#For me having people with so different ambitions and higher knowledge than me bc they are also caring people and thus dont give an f about
mrfoox · 2 years
Talking with Oliver about friendships is so fucking... Intresting lmao
#miranda talking shit#Hes making them sound like actual business things... And meanwhile im here like... Lol only thing in common with people all around me that#Invest time is that they care. They care differently all of them#But they do care in their own way about things/others. Uncaring and unfeeling people are generally not who i invest time in#Oliver: i want people around me with similar ambition and opinions. Meanwhile im there like... Gos there's so few in my life that share#My ambition. I know and have known people with bigger ambitions. Those who want to be well known artists.. Roo working to become a doctor#Giulio is an dentist surgeon... Linnéa is an nurse. Only thing about them all is that they are caring/loving people in their own way#To me... Money and work/ambition in that way doesn't... Matter. Not something i care about at all... So i think it works#For me having people with so different ambitions and higher knowledge than me bc they are also caring people and thus dont give an f about#Others choices or ambitions/money/background? I have friends who are driven and ambitious and hard working...#Which i am not but we are both... Okay with it? I mean i show my support for them and gladly listen to them discuss it with me#Maybe they don't like that i am so... Unambitious and so on but it doesnt seem to be on the level they wont be my friend lol#I just find talking with him so fascinating bc its almost always an different opinion than me#Unfortunately the more i hear him talk the more confident i feel like he would never talk to me outside of work ajdkfkslaldmgk#Which yeah a bummer but i get it. I am not an easy person to like or want around in general
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ayuen · 3 years
Gnostic Chorus - theory time!
Not really, just something that bothered me for a long time. From the first moment I saw this one story it did not left my mind and sometimes new information we get fit... so I decided to have a little fun and write down my own thoughts on it. And since we have little to no information about Kaeya... about that a little later, well, let’s treat it like my little headcannon that may turn out not true but is so fun, so here we go :D
Also some spoliers? about newest Archon quest I guess? it may turn out long, I’m just in a mood for it, so you have been warned. 
So the story starts with this glorious kingdom, established among the heavens:
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Khaenri'ah was like Dain said: 
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He says nothing about them being underground. 
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And well, they didn’t have a god, so these words can be understood differently, like Khaenri'ah being among kingdoms in a heaven in garden of gods.
Next we have this line about a crowned heir, will come back to her later. 
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She was tasked to search for the genesis pearl...(genesis makes me think about creation - so here another idea for a possibility like remember Khemia? maybe she was meant to find it, but somehow forgot who she was? And stayed as a ruler of  Khaenri'ah? well, let’s leave it for another time) from the kingdom of darkness. 
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So lets’ stop here. There is this theory that Teyvat is upside down. 
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Which could mean that what we consider top is actually bottom. So if the lore in the books talks about Khaenri'ah as an underground kingdom maybe it’s just misinformation? Maybe not but if we take into consideration how recent Kaeya’s love poem isn’t without a doubt translatable, truly who can trust in everything that’s written about historical events in the pieces in the game? But if it was in fact turned upside down... also this quest and the theory of a fake sky? From  The Crisis Deepens. This would be too much to write about it, also I read all about it, bc I wasn’t playing the game at the time so yeah, it’s on youtube in any case.
So from newest Archon quest we have this: 
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I know it doesn’t say out right that there is someone above our sibling leading Abyss but whatever Paimon says something, it is relevant so we can take it into consideration. Will come back to it in a moment as well. 
And here comes Childe, Tartaglia, I don’t have him so here a part of his story: (And why did I bring Childe?) Well, first we have his story where it’s said that he learned how to fight from a woman in the abyss:
Story 4
“That 14-year-old boy got lost in the snowy forest.
Pursued by bears and wolf packs, he lost his footing and fell into a bottomless crack in the earth's surface.
There, he witnessed the endless possibilities of another ancient world. There, he would meet a mysterious swordswoman...
Or perhaps one should say that this dark realm had sensed the burning ambition in this boy's heart.”
“In those three months, the swordswoman taught Tartaglia how to pass through the Abyss unhindered, and more importantly, nurtured the ability to stir up endless havoc from within Ajax's trouble-mongering nature.”
Also a really nice post on reddit about his transformation.
Also there’s another one:
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For those who prefer to see it all in one post. And in the story line our sibling who leads Abyss is Lumine, it does not fit her fighting style. even before coming to Teyvat she was using a sword, so her style wouldn’t change much, even after traveling through every nation. 
So I’m assuming it’s another person who is higher than Lumine in a hierarchy in the Abyss. So remember this Crowned Heir that was supposed to find the Genesis Pearl? What if she did in fact ended up in the Abyss, she believed to be a queen of the darkness.
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Which would also explain why our sibling is not called queen, but princess:
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We don’t know how she may ended up in there, but we also know that The Abyss equals ppl from Khaenri'ah. Than why Dain is against Abyss order? 
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Like who laid this curse upon him? Not Gods I think, so maybe the queen of the abyss? Since abyss mages fear her more than they fear painful interrogation...
Also The Abyss order and Dain are on different sides. Why? We don’t know what happened there for sure. 
There are also theories (also on youtube) about the cycle and the truth of the word. What if the Genesis pearl is just a knowledge of this word? What if this crowned heir figured it out? And decided to destroy Celestia? And forgot about her orgins, forgot Khaenri'ah? What if what Abyss is trying to do have really not much to do with revenge for for destroying  Khaenri'ah but for all the destruction that Celestia did? What if Dain is on other side because he doesn’t need to fight this order? He doesn’t like gods for what happend to Khaenri'ah but we don’t see him rushing to harm them either. But that’s topic for another occasion.
Coming back to this “theory”. 
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The second crowned heir taken on the path where the first have stumbled. 
Here also why I think it’s not about our siblings. We don’t know from where they come from, true. We know they were traveling together, maybe they where searching for something? Maybe they are royals? Now we know nothing about it. We know that:
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I’m not putting the whole exchange here but from this we know that our sibling was not send by someone to find something our sibling failed to do. We don’t know what is this destiny Lumine/Aether talks about.
From the Gnostic Chorus we know this about first crowned heir:
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But as we see in the newest Archon quest, it’s from Aether being on the side of the Abyss because I play Lumine.
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He/Lumine didn’t forget who they are. From this we can see they also searched for their new home, maybe their last one was destroyed too? Maybe that’s why Lumine sides with people from Khaenri'ah? 
But anyway...
Who in the story have a task to do? Who was send with a clear mission we know nothing about? Who is a person about which we actually know less than about Dain? 
Yeah, Kaeya.
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We know his father abandoned him at Down Winery with a mission of being their “Last hope” (I will be not posting pictures here about it, this post is long enough). There is a lot of theories about him being a prince or some royal since theories about Dain being a sword are confirmed (see theories about Alberich) not to mention the names of his talents that led us to this conclusion long ago.
For for sake of this theory let’s say that Kaeya is a prince send to find Genesis Pearl. Wouldn’t it fit that he makes friends with criminals? Who is better for a information network? 
Not to mention, he told the truth to Diluc, if he was a treat wouldn’t he kill him? or at last told about him to others? Diluc was respected at the time, who wouldn’t believe him?
So maybe his goal is not to destroy Mondstat?  
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I always was wondering about this one. What major decision? maybe I’m thinking here too much from experience, maybe it’s not common approach... but his father left him in unknown land, with strangers. With a mission on his shoulders. And Mond gave him a loving family, Crepus, Diluc other ppl who love him, as it is stated on official side of Genshin Impact. 
Why would it be a hard choice to choose between happiness and duty? Like I said maybe it’s not a common approach, but what does some old kingdom mean when you have a found home? Shouldn’t it mean more? Is it really that hard of a choice?
But what if he have someone to save? Someone he cares about? or loves? Who isn’t guilty but lost? 
You probably can tell where I’m going now with it right?
What if he will have to save his sister? Ok, some will say Aether have to save Lumine from Abyss order but does he? Is she kept there against her will? did she forget about him or their goal? or is she just waiting for him so they can really reunite and continue their journey through words?
I know that this messes with my “theory”:
Teyvat Chapter Storyline Preview: Travail|Genshin Impact
But Dain is against Lumine? He is against the whole Abyss Order, why would be stop us from getting or sister and getting away from Tayvat for good?
The thing that doesn’t fit is that he seems to be talking to Aether here with “You who set foot into this word. Your journey has reached it’s end but one final doorway remains.” And yeah, Aether is travelling, prob the reason why most of NPC call us Traveler instead of using our name. But it can be taken about kaeya as well, if we consider the fact that he come from Khaenri'ah and now he is in Tayvat, which is not considered to be a part of Tayvat. 
Ok, it’s longer than I thought... and I still wanted to put her more but oh well.   
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