#Flak fo3
ghost-qwq · 4 months
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Hello Fallout fandom,,
extra oc doodle under the cut ig
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Choose a favorite character whose name starts with "F"!
(Or a character you just want to see me write for 😁)
If you have any questions on these characters, please feel free to ask!
And if you think of someone who's not listed here that you would like to see, feel free to add a name to the comments/reblogs!
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jakethesequel · 1 month
Super Mutants in Fallout games post-Interplay are in a weird situation.
Bethesda Fallout has gotten a lot of flak for shoehorning them into every game, even where they have to stretch their story and the existing canon to make it happen. Super Mutants in Fallout 1 and 2 were specifically the product of the Master's experiments at Mariposa Military Base in California. Super Mutants in Fallout 3 and on seem to be everywhere for no good reason.
(This got pretty long below cut)
Super Mutants explicitly cannot reproduce, and the Master's FEV vats that create Super Mutants were destroyed in Fallout 1. By Fallout 2 Super Mutants are still a large population, but in a slow decline. They can't replace the mutants who pass away, despite mutants' natural longetivity and hardiness. Even spinoff Fallout Tactics doesn't create new mutants when they want to put Super Mutants in the midwest, they just say it's a section of the Master's army that broke off and migrated. Then Fallout 3 comes around, set on the East Coast, 116 years after the Master's defeat. There's no sensible connection to the Californian Super Mutants. So Bethesda invents new Super Mutants: Retconning that instead of an isolated secret West-Tek experiment, mutants were also being created in a random Vault near DC for some reason, and these mutants still have working FEV vats. Bethesda reinvents the wheel again for Fallout 4, having the Institute create a third strain of Super Mutant despite Boston being more than close enough to DC to justify re-using the FO3 mutants. At this point, Super Mutants no longer feel like a secret military experiment hidden away in California and unleashed by the Master. They feel contrived, like somehow every major city in America was working on their own experiment with this supposedly-secret FEV. When Fallout 76 adds them to Appalachia, it's less "How did the Super Mutants get here‽" and more "Yeah, of course, whatever."
Bethesda has Super Mutants turn from something playing an important role to the narrative of post-War California specifically, to generic post-apocalyptic Orc enemies. I'm no fan of Bethesda, and I understand that criticism. It's a common one online, but I think there's still a little bit lost from the conversation.
While I might not disagree with Bethesda's decisions, I understand why they felt like they had to include Super Mutants on the East Coast. They were making a sequel to an existing IP, but setting it in a new time and place. It can be hard to do that without making it feel like a wholly different game with the Fallout label slapped on. They wanted to make sure Fallout 3 felt like Fallout specifically, and couldn't be confused for Wasteland or STALKER or Mad Max or any other generic post-apocalyptic game. Fallout does have distinctive elements that should be included! Vaults, Pip-Boys, Ghouls, power armor, a mix of traditional and energy firearms, satire of the militarist America that got the world nuked, the dichotomy between the remnants of the old world and the new one being built, the aesthetic of 50s retrofuturism being nuked to pieces and rebuilt by a lightly hopeful 90s cynicism. I would include weird, dangerous, mutated creatures like Deathclaws and Super Mutants on that list! If it was just the wastelanders and ghouls it wouldn't feel like Fallout. You gotta include the mutations somehow!
Bethesda's failure isn't in wanting their Fallout to feel like Fallout, it's that they weren't original enough in doing so. Vaults, Pip-Boys, Ghouls, it makes sense that those are cross-country phenomena and appear in DC similar to how they do in California. But when Bethesda wants to include the series' iconic power armor, their only idea is re-using previous power armor users; Flying the Enclave and the Brotherhood of Steel across the country. In addition to just being stale and ossifying the setting, it gives the impression that only pre-War organizations can learn power armor, when previous games had power armor upgrading characters in Adytum (FO1) and the Hub (FO2) and power armor manufacturing organizations in the Shi (FO2). When Bethesda wants the dichotomy between old world and new, they make the main conflict Enclave vs Brotherhood, re-using your allies from the first two games and the villains of FO2, fighting to destroy the fledgling wasteland or protect it. Trouble is, the Brotherhood isn't really a new world organization, it's a cult founded by a section of the U.S. army. Pair that with most of the FO3 settlements seemingly having a lower quality of life than even the FO1 city-states, and it starts to feel less "old world vs new" and more "the evil genocidal old world remnant organization vs the good protectionist old world remnant organization." Bethesda wants to include the Fallout aesthetic, they often mistake "90s post-apocalypse society rebuilding in the shell of 50s retrofuturism" for a simpler "post-apocalyptic 50s retrofuturism." In FO3 and especially FO4 wastelanders are much more obsessed with reenacting pre-War culture than in FO1 and FO2, where their culture was more of a novel synthesis of old world stuff reinterpreted and modified to fit the conditions of the wasteland. New Vegas also has elements of this pre-War obsession, but it's diegetic, with Mr. House actively attempting to preserve/spread pre-War culture. Finally, yes, when Bethesda wants to include the freaky mutated monster enemies, they just re-use the Deathclaws and Super Mutants.
Not all of these ideas are inherently bad as a whole. Having the Enclave as villains arguably makes a lot of sense, they're the U.S. government-in-exile and the game takes place in Washington, DC. Bringing back the Brotherhood to oppose them, though, then all the other stuff... As a whole it makes FO3 feel more like a flawed copy of FO1 and FO2 rather than standing on its own as a new Fallout game. There's even a lot of unique stuff in Fallout 3 that's interesting and works well. Tennypenny Tower is an interesting example of a post-war society, a weird authoritarian semi-feudal settlement that discriminates against ghouls. Having a settlement built around an unexploded nuke worshipped as a holy idol is silly and weird but lots of fun. Conflict between the abolitionist group and the slavers is thematically fitting for game set in DC, unintentionally reenacting the Civil War on the former border between the Union and Confederacy. But these minor plots all fall to wayside, and kind of get outshined by Bethesda's focus on callbacks to FO1 and FO2. Both New Vegas and Fallout 4 have more in-depth plotlines about slavery and abolitionism than Fallout 3, which seems like a waste of perfectly good historical parallels!
Fallout 4 does a bit better on the creativity front, although it doubles down on the frozen-in-time aesthetic of 50s retrofuturism with its baseballers, newsies, mobsters, and private eyes. The villains are a new group that fit the setting well, there's a new and different kind of post-human in the synths. Boston has done more rebuilding over the last 200ish years than DC, though still much less than the West Coast. Unfortunately the damage is already done in some ways, Bethesda can't help but bring back Super Mutants again, and the Brotherhood is not only back but stronger and more active than ever before in the series.
I understand why Bethesda went back to the FO1 and FO2 well so much for Fallout 3, I do. I just think there was a better way. You want the iconic visuals of T-51b power armor? You don't have to contrive a way for the Brotherhood to swap coasts, you could have brand new factions that have set up in one of the DC area's many military installations. You want freaky mutated monsters? Make new ones! You did good with the mirelurk, just keep going. You don't need to copy/paste Super Mutants and make them less engaging, there's all sorts of ways you could make uniquely uncomfortable post-human people. Come up with new avenues with a new story behind them, not just FEV but in a different city. Mutated post-human monsters are an iconic staple of the Fallout series that should be in your Fallout game! It just doesn't have to be a knockoff of the Mariposa Super Mutants every time, there's lots of room for creativity, play around with the concept a little for God's sake!
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bigdumbskeletons · 5 years
Lone Wanderer: *enslaves Flak for the Strictly Business quest*
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calder · 3 years
I’ve barely played fo3, can you elaborate on their homophobia? I haven’t really noticed any queerness whatsoever, even negatively described queerness.
the caricature in tenpenny tower just sexually harasses the nearby guard who threatens to kill him in 2 different ways, forever
flak is described as an old queen and you get a quest to kidnap him for sexual slavery
this is as far as homophobia is explored in fallout 3. the other gays are shrapnel and the ambiguous cohabiting ladies in underworld
fallout 4 afaik doesn't have gay content past the gender neutral romances, piper getting flustered by the singer, cait suggesting a threeway to a disgusted piper, and (far harbor) faraday's unrequited love for a mannequin covered in lightbulbs.
hancock might get a joke about being a depraved bisexual idr. oh and some nameless lineless apparent lesbians panic in the street in sanctuary i guess. because ykno theres no homophobia in prewar fallout because bethesda is such a progressive studio
edit: i'm told there's an obscure lesbian couple in diamond city
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Could I request the love meme for Fawkes? He was my favorite companion in fo3, but I didn't see much of a following for him when I originally played the game
*ask meme.
My favorite Fallout 3 character is Fawkes, hands down.  I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about what a Fawkes romance would be like, and it makes me so happy to see another Fawkes fan.
When they discover they’re got a crush:  It starts off as respect and admiration before it moves into a crush.  It’s such a subtle shift that he doesn’t even realize it at first.
How they confess/hint:He doesn’t think that anyone would want to be with a “Meta Human” like himself, so he’s not going to confess unless he knows the other person is romantically interested in him.  Then, it could be concise and blunt. 
“My friend, I have developed feelings for you outside of... well, friendship.”
Big gestures of love:Poetry.  He writes it -- or at least attempts to do so.  PDA.  He cares about their reputation and doesn’t want them to have the stigma from dating him, so public affection is a huge deal.Protection.  He’d take a barrage of bullets for them -- and likely will.
Little gestures of love:He goes from calling them “my friend” to “my beloved” or “my love.”
How to win their heart:Being a decent person that treats him like he isn’t a freak.  He’s definitely a friends-to-lovers kinda guy.How to break their heart:If they seem afraid of him or insult his intelligence, he’s likely to start putting up an emotional wall.  The same goes for if they’re getting too much flak from the relationship from other people.  If it’s making their life harder, then he’s likely to start pulling away because he cares about how they’re perceived.  Tiny little turn-ons:Cupping their face with his enormous hand as they kiss.When they climb onto his lap.Big turn-ons:The way they shudder beneath him as he pins them against the bed -- or wall.The fact that they aren’t daunted by his sheer size.Things that make their heart flutter:That smile they give him that makes him feel like he’s human again.
Their type:Someone intelligent with quick wit and a good heart.Ideal date:A homecooked meal -- that he prepares.  He’s got a few different things he’d like to attempt that he saw in the Vault records, and while the recipe ingredients are hard to come by, he feels that he can make appropriate substitutes.  He’s also a fan of flickering candlelight and conversation.  Past relationships:None that he can remember; his past life as a human has been wiped out. A lifetime ago, he had a wife.How they might affect current relationships:He can’t remember it, but there’s a part of him deep inside that almost does.  Everything is so new, yet so familiar.  Every now and then he’ll feel nostalgic or do something that he used to do for her, and then not understand why he did it.  
‘Goals’ in a relationship (marriage, kids, a house, etc):He can’t have kids, so that’s not something he’s particularly interested in, but he’s all for a house.  Marriage is only something he’d go for if it was important to the other person.  
Any other love headcanons: Fawkes is an utter gentleman.  He’s also rather awkward when it comes to intimacy, and there’s a huge learning curve there where he’d be fascinated with exploring his partner’s body.
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brevitybitch · 7 years
Fallout for the fandom meme!
Character I first fell in love with:
James. Yes FO3 is my first Fallout and yeah. I have mental scarring from that decision to have Liam Neeson voice your dad while using as many petnames as possible. Did I want to be attracted to my video game dad? No, but there we were.
Character I never expected to love as much as I do now:
ED-E. I would die for my little eyebot buddy, and it still baffles me. I mean they didn’t even really put any effort into anthropomorphizing him but here we are.
Character everyone loves but I don’t:
Butch DeLoria. I don’t hate him or anything but just…why?
Character I love but everyone else hates:
I dunno. Fallout fandom is a lot more chill than Bioware fandoms (still crazy sometimes but generally), I can’t think of many examples of everyone hating on a character, let alone one where I was against the grain.
Maybe Jun Long? People hated Marcy and I agreed there because she was abusive to him, but apparently a lot of people hate Jun too and that just baffles me. He’s just sad. That’s it. And with good reason.
Character I used to love but don’t any longer:
Man I can’t really think of any examples? My Fallout loves are very stable it seems.
Character I would kiss:
There’s a lot. Weirdly high number, for a post apocalypse game. I’ll go with MacCready, just cause he’s awesome and voiced by Matt Mercer who is also awesome so I just feel it’s an all round solid choice.
Character I want to slap:
Roy Phillips, the dickwad.
A pairing I love:
No shippyness here, sorry folks. I liked Flak and Shrapnel and their little shared room with only one bed. Easy to miss but kind of perfect because they just had a life and routine and you might catch a glimpse that implies something intimate but it’s not announced to you as the player.
A pairing I hate:
For all that I would listen to Liam Neeson talk all day long and could not for the life of me take his cute pet names in the spirit they were intended, the existence of actual LW/James fic/art/etc squicks me out big time.
Just, no.
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ghost-qwq · 4 months
I want... to draw... or give headcanons. Characters please... begging.
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until then take... Mojave Cyrus doodles and other Fallout ocs (ft me drawing Flak and Shrapnel,, two men I have NEVER drawn before nor know how to draw </3)
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danses-with-dogmeat · 8 months
Day 19 -- Flak & Shrapnel
The (nsfw) details for Kinktober 2023, Day 19 are just below the cut!
Minors, please don’t interact.
Threesome with Flak x Shrapnel x F!Lone
I LOVE Flak and Shrapnel so dang much, they're some of my fave characters in FO3, so I was just so excited to write for them 😩 And this... well, this didn't disappoint (I think, anyway 😅)
I hope you love it!
Here is the link to my  Kinktober 2023 Event List so you can stay up-to-date, or re-visit these works as you please.
Included: Threesome, polyamorous relationship, healthy relationship, light sub/dom dynamics, kissing, undressing, banter, dirty talk, hand job, fingering, helping hand, riding, blow jobs, spitroasting, cum swallowing, creampie.
Words: 3.1k
“The way I heard it, the shop ain’t the only thing they share.”
“How much you think they’re paying that girl?” 
“Think she’d let me join in too?” 
Lone’s eyes closed tightly at the memories, at those loudmouth assholes in the market today, and so many days before. 
Flak and Shrapnel say that’s just how it is. That they’re just talkers, that gossip's all they have in their dreary lives on this boat, but Lone thought differently. All those folks may just not understand, or maybe they’re jealous, even. Either way, one thing was true from all of their perspectives: it’s none of their business. 
It’s a small city, people talk, she gets it– Lone gets that more than most, really– but sometimes you’ve just gotta close your ears to the talk and focus on you and yours. 
So that’s what she did. 
They all had complicated pasts, and now… Now they all had each other. 
With that thought pressing at the front of her mind, Lone crawled up onto the bed after her partners. Flak’s half-smile lit up his lined face, a sanguine glow brushing his cheeks more delicately than should be possible, for a man like him, but it made Lone’s heart warm all the same. Shrapnel, on the other hand, let out one of his token grunts, sliding off of where he’d pinned his partner down on the mattress, making room for her, in his own gruff way. 
“Come to finally get in on this, sweetheart?” Flak spoke as he held out a hand, allowing her to grasp onto it and keep her balance as she swung one leg over his waist. She nodded, as she sank her weight down onto him. Flak was firm beneath her, and not just where his hardening member prodded her backside, but the lithe chords of muscle running through him from a lifetime of adversity, from his continuing preparation for that past to bite him in the ass. Lone let her hands fall to his torso, let them run up the hills of his scarred chest. 
“At least she’s finally forgetting about the jackasses in the market.” Shrapnel huffed from his place beside them, one hand slowly palming over the growing bulge in his own boxers as his eyes stayed locked to their movement. “Took her long enough.” 
“Easy on her, Shrap.” Flak’s voice was a warning growl. 
It made shivers run up Lone’s spine. 
“She’s not as used to the shit as we are.” His hands fell to either of her thighs, encouraging Lone to rock forward and back over his waist. “Nah, our girl ain’t done a wrong thing in her life, so now she’s gotta hear all the talk for the first time… it bothers her.” 
A snort sounded from beside her, but Lone hardly noticed as she felt a pit forming in her stomach– not a cold, anxious pit like the gossip had inspired earlier, no– this was a churning, kindling heat trapped within her, with no place to go but up, and all the way through her. It came out her fingertips as they drew thin scratches over her partner’s chest, out her breast as it heaved with building breath, and out her very core, as it began to seep slickness between her spread thighs. 
“Shouldn’t.” Said Shrapnel, and the bed creaked as he shifted up into a seated position against the pillows, “Talk doesn’t mean a damn thing, baby, an’ if it bothers you, well–”
“Careful, babe.” Flak gave another warning, his eyes narrowing as they shifted to Shrapnel.  
“Well, then we’ll just have to find a way to shut ‘em all up. ‘S all I was gonna say.” 
Lone was moving of her own accord now, rutting into Flak like it was her job, until her breath caught, and she was forced to pause. Shrapnel’s hands were at her backside now as he leaned in towards them, running his touch over the soft material of her panties, before one hand dipped forward and pressed firmly to that wet spot forming between her legs. 
He hummed appreciatively at the feel of it, before he pulled away again. Lone very nearly whined at the briefness of it all, the loss. 
But we have time. She reminded herself, and gave another forward thrust of her greedy hips. 
Shrapnel’s hands were still behind her though, fiddling with the fabric of Flak’s briefs, snapping the tightness of the elastic against his pubic bone until Lone heard him hiss between gritted teeth. 
“Fuck you doin’ down there, babe?” 
“Jus’ reminding you. Don’t have to stand up for our girl all the time.” 
Lone’s muscles tensed, another gush of slick flowing out of her at the sound of it. 
Our girl. Fuck, how she was weak for when they talked like that. 
“May not have done a thing wrong in her life, as you put it. But she still ended up with us, eh? So how about giving her some fucking credit.” 
She could tell the way Shrapnel palmed over his partner’s erection, with the way Flak bucked up into her, almost tossing her body off of his completely. 
“‘Specially don’t have to defend her to me.” 
Lone gasped as a spank rang through her, as Shrapnel’s firm hand came down almost too hard on her ass. 
“I don’t give what I think can’t be taken. Not to either of you.” 
Twin groans escaped the pair, as Shrapnel dealt them both a strong hand; the one on her pinching at the sore flesh of her ass cheek, while the hand on Flak gripped the hardened length of his cock through the fabric of his underwear. 
“Shit, babe,” The words escaped Flak’s throat like Shrapnel was dragging them out by hand, “Give me something. Let me feel you.” 
He didn’t respond, not with words anyway, but the tensing of Flak’s muscles in response to his action were loud enough for Lone to understand. The grip of his hand vanished from behind her, and, soon enough, she heard the telltale swoosh of Shrapnel tossing Flak’s briefs to the ground. 
“Only cuz you’re begging so sweetly, Flak.” 
With his words came the sound of skin rubbing over skin, and a hiss between Flak’s teeth. Lone let her eyes focus indulgently on her partner’s expression beneath her, on the way the veins in his throat popped out, how his thick eyebrows creased together and sweat began to bead over his forehead. The evidence of his pleasure was in his body too, the tight swell of his chest muscles as they clenched and expanded with his breath, in the way his knuckles paled as his fingers clenched against the bedsheets, and Lone finally couldn’t hold back. 
She leaned down, lips first, and collided her mouth with his, letting the bourbon-y taste of his breath wash over her tongue as he groaned against her. Flak poured his desires into her like liquid flame, as Shrapnel continued his lewd actions over his partner’s cock. The sounds from behind her had the skin flushing over her cheeks, on her chest, and soon enough, a hand was at her core, dipping under the fabric of her panties and rubbing roughly against her folds. 
From the callous on his skin, from the pressure and technique, Lone knew that it was Shrapnel’s fingers between her lower lips, rolling and beckoning her slickness forward; before, cruelly, he pulled away again. 
A groan escaped her this time, and she very nearly pulled back from Flak’s lips, before his strong hand went to the back of her neck, keeping her in place. 
“Trust me, girl. It’s for the best. Just practice fucking patience.” The growl from behind barely met her ears, as the cacophony of Flak’s breathy sighs, of Shrapnel’s slick, jerking hands filled her ears. 
A squeeze of Flak’s hand over the base of her neck, and Lone was pulling away. 
“If all that slick in your hand’s come from her, I’d say she’s ready, Shrap.” 
Lone only nodded her agreement, the mere look in Flak’s eyes telling her what to do next. Her lips met the sharp line of his jawbone, then journeyed around the slightly stubbly skin of his throat, layering kisses there until she was breathless.  
“Hmm.” Shrapnel made a show of his thinking, sounding displeased with nothing more than a hum, and then his hand was between her thighs again. “So you say…” 
He rubbed her there, first over her panties, frustratingly light with his touches, and then he dipped his digits inside. Without preamble, he spread her lower lips apart and found her entrance, shoving two rough fingers into her until she whined against Flak’s throat. 
“Not too rough, baby.” 
“Oh, she can take it. Don’t let the sweet vaultie fool ya, Flak.” He twisted his fingers inside, rubbing the pads of them over the sensitive spots within until she was writhing over his partner. “She likes it rough. Ain’t it clear?” 
Shrapnel lightly shook his hand, sending jolts of vibrations up through her core, and then began to thrust. Stars burst behind her vision, and without meaning to, Lone set her teeth against Flak’s neck as she whined. 
She felt his chest jump with the sudden pain, but that throaty sigh that left him told her not to cease. 
Shrapnel continued his thrusting within her, his jerking of Flak’s cock, until both his lovers were gasping from his efforts, and Lone continued mouthing lovebites into Flak’s sensitive skin, leaving a mosaic of red and purple spots in her wake. The pressure of his fingers around the back of her neck increased, but it only pulled her closer, encouraging the pleasurable inflictions of her teeth and lips over him. 
“Shrapnel.” He choked out, and Lone felt the bounce of his Adam’s apple against her lips. 
“So soon? But I thought you wanted our girl prepared for–” 
“Now.” Flak barked out, “As you said, ahh, she’s ready.” 
Shrapnel’s signature snort sounded from behind her, and then the fingers nestled in her walls pulled away. Both his hands were wet, as Shrapnel grasped to her hips, and hauled her body backwards, to align with Flak’s straining erection. A flick of his fingers, and her panties were swept to the side, and the hot tip of Flak’s cock was being eased into her. 
She moaned, as Flak sighed, their joining sending a burst of chills down her spine. 
Shrapnel even released a hum of his own, his pleasure surely building with the view of his lovers uniting at his hand. He wasn’t a sentimental man, at least not outwardly, but both her and Flak knew the exhilaration he got from being the one to make them writhe this way, to help facilitate that pleasure that did outwardly thrill him. 
One of his hands grazed over her lower belly as it reached around, pressing instantly– expertly– to that sensitive button nestled in her folds, and began to rub over her steadily. Her hips began to jolt forward at the stimulation, driving Flak the rest of the way into her, and pausing there, as her walls clenched wantonly over his stiff heat. 
Flak gave an answering buck of his own hips, before both of his hands slid down her body until he had a firm hold of her sides, and he began to guide her movement over him. 
“Fuck, sweetheart, you do so well for us.” Flak praised with his voice, as well as his body. His gaze wouldn’t separate from her expression, his breaths were leaving in hearty pants, as his hands began to explore her. Lone needed no more encouragement, the rub of Shrapnel's fingers and the feel of Flak’s swelling cock had her bucking and rolling her hips of her own accord. 
“You make it easy.” She huffed out, and felt another jolt of pleasure run through her at Shrapnel’s touch, at the new firmness of it. 
“Should see the way she’s gushing for you, Flak.” 
“Can feel it.” He chuckled in response, and the rapid rise and fall of his stomach jostled her, making her come down onto him harder than she’d meant to. She let out a moan.
“You tried her tits yet?” Shrapnel asked, his voice mischievous. “Always makes her lose it.” 
Lone shuddered at that– the way they spoke about her like she wasn’t right here between them. 
Something about it felt taboo, and... exhilarating.
“Yeah, wanted to hold off a bit, but– Shit, she’s already clenchin’ on me just thinking about it. Alright darling, don’t fuss.” 
With that, she felt the roughness of Flak's palms, the firmness of his worn fingers grasping around either breast, giving them both an appreciative squeeze. 
A moan escaped her, suddenly at first, and then she carried it on, making it clear to her partners, the pleasure they were bringing her.
“Feel that?” 
“Oh, yeah.” Flak breathed out, and his hips bucked up to meet her, driving the head of his cock against her g-spot with enough force to capture the breath from her. 
“Hmph, could feel her pulse through her clit.” Shrapnel’s voice was growing rougher by the moment, his free hand surely aiding in that building arousal as he stroked audibly over his length behind her. 
Her pleasure-addled mind leapt at the idea of taking him next.
Lone licked her lips as her heart raced in her chest. 
“Know I tell you this all the time, but these’r beautiful, Lone.” 
Flak’s hands rolled over her tits, his thumbs rubbing deliciously over the little points of her nipples as their paces increased in tandem. She felt his cock growing harder, his muscles clenching tighter as Flak feasted on her lewd visage, as he grew closer to his release by the second. 
“Alright.” He strained out with one last pinch of his fingers over a nipple, before his hands retreated down to her waist. “Tha’s enough. Gonna finish in that pretty mouth, sweetheart. Give ol’ Shrap a go at ya.” 
“Bout fucking time.” Shrapnel actually chuckled the words out, the prospect lightening his usual balky mood. 
Lone obediently rose up, letting Flak’s erection slip out of her before readjusting herself on the bed, scooching back until her mouth was level with his slick, reddened cock. 
“Mm, now that’s a sight. Could just die happy right now with you two looking down at me like that.” Flak– in turn– shifted himself so the three of them could fit comfortably on the large mattress. 
Lone laid down, letting her breasts rest on the bed between Flak’s spread legs as one hand settled on his thigh and the other grasped his length and pointed it towards her. She felt Shrapnel’s hands on her hips then, as his touch encouraged her ass to raise higher, until she was level with his waiting cock. 
Shrapnel was thicker than Flak, and Lone felt her entrance strain against his tip as he plunged inside. He didn’t ease, not like Flak, but shoved all the way in in one breathtaking thrust. She was glad, then, that her mouth wasn’t yet around her partner’s member as her teeth gritted together. 
“Fuck…” Shrapnel said on a sigh, “Feels like coming home.” 
“Yep.” Flak agreed, a soft smile at his hard mouth as Lone moved now to wrap her lips around his glistening tip. “She’s our girl, alright.” 
Her moan vibrated over Flak’s cock as she took him deeper, as his words made her shiver in pleasure. 
Shrapnel began a swift pace behind her, shoving Flak further down than she meant to take him with each thrust from behind. 
“You look good too, babe.” 
She felt Shrapnel’s cock give a little jerk within her at the praise directed at him. 
He tried not to show it, but they all knew. He was weak for it. 
“So intense, lovin’ on our Lone.” He paused to let out a sigh, as Lone ran her tongue over that sensitive place just at the base of his cockhead. “Should see the way she’s looking up at me right now. Just begging for you, heh.” 
“I believe it.” Shrapnel's grunt sounded behind her, and a firmer thrust had her nose pressing forcefully into the curly hairs over Flak’s pubic bone. His tip hit the back of her throat, and tears sprung to her eyes as she gagged, but instantly, Flak’s hands went to the back of her head, as he guided her over him at the pace of his choosing. 
“Look how– fuck– how desperate she is for us, Flak. Gagging and clenching and moaning and, ahh, still wants more. Greedy little whore, I say.” 
“Aw…” Flak’s bottom lip pouted, a mock-sympathetic expression on his face as he watched her eyes– distant and foggy with pleasure– begin to cross at her breathlessness, at the overwhelming bliss of Shrapnel stretching her, grinding against the most tender places within her. “But only a whore for us.” 
Flak’s thumb brushed a hair from her face, before he allowed her to pull back and catch her breath. 
Lone took less than half a moment, gulping air like a fish out of water, before plunging forward and working in earnest against her partner’s throbbing erection. He was close, so close, and she craved the heat of his release on her tongue. 
“Look, ah, at her.” Shrapnel panted, “Not even denying it. Look at her swallowing you.” 
But Flak couldn’t look, he couldn’t banter anymore. His head was cocked back, his mouth open as his hips canted upwards on the bed, as Lone sucked and licked at him like a woman possessed, and finally, he exploded onto her waiting tongue. 
Flak and Shrapnel both groaned, and Lone couldn’t decipher then, too, if she’d come as well, as focused as she was on taking all she was given, on siphoning Flak’s release from him until he was all but trembling. Sweat and salt and him were all she could taste; her partners’ hands, Shrapnel’s still-thrusting cock were all she could feel as– not a moment later– Shrapnel too burst inside her. 
A symphony of breaths, of moans left the three lovers as they writhed and savored one another’s ecstasy. Everything was hot, wet, sticky, musty. The room reeked of sex, their skin glistened and cum dripped out of Lone from both ends as finally, Shrapnel eased his length out of her and she pulled off of Flak’s, now softening, cock. 
She laid between her two partners as they settled on either side, encased in bliss and sweat, feeling their love still swirling within her, tasting it on her tongue, feeling it burst through her body in each delightful post-orgasm aftershock. The voices that so plagued her at the beginning of the night weren’t even whispers anymore, the overwhelming affection of Flak and Shrapnel thoroughly silencing them, maybe even for good.
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