#For the record: Steve is always down for a nap. Eddie did not have to do this
morganbritton132 · 1 year
Eddie posts a Tiktok late one night when he’s in bed. The only light in the room is streaming through the windows. Steve is sleeping peacefully next to him and he’s not even snoring that loud, but Eddie can’t sleep.
It’s completely silent for a second and then he sighs loudly and says, “Sometimes when I can’t sleep, I wake Steve up so he’ll nap with me tomorrow.”
He proceeds to prove that he does actually do this by pinching Steve’s nose closed until he startled awake. Eddie, putting six years of high school theater to use, is just like, “Whoa, baby. You okay? You were talking in your sleep.”
Steve, barely awake, “Huh?”
“You’ve been quoting the Shrek movie for the last fifteen minutes, babe.”
Steve, who barely knows what year he’s currently existing in, just yawns, “I was?”
“Yeah, babe,” Eddie grinned. “From the beginning. Wanna watch the Shrek movie?”
Steve blinks at him and slowly nods before then gets out of bed to make popcorn. Eddie turns back to the camera when Steve leaves, “You don’t have to say it, I already know I’m going to hell.”
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steddieas-shegoes · 2 months
you'll be in my heart always
for @corrodedcoffinfest prompt 'you'll be in my heart'
rated g | 777 words | no cw | tags: modern au, famous corroded coffin, married steddie, steddie dads
"Is she watching Tarzan again?" Eddie asks when he walks in the door.
Steve looks up from the grocery list he's writing and smiles. "I think she's got a crush on Tarzan."
"Steven, please. I can't think about her having a crush on anyone. She's only seven."
Steve laughs as he wraps his arms around Eddie's waist. "How was recording today?"
Eddie sighs before kissing the side of Steve's head. "Could've been better."
Steve hums in response, asking for him to explain without having to outright ask. That's how they've worked for years, understanding each other without explanations.
"Just got into it a little with one of the mixers. She wanted me to sing lead on a song Jeff wrote. That's not how we do things," Eddie explained, pulling back to kiss Steve on the lips before pulling away completely. "It'll be fine. Jeff got to sing it."
"Daddy! Watch Tarzan with me!" Riley yelled from the living room when she noticed he was home. "My favorite song is coming!"
Steve patted his hip and returned to his grocery list. "Good luck."
"Hey, little one. Tarzan again?" Eddie asked as he sat down on the couch next to their oldest daughter. She nodded, not looking away from the screen. "What's your favorite song?"
It changed almost every time she watched it, so it was a fair question.
"The heart one." She finally looked up at Eddie, grinning.
"Which one is-" Eddie got cut off when he heard exactly what song it was. Oh god, he was gonna start crying. He always cried during this song. "Oh."
He could hear Steve giggling from the kitchen counter. Fucker.
As Kala sings to Tarzan, Riley leans against Eddie's side, singing along under her breath. She was shy when it came to singing, which shocked both Steve and Eddie. She was good, already had pitch that Eddie was jealous of.
Eddie starts singing along softly, hoping to encourage her to sing louder.
She stops singing and looks up at Eddie.
"Am I always in your heart?" She asks, nearly making Eddie's heart burst.
"Of course, little one."
"Even when you go on the bus with my uncles?" She pushes.
When she was little, her and Steve came with him on tours. She got to see the world, and be spoiled by everyone. But when she started kindergarten, and the twins were born, Eddie took a year-long break to stay home and enjoy time with his family. The rest of the guys were happy to, appreciative of their time to settle. Jeff and Frankie both got married, and Gareth moved in with his boyfriend. But then they went back on tour, and this time, Riley couldn't come with them. She had school, and taking two toddlers on tour would've been chaotic and too much to ask of Steve. So when it came time for him to tour, he had to leave them home, and Riley had to adjust.
It wasn't easy at first. She cried every night on the phone, and Eddie considered just canceling the tour. Their fans would have to understand it wasn't the right time. Maybe they could reschedule for school breaks and summer.
But Steve, the voice of reason, insisted that she would never get used to it if he didn't stick to it, but that she would get used to it. She did, but it wasn't without the occasional bad days or nights.
"Especially when I go on the bus with your uncles. I hang up your art all over the bus so everyone can see how much you mean to me." Eddie kisses the top of her head. "You're always in my heart."
They stayed snuggled up on the couch while the movie played, only getting interrupted once when Steve came in the room to hug them both goodbye.
"Twins'll be up soon from their nap. I'll be quick," Steve said as he checked his pocket for his wallet. "Just grabbing some stuff for the weekend."
"Love you." Eddie and Riley said in unison, not looking away from the movie.
"Love you both."
"Wait!" Riley suddenly jumped up, running to Steve and hugging his waist. "I'm in your heart, too, right?"
"Of course, baby. Always." Steve leaned down to hug her again before she ran back to the couch and into Eddie's lap.
When Steve came back, the movie had finished, but Eddie was dancing with all three kids to Strangers Like Me, shouting more than singing along. He set the grocery bags on the kitchen counter and joined them, laughing as Riley once again requested You'll Be In My Heart.
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berenwrites · 9 months
Magnificent – Steddie Flashfic – G
A/N: Sliding in just under the wire with this one. Had the idea was back at the beginning of Dec, but haven’t had the time to write it until now! Don’t forget to check out all the other great fics at @steddiemicrofic too💖.
Written for prompt: PINE | wc: 508 | G | cw: none
The casket looked magnificent. Dark oak encased in rusted iron. And Eddie, lying inside on red satin, arms crossed over his chest, like the rock god he had always wanted to be.
It was perfect.
It was a shame it was all smoke and mirrors.
The casket was actually cheap pine and particle board, the satin was polyester, and if Eddie moved too much the whole thing was likely to fall apart. Steve had watched with amusement as his boyfriend had had to be helped into it earlier so nothing fell off. The illusion was very good. The structure was not.
Corroded Coffin was about to release their first album. They’d already had two chart topping singles and their record company had moved up the release of the album to catch the unexpected hype they were getting. Of course, this meant cover art.
They’d already done the shoot with the whole band around the coffin as Eddie ‘rose’ from the grave for the front. The much more sedate image for the back with Eddie ‘lying in state’ was the last thing needed.
“And that’s a wrap,” Jonathan called finally.
After everything with the Upside Down, Jonathan had ditched the investigative photographer idea for more fashion and art, so of course, when they needed a photographer for the project, the band had called him. The Hawkins gang stuck together.
Steve stood up from where he was sitting out of the way behind the camera and headed towards the coffin to help his boyfriend out of it. He’d never imagined ending up a general organiser for a band, but when Corroded Coffin has gone on their first small tour, it turned out babysitting a band was pretty much like babysitting teenagers. He’d tagged along for fun, but these days he went with the band everywhere and made sure they did things like eat and sleep and got to their appointments.
It was as the rest of the guys milled around that the sound reached him. The tiniest of snores.
“Oh my god,” Gareth said with a laugh, “did Eddie fall asleep?”
“This is gonna be good,” Jeff added, stepping towards the coffin.
“No!” Steve said in a sharp whisper.
“Awwww,” Frank said stepping towards the coffin anyway, “prowtecting little Eddie-kins?”
“The person who wakes him loses all cookie privileges for a month,” Steve hissed.
That stopped them. They even looked shocked. Steve’s cookies were legendary. He might have started using them as bribery.
“You wouldn’t,” Jeff said.
“I would,” Steve replied, walking the rest of the way to where Eddie was very definitely napping. “Look,” he added quietly, letting the tension fall out of his shoulders, “he hasn’t been sleeping. He’s been worried about the album. You know what he’s like. Everyone take lunch and I’ll stay, keep an eye on Eds, and we can deal with clear down later.”
At that, all glee disappeared from the others’ faces.
“Yeah, okay,” Gareth said, much quieter this time.
Steve couldn’t help smiling to himself as everyone crept out of the studio.
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thespottedcreature · 4 years
Marvel preference: Pets
Tony: Let's face it, Tony can barely take care of his own needs, let alone the ones of a pet. He's always busy, and Pepper has told him multiple times that NO, she will not take care of a dog in addition to Tony, the company and about a million other things she has to take care of. So Tony decided to build himself a mechanic dog, but due to Peter and Clint changing the plans as a joke, it turned out to be a bunny as Tony was half asleep as he built it.
Not to worry, Fluffy (yes, Peter named him), is a beloved mascot of the Avengers, and sort of a guard dog for the base. Because even if he looks like a lop-eared bunny and is the size of a loaf of bread, he carries a mean kick. And by a mean kick, I mean enough ammunition to change a fully equipped tank into a holey hunk of metal. And best yet, he is basically indestructible. Well, the Hulk could crush him but when his fist was about to go down on to do it, he froze and muttered "Hulk not hurt bunny." and went to destroy one of Tony's suits. But that's a story for another day. 
Steve: Steves pet is a gift from Tony, and it's a parrot called Captain (no, Tony did not name him, he came with the name but Tony thinks it is hilarious). He's not just any parrot but one that has lived in a bar for the beginning of its life and as a result, it curses like a pirate. A really bad mouthed pirate. Steve is very fond of his pet, as he could never even go close to birds before the serum because of well... asthma and allergies etc. Now he can, but sometimes he wishes his parrot had a cleaner mouth.
He's working on training it not to curse as much, but the training is not going very well. Mostly because Clint likes to sneak into Steves room and teach the parrot new (bad) words and encourage it to curse more. Steve is to yet to find out.
Bucky: Bucky has a dalmatian dog called Popcorn. She was firstly owned by an animal hoarder and didn't see the outside for the first two years of its life, so she's very hyper. Like jumps-up-the-walls -hyper. She has light brown patches on her skin, hence the name. (Also, it was inspired by the way she moves. Like a popped popcorn, totally unpredictable where it will go and fully charged with of energy)
The whole team takes part in making sure that she gets to let out her energy. In addition to the high-quality dog walker Tony hired, she trains on the stairs with Clint, does tricks with Peter, plays fetch with Thor, he also runs for hours with Bucky, Steve, and Nat in turns, who are the only ones with high enough stamina to keep up with her endless energy. (Sam claims that he does not like Popcorn, and therefore does not run with her, Bucky knows that it's bullcrap because he caught him watching Lassie with her the other week while curled up on the couch. He can't wait to rub it in Sam's face when the right moment comes.)
Thor: Thor does not have pets, but you do. A big Samoyed dog named Thor. 
Loki: Loki claims that he does not need or want pets because they are "pathetic mortal stuff". But everyone in the tower knows that he has a goldfish called Destroyer. Enough said.
Pietro: No pets. No animal can keep up with his speed. But he has always wanted to race a cheetah.
Bruce: Bruce has a lazy Persian cat called Matthew who lives at the lab. And I mean lazy, nothing will move him if he wants to sleep. Want your notes that are under him? Forget it. Need to use the microscope he happens to be laying in front of? Not gonna happen. Hulk making an appearance? He will not care. He will just open his eye a smidge to see what the hell is interrupting his sleep and go back to sleep.
Peter plays a game of "how many paper cups I can make a pyramid of on top of him before he moves and it collapses." At the moment, the record is one hundred and thirty-seven. Next time Peter's going for two hundred and he will bring a ladder. And Clint to help him with it.
Sam: He’s not a fan of animals. You own a leopard gecko, named Macy. She’s a bit of a old lady, being but she’s still lively and happy.
Stephen: No pets. You beg him nearly daily that you could get a dog, but so far, he's not giving in to your puppy dog eyes and constant begging. 
Clint: He found a completely white kitten with blue eyes from the shelter, and upon asking more about him, he learned that the kitten was deaf. To cut the long story short, he was home with Clint the next day. Even Nat isn't completely immune to Ghost's cuteness. Ghost and Popcorn (Bucky's dog) are best pals and Popcorn will go above and beyond to protect her little friend.
Peter P.: You own three hamsters named Alvin, Simon, and Theodore. Peter is super jealous, he has no pets as May is allergic but you always let him play with your pet trio. 
Peter Q.: Peter found a gray cat while he was cruizing space and thought it would be a perfect surprise for you. It was, and even more so when she ate a burglar that tried to force you out of the apartment. Upon asking the Avengers for help, Thor declared that it was a flerken. You still loved her with all your heart and refused to part with her, even if the others said she was dangerous. Her name is Hermione.
T'Challa: No pets.
Eddie/Venom: You cannot keep pets in the same apartment Venom is in, it is just impossible. So no pets. You tried a goldfish once, but it was gone the next morning, even after telling Venom not to eat it multiple times, so you decided to give up. 
Nat: She owns a completely black ferret, and the little critter carries the name Bullet. She’s feisty like her momma.
Wanda: Wanda has a black and white cat called Pippin. She's a Ragdoll and she is an absolute lovebug and loves to cuddle with everyone. She is almost constantly purring and she spends most of her days walking around the tower to see if anyone would pet her. If you are doing pushups you can be damn sure that she is sitting on your back, purring in a few minutes. No exceptions. Napping on the couch? Soon you have a purring roll next to your head. Or arm. Or leg. Wherever there is room.
A/n: I’m clearing my book list in Wattpad and an ancient volume of Marvel oneshots and found this and a couple of other works there, and I’m posting them here. But they will probably be my only Marvel ones I will write.
I will post a few probably today.
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reddie-fangirl24 · 4 years
Richie, The Patient Chapter 4
NOTE: Here it is. The final chapter of Richie, The Patient. I enjoyed writing this story so much. I hope you all liked it. I cannot wait to write more Reddie stories.
Support me on my Ko-Fi! Hoping that Richie would at least get a good night’s sleep, he woke up three times complaining about bad dreams and them vomiting into the toilet. All Eddie wanted was for this nightmare to be over. He wanted Richie to constantly annoy him and talk his ear off just like he always did. Richie was so sick that he couldn’t utter a word. Seeing him look so down was the worst.
“Relax, Rich, you’re getting it all out, just breathe,” Eddie soothed, smoothing a hand over his back upon racing into the bathroom again. It was a quarter to three in the morning. After trying to breathe, Richie felt another round of bile in his throat. His whole body tensed making Eddie hold him tighter.
And then he let go.
Everything let go.
Oh no... shit.
Richie was beside himself with guilt and embarrassment as Eddie cleaned him up. Still terrified of the nightmare that he just had, and his fever making everything worse, Richie sobbed. Thick loud sobs that broke Eddie’s heart to pieces. 
Everything hurt. His stomach, his back, and his head. He also felt horrible because Eddie loyally stayed up to make sure that he had everything that he needed. Eddie already dealt with enough.
“Shh, sweetie, it was just an accident,” Eddie reassured his boyfriend once he put on clean jammie bottoms and then tucked him back under the covers. “Take deep breaths. You’re just sick.”
“Sleep here?” Richie whimpered through the tears, grasping his hand. The face that he made at Eddie was so heartbreaking that he almost started to cry. “Please?”
Previously, Eddie went and slept on the couch, awakening to Richie’s screams. That felt so wrong of him to do. Whenever he was sick Richie just flat out remarked that he didn’t care and slept right next to Eddie making him feel safe. 
Eddie rubbed a cold washcloth over Richie’s face. Slowly, Richie’s eyes began to close, staring up at his face to make sure that Eddie was there. “I’m here, Rich. And I am not going anywhere,” Eddie assured him. And he did just that, watching him sleep.
The last time Eddie ever took care of someone was his mother when she was dying from liver cancer. He went with her to the hospital when the doctors told them the diagnosis. He agreed to let her stay with him and Myra because she couldn’t take care of herself. While he helped her with medication, cleaned her, and stayed by her side when she was dying, Myra never did anything.
Quite ironic when she was a helicopter if he even dared as sniffled. Myra snapped into a frenzy, locking him in their bedroom and avoiding him. She kept him in there for a couple of days. Eddie would have escaped out the window, but he didn’t. He wanted to.
 It was so suffocating to live with Myra. After thinking about the fifteen years when they were together, Eddie had no idea how he got through it. Every night when they crawled into bed, Myra wrapped her arms around him so he wouldn’t go anywhere. And the vile way she spoke to him. 
These last six months with Richie were the best. Richie let him be his own person. He was patient. And he loved him. Eddie felt so free.
Without any fear, Eddie kissed Richie’s sweaty forehead. He didn’t even stir. Holding his hand, Eddie hadn’t felt this way in a long time. Richie taught him that there was nothing to fear about germs. He was brought up to act like all germs were deadly, paralyzing him in sheer fear.
Getting into bed with his boyfriend, Eddie leaned his head in the crook of Richie’s neck and wrapped an arm around his waist holding him close. Although he was asleep, Richie knew that he was there, smiling lightly. And that’s what he was going to do. Protect his boyfriend.
The very next morning, Richie’s eyes cracked open. His body ached but it was not as bad as yesterday. At least his stomach had finally settled. Trying to move he winced from the ache in his back. Back problems were no stranger in the last month. 
Feeling the sun hit his eyes, Richie started to wake up more. His blurry eyesight was no help as he tried to locate where his glasses were on the nightstand. His hand bumped into objects, even dipping it into a bowl of water by accident. How many first aid supplies to Eddie have?
“Good morning, sleepy-head!” Eddie greeted him. He helped him put on his glasses. Seeing Eddie was the most wonderful sight. It was like seeing an angel. Dark bags surrounded his eyes but he was pretty chipper to see that Richie was awake.
“Hi,” Richie answered, his voice rusty. He still felt weak to speak but at least he no longer felt nauseous.
“I thought you were going to try to break Rip Van Wrinkle’s record. It’s almost noon,” Eddie told him, brushing Richie’s crazed hair out of his eyes. Oh, if only he could see what he looked like in the mirror.
Richie stretched a bit, yawning, and grunting from the pain in his back. Eddie relaxed him putting a hand on his shoulder. Smacking his lips together, that fermenting taste was still present.
“Want to sit up? Here, let’s get you out of that shirt,” Eddie advised, slowly helping his boyfriend sit up from the pillows.
“Oh, you’ve missed me?” Richie teased as Eddie placed another pillow behind his back so he could sit up. Richie’s entire shirt was sweat-soaked that it was damp. And he smelled like a wet dog.
Turning up his nose at the smell, Eddie gave him a sponge bath. “You’re going to have to take a real shower later.” That didn’t stop him from getting lost in Richie’s body. It had been so long since they really spent any time together. Richie enjoyed the soft sponge around his body making him feel cool. It was safe to say that he felt a significant difference from when he first work up yesterday morning.
Yesterday. He didn’t even want to think about that. Oh, he couldn’t bear to look at his phone to see the disappointing messages. When he first started as a comedian he was hit with some negativity here and there. But this, vomiting all over the stage in front of an audience was the worst. Ronnie was going to get her revenge in some way and it wasn’t going to be pretty.
“Are you working today?” Richie asked his boyfriend after he took his temperature. It was down to 99.1. A small fever. That was good, at least. Eddie was worried that he’d have to take Richie to the E.R. if he got any worse.
“No, I called in. Mr. Crosby said that he is happy to give me as much time off as I need,” Eddie told him, moving the covers back up on Richie. A tray of all his textbooks and notebooks stood in the corner of the room. Eddie must have a test or an essay on Monday. Eddie was so good to him.
“Good, you need to relax, babe,” Richie told him, smoothing a hand along his arm. He opened his arms indicating for a cuddle. Eddie smiled at the gesture, but instead, he tenderly patted Richie’s legs through the bedsheets.
“Maybe later. Do you want to try eating anything? I can make you some toast,” Eddie suggested.
For the rest of the day, Richie spent relaxing or dosing off to a little nap. He got up a couple of times in order to move his stiff legs around. He leaned all his weight against Eddie that they could have tumbled over.
Instead, he was mostly bed-ridden so he could get his energy back. As he watched a little TV or slept, Eddie stayed in the room attending to his studies. His stomach settled back to normal. Never in his life would he wish to experience how sick he was.
When he woke up again, Eddie was not sitting in the corner. From the kitchen, he smelled soup. Richie loved Eddie’s soup. How could that ex-wife of his never appreciate anything that Eddie did for her? Richie looked at the nightstand which was filled with so much clutter. His cell phone sat near the edge, charging.
Without turning it on, Richie knew that his career was over. Steve was never going to work for him again. Fans were angry at him for what they had to be of witness to. And who knows what Ronny was doing to make a fool out of him.
Out in the hallway, he heard Eddie’s cell phone ringing. It had to be Myra. Would she ever leave him alone?
“Hi Steve,” Eddie answered. Oh no, this was it. “Thank you, yes, he’s feeling better but he still has some recovery to do. Maybe he can talk to you later.” There was a pause until Eddie said. “You want to tell him what?... Oh, well I don’t know how he is going to take that but I will be sure to let him know.”
No. His whole career flushed down the toilet. For his entire life ever since he moved out to L.A. when he was eighteen he worked so hard to get where he was. He loved being a comedian. It was all he ever wanted to be. And now he let everybody down. He let himself down.
He let Eddie down.
“Richie?” Eddie’s voice was worried. He had been sitting up in bed with his head in his hands, crying. Circling a comforting hand around his back, Eddie lightly pushed Richie to his chest so he could gently rock him. “What’s the matter? Feelin’ okay?”
“It’s over...”
“What’s over?”
“My career! Steve just called you, right?” Richie asked him, avoiding Eddie’s eyes.
“No, no, sweetie, that’s not what Steve was calling to say,” Eddie assured him, brushing a hand through his knotted curly hair. 
Feeling a ray of hope, Richie picked his head up, so he could look at his boyfriend. “What was he calling to tell me?”
Unable to stand seeing Richie in tears, Eddie wiped the tears away with a tissue. “He told me that fans are posting get well messages to you. And Ronny actually tweeted something about you. Steve really said that you should take a look at it.”
Starting up his phone, Richie logged onto his Twitter account. He was tagged in over fifty tweets! Eddie leaned against him, hugging his shoulders in whatever support he could give him.
He clicked on the video that Ronny uploaded this morning.
“‘Hey all, It’s Ronny. I know this video is going to be very different from how I normally chew people out but this time, I want to be serious. I’m sure that everyone caught the Comedian Face-Off performance yesterday. There, I wad vomited all over by Richie Tozier.’”
Richie gulped, preparing himself for the insults.
“‘I know that what Richie did was an accident. Vomiting on-stage or anywhere is no picnic. In fact, it happened to me when I got onstage for the first time in a talent show when I was thirteen,” she giggled at the memory. “Oh boy, was I humiliated! But, what I am trying to say is don’t be hard on him. Richie Tozier, I hope you feel better. But don’t take this is a free card for me to start being nice on you,” she smiled, pointing at the camera. “Prepare for a rematch. Later, guys!”
To his surprise, Richie went through tons of posts from his fans telling him to feel better and sharing their own humiliating vomit moments.
‘“I can totally feel for Richie. I wish I could reverse what happened to me in class. Feel better, Richie!”
“‘You’re not alone, Richie. I was helping my friend with a magic show, and let’s just say I messed up the show - very messily. Looking forward to your next show, Rich!”
‘“For years I was ashamed that I got sick in front of a restaurant. Richie, you are not alone. I hope you get better. Please, make this a funny story ibn your act!”
Richie smiled so big as he read each tweet. Little did he know that Eddie was watching him, fondly. It was at that moment he realized how little time they’d spent together. Eddie had been so busy with his studies, working, and trying to put his divorce with Myra to an end, that he forgot about his most prized treasure. Richie. Had it really only been six months since they’d been together?
“I think someone is feeling better,” Eddie pointed out, giving Richie’s arm a tight squeeze. He even planted a kiss right on his shoulder.
Setting his phone aside, Richie curled up with Eddie into the pillows for some long overdue cuddling. As much as he loved performing he needed to give himself a break so he could spend more time with his boyfriend. His boyfriend.
“Thanks for taking care of me,” Richie said, and he meant it. He had spent so much time taking care of Eddie in the beginning when he first moved in with him. Because of the injury, Eddie could barely walk around. Slowly, he regained his strength because Richie never let him give in, even when he was ready to give in, admitting that he could never walk again.
Come to think of it, this was the first time in years that Richie had someone to take care of him. All the nights he spent miserably vomiting or had a nasty cold, or even a horrible headache - he was alone. Nobody to take of him. Or hold.
Eddie touched his hand tenderly, kissing it against his soft lips. He noticed that the man was avoiding his eyes, almost looking sad.
“What’s the matter? You’re not getting sick too are you?” Richie asked him. He knew how Eddie felt about germs.
“No, no,” Eddie told him, shaking his head. “I just... can’t lose you.”
“Lose me? Who says you’re going to lose me?” Richie asked moving closer. He attempted to smile. “You know how hard it is getting rid of me.”
Eddie finally met his eyes, tears surrounding the corners. “I thought you weren’t going to make it through the night.”
“Aw, Eds...” They cuddled together with Eddie’s head resting on Richie’s chest, listening to his heartbeat. He was so thankful that he was getting better. A silent Richie who was too sick to even speak was the worst. They stayed in that position a little longer, enjoying being together, feeling one another’s soft flesh.
“I thought you didn’t want to get sick, Spaghetti-Eds,” Richie sniffed Eddie’s hair. That was all the medicine that he needed.
Eddie hugged him a little tighter. “I don’t care. I love you.”
Quiet, Richie placed his hand on Eddie’s head, softly patting his hair. He kissed his forehead. “I love you.”
The man’s nose twitched, pulling away from the embrace a bit. “But you stink!”
“Oh, what a way to ruin the moment!”
“You should take a shower now.”
“Can we take one together?” Richie pouted.
Eddie dipped down to kiss his forehead. “Yes.”
“And then can we cuddle more after?”
Eddie snuggled up with him again. “Anything you want.”
“I love you, Eds.”
“I love you too, Trashmouth.”
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