#For real though my little heart is going to explode because Annabeth is so cool
softguarnere · 1 year
If I had a dollar for every time that someone in my life compared me to Annabeth Chase, I would have $3 . . . which isn't a lot, but it is strange that it's happened 3 times
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khionesdaughter13 · 5 years
Riordanverse at Hogwarts
Leo and Piper have known each other from going to the same muggle primary school and are now waiting at Platform 9 3/4 for the train to arrive
Jason, Reyna and Frank have known each other since forever, because they have always been neighbours
Alex and Sam, half siblings who grew up together at least 50% percent of the time, are happy to finally go to school together to see each other more
Mallory, their childhood friend is also standing there with them
Magnus is standing with his cousin Annabeth, who tells him all kinds of stories about the last year at Hogwarts and answers all his questions
Bianca is standing with her younger brother, who can't wait to go to Hogwarts himself and doesn' want to let his sister go off alone
Calypso is standing alone as her father only dropped her off and left
Lester is in a similar situation as Calypso, so when he sees her standing by herself he decides to talk to her
Walt was brought to the platform by both of his parents and all three of them are waiting for the train to arrive
At Hogwarts everyone is waiting for the first-years to arrive to see which new students they'll get
The sorting starts and Sam gets sorted into Gryffindor
Then comes Magnus who gets sorted into Hufflepuff
Annabeth cheers loudly for him from the Ravenclaw table and when Magnus sits down he sits next to a smiling fifth-year with dark skin and kind eyes
Blitzen really enjoys talking to Magnus and makes a deal with himself to protect him at all costs
Next up is Bianca who is also sorted into Gryffindor and sits next to Sam
Then comes Alex who gets sorted into Slytherin and dies his hair green within the next week
And then comes Jason
Thalia had been spacing for most of the sorting
It was her last year at Hogwarts and whoever got sorted into her house would not affect her for more than a year, so why should she care
But then she hears McGonagall announce Jason's name loudly and she thinks she misheard it
She looks over to the Slytherin table where Luke sits, but he looks at her just as shocked as she does at him
She told him about her little brother that had moved away with her dad, before he could even remember her
And how she gave up hope to see him again a long time ago
And then the kid walks up to the sorting hat and when he turns to face the hall it's like seeing a ghost
With his blonde hair he resembles their mom
Almost simultaneously the Sorting hat shouts 'Gryffindor' as Thalia stands up and pushed her way past all of the other Gryffindor's who stood up to clap
And then she's in front of Jason and just falls to her knees as she looks into his eyes
She doesn't know what to expect, after all he wouldn't remember her
But he ends up hugging her
Even though he has never met her, their father had told Jason about Thalia
That she would be at Hogwarts too and he had shown Jason pictures of a younger Thalia
Thalia was crying for what felt like the first time in forever
And then she sat down in the middle of all the first-year Gryffindors, because she refused to let Jason leave
Mallory was sorted into Gryffindor as well and was happy to be in the same house as Sam
Piper was sorted into Slytherin and sat down next to Alex
Calypso and Lester came next and were both sorted into Hufflepuff, much to Calypso's dismay
Lester had talked Calypso's ear off on their way to Hogwarts and while he just seemed enthusiastic at first, Calypso was ready to hit him
Reyna, Walt and Leo were all sorted into Gryffindor
Reyna was really curious to finally meet Thalia, especially after the spectacle that happened during Jason's sorting
But Thalia was happy to meet Reyna
She was proof that Jason had good friends that had been there for him when she couldn't be
Last up is Frank who gets sorted into Hufflepuff as well and Calypso is incredibly relieved when he sits down in front of her
She can finally talk to someone else than Lester, because Magnus was still occupied talking to Blitzen
Leo, Jason and Walt share a dorm
Leo and Jason seem like the kind of people who wouldn't get along at all
Jason is the perfect wizard, who has known his entire life what he would once be and Leo is this chaos muggleborn that just storms into any situation head first
But they end up completing each other
Leo pushes Jason to let loose a little and Jason helps Leo organize his life at least a little
Walt is organized like Jason and it shows in their dorm
Walt's and Jason's side is perfectly clean and Leo's side looks like his suitcase just exploded
Reyna, Bianca, Mallory and Sam share a dorm
Reyna and Bianca get along really well
Bianca tells Reyna all about her little brother who she has to write letters to almost monthly
Sam and Reyna bond over their love for flying and both can't wait to try out for Quidditch once a new position is free
Jason and Reyna felt like they had gotten even closer than before
And Thalia and Luke spent every afternoon with Jason and his friends
Thalia basically became a big sister to all of them
She has 15 years to catch up on after all
And Luke shows all of them some cool advanced spells
Thalia and Luke also help them practice
Leo and Mallory are always the two not doing their homework and instead doing all kinds of stupid stuff
They sit together in a lot of classes, never really focusing
Leo learns most of the content best by himself anyway and Mallory just likes causing trouble
Alex and Piper get along extremely well
They're constantly busy planning all kinds of pranks for everyone at Hogwarts
They're a real competition for Fred and George and occasionally team up for a really big prank
They also never get in trouble, because Piper always manages to talk her way out of every consequence
Frank, Magnus and Lester is definitely the weirdest dorm combination Hogwarts had ever seen
While all of them shared their trait of kindness they are still incredibly different
Frank is extremely shy and quiet, Lester is confident and loud and Magnus is overall pretty happy, but annoyed and done very easily
But Lester even manages to annoy Frank
Both Frank and Magnus can't imagine how Lester ended up in Hufflepuff
But he starts to come around as time passes
He still gets on their nerves from time to time though...
Frank and Calypso spent a lot of time together
They're both calm and collected
They help each other with their homework and spent a lot of evenings just talking in the common room
Magnus spents a lot of time with Annabeth, but he also enjoys spending it with Blitzen and Hearthstone
He even learns sign language
And he introduces Annabeth to them
Annabeth and Hearthstone had been in the same house for a year, but she had never talked to him
From then on she and Rachel often joined him when he was doing homework
They accompanied him and Rachel could read Annabeth's homework to her, because of her dyslexia, without distracting Hearthstone
Beckendorf is a fourth-year Gryffindor and Silena a third-year Gryffindor
Beckendorf had to admit that he has had a crush on Silena for the past year
But he never actually gathered up the courage to talk to her
He really asked himself how he got sorted into the "brave" house when he couldn't even talk to a girl he liked
But it was a day where the Hogwarts students were allowed to go to Hogsmeade
Beckendorf had been allowed to go there since last year, but he didn't consider that Silena was allowed to go to Hogsmeade now too
So when he was sitting in the crowded Three Broomsticks and Silena and Clarisse walked in he nearly had a heart attack
And then Silena saw him
When she started walking over to him he could've sworn he forgot how breathing worked
She recognised him as he was in the same house as her and asked if she and Clarisse could sit with him as there were no free tables
He managed to calm down a little bit and at least talk to her normally
When Silena left to get the next round of butterbeer Clarisse confronted Charles
She noticed that he had stared at Silena the entire time
She obviously couldn't tell him that Silena had been gushing about him since the end of last year
She assured him that he should tell Silena how he felt and then left them alone
And finally when Silena returned he managed to gather the courage to ask her out
Obviously Silena agreed
Their date would be the next Hogsmeade trip and Beckendorf couldn't wait
It only took a few dates, before they officially became a couple
Disclaimer: I was unsure what time period to put our characters in and after trying to write different headcanons I decided to go with putting Percy in the exact time period, that Harry Potter went to school, because it's the time period we know the best. While I know that characters would therefore actually would interfere with the Harry Potter dorms that were established (e.g. Percy would end up in the same dorm as Harry and his friends), I decided to not write my headcanons as a crossover of that art. Harry and his friends are still present at Hogwarts and all of their adventures are taking place at the same time, but I decided to exclude Percy and co. from these adventures. If there are school wide events (like the Triwizard Tournament) I will obviously mention them and include them in my headcanons, but there will be no direct interaction between HP characters and Riordanverse characters, to keep it a little more simple.
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sun-writer-blog · 7 years
New Surroundings
I live for Percabeth fluff, especially when they’re all grown up. Here’s a oneshot about their kids (that no one asked for)
When they arrived at camp, Alexander and Sarah were pretty surprised that everyone wanted to be their friend.
Well, Sarah was surprised. Alex was loving the attention.
“Are your parents really Jason and Piper?” One child of Apollo asked him. Alex shrugged off the information nonchalantly.
“That’s so cool! It’s like the cutest love story ever!” A child of Aphrodite swooned, leaning over the table where Alex and Sarah were waiting for their parents to emerge from the Big House. “I heard that Piper didn’t even go break his heart even though he was her first boyfriend. That’s like, amazing.”
Sarah kept mostly to herself, staring at the Big House while Alex did all the talking. She was bright and hyper, sure, but Alex was always a lot better at handling crowds. Meanwhile, Sarah kept replaying the events of the past few hours over in her head. Her parents and Alex’s had fought some kind of bat-lady-thing. Her dad’s pen had turned into a sword, then back again. Jason had controlled the air. Piper and her mom had attacked with daggers. And now they had arrived at Camp Half-Blood where everyone was treating their parents as some sort of legends.
Her parents couldn’t be legends. They were so…not legendary?
Sarah thought back to Saturday mornings and waking up to blue waffles made by her dad, and how her mom would sip coffee out of her favorite mug while working on her laptop. She remembered reading the newspaper with her mom, and Annabeth’s warm smile when they had gone to the doctors and she was diagnosed with ADHD.
“No dyslexia?” Annabeth had pressed.
“Not that we can tell. Sometimes it skips a generation.” The doctor had answered. Annabeth and Percy had sighed in relief.
She always begged her parents to teach her Greek because she knew that they could read it, but her parents had insisted that it just came naturally to them. In exchange, they always had a hard time reading normal things, so it became a habit for Sarah to read the newspaper to them every morning.
Percy and Annabeth attended every one of Sarah’s soccer matches, and Percy baked blueberry muffins for the team after every win. Annabeth helped Sarah with crossword puzzles before school and always added a piece of paper with a riddle on it to her lunch box. Sarah would return home every afternoon with the answer.
Those were her parents. They weren’t legendary, or cool, or “heroes”.  They were just normal old people.
Until suddenly they weren’t anymore. Now, Sarah tapped her leg as she became lost in thought. Were her parents keeping things from her?
The child of Apollo at the table with them gasped. “The Oracle just ran into the Big House! I think there’s a new prophecy!”
Alex turned to stare at the Big House with Sarah. Sarah had noticed a woman with frizzy red hair sprint barefoot and wearing overalls with paint splatters covering them, and she raised an eyebrow. “Who’s the Oracle?” She asked.
The daughter of Apollo nodded towards the woman sprinting into the Big House. “That’s Rachel Elizabeth Dare. Sometimes she glows green and can tell the future. Other times she paints.”
Sally caught the name. Aunt Rachel? Sarah was just at a new art exhibit her parent’s friend had opened, and she definitely did not remember any glowing green or speaking prophecies.
“There’s no way there’s a new prophecy already, Rebecca.” The child of Aphrodite chided, flipping her blue-highlighted hair. “It’s only been like, fifteen years since the last one.”
Rebecca stuck out her tongue. “There was a new prophecy that came out right after the Titan War, Andrea.” Rebecca pointed at Sarah as proof. “Her parents were there. Weren’t they, Sarah?”
Sarah was so lost in thought it took Alex shaking her to snap out of it. “Sorry, what?”
“Your parents” Rebecca repeated, her almond-toned eyes burning warmly with excitement. “Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase. They were in the Titan War AND the Giant War, weren’t they?”
Sarah glanced at Alex, who looked just about as lost as her. Before Sally could answer, the Oracle kicked open the door of the Big House and stuck a finger out at Sarah and Alex.
Sally’s stifled a laugh. Rachel had her father by the ear, which was quite a sight.
Percy groaned and swiped at the woman’s hand before rubbing his ear. “We were kind of busy getting here safely, Rachel!”
“I’VE BEEN WORRIED SICK!” She turned back to Sarah and her face changed to one of pure excitement. She waved with both arms as she cried out “HI SARAH HI ALEX”.
Sarah blinked before giving a sheepish smile and waving back. “Wow, Percy Jackson really is your dad.” Andrea whispered in awe. She stood on the bench of the picnic table and cried out “I LOVE YOU PERCY JACKSON!”
Sarah tried not to puke at that and instead rose to her feet and grabbed her crutches. Alexander waved good-bye to his new friends before following her. “See you soon Alex! I hope you’re in my Cabin!” Andrea called before Rebecca pulled her back to her seat.
Together they met Rachel and Percy at the front door of the Big House. Rachel swooped down and gave Sarah and Alex a bear hug. “Oh look at you Alex, it’s been too long!” Alex wiped his cheek after Rachel gave him a kiss. Sarah tried to look past her father and Rachel into the Big House, feeling the need to explore again. Percy squatted down and smiled at his daughter.
“Hey, Sally, you ready to meet a good friend of mine?” He asked. Sally nodded, wincing as she shifted weight off her broken leg. When they had arrived at camp the kids in the Apollo Cabin had done their best to create a splint and give her crutches, and they gave her something resembling a square and tasting just like her dad’s blue waffles. Since then her leg had felt a lot better. Now, Percy stepped aside and allowed Sarah to limp quickly into the grand house, her mind buzzing with new information.
She took in the décor and the residents all at once, ears perking as she heard her mother speaking in a subdued tone. “-old for a quest, Chiron” she overheard. A warm voice echoed throughout the chamber in response.
“Perhaps they should stay here for a while. You can’t shelter them forever, you know.”
Sarah’s mother sighed. “I know, Chiron. But you can understand why we want to.”
“Give a man a fish, he will be fed for a day. Teach a man to fish-“
“He will be fed for a lifetime.” Her mother finished. “I know.”
Sally peeked around the corner and saw a bearded man in a wheelchair sitting across from her mother. Annabeth had put her wavy hair into a ponytail and smiled at Sarah when she noticed her. “Hey, Sals. This is Chiron, he’s an old friend.”
The man in the wheelchair nodded in greeting, beckoning Sarah to enter the room. Alex, Percy and Rachel followed close behind.
“Hello, Sarah Jackson. I’ve heard much about you.”
“This room is awesome” Sally declared. “Is that a real cat?”
Chiron sighed. “Yes, but please try not to wake him up right now. Seymour is always a little hesitant with new people.”
On the wall, the mounted leopard head snored peacefully. Sally looked around for something to poke it with while Chiron spoke to Percy and Annabeth. “What can she do?” He posed first. Sally noticed a hint of excitement in his voice, as if he was a proud parent or a talent scout. She supposed it was a mix of both.
“Well today, when she got hurt, she made all the water explode.” Annabeth started.
“It was so cool Chiron you should’ve been there!”
“Percy, not the time.” Annabeth chided.
“Aw c’mon, this is totally the time!”
“Anyways” Annabeth continued. “That was the first time she’s ever done that. She can’t read Ancient Greek, but she’s ADHD.”
Chiron nodded, and from the corner of her eye Sally could tell he was studying her. She felt self-conscious on her crutches. “What about your mother’s side, Annabeth?”
Annabeth hesitated. “That’s a little harder, considering she hasn’t really picked up a sword or anything, but she is the captain of her Soccer team.”
Percy chimed in then. “Oh, what about the time that she solved a Rubik’s cube?”
Rachel chuckled a bit, patting Percy on the shoulder. “You sound like such a proud dad, Percy.”
“No, no, that is important.” Chiron insisted. “In fact, Sarah, would you mind coming over here?”
Sarah obliged and inspected a box that Chiron had picked out from one of the many shelves in the room. He opened it and dumped out the contents. Hundreds of jigsaw puzzle pieces poured out, creating a small mountain. He hid the box away and asked politely “Would you mind finishing this puzzle for me? It’s been quite a challenge.”
Sarah decided it would be more fun than poking Seymour, so she went to work on the puzzle. Although Chiron conversed with Rachel and her parents, the words were background noise as she focused on her task.
“What about this little one? Hello, Alexander.” Chiron greeted. “That’s a powerful name.”
Alexander proudly put his hands on his hips. “My dad says I’m named after a famous king.”
Chiron chuckled. “Yes, quite a famous one. Your namesake is Alexander the Great. It’s a lot to live up to.”
Alex huffed. “Don’t you worry, I’m gonna be even greater.”
Percy ruffled Alex’s hair. “As you can see he has his grandmother’s confidence.” Rachel and Annabeth laughed. “You’re gonna have to ask Piper and Jason about him though. He’s only 9 years old.”
Chiron turned to Annabeth with a gleam in his eye. “Oh, I remember a certain demigod who came here even younger with extraordinary skill.” Annabeth blushed and rolled her eyes.
Rachel spoke up again. “Where are Jason and Piper? I didn’t know they were here either!”
“They wanted to talk privately.” Percy explained, before glancing at Alex and covering his ears. Alex cried out in protest, pouting at not being included in the conversation. “They’re trying to decide between having him here or at New Rome.” Percy added.
“Done!” Sally called, rising from the chair where she had been hunched over, working on the puzzle. It formed the figure of the Disney version of Hercules, flexing his muscles. Chiron rolled over and patted her on the back.
“Well done, Ms. Jackson. How did you know where to put the pieces? Did you see the picture on the cover?”
“There was a picture?” She asked. “I just went by the little shapes.”
Annabeth poked Percy in the ribs. “Told you she was like me.” Percy stuck out his tongue in response.
“I don’t suppose you would allow me to speak to them privately?” Chiron asked. Percy and Annabeth agreed instantly, taking Rachel with them to catch up. Sally sat where she was while Alex took the seat Annabeth had been occupying.
Chiron smiled warmly at the two of them. “From what I’ve heard, this is all very new to you both.” He started. “Do you have any questions for me?”
Alex shook his head, but Sarah started to nearly shake from all the questions she had. “What is this place? Why does everyone like my parents so much? What did I do with the water? How is the cat alive? What’s an Oracle and how does Aunt Rachel tell the future? Where do his snacks go when he eats them?”
Chiron held up his hand for her to pause. “I can’t answer that last question, but it’s best not think about it too much.” He smiled gently again. “There’s a lot for you to learn. Depending on what your parents decide, you can stay here for the summer, and I promise you’ll have fun and learn a lot. What would you like, Sarah?”
Sally glanced around the Big House again. She couldn’t help the feeling that it felt, inexplicably, like home. “I want to stay here.”
Alex didn’t look convinced, and he kept playing with his fingers. Chiron must have noticed because he spoke directly to Alex. “Your grandparents, Alexander, are from two very different places. Sometimes it can make you feel confused about how you feel. Don’t worry, you don’t have to make a decision right now. I have a feeling your parents will allow you to choose later on.”
Alex smiled, apparently a lot more relaxed. “Thank you, sir.”
“Now, let’s bring your parents back in shall we?”
Annabeth responded better than Percy to leaving Sarah at Camp for the rest of the summer.
Her dad wouldn’t stop hugging her, which was not only embarrassing, it was especially weird because everyone kept whispering about how “cool Percy Jackson is”. “I’m going to be fine dad!” Sarah promised for the millionth time.
“I know! I know! Just, send us an Iris Message every now and then okay? Like, every day. Twice a day – no, three times. After every meal.”
“Dad!” Sarah protested. “You’re embarrassing me”
Annabeth laughed. “C’mon, Seaweed Brain.” She pressed gently, taking her husband’s hand. “She’ll be okay.”
Percy wiped tears from his sea-green eyes. “Okay, okay.” He smiled at Sarah. “I know you will, sweetheart.”
He finally stepped back and started towards the edge of camp, Alex jogged towards Sarah from where he had been standing with his parents. Sarah tried not to blush. “Hey, Alex.”
Alex smiled at her. “My parents are gonna let me live with Aunt Reyna for a while. They said it’ll be good for me, but I won’t be able to see you for a while.”
Sarah looked towards where Piper and Jason were standing. Piper was visibly crying on Jason’s shoulder, and he didn’t look much better. “How long are you gonna be there?” Sarah asked.
Alex shrugged. “A while? It’ll be longer than the summer. They have a school there and everything. We visit there sometimes for my dad’s work.”
Sarah nodded and suddenly gave Alex a hug. “Be safe, okay Alex?”
Alex groaned. “Sally, cooties!”
Sarah pushed him away and slapped his arm playfully. “Cooties aren’t real, you dork.”
Alex didn’t look convinced as he walked back toward his parents, but he did wave goodbye to Sally as they headed towards their car.
Sarah waved back, then closed her eyes and breathed in her new surroundings.
3 months of summer to go.
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