#Fleur Pellerin
molsons112000 · 1 month
If I picked the go to poland then I understand they speak polish. But i'm here in America. We speak English right????
And this is why so many people are deficient in grammar and other attributes of English because we're off teaching something other than English... Truly, if I had spent that time in English class focusing on grammar only or other components of the English language then I would have become a master. But that's not what we do in this country. And so what do you get depot that are horrible at what they do? English..... So instead of getting great at your language, you're too busy focusing on something else!!!!!
Can I go to Chinese restaurants for Chinese food? Not for Chinese language..... đŸ€”
And this is why they called America the great melting pot because, in a melting pot, everybody becomes one!!!! So one common language and one overall common culture!!!!! đŸ€”
And this is what happened in france and Europe, with all the terrorism... They didn't want to convert. They wanted to convert those countries to their beliefs!!!!!
My partner and I used to talk about this, and he's Japanese. There was one language American... Understanding your heritage and everything is fine.... This country lacks an identity..... And more and more immigrants, the more and more this country keeps on changing, and it's hard to make laws... It's hard to put things in place effectively... đŸ˜Ș
So I don't get it... Are we becoming these other countries or are we a country of our own?That's why I believe in strong sovereign borders..
What did the French do they cleanse their dictionary and everything else? Getting rid of other languages to purify it, to make people have a common language french.... To make it one country united....
Language Magazine
https://www.languagemagazine.com â€ș ...
French to Stop Fight Against Foreign Words
Fleur Pellerin, France's minister of culture, reversed four centuries of French linguistic policy by declaring that France's resistance to the
I disagree. Now every country becomes a mutt, and that means you lose all your culture and history....
I took cultural courses instead of language.... And so I got to understand the history of Hinduism and the Indian culture and many other cultures. And who did I hang out with Mike? He was a cultural historian... đŸ€” 😳
So that's why you go to all the museums, right????? You can have the history of their language. That means when these artifacts were created or entered their culture, they created a word to describe them.
So we're drifting...
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ejcmedia · 5 months
Canneseries 2024 : le bilan d'une septiĂšme saison brillante et offensive
Nouvel article ! On fait le bilan de cette 7e saison de Canneseries, puissante face Ă  un avenir incertain. Article de Victor Combalat
Quelques semaines Ă  peine aprĂšs une nouvelle Ă©dition puissante du festival concurrent SĂ©ries Mania Ă  Lille, et l’annonce du dĂ©part de l’historique MIPTV de la Croisette, le pink carpet tente de se prĂ©parer Ă  un avenir incertain. “Un tournant” pour le festival. VoilĂ  comment les organisateurs de Canneseries, avec en premiĂšre ligne sa prĂ©sidente Fleur Pellerin et le maire de Cannes David Lisnard,

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jeanmarcperfetti · 7 months
ScÚne : Soirée avec Dany LaferriÚre, Fleur Pellerin et une baignoire au ...
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lonesomemao · 9 months
Michel-Edouard Leclerc
Contre l'inflation
Il a les gants de boxe
Las Vegas il continue
L'Ă©conomie Casino
Secte Moon Fleur Pellerin
Il est donc ce patron Salo
Jeudi 4 janvier 2024
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heidigentille · 2 years
Fleur Pellerin
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arutai · 4 years
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Fleur Pellerin by Martin Colombet
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bangtanitalianchannel · 6 years
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“Ho appena incontrato i meravigliosi @bts.bighitofficial #bts”
(N/B: *Esponente del Partito Socialista francese)
Traduzione a cura di Bangtan Italian Channel Subs (©Rae)
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projet (abandonnĂ©) pour l’affiche de “Notre Dame des fleurs” de Jean Genet
© 2015
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mfslg · 3 years
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CrĂ©Ă© en 1981, le programme Young Leaders incarne, au plus haut niveau, le dialogue transatlantique que promeut la French-American Foundation. Chaque annĂ©e, il sĂ©lectionne 10 Français et 10 AmĂ©ricains, ĂągĂ©s de 30 Ă  40 ans, considĂ©rĂ©s comme remarquables dans leur domaine d’activitĂ© ou de compĂ©tence. 
Une fois sĂ©lectionnĂ©s, les laurĂ©ats retenus participent Ă  deux sĂ©minaires de cinq jours chacun, rĂ©partis sur deux annĂ©es consĂ©cutives – alternativement en France et aux États-Unis – afin d’échanger sur des thĂšmes majeurs, communs aux deux pays, et d’approfondir leurs champs d’intĂ©rĂȘts mutuels.
Le programme bénéficie du soutien du BCG, J.P. Morgan, Nelta, Russell Reynolds et Sodexo.
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Personnalités françaises ayant participé au programme « Young Leaders »
CĂŽtĂ© français, on trouve parmi ceux-ci (date d’admission entre parenthĂšses) :
Henri de Castries (1994, président du directoire du groupe Axa)
Emmanuel Chain (1999, journaliste)
JĂ©rĂŽme ClĂ©ment (1982, prĂ©sident d’ARTE)
Laurent Cohen-Tanugi (1996, ancien vice-président de Sanofi-Synthélabo)
Annick Cojean (2000, journaliste au Monde)
Jean-Marie Colombani (1983, fondateur de Slate et ancien directeur du Monde)
Matthieu Croissandeau (2002, rédacteur en chef adjoint du Nouvel Observateur)
Nicolas Dupont-Aignan (2001, Président de Debout la France)
Matthias Fekl (2013, ministre de l’intĂ©rieur en 2017)
Jean-Louis Gergorin (1994)
Nicolas Gaume (1999, PDG de Mimesis Republic et président du Syndicat national du jeu vidéo)
Bernard Guetta (1981, journaliste à France Inter)
François Hollande (1996, président de la République française)
StĂ©phane IsraĂ«l (2012, directeur de cabinet d’Arnaud Montebourg puis PDG d’Arianespace)
Erik Izraelewicz (1994, directeur du Monde)
Jean-Marc Jancovici (2002, ingĂ©nieur consultant pour l’ADEME, vulgarisateur dans les mĂ©dias des questions Ă©nergĂ©tiques)
Jean-Noël Jeanneney (1983, président de la BibliothÚque nationale de France)
Laurent Joffrin (1994, PDG de Libération)
Alain Juppé (1981, maire de Bordeaux)
Sylvie Kauffmann (1998, journaliste au Monde)
Yves de Kerdrel (2005, éditorialiste au Figaro)
Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet (2005, ancien ministre de l’Écologie, du DĂ©veloppement durable, des Transports et du Logement)
Pierre Kosciusko-Morizet (2009, PDG de PriceMinister)
Marie Lajus (2006, prĂ©fĂšte dĂ©lĂ©guĂ©e pour l’égalitĂ© des chances)
Anne Lauvergeon (1996, ancienne prĂ©sidente d’AREVA)
Philippe Le Corre (2005, professeur à Sciences Po et à l’IRIS)
Frédéric Lemoine (2007, directeur du groupe Wendel, à ce titre administrateur de Saint-Gobain)
François Léotard (1981, ancien ministre de la Défense)
Bruno Le Roux (1998, dĂ©putĂ© depuis 1997 et prĂ©sident du groupe socialiste Ă  l’AssemblĂ©e de 2012 Ă  2016, ministre de l’intĂ©rieur)
Emmanuel Macron (2012, ministre de l’Économie, de l’Industrie et du NumĂ©rique, prĂ©sident de la RĂ©publique française)
Pierre Mariani (1996, directeur de cabinet de Nicolas Sarkozy de 1993 à 1995, puis responsable à BNP Paribas et enfin dirigeant de Dexia)
Alain Mérieux (1982, fondateur de bioMérieux)
Alain Minc (1981, conseiller politique, Ă©conomiste, essayiste et dirigeant d’entreprise)
Arnaud Montebourg (2000, ancien ministre de l’Économie)
Aquilino Morelle (1998, ancien conseiller politique au cabinet du président de la République François Hollande)
Pierre Moscovici (1996, ministre de l’Économie et des Finances)
Philippe Naudet (2013, commandant du sous-marin nuclĂ©aire d’attaque AmĂ©thyste (S605)
Olivier Nora (1995, prĂ©sident des Éditions Fayard)
Christine Ockrent (1983, journaliste)
Denis Olivennes (1996, prĂ©sident d’Europe 1)
ValĂ©rie PĂ©cresse (2002, ancienne ministre de l’Éducation nationale)
Fleur Pellerin (2012)
Édouard Philippe (2011-2012, premier ministre depuis le 15 mai 2017)
Matthieu Pigasse (2005, homme d’affaires)
Éric Raoult (1994, ancien dĂ©putĂ© et ancien ministre)
Alain Richard (1981, ministre de la Défense tout le long du gouvernement Jospin)
Pierre Richard (1984, fondateur et président de Dexia de 1987 à 2008)
Pascal Riché (2000, cofondateur de Rue89)
Guy Sorman (1982-1984, essayiste libéral)
Jacques Toubon (1983, député UMP)
Marisol Touraine (1998, ministre des Affaires sociales et de la Santé)
Najat Vallaud-Belkacem (2006, ministre de l’éducation nationale)
Laurent Vigier (2010-2011, PDG de la branche internationale de la Caisse des dépÎts et consignations)
CĂ©dric Villani (2012-2013, MĂ©daillĂ© Fields, en tant que membre d’EuropaNova)
Laurent Wauquiez (2006, prĂ©sident du conseil rĂ©gional d’Auvergne-RhĂŽne-Alpes)
Alain JuppĂ©, François Hollande, Édouard Philippe et Emmanuel Macron ont tous les quatre Ă©tĂ© sĂ©lectionnĂ©s comme Young Leaders de la French American Foundation, respectivement en 1982, 1996, 2012 et 2012. (ajoutĂ© par nous).
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ejcmedia · 5 months
Canneseries 2024 : le bilan d'une septiĂšme saison brillante et offensive
Nouvel article ! On fait le bilan de cette 7e saison de Canneseries, puissante face Ă  un avenir incertain. Article de Victor Combalat
Quelques semaines Ă  peine aprĂšs une nouvelle Ă©dition puissante du festival concurrent SĂ©ries Mania Ă  Lille, et l’annonce du dĂ©part de l’historique MIPTV de la Croisette, le pink carpet tente de se prĂ©parer Ă  un avenir incertain. “Un tournant” pour le festival. VoilĂ  comment les organisateurs de Canneseries, avec en premiĂšre ligne sa prĂ©sidente Fleur Pellerin et le maire de Cannes David Lisnard,

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lonesomemao · 9 months
Qui combats le mal
Ne tuons pas Saint-Michel
C'est un vieil ami dans le ciel
Qui soins asile fraternel
Nous protĂšge des dragons
Pas forcément chinois
Qui dystopie infestent encore
Notre virtuel
Secte Moon le porno démentiel
Rien que pour la couleur grise de l'argent
Un dieu maffieux catholique
Moon le Coréen acolyte
On sait s'y Placé-Fleur Pellerin
Avec Gerhard Schröder
Samsung Galaxy
PoĂšme de Pyongyang Ă  l'Ă©coute
En ombres jaunes
Son amour global
Nous donne la route
Cela va de soi
Le club fermé de Poutine à noyauter
Vendredi 22 décembre 2023
0 notes
felipeandletizia · 4 years
Felipe & Letizia’s decade: Trips Abroad
F&L Decade 59/??
King Felipe and Queen Letizia paid a State Visit to France between June 2 and 4, 2015. Accompanied by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, José Manuel García-Margallo. Don Felipe and Doña Letizia left for Paris from Terminal T-4 of the Adolfo Suårez Madrid-Barajas airport, where the official farewell took place, in which the National Anthem was performed and the King reviewed the troops.
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Upon arrival at Orly's Paris Airport, the Kings were received by the Spanish Ambassador to France, RamĂłn de Miguel; the French Ambassador to Spain, Jerome Bonnafont and the Secretary of State for European Affairs of the French Government, Harlem DĂ©sir.
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Next, Their Majesties the Kings headed, escorted by a squad of motorcyclists of the Republican Guard, to the Arc de Triomphe where the official reception by the President of the French Republic, François Hollande, took place; representing the Government of the French Republic, the Minister for Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy, SégolÚne Royal and the Mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo. After the interpretation of the National Anthems, Don Felipe and President Hollande reviewed the troops that were honoring them and in front of the grave of the unknown soldier they made a floral offering. Subsequently, a prayer took place, a moment of silence, and the hymn to the unknown soldier was performed.
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After the ceremony, Their Majesties the Kings, headed to the Elysee Palace with an honor escort of 146 horses, where Don Felipe held a meeting with the President of the French Republic, in which the Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs was also present and the general director of Bilateral Relations with Countries of the European Union, Candidate Countries and Countries of the European Economic Area. During the meeting, Don Felipe recalled all those who died in the aviation accident in the Alps and appreciated France's efforts in the rescue and care of the victims' families. They also addressed bilateral relations in the economic, political, security and cultural fields, and as partners with common interests in the European Union.
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In the afternoon, Their Majesties the Kings visited the Grand Palais, where accompanied by President Hollande, the French Minister of Culture and Communication, Fleur Pellerin and the French winners with the Princess of Asturias Awards, they toured the Exhibition “Velázquez and the triumph of Spanish painting ”. The Grand Palais and the Louvre, producers of the exhibition in collaboration with the Viennese Art History Museum and the support of the Prado Museum, where a remarkable group of the work of the Sevillian master is concentrated, of which they are only preserved in the world just over a hundred oils. Until next July 13, Paris will bring together 119 works, of which around one hundred oils, of which "between 55 and 60 are by Velázquez" and the rest of great Spanish, Flemish and Italian painters.
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Later, at the Grand Hotel Intercontinental, His Majesty the King held a meeting with the Secretary General of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Ángel Gurría, in which the Chief Ambassador of the Permanent Delegation of Spain was present to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.
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At night, in the Marigny Palace next to the Elysée Palace, Don Felipe and Doña Letizia imposed the decorations on French authorities and officials in recognition of their work on the occasion of the Germanwings air tragedy. Subsequently, they moved to the Elysée Palace where the State Dinner was held by His Excellency the President of the French Republic in honor of Their Majesties the Kings.
During his speech, Don Felipe stressed that “France and Spain are two nations with a great historical record. We have decisively contributed to European and universal culture and civilization; and we still have much more to say and to contribute in all areas of human activity. We have learned, after centuries of conflicts and alliances, of rivalries and approximations, that when we act in concert and in close understanding, our societies benefit the most and we promote better and more effectively the progress of the European ideal and the progress of Humanity."
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On June 3, Felipe and Letizia visited Paris’ Town Hall accompanied by the Mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo; the First Deputy Mayor of the Paris City Council, Bruno Julliard and his Councilor in charge of International Relations, Patrick Klugman, as well as the Director of International Relations of the Cabinet of the Mayor of Paris, Aurelien Lechevallier.
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Subsequently, Don Felipe and Doña Letizia had the opportunity to speak with the municipal corporation and the Spanish official delegation, before setting off for the Petit Luxembourg Palace, residence of the President of the Senate where, after receiving honors, Don Felipe, accompanied by Doña Letizia, held a meeting with the President of the Senate, Geràrd Larcher, in which he was accompanied by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, José Manuel García-Margallo and our ambassador in the French capital, Ramón de Miguel, as well as by the President of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defense and the Armed Forces, Jean-Pierre Raffarin, on the French side.
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At noon, Don Felipe and Doña Letizia held a luncheon at the Matignon Palace offered by the Prime Minister of the French Republic, Manuel Valls, in honor of Their Majesties the Kings and in which Don Felipe spoke a few words, which he began in French, to express to the French Prime Minister and Mrs. de Valls their thanks and that of Her Majesty the Queen for such a warm welcome.
Don Felipe, in allusion to terrorism and the fanaticism that this entails, stressed once again that "that Europe that we want should be a Europe of the rule of law, a social Europe, a Europe open to the world, a united, solid and united Europe "may" banish the fanaticisms that have confronted it. " "In short, a Europe of Freedom," he concluded.
His Majesty the King particularly highlighted "our common European vocation", that is why he stressed that "the Queen and I are here, on this our first State Visit, to underline how important France is to Spain, to thank the French Government, To the President of the Republic and Prime Minister Señor Valls, how much we value the efforts they make to always improve our relationships."
Don Felipe also referred to the bilateral relations between the two countries, to state that "our history of such a long neighborhood is full of common projects and human relations that make our countries fundamentally friendly and close."
Before His Majesty the King, the French Prime Minister, like the Mayor of Paris, addressed Don Felipe "as guarantor of the Unity of Spain", while assuring that "France without Spain is nothing".
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At the end of lunch, already in the afternoon of the 3rd, and in what could be considered as the most significant act of the day, Their Majesties the Kings visited the Headquarters of the National Assembly, where after a meeting with the President of the Assembly Nacional, Claude Bartolone, Don Felipe addressed the Chamber composed of about 577 members. There, His Majesty the King, in a speech delivered entirely in French and with the memory of the presence of Don Juan Carlos in that same Chamber, addressed the deputies present to reaffirm that "in the face of aggression, Spain is and will be at your side in defense of the values ​​we share and which we solemnly and serenely reaffirm before those who seek to destroy them with terror, "with special emphasis on" honoring the victims,let us accompany their families and loved ones. And, above all, let's say loud and clear to the murderers: they will not bend us, they will not defeat us, they will never make us renounce who we are."
After his speech, received with applause by the plenary session of the deputies present at the National Assembly, Their Majesties the Kings attended a reception that took place next, in which they also greeted the members of the French government assistants and vice-presidents of the Assembly National.
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Before the end of the day, Their Majesties the Kings received in audience Mrs. Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO, a meeting in which the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, José Manuel García-Margallo and the Ambassador Permanent Delegate were also present. from Spain at UNESCO, Juan Manuel de Barandica and Luxån.
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A reception for a representation of the Spanish community residing in France, held at the residence of the Spanish Embassy in Paris, and which brought together some 400 Spaniards, closed the day today. Don Felipe acknowledged before this group of compatriots "having found your home here, being a bridge between our two societies, contributing to the enrichment, diversity and better understanding between France and Spain" and conveyed the gratitude of Spanish society and that of La Corona to all those young people who "have left Spain to carve out a professional future for you. I am aware of the sacrifice that comes from abandoning your loved ones to start a new life outside our borders.Your experience and knowledge constitute an incalculable asset to support the progress of our country, which we cannot and should not give up ", to conclude by thanking them" for the effort you are making. We share your dreams and your desires and celebrate your successes together."
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On June 4, His Majesty the King, accompanied by the Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Juan Manuel GarcĂ­a-Margallo, the Minister of Economy and Competitiveness, Luis de Guindos, and the Secretary of State for Commerce, Jaime GarcĂ­a Legaz, held a working breakfast with French and Spanish businessmen, at the Residence of the Embassy of Spain. In his words, Don Felipe wanted to urge "increase cooperation between companies in our countries, launch joint projects and generate employment, these are the best services that, from your position, you can offer to Spain and France. I congratulate you on this and I thank you, once again, for having shared with us your reflections on the capacity of our countries and companies to attract and launch new projects that generate wealth and employment,for the benefit of the citizens of France and Spain. France - wanted to highlight His Majesty - the first commercial partner of Spain and, also, a great economic partner. The export character of our companies, in France and in the world, has been one of the keys to speeding up the overcoming of the crisis ".
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Subsequently, Their Majesties visited the Cervantes Institute in Paris, where they were received by the director of the Cervantes Institutes in the World, VĂ­ctor GarcĂ­a de la Concha, the Cultural Counselor of the Embassy of Spain in the French Republic, Francisco ElĂ­as de Tejada, and the director of the Cervantes Institute in Paris, Juan Manuel Bonet, where they held a meeting with prominent Hispanists. In his words, His Majesty the King wanted to emphasize that "it is the task of the French Hispanists, and of the Spanish students of the French reality, to contribute to a better understanding and a greater diffusion of these exchanges that have enriched our two societies at Throughout history, the challenge ahead is to pass that knowledge on to the younger generations of Spanish and French,so that the double flame that you carry continues to illuminate our past and illuminate our future. I am honored to greet you and tell you that Hispanicism needs you. The solid and venerable institutions on which French Hispanicism is based - concluded Don Felipe - prevent and are renewed thanks to the intellectual passion of all of you, to your demonstrated friendship towards our country and to your deep knowledge of our history and, also, of our present reality.to his demonstrated friendship towards our country and to his deep knowledge of our history and, also, of our present reality.to his demonstrated friendship towards our country and to his deep knowledge of our history and, also, of our present reality.
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Afterwards, Don Felipe and Doña Letizia attended the Closing of the Spanish-French Economic Meeting at the Grand Hotel Intercontinental, where His Majesty the King, after the interventions of the Secretary of State for Commerce, Jaime García-Legaz, of the Secretary of State for European Affairs of the French government, Harlem Désir and the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, José Manuel García-Margallo, spoke a few words to the attendees, where he wanted to highlight that "both in French and in Spanish, a company comes from undertaking, which is have ideas and try hard to put them into practice individually or with the help of others, in order to generate value, wealth, employment, and to build an always better future. Ideas, determination, hard work ..., that is what characterizes you to all of you entrepreneurs.With your vision and your success you contribute to the progress and well-being of the entire society. "He also wanted to praise that" the good progress of the French economy is a priority for Spain. In the globalized world we can no longer think or act in isolation. Cooperation between our companies and between our countries is an essential element of our progress, which is increasingly reflected in our projection in third markets. Our cooperation is essential also for the rest of Europe. Firstly, because an important part of our export to the rest of our continent, which is 60% of our global export, must cross France to reach its destination markets. For this reason, the improvement of our communications, land or sea, is a project not only Franco-Spanish,but authentically European. "
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The official farewell from Orly airport ended the journey of their Majesties the Kings to the French Republic.
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nemosisworld · 5 years
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Ta nuque est une fleur choisie Avec mille soins dĂ©licats Par la fĂ©e aux matins d’Asie. Tes bras ont le goĂ»t des muscats, Tes cheveux tordent une flamme. Tes genoux ouvrent une femme, Un sourire vient se loger Au plus tendre coin de ta bouche : LĂšve ton visage que touche Le bonheur au crayon lĂ©ger.             Jean Pellerin
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antikorg · 6 years
Fleur Pellerin soupçonnĂ©e de prise illĂ©gale d'intĂ©rĂȘts
Fleur Pellerin soupçonnĂ©e de prise illĂ©gale d’intĂ©rĂȘts
POLITIQUE 19/12/2018 04:12 CET | Actualisé il y a 1 heure Rédaction du HuffPost avec AFP La Haute autorité pour la transparence de la vie publique a transmis un signalement au procureur de la République.
POLITIQUE – L’ancienne ministre de François Hollande est dans le viseur la Haute autoritĂ© pour la transparence de la vie publique. Fleur Pellerin, ex-ministre de la culture, est visĂ©e

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folagaring-blog · 7 years
1944 - Souveraineté numérique, posture ou imposture ?
1944 – SouverainetĂ© numĂ©rique, posture ou imposture ?
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Par Nicolas Pomiùs le 15 juin 2017 – 
Nicolas PomiĂšs est dirigeant d’organismes mutualistes et coopĂ©ratifs. Il est militant de l’Union des FAmilles LaĂŻques (UFAL). Tant par son travail que par son activitĂ© militante, il a Ă©tĂ© amenĂ© Ă  participer Ă  des groupes de travail transnationaux dans le cadre des institutions europĂ©ennes, ce qui l’a sensibilisĂ© aux problĂ©matiques d’exercice de la

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