#Foster kids can HEAR you when you use them as arguments in the abortion debate
ex-foster · 2 months
I think many former foster kids are completely in the fog about liberals.
Once you notice that liberals only bring up foster kids in the abortion debate, you can't unsee it.
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musicaltigresa · 6 years
I Haven't Seen Much About This Side of the Argument...
Okay, just a heads up, I will be discussing the abortion debate in this. Please remember that this is based on my personal opinions on the matter, and, if you disagree, that's fine! Just don't try to witch hunt me about it. (Also idk how to do the Read More on mobile, so apologies for an incoming long post! I'm also doing this in one go and late at night, so apologies for any errors.)
So, to start this off, I'll state my side of the argument. I am pro-choice. Anyone who can become pregnant, no matter what they identify as, should have the right to have an abortion. MANY will object, but I'll explain my reasoning later down the line.
Now, why am I suddenly talking about this? As many know about this, I'll summarize it. A pro-choice man in Canada came up to a pro-life rally, got into a debate with a woman filming, and then roundhouse kicked her in the shoulder.
I will admit, him kicking the woman was a bad call on his part. He should have been more rational about it. But, I also agree with what he was going for.
See, the debate they had was over whether or not a teen girl who had been raped should keep it to full term. The answer the woman used appalled me; she basically said that the baby should be kept, despite how it was conceived.
As a teen girl myself, I was horrified to hear that. Although I've never been raped or knocked up, I can still imagine how I'd handle that kind of situation. If it were me, I would abort it on the spot. Think about it: do you really want a constant reminder that you were violated without your consent near you, especially when you're trying to heal from the trauma?
"But musical, foster care and adoption is still a thing!" That may be true, but it isn't a erect solution to this problem, not even close. First of all, the adoption process is *expensive*. America may have a decent economy, but I know that not many people can afford to adopt a kid. Another thing, and I may be incorrect on this one since I lack personal experience, but are orphanages and foster care facilities perfect? No, most likely not. They may not be up to date on health code regulations, or the people who work there may be apathetic towards their position. You never really know, but even I know that the system is far from a perfect solution.
Also, overpopulation is a growing matter, too. There's only so many resources to go around.
If abortion is abolished, expect a lot of orphans, since many may not be ready for the responsibility. This is especially if they were raped. They didn't ask for that, and if anyone says that they HAVE to carry it to term, in a way, you're condoning what happened. It's basically saying that the life being born in those circumstances is a good thing, when it is horrendous. It's ironic that we condemn rape, but when the victims end up wanting abortions, pro-life people tell them no, to just house a product of their trauma within them, to have it live and one day find out how they were conceived.
Honestly, until programs that help with orphans and the like change for the better, I'll be a pro-choice woman. If you disagree with me on any of this and would like to have a civil discussion, feel free to message me. To any of you that aren't going to be civil, move on, please. I don't need childish negativity, so just ignore it and move on. You may also unfollow if you want to. Good day.
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ex-foster · 6 months
Why liberal feminists are poor allies to girls and women from foster care:
1. They use foster kids as counter arguments in the abortion debate.
- this stigmatizes kids in care and suggests that they are unloved or unwanted
- foster kids end up hearing these arguments where they are used in the abortion debate and it has a negative impact on their self image and their role in the community
- the argument suggests that being a foster kid is a fate worse than death (foster kids deal with adverse childhood experiences but we should teach resilience not despair)
- abortion has been legal and available for nearly 40 years and this has not eliminated the need for foster care. Bringing foster kids in the abortion debate is nonsensical.
-they spread inaccurate information about foster care including the amount of children "waiting to be adopted" You can't just look at the statistics of youth in care and say they are all waiting to be adopted. First of all adoption is not even possible until the parental rights have been terminated. Many foster kids are in there temporarily and eventually get reunited with the parents. Second, adoption is not the appropriate solution in all cases. Some foster kids are in kinship care (a family member is taking care of the child) where guardianship may be more appropriate than adoption. There are other considerations as well including the age of the child and their wishes. Teens in the foster care system may want to pursue emancipation not adoption.
2. They ignore the link between foster care and sex trafficking.
- liberal feminists often consider themselves to be sex positive which includes a positive attitude towards porn and an uncritical view of the sex industry
- girls and women from foster care are overrepresented among sex trafficking victims.
- liberal feminists fail to understand the vulnerability of girls and women from foster care including their extremely high rate of homelessness after they age out of care
- although liberal feminists often have empathy for other women when it comes to #metoo, it is often limited to women in the same social class as them. They can empathize with women who were sexually harassed at work and understand the power a male boss has over their female employee however this empathy is sometimes not extended to women who are in the sex trade. The circumstances that lead to them engaging in survival sex work is not critically examined. There is an emphasis on "choice" but not the circumstances that puts a woman in a position where they might have to consider sex work in order to survive.
3. They ignore the importance of biological sex and advocate instead on the basis of gender identity.
- liberal feminists often bully women who desire female only spaces (such as rape crisis shelters, domestic violence shelters and homeless shelters). Women from foster care are overrepresented among the homeless population and are in need of these services.
- foster kids are pushed on the path to transition (LGBT is overrepresented among foster kids) studies show that boys and girls who are gender nonconforming often come to terms with their gender dysphoria at puberty (but often discover that they are gay or lesbian as adults). Liberal feminists and trans activists often see gender nonconformity as something that requires medical intervention.
- foster kids have historically been overly pathologized. Foster kids have trauma by virtue of being in foster care. This trauma should be explored in therapy. If a teen girl thinks she is a boy, do you think her religious parents disowning her for being a lesbian could be a factor? Do you think childhood sexual abuse could be a factor? Do you think witnessing domestic violence is a factor? The affirmation model (which is required in Canada 🍁) puts foster kids on a pipeline to medical transition because alternative therapies are not permitted
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