#Fortune 100 Indonesia
warau-okami · 7 months
Remembering March 11, 2011
On March 11, 2011, a magnitude (Mw) 9.1 earthquake struck off the northeast coast of Honshu on the Japan Trench. A tsunami that was generated by the earthquake arrived at the coast within 30 minutes, overtopping seawalls and disabling three nuclear reactors within days. The 2011 Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami event, often referred to as the Great East Japan earthquake and tsunami, resulted in over 18,000 dead, including several thousand victims who were never recovered.
The deadly earthquake was the largest magnitude ever recorded in Japan and the third-largest in the world since 1900.
How It Happened
The 2011 event resulted from thrust faulting on the subduction zone plate boundary between the Pacific and North America plates, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.
This region has a high rate of seismic activity, with the potential to generate tsunamis. Past earthquakes that generated tsunamis in the region have included the deadly events of 1611, 1896, and 1933.
The March 11, 2011 earthquake generated a tsunami with a maximum wave height of almost 40 meters (130 feet) in the Iwate Prefecture. Researchers also determined that a 2,000-kilometer (1,242-mile) stretch of Japan’s Pacific coast was impacted by the tsunami.
Following the earthquake, a tsunami disabled the power supply and cooling of three Fukushima Daiichi reactors, causing a significant nuclear accident. All three nuclear cores largely melted in the first three days.
As of December 2020, the Japan National Police Agency reported 15,899 deaths, 2,527 missing and presumed deaths, and 6,157 injuries for the Great East Japan event.
High Costs
In Japan, the event resulted in the total destruction of more than 123,000 houses and damage to almost a million more. Ninety-eight percent of the damage was attributed to the tsunami. The costs resulting from the earthquake and tsunami in Japan alone were estimated at $220 billion USD. The damage makes the 2011 Great East Japan earthquake and tsunami the most expensive natural disaster in history.
Although the majority of the tsunami’s impact was in Japan, the event was truly global. The tsunami was observed at coastal sea level gauges in over 25 Pacific Rim countries, in Antarctica, and on the west coast of the Atlantic Ocean in Brazil.
The tsunami caused $31 million USD damage in Hawaii and $100 million USD in damages and recovery to marine facilities in California. Additionally, damage was reported in French Polynesia, Galapagos Islands, Peru, and Chile.
Fortunately, the loss of life outside of Japan was minimal (one death in Indonesia and one death in California) due to the Pacific Tsunami Warning System and its connections to national-level warning and evacuation systems.
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srbachchan · 2 years
DAY 5377
Jalsa, Mumbai                 Nov 1/2,  2022                 Tue/Wed 12:19 AM
💛🪔 , Catching up with the Ef birthdays .. November 2nd .. is the birthday of Ef Erlika from Indonesia 🇮🇩 .. happiness to you , Lika , and love from your Moti .. your co-scorpio .. and (almost) sharer of birthday .. since Saudagar was released on November 1st , or so I was told 😁 Nov 2nd is also birthday of Ef Abhijit Jagtab from Pune .. and .. Ef Dipagala Gala .. greetings to you both and affection .. November 1st .. be the birthday of Ef Vishan Lal from Gurugram .. the one blessed with divinity of verse and notes .. bless your Flute of Krishna , Vishan , and your Spirit of Poetry .. we are blessed to have you with us and grateful .. and , you shouldn't worry , we got your birthday date right this time 😁 .. 🙏🏽✍🏽✒️🎼🎶❤️ And .. for November 1st .. the birthday wishes go as well to .. Ef Vaijayanti Ravindra Damle from Pune .. Ef Ms. Honey Aishu , the Punjabi from Bangkok , Thailand 🇹🇭 .. Ef Nouranne Achraf from Egypt / France 🇪🇬🇫🇷 .. Ef Pankaj Shukla from Indore .. Ef Shubhra Rattan .. and Ef Somraj Mane from Kolhapur .. happiness to you all and prayers .. Ef Sunil Ganwani from Jakarta 🇮🇩 .. love and wishes to you for your birthday on October 30 .. And .. Ef SHESA Nayak from USA 🇺🇲 .. happy birthday again to you .. this is to express our apologies for mentioning your name wrong the other DAY and all those years before .. it's corrected now .. love to you and be happy ..
Another day and another realm to be exercised  ..  listen adjust comprehend and execute .. 
12:19 AM 
But the tragedy of life and the writing of this Blog is the slumber that much like a Beethoven Symphony drives with the intersperse of the soft fluted melody with the harsh heavy instrumental strain of music - almost like the gentle atoms of life which interpret as desire .. and the larger sound of the base and the harsh symbols clashing along with a multitudinous 100 piece orchestra that takes over and drowns the fluted melody - DESTINY .. 
Your fluted life , with its softness of all that is desirable is eventually governed and mastered by the heavy thrust of destiny, that converges as an impregnable cage , not permitting or allowing desire to escape and be free .. 
The eventual story of all life .. dictated by the sound of music .. the strings the instruments that when plucked , leave a plucked rose just by the stem, as the petals lie strewn on the ground .. to dry to perish, never to be born again - until another plant grows form the earth of life ..
a bit poetic in the early hors of the morning that pulls you ot of the slumber at 5  am and warns you much like those harsh orchestral bearings that many a routine needs attention - the Blog, the connect , to the waiting and exasperated, ever vigilant Ef .. 
It is not a compulsion .. it is the destiny of orchestral potent intent that drives the desire to wake up and perform ..
This morning .. no not this one , the one before was a satisfactory outburst of what had collectively been accumulated within and did not get the freedom of escaping the DESTINY caged room, filled with saturated exuberant content .. not one that had  been its ‘impotency’ .. but one that had remained potent enough for a cell to cohabitate with the egg of procreation .. 
the pregnancy was potent enough and the receptacle of birth occurred ... the ‘impotency of content’  gathered storm and was sufficient to break the barriers of resentful disconnect .. eventually converging on an emotional breakdown of realisation .. a realisation that who they were dealing with was not a ‘who’ but one that had deeper intent ; unfortunately of no lasting value , for the ‘pre’ had been preoccupied by the ‘others’ ..
the ➡️ moveth and the real of the reality takes precedence .. 
work ..
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and the wave of fortune expectations ..
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to the gestures of the client that sits before thee .. in his brilliance .. 
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to them that make me in larger size and form .. they that make the divine God Lord Ganesh at the LalBaugh cha Raja Ganpati during the festival .. 
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 and onto the spirit of drive .. in the strength of mobility that despite the lethargic limited consumption of food , must be given attitude of normalcy .. for the show goes on ..
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drive .. the strength of hidden power .. of the energy which unless provoked never ever emerges .. and when it does .. it breaks that caged humēn .. boundless unbridled ‘want’ .. to give all that was never conceived before ..
ending eventually with the satisfaction of interaction with them that sit for hours for our creative hours to be complete .. to meet to look to speak to discuss to confess and to .. GIVE ..
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the hand work of exceptional quality .. hand paintings .. that look beyond real .. that look like camera work but indeed are painted ..
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... and the pride of regal wearings ..
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And the DAY endeth .. for there is other responses to give to them that give so much for so little .. 
my love 
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Amitabh Bachchan .. 7:30 am !!
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unrecyclableme · 5 days
Ain't An Acne Fighter, Imma Combatant!
Tenang, aku akan menulisnya dengan Bahasa Indonesia campur bahasa wicas-wicis jaxelian dan Betawi ngablak agar supaya literally enter at logikha you you semua. Semoga.
Berapa lama kalian sibuk sendiri sama yang namanya:
Stress enggak kalian, btw? Stress lah, yang bener-bener aja dong, lo?!
Iya tau, ges, I juga stress berat. Di awal-awal masa pertama kali bener-bener kena jerawat semuka-muka, masa remaja cuma bergelut dengan komedo dan muka bak ladang minyak di Irak (fortunately 'muricans didn't find out)--tetiba dapet berkah tiada ternilai harganya di muka. Sampai detik ini gue masih langganan jerawat kok, sejak 2013, yang artinya sebelas tahun sudah jerawat membersamaiku dalam suka dan duka, pahit serta getir kehidupan ini.
"Ah, emang lo jorok kali, makanya jerawatan."
"Dirawat dong mukanya, biar enggak jerawatan mulu."
"Makanya jangan makan coklat mulu!"
Ya Tuhan, enteng sekali mulut-mulut para hamba-Mu itu.. walaupun memang ada benarnya. Sejak 2013 gue mulai gencar cari info dan cari cara buat hempas jerawat ini. Ke dokter? UDAH. Skincare mahal? UDAH--YET TODAY'S INFLATION MADE ME CRY SO I'M GONNA GIVE UP ON THESE FR. Pola diet dijaga? UDAH. Tapi keseringan bandel, coklat dan permicinan tetep I'm coming foyahh~
Kalau soal jorok, gue kebetulan orangnya jijik-an. Lipstik aja gue paling anti sharing, iya, monmaap banget nih. Kalau soal muka enggak dirawat, iya, zaman dulu ilmu tentang skincare tidak semasif sekarang. Kalau soal makan coklat melulu, iya, siapa yang kagak doyan coklat coba, gue tanya?
Pernah ke dokter, suntak-suntik obat dll, tapi abis itu stop karena selain mahal, kok badan jadi lemah kali dan mulai concern dengan apa yang masuk ke badan kurus keringku saat itu. Beralih ke trial and error cari-cari skincare, dengan modal uang jajan pas-pasan saat masa kuliah medio 2013-2015, gue bela-belain beli demi tujuan muka bersih dari jerawat. Sampai akhirnya gue kerja, ternyata gue didiagnosa penyakit tiroid. Long story short, thyroidsm causing hormonal disorders, karena hormon yang terganggu itulah ternyata penyebab terbesar jerawat gue. Udah gitu, emang bener tuh, gue enggak boleh sembarangan masukin zat-zat obat ke tubuh imut ini karena tiroid, alhasil gue coret opsi perawatan ke klinik kecantikan. Selamet ya, kan uangku~
Jadilah sejak saat itu opsiku cuma dua: certified skincare dan/atau diet. Karena penyakit hipertiroid ini enggak boleh makan sembarangan pun, jadi sedikit banyak membantu untuk membatasi makan makanan 'enak' huhuu, bye micin, gorengan, dan seblaque. Hipertiroid itu kambuh-kambuhan, sama seperti penyakit tiroid lainnya, jadi tidak diperbolehkan untuk stress. Alhasil aku harus tetap haha hihi walaupun mejret, yagesya. Nanti akan ku bahas "How To Deal with S*hit Happens In Life" di postingan selanjutnya, part 2 kalau rame. (Anjaaae)
Sejak 2013 entah berapa kali ganti skincare yang cocok buat muka dan buat kantong tipis gue ini (yang nantinya pasti akan menebal dengan pundi-pundi Pounds! Aamiin). Sayangnya gue enggak pandai mendokumentasikan perjalanan pencarian skincare gue dari masa ke masa. Yang pasti, di masa trial and error gue selalu inget bahan aktif apa yang ada di skincare itu. Kadang walaupun ditujukan untuk kulit berjerawat dan berminyak, enggak semua bisa diterima muka gue. Skincare pun enggak harus mahal semua, yang penting cocok di muka dan bisa mengatasi problem yang sedang dihadapi kulit. Jangan pernah percaya 100% dengan tren skincare yang ada di media, karena belum tentu kulit lo perlu treatment itu, it's capitalism trap guys heheuu... Jangan percaya juga segala yang bersifat instan, suntik jerawat di klinik yang namanya macem bunyi aliran listrik itu pun, masih punya proses jeda yang harus dilalui buat meredakan jerawatnya. Apa kabar kalo lo ketemu iklan skincare yang menjanjikan hasil instan dalam waktu semalam? Mau ngalahin Bandung Bondowoso kali, ah. Jangan ya dek ya.. Karena jerawat itu pemicunya bermacam-macam, jadi sudah pasti solusinya enggak cuma satu. Jangan jadiin keadaan dan tipe kulit orang lain sebagai patokan, kulit lo udah pasti 100% beda dengan kulit orang lain, sama sodara lo aja belon tentu sama plek ketiplek. Selain itu umur dan kondisi tubuh juga berpengaruh, badan lo sekarang dengan badan lo di lima tahun bahkan setahun yang lalu, itu beda kondisinya. Karena manusia itu makhluk hidup, salah satu ciri makhluk hidup adalah bertumbuh kemudian menua dan metong, jadi jangan denial, kita ini enggak bakal forever young I wanna be forever young, itu cuma lagu aja ya atau kalau lo kayak Dorian Gray atau The Cullens, itu pengecualian. Heuheuu. So, tubuh lo ini enggak sama persis metabolismenya dengan tubuh lo yang kemarin, ditambah dengan pola makan dan pola hidup di kota besar yang enggak pernah beres, ada aja gebrakannya. Kalau lo dulunya waktu masih muda, singset nan glowing, lalu lo menikah dan punya anak, muka dan kondisi kulit lo berubah, itu jangan kaget dan--sekali lagi, JANGAN DENIAL!! Hormon lo pasti berubah, ada yang berlebih dan ada yang berkurang, itu yang menyebabkan hormonal imbalances, belum lagi kalo konsumsi kontrasepsi hormonal. Combo! Embrace yourself ya kawand! Ada lagi faktor keturunan, kalau orang tua lo ada yang punya kondisi muka berjerawat, enggak menampik kemungkinan anaknya juga mewarisi hal yang sama. Pokoknya banyak deh faktor-faktor penyebab jerawat selain karena faktor higienitas, perubahan hormon, dan hal-hal yang udah disebutin di atas, masih banyak yang enggak bisa gue jabarin satu-satu di sini. Kalau lo rajin, mending buruan googling atau lo tanya Gemini (sumpah, ini belom di-endorse).
Nothing's permanent in this world, kecuali orang NPD, biasanya permanen. Kalau muka lo jerawatan, yakin aja dulu itu jerawat pasti akan hilang. Ya, mungkin bulan depan muncul lagi kalau lo stress atau lagi menuju tanggal menstruasi. Haha. Kulit lo bermasalah itu adalah hal yang manusiawi, karena apa?
Karena lo adalah manusia, bukan boneka porselen.
Apa yang bermasalah ya, diatasi. Orang berusaha enggak seterusnya berhasil, sekalipun berhasil enggak ada yang hasilnya 100%. Enggak ada bosen-bosennya gue bilang, "Jangan mengikuti standar media", apalagi yang dibuat oleh manusia lain yang menuntut kesempurnaan. Bukan karena gue mau 'nyari temen' dalam keburukrupaan yang ada di diri ini, ya. Wkwkwkk. Gue mah suka banget liat orang cakep, apalagi punya temen cakep, gue pamerin malah! Tapi ya, balik lagi, sesempurnanya manusia itu biasanya tetep dilihat enggak sempurna di mata manusia lainnya, dan itu jangan sampai mempengaruhi pikiran dan standar hidup lo. Tuhan lo aja enggak menuntut kesempurnaan 100% tanpa cela dalam ibadah lo, masak lo mau ngikutin standar manusia--yang enggak ada apa-apanya dibanding Tuhan?
(Eh, masih percaya Tuhan, kan, yang baca?)
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mtalkesim · 6 days
Roaming No More: How eSIM is Changing the Way We Travel in Asia
Traveling in Asia is an incredible experience, from exploring the vibrant streets of Bangkok to visiting the ancient temples of Kyoto. But one thing that can quickly dampen the excitement of your trip is the dreaded roaming charges and unreliable connectivity. Fortunately, with the rise of eSIM technology, travelers are now able to roam seamlessly across Asia without the worry of excessive fees or the hassle of swapping physical SIM cards.
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Let’s dive into how eSIM is transforming the travel experience in Asia and why it's the future of international connectivity.
1. Say Goodbye to Roaming Fees
Roaming charges can accumulate quickly when traveling abroad, especially in a vast and diverse continent like Asia. Traditional SIM cards often incur hefty fees for data usage, calls, and texts, making it an expensive option for staying connected. However, with MTALK eSIM for Asia travel, you get local rates at your destination, meaning no more outrageous bills when you return home. You only pay for the data you need, and you enjoy 100% roaming-free charges.
This makes eSIM a cost-effective solution, whether you’re hopping from city to city or exploring more remote destinations.
2. Seamless Connectivity Across Multiple Countries
One of the biggest advantages of using an eSIM is the ability to maintain connectivity across different countries without having to switch SIM cards. With traditional SIMs, every time you move to a new country in Asia, you’d need to purchase a local SIM, set it up, and hope it works smoothly. This process can be time-consuming, frustrating, and inconvenient—especially if you’re traveling across multiple borders.
With MTALK eSIM, you can activate one eSIM plan that covers multiple countries in Asia, i.e Australia, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Macau, Malaysia, Pakistan, Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, Uzbekistan, and Vietnam, without needing to switch physical cards. This means uninterrupted service, so you can stay connected with friends, access maps, and share your travel adventures on social media without any delays.
3. Fast and Reliable Internet in Every Destination
Asia is home to both bustling metropolises and remote natural wonders. Whether you're navigating the high-tech streets of Tokyo or trekking through the forests of Bali, staying connected is crucial. MTALK eSIM provides fast and reliable internet with local connectivity in each country, ensuring that you have access to high-speed data no matter where you are.
Unlike depending on inconsistent Wi-Fi networks or paying for expensive roaming packages, our eSIM gives you the freedom to enjoy fast internet for navigation, restaurant bookings, and keeping in touch with loved ones without interruption.
4. Instant Setup and Easy Installation
Traveling should be all about enjoying the sights and experiences—not worrying about technical hassles. With MTALK eSIM, installation is a breeze. Forget about visiting SIM card shops, waiting in line, or fiddling with your phone’s SIM tray. Our eSIM installation is 100% digital. You simply purchase your eSIM plan online, scan the QR code, and activate it in minutes.
The best part? You can even set it up before you arrive in Asia, so you land with internet ready to go.
5. Perfect for All Types of Travelers
Whether you’re a backpacker exploring Southeast Asia, a digital nomad working from co-working spaces in Chiang Mai, or a business traveler attending conferences in Shanghai, eSIM technology caters to all types of travelers. Its flexibility, ease of use, and cost efficiency make it an ideal choice for anyone who values staying connected while traveling in Asia.
With MTALK eSIM, you can keep track of your data usage, top up when needed, and switch between plans effortlessly, making it perfect for both short vacations and extended stays.
6. 24/7 Customer Support
When you're in a new country, things can sometimes go wrong, and the last thing you want is to deal with connectivity issues in an unfamiliar location. That’s why MTALK provides 24/7 support to assist you whenever needed. Whether you're facing setup issues or have questions about your data usage, our dedicated team is always available to help.
This peace of mind means you can focus on enjoying your travels without worrying about technical issues.
7. Environmental Benefits
Traditional SIM cards contribute to plastic waste, as millions of SIM cards are discarded each year. By switching to an eSIM, you're also making a more environmentally friendly choice. Since the eSIM is digital, there’s no physical waste involved, reducing the environmental footprint of your travels.
Ready for Your Next Adventure?
Get your MTALK eSIM for Asia today and enjoy seamless, hassle-free internet access during your travels. Stay connected, roam freely, and explore the beauty of Asia with the convenience of a MTALK eSIM.
Conclusion: eSIM – The Future of Travel in Asia
As more travelers explore Asia, the demand for convenient, affordable, and reliable connectivity will only continue to grow. eSIM technology is at the forefront of this transformation, offering a smarter way to stay connected while reducing costs and eliminating the hassles of traditional SIM cards.
MTALK eSIM is here to revolutionize the way you travel in Asia. With 100% roaming-free charges, local fast internet connectivity, easy installation, and 24/7 support, it’s the ultimate travel solution for the modern explorer.
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drrogerjou · 19 days
CASY Cultural Autism Studies (ethnography project led by Dr. Dawn Prince-Hughes) is delighted to welcome the return of Dr. Michael Bakan, who will speak about “Neurodiversity and Creative Collaboration: Notes from the Music Field” on Tuesday, October 22, 2024, at 7pm EDT (4pm PDT). Dr. Bakan is author of the book “Music and Autism” and has spoken extensively about the topic earlier this year. For a brief refresher, please visit https://tinyurl.com/3cxtpd6t
There is no cost to attend, and international participants are invited to join. RSVP online though our borderless Meetup group https://www.meetup.com/projectcasy/events/303269419/
DESCRIPTION (as written by Dr. Bakan): I have been fortunate in recent years to have opportunities to collaborate on both musical and musicological projects with world-class autistic musical artists, including jazz pianist Matt Savage and singer-songwriter Jennifer Msumba. In this presentation, I first reflect on those experiences and share video footage from concerts, then turn to deeper considerations of processes of neurodivergent creative collaboration, both within and beyond the sphere of musicking.
BIOGRAPHY: Michael Bakan Ph.D. is Professor of Ethnomusicology and Head of the World Music Ensembles Program at Florida State University, where he directs the Sekaa Gong Hanuman Agung Balinese Gamelan. His more than 100 publications include the books Music & Autism: Speaking for Ourselves, World Music: Traditions and Transformations, and Music of Death and New Creation: Experiences in the World of Balinese Gamelan Beleganjur. As a drummer and percussionist, he has performed with George Clinton, Tito Puente, Rudolf Serkin, Johnny Rawls, the Toronto Symphony Orchestra, the Los Angeles Philharmonic Green Umbrella Players, and leading gamelan groups in Bali, Indonesia.
About CASY Cultural Autism Studies at Yale (ethnography project led by Dr. Dawn Prince-Hughes). An 'ethnography' is an exploration of how a group of people express themselves in a cultural way. Autistic people have a growing kind of culture, and each autistic experience is a vital part of it. Dr. Dawn Prince-Hughes is an anthropologist, ethnographer, primatologist, and author who is autistic. Join her for an exploration of the importance of autistic self-expression and the culture that grows from it. Those who wish to share their content are free to do so on our private Facebook group (see below), organically contributing to a growing autistic culture.
Links to online events will also be shared on these private Facebook groups: SOCIAL CONNECTIVITY FOR AUTISM (http://tinyurl.com/mrxnxmnc) or CASY Cultural Autism Studies at Yale (http://tinyurl.com/4ckbyut7).
CREDITS: The preparation of this material was financed under an agreement with the Connecticut Council on Developmental Disabilities (CTCDD). CASY Sparks membership, activities and events are free. CASY Sparks is sponsored in part by The Daniel Jordan Fiddle Foundation Adult Autism Research Fund, and a generous gift from the Rosen family, and the research of Dr. Roger Jou.
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sultratopmedia · 1 month
Teratas di Industri Keuangan, BRI Jadi Bank Terbesar Versi Fortune Indonesia 100 dan Fortune Southeast Asia 500 Tahun 2024
SULTRATOP.COM, JAKARTA – PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk atau BRI kembali mencatatkan prestasi di industri keuangan nasional. BRI berhasil menjadi bank dengan posisi teratas dalam daftar Fortune Indonesia 100 atas kinerja tahun 2023. Dari seluruh perusahaan, BRI menempati posisi ke-4. Peringkat Fortune Indonesia 100 sendiri ditentukan berdasarkan pendapatan, laba bersih, aset, ekuitas,…
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aquariuminfobureau · 2 months
The popular and stunning fire eel, Mastacembelus erythrotaenia, is a very large spiny eel from Southeast Asia, that is on record as growing to 100 centimeters, or 40 inches. In the aquarium and also in the wild, their growing 'only' to a length close to 65 centimeters should be expected, however the species is still on record as the largest known spiny eel, although the M. armatus complex is suggested to sometimes reach similar lengths of about 'three foot'.
M. erythrotaenia is a fish associated with riverine environments, although it avoids fast flowing water, and it is also encountered in inundated, lowland floodplains. In these freshwater habitats, it shares the typical spiny eel habit of burying into mud, by horizontal movements of their sinuous physiques. When they are buried, spiny eels often allow their snout and tail tips to protrude upwards.
Other than its great size, M. erythrotaenia is, in fact, quite a typical spiny eel, and within that clade, it is difficult to misidentify as any other species. This is fortunate because confusion generally surrounds the identities and nomenclature of Asian spiny eels. M. erythrotaenia is a widespread, tropical species, found in a wide swathe from Indochina, down through peninsular Malaya, and into western Indonesia. The fire eel is apparently absent from northern Indochina, including the more northern regions in Thailand and Vietnam.
I grew up with aquarium books telling us that spiny eels are aggressive, difficult to feed, and too large for home aquaria. Thankfully this is all exaggeration, and partially based on confusing the clade with some other teleosts that are called 'eels'. Which, incidentally, do not form a natural group of fishes, so that only members of the unrelated anguilliform clade are truly eels, and the spiny eels are much more closely related to the gouramis and snakeheads. The similarities of form and function, that are seen in both anguilliform and spiny eels, result from convergent evolution.
Spiny eels or mastacembelids, are their own clade of fishes, closely related to the synbranchids or swamp eels, with which they share their eel-like morphology and digging habits. Though they will consume very small fishes, and especially fry, Mastacembelus sp. are essentially predators of other benthic organisms, such as aquatic insects and annelids. This species does not seem to consume vegetable material habitually.
These are sought using olfaction, for which purpose the spiny eels possess tubulated nostrils, a visually remarkable synapomorphy, that marks them apart from other fishes of an otherwise similar, eel-type form. Although they are sometimes described as bearing a proboscis, the facial appendage of spiny eels does not qualify, because it is not an organ used to hold and manipulate food, as are the true probosces or trunks of tapirs and elephants.
However, it is a flexible tentacle, supported by an elastic cartilage which even has a synovial articulation with the bony facial skeleton, where the associated musculature attaches. In this sense it really is comparable to mobile mammalian snouts. Spiny eels are adept foragers, equipped with a good sense of smell and a usefully sensitive tentacle tip, that they use to explore their surroundings.
Other traits of spiny eels include their dorsal spines, which are in fact specialized fin rays. When they feel themselves threatened by a larger predator, spiny eels position their bodies so that their spines form a sharp, defensive saw edge. Fearful spiny eels can wound the hand of a careless human handler, damage the aquarium nets used to catch them, and sometimes even puncture the plastic bags used to transport them. Therefore any nets employed should be deep and soft, and double bagging should be used when transporting these prickly fish.
Spiny eels are primitively capable of breathing atmospheric air, which explains why some species are present in difficult environments. They differ in their craniofacial appearances, but only as variants of the basic, stable spiny eel theme, such as the extents of the rostral organ and of the jaw musculature, which relate to finding and dealing with food.
Naturally the substrate provided for spiny eel species, should be soft, to facilitate their natural digging behaviors, although at achieving larger sizes, this species seems to burrow less. Large decor should be provided to create shelter for these fish, especially during the daylight hours. Heavy items must be placed in the aquarium before the addition of substrate, lest the digging of the tank inhabitants lead to an accident. Sharp substrates must be avoided
Leaves and wood are appropriate decor, per the wild biotopes that are known to be frequented by M. erythrotaenia. Although they are not herbivorous, their digging behaviour is likely to uproot any plants that are rooted into the substrate. Floaters and underwater epiphytes should however be fine, but mighty spiny eels are not ideal denizens, for most kinds of richly planted aquascapes.
The lighting should be low, or diffused by floating plants,and any lid tightly fitting, lest the 'eels' escape. The often repeated statement that this species prefers a pH value between 6 to 8, is consistent with the presence of the species, in localities such as the Chao Phraya and the Mekong. Some records confirm it's ability to tolerate waters with a pH as low as 4.6, and a temperature as high as 30 degrees centigrade
Some sources suggest that the pH becomes suboptimal for this species, when it is elevated above 7.5, abd that the water temperature should be 27 to 29 degrees centigrade. But I am aware that at some wild localities where M. erythrotaenia is present, and seems to be flourishing, the pH is as high as 7.7 or 7.8, anf the temperature there is 25 to 27 degrees centigrade.
Because M. erythrotaenia can be territorial among themselves, it is often stated that they should not be kept together, but from experience, more than one adult of this species may safely cohabit, and they will even share a hiding place together. Like other spiny eels, this species is fine with unaggressive fish that will not fit into its mouth. They mix well with big, schooling cyprinoid species from their area of origin, including tinfoil barbs and clown loaches
Feeding M. erythrotaenia is actually straightforward, using defrosted foods of meaty composition. When chopped to am appropriate size, seafood from the fishmongers can also be used to provide for these slow benthic carnivores. Also fire eels will happily take to accepting sinking pellet preparations, if they apt for insect eaters. Other than the constraint caused by the dimensions of their mouths, fire eels are generalist carnivores and they are not fussy once they feel settled in.
However when they are freshly imported, spiny eels have a reputation as difficult fishes to feed, and newly arrived imports are more likely to be shy, and to eat only when the lights go out. Until they are feeding more boldly, active benthic fishes like loaches and catfishes, might well take all their food first. With slow and reluctant feeders, the choice of tankmates thus matters
Newly imported spiny eels are also vulnerable to stress and injury, from the process of collection and shipping. Fortunately they all acclimatize to aquarium diets with time, contrary to old misinformation that they will only eat living prey in the aquarium. Their actual care is not hard, assuming that healthy and bold individuals are chosen, particularly long term captives, and their needs are adequately and easily provided.
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flutterwave · 2 months
Flutterwave Hires World-Class Executives from PayPal, Stripe, and Western Union, Focusing on Risk, Compliance, and Payment Partnerships to Amplify Growth
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SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 13, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Flutterwave, Africa's leading payments technology company, is excited to announce the appointment of several seasoned leaders from prominent financial services companies, including PayPal, Stripe, American Express, First Data, Western Union, and Square. These appointments reinforce Flutterwave's dedication to risk and compliance to continue growing sustainably and successfully expanding globally. Amaresh Mohan, Amanda Ortega, and Stephen Cheng
Amaresh Mohan, Chief Risk Officer, joins Flutterwave as the company's first Chief Risk Officer, a role he previously held at GoTo Group, Indonesia's largest digital ecosystem that publicly listed at IDX last year. Amaresh's 25-year career includes leadership positions at Stripe and PayPal where he was responsible for building risk management capabilities to enable market entries and scaling up in a number of emerging markets globally. Previously, Amaresh has held key roles in leading global banks, including Citibank, Kotak Mahindra Bank, and Bank of America.
At Flutterwave, Amaresh will oversee all aspects of Risk Management, including Compliance, Trust and Safety. He will work closely with the board and Flutterwave leadership to build a risk-aware culture and strong governance across the company.
Stephen Cheng, EVP Global Expansion and Payment Partnerships, brings over two decades of global experience at Fortune 100 and high-growth regulated financial institutions, building and leading world-class risk and compliance organizations. He has held multiple C-level positions at public and private companies such as American Express, First Data, Green Dot, and Prime Trust. Most recently, Stephen was Chief Risk and Compliance Officer and Chief Executive Officer at Wyre. Stephen will spearhead Flutterwave's navigation of the ever-evolving global payment systems and facilitate the company's expansion into new markets globally through acquiring licences and strategic payment partnership initiatives.
Amanda Ortega, Head of Compliance, US, brings more than 20 years of experience in the banking industry, including 12 years as a regulator with the State of Wyoming's Division of Banking, where she served in various roles, including Chief Bank Examiner and Deputy Banking Commissioner. Prior to Flutterwave, Amanda was a regulatory, audit, and compliance executive for multiple licensed trust companies and money transmitters.  She will be responsible for overseeing Flutterwave's regulatory standards and compliance in North America.
To further strengthen its risk, compliance, and partnerships teams, the company announced the appointments of several senior-level hires, including Steven Huynh, who has joined as VP, Global Expansion and Payment Partnerships, and is an industry veteran holding compliance, risk, and operational leadership roles at Western Union, Sigue, and Wyre. Chris Davis, who joined as VP, Risk and Compliance Operations, held leadership roles in compliance, risk, and operations at Scottrade and Square/Cash App. Adewale Ayantoye, who joined as VP, Risk Management, previously held a Director-level Financial Crimes Operations role at Etsy and a leadership role in compliance at Square/Cash App. Among them, they have a combined experience spanning over 30 years with expertise across compliance, risk, and partnerships.
These appointments come in a year when Flutterwave doubled down on its expansions into international markets with new licenses in Rwanda, Egypt, Malawi, and, most recently, money transmitter licenses (MTLs) in 13 states in the United States. It will be pivotal for the company's continued focus on operational excellence by investing in risk and compliance, and adhering to the highest regulatory and compliance standards with world-class talent. This focus will fuel sustained growth, payment innovation, and expansion across the globe.
Speaking on the new appointments, Olugbenga 'GB' Agboola, Founder and CEO of Flutterwave, said:  "We are excited to welcome Amaresh, Stephen, Amanda, Steven, Chris and Wale to Flutterwave. This is a big step forward on our journey to build sustainable, safe, and secure payment solutions that connect Africa to the world and vice versa. Their wealth of experience will help us maintain an atmosphere of sustainable growth and a constructive environment for our people. They will help us solidify our commitment to providing excellent payment services to existing and potential enterprises and individuals from across the world."
About Flutterwave
Flutterwave is the leading payments technology company that enables businesses across the world to expand their operations in Africa and other emerging markets through a platform that enables local and cross-border transactions via one Application Programming Interface (API). Flutterwave has processed over 550M transactions in excess of USD $32B and serves more than 2MM businesses, including customers like Uber, Airpeace, Bamboo, Piggyvest, and others. The company's key advantage is connecting businesses to various local and international payment types to enable them to expand globally. It also enables cross-border transactions from the diaspora to African countries via its Send App product. Flutterwave processes payments via multiple payment modes, including local and international cards, mobile wallets, bank transfers, and Google Pay. The company has an infrastructure that reaches 34 African countries. For more information on Flutterwave's journey, please visit www.flutterwave.com.
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speedyposts · 8 months
McDonald’s blames Israel’s war in Gaza for missing sales target
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McDonald’s has cited Israel’s war in Gaza as a factor in the fast food giant missing its first quarterly sales target in nearly four years.
McDonald’s CEO Chris Kempczinski said on Monday that the war had had a “disheartening” effect on sales in Middle Eastern countries and other Muslim-majority nations such as Malaysia and Indonesia.
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I will share my personal journey of getting AdSense approval quickly for my blog focused on the SME
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“So long as this conflict, this war, is going on … we’re not expecting to see any significant improvement in this,” Kempczinski said in a conference call.
“It’s a human tragedy, what’s going on, and I think that does weigh on brands like ours.”
Sales growth for the fast food chain’s division for the Middle East, China and India during October-December reached 0.7 percent – far below market expectations of 5.5 percent.
The slump comes after customers in Muslim countries called for a boycott of McDonald’s in response to its Israeli franchisee donating thousands of free meals to the Israeli military.
Following the announcement by McDonald’s Israel, franchisees in Saudi Arabia, Oman, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Jordan, Egypt, Bahrain and Turkey distanced themselves from the donations and collectively pledged millions of dollars in aid to Palestinians in Gaza.
While Chicago-based McDonald’s is known as one of the most iconic US brands, most of its restaurants worldwide are locally owned and operated.
Kempczinski said last month that the war and “associated misinformation” was having a “meaningful” effect on business in the region.
McDonald’s is among a number of Western brands that have been hit with boycotts due to their perceived support for Israel.
Last week, cafe chain Starbucks slashed its annual sales forecast, citing a slump in business in the Middle East.
Despite its flagging fortunes in Muslim countries, McDonald’s posted relatively strong results overall, with global sales growing 3.4 percent, compared with 8.8 percent in the previous quarter.
“We remain confident in the resilience of our business amid macro challenges that will persist in 2024,” Kempczinski said.
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How to Get AdSense Approval Quickly a Personal Journey to Monetizing a Niche Blog
I will share my personal journey of getting AdSense approval quickly for my blog focused on the SME
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sedaptogel · 11 months
SedapTogel, Situs Togel Terpercaya & Slot gacor Terlengkap, proses Deposit & WD yang cepat, CS profesional untuk memberikan pelayanan terbaik 24 jam
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carhirenews · 1 year
Toyota debuts Fortuner SUV with flex-fuel engine. All you need to know
Toyota Motor has introduced the flex-fuel version of its flagship SUV Fortuner at the ongoing Gaikindo Indonesia International Auto Show. The carmaker showcased the SUV, wrapped in white and green exterior tone at the show last weekend. The particular Fortuner SUV, called the Fortuner Flexy Fuel E-100, is equipped with a flex-fuel engine that can […] The post Toyota debuts Fortuner SUV with flex-fuel engine. All you need to know appeared first on CAR RENTAL NEWS. https://car-rental.news-6.com/toyota-debuts-fortuner-suv-with-flex-fuel-engine-all-you-need-to-know/
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baliportalnews · 1 year
Buah Inovasi dan Transformasi Digital, PLN Tembus 2 Terbaik Daftar Fortune Indonesia 100
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, JAKARTA - PT PLN (Persero) berhasil masuk jajaran 2 besar dalam daftar 100 perusahaan terbesar di Indonesia yang dirilis Fortune Indonesia atau Fortune Indonesia 100. Keberhasilan ini pun semakin memantapkan PLN sebagai jantung perekonomian Indonesia dalam mewujudkan akses listrik yang adil dan merata serta menjadi motor penggerak transisi energi. Penilaian perusahaan yang masuk ke Fortune Indonesia 100 pada 2022 ini merujuk pada pendapatan perusahaan yakni minimal harus membukukan minimal Rp10,51 triliun. Direktur Utama PLN, Darmawan Prasodjo mengatakan, inovasi dan transformasi digital yang dilakukan PLN mampu membawa perusahaan mengantongi kinerja keuangan yang terbaik sepanjang sejarah. Pada laporan keuangan 2022, PLN mencatatkan laba bersih sebesar Rp 14,4 triliun atau lebih tinggi 124% dibandingkan target yang ditetapkan Pemerintah sebesar Rp 6,4 triliun. Peningkatan laba bersih PLN ini ditopang semakin tumbuhnya penjualan listrik yang mencapai 6,3% atau total 273,8 Terawatt hour (TWh) sehingga berdampak pada kenaikan pendapatan penjualan listrik hingga 7,7% dari Rp288,8 triliun di 2021 menjadi Rp311,1 triliun di 2022. “Kunci dari keberhasilan PLN ada pada transformasi yang dilandasi digitalisasi serta inovasi yang dilakukan. Hal ini membuktikan PLN adalah jantungnya perekonomian Indonesia dan kami selalu siap menyediakan listrik andal bagi seluruh pelanggan," ujar Darmawan. Darmawan melanjutkan, selama 3 tahun terakhir, PLN juga melakukan inovasi serta efisiensi dengan menjadikan digitalisasi sebagai pondasinya. Menurutnya, PLN melakukan transformasi digital yang mencakup berbagai aspek, mulai dari pembangkitan, transmisi, distribusi, sistem perencanaan, sistem keuangan, sistem pembayaran, sistem pengadaan, hingga ke sistem pelayanan pelanggan. “PLN menata proses bisnis lewat digitalisasi dari yang semula berserak, terfragmentasi, menjadi terkonsolidasi dan terintegrasi. Dari yang serba manual menjadi terdigitalisasi," ucap Darmawan. Sedangkan sebagai motor penggerak transisi energi, PLN memastikan setiap proyek yang dijalankan mengedepankan aspek berkelanjutan dan memberikan manfaat bagi setiap masyarakat. “Di tengah tugas mengemban agenda transisi energi, implementasi sustainability menjadi faktor yang sangat penting bagi PLN. Sustainability merupakan perencanaan jangka panjang yang perlu disiapkan secara sistematis, dari mulai cara mengukur, delivery, hingga memonitor melalui platform digital,” ucap Darmawan. Darmawan juga menambahkan sebagai Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN), PLN akan terus memberikan akses kelistrikan yang adil dan merata bagi seluruh masyarakat Indonesia, terkhususnya pada wilayah terdepan, terluar dan tertinggal (3T) dalam upaya mewujudkan energi berkeadilan ke seluruh masyarakat. “Ini adalah bentuk dukungan PLN terhadap program yang dirancang oleh Pemerintah. PLN ingin semua masyarakat dapat menikmati listrik, sehingga kualitas hidup dan kesejahteraan masyarakat bisa meningkat," ucap Darmawan. Selain menyediakan listrik berkeadilan bagi masyarakat Indonesia, PLN juga terus menciptakan inovasi-inovasi bisnis bagi masyarakat, seperti: aplikasi PLN Mobile, Stasiun Pangisian Kendaraan Listrik Umum (SPKLU), Stasiun Penukaran Baterai Kendaraan Listrik Umum (SPBKLU), Stasiun Pengisian Listrik Umum (SPLU), Home Charging, program Electrifying Agriculture (EA), Electrifying Marine serta Captive Power Acquisition. Darmawan menuturkan bahwa ini adalah hasil dari kerja keras yang dilakukan oleh semua elemen yang berada di dalam PLN. “Saya sangat bersyukur untuk pencapaian yang berhasil diraih oleh PLN, hal ini bisa tercapai atas dukungan pemerintah dan kerja keras yang dilakukan oleh seluruh insan PLN,” kata Darmawan.(bpn) Read the full article
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mikigam1ng · 1 year
Slot Game Online Situs Terbaik
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Slot online sekarang sangat populer di kalangan masyarakat. Khususnya di indonesia paling banyak peminat akan game ini, di karena kan mudah dalam permainan nya dan juga gampang menang. Ini akan membantu para pemain menjadi betah saat bermain, dan tersedia berbagai jenis permainan yang disediakan.
Beberapa Keuntungan Saat Bermain Game Online
Keuntungan yang bisa diraih para  bettor berupa. Jenis bonus atau berbagai jenis promo yang disediakan ini akan sangat membantu para pemain dalam meraih kemenangan dengan mudah, Para bettor juga sangat terbantu bonus yang tersedia,  yang deposit receh akan membantu menambah chip, dan memiliki peluang kemenangan yang besar, para bettor juga terbantu dengan berbagai promo yang bisa diikuti, dengan modal yang tidak terlalu besar seperti modal receh.
Situs Slot Online Gampang Maxwin
Provider sekarang termasuk yang paling mudah untuk mendapatkan maxwin dengan modal receh juga bisa mendapatkan maxwin. ini yang membuat para pemain lebih memilih game slot online dari pada judi online lain nya. Karena rasio kemenangan yang sangat tinggi sangat membantu para pemain untuk mudah mendapatkan maxwin. Untuk depositnya juga terbilang sangat mudah bisa menggunakan e-wallet, pulsa atau oun bank. 
Game slot online ini juga sangat membantu para bettor, untuk kalangan bettor yang penghasilan pas-pasan akan sangat membantu dengan bisa mendeposit modal receh, dan mengharapkan kemenangan yang besar, para bettor juga harus jeli dalam memilih provider yang gacor atau tidak nya dengan selalu memperhatikan RTP yang disediakan masing-masing website. 
Para pemain seperti bettor harus lebih jeli dalam melihat RTP live yang update. Dan juga harus jeli melihat mesin slot yang mudah memberikan maxwin atau tidak nya. Ini akan sangat membantu para bettor untuk mudah meraih kemenangan yang besar. Dan jangan lupa harus memperhatikan pola-pola permainan yang disediakan berbagi website. Akan sangat membantu untuk meraih Jackpot yang besar.
Kesabaran adalah kunci meraih kemenangan. Para pemain seperti bettor harus lebih bermain dengan kesabaran ini sangat membantu para bettor. yang akan membetting dengan modal yang kecil tetapi harus lebih jeli dalam melihat celah yang ada. ini akan membantu melatih para bettor agar lebih bermain dengan lebih tenang. Adalah kunci dari meraih kemenangan.
Berikut Ini Beberapa Jenis Provider Yang Paling Gacor
Slot Game Online Pragmatic Play
Merupakan Provider yang paling populer saat ini. Karena tingkat peminat permainan yang paling banyak, Khususnya di indonesia menjadi yang paling banyak. Provider ini juga menyediakan lebih dari 100 permainan slot yang akan sangat di sukai para pemain slot agar tidak bosan dalam bermain. Untuk permainan yang disediakan tergolong mudah untuk dimainkan, untuk tingkat kemenangan permainan ini juga tergolong yang paling mudah dimenangkan RTP nya kemenangan provider ini. Hingga 97%, ini yang membuat permainan di provider yang satu paling banyak dimainkan para slot dimanapun. Jenis game yang paling sering dimainkan seperti Gates Of Olympus, Starlight, Gates Of Gatotkaca, Sweet Bonanza.
Slot Game Online PG Soft
Provider ini sangat populer saat ini. Provider memiliki banyak kelebihannya, seperti tampilan tema permainan yang baru dan selalu menyediakan permainan yang baru setiap tahun nya, tingkat kemenangan nya juga terbilang yang paling tinggi di antar provider slot online lain nya yakni 98%, ini membuat provider ini sangat mudah untuk dimenangkan dan paling banyak diburu oleh pemain di indonesia tak terkecuali para bettor. jenis permainan yang paling gacor Mahjong Ways, Fortune OX, Lucky Neko. Merupakan permainan sering dimainkan para pemain di indonesia seperti para bettor.
 Slot Game Online Joker
Merupakan provider yang paling diburu oleh pemain di indonesia. Karena mempunyai tingkat kemenangan yang paling tinggi belum lagi menyediakan berbagai jenis, permainan hampir 100 permainan lebih yang disediakan provider satu ini. Untuk provider ini juga memberikan tingkat RTP yang paling tinggi hingga 97,30%, Membuat permainan ini banyak diburu masyarakat di indonesia, Khusus nya para bettor yang paling sering memainkan permainan provider ini. Karena keberuntungan kemenangan yang besar mudah untuk diraih.
Slot Game Online Habanero 
Adalah Provider yang memiliki peluang keuntungan pada setiap harinya. Provider ini menawarkan RTP yang cukup tinggi hingga mencapai 96,90%, merupakan angka kemenangannya juga yang paling tinggi. Ini membuat permainan yang satu ini paling banyak dimainkan oleh sebagian  masyarakat di indonesia, Keberuntungan akan kemenangan nya bermain di provider ini juga terbuka lebar, jenis game yang paling gacor seperti Candy Tower, Koi Gate, Cash Reef, Fa Cai Shen, 5 Lucky Lions. Merupakan game yang paling sering memberikan Maxwin yang besar.
Bocoran Permainan Slot Gacor Yang Gampang Menang
Slot Gates Of Gatotkaca 
Merupakan game dari. Pragmatic Play yang pasti tidak pernah mengecewakan para pemain, Karena game slot satu ini menggunakan karakter populer di indonesia, juga memiliki nilai RTP yang tinggi hingga 96.50%, yang merupakan permainan yang paling sering dimainkan para pemain di indonesia.
Slot Gates Of Olympus
Merupakan slot yang menduduki tingkat peringkat yang paling atas. Karena tingkat kemenangan nya yang paling tinggi, RTP nya hingga mencapai 97.30% juga paling mudah mendapat 4 scatter dalam spin yang di pasang. ini yang membuat permainan ini paling banyak  dimainkan karena keberuntungan akan kemenangan nya sangat besar.
Slot Sweet Bonanza
Selalu dapat memberikan keuntungan besar,game ini juga menawarkan kemenangan dengan nilai RTP yang paling tinggi yakni 97.00%, ini menjadi yang membuat ini paling banyak diminati karena tingkat kemenangan nya tergolong yang paling tinggi. Untuk keberuntungan kemenangan permainan ini juga paling tinggi.
Slot Sugar Rush
Adalah permainan slot online yang memberikan peluang untuk para pemain.Untuk bisa mengumpulkan keuntungan besar dalam waktu yang cepat karena perkalian odds yang tinggi yakni 96.50% merupakan uang paling tinggi, Provider ini juga paling diminati para bettor. Karena memiliki peluang kemenangan yang paling tinggi. Ini akan membuat para bettor menjadi betah dalam memainkan nya.
Slot Wild West Gold 
Merupakan game yang paling disukai para pecinta slot di indonesia. Karena angka kemenangan tertinggi RTP nya hingga mencapai 96.20%, dan memiliki peluang kemenangan yang begitu besar. ini akan sangat membantu para pemain seperti para bettor untuk meraih kemenangan yang besar. yang bermain dengan modal yang kecil. 
Baca Juga : Sejarah Singkat Tentang Slot
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scentedcoffeepatrol · 2 years
The Best Agen Togel Online Terbesar
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Whether you're a newbie or an experienced player, there are many benefits of playing togel online. First, you can play for free. Second, you can play on reputable sites. Third, you can access the system by various methods. And fourth, you can earn free money. For this reason, the world of togel has grown immensely in recent years.
However, in order to get the most out of your togel experience, it's important to pick the right site to go with. Some of the better ones will provide you with a range of games. Also, you should look into their bonus features. This includes free games, free deposit, and a range of promotions. You can find out about all of this and more by logging on to any of the online togel sites mentioned below.
Fortunately, there are a number of togel sites out there that offer all of the above, as well as a whole slew of additional perks. Aside from free games, you can also choose from a variety of deposit options, including e-wallets. There are also some other fun togel tricks you can try. While you're at it, you should keep in mind that playing togel online will only be possible in a bandar. Nevertheless, you can also try playing in a bbfs game.
The best agen togel online terbesar in Indonesia may not have all of the bells and whistles of other sites, but it does have a few notable perks of its own. In particular, the website has a few unique features, such as a jackpot whale mode. On top of that, the site also has a bolak-balik mode, as well as a full hadiah mode. Another cool feature is the site's slick interface. Other perks include a 100% match bonus on your first deposit and a free investment. If you're in the market for a new togel site, you should check out this one and find out how great it really is.
To summarize, the best Agen togel online terbesar possesses the following: a cool interface, a wide range of games, a few of them free, and a variety of perks. Additionally, the site is well-established, which can help ensure that your experience will be a good one.
Lastly, you should consider using the agen togel's name in the oh-so-important agen toto togel terbesar. There are many more reputable toto sites out there, and you can find out more about them by contacting their customer service representatives. But, in the end, you can't really beat the brand-name. After all, who wants to go through the trouble of researching a different website, only to discover that it has a limited amount of features? One way around this is to stick with the best. As long as you're willing to spend some time learning about toto, you'll have a great time. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned player, there are several togel sites that will have a lot to offer you.
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whitegulls · 2 years
Best Web based Gambling Locales in Malaysia for Genuine Cash
Web based gambling in Malaysia is becoming expanding famous. Web based gambling Malaysia locales are turning out to be more normal, and the quantity of individuals in the nation gambling on the web is a rising one.
Regardless of Malaysia being a prevalently muslim nation (playing games of chance is against Islamic law) Malaysia web based gambling law is to such an extent that non-muslims are allowed to bet at casinos and sports books on the web. It is, however, against the law to work a web-based casino in the country. However, numerous web-based casinos beyond Malaysia unreservedly acknowledge Malaysian players.
This guide will ideally show you how you can take advantage of your web based gambling in Malaysia
Best Malaysia Internet Gambling Websites 2022 Investigated Assuming you are quick to find out about the best web based gambling Malaysia destinations that acknowledge players from the country, then you are 100% perfectly located. We have previously illustrated what we view as the ten most ideal gambling on the web locales that anyone could hope to find to individuals in Malaysia at the present time, yet presently we will jump somewhat more profound, and investigate the six gambling destinations that we view as the actual pick of the bundle.
1. BK8 - 150% Bonus up to RM800
BK8 is perhaps the principal site on our main five rundown that appears to provide food explicitly for Asian-based gambling fans. As well as having a total segment that is planned only for players who are situated in Malaysia, the BK8 site has segments too for Thailand, Vietnam and Cambodia. There is a general site for Asia too in addition to a part for global players.
As far as football, BK8 is really the main patron of football steams in Spain, having manages Valencia, Athletic (Bilbao), Villarreal, Mallorca and Elche. You can back this multitude of groups and other Spanish monsters like Barcelona and Genuine Madrid at the BK8 sportsbook, as well as any group or contender at any game!
2. K9Win - 100 percent Store Bonus Up To $3,000
K9win is a multi-gambling-discipline site that at present just acknowledges players from six nations. Fortunately, Malaysia is one of them, alongside Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, Cambodia and Vietnam. In the event that you play at this web-based casino and sports betting website ensure you are playing at the right website for your nation, and every country has a different one. Undoubtedly, utilize the connection that we have given beneath.
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