#Foster Household
changingplumbob · 11 months
Foster Household: Chapter 6, Part 2
Reece is trying to practice football as much as he can before he actually has a practice to attend.
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Happy to report I clocked both Paris and Deanna still crushing on each other despite it being several in game weeks since I played Deanna's household. They are so adorable. Fingers crossed the sentiments stick around for when I next get back to the Yorks.
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Cannot emphasize enough how less creepy the teddy is than the doll.
Bob: What about you Charlie? Giving Harvey any grandkids soon?
Harvey: Bob she's only 24
Charlie: I don't think I want to be pregnant so only time will tell
Harvey: Don't feel like you have to have kids
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Carson: Hey mum
Kayleigh: Yes
Carson: The other day at recess I was all by myself and I wasn't sure what I should do when that happens
Kayleigh: Go ask some other kids if you can play with them, bravery has its rewards
Carson: Okay
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Reece: You're a professional athlete, you must be able to throw a football with me
Charlie: Toss it
*Charlie ducks*
Reece: What was that?
Charlie: Sorry! I am clumsy, maybe that's why I couldn't catch it
Reece: Why do these interactions keep failing
Charlie: No clue bro
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Reece: Thanks for trying
Charlie: What can I say, I'm more soccer than football
Charlie: Come on, I'll race ya
Carson: And then, then, the scout leader said to throw it in the trash. Cardboard, in the trash!
Reece: That's basic of him
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Kayleigh: Not everyone understands recycling
Harvey: I mean the only proper recycling bins are cc
Carson: So we should just keep throwing everything away into bins that never get collected and never get full
Reece: Ummm
Charlie: There are recycling machines though, right?
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Carson: Machines, not bins. The recycling happens too late
Kayleigh: I'm pretty sure the eco footprint doesn't get impacted, no matter how much rubbish we produce
Carson: Ridiculous
Reece: I mean why should our environment be negatively affected because our plumbing breaks
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Carson: Because that's life, the more waste we produce the worse the world gets
Charlie: Dam when did you get so heavy
Carson: I just don't want the global boiling to get us
Harvey: Son, we're sims, global boiling will not get us
Reece: But how do you know
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Kayleigh: That's not helpful Reece
Reece: Excuse me for thinking
Kayleigh: Carson, we do what we can, and hopefully if other families do the same then the world will get better
Carson: You're right, at scouts we should get the message to other families to try help
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After dinner Reece goes for a run because despite playing football with 4 people today he has a tense moodlet from not having enough exercise? Doesn't make sense to me either.
(Me from the future. It was a glitch. I forgot Reece doesn't actually have the active trait so definitely shouldn't have got that)
Harvey does a spot of night fishing and these views always take my breath away.
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Kayleigh: Where's Kaori?
Charlie: Spending time with her grandparents. They're getting old and she's worried about how much longer they'll be here
Kayleigh: After losing her parents who can blame her for that
Charlie: I know, thanks for not being dead mum
Kayleigh: I do my best
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This week's holiday is named Is It Spring Yet. Occurring on the last Sunday of winter, goals include healthy cooking, fasting and exercising. It's meant to be the opposite side of the coin to Food Coma day, and I was hard pressed to think of 16 legit holidays.
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Kayleigh tries to sunbathe. I loved getting the massive skintone update. It does mean my sims tans have unpredictable outcomes though which can be good or hilarious. Carson has also entered a Clingy phase. And the tan is... not the worst one I've ever seen I guess. I might need to darken her hair though...
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Football captain Lilith has accepted Reece's invitation to hang out. After some less than stellar practice Reece takes a selfie to try boost friendship, alas that feature doesn't work anymore, sorry mate. Try a conversation instead.
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Lilith: I hope you improve before practice
Reece: Fitness is a weakness of mine but I love wellness so
Lilith: Different ball game kid. Is that your mum running in this heat?
Reece: Yeah, we're a fitness centric family
Lilith: That's good, it'll help
Reece: Any other tips
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Lilith: Spend some time at lunches practicing with Samir, you need to get better aim
Reece: Right, I guess I'll do that then
Lilith: Smile kid, none of us start out perfect at anything
Reece: True
Lilith: I can tell you want to give this a proper go so keep practicing
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Carson: Reece! Reece! Help me ride a bike
Reece: Scouts over already?
Carson: Yes. I achieved my aspiration this morning with level 10 motor skill but I still can't ride a bike
Reece: How embarrassing for you
Carson: Huh?
Reece has begun a mean phase, fingers crossed it's short
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Lilith: Is this fish burnt?
Harvey: It's intentional
Kayleigh: We have other food if that's no good
Lilith: Oh no Mrs Foster, it'll be fine. Reece you didn't say your mum was a celebrity, this artwork is amazing
Kayleigh: Thank you dear, feel free to visit anytime
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Charlie decided to visit after dinner so we invited Keira over and the siblings all had some catch up time. Charlie and Reece have the "childhood buds" status while Keira and Reece are "super siblings". #Parenthood has so much detail, definitely my favourite game pack!
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Reece: Hey Samir, Lilith said I should talk to you about football practice
Samir: Why
Reece: I'm on the football team now
Samir: Oh
Reece: I think she was hoping you would teach me some skills
Samir: Lunch, club room
Reece: Huh?
Samir: Practice
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Reece: No, I meant to say I didn't realise we had a football club room
Samir: Football and cheer. Technically.
Reece: So it's bi-purpose
Samir: Umm, yeah, sure
Reece: Did you say at lunch?
Samir: Problem?
Reece: I normally use it to eat, you know, lunch
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Reece: Do you not eat lunch?
Samir: Big breakfasts
Reece: Will I fit in food
Samir: Probably
Reece: So there's no don't eat for an hour before football rule
Samir: What?
Reece: You know, like don't eat an hour before swimming
Samir: I gotta... go do stuff, see you then
Reece: Bye
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If you're thinking why is this conversation so awkward, Reece developed a crush on Samir after literally saying ONE thing to him today. Samir is a loner so is pretty much constantly tense at high school. Reece saw my plan for a quick week and said nah I'm the star
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Previous Part ... Next Part
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dndadsepisodecovers · 7 months
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Ep.56.01- Swap! (SWitched A• Papas!)
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honeyspotpie · 2 months
Hey thinking about how in both timelines all Nick ever wanted was to make his father proud. Adapting and modeling his personality after his father, be it Glenn or Jodie. Because the only thing he ever wanted was his father's love. Thinking about how we can assume that Glenn did the same thing to appease Bill. Thinking about the fact that Taylor also wanted his father's love but never changed or remodeled his own personality and interests to receive said love. Thinking about the fact that he realized that his own sense of self is far more important than receiving artificial feelings of pride from a man who didn't even bother to get to know him. He finally broke the cycle. Yeah
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mintytrifecta · 20 days
Hi there I personally would love to hear about your Max is a Webby prophet please and thank you
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Okay first of all Max looks at the audience and camera in pretty much every scene he's in at least once I had to make a collage to get these examples in here and I still whittle them down
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You know who else explicity looked at and sang at the audience in a metatextual way??
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Hannah, on some level, knows the narrative. She knows the world's nature and the nature of a musical being a 'time loop' of sorts, which is why she sings of tomorrow never coming. A dawn never breaking.
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Webby's the Queen of the White, right? And what is dawn, really, if not bringing in the light of day to the darkness of night?
Both characters seem to share an intrinsic understanding of their world, whether comprehensible or not, and on some level are aware of its function. There's a chaos to their worlds and they always end in an apocalypse, but it's all practiced. It's all a loop. (roz and guil moment tbh)
But what I'm proposing, is that Max is a Hannah gone wrong. He can see the audience, understand the narrative and his place in it ("Don't need no-one to tell me, high school will be my peak, so I'm willing to take advantage" ) (" you can leave, but you won't, stay in your seat") but doesn't have the full scope of awareness that Hannah does. Hannah can see Webby and understand the story straight from the source, while Max pieces it together from the audience. Maybe Webby tried to explain things through them and Max just horribly misinterpreted it. Maybe he knows exactly what he's doing and has given up trying to find another solution. Maybe he never had a chance to escape the web in the first place.
Maybe webby gives him directions, tried to explain things to him, tried to get him to see the order beyond the world like Hannah, but it just never landed as well. What could really have spawned a god complex more than getting a glimpse at the True Nature of The World and knowing you're the one to make it happen. But Webby is the queen of the White, so it only seems to reason she brings Light to Darkness.
So not only am I going to say that Max is a Webby prophet, but also I ask you, where do you think his god complex came from?
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(also he like deadass controlled the lights like straight up just made it darker the bitch controlled the lights why does no-one else care about that but me-)
TL;DR: Max is a Webby prophet currently stuck on the recieving end of the world's worst game of Divine Interpretation telephone and is taking it Really Well 👍
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millidew · 5 months
maizuru and milsiril are my favorite fucked up dungeon meshi mother figures
#dungeon meshi#maizuru#milsiril#my post#both were involved in some kind of highly skilled group (espionage/ninja work and the canaries)#maizuru and milsiril both have some aspect that makes their relationship with their sort of son innately complicated.\#maizuru has been having and affair and milsiril has biases towards short lived races#both dote heavily on them but milsiril does it more clearly in an overprotective way#their sons have complicated emotions towards them. and they’re right for that#lets see… toshiro always eats the food maizuru makes due to the love in its preparation. he doesn’t seem to have a relationship with his mok#*mom#so he was very close to maizuru#but after finding out she and his dad was having an affair he closed off from her. maizuru still heavily dotes on him however#maizuru also invented a spell to scare his child self into returning to her#and trained ninja techniques into him (I believe?)#and milsiril (though she did train him) didn’t like the idea of kabru going into dangerous dungeons#she ended up coddling him in that regard. he doesn’t know how to do household chores (but I doubt toshiro knows either LMAO)#(he probably has servants or maizuru who do it for him)#but in fighting specifically:#milsiril also trained kabru in sword fighting but unlike maizuru’s training it’s not very useful in the dungeon#now back to food:#unlike maizuru’s food the elven foods milsiril gave kabru weren’t as well received#that has to do with the different culture he’s from though#he thinks of his birth mom’s food more and had a stringer relationship with her#*stronger#despite some issues kabru says that he’s grateful for her as his foster mom (iirc)#I imagine toshiro’s probably the same way even if he wouldn’t admit it (BECAUSE MAIZURU IS FUCKING HIS DAD???)#toshiro doesn’t feel close to any of his family so his biggest connections as a kid probably would’ve been maizuru and hien.#kabru has milsiril and rin and all anyone could ever want but would never want to return to#anyways. end of essay. tldr: milfs are messy
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tired-fandom-ndn · 1 year
I think wrightworth is so much better when it's Miles who's the mess who burns water and Phoenix who's better at daily functional things like cooking, cleaning, etc.
Miles Edgeworth is a man who has a tea set delivered to his office by a local hotel. He does not know how to cook.
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but like did anyone else get kinda emotional when she had a moment of almost believing that Nick was dead?
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giddygreengalaxy · 20 days
scratch that, as i was writing that post my tomcat came to snuggle me so
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krikeymate · 1 year
Foster AU: Can you think of a scenario where Tara would confide in Kirby instead of Sam? And she’s like „please don’t tell Sam“ and Kirby fights an inner battle because she wants Tara to confide in her but she doesn’t want to keep things from Sam, especially not things concerning Tara. Also, Sam might kill her if she finds out about this (and she always finds out about anything!) and learns that Kirby already knew. What would Kirby do? Would she keep the “secret”? Would she tell Sam and be like “don’t tell Tara that I told you”, or would she be honest with Tara and tell her that they can’t keep this from Sam? It doesn’t have to be anything bad. It can just be something small that Tara might be embarrassed about or something.
You know what the perfect scenario for this is? Tara gets her first crush.
Tara's like 25 and these sorts of feelings are new to her. And usually she tells Sam everything. Sam is her person, so when she's confused or she doesn't understand something, she'll go to Sam. But she has an inkling of what she's feeling, and she doesn't really want to bring this up to Sam. Sam's so protective - and Tara loves it, she does - but she still calls her her baby, and she's always been so uncomfortable when people have bought up the idea of Tara dating, or kissing, or heaven forbid - having sex. (Sam's still holding a grudge against her therapist for that one.)
So Tara turns instead, to Kirby. Kirby knows feelings, and Kirby doesn't get weird about feelings, so she's the perfect person to ask. (Spoiler: she was not the perfect person to ask, Sidney was right there, they have lunch weekly, she's the most well-adjusted person they know.)
So Tara goes to Kirby and tells her "I need to tell you something but you CAN'T tell Sam," and Kirby smiles and nods but inside she's freaking out. She's terrified, what the hell is Tara about to confess? And oh thank god, it's just a crush. Wait. Tara's first crush? Oh boy. OH BOY. Sam is gonna freak. And Tara's asking for advice?
Kirby: 😬
Kirby gives Tara advice about flirting (puns, jokes, terrible pick-up lines), and tries her best to bring up the idea of Tara dating to Sam without admitting what she knows. Sam brushes it off.
Then a week later Sam comes home and drops onto the couch quietly. She doesn't even announce herself, which has Kirby worried. After 10 minutes of silence, she announces "just saw Tara kissing a girl in the park," and Kirby is so relieved she doesn't have to keep the secret anymore.
Sam's a little frustrated she wasn't warned, but she's not upset at Kirby for keeping it a secret. Tara's an adult, and she's entitled to her privacy. She just feels a little blindsided. They agree to keep it a secret and let Tara admit things in her own time. Kirby finds it SO hard not to ask about how her advice went, and Sam struggles to hold herself back from grilling Tara because who the fuck is out there smooching on her baby. They need a name and a background check.
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sailermoon · 1 year
9 times out of 10 kids with behavior issues are the ones that need the most care and compassion how are u gonna deny them that when their world is likely unstable enough as it is
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kennys-parka-jacket · 7 months
Listening to some of the directors commentaries and being woefully reminded that this show is not at all character driven
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foster-the-moths · 2 years
if you refuse his help and decide to dig up the grave i think he either. tries to stop you again (with physical force) or just leaves you cause he knows there’s nothing he can do. either way. he’s just mortified
oh okay i was just imagining him stnading there uncomfortably the whole time for some reason that makes more sense
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^like this.
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butchsophiewalten · 2 years
always funny seeing people draw jenny with adult braces but i also have to disagree with it as A Take. if jenny has fucked up teeth he just does and will for the rest of his life
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reapersynth · 1 year
Tbh I usually just age my sims up until they can take care if themselves because ain't nobody got time for taking care of pixel children!
The only time I don't do that is when I'm doing a pregnant challenge in which case the pixel children must take care of themselves with only each other in the basement lmao. The parent sim only feeds them but otherwise has no interaction with their baby sims until they're older
people who can actually do those 100 baby challenges scare me. i would simply pass away
for some reason whenever my sims have kids it ruins the save for me 😭😭😭 i think im just gonna stick to adopting from now on
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dvar-trek · 2 years
Can we see a picture of pollywog, that's such an excellent name for a cat
nothing would make me happier 😊 here's the sweet bean bao herself, miss polwygle
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incompleteninny · 2 years
The seventy-seventh free, unedited chapter of my upcoming book, “The Heist at Cordia Aquarium” is now available on its website (or click https://www.kitfisto.gay/chapters/thea to read from the beginning).
Each throb of Waylon's heart plucks a nerve — a drum unheard yet felt inside his temple. Tears rolling, muscles screaming, Barclay's breath. Sensations coalesce: an orchestra to underpin the villain's fall from grace. His own fall.
Trying to stay ahead of the static creeping through his joints, Waylon pitches his next ball. Is this really all my fault? Could I have done something different?
The ball clips a single bottle at the pyramid's edge. Pleather glances off glass, strikes the backing curtain a foot to the right, and skids down, rolling to a stop near a counter overloaded with stuffed animals.
Gritting his teeth, he scoops up the last ball and whips it; a wild, unplanned throw. If I didn't stay at home while Phil worked, maybe I'd have had enough... Or someone would have been willing to hire me again. Was five years really enough to make me worthless?
Almost forgotten amid thoughts, the ball thwacks against the pyramid's pedestal. Barclay drops three more onto the empty platter.
No. That's just an excuse.
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