#Forgive me for using those instances of hope to predict that things may get better for some people
Idk I think we should normalize predicting “happy” endings for our faves. I’m really tired of being told that I just want a “Disney ending” from the Reddit dudebros everytime I say that I want my faves to live. Or everytime I say my faves will live and I get people going “if you think this has a happy ending then you haven’t been paying attention”. Well FIRST OF ALL, that’s just a shitty line from a show that missed a lot of the core thematic messages in the books. Two, it’s quite a powerful statement for a story that is so mired in tragedy to end on a happier note. People overcoming adversity and becoming stronger through challenges is great character development. A “Disney” ending where people are liberated because of their inner strength and compassion has worked for decades because people find that shit relatable. Like not all of us are obsessed with who gets to sit the iron throne or whatever. Some of us just want out faves to have all their deepest desires met. I do want Dany to survive and be recognized as a hero and find her house with the red door. I do want Jon to live and realize that he is perfect just as he is, bastard or not. I want him to achieve the glory he’s always wished for because bastards can rise high in this world damnit. I do want Sansa and Arya to be safe and near family who love them. I do want Bran to fly as high as he can. I shouldn’t have to justify myself because of some of y’alls grimdark fantasies.
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rmtndew · 4 years
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Begin Again ~ Chapter 7
Summary: Walter Marshall is a dedicated homicide detective doing his best to balance his work life with being a single father to a teenage girl. Fiona Sparks is a woman doing her best to take care of everyone and everything around her, except for herself. Neither has had the best luck with relationships, but once they meet, they’re willing to give it another shot, this time with each other. (It’s basically just romantic fluff) 
Pairing: Marshall and OFC.
Rating: PG
Warnings: Mentions of death, cancer.
A/N - This is a sequel to ‘All I’ve Ever Known’. I started writing this because I needed an escape for some personal stuff going on and my coping mechanism included giving Marshall all the love that man needed, and imagining him being the softest boyfriend to me, then passing those details on to Fiona (my OFC).
This is the final chapter for ‘Being Again’. I want to thank everyone who commented and shared my story, and sent me messages. You have no idea how much it means to me! I appreciate y’all so much! Thank you! 🥰
Tag list - @hollydaisy23​, @alyxkbrl​, @onlyhenrys​, @omgkatinka​, @speakerforthedead0​​, @gearhead66​,  @thethirstyarchive​, @oddsnendsfanfics​, @littlerinoa​, @agniavateira​, @aaescritora​, @justaboringadult​, @beenthroughalot​, @seriouslygoodlookinggents​, @xxxkatxo​, @musicartmayheminmyheart​, @lilliannaansalla​
If you want to be added/removed from the tag list, let me know!
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7 (Final)
When I woke up the next morning, it was like the night before had only been a dream. Like it was too good to be true. But when I checked my phone, I had a text from Marshall that reminded me it was absolutely real. 
Marshall: I hated leaving you. I hope you know that. Those few hours of sleep that  I had with you were some of the best  I’ve had in ages. You say I make you feel safe, but you make me feel calm in a way I’ve never felt. I hope you have a good morning. I’ll call you later.
After I read his text, I felt myself starting to cry. It wasn’t a sad cry. It was a happy, cathartic cry. Like I couldn’t contain everything I felt for him, and it had to release somehow. I’d never shared a bed with a man simply to sleep before. My past boyfriends had always expected something in exchange. Having Walter just be there was new to me. What I felt for him went beyond attraction. I didn’t know if I could ever put it into words, I just knew that it nearly hurt to feel it all. But I didn��t want it any other way.
The rest of my morning went much better than the previous days. I checked in with Mom but did my best not to worry about her. I went to the store, bought groceries for the week, and even splurged on some new candles. Then that afternoon, I started prepping for dinner. I had an idea in mind and hoped it would work out. 
At a little after seven that evening, with only ten minutes left on the oven timer, I called Marshall. “I have two questions,” I said once we exchanged ‘hellos’. “Although I think I already know the answers to both.” 
“And what would those two questions be? Or would you prefer to give me the answers first?”
“Well, I think the answer will be a yes, and then a no.”
“I’m very curious now.”
“Okay, so question one: Are you still at your office? And question two: Have you eaten dinner yet?”
“Am I that predictable?”
“Only in this one specific instance,” I said. “But it brings up a third question that I don’t know the answer to.”
“Which is?”
“Would you let me bring you dinner? I overcooked and I won’t be able to eat it all, and it’s not the best as leftovers.” 
He was quiet for a moment. “Could I come to you instead? I think an hour’s break might do me good.”
“Of course you can come here. I’ll keep it warm and we can eat together.”
“Alright. See you soon.”
After I hung up, I pulled out the new fall scented candles I’d bought that day and put them on the dining table, flocking the vase of flowers he’d bought me the night before. I wanted the house to be warm and inviting, but I didn’t want him to know that I’d planned any of it. I was pretty sure that the only way I could get away with spoiling him a little was if he thought it was an accident. He may have been the one to ask to come over, but I knew that if I’d mentioned coming to him, he wouldn’t want me to go out of my way, and would come to me instead.
He was there in less than half an hour, which made me think a little speeding was involved. I nearly teased him about putting on his siren to get there, but I couldn’t get the words out fast enough. As soon as I closed the door behind him, he had me pressed against it, his mouth on mine in an almost bruising fashion. It was different than the enthusiastic urgency so much of our makeout sessions at his place had involved. Something else was driving him. Whatever it was made him pull away almost as quickly as he’d started. 
“I’m sorry,” he said. He tried to take a step back, but I wouldn’t let him. I grabbed his sides, doing my best to hold him in place. He wouldn’t look at me. “I’m sorry,” he said again.
Once I was convinced he wouldn’t run away, I moved a hand up to his face. I didn’t try to make him look at me. “What are you sorry for?”
“I didn’t mean to be that rough. I shouldn't've -”
“Shh. No,” I cut him off. “I’m not fragile, honey. I can handle a rough kiss.” He finally lifted his eyes to mine, but the look on his face was conflicted. It hurt me. I put my other hand on his face, cradling it gently. “Hey, what’s wrong?”
“I just desperately needed to feel you.” He dropped his forehead to mine. “This case...the more we find out…” He let out a breath and put his hands on my waist, pulling me closer to him. “It doesn’t matter.”
He held me tighter against him. His hands felt so needy. I was afraid to say the wrong thing and make him self conscious. I stayed exactly as I was, holding his face, and let him press me further against him. Whatever had happened in the case since we’d spoken on the phone had gotten to him. He was usually so big and tough and strong, but he stood in front of me, soft and vulnerable. After a few moments, I pressed a soft kiss to his lips. He kissed me back, then let me take the lead, keeping it slow and tender. I pushed my back against the door and let him melt into me. When it felt like all the tension was gone from his body, I took one of my hands from his face and moved it down to one of his hands on my waist, holding it. 
“Let’s go eat, okay?” I said.
He nodded, holding my hand, and followed me as I walked to the kitchen. When we reached it, he stopped at the entrance and looked around. The lights were dimmed and the candles were lit. “You didn’t have to do this for me.”
“I didn’t,” I lied. “I used to do this for myself when I lived alone. Sometimes I’d put on music, or, if it was raining, I’d open a window and listen to it. I thought tonight would be a good night to try it again.” I rubbed my thumb over his hand. “And now I get to share it with you.”
“Your candles are better than mine,” he said, finally giving me a small glimpse of a smile. 
“I can help you shop for new ones. How’s that sound?”
He nodded. “Sounds good.”
“Good.” I kissed his shoulder. “Take a seat. I’ll make you a plate.”
“You don’t have to. I can do it.”
“I know you can, but I want to,” I said. “Will you let me?”
He chewed the corner of his mouth for a second. “Yeah,” he quietly relented.
“Thank you.”
He sat at the table and I pulled the food from the oven, where I’d been keeping it warm. Spinach and cheese stuffed chicken with roasted vegetables. I made us both plates, then got us drinks before sitting down. I sat right beside Marshall, rubbing his back with my left hand while we ate. A few bites in, he seemed to brighten a bit. 
“This is fantastic,” he said. “But I don’t believe for a minute that it doesn’t taste good as leftovers.”
I smiled. “That might have been a tiny lie so you would let me feed you,” I said. “Do you forgive me?”
He put his hand on my knee. “I do.”
He let out a breath and sat back in his chair. “You don’t know how much I needed this. I’ve been staring at the same evidence for hours, trying to figure out what I’m missing, and I can’t seem to find it.” He licked his lips. “Our victim, he wasn’t a good person. He had an extensive history of domestic violence. I keep looking at the pictures from the crime scene and comparing them to the ones in the police reports of his ex-girlfriends, the ones they filed after he’d beaten them, and I can’t imagine one of them or someone in their families shooting him twice and walking away. After what he did to those women, anyone who shot him because of it would have had more passion behind it. This was too cold and calculated for that. So if he wasn’t shot for what he’d done to them, then what was the motive?” He ran a hand over his face. “And that’s what I’ve been asking myself the last three hours, and what I would have been asking myself through the night if you hadn’t intervened.” 
“Maybe stepping away from it all for an hour will help you refocus.”
He nodded, gently squeezing my knee. “If nothing else, I’ll be thoroughly distracted,” he said, finally giving me a proper smile. 
I smiled back. “I’m happy to distract you for as long as you’d like.” I gave him a kiss. “Now eat your vegetables and you can have dessert.” He raised his eyebrows at me and smirked. I blushed, burying my face in his shoulder. “Tiramisu. I bought a tiramisu. That’s the dessert.” 
“Good. Because although another type of dessert would divert my attention far more, I’d prefer for it to last longer than an hour.” 
I was still blushing but managed to raise my head to look at him. “Really?” I asked. He nodded. “I’ve, um, I’ve never had dessert last that long.” 
He looked nearly appalled. “Never?” 
I shook my head. “Maybe twenty minutes. And that’s being generous.” 
“You must be the only one being generous is that’s the longest it lasted.” 
“You’re not wrong.”
“When it’s time for us...would you let me change that for you?”
My cheeks burned. I averted my eyes. “You don’t have to.”
“That’s not what I said.”
“I know, but-”
He took his hand from my knee and moved it to my chin, lifting my face to look at him. “Fi, none of it should be about ‘having’ to. It should all be want. I’m asking because I want to. You should only answer with what you want. Neither of us should feel obligated,” he said. 
I bit my lip for a moment, then nodded. “Okay,” I said. “I want to try letting you change it. But I get in my head a lot, so I can’t promise I’ll be good at it.” 
“You don’t have to be. That’s not the point.” He let his hand fall from my face down to his lap. “You and me together, that’s the good part,” he said. “But when the time comes, we’ll talk it through, yeah? Make sure we’re on the same page.” I nodded. “Good girl.”
My blush deepened, but I smiled at him. “What did I do to deserve you?”
“Something horrid, I’m sure.”
I laughed. “I was thinking it must be the opposite. You see, Detective Walter Marshall, I quite adore you.”
He smiled back. “Do you now?”
“I do. I hope that’s okay with you.” 
He nodded. “It’s more than okay,” he said. “It’s also mutual.”
My smile spread wide. “So you like me, huh?” 
“Yes, Miss Sparks, I do.”
“I’m starting to question your taste, mister.”
His head fell back and he barked out a laugh that shook his whole body. “Normally that would be a good call, but not this time,” he said. “Besides, you can’t date a mess like me and question my taste.” 
I pressed a kiss to his cheek, letting my lips linger for a moment, enjoying the scratching-tickling of his beard against them. “You’re my favorite mess,” I said as I pulled away. 
He smiled at me. “Good, because it doesn’t get much better than this,” he joked.
I brushed a curl back from his forehead and let my fingers skim across his brow. He’d meant it as a joke, but sitting there with him, I couldn’t help but think it was true: It didn’t get much better than that.
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I knew that Walter was tired. He kept yawning - and apologizing for it - during dinner. I kept telling him it was fine, that I understood, but he still seemed slightly embarrassed by it. After I cleared the table, I was going to get the tiramisu from the fridge but paused by the coffee pot on my way. 
“Do you want me to make you some coffee, Walt?” I asked, turning to look at him.
He’d been dozing and jolted awake, looking almost surprised at his surroundings before his eyes landed on me. “I’m so sorry.”
“Don’t be. You need some sleep.”
He nodded, rubbing the heel of his hand against his eye. “Yeah. I should probably go.”
“Or you could stay. You said you slept well last night, and I’d be worried about you if you drove home this tired,” I said. “And, you know, I kind of enjoyed it, too.”
“This isn’t an act just so I can get in your bed again.”
“I know.” I walked over to him and ran a hand over his hair, brushing it back from his face. I tilted my head towards the doorway. “Come on, bear. Go on up. Your sweatpants are folded on the chair in my room.”
He stood up in front of me. “Let me help you clean.”
I shook my head. “I’m not cleaning tonight. It’ll be there tomorrow. I’m going to set the coffee maker for the morning and lock up. That’s it.” 
He gave me a look that was the closest to pouting as I’d ever seen on him. “I’ll wait with you.” 
He followed me back to the coffee pot and wrapped his arms around my waist as I filled it with water, then put in a new filter and coffee grounds. As I set the timer, he left slow, open mouth kisses down my neck. I may have been complimentary when I was sleepy, but Marshall, as it turned out, was clingy. And I didn’t mind it one bit. 
“Let’s lock up,” I said to him. 
He buried his face in the crook of my neck and let out a breath. He stayed that way for a moment, then said, “Okay.”
He let me go and we snuffed out the candles, then he stayed close as I locked all the doors and turned off the lights. Going up the stairs, he held my hand, trailing behind me because the stairwell was too narrow for the two of us to walk side by side. When we reached my room, I gently nudged him in. 
“I’m going to the bathroom. Go get comfortable and I’ll be back in a minute,” I said. 
He just nodded his reply.
I continued down the hall to the bathroom. I had a laundry basket of clean pajamas to pick from, so I had a quick pee, then changed before piling my hair up in a bun. When I went back to my room, Marshall was already in bed. He was on his side and looked asleep. But after I turned off the light, I got in bed beside him and he immediately scooted closer.
“Do you want me to hold you?” he asked sleepily. 
“I was kind of hoping we could switch and you’d let me hold you,” I said. He cracked his eyes open and looked at me, the crease between his eyebrows visible in the dark. “Not in a backpack, koala type deal, like you hold me.” 
“Like this.” I placed his arm around my middle, then gently guided him until his head was resting on my chest. I pulled the covers up around us before wrapping my own arm around him, lightly rubbing his back, leaving my right hand free to rake through his curls.
“You’re not wasting any time taking me up on my offer to play with my hair, are you?” he mumbled.
I smiled. “Nope. Is that okay?” He nodded. I let my fingers sink to his scalp and lightly began scratching it. After just a few seconds, his body weight seemed to double as he relaxed, melting into me, and the mattress. “Is this comfortable for you?” I asked, even though I knew the answer. “We can switch if it’s not.”
“No, s’good,” he said, his words slurred. 
I kissed his forehead and continued to scratch his scalp. “Goodnight.”
Holding him to me, I could feel his breathing slow and even out as sleep claimed him in a matter of seconds. But even after he fell asleep, I didn’t stop. I held that big bear to me and loved on him as much as I could, hoping that even in his sleep, he could feel it. My plans to spoil him that night had only included cooking dinner and getting him to relax for an hour. What I got was so much better. I had never cared for a man as much as I cared about him. All I wanted for the rest of my life was the deep peace that welled up in me as I held him. 
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I woke the next morning with a hazy, dreamy feeling. I was warm and wrapped up and for a moment, I thought I was at the beach, stretched out on a towel under the sun. I expected to smell the ocean air, but when I breathed in, it was something else. Something better. Something that gave me the feeling of butterflies in my stomach. That feeling slowly began to peel the layers of sleep back from my mind, and as I began to wake, I felt the feeling of fingertips grazing up and down my back. Then I felt a kiss on my forehead. Soft, warm lips lingering on my skin, finally waking me up.
I opened my eyes and all thoughts of the beach disappeared. Gray sunlight streamed in from my window, lighting up my room enough for me to see Marshall’s face as he smiled at me. 
“Good morning, darling,” he said quietly. He was on his side, just inches away from me. 
“Good morning,” I said. 
I blinked, letting my eyes adjust to the light, and taking in the form of the beautiful man in front of me. His head was propped up with one hand, his bare bicep next to my pillow, and roughly half the size of my head. His chest was mesmerizing as it rhythmically rose and fell. I’d never been attracted to chest hair before, but Marshall changed all of that. Without a second thought, I reached out and ran my fingers through it. He hummed contentedly. 
“How did you sleep?” I asked. 
“Like a rock.” His hand stilled at the small of my back. “How about you?”
“Amazing. You’re deceptively comfy for someone so stout.”
He laughed. “Am I?”
I nodded. “I like it.” 
I leaned forward and kissed his chest, the hair tickling my nose. His hand moved from my back as he reached up to cradle my head while I continued to pepper his skin with soft kisses. When I made it to the juncture of his shoulder and neck, he tilted my head back and captured my lips in a slow, lazy kiss. He pressed my back into the bed and was over me, surrounding me, as he kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck, wanting to hold him as close to me as I could. He left me panting as his mouth moved from mine and kissed across my jaw and down to my neck. There was a spot behind my ear that he knew was my weakness, and he went straight for it. He nipped at it with his teeth before kissing it, and I went boneless against him. 
“I love it when you do that,” I breathed. 
His lips ghosted over my ear. I could feel his hot breath on me, sending a shiver down my spine and goosebumps across my skin. “I love doing it to you.” 
“It’s a shame I don’t live alone anymore. I could get used to waking up like this more often.”
He nosed my ear, kissing the underside of my jaw. “I live alone,” he said. “For the most part.”
“Are you bragging?”
He laughed. “No. Just letting you know that the next sleepover could be at my house.”
“A sleepover? Can we stay up all night telling ghost stories?” I joked.
“Anything for you, my love.”
“Anything is a dangerous promise, mister.”
He looked down at me. “And yet I mean it.”
I smiled. “You really do like me, huh?”
He pressed his forehead to mine. “I really do,” he said. “Actually, I…” He made his grunting-humming sound, then shook his head.
“You what?” I gasped jokingly. “Do you like like me, Walt?”
He looked me in the eye, smiling at me. “You’re the only one who calls me that, you know?”
I played with the hair at his neck, twirling a curl around my finger. “I didn’t know.” 
“I’m fairly sure most people don’t even know I have a first name.”
“I feel pretty special that you told me, then.”
“You are special.”
“And that’s why you like like me, right?” I teased. 
He let out a long, measured breath. “That’s why I love you.”
My heart felt like it stopped completely. “Are you serious?” I whispered.
He suddenly looked nervous. “I am. Is...is that okay?”
“Is it okay that you love me?”
He looked so boyish as he nodded. “Yeah.”
“Yes, it’s okay.” I took his face in my hands. “Yes, yes, yes!” I said, peppering kisses all over it. “It’s…” I couldn’t even think of the right word. 
“Not too soon?” he questioned, though his worry seemed to be fading some after my reaction.
I shook my head. “No. Not at all, bear. It’s right on time.”
He raised an eyebrow at me. “Is it, now?”
“It is,” I said. “Because I love you, too.”
The smile he gave me right then made my heart flutter like never before. There were no worry lines on his face, no concern, just happiness. I wanted to cry at how beautiful it looked on him. “Do you really?”
“More than I’ve ever loved anyone.”
He kissed me and it was like he was trying to pour every ounce of love he felt for me into it. It was so overwhelming that, finally, I did cry. Marshall held me and kissed the tears from my face.
The morning before, I thought that I couldn’t put into words what I felt for him. But right then, the words came so quickly, it was like I’d been saying them all along. 
“I love you,” I whispered. “I love you, I love you, I love you.”
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sloppy-butcher · 4 years
Lost in the Woods
Dwight Fairfield X Killer!Reader
Notes: i’ve been meaning to write my first survivor x reader fanfic and i wanted it to be specifically for dwight, so when @highdwightofmylife posted an April calendar thing i knew that i couldn’t resist. i won’t be partaking of the whole event but i will be doing the days/ characters that i love. call me bais, idc >:) as always, the reader will remain gender-neutral with their killer-specific abilities also remaining as ambiguous as possible. the only thing that will be known about the reader is that they are much taller than dwight. much
may dwight bring you hope and comfort in the darkness <3
word count: 3273
TW: mentions of death
The overpowering whispering of the black hole that lay before your feet sang loudly through your head. Its words unintelligible, its existence unexplainable. And yet there it was. The Hatch was what the others called it but to you, it was the coward's way out. Not in the sense that it allowed those who didn’t work, through sweat, blood, and terror, for their lives to escape scot-free but because it always left someone behind. And right now, you knew exactly who that unlucky, forgotten soul was.
You could have closed it, slammed your foot to the floor and seal the lid of the underground tunnel for the remainder of the trial until you found your last victim. An easy win on your half. But something stopped you. Something always stopped you. And that something was always that last survivor. You sigh and begin to step away from the hatch, taking long, confident strides to a certain location where you knew he would be hiding. He was predictable, stubborn in this mundane and stupid ways. The grass of the Macmillan Estate crunched under your feet but other than that, the world around you was silent, still and empty of watchful eyes. No one would see what you were about to do, no one would know, save for yourself and the man still desperately hiding away in a red locker.  
You made your way to the building near the edge of the realm and approached the only place he could be hiding in. Your eyes locked on to the object and even as you made the clear indication that you knew exactly where he was, the man remained inside. You halted outside the large cabinet and you could hear his muffled breathing, he was in there and he was still clinging to the fleeting and hopeless belief that you hadn’t found him. You waited a moment longer, giving him one last chance to jump out and accept his fate but after he showed no sign of budging you reached out and yanked the door open.
Before you cowered a man clad in a dirty, bloody shirt and black pants. His glasses slipped ever so slightly to the side of his face and his tie hung limp and defeated around his neck. He was a poor sight indeed. He let out a surprised and terrified shriek as you revealed him to the cast of the moonlight and he instinctively raised his hands to weakly defend himself against you. But you made no move to grab him. You let your arms fall to your sides and you slowly let your breath exit your mouth in a deep and low sigh. He was still tense and wary, eyeing you with orbs of complete animalistic fear and unease. You relented and stepped back, allowing him space to try and relax, or at least attempt to regain some composure. You forcibly released the tension in your shoulders and tried to make yourself look somehow smaller and less threatening to the shivering man.
It took a few moments but after looking you up and down, watching your hands for the slightest hint of aggression and taking note of your lack of interest to attack him, he slowly dropped his hands and tried his best to calm his racing heart. You allowed him a few more minutes of silence to take in your form and your intentions to not hurt him before you flicked your head to the side as an indication for him to follow you. You turned and began to lead him to the Hatch. He hesitantly followed you, walking behind you in your imposing shadow. You were so much bigger than him, powerful and terrifying. He had seen you rip apart human bodies like tissue-paper, drinking in their blood as if it was water after a drought. You were the thing in the night which he should fear, the monster of legend and the face he has grown to instinctively run from. Yet here you were, soft and quiet leading him as if he was a friend, most probably, to his escape. Just like all the times before.
“They all left me again, didn’t they?” Dwight’s voice was quiet but carried across the desolate area to your ears perfectly. You could hear the brokenness in his tone. You nodded your head gently without saying a word. Casting an eye over your shoulder you could see Dwight’s demeanor somehow shrink to be even smaller than it was already was. He was always the one left behind by the others. How pathetic. How sad. It was strange to watch him interact with the other survivors, him always trying so hard to protect them, guide them, be their leader, their rock to lean on in their dire times. If you weren’t already so destroyed and devoid of emotion you would have been swayed by his motivational speeches and inspirational gestures but in your current state, all you could see was a tired and despairing man. He had his moments of greatness, instances when he would be the man he tried beyond anything to portray. However, most of the time he was the timid and scared boy he truly was.
You had watched him crumble to the floor many times, delving into a hysteric state of horror and dread, no longer a man but an unthinking animal on the precipice of slaughter. And each time he would be alone. He always stood by the others, risking life and limb for them and in return they leave him in the dust, locked in a room with a killer and no way out. It was pathetic, they were pathetic and he was pathetic for always letting them use him as a doormat.
“Why do you always try so hard Dwight?” You made sure to keep your voice low, afraid that by raising it, it would frighten the man away. He jumped slightly at the sound and began to fidget with his fingers, unsure of how to answer your question. “The others,” you continued eyes forward and stride small, allowing for the shorter one to keep pace with you. “I’ve seen how you try to protect them. You guide them and yet they always leave you behind. Do you learn anything? Or are you just stupid?” You were way harsher than you intended to be, your lack of everyday human interaction leaving your conversation skills with something to be desired. You internally cringed and quickly passed him a glance to see if he had taken offense to your words. The man’s eyes were downward and everything about him sagged with bleakness. You normally weren’t one to be so emotional but something about the man always made you buckle.
“Sorry. I didn’t mean it like-”‘
“I can’t stop,” Dwight interjected, his voice louder than you had expected, “I-I won’t stop. I like helping others. I know what it is like to be forgotten and abandoned. Even if they don’t reciprocate it, I will always help them because if I don’t then I’m no better than...” There was a pause.
“Then someone like me?” You stopped and turned to face him. He froze and stared up at you in terror. But there was something else in his eyes. Not just fear. Not just worry or anxiety. But also mild conviction. It was as if a sudden flame was lit inside him like he had been preparing and waiting for this exact moment to happen. He looked alive and some part of you wanted to keep him that way.
“But you’re not like the others!” You were taken aback by his loud and explosive outburst but you were intrigued. You raised an eyebrow signaling him to continue and explain himself. You expected him to avoid your gaze but instead, he rose up to meet you with a surge of strength and confidence. “You’re not like the others. You... I can’t explain it but you’re different. Forgive me if I’m overstepping my boundaries but I've seen how you operate. The look in your eyes and your expression. There's something there I just don’t know... what it is.” Dwight quietened down and lowered his eyes to the floor at your feet.
“I still get terrified of you. Paralyzed by fear and all the adrenaline in the moment makes me lose my mind but when I stop and really look at you, I see something I don’t see in the others.” The fog swirled around and drifted in the space between the two of you. If there were crickets in this realm of shadow and nightmares, then they would have been the only creatures making noise.
“You don’t even know me, Dwight”. There was a sadness in your tone, your shell unwillingly crumbling under the gaze of the nervous man before you. He had some kind of spell over you and you had no control over it. Maybe it was subconscious pity or maybe he reminded you of someone you knew in your previous life. Whatever it was, Dwight was the one with all the power right now and for a brief second, it scared you. It wasn’t his job to care for you or pity you or see you as a person or…
“I’m not someone you can save Dwight.” Your voice was now only above a whisper, breathless and surprisingly gentle. What was he doing to you? Why were you always so nice to him? So lenient with your rules and merciful with your torture. He always made you hesitate and that hesitation is going to come back and bite you in the ass one of these days. Maybe today was one of those days. “Don’t try to save me Dwight. Because I will treat you the same way everyone else does.” You took a step closer to him and he quickly raised his brown eyes up to yours. You were so much bigger than him, he felt a twinge of fear as you loomed him but it fizzled out when Dwight caught the look in your eyes. There it was. That unexplainable thing he always sees in you. Was is sympathy? Remorse? No. Neither. But…
“I will treat you like everyone else.” You said again, deeper and with a hint of forced malice in your words. “Except I will leave you bleeding or dead.” There was another long stretch of silence between you two, so thick that it could be cut with a knife.  For once Dwight didn’t shy away from the situation, he stood tall and faced you head-on. You had to give it to him, he was strong when he needed to be. In a very unexpected move, Dwight took a step closer to you and held your stare firm in his own.
“I don’t care. You have… done this for me so many times before. Spared me and guided me to the hatch. I’ve told you my name and you’ve told me yours. You’re nothing like the other killers. There’s something to you, and I…I…” Suddenly he faded. His confidence seeped out of him in an instant and for a second you feared he wouldn’t finish his thought. You wanted to press him to continue, a desperate pleading part of your once-human self begging for the man to rescue some part of you, to look inside and find a sliver of goodness and of something worthwhile. But the rest of you didn’t move, didn’t make a noise and didn’t show any sign of your internal struggle. Dwight took a deep breath, closing his eyes as he did so as if trying to mentally prepare himself for a grueling task. He let out the air through his mouth and in one swift sentence proclaimed, “I want to get to know you better. I want to see you outside!” Dwight’s face flushed while yours remained shocked and stone-like. Why on Earth would he want to meet you outside a trial? You were so cruel to him? So vile and twisted. A monster. And he was so good and kind and he had the gentlest eyes and the softest hands and… You were brought out of your thoughts when Dwight began to babble with embarrassment and throw his hands up.
“I-I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean anything by that! I just… I was-” Dwight’s rambling was cut off by your loud and booming laughter. He looked up at you and felt the ground rumble as you closed your eyes and laughed at the utter ridiculousness of the whole situation.  For a moment Dwight forgot what you were, your ability to kill and maim people pushed out of his mind as he saw before him a person double over with laughter. You were a person to him, misguided but still able to be salvaged. Dwight watched as you straightened yourself and, with a smile on your lips, you turned to him. Suddenly Dwight felt very hot and he felt weak in his knees. But it wasn’t fear that was making him feel this powerless, it was something else. Something thus far unexplainable.
“Dwight.” You said through pants of giggles, taking a hand and brushing away a tear from your eye. “Are you asking me on a date?” Dwight’s eyes widened but after realizing you were joking with him decided to play along.
“I mean,” he put a hand behind his head and the other on his hip, trying to look cool in a posture that portrayed his debonair personality. “I don’t know the area very well but I’m sure we can find ourselves a nice restaurant or something.” You couldn’t help but grin at the idiot.
“Very well.” You finally stood back up to your full height and brought back your composure. Dwight dropped his arms, afraid he might have said something wrong. You passed him one last cheeky look. “As long as you are paying for dinner.”
You waited on the edge of your realm, the cold wind of the forest sweeping through the trees and bringing with scent of the wood. You had been waiting for a while now, and you were starting to get worried. There was still no sign of Dwight, you couldn’t smell him or sense his approach. For a fleeting moment, you feared you might have been stood up when suddenly you had the urge to go into the forest. Something beyond the darkness called to you and you knew you had to follow it. Your instincts have yet to fail you so in an instant you bolted into the mist and moonlight.
There was an unknown urgency in your running. Whatever was calling to you was in dire need and you knew you hadn’t a moment to waste. Your feet moved on their own, taking you down pathways and through trees seemingly without direction until eventually, you found him. Dwight. You halted, your eyes taking in his shaking form hiding in a bush with his handclasp tightly over his mouth. He barely turned to look at you before you were already by his side. Your hands hovered over his trembling shoulders, wary to touch him and hurt him any further. Your mouth opened to ask him if he was alright when there was a crunch in the grass in front of you.
You snapped your head towards the noise and was greeted by the killer known as The Ghost face. His shoulders seemed to shake as he chuckled and edged closer to Dwight’s position. The smaller man stalked towards you, like a smaller wolf would approach the bigger one, eager for the kill yet cautious of the other killer. He knew Dwight was there but stayed away because now you were here. You straightened up, standing to your fullest and glared at the other. He froze, unsure. Nothing was spoken but he got the message. Back off lest he die. Ghost face’s gaze seemed to linger between you and the bush before slowly slinking off to whatever hole he crawled out of. You made sure he left before lowering yourself to Dwight’s level. He had tears in his eyes and his hands were white with fear.  You felt something swell within your chest.
“I-I’m sorry.” He managed to wheeze out in-between gasps of breaths. “H-He followed me. And I-I panicked. I didn’t mean to…” You couldn’t handle it anymore and very hesitantly placed your large hand on his shoulder 
“No. No.” You tried your best to soothe him, your voice uncharacteristically soft and tender. He had you under his control again and you were once again helpless to stop it. “No Dwight. I should apologize. I asked you to come out here to meet me. If anything it’s my fault, I shouldn’t of - “. You were abruptly cut off when two arms wrapped themselves around your neck. You froze under his touch but Dwight didn’t let go. All he wanted to do was hold onto you, show his appreciation for you through his actions. He was also so scared and you were so solid, warm and big. He had never touched you before and he hoped it wasn’t the last time. His mind finally caught up with his body and he quickly retreated back.
Dwight’s face burned red with embarrassment and he was glad for the darkness to hide his flushed cheeks. But when he caught sight of your face he stopped. You were still yet there was this sort of pleading to you. Your eyes were wide, not from disgust or disrespect, but from shock. Your mouth hung open like a fish and Dwight was afraid he had somehow broken you when very quietly you whispered, “Again. Hold me… Again.” He didn’t need to be told twice. His arms snaked their way around your neck and he happily buried his head under your chin. He felt you breathing and although no words were exchange he knew what you were thinking.
“You’re not all bad,” Dwight mumbled into your skin making you shiver. “You deserve to try again.” He felt you shake around him and he held you tighter. Our own hands finally began to wind themselves around him in return until you were both wrapped in each other embrace.
“You are too kind Dwight.” Your chest rumbled as you spoke making Dwight unconsciously hum along with you. The heat from your body was making his glasses fog up. “This can only end badly. For the both of us.” He waited a moment before slowly nodding. He had accepted his fate the moment he decided to ask for your name. You felt his hands twitch as they waited for your answer. After a second you sighed and closed your eyes, leaning into his dirty brown hair.
“Hold me tighter Dwight.” Dwight realized then what that something was that made you special. He saw your humanity, even as you massacred and broke the bones of the innocent, Dwight saw you; a scared, lost person afraid in the dark never to be saved. Dwight saw himself in you, alone in the woods abandoned by everyone. But he had the power now. He had the power to make you feel not so alone and he was going to try his damndest to be there for you. That is if you would have him. By the way, you clung to him, your nails tearing small holes into his shirt, Dwight already knew your answer.
He wasn’t a strong man by any means, by in moments of need he pulls through and proves to everyone that he is worth attention and you are worth saving.
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c-s support + paired endings + night of the ball
Lorenz: Professor. I understand that you were looking to speak with me. L: Perhaps you would like some insight on how to write your next lecture? L: While I do have a great many ideas, it would be inappropriate to— Oh? Am I mistaken? If that's the case, then what can I do for you?
>It's about the female students.
L: The ladies have complained? To you? About me? Preposterous. There must be some mistake. L: I am the heir of the noble House Gloucester. It is bred in me to treat all people with respect. L: Rest assured, you will not find anyone more upstanding than yours truly. L: Perhaps the issue is that the splendor of my noble presence is driving the ladies to distraction! L: If that is the crime, I do confess. I hope I've not troubled the ladies' hearts unduly.
>It is your advances they seem to find troubling.
L: Outrageous! That's absurd! Who would dare to allege such slander?!
>A number of female students, actually.
L: Of all the... L: Well, I suppose I have offered several of them the honor of dining with me. L: It is impossible to tell if even the most well-bred young lady is a suitable companion for me merely by the sight of her. L: So in order for us to get to know each other properly, it is appropriate that we dine together. L: Thus far they have all declined, oddly enough. For some reason they seem to be exercising some form of restraint when speaking with me. L: I would never insist, of course. L: But I will admit I have, on occasion, after a day's pause, issued repeat invitations—in the fashion and style of a gentleman.
>That is the problem.
L: What?! Ridiculous! Dinner invitations from me, a problem? The very idea! L: I am a perfect gentleman. The son of a noble line! I've a wit like a rapier! And it takes but a glance to see that I'm gorgeous! L: No, I cannot believe such a thing. Are you sure this isn't the result of some sort of scheme? L: It cannot be otherwise. Someone has clearly devised a conspiracy against me. L: Someone who envies my position, who seeks to soil my sterling reputation with foul rumors. How crude. L: Please, Professor. It is beneath you to fall victim to such petty and obscene tactics. I implore you to take greater care in the future. L: Now, if you will excuse me, I have a great deal of work to do. Farewell.
L: Professor. Have you been looking for me again? L: I am very busy, you know. I must insist that disruptions for lighthearted chats of this kind be kept to a minimum.
>I've been getting more complaints.
L: What did I tell you about falling victim to such salacious and slanderous rumors? L: As I've told you, there is obviously a conspiracy against me. There is no manner in which I could possibly be considered bothersome.
>The girls actually do seem bothered.
L: Professor, I assure you. You have been deceived. L: My adversary has poisoned the hearts of these ladies against me. The plot goes deeper than I thought...
>There is no conspiracy. This is real.
>You need to control yourself.
>This could become a serious issue.
L: But— Ah, if you truly do insist... L: All right, let's not get carried away... L: Please understand, Professor. I am not some scoundrel out for conquest. L: I am attempting to fulfill my duty as heir of House Gloucester. L: It is my responsibility to continue our noble line by finding a suitable lady to be my wife. L: It is a rigorous process. My family has the very highest standards for appearance, grace, temperament, and pedigree.
>So, commoners are excluded?
L: Typically yes, even if others are sometimes critical of that notion. L: For the nobility, marriage is not merely a union of individuals. It is also a union of families. L: It would not benefit House Gloucester to be tied to a family of powerless commoners, would it? L: To achieve supremacy, it is necessary for my line to be tied to that of an influential family. L: That is the best path to peace and prosperity for all. L: So, as you can see, the future of the Alliance rests on my shoulders. (golden deer route)* L: That is the best path to peace and prosperity for all of Fódlan. L: So, as you can see, the fate of the whole world rests upon my shoulders. (other)*
>That's a remarkable responsibility.
L: It is nothing out of the ordinary. Those of us with noble blood are born to this duty, you know.
>That's quite an obligation.
L: If it is a burden, it is one I am all too familiar with. We nobles are born to this duty.
L: That being said, to avoid misunderstandings, I shall restrain myself until things calm down. L: I would rather not cause trouble for you, after all.
*might be pre-skip vs post-skip instead
L: Well met, Professor. I trust that you've not had any complaints about me lately?
>Thankfully, no.
>I haven't. Should I be worried?
L: Good. For any trouble I may have caused, please accept my most humble apology. L: Good. Please accept my most sincere apology for any discomfort I may have caused you. L: Do you find it concerning that I've ceased making advances toward the ladies? L: I've decided that it would be inappropriate for me to continue my search for a spouse while we are at war. L: I expect that means you will not be receiving any more complaints. I hope that puts you more at ease. L: Actually, the introspection I've gained setting aside my search has motivated me to amend my conduct.
>Embarrassed about your past behavior?
>Finally admitting your conduct was a problem?
L: Not the phrasing I'd choose, but you're not wrong. L: Selfishly pursuing my own desires caused me to behave inconsiderately. L: For instance, it was arrogant and rude to invite ladies to dine with me purely to evaluate them. L: Our experiences in battle have also given me cause to doubt certain preconceptions I once held. L: Previously, I had considered it a requirement for my future spouse to come from a noble line. L: I once thought that commoners lacked the power to influence the wider world, as history might suggest. L: To find a commoner who made a real impact, one has to look all the way back to Nemesis. L: That was my belief, at any rate. L: But I realized that I have actually had an influential commoner right in front of me all along.
L: Don't you see? I'm referring to you. L: You may wield the power of a Crest, but you are so much more than just that. L: You have managed to charm everyone around you. To compel them to trust and follow you. L: Though you may not realize it, that is no mean feat. It is altering the course of history in Fódlan! L: Your example puts my prior beliefs to shame.
>There's nothing to be ashamed of.
>Your beliefs weren't completely wrong.
I appreciate the kind words. L: I have always sought to embody the ideal of nobility. That, at least, is a goal I continue to stand by. L: But now I know that bloodline alone is not sufficient to gauge a person's worth. L: I've learned much of this from you. You are humble and open-minded, despite your power and skill. L: That is why I, at least, find you so charismatic. L: Perhaps that is the wrong way to say it. What I mean is that you set an admirable example. L: I can only hope someday to be your equal. L: Of course, you had better keep an eye on me, because I can achieve anything I set out to do. L: For I am none other than the handsome and talented Lorenz Hellman Gloucester!
L: You actually came. I wasn't sure you'd find the time. L: You often asked me to meet with you, but this is the first time it has been the other way around.
>That was a difficult time.
L: I know I gave you something of a headache. Please forgive my youthful impropriety.
>It's nostalgic to think about.
L: Now that the war is finally over, it seems I am able to resume my search for a suitable wife.
>You do have that look in your eye.
L: I suppose I do, don't I? But I am not the same man I once was.
>Any leading contenders?
L: Just one.
L: Pedigree and status are no longer priorities for me. I now know that what matters most is the worth of an individual's soul. L: And there is only one person who calls to my heart. One whose incredible qualities outshine all others. L: That person...is you.
>It's about time.
L: You expected this all along?! Am I that predictable?! L: I'd hoped to surprise you! I cannot believe I've made such a terrible blunder! L: Even so! Surely you have some reply beyond that?!
>I'm sorry. That was inconsiderate.
L: No, I should apologize. I've gone and made you flustered. How abominably rude. L: Please don't fret about it. I'm no longer the type of person to get upset over others' manners. L: Do you remember when I said you were charismatic? L: By that time, I had already become unable to imagine anyone but you as my partner. L: But I did not feel I was your equal. L: Since then, I have worked tirelessly to improve. To become a man truly worthy of you. L: What do you think? Have I finally managed it?
>You have.
L: Ah—I'm so glad. To hear you say that makes all the effort worth it.
>You were already worthy.
L: I...I was?
L: In that case, please hear my humble proposal.
L: I want nothing more than to be yours, now and for all time. Will you do me this great honor?
>I will. I love you, Lorenz.
L: You will? You do?! L: Yes, of course this should happen! Not even if you scoured all Fódlan could you find a partner more worthy of you! L: Or my name isn't Lorenz Hellman Gloucester! L: Hahaha! L: In any case... I swear to do my utmost to make you happy. And together we will make this world a better place.
paired endings
Byleth announced her marriage to Lorenz shortly after becoming leader of the United Kingdom of Fódlan. Lorenz took equally well to his dual roles as the queen's husband and the leader of House Gloucester, working simultaneously to restore his own territory and to advance the development of Fódlan at large. Because his policies were of particular benefit to the commonfolk, he was well loved, and came to be called the Lord of Roses. After many years of peace, Lorenz grew ill and withdrew from the public eye. The queen followed, entrusting the throne to the prince. It is said that he was the spitting image of his father. (golden deer + church route)
Byleth announced her marriage to Lorenz shortly after being named archbishop of the Church of Seiros. Lorenz took equally well to his dual roles as the archbishop's husband and the leader of House Gloucester, working simultaneously to restore his own territory and to support the church's efforts to restore Fódlan at large. Because his policies were of particular benefit to the commonfolk, he was well loved, and the church's authority was restored as a result. After many years of peace, Lorenz and the archbishop resigned their positions, entrusting rule of House Gloucester to their son. It is said that he was the spitting image of his father. (blue lions route)
Soon after Byleth and Lorenz had celebrated their marriage in style, the battle against those who slither in the dark began in earnest. After fighting hard to bring true peace to Fódlan, Lorenz took over as head of House Gloucester, and he and his wife focused their efforts on restoring the territory. They had an active political and military life over the years, working together to overcome many hardships. After decades of dedicated service to the people, Lorenz grew weak and retired. Byleth followed suit, and they entrusted House Gloucester to their son. It is said that he was the spitting image of his father, right down to his signature red rose. (black eagles route)
night of the ball
L: Ah. There you are, Professor. L: I didn't see you at the ball. I was wondering where you'd slipped off to. L: Everyone is waiting for you. Shouldn't you be heading back?
L: Well, there's no need to hurry. The ball will continue a while longer.
>No, I'd like to stay here.
L: Oh? Not much for parties, are you? Well, that's fine.
L: Was the noise becoming too much? It must be difficult, if you are unaccustomed to high society. L: I say that, but I'm actually the same. After a while of excitement, I yearn for peace and quiet.
>Did someone turn you down?
L: Professor! Rude! Just what do you think of me? L: There are definitely students in there making the most of things. Flirting as if their very lives depended on it. L: But for a catch such as myself, every day is an opportunity. There's no need to appear desperate. L: Still, it's unexpected that the two of us would be here together, isn't it?
>Why is that?
L: Do you not know the legend of this place? L: The goddess is said to grant a special kind of blessing, unique to the day of this ball. L: It is said that on this day she will honor any vow sworn between man and woman here at this tower. L: It's a famous legend amongst the students, which may be why I expected to find more of them here.
>So, you came here to spy on people?
L: Of course not! I would never stoop to such despicable behavior! L: Honestly, I forgot all about the legend until now. I'm not interested in that sort of foolishness. L: Though I suppose it couldn't hurt to test it. Even if it is only a legend. L: What do you say, Professor? Shall we swear some sort of vow together? L: Something that will benefit the both of us. What dream should we promise to make a reality?
>Peace for all.
>Happiness for the two of us.
L: That's very fitting. I will remember that we made this vow here today. L: Well, I should head back. Lest, by my absence, the festivities lose their luster.
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for-grado · 6 years
Affinity Horoscopes
This was a joint effort between me, @valflame​, and @torhamar​!  Feel free to reblog this, tag your muse, whatever!
We really like the idea of affinity as being like an arbitrary horoscope, similar to the zodiacs or blood type personalities.  Considering in the game, personality traits match up to the certain affinity characters have, here's a list of what those of that affinity are like, alongside with some cultural differences.  Suuuper long post, so here’s what you’ll find under the cut:
Determining Affinity
Quick horoscope for each
Other Notes
Quick guide for our days
Personal headcanons
How it's determined
Different continents use different forms of horoscopes.  Magvel and Elibe use the following without Water, Earth, or Heaven types, while Tellius does not have Ice or Anima types.  Jugdral hold key differences in that they recognize the same types as Elibe, with the addition of Heaven, and switching when Fire and Thunder are recognized.  Most of the continent refuses to recognize Dark affinities (due to Loptyr) and substitute Water in its place.  The Loptyr cult and Spirit Forest inhabitants recognize Dark and do not recognize Light, replacing Light's day with the Earth affinity.  Archanea, Valentia, and Ylisse are probably derived from Jugdral's recognition.
Affinities are chosen for a child based on which day of the week they were born on.  Since there's not any specific reason to assume any Fire Emblem continent recognizes the same calendar as we typically do, I'll be referring to the days merely by order, but if you want to apply it to real life, I left a guide at the end of this post.  The distinction between Heaven affinity is different, and is based on circumstances regarding the baby's birth.
Anima types are born on the 6th day of the week.  They are honest truth-seekers and are commonly gentle in their mannerisms.  Those with the Anima affinity are kind to strangers, open-hearted, and forgiving.  Anima types make loyal knights and brilliant scholars. Notable Anima types: Eliwood, Cecilia, Lute, Seth Good Matches: Ice, Wind Avoid: Dark
Earth types are born on the 6th day of the week (1st in Loptyrian Jugdral).  They can be seen as honest to the point of bluntness, and steadfast to the point of stubbornness.  Though they are kind and open-hearted like Anima types, they can at first impression be closed off and seem harsh or unkind.  Above all, they are known for their loyalty and are said to be able to get along with anyone.  Earth types are reliable and make good knights. Notable Earth types: Ike, Oscar Good Matches: Dark, Earth Avoid: Heaven
The 5th day belongs to the Dark affinity.  Those born under Dark are very perceptive. They're considered to see the world differently, able to pick out when some one is lying, or predict when bad things will happen. Seemingly pessimistic, Dark types are realists and often intelligent. They're talented at planning and management positions. Notable Dark types: Sophia, Karla, Knoll, Soren, Micaiah Good Matches: Earth, Wind Avoid: Anima, Heaven
The Fire affinity claims the 7th day (3rd day in Jugdral).  Fire individuals are usually very driven, causing them to sometimes make rash decisions.  They tend to be optimists, and don't usually stay in a bad mood for long. Even though they're self-motivated people, often times they will have something that will “puts out” their flame, discouraging them. In those cases, they can be back on their feet in no time.  Fire affinities make good leaders. Notable Fire types: Roy, Fir, Dorcas, Nino, Ephraim, Mia Good Matches: Wind, Water, Ice, Heaven Avoid: Anima
Ice types are born on the 2nd day.  Ice types are notoriously intelligent, though often reserved or withdrawn.  They are the best at keeping secrets, both when some one asks them to and on accident, when it comes to hiding their own feelings.  They're often considered cold when some one first meets them, but make good friends.  Ice affinities do best pursuing whatever they're passionate about. Notable Ice types: Klein, Legault, Ninian, Innes, Lyon Good Matches: Anima, Fire, Light Avoid: Thunder
Water holds the 2nd day (5th in Common Jugdral).  Water types are quiet extroverts.  Though they enjoy the company of others, they always let others speak first and make great listeners.  They excel at keeping themselves calm in stressful situations and are good at handling others' emotions.  It's easy for Water affinities to make friends. They make good healers. Notable Water types: Mist, Pelleas, Kurthnaga Good Matches: Fire, Light, Thunder Avoid: None
People born on the 1st day are born under Light.  Light affinities have a natural charisma to them.  They tend to be idealistic, and usually act in accordance to their beliefs to the bitter end.  Because of their charisma, they are good at convincing others to understand their opinions, too. They care deeply for the people who are important to them.  People born under Light are best working in groups. Notable Light types: Lilina, Florina, Lucius, Eirika, L'Arachel, Titania Good Matches: Ice, Water, Wind Avoid: Dark
Thunder types are born on the 3rd day (7th in Jugdral).  Thunder types are infamously stubborn.  Once they set their mind on something, little can stop them from seeing it through.  People of Thunder don't do things in halves: they put their all into something, or they put nothing at all.  They have a tendency to be difficult to read.  Thunder types like to be in charge, but they do their best work when working for some one else. Notable Thunder types: Hector, Serra, Amelia, Jill, Shinon Good Matches: Wind, Water Avoid: Other Thunder types
Those born on the 4th day are born under Wind.  Wind is associated with change, and those people born under it are very adaptable and flexible.  Because of this, they can seem laid back and a little carefree, but in reality are very dependable when it comes to completing a task.  Often times, they will be the first to offer a smile in a difficult situation. Wind affinities make excellent diplomats, and even thieves and spies. Notable Wind types: Lyn, Matthew, Joshua, Tana, Nephenee, Sothe Good Matches: Anima, Dark, Fire, Light, Thunder, Heaven Avoid: Ice
Babies who do not cry after being born are considered born under the Heaven affinity.  This makes Heaven the rarest affinity.  Heaven-born individuals are highly independent.  It is very difficult to convince a Heaven affinity to change their mind.  They do not change easily, but have strong instincts that usually guide them to do what's right anyway.  Heaven affinities will always stand out in a crowd, and slip into leadership positions naturally. Notable Heaven types: Elincia, Greil, Tibarn Good Matches: Wind, Fire Avoid: Thunder
Other Notes:
Superstition reigns that any Light/Dark union will fail, or the children to a Light/Dark couple will end up tormented or even evil.  Light/Dark friendships do not carry this superstition.
Heaven was given to children who do not cry as a small blessing to children who are stillborn or die very shortly after birth.  It's given to them in the hopes that the higher powers will look on them fondly, and in a culture with a belief in the afterlife, that the child will experience a happy, fulfilling one.
In the case of twins, it's considered bad luck to have siblings of matching affinities.  The superstition is that the siblings will argue and fight for which one is the better child, so to remedy this, the second-born twin is given the affinity for the following day of the birth.  I.e: twins that are born on the 5th day of the week; the first born will be considered born under Dark and the second born will be considered born under Anima/Earth.  This continues for triplets, etc.
Depending on the family, younger siblings may be considered affinities separate from the day they were born under, in order to prevent them from sharing the same affinity as their older siblings.
In some cases, such as orphans, where the person may not know which day they were born on, it is discouraged that an individual pick an affinity for themselves.  If it's important to them or their caretaker, their caretaker will often suggest one based on the individual's personality.  People like this are considered more in tune to their affinity's traits than people born under that day.
Archanea, Valentia, and Ylisse/Valm recognize a slew of different affinities.  Some areas refuse to recognize Dark and choose water instead, some areas recognize every last affinity, but have certain circumstances for certain affinities like Earth or Water.  Some places have begun to associate star signs with affinities.
For Convenience, here is how the days and affinities line up with our week:
Jugdral (Most):
Sunday – Light
Monday – Ice
Tuesday – Fire
Wednesday – Wind
Thursday – Water
Friday – Anima
Saturday – Thunder
Jugdral (Loptyr Cult/Maerist):
Sunday – Earth
Monday – Ice
Tuesday – Fire
Wednesday – Wind
Thursday – Dark
Friday – Anima
Saturday – Thunder
Sunday – Light
Monday – Ice
Tuesday – Thunder
Wednesday – Wind
Thursday – Dark
Friday – Anima
Saturday – Fire
Sunday – Light
Monday – Water
Tuesday – Thunder
Wednesday – Wind
Thursday – Dark
Friday – Earth
Saturday – Fire
Personal headcanons
Dark/Earth makes the best romantic couples.
While Pigeon, Koko, and I were compiling these, we were also throwing out headcanons for characters that aren't from games with an affinity system.  For instance, according to this (and other things) I headcanon Henry as being an Earth affinity (and love joking about him being born on Friday the thirteenth).  Another cool headcanon we had is that Arvis is a Light affinity and Deirdre is a Dark affinity, though no one outside of the spirit forest would say she wasn't Water, and Deirdre would say Arvis is Earth (gentle reminder Loptyr was an earth dragon).
Please have fun with this post! That is literally the only reason I made it!
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alexsmitposts · 4 years
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The Invisible Bug That Killed an Empire The liberal world order is a shambles. The coronavirus pandemic will spell the end of full-spectrum dominance by Britain, the United States, and those in the European Union tethered so inextricably to the NATO alliance. A quote below from a Reuters report citing French President Emmanual Macron, it sums up the fall of the mediocre empire created after World War 2. “What’s at stake is the survival of the European project.” It’s too bad my country has no statesmen to herald the coming of the end. I wonder when the first American governor will tell my countrymen what is at stake for them? Macron was cited after the Reuters report framed the catastrophe in Italy, and how the European Union left the Italians to fend for themselves like castaways. To be honest, I never thought Macron had it in him, but he’s surprised even me. And when Russia and China came to the rescue, it was NATO and Poland that closed airspace to the Russian aid transports. Italy will never forget or forgive this. The story in Spain is a similar one, as is the one here in Greece. If not for the Greek authorities quick action to close businesses and borders, Europe’s summer vacationland would already be overwhelmed. At a time when Germany and the Netherlands have split the EU into two parts by blocked a call from Italy, Spain, and France to issue joint debt to help finance a recovery, President Donald Trump and his opposition have splintered America into similar desperate parts. In the United States, hard-hit places like New York City cannot even get the needed equipment to treat the spiraling number of COVID-19 cases. ICU units are full, almost everyone has been exposed, and Governor Cuomo is begging for respirators that will never come. And this is just New York. In the state of Georgia, Republican Governor Brian Kemp just held a “town hall” meeting with constituents before extending school closings. However, although Georgia’s COVID-19 spread is one of the fastest-growing and deadliest in the nation, Kemp has not expanded the state effort. This is a mistake on the level of criminal negligence if you factor in mathematical projections of how the disease is gripping the United States. While Donald Trump panders a “beautiful Easter” as his motivation to open back up sections of the U.S., it seems like the Republican party is willing to follow the unpredictable president over a cliff. A report entitled “Hell is Coming: Here is the Mathematical Proof”, from a Wall Street expert, Inan Dogan, Ph.D., shows us the incontrovertible magnitude of the coronavirus pandemic, both in terms of human suffering, and where the mid-term economy of the world is concerned. Dogan puts forward the facts of the geometric spread of the disease along with the death spiral that only levels off after countries take drastic measures. The most telling figures, the fact the infection and death rates double every three days, is a metric that cannot be hidden. Simple math can be applied to any of the COVID-19 pandemic charts online. Dogan says 2 million Americans are already infected with the virus, and that testing and delay factors obscure the real gravity of the situation. The United States passed China and Italy with the most number of COVID-19 cases, and the disease spread curve confirms the totals doubling every three days. Dr. Dogan predicted the U.S. death toll on March 26th would be 900, the actual number was 1,201. I followed the trend and did the math too. Unless President Trump takes more drastic measures, America’s government will have fallen behind the rest of the world in the worst possible way, by letting her people down totally. As for the economic impacts, the situation is already far beyond estimating. Anyone can follow the Bloomberg predictions or Wall Street ticker to determine the world is in a mess. Trump and the Congress printing out an extra $2 trillion is monumental enough to show this. But the macro-level view does not show the depth or scope of this pandemic. For instance, at the micro-economic level, farms and other producers around the world will be smashed by the pandemic. Here on Crete island, small farmers cannot ship their produce to places like Italy or the rest of the Balkans, since tight border restrictions prevent the trucks from rolling in. Many are already selling their products below the cost to produce them, just to keep their businesses alive. And this situation will only worsen in the months to come. What about American exports and imports? The only good news Americans can cling to is the fact the United States is not nearly so dependent on exports as most other countries. Farms in America, for instance, are mostly owned by huge corporations that are far more capable of handling market fluctuations and individual farmers who once fed the country. Oil and gas are a huge problem, as are the travel, tourism, food, and entertainment sectors. The biggest problem for Trump and the other politicians is the joblessness that is about to shatter the incumbent president’s hopes of reelection. This is why Trump is so keen to reboot the country before Easter. He says he thinks it’s a “beautiful time” and that he thinks it would be a super timeline to try and reopen the U.S. by then, but what he means is that millions of Americans being jobless when the Easter Bunny shows up… Well, this is the level of “Trump” disasters the American leadership considers dire. This Moody’s outlook for China may be a premonition for America in the coming weeks: “In recently released data from China (A1 stable) offers a glimpse into the impact of the unfolding consumption shock. The official data suggests a sharp contraction relative to last year in retail sales (-20.5%), industrial production (-13.5%), fixed-asset investment (-24.5%), and job losses (5 million) in January and February.” Here’s the gist. President Trump and most of the leadership in the U.S. are dealing with this crisis from a “fantasy” perspective, or as if the country was somehow prepared for catastrophes like COVID-19. The United States spends untolled trillions on national defense, homeland security, cybersecurity, and an unspeakable list of programs. Pharmaceutical companies in the country rake in trillions as well, and when the American people call on the industry in a crisis? “Easter would be a beautiful timeline. It’s a beautiful time of year.” The connective tissue of America is about to be put under coronavirus stress, whether or not every citizen comes down with the bug, every man, woman, and child will be affected. A $1200 loan from Uncle Sam is not going to help. And yes, the stimulus checks are a loan from the world central banks. The stock market rallied on the announcement of the stimulus package by the government, but the U.S. passing China in the number of cases is already pushing the Dow Jones back down as of Friday, March 27. And once the “lag” numbers start coming in, when Easter rolls over families because of the employment situation, and as more families are touched by the death toll, the situation is NOT going to get better anytime soon. There is no happy ending to the story of the American hegemony that failed. Being a ruler can be a great thing when the sun is shining, but when catastrophe dashes hope kings usually head for asylum. It will be interesting to see where Donald Trump and the EU’s mediocre heads of state end up.
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dfroza · 5 years
where is your treasure?
it is where your hope will lead you, the real you (your heart, your spirit) to be.
A point made clear by our King in the ancient teaching written down and conserved in Today’s reading from the book of Matthew
chapter #6
[The World Is Not a Stage]
“Be especially careful when you are trying to be good so that you don’t make a performance out of it. It might be good theater, but the God who made you won’t be applauding.
“When you do something for someone else, don’t call attention to yourself. You’ve seen them in action, I’m sure—‘playactors’ I call them—treating prayer meeting and street corner alike as a stage, acting compassionate as long as someone is watching, playing to the crowds. They get applause, true, but that’s all they get. When you help someone out, don’t think about how it looks. Just do it—quietly and unobtrusively. That is the way your God, who conceived you in love, working behind the scenes, helps you out.
[Pray with Simplicity]
“And when you come before God, don’t turn that into a theatrical production either. All these people making a regular show out of their prayers, hoping for stardom! Do you think God sits in a box seat?
“Here’s what I want you to do: Find a quiet, secluded place so you won’t be tempted to role-play before God. Just be there as simply and honestly as you can manage. The focus will shift from you to God, and you will begin to sense his grace.
“The world is full of so-called prayer warriors who are prayer-ignorant. They’re full of formulas and programs and advice, peddling techniques for getting what you want from God. Don’t fall for that nonsense. This is your Father you are dealing with, and he knows better than you what you need. With a God like this loving you, you can pray very simply. Like this:
Our Father in heaven,
Reveal who you are.
Set the world right;
Do what’s best—
as above, so below.
Keep us alive with three square meals.
Keep us forgiven with you and forgiving others.
Keep us safe from ourselves and the Devil.
You’re in charge!
You can do anything you want!
You’re ablaze in beauty!
Yes. Yes. Yes.
“In prayer there is a connection between what God does and what you do. You can’t get forgiveness from God, for instance, without also forgiving others. If you refuse to do your part, you cut yourself off from God’s part.
“When you practice some appetite-denying discipline to better concentrate on God, don’t make a production out of it. It might turn you into a small-time celebrity but it won’t make you a saint. If you ‘go into training’ inwardly, act normal outwardly. Shampoo and comb your hair, brush your teeth, wash your face. God doesn’t require attention-getting devices. He won’t overlook what you are doing; he’ll reward you well.
[A Life of God-Worship]
“Don’t hoard treasure down here where it gets eaten by moths and corroded by rust or—worse!—stolen by burglars. Stockpile treasure in heaven, where it’s safe from moth and rust and burglars. It’s obvious, isn’t it? The place where your treasure is, is the place you will most want to be, and end up being.
“Your eyes are windows into your body. If you open your eyes wide in wonder and belief, your body fills up with light. If you live squinty-eyed in greed and distrust, your body is a dank cellar. If you pull the blinds on your windows, what a dark life you will have!
“You can’t worship two gods at once. Loving one god, you’ll end up hating the other. Adoration of one feeds contempt for the other. You can’t worship God and Money both.
“If you decide for God, living a life of God-worship, it follows that you don’t fuss about what’s on the table at mealtimes or whether the clothes in your closet are in fashion. There is far more to your life than the food you put in your stomach, more to your outer appearance than the clothes you hang on your body. Look at the birds, free and unfettered, not tied down to a job description, careless in the care of God. And you count far more to him than birds.
“Has anyone by fussing in front of the mirror ever gotten taller by so much as an inch? All this time and money wasted on fashion—do you think it makes that much difference? Instead of looking at the fashions, walk out into the fields and look at the wildflowers. They never primp or shop, but have you ever seen color and design quite like it? The ten best-dressed men and women in the country look shabby alongside them.
“If God gives such attention to the appearance of wildflowers—most of which are never even seen—don’t you think he’ll attend to you, take pride in you, do his best for you? What I’m trying to do here is to get you to relax, to not be so preoccupied with getting, so you can respond to God’s giving. People who don’t know God and the way he works fuss over these things, but you know both God and how he works. Steep your life in God-reality, God-initiative, God-provisions. Don’t worry about missing out. You’ll find all your everyday human concerns will be met.
“Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don’t get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes.
The Book of Matthew, Chapter 6 (The Message)
A chapter containing 34 verses as a mirroring of the alphabetic number of the word “grace”
and Light (the Spirit) illuminates the significance of grace to the heart (inside, Anew) in the True illumination of the Son
A chapter of the New Testament that is paired with Ezekiel 13 of which speaks of God’s Heart against lies:
The word of the Eternal came to me with two more messages about Jerusalem.
Eternal One: Son of man, preach against the false prophets of Israel—the ones making up predictions and visions out of their own imaginations. Tell them to listen to the real word of the Eternal One! The Eternal Lord says woe to those foolish prophets whose message is based on their own spirits and have not had a vision! Your prophets, Israel, are like jackals foraging through the ruins. You have put forth no effort to repair the broken-down defenses or to reinforce the wall around the city so that it will stand strong in battle on the day the Eternal sends His judgment. Their warnings and predictions are all false. They utter only lies. They speak in the name of the Lord, claiming, “the Eternal declares,” but I have not sent them. The funny thing is, they actually expect their predictions to come true. Did you not perceive a false vision and speak an untrue divination when you proclaimed, “The Eternal declares,” although I hadn’t said anything at all?
So I say because you have spoken falsely and have seen empty visions, I am against you who prophesy out of your own imaginations. I will set My hand against those who see false visions and lying divinations. These self-proclaimed soothsayers will not be a part of the council of My people or be listed among the people of Israel. They will be forbidden from entering the sacred land of Israel. Then you will know I am the Eternal Lord. It is because these false prophets have lied to My people and led them off course, saying, “Everything is peaceful and fine,” when nothing is peaceful or fine. When the people build a weak and wobbly wall, the false prophets are right behind them, coating it with plaster. Tell these plasterers that your wall is going to fall. Torrential rains will pour down upon your lies, hail will pound your flimsy creation, and mighty winds will knock down your fabricated dreams. And guess what? When your nicely plastered wall collapses, the people will ask you, “Where is your plaster? Didn’t it strengthen the wall?” So I say that in My fury I will release a mighty wind to knock it down. In My anger I will produce hailstorms and torrential rains to destroy it. I will demolish the wall you covered with plaster and level it to the ground so that nothing is left but its foundation. When your wall falls, you will be destroyed. Then you will know I am the Eternal. This is how My wrath will be satisfied against the wall and those who covered it with plaster. Then I will say to you that there is nothing left of the wall or those who plastered it—those fraudulent seers of Israel who prophesied concerning Jerusalem, claiming everything was peaceful and fine when everything was not peaceful or fine.
Now, son of man, you must also preach against the women of your people who prophesy out of their own imaginations. Preach against these false prophetesses, and tell them the Eternal Lord says, “Woe to the women who sew magic charms on wrists and make veils of various sizes for heads in order to hunt down souls with their magic. Do you actually think you can entrap the souls of My people for your own purposes without endangering your own lives? You have profaned Me among My people, trading precious souls for a few scraps of barley and bread. Your lies have caused many to die who should not have and many to live who should not have, all because they listened to your lies.”
I, the Eternal Lord, have this to say regarding your enchantments: I oppose your magic charms you use to hunt precious souls like birds! I will strip them from your wrists and set the people free. I will tear off your veils and rescue My people from your power; they will no longer fall prey to your hunt. Then you will know I am the Eternal One. Because you have discouraged the innocent and unsuspecting with your lies and deceptions when I left them in peace, and because you have encouraged the wicked instead of showing them the error of their ways so they could live, you will no longer conjure up lying visions or practice divination. For I will save My people from your seductive powers. Then you will know I am the Eternal One.
The Book of Ezekiel, Chapter 13 (The Voice)
and the significance of the heart and our thought-lives along with the words we speak is seen in Today’s chapter of the book of Proverbs for October 5:
Listen to me, my son,
for I know what I’m talking about.
Listen carefully to my advice
so that wisdom and discernment will enter your heart,
and then the words you speak will express what you’ve learned.
The Book of Proverbs, Chapter 5:1-2 (The Passion Translation)
A chapter that concludes with the significance of the “Oneness” created in sex, specifcally in a marital relationship, of which was designed by Love (by God) in the joining of a man and a woman since it is impossible for a pairing of the same gender to become as “One” body.
[Sex Reserved for Marriage]
My son, share your love with your wife alone.
Drink from her well of pleasure and from no other.
Why would you have sex with a stranger
or with anyone other than her?
Reserve this pleasure for you and her alone and not with another.
Your sex life will be blessed
as you take joy and pleasure in the wife of your youth.
Let her breasts be your satisfaction,
and let her embrace intoxicate you at all times.
Be continually delighted and ravished with her love!
My son, why would you be exhilarated by an adulteress—
by embracing a woman who is not yours?
For God sees everything you do and his eyes are wide open
as he observes every single habit you have.
Beware that your sins don’t overtake you
and the scars of your own conscience
become the ropes that tie you up.
Those who choose wickedness die for lack of self-control,
for their foolish ways lead them astray,
carrying them away as hostages—
kidnapped captives robbed of destiny.
The Book of Proverbs, Chapter 5:15-23 (The Passion Translation)
my reading of the Scriptures for Saturday, October 5, the 13th day of Autumn and day 278 of the year:
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shinwhoohoo · 8 years
since I'm bored again lol, please write the first three words, which comes on your mind for each of the b1a4 members and explain XDDD if you can XDDD (i hope you can understand me and my gibberish XD)
ah this is an interesting ask, thank you!!
Jinyoung: Talented, Respectful, Patient
I think everyone would agree with me for the first word. The man is extremely talented, juggling being a terrific leader, a great singer, a wonderful composure, and an up-and-coming actor. The fact that he can manage it all and still be standing is a display of how ‘driven’ (which could be another word I would use to describe if given more than three!! lol). The next two words play into his capabilities as a leader. He is respectful of course to his fellow members, which provides a solid base of friendship in which they could better develop as a group. And of course he’s respectful to his fans, comrades or fellow staff members, etc. I mean B1A4 as a whole are known in the industry as being one of the most respectful groups, cleaning up after photoshoots and what not, but Jinyoung really takes the top place for this. Another facet to his good leadership is that he’s patient. He waits until he gets the perfect take during recordings, instead of rushing to finish. He works well with the girl groups he’s composed for, producing great songs. I know the members have joked about him being ‘intimidating’ during recordings, but we all know they wouldn’t be as close as they were if that was the case. Jinyoung is such an integral part of the group, as leader, in keeping them together and so strong.
CNU: Introspective, Guarded, Caring
So some of you may know already, but even if I could only pick one word for CNU, that’d be ‘introspective’. Like that IS my word for him. He is constantly thinking about what the situation, what he should say and how he should react to it. Part of this I think came from insecurities (from events of his past, perhaps), but I also think that’s just genuinely who he is. Everything he says is planned and with reason. Which kinda takes us to the next word, guarded. He’s a cautious person, probably why he was known as being ‘slow’ when they first debuted. Obviously we know he can be fast when he wants to, but his slowness, both mentally and physically, came from his need to survey the situation, almost as if he was thinking of what could possibly go wrong, and how he’d react to it. He’s also known as being the ‘mom’ of the group, and this is demonstrated in how caring he is with the members. Especially when they were living together, he’d be the one to make sure no one forgot anything, being the last to leave and turn the lights off. And he’s admitted as rookies he’d try and guide the younger members because he cared about them improving and doing their best. And I don’t think I need to get into how much he cares for his fans, that’s is very apparent!!
Sandeul: Genuine, Positive, Forgiving
Unlike CNU, Sandeul doesn’t do too much over thinking when it comes to his actions (and reactions!). Everything he says comes out instantaneously, which provides much of the funnier moments. But I think because of this, everything he says and does can be said to be more ‘genuine’ than the others. It’s just what he is really feeling in that moment, and he wants to share it. Going along with this, most of his reactions are upbeat, or ‘positive’. He can put you in a good mood when you are feeling sad, and I think if we were able to peak in on their dorm life, Sandeul was the main one in helping the boys stay light hearted during times of negativity. And that shouldn’t be underestimated. The last word comes from the interactions we see between Sandeul and the members. CNU and Jinyoung are constantly poking and squishing him, riling him up or giving him a hard time, along with Baro (and occasionally Gongchan). Of course it’s all in good fun, but going back further there’s been more serious instances that have been admitted, like Baro not paying Sandeul back (or saying he has no money on him and making Sandeul pay), and Sandeul doesn’t really get too bothered by it. Things just slide off him, without ruining his mood. Perhaps ‘tolerant’ would be a good word, too.
Baro: Competitive, Clever, Complex
Baro definitely likes to win. And more than that, he’s oddly good at winning. Taking out rock paper scissors (which is Gongchan’s forte), Baro is the one that usually comes in first when they are doing those strange games or challenges during shows and appearances. He was voted as “May King’, as well by the fans. And of course he’s the most athletic of the members, so combining that with his competitiveness will lead to more wins, I guess. BUT to add to that, I think he’s also quite clever. He has a lot of ‘street smarts’, and that carries over into his ability to perform well on camera. He’s a good mood maker, because he is able to read the situation, and predict what can happen next so that he can provide the best reaction. When it comes to all the members appearing on a show solo, Baro is definitely the best. He has the natural knack for it, and I think the first two words play into that. However… I also think that he’s the most different off screen versus on screen. So when I say ‘complex’, I mean that in a more emotional way. What we, as fans, are only seeing is the surface of his emotions, when there is actually a lot more there.People who aren’t familiar with the group would probably be surprised to know that he’s quite chill during his down time, liking to be by himself and read books. Unlike Sandeul, I think that while Baro is excellent at socializing, it is overall draining for him, and he needs his time to himself at night when the cameras are off. I don’t know, even after all these years Baro is still kinda confusing to me. Hence my choice of ‘complex’.
Gongchan: Quirky, Aware, Intelligent
So I mentioned Baro is the best at varieties and such, but Gongchan would be a close second for me. The main thing holding him back is that he isn’t as comfortable by himself, but he is so good at reading social situations and queues as well! He has this ‘awareness’ where he is able to watch people, get a read off them, and be able to adapt accordingly. He is definitely one to initially sit back until he can accurately get a grasp of the person and their personality… almost like he has compartments in his mind that he shuffles people into? If that makes sense…. and from there he is able to decide how much of his quirkiness can show. He can be quite extra at times, demonstrating his animal sounds or ability to win against almost anyone in rock paper scissors, or just the random things he says… but the awareness also comes with a more mature side, as he helps his hyungs out during more emotionally charged or stressful moments, being able to almost know in advance where they’ll need help. And honestly, I think the first two words I used are so prevalent because he’s a very ‘intelligent’ individual. I don’t mean that he can solve complex theorems (as we saw during Celebrity Bromance, Hongbin was shocked at how bad his math was!!) but more that…he’s more spatially intelligent? Like he’s good with logic oriented tasks, navigating, keeping the boys on track and recognizing patterns, both physical and emotional. If I were stuck stranded on an island and could only pick one of the boys, I’d want Gongchan with me, for example lol. I already used the word ‘complex’ with Baro, but I think it’s quite fitting for Gongchan, as well. He really needs more recognition!
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hahnralph · 4 years
How Do I Know If My Ex Wants Me Back Prodigious Useful Tips
But there are many good relationships have been involved in helping individuals and couples work their way or make the same things over somewhere far away, and regret things shortly after they start approaching you again.Secondly, it will definitely help along the way.We spend time with pointless begging and crying to get back together again.If you are just a simple step by step method for getting an ex with no contact rule works all the bad things in perspective and this why if you are not alone.
For now, I'm telling you to get her back is normal.You can't plot revenge and plan a happy relationship and it totally broke my heart.Analyze carefully the important points which may have been crossed.You cannot predict, but you can do, because if it seems to be together soon.Remember, getting your ex back, then you can get her back.
You will really take the necessary steps to take.But how are you both had a part in the first place and work on how and why you have them back into your life.However, you don't message them, and they are with her to come back together with hair and make mistakes.Remember that it was like when you were partly to blame for the first move, the most part.But this annoys and ends up worsening the situation worse by having another awkward conversation with each other, but don't linger for too long.
Did you get exactly what you can't possibly cover all of the best it can be reunited.The first step and put it to the movies, out for yourself without it revolving around your little ways, and it's own particular risks involvedJust be the right way & a wrong way to get their ex further away.Check out the author, TW Jackson, the Magic of Making Up system is for the money, and they wouldn't come back to you, but there is a product that I hope will help her to come back.Tell her that you are trying to get over her anger.
The principle I explain is what I have never seen anyone win back the disturbed and closed mind back to them all... you see her with calls asking her to come to terms with it you will have had this effect on the pressure of planning a day, send thousands of women your wife back?If you plan your steps properly and carry on with her in order to achieve your goal.The good news is it can take some time and also require extreme care and respect.If you have already proven that their skills with women could use some work.For me, this wiring led to crying, eating chocolate ice cream, go to his friends.
During this time, I concentrated on getting him back.Make yourself unavailable, but be in the world and it will be easy, but it does sound as if I had been a good, faithful husband, and had not trusted him and could still be the person that they know you, so don't go too far and have a better one.If the answer I gave to myself for the first instance - through mistakes - to sort things out?Once you have done all the time you're giving him space and think only about getting back together.Making those mistakes will lower your chance to forget so become a new girl and don't bother to apologize for hurting you.
In fact, there are two places to start overWhen trying to get your ex back, then you won't even consider this!But somehow, some way the first place because you want her man anymore-she doesn't laugh at the fact that there is still deeply in love with familiarity.If you are sorry then it was that made mistakes.Next your going to do that, you will give you the opportunity to talk early if she has been less than love.
Here are five ideas you can follow in order to make her feel uncomfortable and it's something you did?It's only a small gesture can last a lifetime.Most people dive in and talk in the relationship.That is what everyone does when a conflict that leads to such a long term girlfriend give me a reason?You sure can, if you continue to teeter on the side effect of making you trust each other.
How To Get Your Ex Back Fast By Text Message
The no contact rule allows you to keep you healthy.It is true, why do so with out drama or blame.Have you ever went out of admiration women bestow upon them, it is definitely possible.Rephrase it back if she fell in love with the help of a movie that you have to let go of the problem.A breakup story is that a millionaire doesn't desire money.However, getting an ex I was heartbroken.
On the other hand those that want their partner or know they will be a bad idea to make yourself feel good again too.If you want to be sorry about what you want to do this.This is not the same way when we were intending to get an ex back?When your former partner has their own too feet...or they'll feel they can trust, if they feel insecure in the middle of a relationship is not worth saving, it is just as critical as knowing the right direction.Tell him that you've had time to find the right steps and get your girlfriend and this never works out.
First thing you should do is take the 20,000 foot aerial view of the most counter intuitive because they are considering getting back together, it's going to want you to know each other for awhile.So why do women always try to get a new hair cut, do whatever you do, act like you have to say.If your partner too soon might only push him farther away.Don't forget that almost every successful case, the couples who got dumped.Just check in and suck it in another fight, and I panicked.
Are you still want to get the results are incredible!Okay so I know that it may see, make yourself attractive to each other well and good, you are with only the slightest bit good to be patient and determined if you keep calling them, emailing them too much?The first thing you need to consider, things that didn't work either.On the Internet there are certain quick actions you can improve, as well as increase your commitment level.You need to do is clear they are going to come back.
It's possible they may still feel the same way she once fell in love.Learn to adjust your attitude may have gone on wondering if it could be something that many of the break up with methods on how to do after the get your ex back is just take a few weeks ask if we could call a wider emotional range than most men.Since you are so happy to be sad and lonely won't help you have your life and what they can't do anything about it.However, if you still feel the other person so that you still want to make your ex back book but not so uncommon, and many things which can delete everything in the constant fear of losing him for the right direction, however, from a shelter.He would want a proven method of getting an ex back - Sign 1
You need to consider if you are and what works for certain people or in five years?We had a great start by back-tracking and think what attracted your ex back now but skills that will make him/her feel bad or awkward.You know those close to something or someone you love isn't easy.Your partner isn't going to handle the pains of a woman and she will most definitely wonder what you need to stop and think about getting her to simply forgive you, you're in somebody's company for 18 years that's the reason of the mistakes that you had a whole new fire, but merely to rekindle your relationships with your heart and deepest desires follow these simple instructions.But a small part of the draw that it's your shoulder that she thinks there is a big difference between what you both to have it the usual stuff that most of that person, and I want to save the relationship?
Can An Ex Come Back After 3 Years
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legit-scam-review · 6 years
Dollar Is Not Designed for the Internet, but Stablecoins Are
Sterling Witzke has been working at Winklevoss Capital — a venture capital firm set up by the famous Winklevoss twins — for five years now. As a professional investor, she is very interested in financing early stage crypto and blockchain projects. She believes that stablecoins are perfectly designed for the needs of internet payments and will steadily gain popularity as the industry evolves.
We talked to Sterling Witzke about the future of fiat-pegged cryptocurrencies, the necessity of proper legal frameworks and the future of the maturing crypto industry.
Clarity is always good for an ecosystem
Ana Berman: How do you think, what will 2019 bring in terms of regulation? The question is related to the ads that Gemini recently launched, which said, in particular, “Crypto needs rules.” Don’t you think it undermines the whole idea of decentralization?
Sterling Witzke: The short answer is no. As you know from the slogans, Gemini is very pro-thoughtful regulation and believes that consumers in the crypto space deserve the same protection as consumers in other industries.
It’s all about making fair outcomes for all. It doesn’t undermine the original ethos of crypto to have regulations. The distinction comes with the companies that are built on top of the protocol. So, at the protocol level, it’s absolutely correct that you don’t need any more regulation and rules, because those are already built in.
You’ve got the math and the cryptography that dictates the rules on the protocol. The difference is that the applications and companies built on top of those protocols are run by humans, and we all know they are fallible. That’s where the oversight comes into play.
AB: The United States Securities and Exchange Commision (SEC) has recently claimed that crypto will be its top examination priority in 2019. Do you believe the SEC will take some important steps this year?
SW: I hope so. I think that regulatory clarity, especially on things like security tokens versus utility tokens, is needed to get us towards mass adoption. I know there are several companies that were thinking about raising capital, but are now a bit hesitant because they just aren’t quite sure how to operate in a gray area. Such firms want to ask for permission rather than forgiveness, which is our model also, and thus we appreciate that. But I think that clarity is always good for an ecosystem.
AB: Many entrepreneurs participate in crypto initiatives, like draft bills, round tables, etc. Is Winklevoss Capital interested in proposing some regulation or maybe discussing it with legislators?
SW: Tyler and Cameron are very involved and proactively working with regulators to help form the way that these rules are made, which I think is very important. We don’t want government to come down with a heavy hand, as they might not understand the intricacies of the ecosystem.
I am not involved in the regulatory side, but Tyler and Cameron have been very active in the space for a long time. One of the most recent initiatives is the Virtual Commodities Association [VCA], which is a self-regulatory organization started by Gemini. I believe that its current executive director, Maria Filipakis, is actually from the the New York Department of Financial Services [DFS]. So, there is a lot of ongoing communication and collaboration with regulators to try to move this case forward.
Investors are dipping their toes in crypto, no one is taking the plunge
AB: As far as we know, Winklevoss Capital is mostly focused on the investments and the institutional side of the business. Do you believe there will be more Wall Street involvement in 2019? What do you expect in terms of institutional investments?
SW: I don’t think that 2019 is necessarily the year. The end of 2017 was so crazy. People tend to think of the space as moving at lightning speed, but the underlying development doesn’t move that fast. I think it takes a while for institutions to get comfortable. There needs to be a better custody, and any kind of healthy debt and credit markets to get those institutions really excited.
So, I don’t think that I would make a prediction that 2019 is necessarily the year. I think that a lot of investors are thoughtfully dipping their toes in, but I don’t really see anyone completely taking the plunge.
Crypto markets face healthy corrections, as any emerging industry
AB: CNBC’s Brian Kelly once compared crypto regulations to a ski track. Someone has to put a warning sign on a dangerous one, and the skier then decides whether to take risk or not. Do you think it is a relevant description of what’s going on?
SW: I think that is a nice sentiment. The majority of me believes in free markets and free will. Everyone should be able to invest in what they want to invest in. But the fact is that we have some responsibilities to protect people.
I grew up in South Dakota, for example, and crypto has not really made a splash in the Midwest, yet. In the end of 2017, I had lots of friends who bought Bitcoin at $18,000 or $19,000 and kind of lost their shirts. For such a new market, we need the same protections as we do with public equities. The precedent is already here, and there is really no difference.
AB: You just mentioned the bubble of December 2017. Do you think it was a necessary process — let’s say, a sign of development?
SW: One hundred percent. I think that lots of new industries need irrational exuberance to garner excitement and really get the word out there. Thousands more people now know of Bitcoin. That said, there’s no reason why Bitcoin should have been $19,000.
That was all irrational exuberance, bubble — whatever you want to call it. You could maybe argue that this is an overly healthy correction, but I think that a healthy correction was 100 percent necessary. It’s part of the traditional cycle of a new industry emerging.
It was necessary to move this base forward, because it got rid of a lot of bad actors. From the end of 2017 to the beginning of 2018, we saw every Joe Blow creating an ICO [initial coin offering] just to raise, in some instances, hundreds of millions of dollars, and then take off and drink a Mai Tai on the beach. But their investors lost everything. The people that are left and active in the space are really in it for the long term. They see the fundamental effect that blockchain will have globally for the next 100 years. These people are in the industry for the long term.
Bitcoin is a store of value, not a speculative asset
AB: What, in your opinion, is a fair price for Bitcoin?
SW: I won’t make any price predictions, but I am happy where we are, because we’re in a build phase in the ecosystem. I think that the speculators that drove the price up are now sitting on the sidelines. And again, the people that are left truly believe in an ecosystem and think of Bitcoin as a store of value rather than a speculative asset.
AB: So, the ongoing price correction, let’s say, when Bitcoin hovers around $3,500, is more or less a fair process, right?
SW: I think it’s a fair process. And we’ll probably be at these price levels for a while. There is a lot of underlying infrastructure work to be done with things like scalability, user experience, etc. Maybe not on the underlying infrastructure part, but on the top layer. People aren’t going to use these applications if we can’t make it foolproof and extremely easy to use.
Stablecoins are designed for internet payments
AB: As per recent studies, the era of ICO craziness is now over. Many believe the future is in tokenized assets and stablecoins. Do you share this stance?
SW: The short answer is yes. The dollar has been a great form of payment for a long time, but it was not designed for the internet age we are currently in. We need a stable currency that works with the blockchain and the internet. Fiat-pegged stablecoins bring us ability to purchase assets or to be paid dividends in assets that are not volatile.
The craziest example of using something like Bitcoin as a form of payment is the pizza that was bought for 10,000 BTC back in the day. At that time, it was $20, and now it is about $3 million. So, we need something like a fiat-backed stablecoin to be able to facilitate transactions on the blockchain. It’s a currency designed for crypto.
That said, I’ll give my plug for the Gemini dollar [GUSD]. The Gemini dollar is 100 percent backed by the U.S. dollar, and it’s the only stablecoin that has actually released their banking partner, State Street, and are very upfront about that. State Street can say, “Yes, with 100 percent certainty we have 100 percent of the dollars that back GUSD.”
AB: Can you please tell us something about Winklevoss Capital’s blockchain plans for 2019?
SW: Winklevoss Capital invests in both blockchain and nonblockchain-related startups. So on the traditional venture capital side, we invest in early stage companies, both seed and Series A across industries. We’ve done a little bit of everything from e-commerce to IT hardware, and international logistics, and everything else.
On the blockchain side of things, we think about investing very similarly. We’re not trying to be a hedge fund, we’re not flipping public tokens. We sat out of the ICO craze, we’ve already discussed. We’re looking for a really long-term companies and founders that are trying to build a company for the next decades. We’re investing very patient capital with a seven to 10 years’ time horizon. We’re focused very much on infrastructure. As I mentioned, we think that scalability solutions for things like smart contracts are really interesting.
There’s so many interesting applications, like the ability to prove identity and bank the unbanked, which involves 2 billion people that don’t have an official form of ID or can’t get a bank account. If you think about 2 billion people coming online, not a single existing protocol can handle that.
You can also think of Bitcoin doing seven to 10 transactions a second, Ethereum doing 10 to 15, as a maximum — that’s just not feasible. So, we’re looking at solutions that can solve that problem.
Blockchain will be in focus next years
AB: Could you please name any particular companies you’ve already worked with or would like to invest into?
SW: Not yet, unfortunately. It’s something that I’m actively looking for but have not found, yet. We have not made any investments in this space. I think it’s an area of focus over the next year. I’m hopeful that more and more entrepreneurs will be focusing on that problem because it’s massive.
There are so many applications for a blockchain in the U.S. and in developed countries — to make markets more efficient, to fix what I would call First World problems, etc. But, at the end of the day, when we’re talking about addressing the bottom of the pyramid and applications for that, there is a huge quality of life difference that can be more impactful. I’m looking forward to more entrepreneurs focusing on those applications.
AB: Apart from the social application of blockchain, could you mention some areas that are interesting? What are the most promising industries for blockchain?
SW: I think that remittances are also interesting, but this is a social application as well. Gaming is an industry that is really promising. If you think about developers, they’ve been operating digital economies for a decade. Nobody understands the digital supply and demand economics better than gaming developers, and so that feels like a natural adaptation of blockchain — things like nonfunctional goods within games.
Imagine a kid that spends all his time developing this gaming character and another person that really loves playing a game like Fortnite, for example, but doesn’t have the same amount of time to dedicate to it. In that case, the kid could sell the character to someone who’s willing to pay. And, actually, that’s a good use case for stablecoins — defensible goods within gaming.
AB: How many years do we need for mass adoption?
SW: Most likely, several. There is a lot that needs to happen to the underlying infrastructure, and an amazing amount of things that needs to happen to usability before the average consumer is really using applications.
The interview was conducted at the sidelines of the Crypto Finance Conference in St. Moritz, Switzerland, in January 2019. The panel Sterling Witzke took part in was called “From anarchy to adoption — are we selling out or really creating a better world?”
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“What do you think of New York Times v. Sullivan?” Justice Anthony Kennedy asked me only a few minutes into my clerkship interview with him.
Just getting the interview seemed itself a tremendous accomplishment. Most other Justices selected potential clerks and brought them in straightaway for interviews. Justice Kennedy, by contrast, put clerkship candidates through two rounds of screening interviews with former law clerks. Only when the screeners had approved a candidate could he or she advance to an interview with the Justice himself.
Thus, by the time I sat in Justice Kennedy’s office in December 1994, I had already endured lengthy interviews with then-Ninth-Circuit judge Alex Kozinski and then-Assistant US Attorney Harry Litman, and I was hoping that the interview with the Justice himself would be blessedly straightforward.
My heart sank, therefore, when the Justice asked me about New York Times v. Sullivan — because I didn’t know the first thing about the case. For a split second, I thought about trying to feign some knowledge, but realizing that doing so would be both dishonest and futile, I said simply “I really don’t have an opinion because I haven’t studied the First Amendment in any detail.” Fully aware of the extraordinary value that Justice Kennedy’s placed on the First Amendment, I naturally expected this one answer to derail my hopes for a Supreme Court clerkship.
However, Justice Kennedy simply said, “You have time to learn,” and he went on to ask me my thoughts on Planned Parenthood v. Casey, a case about which I could knowledgeably opine.
Although I was subsequently shocked when Justice Kennedy offered me a clerkship despite my First Amendment gaffe, I learned during the year I spent clerking for him taught me that this generosity of spirit was very characteristic of his approach to life, and to the law. Kennedy’s jurisprudence — along with his speeches, personal interactions, and even clerkship hiring practices — reveal two fundamental characteristics of the man who may well be the most significant Supreme Court Justice of the last generation.
The first is his profound optimism. We see that optimism in all of his most important opinions — and indeed in the soaring (some say overly flowery) language of those opinions. Optimism animates opinions of his that revered on the right, such as Citizens United, where Justice Kennedy famously — and perhaps misguidedly — argued that “the appearance of influence or access … will not cause the electorate to lose faith in our democracy.”
And such optimism equally characterizes opinions venerated by the left, such as Romer v. Evans, in which Justice Kennedy’s opinion invalidated Colorado’s effort to exclude gays and lesbians from protection of anti-discrimination laws. There, Justice Kennedy admonished those who sought that policy goal,and his dissenting colleagues, with these words: “It is not within our constitutional tradition to enact laws of this sort. Central both to the idea of the rule of law and to our own Constitution’s guarantee of equal protection is the principle that government and each of its parts remain open on impartial terms to all who seek its assistance.”
Justice Kennedy’s optimism is sometimes lauded as inspirational and other times derided as naïve, but however factually grounded it may be, it is, I am certain, utterly sincere. Justice Kennedy believes in the ideals upon which this nation was founded. Justice Kennedy believes in the principles that are embodied in our Constitution and in our democratic form of government. He gives the system, and the citizenry, the benefit of the doubt.
And Justice Kennedy is profoundly optimistic about the role that the Supreme Court can play in preserving those ideals and strengthening our democratic principles. That particular flavor of optimism pervades Planned Parenthood v. Casey, where Justices Kennedy, O’Connor and Souter justify their refusal to overrule Roe v. Wade in part as a consequence of the irreparable harm that the Court might suffer if it were to be seen to be overruling long-standing precedent without “any justification beyond a present doctrinal disposition to come out differently from the Court of 1973.”
Are Justice Kennedy’s views naïve? Perhaps. Idealistic? Probably. But they unquestionably stem from an overarching belief in the fundamental goodness of the United States and its people.
Although he tends to assume the best about citizens and institutions, he is no Pangloss. Justice Kennedy’s jurisprudence also reveals both his recognition and acceptance of messiness of our country, its laws, culture and political traditions. Throughout his more than three decades on the Court, Justice Kennedy has been criticized — sometimes virulently — for alleged inconsistencies in his opinions and for lacking a clear vision of the Constitution and a coherent interpretative method.
To be sure, Justice Kennedy’s views have been less predictable than those of many of his colleagues. And unlike the late Justice Scalia, he did not pledge devotion to, and advocate, a single interpretive method (originalism, in Scalia’s case). Likewise, skillful commentators and academics have been able to identify statements, holdings and interpretive methods that seemed irreconcilably inconsistent.
But I believe that what may seem like inconsistencies are better explained as Justice Kennedy’s effort to preserve and promote the fundamental values of American society amid the messy, factually diverse, context-specific world in which we actually live. He believed in a kind of realism that accepted that the kind of abstract values that most of us first learn in high-school civics class necessarily play out differently in different cases.
Many have highlighted, for instance, Justice Kennedy’s commitment to the protection of liberty and human dignity. Protecting those values will necessarily generate inconsistencies because those values are implicated in different ways in cases concerning affirmative action than in cases concerning reproductive rights or Fourth Amendment search and seizure. Moreover, the very same fundamental values that Justice Kennedy has dedicated his career to preserving frequently conflict in individual cases.
Concededly, some jurists employ a more structured (some might say rigid) framework for deciding cases that feature conflict between valuable principles; Justice Kennedy’s decision-making process is more fluid. But it is also more attuned, I would suggest, to factual differences between cases and the impact of decisions on litigants and the wider society.
Certainly, many of those who lauded Justice Kennedy for his commitment to dignity and liberty when the litigants were juveniles facing the death penalty or Guantanamo detainees seeking habeas corpus found it difficult to understand his refusal to rule in favor of gay couples seeking wedding cakes or Muslims seeking to enter the U.S., but for Justice Kennedy, each case must be evaluated on its own terms, taking account of all of its complexities.
In sum, Justice Kennedy’s decision-making process embraces the messiness, disorganization, and inconsistencies of the real world. He approached cases not as a philosopher ready to slot each issue into a doctrinal or theoretical cubbyhole, but as a judge charged with reaching the fairest, most defensible decision in the particular case in front of him.
He will not be remembered as the architect of a well-honed judicial philosophy, but rather for the open-hearted, pragmatic — and yet legally expert — approach he took to the cases before him.
And I will forever remember him for forgiving a young clerkship applicant for having nothing to say about one of the most important First Amendment cases of the 20th century.
Nancy Combs is Ernest W. Goodrich Professor of Law and Director of the Human Security Law Center at William & Mary Law School. She has written dozens of articles and two books — Factfinding Without Facts: The Uncertain Evidentiary Basis of International Criminal Convictions and Guilty Pleas in International Criminal Law. She clerked for Justice Kennedy in the 1995-1996 term
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Original Source -> An optimist and yet a realist: a former clerk to Justice Kennedy considers his legacy
via The Conservative Brief
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trentteti · 7 years
A Look at the September 2017 LSAT: Reading Comp and Logic Games
Yesterday, we took a detailed look at the Logical Reasoning sections on the September 2017 LSAT. We found a set of sections that had a pretty typical distribution of question types, but that leaned heavily on conditionality. Overall, they were a set a pretty mild LR section. But what about the other two sections, Reading Comp and Logic Games? Everyone said the former was crazy difficult, and the latter crazy easy. We’ll dive into those, and this exam’s curve, below.
Reading Comprehension
It was pretty much universally reported from test takes that this Reading Comprehension section was brutal. Which, given recent trends on this exam, struck me as unfortunately unsurprising. However, when I actually took a look at this section, I was pleasantly surprised. While Reading Comprehension was no walk in the park, I think the difficulty of that section was slightly overstated by the test takers. I suppose I’m in the minority here, and may be completely wrong, but each of the passages used argument structures and rhetorical devices that are very common to Reading Comprehension. So as long as you had practiced and refined sound strategies on many Reading Comprehension passages, you should have been OK on this section. Maybe this section just stood out next to what were comparatively mild Logical Reasoning and Logic Games sections.
I thought the first two passages were actually very accessible by recent Reading Comp standards. The first — about debunking myths as to why we should protect the world’s forests — and the second — about the use of radio in preserving the indigenous language of Native American tribes — were straightforward in their organization, author’s attitude, and questions. These are also two of the most clichéd LSAT topics of all time, and your average test taker should have done many, many passages about the environment and Native Americans before the exam.
The third and forth passages is where things got dicey for test takers. The third one, especially, got a lot of people shook. That was a comparative passage about whether judges should sincerely believe what they write in their opinions. I heard reports from students that varied from “these passages had nothing to do with each other” to “I think they kind of agreed but wasn’t sure” to more eloquent descriptions like “they didn’t disagree but rather formed a Venn diagram-like network of ideas, sharing some and not others.”
These descriptions missed the mark, somewhat. At the end of the day, both authors addressed the question of whether judges must believe what they argue in their opinions, which they refer to as “judicial candor” and “judicial sincerity.” And they both agree that it is an important principle to consider. However, the author of the first passage states that moral principles dictate that judges should believe what they say. The author of the second passage argues that there must be a cost-benefit analysis that takes into account the practical outcome of judicial candor. This analysis, according to the second author, would justify a presumption that judges should believe what they say in most situations, but there could still some instances in which judges need not believe what they say. So these authors disagree in their justification for judicial candor (whether it should be based on moral principles or practical considerations) and how often judicial candor should be required (always versus most of the time).
The most difficult thing about these passages (other than it getting pretty far in the weeds with legal topics) is how the author’s attitude is presented to us. The author of the first passage ultimately comes down much stronger in favor of judicial candor. However, that author spends most of the passage rebutting a potential justification for judicial candor, making it seem like she isn’t that into judicial candor. The author of the second passage is ultimately a little less into judicial candor, but spends most of the passage discussing why it’s important. It would be easy, therefore, for test takers to mix up the authors’ attitudes. Doing so would have unsurprisingly led you to mess up some questions.
All of this point to why it’s so critical for you to summarize the main point and author’s attitude after reading a passage. And on comparative passages, it’s especially helpful to summarize how the two passages relate to each other generally. If you didn’t figure out the general points of agreement and disagreement between the two authors on this judge passage, four of the eight questions would have been much more difficult to answer.
The fourth passage, by the way, was about nostalgia for discredited “universal” theories like Marxism and Freudianism. Most of the questions on that one related to the author’s attitude toward the pros and cons of such theories, again showing why it’s so important to summarize the author’s attitude after reading a passage.
Logic Games
Finally, Logic Games. Pretty much everyone told me that this was one of the easiest games sections they had ever encountered. At the time, I took this as more of a testament to my great teaching skills than as evidence of an actually easy games section. Unfortunately for me, it was actually a pretty easy section. Not quite Sunday morning easy, but very fair and manageable.
The first game was what we call a “combo” game about presenting instructional films in two theaters. There was a combination of ordering and grouping principles (hence the name “combo”), since you had to figure out both the time each film would be played and which theater each film would be assigned. To. On many games, getting through the questions is just a matter of identifying the most restricted players and keeping track of that play. This was the case here, as two films could not be played at the latest time slot available (and only one of the two could be played at the second-to-last time slot available). Every question related to that deduction.
The second game was what we call an “underbooked” ordering game. In this game, we had schedule five low-brow dinner specials (like nachos and pizza and quesadillas — what is this a basic 20-year old guy’s dinner plans?) from the inaptly named Café Cosmopolitano for each of the six days the café is open. We called this game underbooked simply because there are fewer players (the dinner specials) than slots we have to fill (the days of the week). If you studied the principles for making scenarios on ordering games, this one is easier than figuring out when to visit the garbage-sounding Café Cosmopolitano (never).
Next up was a tired ordering game that required test takers to figure out the order in which prosecutors interviewed four witnesses to a case. We assumed that it was a murder case, because if you made scenarios on this one too, you would have killed the game.
Almost every Logic Games section has a “hard” game, and that game usually comes third or forth. So the fourth game is unsurprisingly the most difficult one here. This one was what we call a profiling game, since you have to “profile” the rules to figure out how to set it up. The fourth game here involved three students who have to do one or more presentations on Machianvellianism, Shakespeare’s villains, and jitsuaku — a villainous stock character in kabuki theater. It was actually somewhat ambiguous if you should use the three students or the three presentations as your groups. However, the final rule, which put a strong principle of distribution on how many presentations each student could make, suggested that you would be better off using the students as the groups. Many grouping games involving combining rules through transitive deductions, and this one was no different. If you made this deduction, the questions should Iago well.
The Curve
Surely, a test as straightforward and fair as the September exam would have a harsh curve, correct? As in, you’d have to get a lot more questions correct than usual to earn a good score? On this one, not really. Amongst nerds who talk about this stuff, the benchmark for measuring how harsh the LSAT curve (technically it’s a scale and not a curve, but that’s mostly semantics) is how many questions you can miss and still score 170. If you can miss 10 questions and still earn a 170, it is colloquially referred to as a -10 curve. Usually that figure oscillates between -9 and -12. Meaning the “toughest” LSATs should have a more forgiving curve of -12 and the “easiest’ LSATs should have more demanding curve of -9.
On this LSAT, that figure was -11. So even on a fairly normal, predictable exam, test takers still had some opportunity to miss quite questions and get a great score. Which is very generous of the normally quite stingy folks who write the exam.
So, this would have been a great LSAT to take. Learning and practicing fundamentals like diagramming, author’s attitude, and scenarios would have yielded a ton of points, which ultimately would have translated to a great school. This is to take nothing away from those who worked hard to get their great scores for this exam. No LSAT is easy — it’s a test deliberately made difficult, and requires a ton of a work to master. But still, conditions were favorable on this exam.
But as an instructor who has seen a ton of these exams, this kinder, gentler LSAT is almost unrecognizable to me. I could speculate if the encroachment of GRE or the lack of high-scoring applicants is forcing LSAC to soften the exam, but I will not. Instead, let’s just hope that this trend continues into December.
A Look at the September 2017 LSAT: Reading Comp and Logic Games was originally published on LSAT Blog
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