#FnB Experts
Know About Your Doctor: Dr.Sita Garimella- Best IVF Expert And Gynecologist in Hyderabad
Dr. Sita Garimella leads the clinical team at Boon IVF. She has been an All-India ranker in many entrance exams and alumnus of India’s top-rated college AIIMS Delhi. She is one of the best IVF specialist in Hyderabad who has completed a super specialization in fertility treatments. She has conducted more than 1000+ IVF treatments with a strong success rate and worked in multiple fertility centers.
Education: Dr.Sita Garimella has been alumnus of India’s prestigious colleges such as AIIMS Delhi and Osmania Medical College. She is an All India ranker through out her academic career (All India-2nd rank in FNB exam (Fertility specialization), All India-36th rank in PGI entrance exams, All India-48th rank in AIIMS Delhi entrance exam). She is one of the very few fertility experts in India who have completed super specialization in Fertility treatments (FNB-Reproductive Medicine).
Experience: She is popular gynecologist and worked on several high profile and difficult cases in both Delhi and Hyderabad. She has been trained by India’s best doctors in AIIMS Delhi and she is one of the popular fellows. She worked with multiple hospitals such as AIIMS Delhi, Ankura Hospitals, Vivekananda Hospital, Vijay Marie Hospital, Govt modern maternity hospital, Oasis etc.
Nature: She is fondly known for her friendliness with patients. Many couples consistently mentioned interactions with her as delightful and supportive. She also balances her personal and professional life; hence she does not judge couples and provides data-driven advice leaving biases and stigmas. Her empathy and compassion makes her one of the best IVF expert and gynecologist in Hyderabad.
Pioneering Fertility treatments: She has been pioneering fertility treatments with a holistic approach and data driven approach. She is one of the first IVF expert who started Holistic IVF program which drives better success rate for patients. She is pioneering fertility space with ‘holistic IVF’ approach which supports patients with medical treatment, counselling, fertility yoga and nutrition counselling to improve IVF outcomes. She is an expert in PGT treatments and her team is one of the very few teams in Hyderabad who conducts advanced fertility treatments like micro TESE, ERA, PGT etc.
Dr. Sita Garimella’s popular research Papers and Books:
Mifepristone Followed by Misoprostol or Ethacridine Lactate and Oxytocin for Second Trimester Abortion: A Randomized Trial
Does serum estrogen level have an impact on outcomes in hormonal replacement frozen-warmed embryo transfer cycles
A prospective study of oral estrogen versus transdermal estrogen (gel) for hormone replacement frozen embryo transfer cycles
For a quick of her profile, see here- https://theboonivf.com/dr-sita-garimella/
To book an appointment with Dr.Sita Garimella, click here- https://theboonivf.com/book-appointment/
You can listen to her- https://www.youtube.com/@theboonivffertility
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drritamodi · 1 month
Transforming Dreams: Your Guide to the Top IVF Specialist Doctor in Thane
Dr. Rita Modi shines as a beacon of hope for couples grappling with infertility in Thane and Mumbai. Boasting an illustrious career spanning over two decades, she is lauded for her exceptional expertise in reproductive health and fertility treatments. Dr. Modi's extensive qualifications, including MBBS, MD in Obstetrics and Gynecology, DNB in Obstetrics and Gynecology, MNAMS, FICMCH, and FNB in Reproductive Medicine, firmly establish her as a premier IVF specialist doctor in Thane.
Her approach is characterized by a harmonious blend of contemporary techniques and traditional wisdom, coupled with unwavering compassion. Dr. Modi addresses a wide spectrum of fertility challenges, from recurrent miscarriages to gynecological issues in adolescents, with utmost dedication.
Driven by a relentless pursuit of excellence, Dr. Modi sought specialized training in Reproductive Medicine under the guidance of revered experts in Kolkata. Proficient in obstetric, gynecological, and fertility ultrasound procedures, she delivers comprehensive and holistic care as an IVF doctor in Thane.
Dr. Modi's commitment to advancing the field is evident through her continuous pursuit of best practices and significant contributions to fertility research. Her scholarly endeavors, showcased through numerous research papers and book chapters, underscore her expertise and unwavering dedication.
In addition to her clinical practice, Dr. Modi is a respected educator, imparting her wealth of knowledge to postgraduate and post-doctoral students in assisted reproduction sciences. Renowned for its personalized approach, her clinic serves as a trusted haven for individuals seeking reliable IVF treatments in Thane. Dr. Modi's clinic stands as the pinnacle of excellence in Thane's healthcare landscape, recognized as the best IVF specialist in thane region. Here, patients receive personalized care and compassion, ensuring they embark on their journey to parenthood with confidence. Dr. Modi's commitment to providing accessible and effective fertility solutions sets the standard for excellence in the field.
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What Is In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)?
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) stands as a transformative method in the realm of assisted reproductive techniques, offering hope to countless couples grappling with fertility obstacles. In India, IVF has emerged as a beacon of reliability for those longing to start a family. This procedure involves the intricate fusion of eggs and sperm within a laboratory environment, fostering fertilization under controlled conditions. The ensuing embryos undergo vigilant monitoring and nurturing until they reach the critical blastocyst stage of development. Subsequently, these embryos are cryopreserved until the opportune moment for transfer into the woman's uterus.
At our esteemed IVF treatment hospital in Thane, helmed by the esteemed Dr. Rita Modi, we uphold unwavering standards of excellence. Our commitment to quality care has yielded remarkable results, with nearly 90% of cases culminating in successful pregnancies. Dr. Modi's expertise has elevated our center to the pinnacle of fertility care in Thane, attracting couples nationwide in pursuit of effective solutions for their fertility concerns.
How IVF Is Beneficial For Infertility Treatment?
Embark on your journey to parenthood with our renowned IVF hospital in Thane. Our expert team customizes cutting-edge fertility treatments, ensuring personalized solutions for every couple. As the top IVF clinic in Thane, we deliver exceptional care and expertise, empowering you to realize your dream of starting a family. IVF Success Rate: Dr. Rita Modi's expertise ensures an impressive success rate in IVF, with nearly 90% of couples achieving successful pregnancies under her care in Thane.
Options for Multiple Attempts: IVF overseen by Dr. Rita Modi offers the advantage of multiple cycles, increasing the chances of success with each attempt, unlike other fertility treatments.
Egg & Sperm Donor Services: Dr. Rita Modi provides egg and sperm donor services, offering a solution for couples facing challenges with their own reproductive cells, thus enabling them to create a family through alternative means.
Freezing of Eggs: Oocyte cryopreservation, guided by Dr. Rita Modi, allows women to preserve their fertility for future use, providing flexibility in family planning amidst medical treatments or when wishing to delay childbearing.
Diagnosis of Genetic Disorder: Dr. Rita Modi employs preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) to diagnose genetic disorders during the IVF process, ensuring the health and well-being of IVF-conceived children.
Surrogacy: Dr. Rita Modi integrates surrogacy options into the IVF treatment plan for couples unable to carry a pregnancy to term, providing a seamless pathway to parenthood through a gestational carrier.
Dr. Rita Modi's IVF specialist hospital in Thane is renowned for its effective fertility treatments, offering couples unparalleled support and expertise on their path to parenthood.
How You Prepare For IVF Treatment Prepare for IVF treatment under the guidance of Dr. Rita Modi, renowned as the best IVF specialist in Thane. Consult with Dr. Modi, an experienced IVF doctor, to undergo a thorough assessment of your medical history and fertility concerns. Our IVF centre in Thane conducts comprehensive tests, including blood work and ultrasound, to accurately diagnose the root cause of infertility. Dr. Rita Modi, the trusted IVF specialist in Thane, will then create a personalized IVF protocol tailored to your specific needs. Whether you require egg or sperm donors, our top-rated IVF clinic in Thane offers comprehensive services. Enjoy affordable IVF treatment in Thane with the expertise of Dr. Rita Modi, recognized as Thane’s leading IVF expert. From egg and sperm retrieval to embryo transfer, entrust our IVF specialist hospital for high-quality care. For IVF specialist services near you, choose Thane's trusted IVF centre and embark on your journey to parenthood with confidence.
How long is the IVF process, and what are the step-by-step procedures at our Thane clinic?
IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) serves as a multi-step fertility treatment offering hope to couples in Thane, especially when conventional methods fall short. Dr. Rita Modi, recognized as Thane's leading IVF expert, oversees the meticulous process spanning weeks to months at our IVF services in Thane clinic. Let's explore the step-by-step IVF procedure and its timeline in detail.
Initial Consultation: Commence your IVF journey with a personalized consultation with Dr. Rita Modi, an experienced IVF doctor in Thane. Through this, she comprehensively assesses your medical history, evaluates fertility concerns, and discusses tailored treatment options.
Ovarian Stimulation: The treatment initiates with stimulating the ovaries to produce multiple eggs. Over 8-14 days, hormone injections are administered to foster follicle growth, meticulously monitored through ultrasound scans and blood tests.
Egg Retrieval: Once follicles mature, the egg retrieval process is conducted. Under sedation, eggs are delicately extracted from the ovaries using a thin needle guided by ultrasound, a procedure typically lasting 20-30 minutes.
Sperm Collection: Simultaneously, on the same day as egg retrieval, the male partner provides a sperm sample, or in certain cases, sperm retrieval procedures are performed earlier.
Fertilization: In the lab, retrieved eggs undergo fertilization with sperm using conventional IVF or intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). Embryologists carefully monitor the fertilization process, which spans 16-20 hours.
Embryo Culturing: Embryos are cultured in a controlled environment for 3-5 days, during which they undergo cell division. The highest-quality embryos are then selected for transfer.
Embryo Transfer: Typically, 3-5 days post egg retrieval, the selected embryos are transferred into the uterus in a swift, painless procedure without anesthesia.
Progesterone Support: Following embryo transfer, progesterone supplements may be prescribed to support the uterine lining and embryo implantation.
Pregnancy Test: Approximately 10-14 days post embryo transfer, a pregnancy blood test determines the outcome, with a positive result indicating successful implantation.Pregnancy Monitoring: Upon confirmation of pregnancy, regular monitoring and ultrasound scans track fetal development.
The IVF duration varies for each individual, influenced by factors such as ovarian response and embryo development. Typically, a single IVF cycle in Thane spans 4-6 weeks from ovarian stimulation to pregnancy test.
For couples seeking fertility solutions in Thane, Dr. Rita Modi offers comprehensive IVF services in thane, encompassing personalized treatment plans and compassionate care. Trust Thane's leading IVF expert to guide you through every stage of your IVF journey, from consultation to conception.
Wondering why our IVF center is the perfect fit for your IVF treatment needs?
Explore the compelling reasons behind selecting our Thane IVF center for your IVF treatment journey:
Renowned Specialists: Our center boasts leading IVF specialists like Dr. Rita Modi, known for their expertise and successful outcomes in fertility treatments.
Tailored Treatment Plans: Benefit from personalized treatment plans crafted to suit your unique needs and medical history. Our specialists prioritize understanding your individual circumstances to optimize success.
Cutting-Edge Facilities: Access state-of-the-art facilities equipped with the latest reproductive technology. Our Thane IVF hospital is furnished with modern amenities to ensure top-notch care throughout your treatment.
Comprehensive Services: From initial consultations to fertility evaluations, egg retrieval, and embryo transfer, our center offers a full spectrum of IVF services under one roof for streamlined care.
Patient-Centered Approach: Experience compassionate and patient-centered care from our dedicated healthcare team. Your comfort, well-being, and emotional support are our priorities at every step.
High Success Rates: Benefit from our impressive track record of high success rates in IVF treatment at our  IVF center. We are committed to achieving optimal outcomes and helping you realize your parenthood dreams.
Choose our Thane IVF clinics for exceptional care, personalized attention, and the expertise of leading specialists dedicated to guiding you through a successful IVF journey.
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medlineacademics · 2 months
Fellowship in Reproductive Medicine in India: You Think it… We offer it!
Fellowship in Reproductive Medicine is a super specialization course in treating male and female infertility. It is usually pursued after MS/MD (OBG). As there is a rising trend of infertility cases so is the learning drive by Obstetricians & Gynaecologists to treat these patients. Further, it is an interesting observation that few senior gynaecologists are willing to shift from their rigorous unscheduled obstetric practice to the relatively scheduled infertility practice.
Given the large influx of Clinicians desiring to enrol in Fellowship in Reproductive Medicine in India, there are various options available broadly as under:
All India Entrance exams like NEET, and FNB where the meritorious candidates will pursue the McH (Reproductive Medicine) – Duration 3 Years.
State-level intake like RGUHS where allocation of seats happens through an entrance examination and is limited at respective institutions.
Private Institutions affiliated with UGC-recognised universities like Medline Academics & Siddhartha Univesith.
Private institutions
Each of the options comes with its own merits and drawbacks; but here is why the IVF Fellowship in India online course at Medline Academics makes a better bet! A hybrid mode of education in the field of reproductive medicine seamlessly blends the best of both worlds: traditional face-to-face learning experiences and online platforms for the theory modules. In this hybrid model, students have the opportunity to involve themselves in the complex world of reproductive medicine through immersive contact program classes, where they can interact with the faculty, indulge in meaningful case discussions, and cultivate meaningful connections with peers. Complementing the contact program classes are the online self-study theory modules that offer flexibility and convenience without compromising on quality.
Additionally, the hybrid setup is the best for working professionals pursuing a fellowship program. Students don’t need to juggle between the demanding online schedules and commitment to work. the hybrid model promotes lifelong learning and professional development.
What are the other advantages of being a part of Medline Academics?
The institution boasts of rich four decades of academic excellence headed by Padmasri Dr Kamini Rao.
The Fellowship in Reproductive Medicine course is delivered in a hybrid mode, so the aspiring Clinician is not affected in his/her practice at large.
A robust curriculum of 8 modules of theory comprising video-based lectures alongside live contact classes by the expert faculty every week makes a classic case of interactive & effective learning.
Simulation is another major highlight of the FRM course – here state-of-the-art world-class VirtaMed models are used for hands-on training. Using the simulator is an experience in itself – so real! This teaching tool has been able to bridge the gap; ensuring better preparedness and instilling more confidence in the clinicians doing the OPUs and ET procedures. Medline Academics offers the unique advantage of certifying 50 OPUs which is mandated by ART Guidelines for establishing an IVF center.
Clinical attachment of 180 hours in ART Level 2 centers already affiliated with Medline Academics in Bangalore; or can be arranged at a reputed center in their city.
Finally, after successfully passing the exit exam the Fellowship certification will be from the University that will hold good to practice PAN India.
Having passed out from our prestigious institution one can join an IVF center of choice at their place to become an Infertility Specialist or gain 2 years of clinical experience in an ART center to start their own IVF center.
Medline Academics opens the door to opportunities…step in!!
Explore www.medlineacademics.com
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amanrathour · 3 months
Pioneering Pediatric Neurology: Nanhedil Offering Best Neurological Treatments for Children in Gurgaon
Introduction: When it comes to pediatric healthcare, having qualified specialists on staff can significantly impact the well-being of young patients and their families. The Child Heart Centre at Nanhedil, renowned as the best pediatrics heart center in Gurgaon, India, is a prime example of how dedicated pediatric neurologists or child neurologists combine compassionate care with high-quality treatment plans through a multidisciplinary approach.
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Initially recognized for its specialized cardiac treatment, Nanhedil has expanded its scope to include a range of pediatric specialties, including neurology. Offering services such as Fetal Cardiology, Pediatric Cardiology, Pediatric Cardiac Surgery, and specialty clinics, Nanhedil meets every medical need and surpasses expectations by providing effective solutions and treatments. Under the direction and guidance of pediatrician Dr. Manvinder Singh Sachdev, MD, FNB, in pediatric cardiology, Nanhedil has become an oasis of healing and hope for children with complex medical needs and their loving families.
Dr. Manvinder Singh Sachdev Leading the Way:
Dedicated, knowledgeable, and compassionate, Dr. Manvinder Singh Sachdev has established himself as one of India's best child neurologists in pediatric cardiology. Expertise in pediatric healthcare was successfully achieved by Dr. Sachdev, who completed his medical training at prestigious institutes such as Madras Medical Mission in Chennai. Dr Sachdev combines his wealth of experience with his current role as Director and Head of the Pediatric Cardiology Department at Nanhedil, having previously held positions at several highly esteemed medical facilities like Sir Ganga Ram, Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, and Medanta Medicity. Promising to provide children with complete medical solutions, Nanhedil's mission has been inspired by his lifetime commitment to medical professionalism and patient-centred treatment approaches, plans and strategies.
Expansion into Pediatric Neurology for Nanhedil:
Dr. Sachdev's outstanding management has opened the door for a glimmer of hope for parents whose children require medical solutions in pediatric neurology. Nanhedil's primary concern continues to focus on cardiac treatment. Nanhedil collaborates with the top pediatric neurologists in India because we understand how critical and complicated it is to treat neurological diseases in children and provide them with complete care for a healthy life throughout life. Nanhedil aspires to tackle challenging neurological disorders with high accuracy and complete compassion by utilising cutting-edge facilities and an interdisciplinary approach to achieve the desired results and healthy children.
The Role of Collaboration in Pediatric Healthcare is a Blessing for Many:
The fundamental principle of Nanhedil's method of handling pediatric healthcare is collaboration between top medical professionals in their respective fields. The hospital guarantees that children with neurological diseases receive the most advanced care possible by collaborating with the best pediatric neurologists to plan the best treatment. These experts have an in-depth understanding of the unique demands as well as needs of pediatric patients and their families along with offering excellent medical skills and expertise. Nanhedil works every day to deliver personalized treatment programs that are suitable to each child's condition through teamwork and combined expertise, promoting better outcomes and an enhanced quality of life for children who are challenged with neurological illness and their loving families as well.
State-of-the-Art Facilities and Technology at Nanhedil for Best Treatments:
At Nanhedil, our commitment to providing the highest quality and world-class care goes beyond medical expertise and comprises the application of state-of-the-art equipment and cutting-edge advanced technologies. With state-of-the-art diagnostic and treatment tools, the facility provides children with neurological conditions with a wide range of treatments that are precise, accurate and effective. Nanhedil establishes new benchmarks in pediatric neurology in India by offering young kids the best possible care by utilizing specialized imaging techniques and cutting-edge machinery for treatment which are used in top countries worldwide.
The Importance of Compassionate Care In Treating Neurological Disorders:
Just as essential as clinical knowledge is in the discipline of pediatric healthcare, compassion is equally important. Taking this consideration into account, we always place an important emphasis on delivering compassionate treatment, making sure that kids and their families have an atmosphere of support and compassion throughout the course of their medical treatment and become healthy again to face any challenge in life. Nanhedil offers young patients the needed affection and compassion they deserve from the moment they arrive until their treatment is concluded, establishing a supportive atmosphere that promotes healing and rehabilitation which in turn results in providing favourable results to all three doctors, children and their families.
Conclusion: Choose Nanhedil And Give Your Child The Gift Of A Healthy Mind In a nutshell, Nanhedil in Gurgaon, led by Dr. Manvinder Singh Sachdev, stands as an exemplary beacon of pediatric healthcare excellence in India, comparable to the world's top treatment facilities for children with neurological conditions. Initially gaining fame as the best pediatrics heart center in Gurgaon for its specialized cardiac care, Nanhedil later broadened its medical practice to encompass pediatric neurology, employing the best pediatric neurologist doctor in India. This expansion allows Nanhedil to offer comprehensive healthcare solutions for children suffering from neurological disorders and requiring intricate medical procedures. As a leader in pediatric healthcare, Nanhedil delivers healing and hope to child patients and their families nationwide through professional medical collaboration, utilizing cutting-edge facilities and advanced machinery, and a commitment to compassionate care that truly makes a difference. If your child is battling a neurological disorder, Nanhedil represents the ideal one-stop solution to initiate treatment and pave the way toward a healthier, brighter future for your child.
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surrogacyindelhi · 4 months
Best IVF Doctor in India 2024 | Vinsfertility
the best IVF doctor in India involves considering various factors such as experience, success rates, and patient testimonials. the title of the "Best IVF Doctor in India 2024" may vary based on individual cases and preferences, urging prospective parents to thoroughly research and consult with specialists to find the most suitable practitioner for their unique fertility journey.
Best IVF Doctor in India list 2024
1. Dr. Akhila Anand
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Dr. Akhila Anand serves as the resident Obstetrician, Gynecologist, and is acclaimed as one of the top Fertility/IVF Doctors in Rajajinagar, Bangalore. Schedule a Free Consultation with Dr. Akhila Anand at Tamara Hospital & IVF Centre for high success rate fertility treatments. With expertise in reproductive medicine and laparoscopic surgery, Dr. Akhila Anand is a highly qualified obstetrician and gynecologist proficient in managing high-risk pregnancies and addressing various gynecological issues.
Infertility Treatment and Services
Heading Assisted Reproduction
Male Infertility Treatment
2. Dr. Sangeetha. S. Anand
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With 22 years of experience, Dr. Sangeetha is an Infertility Specialist and Gynecologist located in Marathahalli, Bangalore. She practices at Apollo Fertility in the same area. Dr. Sangeetha's educational background includes a Fellowship in Reproductive Medicine from Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences in 2016, MD in Obstetrics & Gynaecology from Stanley Medical College & Hospital, Chennai in 2011, and MBBS from Stanley Medical College & Hospital, Chennai in 2002. Her expertise makes her a valuable resource in the fields of infertility and gynecology, contributing to her commitment to providing comprehensive care to her patients.
3. Dr. Priyanka Reddy
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Dr. Priyanka Reddy is a well-known Obstetrician, Gynecologist, and Infertility Specialist based in the Marathahalli region. She successfully completed her Undergraduate and Postgraduate specialist training in Obstetrics and Gynecology at the esteemed Kempegowda Institute of Medical College. Dr. Priyanka Reddy has further specialized in infertility, achieving a Fellowship in Reproductive Medicine from Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences. Her comprehensive training and dedication position her as a reputable professional in the fields of obstetrics, gynecology, and infertility, ensuring that her patients receive expert care.
4. Dr. Chaitra Nayak
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Dr. Chaitra Nayak, holding qualifications of MBBS, MS, and FNB, specializes in Reproductive Medicine at Milann. With a wealth of seven years in clinical and teaching roles, she contributes valuable expertise to Milann. Dr. Nayak's primary focus lies in the management of sub-fertile patients dealing with sub-optimal endometrium conditions. Beyond her medical practice, she actively participates in social causes, demonstrating her commitment through involvement with the Rotary Club.
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1600mAh Batterie Yaesu FNB-V105Li pour Yaesu Marantz HX280S HX280 HX28 Nouvelle
Si vous cherchez une nouvelle FNB-V105Li batterie pour votre Yaesu Marantz HX280S HX280 HX28, le site Batterie Expert(batteriexpert.com) dispose d’une batterie pour Yaesu Marantz HX280S HX280 HX28. D’une capacité de 1600mAh et avec une tension de 7.4V, notre batterie est faite avec les meilleurs composants disponibles. Toutes nos batteries Yaesu FNB-V105Li sont identiques aux 100 % compatible originals et au prix favorable! Haute Qualité, Prix bas, Livraison et Rapide!
1600mAh Batterie Yaesu FNB-V105Li pour Yaesu Marantz HX280S HX280 HX28 Nouvelle
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Remplace les batteries suivantes: FNB-V105Li
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La batterie de mauvais qualité n'est pas stable pendant le fonctionnement, ce qui endommagera votre équipement et vous risquera la sécurité. Notre batterie de remplacement pour Yaesu FNB-V105Li a passé des certifications délivrées par les autorités internationales, telles que CE, UL, ROHS, etc. Cette batterie pour Yaesu FNB-V105Li est monté avec les cellules de la qualité A+ et les puces intelligentes de qualité supérieure TI. Elle se charge plus rapidement, a de meilleures performances et une durée de vie plus longue. Elle a une variété de fonctions de protection, qui peuvent efficacement prévenir les risques courants tels que le court-circuit, surchauffe et surtension.
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medtalksblog · 10 months
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Completed MD (Pediatrics) from S S Medical College, Rewa (MP)
Received MD (Pediatrics) degree from S S Medical College, Rewa (MP).
Done FNB (Pediatric Cardiology) from Escorts Heart Institute, New Delhi
Completed FNB (Pediatric Cardiology) at Escorts Heart Institute, New Delhi.
Has an illustrious experience of more than 20 years
Possesses over 20 years of distinguished experience.
Specialized in Interventional Pediatric Cardiology, and Noninvasive Pediatric Cardiology
Specializes in both Interventional Pediatric Cardiology and Noninvasive Pediatric Cardiology.
Holds expertise in treating and managing Atrial Septal Defects, Congenital Valve Problems, Arrhythmias, Congenital Heart Disease, Kawasakis disease etc.
Expert in treating Atrial Septal Defects, Congenital Valve Problems, Arrhythmias, Congenital Heart Disease, Kawasakis disease, and more.
Well-regarded member of Indian Academy of Pediatrics
Respected member of the Indian Academy of Pediatrics.
Chairperson of IAP Cardiology Chapter & Executive board member of Delhi IAP
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pdj-france · 11 months
Ces derniers temps, un sujet a dominé l'actualité et les gros titres et a retenu l'attention des investisseurs et des passionnés : le Bitcoin Exchange-Traded Fund (ETF). L'approbation potentielle d'un ETF Bitcoin est devenue un sujet vivement débattu, avec des experts et des analystes surveillant de près les développements réglementaires et les sentiments du marché. Dans cet article, nous nous penchons sur les dernières mises à jour, analyses et opinions d'experts concernant le très attendu ETF Bitcoin. Que vous soyez un trader chevronné ou un observateur curieux, chez PDJ, nous fournirons une vue complète de l'évolution du paysage des ETF Bitcoin et de leur impact sur l'avenir des actifs numériques. Nouvelles : TD Cowen parle à travers un rapport sur Bitcoin et les avantages d'approuver un ETF TD Cowen, une importante banque d'investissement, a récemment publié un rapport optimiste sur l'adoption de Bitcoin par MicroStrategy. Le rapport, obtenu par Bitcoin Magazine, met en lumière l'approche innovante de MicroStrategy pour convertir son flux de trésorerie excédentaire en Bitcoin, ce qui en fait une décision stratégique pour protéger et accélérer la création de valeur pour les actionnaires. Selon la banque d'investissement, plusieurs catalyseurs devraient faire grimper le prix du Bitcoin à court terme. Celles-ci incluent l'approbation potentielle par la SEC d'un ETF Bitcoin, le développement du Lightning Network, les modifications comptables potentielles concernant les avoirs en Bitcoin et la réduction de moitié imminente du Bitcoin, qui devrait se produire dans moins d'un an. Le rapport est optimiste sur le fait qu'un ETF Bitcoin pourrait obtenir l'approbation de la SEC, un point de vue partagé par plusieurs autres sociétés. L'expert en politique de TD Cowen à Washington, Jaret Seiberg, a précédemment déclaré qu'une telle approbation d'un FNB était inévitable. TD Cowen estime que Bitcoin a le potentiel de devenir une réserve de valeur supérieure par rapport à d'autres formes de monnaie, notamment les monnaies fiduciaires, les métaux et les actifs numériques. Le rapport met en évidence diverses propriétés de Bitcoin, telles que la durabilité, la portabilité, la fongibilité, la divisibilité, la rareté et la résistance à la censure, comme facteurs soutenant sa thèse. Le rapport présente une projection intrigante selon laquelle si Bitcoin devait surperformer le marché boursier de l'or de 17 billions de dollars, son prix pourrait atteindre environ 800 000 dollars en 2023 en termes de pouvoir d'achat. News : Grayscale veut que la SEC approuve tous les ETF Bitcoin en même temps L'équipe juridique de Grayscale a adopté une position affirmée en exhortant la Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) à approuver tous les fonds négociés en bourse (ETF) Bitcoin Spot à la fois, afin d'éliminer tout avantage potentiel qu'elle pourrait avoir sur les autres. Notamment, plusieurs acteurs majeurs du secteur financier, dont Invesco, BlackRock, Valkyrie, Vaneck, Wisdom, Fidelity et ARK Invest, ont soumis des candidatures pour les ETF Bitcoin et mis à jour leurs candidatures pour inclure des accords de surveillance standardisés (SSA) avec Coinbase. La proposition en niveaux de gris ne se limite pas à l'approbation simultanée, mais implique également Coinbase, un échange de crypto-monnaie. Grayscale estime que Coinbase devrait fournir ses données de trading book et d'autres informations à la SEC pour assurer une surveillance et un suivi appropriés de toute manipulation de marché ou activité de trading irrégulière. La poussée de Grayscale dans la SEC La SEC a récemment rejeté certaines propositions d'ETF, citant l'absence de SSA comme condition préalable à la lutte contre les manipulations potentielles du marché de la cryptographie. Cependant, Grayscale conteste la nécessité de la SSA, arguant que Coinbase n'est pas enregistré auprès de la SEC en tant que bourse ou courtier, ni auprès de la Commodity Futures Trading Commission en tant que bourse à terme, et ne devrait donc pas être soumis à de telles exigences. .
Alors que le débat sur l'ETF Bitcoin se poursuit, la poussée audacieuse de Grayscale pour des approbations simultanées et sa demande de coopération de Coinbase ajoutent une complexité supplémentaire au paysage réglementaire déjà dynamique de la crypto-monnaie. Les investisseurs et les acteurs du secteur attendent avec impatience la décision de la SEC et ses implications sur l'adoption plus large des crypto-monnaies sur les marchés financiers traditionnels. Le résultat de cette proposition pourrait façonner l'avenir des ETF Bitcoin, ouvrant potentiellement la porte à un plus large éventail d'options d'investissement, répondant aux préoccupations concernant l'intégrité et la manipulation du marché. Alors que la SEC pèse soigneusement ces considérations, la communauté crypto retient son souffle, espérant une décision innovante qui pourrait ouvrir la voie à une participation plus institutionnelle dans le monde en plein essor des crypto-monnaies. Selon JP Morgan, l'ETF Bitcoin augmentera la liquidité de Bitcoin lui-même Selon un rapport de JPMorgan, l'approbation potentielle d'un fonds négocié en bourse (ETF) aux États-Unis pourrait ne pas entraîner de changements significatifs sur les marchés des crypto-monnaies, malgré l'augmentation attendue de la liquidité pour Bitcoin. Le rapport, rédigé par Nikolaos Panigirtzoglou, directeur général de l'équipe de stratégie de marché mondiale de JPMorgan, basée à Londres, suggère qu'un ETF Bitcoin américain aurait probablement un impact similaire à ceux existants au Canada et en Europe, si ces ETF étaient disponibles depuis un certain temps. . Contrairement aux attentes élevées entourant un ETF Bitcoin américain, Panigirtzoglou note que les ETF existants dans d'autres juridictions n'ont pas suscité beaucoup d'intérêt des investisseurs au cours des deux dernières années. Ces ETF n'ont pas réussi à attirer des entrées substantielles, même pendant les périodes où les ETF sur l'or ont connu des sorties. Bien qu'une approbation de l'ETF puisse apporter plus de liquidités au marché Bitcoin, Panigirtzoglou prévoit également une migration potentielle de l'activité de négociation des produits à terme Bitcoin vers l'ETF. Ce changement dans l'activité commerciale pourrait avoir des implications à la fois pour les marchés à terme et au comptant. Cette perspective diffère du sentiment haussier exprimé par le PDG de BlackRock, Larry Fink, qui a suggéré que les investisseurs pourraient se tourner vers Bitcoin comme couverture contre l'inflation et la dévaluation de la monnaie fiduciaire. Fink considère le Bitcoin comme une marchandise internationale indépendante de toute devise spécifique, ce qui en fait une alternative viable pour les investisseurs. Malgré des opinions divergentes sur l'impact d'un ETF Bitcoin, l'intérêt général pour les crypto-monnaies reste important. Comme l'a rapporté le Département du travail, au cours des 12 mois précédant mai, le taux d'inflation a considérablement augmenté, suscitant l'intérêt pour les couvertures potentielles contre l'inflation comme Bitcoin.
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tipdm · 1 year
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Reproneet Learning offers a range of comprehensive and specialized courses in Fetal and Reproductive Medicine for medical professionals seeking to enhance their knowledge and expertise in this field. Our courses are designed by leading experts and cover a wide range of topics, including advanced diagnostic and therapeutic techniques, ultrasonography, and surgical procedures. With our innovative teaching methodologies, cutting-edge technology, and personalized attention, we empower medical professionals to achieve their career goals and make a significant impact in the field of Fetal and Reproductive Medicine. Enroll now and take your career to the next level with Reproneet Learning.
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woodfinder8754 · 2 years
Johannesburg's Gated Communities Echo Apartheid-era Segregation In South Africa
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offlineso · 2 years
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Folder Shield can even protect cloud synced folders such as Dropbox, Google Drive and Microsoft OneDrive. Maximum Security keeps your valuable files safe from ransomware with Folder Shield which only allows authorized applications to access the protected folders such as your documents, photos, music and videos. It also helps secure your privacy on social networks and includes parental controls. It protects against viruses, malware, identity theft, ransomware and evolving threats. Trend Micro Maximum Security provides comprehensive, multi-device protection using advanced machine learning based technology. Apart from a few quirks, it demonstrates a nice balance of considerate features, and it really shines in up-to-date security, with the numbers to prove it. Trend Micro Titanium Maximum Security combines good design with excellent malware protection. Quitting notifications individually can be a chore, though you can switch out this behavior in the settings menu. Luckily, uninstallation is as simple as unchecking the box in the settings panel.Īggressive: Titanium Maximum Security sometimes considers certain legitimate programs to be malicious and prevents them from running, taking a "better safe than sorry" approach. Though that practice is common, it's annoying, and you may be caught by surprise. Consĭefault toolbar installation: Titanium Maximum Security installs a toolbar in popular browsers like Chrome and Firefox without opt-in or -out during installation. Third-party tester AV-Test confirms Titanium Maximum Security's effective protection: It scored a perfect 100 for protection in malware scanning and beating industry averages. When we plugged in an infected disk, Titanium Maximum Security quickly deleted the file and displayed a notification from the taskbar with assuring language. Security: Trend Micro quickly responds to security vulnerabilities and automatically removes suspected Trojan horses and malicious files. Though full scans are naturally longer, we found the quick scan especially fast and responsive. That's great, because we often want to shut down after running long tests, especially full scans - this way you can initiate overnight scanning and go to bed. This is present during the scanning process, so you don't have to dig through menus. Scanning: One option we appreciate is the ability to shut down the PC after finishing a scan. Though not exactly minimal, Titanium Maximum Security's five-tab header layout feels uncluttered and easy to navigate. Tabs have nice mouseover effects, and the overall app has a modern feel and original visual direction. The interface has a clean, organized menu layout. Prosĭesign: Trend Micro Titanium Maximum Security shares the same interface as its lesser brothers, the Antivirus and Internet Security editions. This review focuses on desktop performance. In addition to a robust malware scanner, Titanium Maximum Security offers a built-in password manager, an in-app Web browser, and a packaged set of tools for protecting and managing your Android device. Trend Micro Titanium Maximum Security is the second-highest antivirus offering from Trend Micro.
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drritamodi · 2 months
Dr. Rita Modi, a leading fertility specialist in Thane, Mumbai
Welcome to Dr. Rita Modi's practice, where hope meets expertise in fertility treatment. Dr. Modi is renowned as the foremost fertility specialist in Thane and Mumbai, with over two decades of experience dedicated to helping couples achieve their dream of parenthood. Specializing in a comprehensive range of assisted reproductive technologies (ART), including IVF, ICSI, semen analysis, and IUI, Dr. Rita Modi offers personalized care tailored to each patient's unique needs. Her commitment to excellence, coupled with her compassionate approach, has earned her the trust of countless families seeking solutions to infertility challenges.
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About Doctor 
Dr. Rita Modi is a distinguished consultant fertility specialist and reproductive endocrinologist with a stellar track record spanning 20 years. She holds prestigious qualifications, including MBBS, MD (obstetrics and gynecology), DNB (obstetrics and gynecology), MNAMS, FICMCH, and FNB (reproductive medicine). Dr. Modi's expertise extends beyond fertility treatments to encompass the management of recurrent miscarriages, pediatric and adolescent gynecological, and endocrinological disorders.
Credentials and Experience: 
Dr. Modi's journey to becoming a leading fertility expert is marked by rigorous training and invaluable experience. After completing her MD and DNB in Obstetrics & Gynecology, she pursued a 2-year post-doctoral fellowship in Reproductive Medicine (FNB) from the National Academy of Medical Sciences, New Delhi. Dr. Modi honed her skills further as an infertility consultant at the Institute of Reproductive Medicine, Kolkata, under the guidance of Dr. Baidyanath Chakravarty, a pioneer in fertility sciences in India. Additionally, her proficiency in obstetric, gynecological, and fertility ultrasonography from Mediscan Systems, Chennai, enhances her diagnostic capabilities.
Commitment to Excellence: 
Dr. Rita Modi is committed to implementing the best practices in her field, including advanced laboratory techniques to maximize success rates. She is a prolific researcher, with numerous original papers and book chapters published in national and international journals. As a dedicated educator, Dr. Modi imparts her knowledge to post-graduate and post-doctoral students, ensuring the next generation of fertility specialists is well-equipped to serve. Her passion for continuous learning is evident in her participation in medical education programs and workshops, where she shares the latest advancements in fertility treatment.
Philosophy and Approach: 
Dr. Modi's practice is guided by the principles of 'do no harm' and 'sarvebhavantusukhinah,' reflecting her ethical and compassionate approach to patient care. Beyond her professional endeavors, Dr. Modi is deeply spiritual and actively involved as a volunteer with the 'Art of Living' organization. Her holistic approach to fertility treatment encompasses physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being, empowering her patients on their journey to parenthood.
Google Business Profile: 
You can find Dr. Rita Modi at Currae Gynaec | IVF | Birthing Hospital, conveniently located at Rosa Vista, MH SH 42, opposite Suraj Water Park, Thane, Maharashtra 400607. For those seeking fertility treatment in Mumbai and Thane, Dr. Modi's clinic is easily accessible. Simply input the coordinates 19.25565360 and 72.97186530 into your GPS for precise directions.
Phone number: 09619710185
Social media links 
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drritamodi/ 
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Dr.RitaModi/ 
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5sTUSY3Ec1s8tlB1jhWvsQ 
Pinterest: https://pin.it/46ZjKfoSk
If you're grappling with infertility and seeking expert guidance, Dr. Rita Modi offers tailored hope and solutions. With her extensive experience, dedication to excellence, and compassionate care, Dr. Modi is your dedicated partner in realizing your dream of parenthood. Schedule a consultation today and take the first step towards building your family with confidence. Dr. Modi is renowned as the best infertility doctor in Thane, specializing in fertility treatment in Thane, and recognized as the best for IVF treatment in Thane and the best ICSI specialist in Thane.
This Blogger site is managed and marketed by Hopeland Healthcare
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marambizappss · 4 years
Restaurant POS Software, Maram FnB software is a name that clearly stands out from the rest in the pack. With years of experience and a proven track-record, Maram FnB software has become one of the most  trusted software in the field of software services. Our team of experts have been instrumental in providing customized  restaurant  POS system  software,  and to many business establishments across India. We do not falter when we say that we are among the best software providers in the country .
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lynseymoon · 5 years
my videoranch experience
ok, hi. hello. so, now that holiday “excitement” has died down, and tumblr’s new bs nipplegate has caused a mass exodus of users, i feel like it’s an appropriate time for me to talk about this.
for those of you who aren’t aware; hi, it’s me, lynsey moon. in case you don’t feel like reading a big long mess, i will preface this by saying that this is going to be about my videoranch experience. if that’s something you don’t really care about, feel free to skip on by. ok, on we go--
so, as a lot of you have probably heard, i was fired very unceremoniously from videoranch this past september, after working there for 10 years. up until now, i haven’t really felt like i had a safe platform to vent this information on. i think i was still holding onto a little thread of hope that maybe things would go back to the way they were. unfortunately, that hope has passed, but on the bright side, i’m feeling a whole lot better about the situation. i am going to do my best to tell my complete story, while remaining as impartial as possible. there are other stories that connect to mine, but i don’t feel it is my place to speak for those people, so i am not really going to discuss anything other than my own experience. anyway, let’s get into the details--
before my firing, i had worked for videoranch as their social media manager for maybe about 7 years, and had been a dj in vr3d for about 10. without getting into the long ass story of how, i was hand selected by nez. we became pretty friendly, and would exchange emails and chat on skype fairly often. even when there were long stretches where we didn’t talk, he would still occasionally shoot me a one-liner or two. after i had been djing regularly for a few years, his wife vic announced she was leaving. she was the one who pretty much kept vr running (the woman behind the curtain, so to speak), and she asked if i would take over running the vr fb page, which was virtually unused at the time. i agreed, and started making regular posts about the music, and events in vr3d. some years later, i set up the tumblr, twitter, and (more recently,) the instagram accounts for vr. i enjoyed the work i did. i really liked interacting with the fans, and getting them excited about nez news/vr happenings. over the years, i single-handedly grew their online audience to be in the thousands. so all those social media pages for vr you see, with the exception of the youtube page? yeah; those were all me.
new employee #1: 
maybe 2-3 years ago, nez’s assistant tells me that they’re temporarily hiring this well-known person in the monkees community, to help promote a t-shirt sale. we were told that this person would just be on board for the sale, and then they’d be departing. nez’s assistant asks me to give them social media privileges. keep in mind, i have been the ONLY person posting on our pages up to this point. so, of course, i give this person privileges, so they can post about the sale. the sale ends, and nez’s assistant tells me that this person is going to stay on as sort of a “sales” person, to help them move some merchandise. this person keeps their page privileges, and is told to only post things related to sales, which they do, but they also post all kinds of other trivia and photos, which is essentially what i am also doing. already, things are starting to feel a bit crowded, but i go along with things and try to be amiable, because i like my job and i don’t want there to be any animosity.
new employee #2:
about a year ago, we are told that nez’s assistant (of many, MANY years) is leaving, and that a new person is taking their place. this person had previously been in charge of the (now defunct) “vr forums”, where fans were free to discuss nez’s work. i am not going to get into this person’s reputation among the fans, because that is a whole other situation that would take way too long to get into. suffice it to say, this person is well-known.
this person immediately takes the reins from nez’s previous assistant, and sends us information on what kind of posts they’d like to see on social media. they set up an official vr youtube page. they instruct me to post one photo and one video per day. i suggest that posting that often might lead to oversaturation, and therefore not get us as much visibility through the fb algorithm. i also point out that there are only so many videos/photos available online, and i will probably run out and have to start reposting things before too long. they insist. i comply. one video and one photo per day. i start scheduling posts per their request, to meet these quotas. they also instruct me to use the tumblr page more. i try to explain that tumblr is largely a younger audience, and the posts there don’t get much traction. they insist. i comply. they also ask that i give them fb privileges, so that they can begin posting things, in addition to my posts, and the posts by new employee #1. they ask that i stop asking questions in my posts. i try to say that questions engage the fans. they disagree. i stop asking questions. our pages start to become oversaturated with multiple posts by multiple people, and i try not to make much of a fuss, because again; i like my job, and i do not want to make waves.
at this point, with the amount of posts going out on a daily basis, i quietly reduce my posts to 3-4 times a week. i try to alternate between photos and videos, to keep things from going stale. i am hoping that the new assistant does not notice, because it seems to be helping our posts get more engagements. they notice, and instruct me to again; post one photo and video a day. i try to continue with these posts as requested, and soon begin running out of photos. i ask for help in finding more, as i know this person is a known nez expert, and must have plenty. they tell me that this is my job, and i should be the one researching these things. bear in mind, before this person came along, my job was to post about the events in vr3d, and occasionally throw up a nez photo or fun fact. not to be a historian. i didn’t bother trying to explain this to the new assistant because again; i. liked. my. job. i tried to do my best to comply, just to keep things running as smoothly as possible.
the firing: 
early september 9th, i was sitting around, thinking of a post to make. as i pick up my phone, i see an email saying i’ve been removed as an admin on the fb page. immediately, i start freaking out, and fearing for the worst. if you remember, at this point, nez was on tour with the fnb, and currently in texas. frantically, i text nez’s other assistant (who mostly just deals with nez himself, and does not work with the social media side of things). i tell her what happened, and she is confused. she assumes (like me), that it had to be a mistake, and says she will check with nez and the other people in texas to see what they know. in the meantime, i message new employee #1, to see if they know anything. as i suspected, they do not, and are just as confused as i am. i start trying to convince myself that maybe it WAS just a simple mistake, but deep down i feel that it isn’t.
nez’s other assistant (i’ll just say noa) gets back to me, and says that everyone is in the dark about this. they ask me if i’ve emailed new employee #2 about it, and i confess i haven’t. i have been avoiding it, hoping i could get things corrected before having to talk to the one person i feel is responsible for this. in between all of this, i am attempting to log into all the other social media accounts, only to find that they have all had their passwords changed. instagram locks me out, because there has been an attempt to log in from texas. i am panicking, but try to appear calm as i compose an email to the assistant. i state simply that it looks like the passwords have all been changed, and inquire if maybe we’d been hacked.
a dreadfully long hour later, i receive my reply. i have it saved, but i still hate having to re-read it. the first line was the only thing close to an explanation i received:
"The operations of our company require us to remove your position as a social media content creator. You are welcome to continue DJing in VR3D, but we can no longer pay you for these sessions."
that is a direct quote, by the way. the email went on to say that the comped tickets i had already secured through noa were now null and void, and if i wanted to attend the show, i would have to pay my own way. reader, i was absolutely gutted. i was devastated. i sobbed-- SOBBED-- for an hour. i was full of confusion, loss, and hurt feelings. the lack of explanation was what killed it for me the most. that, and the fact that i was being fired by someone who had been there for a tenth of the time that i had. i was being indirectly let go by someone who i once considered my friend. i started to wonder if he even knew what had transpired, or how. also within the email was a complaint about a post i had made, about the anniversary of the newspaper ad for the monkees. i was told it was “inappropriate” to be posting monkees-related things while nez was on a fnb tour. mind you, i don’t think it was that act that got me fired, but i wasn’t even made aware that this was a problem until after the fact. it was like i was supposed to already know this, and i obviously did not.
i was an absolute wreck about this for about a month. i kept going over the events in my mind, trying to make sense of it all. the offer to continue djing felt like a cold slap in my face; as though i would take joy in continuing to share music in a place that i was no longer welcome in. it felt like being broken up with. after it was confirmed, noa sent me a text that just said “i’m so sorry”. even nez’s former assistant, who had always been very kind to me, called and left me a very sweet voicemail wishing me well, and expressing her disappointment in what happened. other friends of mine in the band also expressed their shock and sadness to me. even new employee #1 claimed to be surprised, though i am now second-guessing that, as that person remains to be on the staff, while i am not. it seemed like everybody wanted me to stay, except for this new assistant. it also seemed like nobody even knew why i was fired. maybe even the assistant didn’t know, and they just wanted me gone, and had the means to make it happen. the whole thing was one big drawn out gut punch.
i agonized for a long time about whether or not i wanted to go to the show. eventually, i found a friend of a friend with two tickets, and i took that as kismet, and decided to attend. i told myself it would be my last one. before the show, i got to meet up with circe and christian, and without going into too many details (for their sake), i felt a little better after talking to them. i also saw noa there, who gave me a very sweet card and wished me well. it felt somewhat cathartic to feel that i was appreciated by (almost) everyone. the show, of course, was impeccable, though it wasn’t as enjoyable as the other nez shows i’ve attended, but i expected that to be the case. afterwards, i hung around for a bit and chatted with friends. i saw noa leading nez over to the meet and greet, and i believe she guided him past us on purpose. he gave me a sad little wave and said “hello” before being rushed off. i convinced myself that i was never going to get any real closure for the whole situation, so i called that my closure, and left.
in conclusion:
based on the way things seem to be running now, and how they were when i left, i feel a little less sad about having to leave. again, i am going to try to remain as impartial as possible here, but it almost seemed like that chapter of my life was meant to close when it did. when it first happened, in addition to the pain i felt, i also felt incredibly anxious about the extra money i was going to lose from this. i had literally JUST moved into a new, more costly apartment just a week prior, and was distraught about how i was going to afford it. luckily, things have been working out, and i’ve been getting by just fine. initially, i had hoped that everything was just a big mistake, and that nez (or someone) was going to contact me and tell me to come back, but the more time passes, the more unconvinced of that i become. at this point, it’s in my best interest to just try to move on, and take pride in all the things i accomplished while i was at videoranch. it was a huge part of my life for so long, and now then suddenly it wasn’t, so of course it was a pretty big adjustment to make. slowly but surely, i am making peace with everything.
lastly, i have seen some rumors floating around that i want to dispel:
my firing was not a “financial decision”-- some people have been spreading this around, and it is simply not true. i got confirmation on this from c&c, noa, and others. nez has enough money to hire a private jet to shuttle him from show to show. he is not hurting for money.
this probably goes without saying after everything i’ve written, but i was fired. i did not leave voluntarily, nor did i have plans to. this decision was made entirely without me.
i was getting paid for the work i was doing, and was a contract worker for vr. i was not a volunteer.
i always tried to follow instructions and requests from my superiors to the best of my ability. even though i would sometimes question the reasoning behind things, i would always try my best to be polite and maintain a productive work environment. i never once refused to do anything that was asked of me.
so there you have it; now you finally know what really happened to lynsey moon. if you have any questions about this, feel free to drop me an ask, and i will try my best to answer. thanks for listening, especially if you made it this far. i appreciate all the support i’ve received.  ❤
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delhifundos · 6 years
Zambar - New Decor, New Menu
Zambar – New Decor, New Menu
Dates: 16 March 2018 Venue: Ambience Mall, Gurgaon
Zambar has been one of our most favourite South Indian food places since its inception about 8 years ago at Ambience Mall, Gurgaon. We have visited this place many many times in this period and have tried a host of their varieties – be it Sadhya to Southern spices to their Goan festival.
They recently have a new menu and we tried…
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medtalksblog · 1 year
Completed MD (Pediatrics) from S S Medical College, Rewa (MP)
Achieved MD (Pediatrics) from S S Medical College, Rewa (MP).
Done FNB (Pediatric Cardiology) from Escorts Heart Institute, New Delhi
Completed FNB (Pediatric Cardiology) at Escorts Heart Institute, New Delhi.
Has an illustrious experience of more than 20 years
Possesses extensive experience spanning over two decades.
Specialized in Interventional Pediatric Cardiology, and Noninvasive Pediatric Cardiology
Specializes in both Interventional and Noninvasive Pediatric Cardiology.
Holds expertise in treating and managing Atrial Septal Defects, Congenital Valve Problems, Arrhythmias, Congenital Heart Disease, Kawasakis disease etc.
Expert in treating and managing a range of conditions, including Atrial Septal Defects, Congenital Valve Problems, Arrhythmias, Congenital Heart Disease, and Kawasakis disease.
Well-regarded member of Indian Academy of Pediatrics
Respected member of the Indian Academy of Pediatrics.
Chairperson of IAP Cardiology Chapter & Executive board member of Delhi IAP
Serves as the Chairperson of the IAP Cardiology Chapter and as an Executive board member of Delhi IAP.
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