iwantthatdickgrayson · 2 months
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So it turns out my favourite fallout protagonists do have something in common (apart from being bisexual)
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arthur-bn · 22 days
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Post Boxer, from the mod Fallout: London from Team FOLON
Tho a bit redesigned since I wanted to make the wheels properly hidden in the shell, so it's not a 1 to 1. And I changed the saw for an ink stamp too.
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thefalloutwiki · 2 months
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The Independent Fallout Wiki is proud and excited to host the Fallout London Wiki- and are now ramping up to get the show on the road!
Everyone is welcome to contribute in our brand new ⁠fallout london pages and on the site's dropdown you will see article-creation templates made just for the mod's content.
As soon as the mod releases, we will be importing pre-prepared previously-private content on to the wiki for everyone to enjoy and begin adding to! Stay tuned for updates!
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walks-the-ages · 2 months
How to actually install Fallout London properly in one go:
This is a guide I slapped together after getting annoyed at having to reference the Discord's "Solutions" tab on how to install the mod properly after having to uninstall and reinstall everything after all the textures mysteriously vanished, despite the mod coming with its own installer.
This Mod is a lot of fun, but you should definitely go into it with the mindset that this is a "beta release", because there are a ton of bugs and crashes.
NOTE: This Mod will completely overwrite your base game. You will not be able to play the base game and this mod at the same time unless you have multiple computers or something. If you want to play the base game again, you will have to completely uninstall Fallout London and Fallout 4 and fresh install Fallout 4.
0) Download the "Fallout4.ini" and "Fallout4prefs.ini" files from the offial discord linked above.
1) Install Fallout 4 GOTY from GOG in C:/GOG/GOG Galaxy/Games
2) Install Fallout London From GOG in C:/GOG/GOG Galaxy/Games
3) Open Fallout London's either in Fallout London Folder ("Launch Fallout - London") or GOG Galaxy ("play")
4) From the Fallout London launcher, select "Update", and choose "Install" and Install it in C:/GOG/GOG Galaxy/Games/Fallout 4 GOTY
5) Once Fallout London has installed in your Fallout 4 Folder, Open the "Data" Folder in C:/GOG/GOG Galaxy/Games/Fallout 4 GOTY , and Delete all entries beginning with "cc" at the begining of the name. Go back one folder so you are in Fallout 4 GOTY and keep the tab open.
6) Open at least three tabs in your File Explorer, for ease.
7) In the first tab, open your Fallout London Folder located in C:/GOG/GOG Galaxy/Games.
8) In the second tab, go to C:Users/[yourname]/Documents/My Games/Fallout 4.
9) In the third tab, go to C:users[yourname]/AppData/Local/Fallout 4.
10) Select your Fallout London tab, and copy the folder named "_Config" to /Documents/My Games/Fallout 4.
11) Select your Fallout London tab, and copy the folder named "_AppData" to AppData/Local/Fallout 4.
12) Select your Fallout London tab, and copy the "Data" folder into your Fallout 4 GOTY tab; select "override" if prompted.
13) Open this link, and download the Buffout 4 mod:
Once it is installed, unzip the folder, and copy the "F4SE" folder into your C:/GOG/GOG Galaxy/Games/Fallout 4 GOTY folder.
14) In your Fallout 4 GOTY folder, open "Fallout4Launcher" and under settings, make sure your graphics are set to low if they are not already; under Advanced, you can also turn off Ambient Occlusion as well. Save your settings, and close the launcher.
15) Copy the "Fallout4.ini" and "Fallout4prefs.ini" files from your downloads to "Documents/My Games/Fallout 4". Overwrite if prompted.
16) Restart your computer to ensure everything runs smoothly.
17) Open C:/GOG/GOG Galaxy/Games/Fallout 4 GOTY (I suggest pinning this file-explorer tab to your file explorer for quick access) and Launch the game Via "f4se_loader.exe" , NOT the Fallout4.exe. You will always use the "F4SE_loader.exe" to open this mod.
18) There should be a custom opening as well as custom music. Start a New Game, and cross your fingers it doesn't immediately crash.
19) Save Often, and do NOT overwrite old saves.
20) Have fun!
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ghoulification · 2 months
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giving try to fallout london today :) i'm enjoying it!
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mindfully-absent · 2 months
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the-atomic-fig · 2 months
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atombonniebaby · 1 month
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Well...well... whot do we 'ave 'ere? 🤔🤣🤣🤣
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99griffon · 2 months
Now I just gotta get OBS to record at the right resolution 💀
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lord-vermin · 1 month
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Mad Jack!!!
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shatinn · 2 months
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Fallout - LONDON - Sleipnir
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dumbgaycatthing · 1 month
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I went with the Camelot ending for the playthrough and the final time on the playthrough was just over 4 days but I lost several hours of game play through corrupted saves multiple times
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Here's some end game photos of my character Jess and my favorite companion Mad Jack
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If you're a fallout fan you gotta try Fallout London. This isn't just a mod it's a massive game that's better written and designed than some official Fallout games
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thefalloutwiki · 2 months
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We have a new month long poll available on the home page of the wiki! To celebrate, this month's theme is Fallout London! Just as a reminder you do need a wiki account to vote in these polls!
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fashionbooksmilano · 5 months
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Folon Firenze
Skira, Milano 2005, 270 pagine, 24x30cm, ISBN 9788876243745
a cura di Marilena Pasquali
euro 39,00
email if you want to buy [email protected]
Il catalogo dell’esposizione dedicata all’artista belga presenta circa duecentocinquanta opere comprendenti celebri acquerelli, sculture e serigrafie.
Pubblicata in occasione della più importante mostra antologica mai realizzata in Italia, dedicata all’artista belga Jean-Michel Folon, una completa e aggiornata monografia su questo indiscusso protagonista della scena internazionale dalla straordinaria intensità espressiva e poetica.
Curato da Marilena Pasquali, il volume (catalogo dell’esposizione fiorentina realizzata a quindici anni dalla prima mostra pittorica di Folon al Museo Marino Marini) presenta circa duecentocinquanta opere comprendenti i celebri acquerelli, piccoli objets ricchi di fantasia e di ironia, e, soprattutto, le sculture – monumentali o di dimensioni più ridotte – che costituiscono una vera e propria rivelazione. L’artista noto in tutto il mondo per i suoi acquerelli e per la sua attività grafica, a partire dagli anni Novanta (dalla mostra al Metropolitan di New York, tappa significativa del suo percorso artistico) si è dedicato alla scultura con esiti di altissimo livello pienamente riconosciuti dalla critica e dal pubblico internazionale. A differenza del senso di equilibrio e della luce che emanano dalla sua produzione pittorica, nella scultura emerge il lato oscuro dell’artista, la leggerezza lascia il posto all’inquietudine, l’armonia si tinge dei colori del timore per l’esistenza. In questa trasformazione vengono alla superficie le sue radici nordiche. Ma nelle sculture, tuttavia, rimane quella tensione di Folon alla luce, all’aria, allo spazio. Come egli stesso osserva:” Toutes mes sculptures régardent le ciel, c’est une façon de mettre le ciel dans la sculpture”. La monografia propone un percorso evocativo e tematico in cui trovano spazio i soggetti preferiti da Folon – il Volo, la Mano, il Viaggio, lo Sguardo, la Testa, il Totem, gli Uccelli – illustrati attraverso acquerelli, sculture, objects, serigrafie e affiches. Folon Firenze – titolo che richiama il rapporto di Folon con Firenze e la Toscana, rapporto di elezione iniziato molto tempo fa, già negli anni Cinquanta quando l’artista appena ventenne girava per la regione in autostop – comprende i testi di Federico Fellini, Jean-Michel Folon, Marilena Pasquali, Ray Bradbury, Emilio Tadini, il catalogo degli acquerelli e delle sculture, la biografia dell’artista (a cura di Federica Filippi Gabardi) e i riferimenti bibliografici.
Firenze, Forte di Belvedere e Sala d’Arme di Palazzo Vecchio 13 maggio – 18 settembre 2005
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pyllymursu · 1 year
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New art of an old blorbo
Still wild to think it's been 14 years and I still feel the same about him
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mindfully-absent · 2 months
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