#Fitz and the fool spoilers
medievalthymes · 5 months
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Beloved, Realm of the Elderlings / Cassandra of Troy
'An Oresteia,' Translated by Anne Carson / Fool's Quest - Robin Hobb / Lilo Baur as Cassandra in THE ORESTEIA' by Aeschylus at the Cottesloe Theatre, National Theatre (NT), London in 1999  / Anne Carson, excerpt of Cassandra Float Can, from Float / Zoë Sophia Garcia as Cassandra in “The Oresteia.” / Cassandra - Florence + the Machine / Fool's Quest - Robin Hobb / The Green Knight (2021) / Cassandra - Florence + the Machine / Uknown / Golden Fool - Robin Hobb / I'm Your Man - Mitski / Florence + the Machine / Cassandra - Florence + the Machine / Fool's Fate - Robin Hobb / Cassandra - Florence + the Machine / Fool' Errand - Robin Hobb / Cassandra - Florence + the Machine / The Green Knight (2021) / Cassandra - ABBA / Assassin’s Fate - Robin Hobb
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mellowthorn · 6 months
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Family cuddle
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roostercrowned · 2 months
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The Fool Realm of the Elderlings? [sobbing openly] yeah they're all right GOD I wanted to do an additional one for each era but at some point one must!!!!! move on to the next project I suppose. please enjoy. (.:
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coldlikethestars · 7 months
there's a scene in fool's assassin that i think about so much where fitz is telling bee how patience died and he says that she saw chivalry in her last moments and bee says that he probably came to get her and fitz wonders if molly would come to get him when he dies. but then at the end we do see fitz's last moments and the person on his mind is beloved. and all he wants in that moment is for beloved to go with him. like can anyone understand me .
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artandlurking · 11 months
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The Destroyer
Finished Assassin's Fate a few weeks ago and I have many thoughts but can't properly put them into words so have some art instead.
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baejax-the-great · 8 months
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samw1se · 3 months
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oh no
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naurielrochnur · 3 months
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"I found I could slide under his chin. I wedged myself under his long jaw, between his front legs. My back stopped aching from the cold. I felt cupped in wonder and safety. I closed my eyes"
-Fitz visiting Verity-as-Dragon, from Fool's Quest, ch 33.
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kevin-sedai · 2 months
"'What have they done to me, Fitz? Gods, what have they done to you, to mark you so? What has become of me, that I did not even know you though I carried you in my arms?'"
-Assassin's Quest, Robin Hobb
He's all upset that he didn't recognize Fitz at first when he found him in Jhaampe. Bestie, idk how to tell you this, but Fitz is gonna have a similar experience with you in about 12 books that isn't as sweet. So don't feel so bad, is what I'm saying.
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annot8 · 5 months
Top 20 RotE characters!
My final piece of ranking for this series!
There will be some spoilers in this!
20. Nettle
- If there’s one thing I love, it’s difficult women. Nettle is as harsh as her name suggests. I love young Nettle with her dream magic and how completely kind she is to Thick. And I love older Nettle, who doesn’t mind hurting Fitz’s feeling for Bee’s benefit. She is unforgiving and always strives to do what she thinks is best - even if she doesn’t always know what’s best.
19. Thymara
- Definitely my favourite Rain Wild character. She had my favourite POV in those books as well. I liked how her story paralleled Sintara’s, with her dragon features becoming more beautiful, getting her wings, and her determination to be her own woman. I didn’t love that she ended up with Tats and ended up having a kid with him, but again, it mirrored Sintara’s mating with Mercor.
18. Starling Birdsong
- are we seeing a theme? Starling is so great because she simply does not care if people like her personality. She’s beautiful, she’s talented, and she got her song. The way she destroyed Fitz in Golden Fool was a peak moment in this series. And something i love so much is that no matter how much Fitz complains about her or thinks she’s annoying, he can’t help but like her.
17. Chade Fallstar
- I hate him, I love him, he’s the worst, he’s the best. I’ve said this before - I have complicated feelings about Chade but regardless, they are strong feelings. Ngl, I misjudged his age and thought he was about 80 in the first book so when he made it to the last book?? Incredible. His death got me in a way that I really didn’t expect it to.
16. Dutiful Farseer
- My boy! He had some great development from the most fifteen year old boy ever, to a genuinely good king. I loved his dynamic with Fitz in Fool's Errand. It was really on sight with those two and it was entertaining the entire time. 
15. Selden Vestrit
- I saw someone say once that Selden felt like a random npc who managed to get a nat20 on charisma. He's great in Ship of Destiny, and fantastic in the Rain Wild Chronicles. His bond with Chassim was unexpected but so so lovely. 
14. Molly Chandler
- I understand why people don't like her. Her character gets in the way of Fitzloved. Soz guys, but I've seen too many female characters get hate because fans were rooting for a mlm ship. Don't get me wrong, its frustrating but Molly never inserts herself in Fitz's life. It the other way around. I think people don't like her less because of who she is and more because of what she represents. She's a simple life, and is the face of Fitz's delusion. But I love her. She's down to earth, she's rough around the edges, she's a simple gal who wants a simple life.
13. Etta
- Etta!!! From a Divvytown prostitute to Queen of the Pirate Isles??? Insane, incredible, showstopping. One thing that I absolutely love about her that I think is overlooked is that, despite how much Kennit was pushing for it and how much Wintrow was pining for her, it did not even cross her mind to get with this 15 year old boy. Kennit is all like 'teach the boys your… skills.' and she's like, ah yes, I will teach him how to use knives. Queen behaviour. 
12. Paragon
- Everyone's favourite murderous boat! His dynamic with Amber is great, and his friendship with Brashen is really underrated! He goes from being a grumpy old man to a bratty little boy in seconds (hmmm maybe the similarities between he and Fitz go past the face). He's unpredictable and he will kill again!
11. Althea Vestrit
- I fell in love with her immediately. She's rude to Kyle and then spends the next two weeks sleeping on the floor so she can be closer to Vivacia. She had my heart from the get go. Her ending will always leave a bitter taste in my mouth but none of it is her fault. She starts off a little immature and really grows into a woman worthy of captaining her own ship.
10. Wintrow Haven
- Ship of Magic!Wintrow has my entire heart. He frustrates me to no end with how he treats Vivacia but his arc is insane. He's generally an honourable guy. He frees the slaves and aids in the overthrowing of his father. He becomes a competent sailor and always shows Etta kindness. And despite his corruption by Kennit, he retains his moral compass and grows to be a good guy. I choose to ignore him in Ship of Destiny (just like Robin Hobb oops-) because I don't know who that man is :)
9. Malta Vestrit
- Without a doubt the best Liveships character. She has some of the best development I've ever seen. She's really the Amy March of Bingtown. She's self-centred, annoying, and that girlllllll. I love her so much. She's so clever and achieves so much.
8. Verity Farseer
- MY KING! treated Fitz like a human being which, in this book, is a step up from how most people treat him - especially when he's a boy. He's always a friendly face, even when he's so bogged down by defending the entirety of the Six Duchies with no thanks. He loved very honestly and had great respect for people who deserved it. And in the end, he made the ultimate sacrifice for his people for his folk. 
7. Bee Farseer
- She's just as much my daughter as she is Molly's, Fitz's, Nighteyes', and Beloved's. She won me over so quickly, and just when I thought I couldn't love her more, she started biting. I hope one day we see more of her!
6. LadyPatience
- You should have been mine???????? Such a fun, unapologetic character. She is so herself. I feel so seen by her constant, ever-changing hobbies and messy room. She and Lacey are the duo of the century.
5. Burrich
- When I read a book and I fancy a character, I tend to stay loyal to that character. I can love all of the characters, but I only love one. I took one look at Burrich and knew i'd found my man. His parenting skills were questionable at time, but he was doing what he thought was right. He gave up his life to raise Chivalry's son. He stepped up and took care of Molly with no expectations. He raised Nettle like she was his own. Just a solid, good man.
4. Nighteyes
- The best parent in this whole series. He's sarcastic, he's clever, and he's got such an entertaining dry sense of humour. He's a great influence on Fitz and he isn't afraid to call him out. The Wit is such a fantastic aspect of this series and the wit-bond that Fitz and Nighteyes share is so so beautiful. 
3. Kettricken
My Queen. I haven't felt this strongly about a character in a long time. Always a beacon of honour in a story of political intrigue, secrets, and betrayal. They really lucked out with this arranged marriage. Not a single person in this story deserved her. 
2. Beloved
- Fool, Amber, Lord Golden, Beloved. What a character. every facet of this character is so interesting and deep and beautiful. Amber was THE character in Liveships, the Fool was THE character in Farseer, Beloved with THE character in Tawny Man. THE CHARACTER OF ALL TIME.
- You get it.
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medievalthymes · 6 months
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wuthering heights / the ghosts of paolo and francesca appear to dante and virgil / assassins fate / euridice recedes into the underworld - enrico scuri / fool’s quest / the reconciliation of the montagues and capulets over the dead bodies of romeo and juliet - frederic leighton / assassins fate / zarina situmorang - "touch" - oil on canvas / i will follow you into the dark - death cab for cutie / assassins fate
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mellowthorn · 3 months
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Fool's Assassin
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roostercrowned · 11 months
the Fool: yeah Clerres had this whole grift going on where they would charge people for fortunes and hand-pick prophets to engineer futures that financially benefitted them. I'm not about that though Fitz: ..... the Fool: I'm more of a non-profit prophet Fitz: [contemplating which of his poisons will kill him fastest] why is he so hot
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coldlikethestars · 9 months
one thing about the withywoods years that drives me a little crazy is the fact that fitz is living that life as if he is a 80 year old retired man living his last years wanting nothing more than to spend time with his dear wife, completely ignoring the fact that he is a middle aged man who is not aging. not only he is still relatively young and could have been doing more with his life but he also pretends the not aging situation is simply Not Happening and he continues living in this little fantasy in which he will grow old and die by molly's side. and it was painfully obvious that he was going to outlive molly and continue his life without her but he simply never thinks about that. he never prepares himself for that loss and for a life beyond her even though, as painful as it is, that would have been the healthiest thing to do in that situation.
and all of this only adds to the fact that he was indeed living fully immersed in this fantasy and illusion of Absolute Normalcy that he created in his mind and he would not let anything else about himself and his life that was Not Normal to even touch that fantasy. but then he loses molly, the illusion crumbles, and the boredom and unfulfilling nature of that life becomes obvious. and, to me personally, it gets clear throughout the trilogy that that illusion he creates, his protectiveness of his life with molly and his inability of letting reality touch it, him cutting all these parts of himself and his life away, it's not only because he wants a life of normalcy and peace but because, above all else, he wants a life of being loved by molly. and he can't really see anything beyond that, the thought of not having that is unbearable, so he will continue to lie to himself, he will keep living an uneventful and unfulfilling life, he will pretend he's not really aging, he will lock all those parts of himself away in his little study, because that's what he thinks he has to do in order to have that life and feel loved by her.
and fitz thinks no one else loves him like that, and after he loses her, he thinks that no one else ever will. and to me the soul crushing tragedy of all this is that this comes almost directly from beloved's abandonment of him which not only reinforced his already existing abandonment issues, but also it meant being left behind and feeling used and unloved by the person he loved and wanted to be with the most.
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garnetrena · 1 year
“Don't doubt us, or we are lost.”
“Fitz, my love, that is the problem.”
Assassin's Fate
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