#Flipline headcanon
dean23456 · 10 months
Sue headcannons (or something close to that) Long read
this is my favorite papa louie character, so I must have headcannons. Ok let's start.
Also If you see any other existing headcannons of either Mary or Sue, I may believe in them. Some parts may be similar.
This part will mainly be like how she got here and love related stuff and during -----. So if you're not interested in that just keep scrolling down to not those parts.
. The reason why she and Cooper (I think) were trapped together is cause she was borrowing some cooking stuff. (This will appear again later) but she decided to try to save Penny but got captured agian.
.Before papas pizzeria she barley knew Mary. All she knew I that she lives in the apartments.
.She started working at fluffmart around a year before papa louie: when pizzas attack began.
. She met Mary during papas pizzeria, Mary bumped into Sue, Sue got a little mad but calmed down. When Mary pointed out that they kinda order the same they talked. They didn't officially become friends till like when sarge fan becomes unlocked in the game. (Either rank 30 or 45)
. When she got transported into munchmore (I think that's the name) she wasn't all that scared. She believes that some are overreacting to their danger. But if this were to ever happen again she's prepared. (I hope on the next pl: when ---- attack she's the main/playable character)
. Mitch did hit on Sue by giving her a taco filled with sour cream but then she was like "I think I like Mary, you see her coming here don't you" and he was shocked like hell (it didn't matter really cause he got disinterested after that) also during like the very end of Tacomia she realized like hey maybe I like Mary (not as a lot till freeziria tho).
. During like the middle of frezzeria she could not stop thinking about Mary, it would sometimes slow down her work completely to a halt. Her fellow workers were getting worried of her. But tne final thing before she decided to ask Mary out is when she thought of "other things" but then she was like "wait wtf, maybe I should ask her out, I think I REALLY like her".
. While going to calypso Island with Mary she personally asked Penny to make sure on a certain date when people don't go to the beach as much in exchange for free napoleon ice cream for a year card. Penny told her it's best for the end of the day. Sue was like saying thank you a lot even tho that's kinda obvious. Even Penny was like "Damm I thought Sue was the mean one, maybe not as much as it seems to be". Also Penny thanked Sue for attempting to save her.
. She and Mary were both happy asf when Sue asked Mary out. But then they were stuck on calypso Island for like under 7 or less months. (I kinda don't like the Canon that they're stuck for a year) Sue's heart was beating really fast when she was going to ask her to be her gf.
.don't worry she didn't get fired.
. during like the beginning of tacomia Sue met Mary's older brother James and their adopted father skip. Then Sue learned Mary's backstory (will be explained in a Mary headcannon post) this made them closer friends.
.so to explain. she started working at fluffmart at 18, met Mary around 19, and started dating at 20. Or 20, 21 and 22. This is why I'm not entirely sure of my headcannon age for her.
This is now just kinda like random stuff and maybe her backstory
. they're both the same age (around 23-26) but Sue is younger by like 3 months. (I don't see her being like 40 or something)
. Her birthday is March 23, (either 2000 or 1997)
. She is 5,7 and weighs 132 lbs.
. She was born in a smaller area of tastyville, her parents now live in tacodale tho.
. Im not entirely sure yet but i think she may have either 1 or 2 younger siblings.
.I don't see the either of them being parents (yet????????) I mean Mary or Sue.
.her friend group (or people she usually sees a lot and is fine with) consists of Mary (gf) Mindy, Vicky, Whiff, Quinn, Penny, Alberto, James, Skip, Allan, Akari, Roy, Joy, Chuck, Taylor, Leizel, Nye, Treble and Scooter. Remember is that she may just see them a lot and is fine with.
. She, Mary, the other Canon lgtbq characters, Chuck, Taylor and Scooter are in a group. It takes place every month.
. In high school she often beaten up the asshole popular kids who bullied people. I'm not sure if she used her fists or something else.
. She believed she was either straight or aroace. Guess she's not anymore. Also she didn't date anyone before Mary.
. She is very smart and very on plan. But when thinking of Mary gets clumsy and such.
. She's sarcastic sometimes. But will act passive aggressive at times.
. When people hear of Sue dating Mary, they think its abusive or something along those lines. But it's the complete opposite. They get along very well, genuinely love each other, all very positive. But she does feel like people shouldn't know about them dating. But they eventually learns about it anyways. People think that one of them will eventually propose.
. Her pokemon team would be kadabra, alcreamie, garchomp, nidoking, lopbunny and either between exploud, machoke
. She's a really good baker. This is why she keeps on getting put into papas next chefs. (I hope she wins the next one, or just wins or gets something good)
. Her backstory isn't that deep or anything, she was usually like the very angry kid that kinda calmed down, but still needs fixing. Other than that there's nothing else to say about her backstory.
.Very interesting thing is that Sue beat up some bullies who were coincidentally were bullying Mary. They both don't know about this encounter in high school.
. The mocharia movie plot was kinda wild for Sue, I'll just say that. (This is when more people learned about she and Mary dating tho)
. She's the type of person to hype someone up but disappoint them (never something serious tho)
. No one knows except for Mary but on each and every papa louie when ---- attack game cabinet in his restaurants she secretly has the highest score and goes by use. Somehow no one but Mary knows this (torhu was very close to beating one of the scores but died anyways however tohru does have a high score in the arcade).
. She's really good at games with guns, swords and combat.
. One time while playing stomp stomp institution she got so pissed (she was very close but messed up the end part) that she was stomping on one of the arrow pads that she broke it (she did apologize a lot and payed back) and the funny thing is that stomp stomp institution is a Dance dance revolution reference and I happen to like ddr.
. She calls people stupid over small things and sometimes doesn't feel bad for it.
. She and Mary didn't move in till like scooperia, there was some problems moving in, this is why she appears very late in the game (Rank 62). the problems were like where does this go and is this big enough and other stuff like that.
. She's a great singer. She has a sultry voice, it's very clear and doesn't stutter or mess up words a lot.
. Probably sounds like this or something close to that.
. Her favorite color is either red or pink.
. She's kinda strong and can lift heavy things. She can only hold Mary for like 5 seconds before either getting tired or failing.
. Her favorite foods are red velvet cake, pomegranate, strawberries, watermelon and mushrooms.
. Her least favorite foods are broccoli and sour candies.
. When angry, she will raise her voice, but when very angry she'll start swearing a lot.
. She had anger issues since like 5.
. She has great reflexes.
. She really likes Mary's Saint Patrick's costume.
. When someone mentioned that she and cynthia from pokemon look kinda similar she wasn't like stfu she was more like uhh ok. (They're right)
. In my head she looks really hot and (mostly) men and sometimes even women would ask her out but she always rejects.
.She is always careful around men she doesn't know/trust (she doesn't hate men or had a bad experience in the past but she knows that someone will hit on her or worse.)
. She may nearly had a bad experience when she rejected a guy but the next day while watching nowtime news (I think thats the name) there was a guy arrested on serious charges and she swore it looked exactly like him. This was during the ending of burgeria and while she and Mary were just friends.
. The reason she dressed up as Ghostface is that that was the only option and she wanted to be a devil (to match with Mary's angel costume) and this is when they are dating now.
. People have confused her and Maggie of being related (they're not)
. She doesn't have a favorite type of genre, she just likes whatever.
. This is more so Mindy but she was the first one to learn Sue was a lesbian. She was like "I called it". When Sue and Mary announced that they were dating. (she started to notice during the beginning of tacomia.
. The reason she works at fluffmart is cause she kinda doesn't know what to do yet.
. If Mary were to die, she would not date anyone ever agian but if it made her extremely depressed, she would kill herself.
. If the workers admitted that they respect her saud that they relate to her struggles for respect, she would be less mad.
. She didn't appear in pancakeria till like the very end is cause of being stuck on calypso Island and all the work she missed.
. Ngl this is Sue to Mary. Very affectionate towards her.
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. She doesn't drink too much alcohol. When she is drunk tho she's just kinda chill.
. She's interested in mystery type shows and crime shows. Also game shows.
. She once showed Mary how fluffmart works. Then one of the new hires sat on a box. She yelled "GET OFF THE BOX!" "or else.........." then Mary told her to calm down and she said "the new hires are dumb as fuck, and I don't feel bad for saying that."
And that's kinda it for my headcannons for Sue. Sorry for this being so long and I will do Mary headcannon post. I may edit this if I think of more things.
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trixrabitcereal · 2 months
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for some reason this photo reminded me of whiff and mindy
have a bonus sketch i did of whiff while trying to figure out how to draw his hair
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westergaartchive · 24 days
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Two of em
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yaoimafias · 6 months
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guess who my favorite flipline characters are EXTREMELY HARD CHALLENGE!!!!!
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mintixtheweirdo · 4 months
And yeah, i should name it. It would be named as "Father Louie's Cannibalia" So, here's my reference of the main character - Jake! I hope i can make references of other characters too, so stay tuned!
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soulsoffairlight · 7 months
Paleteria still isn't out for android. I'm about to kick Google play in the face since it's most likely their fault. I wanted to play it before I went on a job shadowing trip WWAAA I DONT WANNA USE MY PHONE DURING IT!!!! No spoilers pls and ty BTW :3
Anyways papa louie style test :3 please ignore the hands LMAO
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I hc Radlynn as being a stubborn and smartassy girlboss since she's a closer in many of the games. Think of Kim Pine. I also hc that she has adhd and is semi-verbal, and doesn't really care what pronouns are used for her. Lastly, I hc that she is 19 and related to Hacky Zak, who is 18 (and transmasc), in some way, probably an older sister or cousin.
And as for Caroline, my oc? She's definitely batshit insane yet determined, like some sort of hyperactive chihuahua that takes its job seriously. She is a lesbian also with adhd. She works as a studio bassist and loves spicy food. She probably eats ghost peppers for fun.
This shading style feels so awkward and messy to me so I might just use my usual shading style
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sosoribro · 1 month
i present to tumblr my allan being yippy's uncle headcanon
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reblogs appreciated! :]
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harper-dearest · 10 months
Voice headcanons for papa louie characters go brrr
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magicmindless · 9 months
Papa Louie tier list but it’s who’s been banned from/kicked out of Fluffmart
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redey3core · 4 months
Ok guys are we fucking with these ethnicity hcs
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dogsnegad · 2 months
Some may have saw, but I guess I'm now collecting my own flavor of papa louie furries ??
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I'm saving all I make on this toyhouse folder :3 https://toyhou.se/dagensgod/characters/folder:5699176
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iheartsunset · 7 months
My Papa Louie Last Name HCs
(Finally I get around to making this after an extensive list spanning three years)
2024 Update: I had to change some of them due to a few new flipdecks coming out. I can’t believe Yoko is Prudence’s mom!
Louis “Papa Louie” Bianchi
Rinato “Roy” Bianchi
Allegra “Joy” Bianchi
Penelope “Penny” Nickelson
Alberto Marroquin
Prudence Hime-Wagner
Yoko Hime
Cooper Stripey
Greg Stripey
Taylor Morales
Margeurite “Peggy” Porterhouse
James Plummer
Willow Blackwood (formerly Ionescu)
Utah Mahelona
Nevada Mahelona
Saphira “Scooter” Hernandez
Kylie “Koilee” Takahashi
Olivia Takahashi
Cecilia Jimenez
Manon “Maggie” LeMaire
Timm Bower
Martin “Marty Diamond” Fitzpatrick
Colette “Clover Diamond” Fitzpatrick
Margarita “Rita” Jimenez
Rudy “Rudy Spade” Ramirez
Scarlett “Scarlett Heart” Ocampo
Mordecai “Mousse” Doletti
Whitney “Whippa” Doletti
Lisa Pereira
Daniel “Sarge Fan” Rootless
Allan Curtis
Tohru Yukimura
This probably isn’t all of them, but yeah! Most of them!
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m4rtys-gf · 2 months
(headcanon version <3)
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reagantorrey69 · 9 months
Not this Papa Louie Mental Illness tierlist I made 😭😭😭😭💀💀💀💀
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wylanbsoundcloud · 1 year
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little ... goober ...
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mintixtheweirdo · 6 months
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Recently, I was rewatching Lacey's Games on YouTube and I have an idea to make a silly crossover between it and Papa's Canibalia. And I like it!
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