#Folkert de Jong
marcolikestowatch · 1 year
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Folkert de Jong
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jordi-gali · 2 years
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Folkert de Jong https://trendbeheer.com/2006/02/18/dark/
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musea-reviews · 2 years
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Kunsthal KAdE (Art Gallery KAdE)
‘’exhibitions on contemporary & modern art, architecture, design, and contemporary visual culture.’’
Location: Amersfoort, Utrecht, The Netherlands Price: 13,- / students 6,- Duration: 0,5 - 1 hour Transport: Walking distance from the station of Amersfoort central. Language: Dutch, but it's more looking than reading Activities: Drawing, making clay figures Date of visit: Thursday 23 February 2023 Expo at that time: Ministry of Fear/Foam by Folkert de Jong website
Since the whole museum has a switching exposition and not a fixed collection, I can not really judge over the museum itself, more about the exposition. The museum is placed at ‘’het Eemsplein’’ locally known for having homeless men harassing you, and they did. The building itself is very modern looking, the whole square it's placed on looks modern, all stone and metal. Just not really my thing.
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I was not prepared
I was in the city and had some free time, so I popped in, not knowing what the museum was about. After I was greeted by the friendly staff and put my backpack in a locker and walked thou the big doors, where I saw a naked mannequin (Dick out and all) standing at the end of the hallway, staring at me, holding two heads in his hands. Okay cool anyway, let's walk further. Into a big room with multiple people hanging from the roof. Where the fuck am I??’. I started walking through the exposition and came into a black room with tv’s that played short clips of brain scans, hostages being kicked on the ground, and American soldiers posing with bombs. All the while the sound of a voice was playing, echoing saying things like, you know you're dreaming… right?? And creepy slowed-down music. It made me feel fear, it made me feel uncomfortable. I didn't know what was going on or how I got into this situation. I felt like I was in an Indie horror game like my boyfriend sometimes shows me. I didn't like it.
But the further I walked, the more interesting it got, weird ‘’edgy’’ drawing like that you would see in a high school notebook. I started thinking to myself, what in the ‘’nice guy’’ incel collection is this?? Statues of mutilated dead bodies, and all kinds of colours and textures. As the artist describes, he makes these things from what he has ‘’lying around’’. Looking a bit closer at these characters, I noticed these hands were too detailed to be a mannequin, the wrinkles, and pores and all. It started to scare me, how do I know this guy doesn't just have real humans ‘’lying around’’ based on what I saw earlier I would have believed it.
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When you see his work, you already start making a picture in your mind of what this deranged, mentally ill human could look like. But then I saw the interview, a friendly-looking man, a friendly teacher or neighbour vibe to him. Wearing his sweater with soft pink, blue, and yellows. I had judged too quickly, I had made a stereotype and judged the book by its cover. 
Really inspiring
I hated it at first because ‘’these drawings are so stupid, I could make them!’’ ‘’This is not art! He just wants to be edgy’’. I have not made art for myself in a long time, because these are the comments I would get. But this man just does what he wants, he makes great art, and you can see the great skill in his work. He's just having fun, making things up as you go. Doing what he wants or just for the shock value.
In the interview, he talks about how he grew up around bunkers, and his parents always talked about war stories. How he would go to the video store and always rented American horror movies. How he grew up being proud of his country, but the more he learned, the more disappointed he got. How he feels like his mind is an isolation cell he desperately wants to escape. To see what more there is. it suddenly all made sense. And walking thou it a second time with a new view inspired me.
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The KAdEStudio
In the studio you can make your own art. The activities you can do here are connected to the art exposition, so it also changes. This time, you could draw your own character/mannequin with crayons and markers. Next to that, you could make clay faces, or I guess clay anything. After you finished with it, there was a display where you can put it. And write your name and age. It was fun to see the different artworks from the ‘’normal people’’ and to see all different ages on this display, from 4 to 80! Sadly, they only had 2 tables to make the clay on, and there were already people sitting there. So I didn't make them. 
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TLDR +I would recommend it for Artists and Art students since it's usually not the ‘’mainstream’’ art. + Fun art activities, matching the theme + changing expos making it re-visitable.
- wouldn't recommend it for kids, maybe with a more kid-friendly expo.  - small, Even tho I take my sweet time looking at the art, watching the whole interview, playing at the studio and even looking at the fun things in the gift shop. I was standing outside again in an hour.
Would I pay the price: No, it was too short/small in my opinion Would I revisit it: yes, since the expositions keep changing every so months.
Who do I recommend it to: Artists, Modern Art fans, Art Students of any field. Interactive:         2 Educational: 2 Storytelling: 4 Price: 2 Memorable: 5 Total score: 3
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loveartformyself · 1 year
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Folkert de Jong (b. 1972, Netherlands)
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anothersoftvoid · 6 years
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Folkert de Jong
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The Last Thinker - Folkert de Jong
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nettculture · 6 years
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Amazing sculptures from Amsterdam based artist Folkert De Jong at http://folkertdejong.org © Folkert De Jong
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toosvanholstein · 4 years
Een Veerse Vloot van vijfentwintig Vliegende Hollanders
Het kleine Veere heeft 25 Vliegende Hollanders binnengehaald. En dat nog wel in zijn Grote Kerk. Is die dan zo groot? Ja, heel erg groot. Hoe dat zit legt Toos van Holstein deze week uit in haar blog TOOS&ART #kunst #art #expositie
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de Grote Kerk van Veere
Is een kerk zonder kerkmeester eigenlijk nog wel een kerk te noemen? Of is het dan alleen nog maar een kerkgebouw? En stel dat een kerkgebouw weer een kerkmeester krijgt, is ‘t dan gelijk weer een kerk? Rare gedachtefratsen? Nou, lees maar verder. Dit kwam onlangs spelenderwijs in me op door een kunstgebeurtenis in de Grote Kerk van Veere. Een majestueus middeleeuws…
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belacqui-pro-quo · 7 years
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Fokert de Jong (2007)
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joostjongepier · 6 years
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Wat?   Actus Tragicus van Folkert de Jong
Waar?   Tentoonstelling Vrijheid – De vijftig Nederlandse kernkunstwerken vanaf 1968 in Museum De Fundatie in Zwolle
Wanneer?   17 februari 2019
In de hal van Museum De Fundatie hangen drie mensfiguren. Zijn het mensen of marionetten? Gehangenen of poppen aan touwtjes? Het kunstwerk heet Actus Tragicus en is van kunstenaar Folkert de Jong. De figuren, die mij doen denken aan personages uit schilderijen van James Ensor, zijn vanaf elke etage te zien en roepen een bijzondere spanning op. Kijken we naar de galg of naar een poppenspel, gaat het hier om dood of leven?
De niet vrolijk makende titel is ontleend aan een cantate van Bach. “Gods tijd is de allerbeste tijd. In hem leven, bewegen en zijn wij, zolang hij wil. In hem sterven wij te rechter tijd, wanneer hij wil.”
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marcolikestowatch · 1 year
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Folkert de Jong
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jordi-gali · 4 years
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Folkert de Jong
Operation Harmony, 2008 Styrofoam, pigmented polyurethane foam, pearls 340 X 700 X 230
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Folkert de Jong - ‘Totémisme’, Jan 26 - Feb 25, 2017
installation view at monCHÉRI, Brussels
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wanderingny-blog1 · 8 years
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Here is part one of my trip to Omi International Arts Center. Located 2 hours North of New York City, in Ghent, New York (near Chatham, a place I will blog about in the future!), rests this intimate, yet exposing art exhibit that lies outside over acres of land.  A building on the property holds  more indoor exhibits, programs and lectures,  restrooms, a cafe, and carts to be driven from exhibit to exhibit (of course you can walk it, like we did, I recommend it if you are able to), this art center is the perfect spot for families and tourists ready to reconnect with art, and nature. There is no cost to walk the grounds.
The first 2 photos, and the image of the camera, are works of art created by Folkert de Jong. His work is only on view until April of this year, and hopefully he is able to put something else out here at Omi, because I am a fan. He regularly creates work with themes consisting of greed, power, war,and tragedy. When you first see his work you see the image as a whole, then after a moment you begin to recognize the smaller images that create the large one. He is bronze works are incredible with their details and emotions.
The center 2 photos are of “ Skyline Adrift: Cuban Art and Architecture” and I believe it is by artists Alexandre Arrechea and Armando Mariño Calzado. Unfortunately I don’t have much information on this piece or these artists but I am prejudging them by this piece. And I like it a lot.
The ladder you see here is a single image of “A Simple Network of Underground Wells and Tunnels” by Alice Aycock. Now,  even though it is a recreation of the original, I absolutely love this piece, and it is an important piece to Omi.  Unfortunately I lost some of the images I took while here, so unless you go see it for yourself, you’ll never see where the tunnels lead. ;)
I hope you liked this first little installment, I will have another post, maybe two, with other pictures and some artist information later on.
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k00260823 · 3 years
Artist research
I have come across a very interesting artist, Folkert de Jong.
He have a very unique style using expanding foam as his main medium of art, creating visually interesting and meaningful art work.
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pescekhete · 5 years
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In the depth of the surface
Exhibition view
Ex Fabbrica Orobia
with: Michael Bevilacqua, Alain Biltereyst, Marco Bongiorni, Ry David Bradley, Andrea Carpita, Nyah Isabel Cornish, Ditte Gantriis, Corinna Gosmaro, Folkert de Jong, Pesce Khete, John Knuth, Andrea Kvas, Asger Dybvad Larsen, Tiziano Martini, Claudio Onorato, Josh Reames, Joe Rehsen, Alice Ronchi, Santiago Taccetti, Graham Wilson.
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