#Former Member: Gami
alamat-ph · 2 years
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ALAMAT - 'kasmala' teaser portraits
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ippnoida · 2 years
Web3 Foundation to support Wan-Ifra’s collaborative media pilot project
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Wan-Ifra has announced that the Web3 Foundation will support the Web3 media pilot project produced in partnership with David Tomchak and provide expertise and funding during the research phase. 
A collaborative project bringing together local and international news publishers and technologists, the pilot announced in July will assess how Web3 can be used to help build ongoing trust and develop new sources of revenue for news publishers and content producers.
The project, led by David Tomchak, a visiting policy fellow at the Oxford Internet Institute, will be implemented between October and December 2022 and will bring together local and international news publishers and technologists to research practical applications of decentralized technologies for the publishing industry. 
The primary outcome of the research part of the pilot is to provide learning and a space to share knowledge between media and Web3 industries. The resulting blueprint will include a technical roadmap for product development and will be available for public consultation.
Ursula O’Kuinghttons, director of communications and partnerships at Web3 Foundation, said, ”We feel strongly that Web3 can play a leading role in modernizing how digital news will be created, provided, distributed, and monetized in the future. The proliferation of centralized social media channels has made it hard for people to identify trusted news sources, and this project can play a leading role in addressing those concerns.”
Thanks to the support from the Web3 Foundation, Wan-Ifra will provide funds to its members interested in participating in the project. The bursaries, ranging between Euro 1,500 and Euro 4,000, will compensate members for the time they will commit to the project.
Wan-Ifra members interested in participating in the project are invited to fill in the application form before 11 September 2022, 0329 hrs IST.
The project management team will select a maximum of three media organizations, members of Wan-Ifra, to start the pilot at the beginning of October.
“It is crucial to understand as soon as possible the implications of Web3 for publishers in the future. The only way to be relevant in our research and conclusions is to involve our members as early as possible in the process. We are proud and grateful to the Web3 Foundation for supporting us in doing so,”commented Stephen Fozard, project director, Global Alliance for Media Innovation at Wan-Ifra (GAMI).
Amon other important trends in the industry, Web3 will be one of the many topics on the World News Media Congress program to be held in Zaragoza from 28-30 September 2022.
Wan-Ifra, the World Association of News Publishers, is the global organization of the world's press. Web3 Foundation funds research and development teams building the technology stack of the decentralized web. It was established in Zug, Switzerland, by Ethereum co-founder and former chief technology officer Gavin Wood. 
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megurodivision · 2 years
"If you're going through Hell, keep going."
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Vito Koi is the second member of the Meguro Division rap battle group, DOG STREET CLUB. He is often called by his MC name, Strongarm. A former high-ranking member of a well-known corporation that had been bought out by Chuohku, Vito is a knowledgeable man with a huge chip on his shoulder. Upset that he was unable to protect his former master from being assassinated, he quietly waits and bides his time before he can exact revenge on those responsible.
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Vito is a gruff man in his late 20s. Despite his quiet demeanor, he is visually imposing, due in no small part to the scars on his face and his menacing red eyes. He has wavy, dirty blonde hair that goes down to his upper neck. His skin is a scorched brown color. He is a well-built, imposing man standing at 6'4' and weighing more than 200 lb.
Unlike his teammates, he prefers to wear simple clothes, both on and off his job. His attire consists of a black leather motorcycle jacket with spikes covering the majority of it, a black muscle shirt, some navy blue jeans that are secured with a brown leather belt with a gold belt buckle, and a pair of brown steel-toe boots. He also has a dual time watch on his left wrist that shows the time in different time zones.
Name Meanings
Vito (ヴィート) - life
Koi (恋) - heart
"The Demon"
"The Boss"
Sour-face - Yeong
Biographical Info
Gender - Male
Age - 27
Birthday - Jan 15th
Ethnicity - Japanese
Hair Color - Dirty Blonde
Eye Color - Red
Height - 193 cm/6'4"
Weight - 101 kg/222 lb.
Star Sign - Capricorn
Piercings - A stud earring in both of his ears, a nose ring in his right nostril, an eyebrow piercing in his left eyebrow, and a lip piercing on the left side of his bottom lip.
Markings - A scar across the bridge of his nose, a scar going vertically on the right-bottom side of his face, a dog tattoo on his back, a lightning bolt going down his left arm, and the word 'Strongarm' tattooed on his right arm.
Unknown Biological Father, Deceased
Unknown Biological Mother, Deceased
Voiced By - 漢 a.k.a. GAMI (Rapping)
Fun Facts
MC Name - Strongarm
Occupation - Tattooist/Piercer/Bouncer
Division - Meguro
Position - Second Member
Favorite Food - Fried Rice
Least Favorite Food - Rice Porridge
Likes - Art designs, browsing art on the Internet, piercings, tattoos, Bourbon whiskey, Being in high places, working out, two-wheel vehicles
Dislikes - Betrayal, his appearance, scaring little kids, Chuohku, bad liquor, snow, people pointing out his mistakes on artwork, being disturbed
Hypnosis Microphone
Vito's Microphone is a Bluetooth glove with a built-in-mic and speaker, which he places on his left hand.
His Speaker takes the form of seven ink bottles that are each a different color of the rainbow. The caps from the bottle are removed once Vito starts rapping, revealing a speaker in each of them. On each bottle, there is a radiation symbol.
His rap ability, Brawl, has Vito using up some (or most of) his energy to deliver an attack on each of his opponents. He can only use the move once, and doing so drains his energy.
Vito's rap themes often center on his past, much like Saji's. He often sings about his time in gangs, how they shaped him to be who he is now, and things he wishes he could have done differently. On more pleasant subjects, he'll often talk about his love for artwork or his profession.
Vito is a quiet and reserved man who prefers to let his actions speak for him instead of relying on words. Much like his teammate and rival, Saji, Vito also experienced abandonment and gang violence at an early age, though that wasn't enough to make him close his heart off like his leader. He has his share of burdens, but doesn't like to share them with others, preferring to keep his thoughts and opinions to himself unless asked.
He is a very loyal and honorable person. Before his current professions, he served as a bodyguard, putting his life on the line to protect his master from any threat that came near him. He has a code that prohibits him from hurting women, much like Samatoki Aohitsugi. However, it was this same code that prevented him from being able to save his master from being assassinated, something he regrets to this day.
As stated, Vito is a quiet person, which, combined with his demonic and strange appearance, makes him seem scary to most people, though that is not his intention. If people worked up the nerve to approach him, they'd see that despite his brutish looks, he is actually an intelligent and cultured man, very dedicated to his work. Despite his large body and hands, he is an extremely talented artist. He takes his artwork very seriously, often going through several revisions before finalizing them, making him, perhaps, the most sought out tattoo artist in all of Japan.
Born an orphan in Meguro, Vito was introduced to gang violence at a very young age, eventually joining up with a gang called, 'The Divine Wind'. Working his way up, he eventually became his leader's right-hand man, making him the second-most important person in the gang.
After a small scale turf battle which the gang's younger members started, he was then praised and lauded by the rival Mafia boss for having easily defeated his strongest thug, describing it as 'a dog mauling on a helpless rag doll.' It was then the boss offered Vito a job, promising that if he succeeded, he'd lay off his gang's territory.
The Mafia boss asked Vito to kill a man belonging to a certain organization known as 'Master Mafuyu', CEO and creator of 'Mafuyu Enterprises', an corporation skilled in biochemical research. During an opportune moment, Vito made his way through Mafuyu's bodyguards as if they were nothing. Undaunted and staring into the face of his assailant, Mafuyu appeared to have gained Vito's attention and respect, ultimately swaying the former gang boss to his ranks.
During his tenure at Mafuyu Group Security, Vito had also met leading Mafuyu agent Mei Yu, otherwise known by her code name, Zhurong. Though he rose up to be one of Mafuyu's most loyal and dedicated bodyguards, living in Vito's shadow made Mei feel insecure and deeply jealous. Her resentment became even stronger after he refused to partake in a duel with her, as it was against his own principles to ever raise his hand against a woman.
This turned out to be his undoing, as Master Mafuyu was sadly assassinated, which crushed Vito dearly. Upset at Mei for having been his bodyguard at the time, he was shocked to find out that Master Mafuyu had always been her target, and that she never had any love or loyalty for him or his organization. To make matters worse, she would go even further and frame Vito for the crime, ordering security to gun him down, leaving him mentally and physically scarred.
Somehow, the former security officer survived the attempted assassination. Taking three months to heal his wounds, he later found out that Mei Yu was part of Chuohku, who had hired her to assassinate Mafuyu. Knowing he'd stand no chance against an organization like that, Vito decided the best thing to do would be to simply bide his time and wait. He eventually signed on to become a bouncer; his intimidating appearance and presence helped to open many doors for him, though he didn't find much solace in this.
A year later, he was soon joined by Yeong and Saji, two newcomer bouncers who proved quite effective at their job. The three of them have proved an effective unit, helping to make Meguro a safer place. But will their teamwork help them in the D.R.B.? Only time will tell...
He is the one responsible for creating the group's logo. Saji and Yeong had to wait a month before Vito was satisfied with how it looked. He is also the one who did the tattoos for his teammates.
It's unknown what happened to his former gang after he left them. He figures they eventually died out after he left.
He has a bad habit of scowling at people, which makes people shy away from him. He's been working on it by practicing smiling in mirrors.
Some of the money he makes he often sends to orphanages so that they don't have to get involved with the gang life like he was.
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atengslurpee · 2 years
having a hard time? take a rest and listen to Alamat's newest single;ABKD.
Who's Alamat , you asked?
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Alamat is a six-member Pinoy boy group, consist of Mo,Taneo, Jao, R-ji, tomas and Alas. (former group member: Valfer, Gami, and kin)+
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they debuted on 14th of February under Viva agency with the debut song KBYE
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gabriel-gabdiel · 3 years
Youtou Shinnoken: Demon Sword Chapter 57: Living Sin (Part 9)
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Hiei does his best to take care of Usui Uonuma, who’s gunning for his Jagan. In turn, Yusuke deals with his old behemoth of an enemy who was once merely B-Class in power level.
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Kenshin in turn deals with an enemy from his past with the assistance of one of the Spirit World ferry-girls.
Credit for the pictures goes to Ozzy Oz da Vyrus. 
The original source of this idea comes from Chad Yang. I continued his story idea found here.
The rest of the chapters of my Yuyu Hakusho and Rurouni Kenshin crossover fan fiction are available here and here. Enjoy.
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Up above the Okushiri Military Base....
The flying fortress made of solidified reiatsu (spiritual pressure or pressurized spirit energy) care of the Quest-Class powers of Detective Daiji Matsudaira (the reincarnation of Aoshi Shinomori) landed on the helipad of the base, startling the soldiers there.
Yahiko had earlier requested Botan to fly even higher up than the flying castle with purple beams of light shooting out of it in order to get the drop on the structure.
From 50 kilometers above the earth, Yahiko descended straight towards the moving castle, its concentrated jaki beams dissipating against the ghostly human missile and his neutralizing reiki.
He first skydived from the ferry-girl's oar (much to her surprise and chagrin) up in the stratosphere and did his imitation of the Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu's "RYU TSUI SEN! (DRAGON HAMMER FLASH!)" for starters.
The impact then cracked the topmost outer shell of the dense fortress.
A trickle of reiatsu leaked off of the spiritual construct, like scattering fireflies in the night.
He then did one of his own Revisal Techniques of the Kamiya Kasshin School, named, "DOU GAMI! (GOD ON EARTH!)", which rocked the castle further at its core and spread cracks all over its very foundations.
Daiji's solidified reiatsu then turned into a shower of outright sparks, the solidified energy sublimating and ionizing into pure spirit energy.
Finally, the Tokyo Samurai Spirit executed a "TEN GAMI! (GOD IN HEAVEN!)" that started the downward spiral of the moving building, the cracks turning into outright crags and debris as the teenaged ghost got jettisoned high above even the stratosphere, reaching instead all the way to the mesosphere.
He reached a height about 70 kilometers or 43 miles away from earth.
The young samurai kid drove the Onmyouji's prison that whole distance from heaven to earth with a sky-cleaving, earth-shattering strike, or at least a strike powerful enough to send cloudy shockwaves behind them as they broke through the speed barrier.  
Yahiko's first of two ultimate attacks had enough jaki-neutralizing power to push that huge pillar right into the middle of the military base like a meteorite. A shooting star.
The sublime mix of reiki (spirit energy) and jaki (negative energy) then ionized into their base forms, the kenki (swordsman energy) that bound them fading away into the ether.
All of these forms of energy were neutralized by Yahiko's own strange spirit energy. His own reiatsu or unique mixture of reiki and kenki.
His strike from his self-made sakabatou (Kenshin's reverse-edged sword that Yahiko manifested using his reiki) was powerful enough to warp time and space itself. Like a blunt version of the Jigen Tou.
Only a single helipad-sized spire of the formerly huge fortress was left by the time it crash-landed unto the base.
Youtou Shinnoken: Demon Sword
A Rurouni Kenshin/Yuyu Hakusho Crossover Fan Fiction Story by Chester Castañeda
Original Concept by Chad Yang
The Kenshingumi will now take care of their loose ends before fighting the final boss of this arc. This battle is about to explode! FIGHT!
Disclaimer: Yuyu Hakusho is the rightful property of Yoshihiro Togashi, Shueisha, Fuji TV, and Studio Pierrot. Rurouni Kenshin is the rightful property of Nobuhiro Watsuki, Shueisha, Shonen Jump, Viz, Sony Studios, Fuji TV, Studio Gallop, Studio Deen, and ADV. This disclaimer also covers all the other copyrighted materials that are far too many to mention here. Don't sue me please, I'm very poor.
Chapter 57: Living Sin (Part 9)
Back at Kitaoimisaki Park...
Usui Uonuma shook his head. The newbie member of the New Ten Swords, Kuronue, was outwitted by the legendary demon fox Youko Kurama as well.
If you wanted something done right, do it yourself.
Amidst the burned shadows and silhouettes that were once Kuronue stood Usui, his previously broken Tinbe practically whole now.
With it now capable of withstanding the heat and impact of multiple Jaou-En-Satsu Kokuryuha (Dragons of Darkness Flames) from Jaganshi (Evil Eye User) Hiei, the black serpentine flames were unable to affect the turtle shell one way or another.
But Uonuma knew that Jaganshi Hiei had one more ace up his sleeve. The Chojin's spies had briefed him about the fire demon and his ability to absorb the power of the fiery dragon beings unto himself.
As expected, Hiei boosted his speed and power tremendously by absorbing the flame dragons of the Kokuryuha right into his body, his youki (demon energy) rising to astonishing levels. To S-Level and beyond.
Under the old Reikai rules, Hiei's presence there would've been considered outright illegal. A demon that powerful shouldn't be in the Ningenkai (Human World).
A demon that powerful was on par with one of the Chojin's Ten Swords.
'So this demon's name is Hiei, huh?' thought the blind man, waxing nostalgic. That was also the name of the mountain where the old Juppon Gatana (Ten Swords) stronghold was.
What a curious demon. He had the speed of Souiro "Heaven Sword" Seta and the strength (or even firepower) of Makoto Shishio.
If Usui could conquer this strong demon, then he'd get one more step closer to standing as equals with the Youkiri (Demon-Slayer) Tenro.
To sit at the right hand of an unborn god. To be able to challenge an unborn god and become one himself.
Nah, perhaps that last one was still a bridge too far for him. But this, defeating the fire demon, wasn't.
The dragons roared and gnawed against the Tinbe but like a mountain standing above the earth with a crown of clouds, it wouldn't yield.
His Tinbe then reformed completely, but there was a gap the size of a sword slash right on its upper top left corner.
That was where Hiei focused his attack, sticking the tip of his Jaou-En-Satsu Ken (Sword of Darkness Flame) right into it, forcing its way in.
Hiei learned a lot from Kurama's little trick earlier with the Demon World Moss. This time around, the jaganshi found a weak point before the shield was able to fully heal or reconstitute itself.
Hiei's aura of youki and black flames flared to life, increasing the pressure on that one little crack, like a pressure cooker about to burst.
More cracks appeared on the shield as the pressure built up further and further. It reached the boiling point and then went beyond it. Through this one weakness, Hiei was able to focus his demonic energies and bust through.
The Tinbe cracked apart in twain and then into a million pieces, and from there Hiei released all of the Dragons of Darkness Flame unto Usui's hapless form.
However, that was actually a ruse.
The blind swordsman and spearman had actually activated a second illusion from Jine Udo's Jagan as Hiei attacked with the full power of the Kokuryuha inside of him, knowing full well that his Tinbe wasn't complete yet.
However, by making Hiei dream that he had broken the false Tinbe, this bought Usui enough time to completely manifest his real Tinbe with the small crack or gap finally filled in.
It was this shield that stopped the Dragons of Darkness Flame cold.
Usui baited Hiei into wasting his one shot at him and it worked. Hook, line, and sinker.
Every last one of the flame dragons crashed uselessly against the reinforced and complete Tinbe, like the waves of the ocean crashing against the sea wall or dam. The tides turned but the wall remained unperturbed.
Hiei's Jagan was now his...!
However, as Uonuma began his counter Rochin stab with the intension of pinning both Hiei and Kurama into the nearest wall like twin butterflies, something felt amiss.
His body then literally fell apart into tiny pieces of meat cubes, red mist spraying all around him.
Usui was able to seal the crack on his Tinbe, but the gap of time he needed to do his counterstrike was all Hiei required to strike back.
In that fraction of a fraction of a second, the super-powered fire demon slashed at him at the rate of a hundred times per second. Or more.
Before Usui could block one strike with his shield. Or counter with a thrown spear to the heart or face.  Or even activate Jine's Jagan at the last second and create another illusion to fool Hiei with.
Moving faster than his sensitive hearing could detect. Or predict.
Moving faster than his mind could fathom.
Moving faster than sound itself.
About a hundred years ago, around the 1870s, inside Shishio's hidden fortress within Mount Hiei...
From out of the blue, Usui Uonuma asked Makoto Shishio a simple question.
"Between the Ten Ken (Heaven Sword) and myself, who is more powerful?" he had asked out of whimsy. "Who would win in a fight?"
Shishio chuckled, swirling the wine inside his wineglass as he considered Uonuma's unusual query. He decided to humor his former hitokiri (manslayer) rival.
"You can keep up with Sou-kun's speed up until he uses the Shun Ten Satsu (Instant Heaven Kill), which is him using both battoujutsu (sword-drawing techniques) and the Shukuchi (Reduced Earth) at the same time. If you're able to disable him before that, then you will win."
"Shun Ten Satsu, huh?" repeated Usui. "Why do you think that?"
Makoto drunk his drink in one shot and then gave the glass back to his courtesan and lover, Yumi Komagata.
"It's simple. You can counter anything you can hear, smell, sense, and react to, right? Sou-kun's Shun Ten Satsu is faster than sound. Your Shingan won't even hear him coming."
Back in 1993, at Mount Kannon...
Kenshin Himura sighed as he trudged on foot back to Mt. Kannon within the Hidaka Mountain Range of Hokkaido.
He had Kazuma Kuwabara place him near the mountain care of the trusty Jigen Tou (Dimension Sword).
Like in the case of the battle at Mount Kamui, Mount Kannon was outside of Okushiri.
Kenshin had absorbed enough spirit energy from all the Reikai Tantei (Spirit Detectives) earlier to manifest himself and his spiritual body on his own, without being wielded by any of them.
Although he was kind of curious what sort of powers would manifest if his sword were held by the likes of Yahiko Myojin, Natsuki Shinkai, Likka Ikumi, or Daiji Matsudaira.
Perhaps another time, they'd find out.
Most of the energy he soaked up came from Yusuke Urameshi, in fact. It should last him until the rest of the battle.
The fact that Yusuke's reiki was that immense was both reassuring and worrying.
Reassuring in that they had the big guns against the Shin Juppon Gatana (New Ten Swords) this time around. Worrying in that he wasn't sure if it was Rando's Kugai (World of Suffering) curse or Urameshi's own developing powers that led him to have this surplus of energy.
Without all those multiple seals that held back his power, Yusuke might still suffer from power incontinence. He might still be unable to control his full immeasurable strength.
Regardless, Himura had other concerns to deal with. He was busy taking care of this Chinese warrior earlier, who wounded him in battle that made it difficult for him to save Hajime Saito from Feng Xinhai's schemes and Toguro Ani's attempt at possession.
A Chinese warrior that ended up related to him and his dark past after all.
The stranger with white hair and crazed eyes that Kenshin fought was no stranger to him after all. He remembered who the man was.
The man's name was Enishi Yukishiro, all grown up. The younger brother of Kenshin's ex-wife, Tomoe.
Since Tomoe was Kenshin's ex-wife, that made Enishi his brother-in-law. A brother-in-law with a century-old grudge regarding Kenshin's (accidental) murder of Tomoe Himura (nee Yukishiro).
"...Tell me, Battousai. Is my sister smiling down on you from heaven?" so said Tomoe's brother, Enishi.
Enishi had somehow ended up in the Heisei Era and got himself mixed up in Kenshin's current affairs. Himura could've almost sworn that his brother-in-law had died back in the Bakumatsu.
The younger brother of Tomoe was one of many unsettled debts Kenshin left when he died fighting against Makoto Shishio back at Mount Hiei.
In their first meeting in a hundred years, Enishi even gave Kenshin the same wound that ultimately killed Tomoe.
Meanwhile, as Himura neared where he previously defeated the martial artist, the cross-shaped scar on his cheek flared with a twinge of pain. No, actually the cuts felt as painful and fresh to him as the first time they were made.
The scar somehow ached even more than the much deeper laceration on his chest that still hadn't fully healed.
Like a paper cut that microscopically tore through skin and thousands of nerve endings like a jagged handsaw.
As though Enishi's very presence had reactivated Tomoe's curse on him. The curse of the cross-shaped scar.
At the helipad of the Okushiri Military Base...
"Get the HELL out of THERE! Sadojima Houji!" beckoned Yahiko as he sheathed his sakabatou while Botan herself swooped down from above then behind him.
He further chided, "That strike wasn't enough to take you down, right? No, you still have the Chojin's powers inside you, you dirty rat. Of course that wasn't enough!"
"You're being too loud, Yahiko! You're bothering the military people!" was what Botan resisted herself from saying, inwardly reminding the Kaoru inside her, 'He's supposed to be loud, you silly goose! The Chojin and his forces are invading Okushiri, remember? If not Hokkaido altogether!'
The aforementioned military base had long ago been put on high alert ever since supernatural beings started attacking different parts of the island at once.
Many of their deployed teams didn't return to the base hours after deployment.
"Stand aside, kid!" one of the soldiers said, who in Yahiko's eyes should've looked more shocked at seeing the seeming U.F.O. land in the middle of their base. "Civilians aren't allowed in here. This is now official military business!"
Another private attempted to grab hold of Myojin, only for him to slip his grasp. The teenaged version of Yahiko willed his ghostly self to become incorporeal.
The Jieitai or JSDF (Japanese Self-Defense Forces) then surrounded what was left of Daiji's solidified reiatsu structure, their guns cocked and ready to go.
What remained of Matsudaira's seal broke apart like a hatching egg.
And from there came forth the Onmyouji (Occult Priest) in all his glory, wearing a mix of a business suit with an occultist robe serving as his overcoat. The true right-hand man of the Overfiend.
With purple glowing eyes and a miasmic aura that flowed all over his body like thick black and crimson smoke from a smoldering flame, Houji spoke in askance.
"Why do you want to fight me, Myojin Yahiko? Do you bear a grudge against me? Do you hate me from the bottom of your heart?"
Yahiko was taken aback by the question. "W-What...?"
"Right now, you have no such hate in your heart," said Houji the Onmyouji. "You're fighting out of a sense of duty to your friends. To your idol, Himura Battousai. Otherwise, you'd have no such quarrel against me."
Or perhaps Sadojima was merely acting as the representative speaker to one other person.
Perhaps Myojin was actually talking to the Chojin (Overfiend) himself. The mastermind behind all these resurrected baddies from the Meiji Era to the Heisei Era.
Just who the hell was the Chojin anyway? Was he Makoto Shishio? Or someone else entirely?
The Onmyouji's ghoulish shikigami (familiars) with their tattered robes and sharp scythes flew at the gathered soldiers, who fired at them to no avail.
"STOP!" screamed both Yahiko and Botan at the familiars prior to the massacre that was about to take place.
None of the military men stood a chance against these supernatural beings.
Back in Hokkaido, far away from Okushiri, at the foot of Mt. Kannon...
Kenshin witnessed Enishi's strength firsthand.
The Chinese warrior had become so powerful he drove Himura Battousai himself from the forests of Okushiri all the way to a whole separate mountain range in Hokkaido, miles away from the island.
By pure willpower and hatred, Enishi grew strong enough to give pause to even the powered-up version of Battousai that had his own magical Demon Sword.
The Overfiend had indeed prepared for every last contingency. He was every bit as cunning as Youko Kurama himself.
Earlier, Kenshin's chest actually got hit by Enishi Yukishiro's ultimate attack, the Kofuku Zetsu Tou Sei or Kofuku Zettousei (Crouching Tiger Severing Sword Rush), as a counter to the Amakakeru Ryu no Hirameki (Heavens Gliding Dragon Flash).
Kenshin was also distracted by the fact that Tomoe's brother managed to find him a century later to enact his rightful revenge. His Jinchu.
That was why he was defeated by a technique Enishi must've trained over and over again to counter all sorts of battoujutsu strikes, including the ultimate one devised for the Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu.
Luckily, instead of doing the follow-up strike that would've also missed, Kenshin had the foresight to do a more powerful version of the Dou Ryu Sen on the ground that was enhanced by the vortex created by the succession technique.
This last-minute creative counter was what initially buried Enishi right into the heart of Mt. Kannon.
Regardless, Kenshin arrived back at his earlier starting point.
By Himura's estimation, only he or maybe Yusuke could take Yukishiro out one-on-one. Enishi should not be allowed to join forces with the rest of the Shin Ju.
Yahiko manifested his neutralizing reiki and kenki all over the military base with a sparkling blue and yellow light that blended together and formed a green glow. This then warded off the raggedy evil spirits that served as the Onmyouji's shikigami.
It was his own form of spirit pressure. His spirit energy interacted with his swordsman presence in a way that sealed or canceled out the spiritual power of his opponents.
Botan, in turn, flickered back and forth between her original shinigami (death goddess) form and Kaoru Kamiya's form as she saved the soldiers from being reaped by Houji's soul reapers by using her floating boat oar like a bokken (wooden sword) or naginata (glaive).
The two Kamiya Kasshin Ryu practitioners made short work of the familiars before they could take one life of the JSDF military corps.
"Please evacuate from here. You're no match against them," explained Botan to one of the soldiers before swatting multiple weakened shikigami away with her weaponized boat paddle.
One of Myojin's shikigami-dissipating swings swiped mere inches away from Houji's face, creating a thin cut over the bridge of his nose.
"Swinging a sword mindlessly at someone out of hatred is just violence. Kenshin taught me that," said Yahiko. "My duty as the Son of Tokyo Samurai is to defeat you. That is all. I'll even stake my life on it."
Sadojima smirked. "So be it. Samurai-san."
From behind Houji teleported the ever-reliable Gatekeeper Itsuki.
Yahiko turned towards the blue-haired shinigami and told her, "Quick, call Boke (Moron) and tell him to come here right now."
"Boke...?" trailed off Botan.
"KUWABARA! Kuwabara Kazuma! We need him here now! If he needs healing, heal him up as well! He and his space sword are the only ones who can take on that green-haired yoga guy and his goddamn portals!"
"All right! I'll call him! Jeez," said Botan, who turned on her communicator.
"Language, Yahiko!" reprimanded the Kaoru inside her in turn.
Afterwards, Itsuki summoned a multitude of warp gates, this time rectangular and doorway-shaped instead of circular and hole-shaped.
Inside each dimensional door was either the corpse (as well as ashes) or unconscious body of the many different Shin Juppon Gatana members.
It was through these gates that the Occult Priest blasted his purple beams of negative energy. Before, they served as destructive pillars of neon plasma. Now, they were probably used to give the killed or otherwise heavily injured Shin Ju another lease on life.
"Oh no," said Botan. "Not again. He's not going to revive all the New Ten again, is he? Jeez, we just defeated those goons! Learn how to stay down and give up!"
The shining eyes of Houji the Onmyouji then dimmed and faded away, replaced with his actual normal eyes.
"Ah, you returned. The snotty little brat. How does it feel to go back to zero after all the effort you've spent killing the Shin Ju? Like Sisyphus and his rock, right?"
The boisterous nature of the Chojin's conduit had returned. Houji was seemingly awakened from his brief slumber earlier, when he actually sounded "cool" and "aloof" for a hot minute.
"Hey," said Yahiko. "What happened to you earlier? You weren't the one talking, were you?"
Houji raised an eyebrow at that. "What do you mean?"
"Don't play dumb. It was the Chojin who talked to us back then, right?" asked Myojin. "Tell it to me straight: The Chojin is Shishio Makoto, isn't he? Of course, he is! Who else would start a war against the Spirit World with a team called the New Ten Swords? No one but him!"
The necromancer chuckled. "That's a... secret."
With a grunt, the samurai teen jumped and attacked the Chojin's right-hand man with a downward slash from the Jodan-no-Kamae (Fire Stance), which was then blocked by Houji's scythe.
They crossed blades, their different energies clashing against each other as arcs of lightning ripped through everywhere like light-filled cracks that broke through reality itself.
Houji's lack of formal training with his weapon was rendered moot due to his seemingly oceanic flow of negative energy that gave his simple block the weight of the world. Or at least the huge water pressure of the ocean depths.
However, regardless, the beams of purple plasma emanating from the dark priest flickered and wavered as it interacted with the reiatsu of Yahiko.
"That's it! You can do it, Yahiko!" said the Kaoru within Botan. "Show them why I consider you the number one pupil of the Kamiya Kasshin School!"
"Can you really do it, boy?" asked Houji, smirking. "Can you seal away the overflowing, overwhelming power of the Chojin himself? The Living Sin?"
The dimensional doors leading to the Shin Ju were then shut down. Or rather, slashed shut.
Gatekeeper Itsuki chuckled, his slashed eye that doubled as a dimensional portal opening. "He's here."
Sure enough, in one of the doors, the jaki beam was slashed in twain, the negative energy cut down by the spiritual might of the Jigen Tou.
It was from this door that Kazuma Kuwabara emerged, the transparent ghost of a recovering Sanosuke Sagara beside hiim.
"You called, Jo-chan (Missy)?" said Sano.
"YOSHA! (HELL YEAH!) Let's get this party started, samurai boy!" shouted Kazuma, the rambunctious teenager with bleached orange hair similarly styled like his best friend Yusuke Urameshi's hair.
And so there he was. Buried deep underneath Mt. Kannon itself like Son Goku the Monkey King from the literary masterpiece, "Journey to the West".
The rumbling inside the grumbling mountain roared deeper and harder. Like it was about to explode and turn into a volcano.
"...BATTOUSAI!" screamed Tomoe Yukishiro's little brother Enishi from underneath Kannon Mountain, spewing hot fire along with the brimstone and magma he was surrounded in.
His spectacles had long ago been lost or burned to smoke and ash by molten rock. The rest of his outfit remained intact though, probably protected by his body's significant aura.
Yukishiro crawled out of the hot magma pits of hell, or at least the otherwise dormant mountain in an explosion of fire, smoke, molten rock, and lava flow that scarred and burned the surrounding forest.
The singes and burns on Enishi's (literally) piping hot body, however, started healing right before Kenshin's eyes.
Not quite at the level of instantaneous regeneration as the Elder Toguro, but quick enough to survive a trip down a volcano and live to tell the tale. Still too quick compared to a normal mortal though.
Besides which, he wasn't supposed to only be burned from the fires of a river of magma anyway. It must've taken thousands of degrees of heat to even leave him slightly scalded at all.
His humongous amount of spirit energy kept him from suffering life-threatening injury. The same way Hiei or Yusuke would've survived such a predicament.
The red-hot blade of the Chinese-styled warrior didn't quite reach its melting point but it cooled down from the sheer blast of miasmic spirit energy from him.
If allowed to run rampant like the rest of the Ten Swords, Yukishiro could very well murder every last one of them. The Reikai Tantei, the Kenshingumi, and the Oniwabanshu.
All of them could die. This high-level martial artist could do what at least 8 of the 10 Shin Ju couldn't. He was a one-man army. He was like their Hajime Saito. A true wild card of sorts.
Kenshin foresaw it all through the Youtou Shinnoken.
The last thing Yahiko and the rest of the Reikai Senshi (Spirit World Warriors) needed right now while battling the Onmyouji and the Chojin's wealth of negative energy was a spanner in the works like Enishi.
The powers of most of the reincarnations or ghosts from the Meiji Era—most of Kenshin's comrades—were a result of how their spirit energy interacted with their swordsman energy or fighting spirit, creating what was known as reiatsu.
With Daiji Matsudaira (Aoshi Shinomori's reincarnation), it was the Quest-Class manifestation of objects and materials from his spirit energy.
With Natsuki Shinkai (Yutaro Tsukayama's reincarnation), it was the ability to manipulate kinetic momentum or acceleration, usually in the form of reflection or deflection.
With Likka Ikumi (Misao Makimachi's reincarnation), it was her skill to manifest her thoughts into reality, creating visual mirages or even holographic illusions seen by all.
With Sanosuke Sagara's soul, it was his pure fighting spirit that allowed his ghost to approach Regent-Class regeneration abilities, stamina, and pure brute force that allowed him to affect the physical plain like a rampaging poltergeist.
With Kaoru Kamiya's soul, it was a mix between Botan's soul reaper powers and Kaoru's past swordsmanship skills that allowed them to heal, boost, replenish, bind, manipulate, or otherwise enhance the spirit energy within them or of those around them.
With Kenshin Himura's soul, he became one with the Demon Sword, a demon-slaying blade that could arguably injure or kill a god. His own reiki, kenki, and reiatsu interacted with anyone who wielded his blade in ways that raised their very power levels.
Finally, with Yahiko Myojin's soul, his unique brand of spirit energy interacted with other spirit energy (whether it was human or demonic) in a way that suppressed or neutralized them into nothingness.
Yahiko's unique powers worked like how an acid and a base reacted quantitatively with each other when mixed until the acidity of the acid disappeared. Or how Hiei's Jaou-En-Satsu Kokuryuha was cancelled out by Shinobu Sensui's polar opposite power of Sei Kou Ki (Saint Light Ki).
Their reiatsu was different from the reiki and youki used by Yusuke Urameshi and their comrades due to the use of other forms of reiki within the Meiji Era reincarnations and the use of classic shinigami warrior techniques among the revived spirits.
Reiatsu was more comparable to something like Sensui's Saint Light Ki or Yusuke mixing his reiki and youki together to form something approaching Sei Kou Ki instead of either pure reiki or youki. Even jaki.
It was through these souls—these seeds of hope—that Koenma Daio intended to defeat the Chojin and his unnatural powers that defied death and the natural order of the Spirit World.
Kurama's board full of chess pieces were in their proper places, which kept the Chojin in check. They were practically on the verge of a checkmate, even.
The pawns were positioned to divide and conquer the Shin Juppon Gatana, with each Reikai Senshi paired up to their appropriate members.
Their source of power, Houji, had his borrowed negative energy suppressed by Yahiko. Their means of transportation, Itsuki, got sealed off by the Reikai's own Kuwabara and his Dimensional Sword.
Botan was there to heal and replenish reiki as well as assist Myojin tactics-wise care of Kaoru. Sanosuke himself was gradually recovering his spirit energy and fighting spirit for good measure as "Jo-chan" or the shinigami she fused with nursed his flickering body back to health.
Kuwabara regained his second wind even, which allowed him to not only create portals but to close or destroy them with his twin Dimension Swords.
This kept the annoying Gatekeeper from transporting jaki to the injured/dead Shin Ju or even getting the recovered members to help Houji out.
Even with his use of Sensui's seven personalities and the new powers it brought him, Kazuma kept him at bay.
As for the shikigami that served as the Onmyouji's infantry, Sanosuke punched them out with the "FUTAE NO KIWAMI! (DUAL EXTREME!)" while riding shotgun on Botan's oar.  
So why did Myojin feel like something was amiss? Like he had a bad feeling about everything? Like something terrible was about to happen?
A new enemy descended from an unseen sky portal that Kuwabara noticed, slashed apart, and closed too late.
"Huh!?" was Yahiko's reaction to the new arrival. This distracted him even as he ended up on the verge of disarming the untrained Houji. "Who is that? Is it another replacement Shin Ju?"
Kuwabara said, "We've already confirmed that Toguro Ani and Kuronue replaced Suzaku and Udo Jine! It's not one of the New Ten! Must be one of the Dai Shin Kan instead!"
Sanosuke's jaw dropped. "No way...!" which made Botan and Kaoru ask in unison, "Who is that supposed to be, Sano?"
Kazuma jumped into action, intending to slash a portal and kick the newcomer into it, only for his Jigen Tou's energy to start unraveling before his eyes.
The woman in courtesan clothes smiled as she floated down using her umbrella as a parachute (like goddamn Mary Poppins, Botan realized), crimson energy emanating from her pale white skin.
"Ah, it's all coming together now." Houji cackled. "Welcome back, Komagata Yumi. Get rid of these insects for me, if you would please."  
And so Makoto Shishio's personal courtesan and lover arrived, dressed in her classic Meiji Era garb but this time there was a hole in her chest where her heart used to be.
The very place where Shishio stabbed her in order to do a surprise attack on Battousai Himura.
Also, she had long fangs inside her mouth.
"Inner Blood Turmoil," Yumi said as she sapped Kuwabara of all his spirit energy using the Kyuuketsuki Kakuto Ryu (Vampire Martial Arts) that Rando stole from her.
"SHIT! Now even Shishio's girlfriend has superpowers too?!" said Sanosuke, remembering the woman whom he did a bridal carry with as they traversed Shishio's Mt. Hiei stronghold.
"...BLOOD WIND!" she screamed, releasing a red energy-sapping tornado at the Reikai Senshi.
Originally, Kenshin was barely able to defeat Enishi and get back in time and save Sanosuke Sagara, Kazuma Kuwabara, and Hajime Saito from the nefarious machinations of Karasu, Feng Xinhai, Usui Uonuma, and Gatekeeper Itsuki at Mt. Kamui.
But now that his detour was over, he had to get back to his original business.
He had to. Or else Enishi would undo everything they'd done so far to suppress the New Ten Swords from conquering the island of Okushiri as well as Hokkaido.
"Sessha (This one) wonders why even though I thought I'd never met you before, you seemed to know everything about me de gozaru (that you did)."
"'Sessha'? 'De gozaru'?" Enishi repeated the words with a snarl and a dismissive snort. "Are you kidding me, Battousai? Why is the most fearsome hitokiri of the Bakumatsu acting like a gentle fool with flowery samurai language? Enough of your lies!"
"This one never thought to see you again after a hundred years. I was sure you were already dead," confessed Kenshin.
"I did die. But I live again. Reincarnated in a new era," said Enishi. "I willed this weak new body I was reborn into to become even stronger than I already was before you died in the hands of Shishio Makoto."
'So he survived the Bakumatsu after all,' thought Kenshin, who believed that Enishi had died of starvation as a little boy in the ensuing revolution.
"Now I will enact the revenge that I was robbed of a hundred years ago! If you've been dispensing Tenchu (Heavenly Retribution) in your time as a hitokiri, then this is Jinchu (Earthly Retribution) for all your sins! Prepare yourself, Battousai! ZETSUGI...!"  
From there, he didn't even give Himura the chance to breathe or any breathing room as he attacked, attacked, an attacked some more.
Tomoe's little brother had grown ridiculously strong. As though he'd been training the last hundred years for this one moment. Empowered purely by hate.
However, one way or another, Kenshin was able to contain Yukishiro's growing threat long enough to assist Saito's rescue or allow the Kenshingumi to go through their mission of taking out Houji.
Himura figured out how his Wattoujutsu (a mixture of Japanese swordsmanship and Chinese kung fu) worked after only seeing a couple of techniques from it.
The Demon Sword's blade then shone with an ethereal light before Kenshin's form changed altogether.
From a 30-year-old man, his body returned to his more youthful 15- to-16-year-old self.
The form he had before he developed the cross-shaped scars. When he was still known as the Hitokiri Battousai. This way, he could engage Enishi the same way he did against any other opponent.
Free of bias. Free of shame or guilt.
This technique of Enishí's involved hitting his opponent from below then kicking the blunt side of his sword at the last second to maximize damage.
Thusly, Kenshin answered the technique back with his own, "SOU RYU SEN! (TWIN DRAGON FLASH!)"
As for the Bayonet Sword Rush, it was a follow-up whirling counterattack or riposte involving Enishi putting the hilt of his sword against his opponent's sword to add momentum to his pivoting swing.
However, Kenshin had a similar counterstrike technique like that as well in the form of "RYU KAN SEN! (DRAGON WRAP FLASH!)"
From the Jodan Stance, Enishi swept his sword starting from over his head down to the ground. Afterwards, he then placed the palm of his hand on the sword's blunt side to push it forward at full force.
The answer to this move that resembled the Dragon Hammer Flash was the "RYU SHO SEN! (RISING DRAGON FLASH!)", which was the natural Ryu Tsui Sen counter that doubled as a two-handed sword block wherein the sword was held by its handle and tip with either hand.
This was Wattoujutsu's version of the Ryu Sho Sen. It allowed Enishi to leap upwards using his sword as his pole vault then attack from the air by pulling his sword towards him by its hilt cord immediately after jumping.
Kenshin drew out the fearsome technique with a feinted Ryu Tsui Sen only to do the "RYU KAN SEN ARASHI! (DRAGON WRAP FLASH STORM!) at the last second, the multi-hit forward somersault sword strikes catching Yukishiro off-guard.
"Ugh!" Enishi landed bad on his ankle, his knees buckling from the force of the centrifugal strikes, the chainsaw-like windmill of strikes drawing a fine mist and squall of blood. "Damn you, Battousai...!"
Kenshin cut Enishi's cursing short with a jarring punch to his jaw.
Battousai Himura had a Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu answer to every one of the white-haired young man's Wattoujutsu techniques. He took advantage of Enishi's barrage of hateful, unfocused strikes with clinical precision.
The fact that Himura didn't realize who exactly he was fighting against until the last second helped him figure out the proper counters to Enishi's Wattoujutsu early on and even bury him right inside the Kamui Mountain itself. Albeit temporarily.
Kenshin imagined he'd have a harder time with the kung fu master swordsman were he distracted by his guilt for killing Tomoe and knowing Enishi's identity from the start.
"Is that all you've got, Battousai?" demanded the scuffed-up, bleeding-from-the-mouth Enishi, who spat away blood as his veins—no, his very nerves themselves—hypertrophied or thickened enough to become visible underneath his skin with vascular density.
This was his Kyokei Myaku (Nerves of Insanity) in action.
It was bedlam at the Military Base of Okushiri.
Ten things were happening at once, and barely anyone could keep up.
More soldiers were deployed to rescue the fallen and suppress the invaders.
They waged war against the Onmyouji's shikigami, even though many of them couldn't even see the grim reaper familiars.
They had to use their special thermal goggles to detect and shoot the enemy, but neither bullets nor grenades worked on them.
Botan had more luck dissipating the strange creatures into the ether, but that was because it was part of her job description as a soul reaper.
She did double duty in casting her healing and reiki-replenishing spells on Yahiko, Sanosuke, and Kuwabara while at the same time defeating her share of scythe-wielding reapers created from wayward earthbound spirits infected with the Chojin's jaki.
Also, the bodies were really hitting the floor now. Not due to the Kenshingumi (they were basically all ghosts) or their Reikai Tantei comrade falling into a dead faint.
It was because the vampire (or perhaps succubus) Yumi bit the necks and absorbed the blood of all the nearest JSDF soldiers to power her Kyuuketsuki Kakuto Ryu.
As for Gatekeeper Itsuki, he and Kuwabara were having a portal contest of sorts. He kept making portals while Kazuma kept slicing them apart.
Regardless, it took much longer for Yahiko to seal the power of the Chojin, the borrowed ocean of jaki overflowing with immense pressure from within gleeful Sadojima.
Myojin's attempt at the sword-breaking, jaki-neutralizing Hammer of God was thwarted with a simple yet shuddering one-handed scythe swipe that belied Houji's actual physical strength.
"So you intend to beat me at this level of strength?" asked a smug Sadojima before releasing a pillar of jaki that made Yahiko kneel before him, as though bearing the weight of the world on his shoulders.
Yahiko felt like he had plunged deep underwater, drowning in negative energy as the oceanic water pressure increased further and further the deeper he went.
Myojin grunted, grit his teeth, and rose up against the harsh and dense waves of pure jaki that bore down on him in waves, his green aura of reiatsu resisting the crushing force of the Overfiend's distant yet overbearing presence.
Like a black sun whose dark rays and heat reached the earth all the way from space despite being millions of miles away.
It was a tug of war between the Chojin's power boosts and Yahiko's neutralization skill.
Thanks to Botan and Kaoru, the ghost of Sanosuke had healed up and reenergized himself with reiki enough to summon his signature Zanbatou (Horse-Chopping Sword) again at long last.
He had more bandages than usual, half of which were spirit seals from Botan that kept his ectoplasm from escaping his ghostly form.
Sanosuke's Zanbatou Ate, based on Anji Yukyuzan's Tou Ate (Bladed Distance Hit), created a landslide aimed at Houji, who shielded himself with his shikigami ghouls.
As for his Zankuu Zanbatou Ate, Sanosuke aimed it at the ensuing Blood Wind air funnel that the courtesan in revealing clothing fired off at him.
The last thing Sano expected was to use that 12-foot longsword against Shishio's lover, the non-fighter known as Yumi.
Enishi did a low split-legged crouch, only to charge with an onslaught of strikes instead of doing another Zettousei when he saw Kenshin sink his stance low in kind instead of taking his bait and attacking with the Hirameki.
Sparks flew everywhere as though they were in a steel mill or foundry as they parried and attacked each other with impunity, their swords crossing and chipping at their edges.
Blood and ectoplasm stained the ground soon afterward from both combatants.
Enishi moved faster than Kenshin could react. Like an unswattable fly. Or perhaps a whole swarm of flies. Locusts. Bees. Wasps, even. A plague of wasps. His twitch muscles able to react to attacks or counterattacks by lightning-fast reflexes.
It was like dealing with Soujiro Seta's Shukuchi all over again. Himura couldn't even predict Enishi's strikes by reading his sakki (bloodlust) because he was exuding hatred and killer instinct at all times. At every waking moment.
Like the polar opposite of the Heaven Sword. It was no different to deal with someone who lacked bloodlust compared to someone who always exuded bloodlust. There was no sudden spike of killer instinct you could use to read an opponent's moves.
This forced Kenshin to take the initiative and jump high into the air in order to become the aggressor for a change, even if only to draw out a counterstrike that he could then counter.
Yukishiro countered by also leaping vertically before Kenshin could drop him with the Dragon Hammer Flash. Afterwards, at the point where his jump force was equal to Earth's gravity, he jumped even further, thus essentially doing a double jump or what was known to basketball players as an airwalk.
Kenshin's youtou (demon sword) and Enishi's watou (Chinese-style katana) clashed hard against each other, their impactful vibrations strong enough to shatter steel. However, their mystical swords forged from spirit energy and the life force of their very souls both held true.
However, Battousai or no Battousai, the scarless Kenshin realized he had to take Yukishiro out before his own feelings of despair, depression, shame, and remorse got the better of him.
For even now, he felt like he deserved to get hit by every last strike from Enishi for the sin of accidentally killing his ex-wife in an attempt to rescue her from her kidnapper.
Like water crushing rock over time, the constant barrage of counters from earlier finally took its toll on Enishi, leading to several lapses of attention that the Battousai took advantage of to great effect.
Kenshin's persistence paid off, with that last multi-hit attack finally landing on his nerve-filled brother-in-law.
He then prepared to do a supersonic noutoujutsu (sword-sheathing technique). The same one he used to disable the super sensitive hearing of Usui Uonuma's Shingan.
"RYU MEI...! (DRAGON CRY...!)"
Kenshin stopped short of doing his high-pitched sheathing technique when he saw a familiar young woman with jet-black hair, doe eyes, a white kimono, and purple shawl appear out of the half-burnt forest.
She brought with her a nostalgic, heartbreaking scent.
"T-Tomoe...?!" stuttered Kenshin before Enishi's Watou ended up stabbing him right in his chest, on the same wound made by the Zettousei that got him earlier.
The pair of scars on his left cheek reappeared. Bleeding with fresh blood (or, in his case, ectoplasm).
Back at the Okushiri Military Base...
The Blood Wind dissipated from the strength of Sanosuke's vacuum slash, but Yumi herself blocked the wind pressure with her open, glowing-red umbrella serving as her shield.
Ah, yes. The Blood Wind.
The double-edged, energy-sapping red tornado created from the heat of the spirit energy it stole and the coldness of an injured body that was losing blood.
However, this woman somehow managed to do Blood Winds without the need to be injured. Or perhaps the hole in her chest served as her injury?
Sagara originally thought it was one of Rando's ultimate moves, only to remember something about him stealing techniques. So this energy-sapping technique was actually her move, wasn't it?
Regardless, what was a desperation move for Rando was a normal move for her. It all made sense now. Or at least that part did.
"How the hell did you get superpowers too, lady?" Sano demanded to Yumi. "You even went so far as to change yourself into a vampire! You really are something else!"
"Stop acting so friendly around me, you boorish lout," said Komagata to Sagara with half-lidded eyes, parrying his probing zanbatou stab from more than 12 feet away with her closed umbrella that doubled as her sword. "You should've stayed as a ghost in the Spirit World. You'll regret crossing paths with us again after a hundred years, Sagara Sanosuke."
Sano left his cumbersome giant sword behind, charged unimpeded, and backhanded the woman. "Nothing personal, Neechan. We can't let you or your psycho boyfriend run amok again in this era either."
"...Bastard! You dare hit a lady?! Youki Duantoutai! (Spirit Guillotine!)" Yumi reeled from the slap that caught her by surprise but then kept Sanosuke at bay with the Spirit Guillotines.
"...Son of a bitch! Rando stole that move from you too?!" said Yahiko before breaking the paper-thin waves of demon energy with "Men (Head)" strikes from the Fire Stance and flying skyward with the God in Heaven technique.
"Not exactly," Yumi chatted with a nonchalant smirk. "I stole some of Rando's moves myself in exchange for the moves he stole from me. Tit-for-tat."
As for Sanosuke, his follow-up attempt at chopping Komagata in half with his 12-foot sword led to it getting blasted full of huge holes care of Itsuki. This made the zanbatou look like a macroscopic slice of grey Swiss cheese.
The scattershot blasts responsible for Sano's predicament originated from a gun attached to Itsuki's right arm. It shot out miniature black holes the size of pinholes but had event horizons the size of bowling balls or bigger. They ate up any type of matter nearest them.
It was a (literal) handgun with black holes as its bullets that the Gatekeeper developed through the help of Shinobu Sensui's Kazuya personality.
Itsuki's Black Hole Gun also ate up chunks of Sano's ghostly flesh whole.
The Gatekeeper had taken advantage of Sanosuke's moment of hesitation in killing Yumi. Sano remembered mid-swing how she had originally died by Shishio's hand and then had her corpse burn along with his in a sudden unintended funeral pyre.
Meanwhile, as the flying Myojin attacked Yumi from above, Botan attacked from below. She flew on her oar mere inches from the ground before getting off her ride and using her forward momentum to smash her paddle right into the vampire. She then let the more athletic Kaoru inside her do the rest.
Using jaki and youki together, the succubus imbued her foldable fan and her closed umbrella with enough blood-red energy to stop the oar cold with a cross-block. She then unfurled her umbrella in time to also prevent Yahiko's Ryu Tsui Sen from hitting her noggin.
From this close proximity, she then used her Inner Blood Turmoil to absorb her attackers' spirit energy unto herself, sapping the two of their reiki and making their souls flicker and fade.
Neither the living nor the dead were safe from this vampire queen.
"GOU TSUI TOU SEI! (FALLING BLADE SWORD RUSH!)" screamed Enishi after impaling the distracted Kenshin in the chest.
The Falling Blade Sword Rush allowed the white-haired martial artist to pin Battousai at last, lifting him high up and over his head with his sword and upper-body strength.
"At last. At long last. You're going to die, Battousai! You scum! You criminal! You took away everything from me! Now I will return the favor and take away everything from you! This is my Jinchu!"
The Guardian of the Youtou Shinnoken grunted and coughed, his eyes unable to tear themselves away at the visage and silhouette of his ex-wife Tomoe Yukishiro.
Red tears streamed down his cheeks and bloodstained scar.
"T-Tomoe? I-Is that really you?" he mumbled in disbelief, as though not even noticing Enishi's watou inside of him.
He was no longer Hitokiri Battousai (Battousai the Manslayer). Instead, he transformed back to Rurouni Kenshin (Kenshin the Vagabond).
"Tomoe" then told Enishi with an old man's deep voice, "My apologies. This is the best help I can give you for now. That damn Okashira stole all of the jaki that the Chojin gave me and sealed me and my precious Iwanbos away with it, turning the energy into solidified reiatsu."
"You did splendidly, Gein," said Enishi, who smiled for once. He couldn't face the reanimated corpse of his elder sister eye-to-eye, though. "Now please take that puppet away. I don't want you to soil my sister's memory with it."
Kenshin went pale. He'd been duped by one of Gein's puppets. However, his trickery paid off. He didn't feel like hurting Tomoe's little brother any longer.
"Did you know what I went through to get to this moment, Battousai? As an orphaned boy, I ate human flesh in the battlefield to survive. I was adopted by a rich couple, only for me to kill them because I hated how happy they were. I ended up becoming an arms dealer using their wealth for good measure. I then found out you already died, which sapped me of my will to live. Only to be reborn in this era after I found out you became the Demon Sword's guardian."
Enishi dragged Kenshin's bloody (or ectoplasmic) body all over the forest at the foot of Mt. Kannon, savoring the moment before pulling his sword out and stomping on the Battousai's bleeding wound for good measure.
"I'm not sure whether I should wield your damn sword myself or just destroy you along with that sword. Oh well. It doesn't matter. You could die a thousand deaths and it won't bring back my sister. Even after I died, I couldn't find her anymore. I've lost her forever. All that's left is to make you feel the despair I felt when you stole her away from me."
Back at the Okushiri Military Base...
Chaos continued. Fires broke out everywhere.  The wind howled like wolves to the moon. The base crumbled and turned into shambles. It was Hell on Earth.
Hell in Hokkaido.
Komagata's Inner Blood Turmoil created her own version of reiatsu—her youki mixed with the Kenshingumi's reiki, the blood of the soldiers she fed on, and the Chojin's jaki—before releasing that pent-up energy towards Yahiko in the form of the "BLOOD FIRE WAVE!" projectile.
However, thinking fast on her feet, Botan purified the surplus of jaki around them then used it to replenish the reiki she and Myojin lost from being in contact with Yumi.
'Wow. She's doing the thing! The same thing Urameshi did when he got hold of the Meikai's crystal ball thingy,' thought Kuwabara. 'She's purifying jaki into reiki!'
Again, Botan used spirit bandages that doubled as spiritual energy seals, acting more like a priestess than Hinageshi the Shrine Maiden or Houji the Onmyouji.
"Nice one, Tanuki-chan!" said Yahiko. "I mean, thank you, Botan."
Botan smiled at the samurai boy. "You're welcome. Now go get 'em."
'This woman is seriously getting on my nerves,' thought Yumi while eyeing the ferry-girl whose astral body housed two souls instead of just one.
A rejuvenated Myojin then did the sword-breaking "TSUI GAMI!" to neutralize the Blood Fire Wave and the pinhole-sized black holes that Itsuki's sneaky Kazuya personality shot right into his heart and head with the Black Hole Gun.
The samurai kid kept moving forward, practically swimming in the thick of "it", with "it" being the Chojin's ocean of jaki.
Meanwhile, Houji frowned, his arms crossed. 'This goddamn brat! For Chojin's sake, he sure is persistent.'
He thought that the Chojin allowing him more access to his boundless negative energy—enough jaki to, quite frankly, revive the long-dead kingdom of Meikai (Nether World)—was sufficient to neutralize the neutralizer.
However, Houji's jaki output remained relatively low and it even started dwindling.
Like opening your water main at full capacity yet still ending up with less water than you expected when filling up your bathtub. Defying the very will of the Overfiend himself.
'The boy is starting to get better control of his neutralization powers, isn't he?' the Onmyouji thought, tapping his scythe's handle to the ground impatiently.
To Yumi and Itsuki, he only had one command. "Kill him."
Yumi then made it rain blood like the Battousai would back in the Bakumatsu.
A literal rain of blood poured down on them, but each droplet contained razor-sharp scalpels. A bloody rain that cut you apart in order to induce a thicker bloodbath afterwards. It pelted the ground like suppressive fire from a machine gun.
She aptly named the technique, "Bloody Rain."
It was the bloodsucker's way of creating the energy-absorbing Blood Wind without having to sacrifice all the plasma that she had already drained from her other victims.
"I don't know who you are, lady, but you leave that boy alone!" said Kuwabara, who finally had time to intervene.
Meanwhile, elsewhere on the island...
Yusuke Urameshi had actually been in a punching match with Toguro Ototo all this time.
Right in the middle of Okushiri Island, in fact. Along the Tsurikake River.
Instead of playing with the percentages of his power, the Younger Toguro instead went all out from the start, displaying 100% of his full strength.
'His B-Level strength,' was Yusuke's unsaid sentiment. He recalled how easily he manhandled the A-Level Rando earlier now that he wasn't faced with any distractions or dirty tactics.
So dealing with Toguro should be a cakewalk now, right?
In kind, Urameshi himself released his first pair of Spirit Cuffs. Just like the good ol' days, they ended up in a slugfest that turned the peaceful river into roiling rapids from the shockwaves of their punches.
"You've struggled in every encounter you've faced with the Chojin's forces so far yet won every time," said the Younger Toguro. "Why is that?"
"I don't know what you're talking about, man," said Yusuke before blasting the gigantic hulking grey behemoth before him with the "SHOT GUN!" technique, bombarding him with the purest of reiki bullets.
The vascular and muscular Toguro pressed on, healing the missing pieces of his flesh instantly like his older brother would.
An impressive feat a power level or two ago. To Yusuke, it had somehow become old hat. Any S-Level worth their salt should be able to regenerate fast enough as long as they had an abundance of spirit or demon energy inside them.
"I took on Rando, Souther (Xinhai), Suzaku, the blind guy (Usui), and the rest of the Chojin's New Ten Swords fair and square. All I'm doing now is killing time and keeping you from ruining Kurama's plans to take your new gang out. Right until your big bad boss, the Chojin, shows up."
Toguro's eyes narrowed behind his shades. 'His reiki is... overflowing. It almost reminds me of the Chojin's own jaki. Immeasurable.'
Yusuke dodged the Shi Dan (Finger Flip Bullets) by reflex even though he had a feeling he could survive direct hits from Toguro's unnaturally strong finger flicks at this point in time.
It was a B-Level against an S-Level (albeit one who was holding his strength back), after all.
The Shi Dan were even more powerful than the strongest human punches, capable of blasting through concrete, but against Urameshi's wealth of spirit energy, he doubted that they'd even penetrate his skin.
Even with his powers sealed, he teetered from being a high A-Level to a low S-Level.  
'Are you hiding your present power level, Toguro? Is your 100% form not your full power?' Urameshi thought.
There was just no way that the likes of Rando, Xinhai, Usui, Saito, or Suzaku would end up stronger than the Toguro Ototo himself.
Then again, while it took Toguro 50 years to reach B-Level, it took only 10 years for Sensui to reach S-Level. Meanwhile, it took less than 3 years for Yusuke to surpass them both and take on a centuries-old S-Level archdemon, Yomi, to the brink of defeat.
To Toguro, Urameshi asked, "What happened to you deciding to stay in Hell for 100 million years to atone for all the crimes you've committed? Were you plucked from Hell by the Chojin and forced to work for him? Answer me, Toguro!"
"...We're not so different, you and I."
"OH, COME ON! Not this tired cliché again!" the teenaged living warhead told off the demonized human strongman in between bone-crushing punches.
He didn't want to hear such things from someone much weaker than him.
The veiny (actually nervy) Enishi got talkative all of a sudden, Kenshin realized.
His life story was as unfortunate as the vagabond expected. Maybe even more so. So he even killed a family after he was given a new lease in life? How much of a monster had he become?
This was a lot for Himura to take in. He could barely breathe right now; much less digest Yukishiro's words.
Meanwhile, Enishi snarled in remembrance of the things he'd been through. The people he killed. The opportunities of happiness he turned his back on in favor of a century-old grudge.
The innocents he murdered in order to harden his heart enough to take on a monster like the Battousai. When he died, he resisted the reincarnation cycle for so long, hoping against hope he'd find Himura's soul in the afterlife and drag him to Hell along with him, torturing him for a million years.
However, his chance had finally arrived only a few decades ago. He reentered the reincarnation cycle and avoided becoming an insect or a slug, getting instead the body of a Chinese boy with his memories of the past as a Japanese man intact somehow.
He then trained his body in martial arts, went to prison more than a few times, became a career criminal, and climbed the ranks of organized Chinese crime known as The Triad (what the Shanghai Arms Dealers eventually developed into a hundred years down the line).
In fact, until a few couple of years ago, Enishi occupied the position of Dragon Head that his protégé, Feng Xinhai, currently had. He had a Chinese name himself, but he long ago abandoned that identity in order to completely become Enishi Yukishiro.
He dedicated himself into becoming what he was in his past life and more.
It was because the Chojin himself reawakened his soul's past memories for the purpose of taking down Kenshin Himura.
Under the guidance of the Chojin and his reformed Shin Juppon Gatana, he even learned how to use his spiritual powers on top of reviving the lost martial arts of Wattoujutsu. He studied the Japanese language.
He began slaying demons himself by helping fund technology that linked the Demon World to the Human World with the money he made by being the Triad Dragon Head.
And now, while serving under Tenro the Demon-Slayer's Yakuza Family as one of his enforcers, he finally crossed paths with the man who stole his happiness a hundred years ago.
His revenge, his Jinchu, was literally a hundred years in the making.
"I will kill you now and then the rest of your friends afterwards. I'll break apart the Demon Sword or steal it for myself. Become its new master. From there, in the Spirit World, I will also hunt your ghost and kill you again until all memory of you is erased. Suffer like I did. Suffer for eternity, Battousai!"
Something stirred inside Kenshin when he heard those words. It was one thing for Enishi to swear to kill him. However, what did the rest of his comrades have to do with his revenge? Was he really going to kill the Kenshingumi or even the Reikai Tantei and the Oniwabanshu all in the name of his Jinchu?
Just as Enishi prepared to finish Himura off, a shinigami flew between them like a bolt from the blue.
The woman who sported a black kimono and raven hair zeroed in not on Enishi and Kenshin but instead on the Tomoe puppet of the Puppet Master.
'Ah, I remember her,' thought the Guardian of the Demon Sword. He met that death goddess before while assisting the training of Sanosuke and Yahiko when they first arrived in the Human World.
From his limited interactions with the shinigami, Kenshin surmised that she mainly did research work for Koenma Daio, not unlike the child inspector Sayaka.
'Ayame, was it? She's the shinigami that Kurama assigned to the Southeast Quadrant of Okushiri. Did she follow us all the way here?'
Yusuke wanted to end the fight with Toguro using one gigaton punch or one Chou Rei-Gan (Mega Spirit Gun), but he held back. Kept his cool.
He wanted to bet on a "maybe".  As in, "Maybe Toguro is holding back and is about to show me something more amazing than 100% of his power".
Otherwise, Urameshi would've already blasted Toguro back to Hell where he belonged and had a 100 million year sentence to serve. From there, the teenager would've waited for the Chojin or someone to arrive and force him use 100% of his power instead.
Finishing this fight early presented too much of a risk. Like eating an unripe fruit or something. Besides which, if Yusuke went all out, he'd wipe out several mountain ranges and riverbanks off of the map.
But maybe he was risking hundreds of thousands of lives over his own selfish whims.
'Fine. I'll push a little harder, then.'
The ensuing "REI-KOU-DAN! (SPIRIT WAVE BULLET!)" that fissured the surrounding ground and threatened to break the world in half was mostly absorbed by Younger Toguro's beefy body.
Toguro's 100% form before might instead be his 000.1% now. Maybe he'd been training all this time in Hell. Training from Hell.
Or maybe this was all wishful thinking on Urameshi's part now that he had outgrown his boogeyman from his past.
Yusuke put his hip into his last punch, manhandling the "ultimate" form of Toguro that earlier on threw him around like a rag doll the first time they fought.
"You want to rise to your greatest potential, but unfortunately you've already been there and done that and more. You've become too powerful," Toguro said after fixing his twisted neck that had his head staring straight behind him.
"You're not somehow begging for mercy, are you?" asked Yusuke as he hit another bone-crushing uppercut to Toguro's jaw.
"...Nothing challenges you anymore, but you don't want to sever your attachment to this world of weaklings."
Toguro flexed and did a full-powered tackling punch with enough force to move or even obliterate mountains. Alas, this version of Yusuke ate mountains for breakfast ever since achieving S-Level during his fight against Sensui.
This was nothing to him. Drop a building on him, and he'd wonder if it was raining.
He hated to think in such a way, but to him fighting Toguro now was akin to fighting Kuwabara. It didn't help that the behemoth fought straightforwardly and without trickery, unlike Xinhai and Rando.
"You honestly sound pathetic now, Toguro. What happened to you? Keiko can hit harder than that. Put your hips into it!"
But nothing major really happened to Toguro after dying back in the Ankoku Bujutsukai (Dark Martial Arts Tournament). It was Urameshi who had changed.
Any of the current roster of Roku Youkai (Six Demons) could take him on and turn him into roadkill, to be honest.
Toguro's form doubled or even tripled in size. He was now doing his "100% of 100%" technique that had him stake his very soul's life force in order to unleash his fullest potential.
However, his fullest potential ended up just B-Plus in the end. Not even at A-Level.
'Quit messing around and go 1,000% power or something already, Toguro!' Yusuke inwardly begged. But that never happened. He kept dealing with a Toguro who could barely make him flinch.
"In order to continue to live the lie you call your life, you're someone strong pretending to be weak so you could fit in with the rest of the weaklings."
"Stop yammering! I'm more impressed with your big mouth than any of your punches!"
Yusuke did his signature finger gun pose and focused his ocean of reiki at a single point of his index finger, gathering all that limitless energy into one concentrated shot.
"Great fighters refuse to lose, but you refuse to win just to get back that feeling and exhilaration of conquering something greater than you. So what do you do now that you're in a world where nothing is greater than you?"
"Jeez. Shut up already."
Yusuke sighed. If Toguro really was going to unleash a new superpower on him, he would've done so by now. Meanwhile, he himself hadn't even worked up a sweat.
Was this some sort of long-con, "Sun Tzu's Art of War" deal? Was Toguro hiding his power level like he always had, using only a small percentage of his potential? Or was this indeed his limits after his defeat in the Dark Tournament?
"Maybe you're right. Maybe I have been a little careless in my fights lately. However, in the end, I kept winning anyway. So who cares? It's my curse, I know. REI-GAN!"
Back at the foot of Mt. Kannon...
Ayame the Shinigami grabbed hold of the corpse puppet of Gein and cut off its spiritual connection with the mad scientist using her reaper powers.
She then said to Enishi, "There's no way your sister is smiling down on you in heaven! Not while you're doing something as terrible as this, stalking Himura-san for decades! A whole century!"
Enishi scowled at the impudent ferry-girl. How dare she say such things to him.
"What do you know? How can you possibly know the pain I've been through? The pain that my sister and her fiancé suffered from? You're nothing but a stranger! You have nothing to do with me!"
Kenshin tried standing up, but Enishi kicked his chest wound and pinned him down with a foot stomp. "And as for you, stay down! I'm not done with you yet!"
Yukishiro was about to punch Koenma's ferry-girl away when she chanted an incantation that led to the body double of his sister Tomoe to frown at him and cry tears of blood.
"Don't you hear it? Don't you hear the cries of despair of your dearly departed sister Tomoe from a hundred years ago? The last thing she wants to see is you suffering or making everyone suffer along with you!"
Enishi shook and shuddered before he himself screamed in anguish, screaming until his throat became ragged. Clutching his chest at that baleful look that rocked him to his very core.
"Shut up! Shut up, shut up, shut up, SHUT UP! Enough of your lies, Reikai! I don't believe any of them for a second!
However, he couldn't for the life of him kill even a puppet of his sister. Any young woman who reminded him of his sister, he couldn't bring himself to kill.
He damn well tried to though, his hatred rising. His cognitive dissonance assuring him these were all lies. That his sister had wanted to kill Battousai all along to avenge her fiancé's death.
That the rumor of how Battousai pledged to not kill ever since he killed Enishi's sister was just a rumor.
That Enishi hadn't wasted his multiple chances at a new lease on life for nothing.
He slashed the Tomoe corpse puppet apart with the Sho Ha Tou Sei, his own tears flowing down as he did so. Nauseated by the act, he moved away and puked soon after.
Even though she wasn't the real Tomoe.
'I have to do this. I have to destroy all their lies!'
He had waited for so long and come so far. In the end, it should still matter, right? If it didn't matter then what was the point of all this?
It was all Battousai's fault. He was the one who ruined his life. He was the one who forced him to suffer like this. Everything was perfect until he came along.
Even in the afterlife, Himura haunted him.
"Himura Battousai must die! Suffer! Die a thousand deaths! A million deaths! I won't rest until he has suffered as much as I have and MORE!"
Yukishiro prepared to do his ultimate attack on Kenshin, only for Ayame to get in his way.
This looked mighty familiar.
He hesitated for a whole second in cleaving the shinigami in half. Here was another woman the same age as his sister. Everywhere he looked, such maidens like her kept reminding him of what he had lost.
A second was an eternity in a fight, though.
Kenshin rose up and blocked Enishi's ensuing sword strike even though, unbeknownst to him, his brother-in-law intended to miss Ayame by a mile anyway.
Himura's heart swelled at doing so. Here and now, the vagabond was able to do the sword block that he failed to do against Shishio.
Had he done the same block against his hitokiri successor, would he have survived their mutually assured destruction? Had he not given up back then and decided to fight on, would he have been able to come back to Tokyo with the rest of the Kenshingumi? With Miss Kaoru?
Kenshin really wished he had fought on instead of giving up and dying along with Shishio. That he did.
"...I will fight to the end to protect those I hold dear! That is my truth!"
Himura's resolve in defeating Enishi finally hardened after wavering for so long, his cross-shaped scar seemingly glowing with a red bioluminescent light.
The crouching tiger faced off against the unhidden dragon one more time.
Last time, the tiger was able to cut deep wounds into the flying serpent even though it was driven deep underground by sharp dragon claws.
Would the tiger finish what it had started? Or would the dragon have something hidden behind its upward flight into the heavens?
Kazuma attempted to create a portal to serve as a shield over Yahiko, only for Itsuki to seal that portal with Kazuya's Black Hole Gun, the twin rips in space-time canceling each other out.
However, Kuwabara expected the maneuver and teleported right in front of Itsuki in order to slash apart the firearm at pointblank range with the Jigen Tou.
"Motherfucker...!" shouted the foul-mouthed Kazuya possessing Itsuki's body, grasping his damaged handgun.
Itsuki then awoke Sensui's George personality in order to gain access to a hyperdimensional gun vault filled with Tommy guns, pistols, Desert Eagles, mini guns, shotguns, AK-47 rifles, machine guns, grenade launchers, and bazookas.
He had actually restocked his gun collection by stealing many of the armaments and ammunition available in the very military base they were invading right then and there. Knowing full well that ordinary guns were more useful against living, flesh-and-blood beings like Kuwabara versus the solidified souls of shinigami and ghosts from the past.
In retrospect, this made Houji's efforts to shoot Yahiko, a ghost, with a gun moot. However, Itsuki at least had a backup plan.
"I'll kill you all!" said Hitoshi. "I will purify the Human World by getting rid of all the humans!" His shtick was that he wished for human extinction.
However, before he could use one magazine or clip from his guns, he got pummeled to submission by a revived Sanosuke Sagara.
Botan had healed up the wounds of Sano's ghost yet again with purified jaki turned into reiki. He then got the jump on the green-haired youkai through brute strength instead of fancy teleportation techniques.
'Her again?' thought Houji, noticing how Battousai's woman served the same function as he did with the rest of the Shin Ju. 'That Reikai shinigami is making this mission of ours needlessly difficult.'
Furthermore, every attempt Itsuki made to get away from Sagara was blocked by Kuwabara, who himself punched the demon back into portals of his own that redirected him towards Sano's waiting fists and "FUTAE NO KIWAMI!"
"All right, enough of this!" declared Yumi, who shifted from targeting Yahiko to focusing her Spirit Guillotines and Blood Fire Waves at the Kamiya Kasshin Ryu kendoist turned shinigami Botan/Kaoru Kamiya.
Kaoru assisted Botan in deploying evasive maneuvers against the succubus, with her using the reiki-imbued boat paddle to bat and parry away the projectiles headed towards her before flying away from the bloodsucker.
She then ended up blocking the scythe of the unskilled but jaki-empowered Houji, which kept her from taking flight and escaping. "Keep still like a good girl."
Finally, a black hole appeared where her chest used to be. It was actually a dimensional rift that sucked the ferry-girl's ghostly flesh and ectoplasm away.
Gatekeeper Itsuki then closed the portal that mortally wounded Botan/Kaoru with a wave of his hand.
The ferry-girl's jaw opened, clenched, and froze at a silent scream, her red eyes rolling upwards until only her eye whites were visible.
"KAORUUU! BOTAAAAAN! NOOOO!" said Yahiko with an anguished, bloodcurdling shriek of his own.
Itsuki's mouth curved upwards in curiosity. 'What will you do now, Samurai-san? Is this enough to break you into pieces like what happened to my dearest Shinobu (Sensui) when he saw the Black Chapter Tapes?'
Back at the foot of Mt. Kannon...
As Enishi Yukishiro's heart wavered, Kenshin Himura's resolve hardened. Tempered by his will to protect those around him.
The Kofuku Zetsu Tou Sei should've countered the Heavens Gliding Dragon Flash by avoiding the first slash completely and countering the second slash with a well-time riposte, unfazed or even aided by the void created by the first slash.
The Zettousei was seemingly designed to break apart or deconstruct the Hirameki, as demonstrated earlier by Kenshin barely surviving it the first time it was used.
It should've halved the effectiveness of the second slash, but by Kenshin drawing the sword low and removing the ground-based leverage of his crouch, Enishi stood no chance.
Kenshin's much faster and stronger Heavens Gliding Dragon Flash hit low to weaken Enishi's strong crouch then hit high with the multiplied centrifugal force of the follow-up second strike of his ougi, the Crouching Tiger Severing Sword Rush buckling under pressure.
Enishi's counter was ultimately overpowered by the much stronger and better applied succession technique.
However, like before, even after his counter was countered by a more experienced, worldlier version of Battousai guarding a powerful demonic sword, he still kept standing.
Sure, Yukishiro shook like a leaf and heaved belabored breaths because his double-edged, hypertrophied Nerves of Insanity multiplied his pain to the point where an ordinary man would've blacked out in a dead faint.
But he wouldn't go down. He refused to go down. He'd rather die than go down.
Whether he was thrown into magma inside a mountain or cut down to oblivion with the Legendary Youtou Shinnoken (Demon Sword: The True Blade), his willpower continued to defy fate and destiny itself.
He braced himself for Battousai to deliver the finishing blow, relying on his twitch reflexes and his thick pulsating nerves that were practically on fire at this point to launch another counter.
Instead, Kenshin told him, "You didn't really mean to raise your sword at Miss Ayame, did you? Cutting down the fake Tomoe puppet to you was like ripping your heart out."
He spat, "What of it, Battousai?! That's just a puppet I tore apart, not my real sister! My sister that you killed!"
"It doesn't matter if the puppet was fake or not. Ripping her apart hurt you at your core. The pain you felt is real."
"DAMN YOU TO HELL! Push me any further, and I'll do the same to the shinigami!"
Himura replied, "Even though you've murdered others because you couldn't stand how happy they were, you hesitated in killing Ayame-dono. She reminded you too much of Tomoe to go through with it, didn't she?"
"DON'T YOU DARE SAY HER NAME, BASTARD! Her murderer has no right to do so!"
"...In the end, what stopped you was your sister. So I ask you the same question you asked me. Is your sister smiling down on you from heaven?"
Delirious, he started having visions.
Visions of his sister taking care of him when he was sick with the flu, sleeping at his bedside. Cooking for him. Taking care of him. Serving as the only family and mother figure that he ever knew.
His revenge against Kenshin was all he had left. All that mattered. His only reason for being, since Battousai robbed him of the original reason for his being. Without this one goal, he'd be nothing.
He could do anything as long as his sister was smiling back at him.
He closed his eyes. All he could see—the face he claimed was a lie made by the Spirit World—was his sister frowning at him with sad eyes full of pity.
The things he'd ignored earlier that bothered him also started making sense.
Why his sister threw herself in between Battousai and the leader of the Yaminobu.
Why his sister stayed with Battousai for so long and even became his wife (being a deep cover agent wasn't enough to explain that away).
Why Battousai vowed never to kill after "easily" killing so many people for such a long time.
'He did that because he felt guilty after killing my sister! And everyone around him! He's a criminal who's celebrated as a hero because he killed during a war when it's 'legal' to do so!'
He opened his eyes. The image of his unhappy, melancholic sister coalesced into Shinigami Ayame's face while bearing the same grim expression with her mouth.
He fell to his knees and broke down bawling. A broken man.
It wasn't the strike from a mystical demonic blade or the most powerful technique of a ghostly guardian from the Bakumatsu that brought him down to his knees.
No. It was him realizing his sister's disapproval of his Jinchu that unraveled his single-minded determination to kill Kenshin and/or make him suffer for an eternity and a day.
Only sheer willpower kept Enishi standing. So when Kenshin broke even that, he had nothing left.
His will to fight went away. All that was left was anguish, despair, and hopelessness.
"Neesan... Neesan...! (Big sis... Big sis...!)"
What was he supposed to do now?
To Be Continued...
The main event is about to start, and it's a doozy. Tenro will finally make his appearance to complete the Okushiri Arc!
Ciao, Abdiel
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elementalgod-aj · 4 years
Watchful eye Guard
A small group of Residence who have special abilities or Powers who volunteered to help Guard the isle of any Danger . Thought most of the residents have powers , The Members of the Guard have Either Trained in there respective pasts or Trained in the Watchful eye to master them. There mission is clear though, Protect Watchful eye , Cause liminal damage as possible.
Rochelle Lanes
The Head of the Guard, a professional Dancer, and A debtor. A very loyal and serious Guard , with only a few soft spots and a perfect fighter , Strong and Elegant.
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Oru Gami
A Immigrant from the Eastern Isles , a martial artist and a master of the Paper Style fighting. Hired as a guardsman by Anomy
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Oinga and Boingo Jr
Boxer from Australia and a widower with one child (Boingo Jr) and her adopted Daughter (@paint-splatterblog ). She provides entertainment and Protection for her isle
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Bronze Tetralimb
Former Wrestler form the Streets now a Four armed Bouncer and very Heavy hitter and Married man and father (@paint-splatterblog )
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Humongous Fungus
A large colony of Honey Mushroom the largest and vast species of mushrooms they spand a large part of the Watchful eye but they make good look outs
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Ebott the Giant
The Great Ebott from a clan of Furry Giants and Cyclopes found his way towards the isle after getting lost and behave fast friends with Anomy's Brother Pads. Thought he doesn't live in the city he does live on the outskirts of the isle especially in the forests and the foothills and he's quite a scary site so be cautious .
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Aurora Bori-Alice
The first of the Isles official guardians. She is a being of Pure light and Covers the Watchful eye guarding it from any demonic threat she is the barrier of the isle itself
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alamat-ph · 2 years
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Alamat's porque concept photo series <MESTIZO set>
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Nobody expected Johnny Depp to send those photos, though in retrospect they probably should have.
Director David Yates was finishing filming Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them when the images arrived in his email. Depp had yet to shoot his climactic scene: Magizoologist hero Newt Scamander (Eddie Redmayne) reveals that the fugitive dark wizard Gellert Grindelwald has been hiding in plain sight the entire film, disguised as dapper auror Percival Graves (played by Colin Farrell). The Farrell-to-Depp switcheroo was to be the film’s biggest shock when it came out in theaters, but first it was the director’s turn to be surprised.
Much like Depp had done when crafting his takes on Willy Wonka and Capt. Jack Sparrow, the actor huddled together with a makeup team to design his own creative look for J.K. Rowling’s villain.
“I had an image in my head of the guy,” explains Depp, who felt emboldened in his creative choices by a Skype chat with Rowling about the role. “She said, ‘I can’t wait to see what you do with him.’ It was beautifully left as this open gift.”
So Depp sent photos of himself as Grindelwald to Yates. His first-draft makeover was “slightly more extreme” than where Grindelwald ended up, the director recalls. “We saw this character as a combination of poet, rock star, visionary, and sociopath, beguiling but lethal,” says Yates, who also helmed the final four Harry Potter films.
After some back-and-forth (at one point a “foppish, romantic look” was considered and rejected), the production embraced Depp’s concept of Grindelwald as a pre-WWII vision of Aryan fascism — an ultra-white, pasty-faced platinum blond, with an undercut haircut and pale mismatched eyes.
“I almost felt like he’s maybe two people,” Depp says. “He’s twins in one body. So a gamy eye is more like the other side of him — a brain for each eye, and he’s somewhere in the middle.”
When Depp’s Grindelwald was unveiled in the final moments of Fantastic Beasts, fans were indeed stunned, but also concerned. The dark wizard looked so strange. Was he supposed to be comedic? So for the second title in the planned five-film franchise, The Crimes of Grindelwald, the evil wizard’s appearance was “softened and refined,” made to look more natural. Judging by the enthusiastic fan reactions to the film’s final trailer at the end of September, the tweaks worked.
Grindelwald’s evolution was just a small example of how the Fantastic Beasts team leveled up for the sequel. Where to Find Them bore the burden of launching a new Wizarding World franchise with a different cast, setting, time period, and characters. While the movie was largely a success — with solid reviews and $814 million worldwide at the box office — members of the filmmaking team quietly felt that the sequel could (and should) be an improvement over its predecessor.
“When we made the first film [the actors] all thought it was great,” recalls Ezra Miller, who plays troubled young wizard Credence Barebone. “But the department heads — Yates, [production designer] Stuart Craig, [costume designer] Colleen Atwood — were all like, ‘It’s not good enough, it has to get better, it has to get way better, and here are all the things that were wrong with it.’ [Crimes] is a serious push by some of the greatest artists in the game to elevate in a way that’s inspiring to watch and be around.”
That elevation began with Rowling’s script, which largely shifts the action from New York to Paris — a new locale, sure, but returning to Europe feels more Potter-esque. And while the first film was focused heavily on Newt, the sequel is more of an ensemble piece that deepens returning characters, introduces several new ones, and plays like a life-and-death, wartime noir thriller (no whimsical three-minute scenes of Newt demonstrating a mating dance at the zoo with a horny Erumpent).
The setup is that Grindelwald escapes while being transported to a new prison and rallies an army of supporters with his pledge to unify the Wizarding World and rule Muggles. That leaves Hogwarts professor Dumbledore (Jude Law), the dark wizard’s former childhood friend (and perhaps more?), to enlist his expelled former student Newt and, by extension, his American friends — rebellious auror Tina (Katherine Waterston), her telepathic sister Queenie (Alison Sudol), and affable No-Maj Jacob (Dan Fogler). But that’s only the beginning.
“The script is labyrinthian,” says Redmayne, whose introverted beast-wrangler is a bit more comfortable in his own skin this time around. “You’re going down this maze, and Jo [Rowling] is weaving the stories together with such intricacy. Along the way, connections to Harry Potter and secrets are falling at your feet. And there is one…” The Oscar winner pauses, knowing he’s treading into heavy spoiler territory. “I got to the end and my jaw dropped. There was one thing I didn’t see coming.”
“Darker” is a word the cast uses a lot. “Complex” and “fast-paced” are others. The film is more, well, adult — The Crimes of Grindelwald may be the most grown-up of all the Wizarding World titles.
EW caught up with Fogler shortly after he saw the completed film for the first time, and he was as excited as any fan stepping out of a cineplex. “It reminds me a lot of The Empire Strikes Back,” he says. “The first movie is so positive. It’s sweet and lovely. But this time everybody is really put under fire. People are gonna see this, like, a hundred times just to get everything. They’re going to be going nuts that they have to wait for the next one. And Jude Law, oh God, he’s perfect.”
Ah, yes. From the moment that first photo was released of Law as a dashing Dumbledore, even the most discriminating Potter purists admitted he was spot-on as the beloved wizard (and some are rather hot for teacher, with hashtags circulating like #Dumbledaddy and #Dumbledamn). Adding Dumbledore to this prequel pleased Rowling, too, who spent more time visiting the set during this shoot than the first film.
You might assume Dumbledore would be the least mysterious part of this tale since we already know so much about his past and future. Not so. “There are things to resolve from Albus’ life, some of which we know from the story, some of which we don’t know about yet,” Law says, and then comes up with an even better tease: “This is a good riddle. One of the reasons Dumbledore trusts and likes Newt so much is Newt understands and forgives beasts and monsters. And there’s a part of Dumbledore — only a part — that sees himself as a bit of a beast.”
The friendship between Newt and Dumbledore might feel a bit wistful for Harry Potter fans: It’s like a glimpse into what might have been if the future Hogwarts Headmaster had somehow been able to carry on his friendship with the Boy Who Lived into adulthood. Yet Newt, unlike young Potter, can quickly spot Dumbledore’s “for the greater good” manipulations.
“One of the things I love about Newt is he has this naivete and gentleness on the surface, but he’s got quite a steel core,” Redmayne says. “He adores Dumbledore, but he also knows when Dumbledore has crossed a line and isn’t afraid to call him on it.”
Newt’s whip-smart Auror love interest Tina is back as well, going on a mission to hunt down Credence in Paris. “She’s more confident this time. No one is questioning her intellect and instincts,” Waterston says. Yet her character’s love life is a mess thanks to some long-distance-relationship misunderstandings. While fans know Newt and Tina eventually end up together, the duo clearly have no idea. “It’s fun to play something out where the audience is one step ahead and Newt and Tina are the clueless ones,” the actress says.
Newt also has a tense relationship with his older brother, Theseus, played by Callum Turner, who broke his wand during his first day on set during an enthusiastic screen test. Theseus is an uptight careerist and Head of the British Ministry of Magic’s Auror Office, who’s pressuring the rebellious Newt to fall in line with the wizarding government’s plans.
“Theseus wants his brother to stand up and fight [Grindelwald],” says Turner, but the two have conflicting ideas on how to #resist. That Theseus is engaged to Leta Lestrange (Zoë Kravitz) — Newt’s schoolboy crush — complicates matters as well.
Yet perhaps the most intriguing new character is the one fans only discovered last month: Nagini, a circus performer who gives customers one heckuva transformation act as she morphs into a massive snake. South Korean actress Claudia Kim wasn’t told which character she was playing until she arrived for her last audition. A Harry Potter fan since sixth grade, Kim instantly realized Nagini was cursed to eventually become Voldemort’s murderous serpent.
“I was speechless,” she recalls, and then was told that for this final test, she had to pretend to transform into a snake — on the spot. “I instantly felt the heartburn, a lot of insecurity, but you have to empty your head and let your instincts take over,” she says. “If I find [the audition tape] I will destroy it!”
Once on set, Kim worked with a contortionist to perfect her act, infusing her performance with varying degrees of snake-ness. “David would give directions like ‘Can you do 2 percent more snake?'” she says, laughing.
Since her casting was announced, however, some have objected to a person of color playing a character doomed to subservience. Those close to the production disagree with that perspective and note that Kim simply gave the best audition for a standout role. “Claudia Kim is a living god,” Miller declares. “You’re about to get your head blown off. Prepare yourselves for Nagini. This is a tragic and beautiful story.”
Miller should know, as it’s his character, Credence, who teams up with Nagini to form a power couple of sorts: two lost souls with unique magical abilities they can’t entirely control. “Credence has joined the circus, as one does when you’ve killed your foster mom and fled the country,” Miller says glibly. “He’s trying to figure out who he is. They’re two people who don’t really trust anyone who are learning trust for the first time.”
Another challenged couple (actually, every major character in Crimes of Grindelwald is arguably part of a couple, and that’s why the Paris setting is so apt) are Jacob and Queenie, who flee America due to its strict policy against No-Maj/wizard relationships. And guess which charismatic politician is surprisingly in favor of such unions?
“Grindelwald actually sounds like he’s all for love — if you love a Muggle, you should be allowed to be with them, and you should be allowed to marry,” Fogler reveals. “But wizards, he feels, should be on a pedestal. This is very tantalizing to some.”
So hold up. Could the nicest couple in this story, Jacob and Queenie, join Team Grindelwald? They’re not saying, of course, but Sudol notes: “Grindelwald’s like staring at the sun — you’re not supposed to, but he’s hard to look away from. He does very, very bad things.”
And he does them with flair. One of Depp’s improvisational additions was giving the wand-waving Grindelwald a conductor-like rhythm during a key sequence. “When Johnny conducts a barrage of spells he’s like a conductor guiding an orchestra — except instead of creating music he’s effectively creating fiery mayhem and death,” Yates says.
Indeed, the film’s title promises crimes. And that this dark wizard’s deeds are wrapped in divisive rhetoric at rock-concert-style rallies peppered with populist appeal sounds kind of, well, familiar. Is Rowling making — unintentionally or not — some kind of modern political point? Sudol certainly sees one.
“The film is terrifying that it’s so relevant,” she says. “We really need to focus on trying to find commonalities amidst the instability of the world’s climate. When a lot of crazy things are happening, it’s very easy to lose true north.”
Which brings us, quite appropriately, back to Newt, the story’s moral compass. At one point in the movie, Newt tells his brother, “I don’t do sides.” That’s almost a revolutionary stance in hyper-partisan times. But it’s also one that, given the forces at play, is perhaps unsustainable. “You really get the sense that Newt’s always gonna make the right choice,” Fogler says. “In this day and age, that’s very refreshing.”
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maserati-yokota · 4 years
Ice Ribbon 9-23-2012: Knights of Ribbon 2012
"The opening match featured the Ice Ribbon debut of Kujira Oshima, a forty-year-old woman, who was trained by and worked for the GUTS World promotion. She had quit pro-wrestling after only a handful of matches, and this was her return after a four-year absence and retraining from Hikaru Shida. This was also Riho's last Ice Ribbon match, leaving only Aoi Kizuki as the last original roster member. Riho would show up just hours later at the former Ichigaya Ice Box to announce that she was joining Emi Sakura and her new Gatoh Move promotion. They immediately announce her for their 10/7 event to face Sakura." -Charles Short, Be Happy: The History of Ice Ribbon Girls Pro-Wrestling 2006-2016
Hiroyo Matsumoto vs Kujira Oshima
Tsukushi/Kurumi vs Cherry/Meari Naito
Aoi Kizuki vs Riho
Neko Nitta vs Hailey Hatred vs Shu Shibutani
Sanshiro Takagi vs Miyako Matsumoto
GAMI/Yumi Ohka/Ryo Mizunami vs Tsukasa Fujimoto/Hamuko Hoshi/Maki Narumiya
ICEx60 Title: Hikaru Shida vs Mio Shirai
link: http://www.mediafire.com/file/vzomb37saiwsq1t/Ice_Ribbon_9-23-2012.rar/file
NOTE ABOUT THE UPLOAD: there’s a weird aspect ratio issue with this one. Please adjust it in VLC, or whatever media player you use, to 16:9. Hopefully this doesn’t happen again!
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southeastasianists · 6 years
On 29 July 2018, about 1,500 people gathered at the historic Padang Sultan Sulaiman in Kuala Lumpur, rallying to defend the status of ‘Malay Muslim rights’ under the theme of ‘Himpunan Kebangkitan Ummah’ (Ummah Awakening Gathering). The rally intended to stimulate a siege mentality and anxiety among Malay Muslim, as they are facing multiple ‘threats’ from so-called minorities, ranging from the LBGT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) community, Chinese-language education groups, Hindu pressure groups, Shia, and ‘liberal Muslims’ as well.
With UMNO Youth chief and former minister Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki, PAS secretary-general Takiyuddin Hassan, Bersatu member and former veteran minister Rais Yatim, as well as representatives from NGOs such as ISMA (Malaysian Muslim Solidarity), ABIM (Malaysian Islamic Youth Movement) and GAPENA (Gabungan Persatuan Penulis Nasional) attending, this rally hoped for broader Malay audiences beyond the conventional Islamist-minded groups. Yet as I observed at the rally, the participants were mainly PAS supporters, and some were mobilised by ISMA. There was no mobilisation of the crowd by UMNO, ABIM, and Malay-language groups such as GAPENA.
While using an Islamic-inflected theme, ‘Himpunan Kebangkitan Ummah’, the key issue was not a religious one at the rally but a language one. It was about rejecting the new Pakatan Harapan (PH) government’s proposed recognition of the United Examination Certificate (UEC), a standardised test for the independent Chinese high school sector in Malaysia. Besides the UEC, the rally also made issues of LGBT visibility and their rights, the polemics surrounding controversial Indian Muslim preacher Zakir Naik, as well as the perceived dominant role of the DAP in the PH government.
To some extent, the UEC is to Malaysian Chinese as the Hudud issue is to Malay Muslims. Many Malaysians Chinese support or at least will not object to the UEC’s recognition, but few have gone through such a system. Malaysian Chinese support for independent Chinese high schools is not just about an endorsement of such school curriculums, just as Malay Muslim support of Hudud laws is not always about agreement to enforce Hudud punishments.
In the past, PAS has used the call for stricter implementation of Islamic laws as a weapon to ‘out-Islamise’ UMNO. Today, the contestation in political Islam is much more complicated with UMNO, PAS and Amanah (to a lesser extent, Keadilan, Bersatu dan Islamic NGOs) competing against each other. The recognition of the UEC has been always raised by DAP to attack MCA for not being able to campaign Chinese issues. Hudud and the UEC entail identity politics over who can best represent the interests of ‘Malay Muslims’ and ‘Chinese communities’.
The strong anti-UEC stand taken by PAS has fed the perception that the Islamist party has become increasingly ‘Malay-oriented’, helping pave ways for the party to work more closely with UMNO. Newly-elected UMNO youth chief Asyraf Wajdi supported PAS leader Hadi Awang’s controversial ‘Hudud Bill’ when he was the deputy minister in charge of religious affairs during the Najib era. ISMA, one of the key players in the Ummah rally, is like a combination of UMNO and PAS, campaigning for both Malay supremacy and an Islamist agenda at the same time. A potential alliance of UMNO-PAS-ISMA is in the making, yet it is uncertain whether such cooperation will be further consolidated, as there are different opinions within each of them, as well as the ongoing hostile relations between UMNO and PAS members.
The speakers at the rally spoke on different issues with different tones, and not all of them are outright racists nor narrow Islamists. Bersatu’s Rais Yatim, the veteran former senior Mahathir minister, as well as representatives from ABIM and GAPENA, focused on the UEC. They were not necessarily supporting PAS, UMNO or ISMA, but they joined the rally to express their disagreement on the UEC. Indeed, the ABIM leader was the most ‘moderate’ speaker at the day – he did not raise any issue to stir Malay Muslim insecurities. He also reaffirmed his support for vernacular primary schools in Mandarin and Tamil, yet he objected to UEC recognition, seeing such recognition as undermining national language policy and the status of the Malay language. IKRAM, another important Islamic organisation, was absent from the rally – it had given its qualified support for UEC recognition, with a list of conditions. Unlike ISMA, both ABIM and IKRAM (Malaysian IKRAM Association) are PH-friendly Muslim NGOs.
The leaders from PAS and its student wing, GAMIS (Gabungan Mahasiswa Islam Se-Malaysia), besides harping on the UEC, also took up other issues related to the LGBT, Shia, and liberal Muslim communities to attack the new coalition’s leadership. For example, Youth and Sports Minister Syed Saddiq was attacked for being ‘hedonist’ and ‘pro-liberal’, while Education Minister Maszlee Malik was too ‘apologetic’ and “pro-DAP”. The new Religious Affairs Minister Mujahid Rawa was criticised for “not defending Zakir Naik” and “compromised on LGBT issues”. PAS leaders tried through these criticisms to portray a more ‘Islamic’ image compared with Pakatan’s Muslim leaders.
ISMA leaders set a more exclusionary tone, in speeches such as “if Pakatan Harapan is dominated by DAP, we will bring down PH (Pakatan Harapan), as how we fought the British colonial power”. Such statements indirectly portrayed Malaysian Chinese as “foreigners” who were trying to take power from the “native” Malays. Most of the attention-grabbing placards with slogans such as ‘Pertahan Identiti Negara’ (Defend the Identity of our State), ‘Islam dan Melayu, Identiti Negara’ (Islam and Malay, Identity of our State) and ‘Malaysia Tanah Melayu’ (Malaysia, Malay Land) were prepared and held up at the rally by ISMA members. Some PAS participants felt uneasy with such ultra-exclusionary messages.
Very few Malay Muslims in Malaysian are outright racists or narrow Islamists. But a significant portion of them view Islam as their core identity (whatever this implies).  And some worry that the increasing usage of the Chinese language might challenge the status of Malay as the national language. Similarly, some fear that the LGBT community’s allegedly increased visibility might undermine the role of Islam as Malaysia’s official religion. The more Muslims openly support LGBT rights and the more Malays speak Mandarin, the more some Malay Muslims want to more strictly define what constitutes Malayness and Islamness.
In other words, the increasingly political fragmentation and cultural diversification of Malay Muslims have led some of them to create a sense of ‘Malay unity’ by drawing stricter boundaries between what they perceive as ‘Islamic’ and ‘un-Islamic’ and between who they see as ‘Malay’ and ‘non-Malay’. The makings of religious, sexual and racial others (for example, liberal Muslims, LGBT and Malaysian Chinese) are central for them to consolidate ‘Malay Muslim identity’, and to create a sense of certainty amidst uncertainties. Hence, it is insufficient to analyse Malay anxiety as only a result of political competition or religious conservatism, without looking into the rapid socio-cultural changes experienced by Malay Muslims.
Instead of addressing various socio-economic issues faced by Malay Muslims, some politically-motivated groups stir up Malay anxiety, creating a perception that they are representing ‘Malay Muslims’ and manipulating public opinions for their political interests. Such patterns are similar to “Aksi Bela Islam” (Defending Islam Action) in Indonesia, using the banner of “defending Islam” to mobilise political support. Such political mobilisations have forced both Malaysian and Indonesian governments to contain them.
In Malaysia, some PH leaders are containing its critics by taking a conservative stand, as shown in the government handling of LGBT-related issues. In Indonesia, President Joko Widodo has selected a conservative cleric as his running-mate for next year’s presidential election, to counter Islamist mobilisation of his opponents. Such containments could prevent the more exclusionary parties from taking political power, yet at the same time might sustain the ‘conservative turn’ and potentially alienate some minority groups.
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You should flavor comfortable around pointing knocked out issues to the other members of your team, eventide if you lately joined the team up. Advise or so new strategies or take out their tending to mistakes you noticed. A squad derriere usually do good from a bracing view on the strategies and habits they let adoptive. Conditioning is ane of the nearly of import parts of any run around. This is specially rightful when it comes to association football. Association football players black market a lot; therefore, edifice your operative stamina is set out of an efficacious soccer conditioning programme. When running, operate at Tips And Tricks To Achieving Blogging Bliss! , and then do a 30 secondly volley of running play as degenerate as you tin can. Reprize this procedure end-to-end your operate. Mouth with your teammates during a gimpy. Zero is worse than miscommunicating a gambol to your team that results in the former team acquiring the lump. If you are concerned that the other team whitethorn discovery taboo what sport you will be using, rigid up write in code names for your unlike plays. Ascertain everything you throne astir soccer and the unlike techniques. There are many resources usable including books and resources on the Cyberspace. Abrade these sources to observe the modish techniques to assistant you ameliorate the gamy. When you notice a fresh technique, exercise it until you deliver it shoot down pat. You should non upright practise the lame. You should also assure you are perpetually visualizing yourself practicing, fifty-fifty when you are not. When you are seated on the couch, intend around dribble the orchis. Spell fabrication in bed, reckon shot the lump towards the nett. With visualization, you bequeath become more associate with completely the aspects of soccer, which will encourage meliorate your skills. Soccer is a halt that requires a shell out of absorption. If your absorption is unkept during a game, you leave take a shit many mistakes. Therefore, drill assiduousness drills so that your focalize is improved. Having said this, empathise that not completely drills do work for everyone. About citizenry find out visually, spell others get word Thomas More from earreach. The samara is determination the immersion Mandrillus leucophaeus that whole kit for you. By doing so, you will note your soccer skills dramatically growth. The "press" is real crucial when preventing your adversary from moving drink down the field of battle. You want to work your opponent experience uncomfortable when receiving the ball, mayhap fifty-fifty lining backward. However, be careful when urgent not to entrust a foul, or else you will not be serving retired the team up. You mustiness get wind to continue centralized as a good deal as potential. Losing focussing causes breaks for the former team, and unmatched respectable bust guaranteed with a destination dismiss transfer the rate of a game and assign the early team up on upside. Fewer points are scored in soccer, and focalise should always be a set out of your strategy so you behind assistance your team up campaign. Wake business games is a skillful way to study more almost soccer. This makes eruditeness the rules easier and rear as well depict you how to dally good. It wish not supercede the penury to practice, just it will assist ameliorate your mettlesome and aid in reinforcing what you find out during practise. Hear to master every unmarried typecast of passing thither is. Many populate solely get over single or two moves, just you neediness to attempt and professional as many as you give the axe. You should do this because it will aid you testify to yourself and others that you are a outstanding musician. Try on to carry the orchis a set less than you fleet it. Departure should be the thing that you do the well-nigh when you are on the theater of operations. Fugacious gives your team up the ability to command the orchis for yearner and you stern do it a destiny faster than you commode slobber. Today that you have a go at it a spot Sir Thomas More some soccer, you volition delight the athletics that a great deal more than. Regard this advice, and you can't avail simply gain on or away the athletic field. Use what you've erudite to gain your artistry or your make out for the bet on. What you do with this newly establish noesis is up to you.
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alamat-ph · 2 years
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'porque' concept photo series
These HapiHabi Wearable Weaves-designed outfits, called the Kundiman set, make use of Yakan tennun, woven by the Yakans of Zamboanga (where Chavacano is spoken) and Basilan.
Watch Alamat's 'porque' M/V here
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game-master-dit-gm · 9 years
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(Concept Art by www.steevenlabeau.net)
Elona Hamaova
Lire la version française >>> Elona Hamaova
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The Base recruited Russian-speaking agents for decades, given the importance of the military in Russia (and even if the base recruited 0.1% of its soldiers every year [a few dozens of agents], nobody would notice). Élona can be considered as one of the best of the last decade : A subtle combination of courage and discipline but above all a great flexibility. However she doesn't seem to benefit from a considerable renowned, probably because of her lack of interest in the social life of the community. While the full integration of foreign soldiers isn't always easy, the base still offers opportunities that are difficult to refuse. Gain the sympathy of other agents is totally accessory... Most of the time. They say she is in the "Top 10%" of agent that can adapt to any situations, because her spatial and motor abilities are beyond stunning. Even with an intensive training to deal with height situations, including with VR simulations, most agents won't develop such an instinct. To compete with her, you must necessarily have the same natural abilities. Physically, Élona appears as athletic as the other women on the team, but in reality she surpasses everyone in terms of speed and endurance (except for Aritz). In general, her moves are precise and noiseless : It is said that when one hears Élona make some noise when she walks, there is obviously a problem. With her outstanding abilities, it's quite surprising to see her in such a team. But when looking at her career, we can see that sometimes she does the job in an unconventional way. Which raises some critics, despite her excellent record : The Base doesn't like people who take too much liberty with its rules.
☆ Realistic Skin Tones : humanae.tumblr.com/post/121590… / humanae.tumblr.com/post/130327…
Hair : Natural light blonde
Eyes : Blue
Make-up : Neutral most of the time with light pink colored lips. She can put some copper eye shadow for special occasions
Age (approx) :  25 / 30
Height (approx) : Nearly 180cm
When she decide to talk, she use proper or casual language. She's described as a good looking girl with a Russian accent (because it hasn't completely disappeared). Her hair is more blonde than Raya. Despite her impressive experience, she could be only two or three years older than Glatz. Knowing that the Base recruited her 7 years ago when she was already 20, we can imagine she's just under 30.
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(Concept Art by www.steevenlabeau.net)
Work :
Élona is often sent to run reconnaissance on the front when the team doesn't have enough information about a place, or when it's impossible to pinpoint a target accurately. Her role is to collect any information that could prevent a failure (it's a heavy responsibility). Her legendary discretion allows her to have several roles during a mission, but that skill allows above all to calmly analyze the collected informations (without the enemy suspecting its presence). In environments that are very difficult to infiltrate without being noticed, she can carry drones or serve as a relay to the pilot (in places where the signal drops ). Drones are quite limited when they must try to escape. But her greatest talent is certainly her ability to transmit her knowledge to others. Rookies like Ryo and Raya now have a second coach in addition to Glatz, which is a real advantage for the smooth running of the team. Her integration in the MX SQUAD is a great opportunity to make it an important team (if everyone points towards that goal), for Élona it's an opportunity to act according to her principles once and for all. Downside : Before they get remarkable victories, the freedom of the members of the MX will often be criticized. But Glatz will continue to believe that this "freedom" is essential for their work and for themselves.
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(Concept Art by www.steevenlabeau.net)
In this picture she wears a GEKKO SUIT  : That full-body armor can make the agents of the Base almost invincible, provided they know how to use it. Those who use it to its full potential acquire more than a super-armor, which in some cases would slow down the movements of the user. Élona's agility requires that she dedicates more time to optimize the settings of her Gekko Suit. After a long learning phase (mandatory for anyone who wear it), the Gekko Suit can understand the intentions of its user and allows him to move or jump faster and higher, in an "almost" natural way.
GEKKO SUIT in realistic colors :
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Personality :
Nicknamed "Floe Fox" by former teammates, Élona was spontaneously considered "cold as ice" by people who who never actually worked with her (that preconceived idea says a lot about the baseness of the Base). Her great self-control often impresses members of other teams, but those who decide to approach her realize that she's actually quite nice. Relatively little is known about Élona's origins, but it seems she has decided to cut ties with her life "before the Base", for not having to choose who her loyalty should loyalty go to (a dilemma that could weaken her). She knows that since this radical decision, it is no longer welcome in his country : The "betrayal" of the best isn't forgiven so easily. Even though she feels some nostalgia when she visits Russian-speaking regions, she doesn't hesitate to say that in the end the Base gives her more freedom. As long as she will do her job, she will enjoy all these benefits : A privilege most "normal soldiers" will never benefit. Most agents who don't have MONEY or POWER as primary motivations are often criticized, but those who try to follow a "Zen" path are often overlooked. Apart from the internal social network of the Base, there is no place where people who share ideas like these can meet. There may be a deliberate intention to isolate them when it is strongly believed that those who are less easy to control, are potentially more prone to become "enemy within". A total misconception because her personal motivations have always been compatible with the motivations of the Base. But nobody can't deny that she isn't attached to the consumer society in no way... Maybe it's a sign. That attitude is perhaps a sign that she is already planning her life "after the Base", and a way to regain her body and soul. That state of mind is the reason why she will quickly become Gami's friend, who is not afraid to assert her ideas (perhaps because she comes from the outside).
☆ Trivia :
Élona learned to play the guitar for seven years, but very few people know it (the Base is not really a place for artists). Apparently Glatz discovered her during an informal concert. When he offered her to join the MX SQUAD, she really needed to meet with less conformist people. By saying "We have art in order not to die of the truth" ("The Will to Power", Nietzsche) she proves her desire to remain positive, whatever the circumstances : An idea that could make Aritz a little less pessimistic. Outside of the action scenes, might be more difficult to develop the character of Élona, in contrast to Anissa or Raya : At first glance, it's hard to know what Élona thinks, so she may seem a little less warm. The "Artifact" project he will allow you to know a little more about her, in a little less dangerous situations : Since she must meet very high standards, she must find ways to relax while continuing to train. That's where we will get an idea of her inner strength that allows her to resist all that pressure. Art by
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alamat-ph · 2 years
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porque concept photo series
Top by Evie Medina of HapiHabi
Photography: Niko Francisco
Makeup: Sharms de Castro
Hair Stylist: Ashley Manjares, Althea Light
Asst Stylist: Jeff Hapin
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alamat-ph · 2 years
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<MUHI set> comeback teaser photo series 210624 'NO DOGS AND FILIPINOS ALLOWED'
The 'MUHI' set of Alamat's comeback teaser photos feature head pieces by contemporary artist Leeroy New. All head pieces (personally picked by Alamat members from New's collection) feature real slurs or slogans that have been used against the Filipino from as early as late 1800s to as recent as late 2010s. The 'Muhi' set takes inspiration from the #StopAsianHate campaign, reminding our fellow Filipinos that we, too, have always been subject to hate, dehumanization and prejudice throughout history.But in spite of the hate thrown against us, we shall not be broken down. We shall persist and continue to thrive. We shall endure. For we are strong. We are KASMALA. ----------- Head pieces by: Leeroy New Georjanno Abenoja Ef-ef Amparo Sean Michael Padie Jeriel Pastor Carla Zhang Photography: Rxandy Capinpin Art Direction: Joe Andy Makeup: Nadynne Esguerra Makeup Associate: Sophia Irish Balagat Hair: Mycke Arcano Hair Associate: Sophie Esmiller Accessories: Macro by Rxandy Credit: ALAMAT Official FB Page
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alamat-ph · 2 years
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<MANDIRIGMA set> Alamat comeback teaser photo series
'SRI LUMAY' - Gami
Designer: Victor Baguilat Jr. of Kandama Collective Photography: Rxandy Capinpin Art Direction: Joe Andy Makeup: Nadynne Esguerra Makeup Associate: Sophia Irish Balagat Hair: Mycke Arcano Hair Associate: Sophie Esmiller Accessories: Macro by Rxandy
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