skyfallscotland · 5 months
Fourth Wing Turns 1! 🎉🎈🎊
To celebrate a whole year since we crossed the parapet, here’s the prompt challenge we promised!
It’s a super casual, low stakes, community event—it’s meant to be fun! So no stress. @justallihere & I thought it would be fun if the prompts were like a lucky dip, so here’s how it’s going to work:
There’s three prompt categories: fluff, angst, and smut. Choose which one you’d prefer to write for, pop it in my ask box this week (May 2-9, 2024) and I’ll send you back a short dialogue prompt—make sure you’re not on anon! 🙂
You’ll then have the rest of the month of May to write your piece and post it either here or on AO3 (or both)! Minimum 500 words, no maximum.
Or, if you’re an artist and prefer to draw, you could do that too, totally up to you!
You can write gen or any pairing you like. The prompts are open to interpretation or paraphrasing, don’t feel like you have to use the exact words if you don’t want to, if you just use the general vibe that’s ok too. We really just want everyone to feel comfortable giving it a go, even if they’ve never posted anything before 🥹
When you post it, add the hashtag:
So everyone can find your work!
Finally, the prompts are some I’ve collected from across tumblr, they’re free for anyone to use but it would be very appreciated if you also tagged the original prompt creator (which we’ll send with the prompt) so people can find them too 💖 if you’re so inclined, some also have a ko-fi and you can buy them a coffee.
(Pssst, if you don’t finish it by the end of the month, that’s ok too, we’re super chill here)
Can’t wait to see what you come up with 🥰
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we-were-beautiful · 5 months
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Marry me
Xaden x Sorrengail!oc
WC: 816
Warnings: None just Fluff
A/N: Well I decided to take part in a small writing Challenge. I had fun writing this little blurb and while it has the potential to turn into its own series; I am going to show self restraint by not doing that. The prompt was "I can never say 'no to you" From Jana over at @creativepromptsforwriting
Also fair warning; I didn't send this to any of my betas. So we die like men at this point
Thank you to @skyfallscotland and @justallihere for putting together the Fourth Wing Birthday Bash
Last but not least tumbr is being dumb and won’t let me post from my laptop so apologies about the formatting
“We should get married” I comment wrapping my arms around my beloved’s shoulders, fingers gently tracing along the scars at the top of his shoulders. I look up into his gold flecked onyx eyes and smile widely at him. Was the flight field after lessons the best place to have this conversation, probably not, but I couldn’t help myself. It had been an interesting lesson with a storm about to roll in; the thunder off in the distance rolling. But now with the rest of the third years and Professor Kaori heading back to the citadel, I figured given Xaden a small heart attack would be fun.
Where I would expect to see shock and hesitance on his face I only see a fond smile as he wraps his arms around my waist to pull me into his chest.
“When do you want to get married and how do you want to tell your mother and sisters?” I hadn’t thought of that.
It would be pretty easy to tell Violet. If I could get her away from her squad it would be as simple as that. Mira I could just write a letter too. Shed be pissed at first; she had specifically told me to stay away from Xaden. That didn’t work out since we ended up in the same squad with mated dragons; but Mira could get over it. She’d be happy for me eventually.
My mother; however, I completely forgot about. General Sorrengail hadn’t been a fan of the relationship and she had made it known to me once the word had made it to her office. That had been the only time I had formally gotten called to her office to make her displeasure known; but its been three years. Xaden and I work well together and we have been in love with each other for awhile now. Not to mention we are kinda stuck with each other until one of us dies so at one point or another she’s just going to have to learn to live with it.
I feel Tairn’s amusement in the back of my mind. The old curmudgeon had been riding my ass this last week about acting like a love sick puppy around Xaden. Like his grumpy ass isn’t the exact same way around Sgaeyl.
‘I heard that’ the rumbling voice flows through my head.
‘You were supposed to.’ I felt Tairn’s snout push at my back sending me further into Xaden’ s grasp ‘Tairn!!!’ I can hear Sgaeyl chuckle in my head.
‘I think I shall go get some sheep’ I’m not sure if it is the mighty beat of our dragons wings or thunder, but as the two dragons fly off the heavens open up above us and cold rain begins to pour down. Xaden lets out a hearty laugh squeezing me tightly.
“When do you want to get married love.” He leans down to whisper in my ear repeating his earlier question.
“Want to grab Garrick, Bodhi, Liam and Vi and sneak down to Chantara.” I would do it; grab our family and secretly get married today if he agreed.
“How about we wait until graduation. We can get our family together, before we fly to our post, and have a small ceremony.” He pushes a soaked strand of hair away from my face. “Then it gives you time to let Mira know, so she can try and get leave” leave it to this perfect man to remember that I wanted Mira there when I got married. While Brennen had Mom and Violet had Dad it had been Mira and I against the world. I still had all of the letters we had wrote to each other while she was in the quadrant and then when I started second year. She had to be there on our special day; she would kill me if I ran off today and got married.
“Ok Graduation it is then.” He looks even more breathtaking in the rain as water droplets roll down his skin.
“Alright then lets go Mrs.Riorson.” He lets go of me and moves towards the hidden tunnel entrance.
“Wait.” I call grabbing his hand to stop him. “Kiss me?” Is it cheesy and straight out of the romance books that I brought into the quadrant, yes. But I had always wanted to be kissed in the rain.
“Have I ever been able to say ‘no’ to you.” He gently cradles my face in his hands tilting my face upwards; his lips crash into mine is a passionate kiss. It starts out innocent enough but my hands quickly find their way to his hair and one of his finds its way to my ass. When we break apart we are gasping for breath; Xaden rest his forehead against mine and hazel eyes meet onyx “Marry me?”
“Yes.” I laugh and pull him into another kiss.
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garricks4thwingqueen · 5 months
The Day of Dread: Xaden Riorson X reader
Prompt: “Do you want to take it off, or should I do it for you? Credit for prompt goes to @a-cure-for-writers-block
Warnings: NSFW, Swearing, not stated but intended feelings of anxiety. 
                                       The Day of Dread. 
                   Xaden X reader whom is Liam Mairi’s older sister  smut 
This fic is a part of the #FourthWingBirthdayBash!  
Synopsis: Your Liam Mairi’s older sister; exactly the same age as Xaden and Garrick. This made you the oldest female of what were now known as the rebellion children. With the work your father and Xaden’s and Garrick;s father did together you basically grew up together in Riorson House. This caused you to have a close relationship with the two boys; one more so than the other. This fic is set place on Reunification Day on the third year for reader and the two oldest rebellion boys. Being the oldest children of the rebellion, reader and Xaden know some Tyrrish. I used Gaelic to represent Tyrrish:
My love: Mo ghràdh Your love: do gaol
Mine: Mianach 
Yours: Mise
Forever: Go Deo 
Always: I Gconai
Other words to know Ilmari: (Readers dragon) means air in Scandinavian. 
Trigger warnings: Swearin, NSFW, a little angsty but mostly fluff!
Word count: 2390 
Reunification Day: Also known as the day that commemorates the day upon which the separatists were defeated and the rebellion overcome.
You groaned, waking up to the bright light shining through your and your fiance's room. Another groan left your mouth as you noticed your bed was cold and looked at the clock that read 7:00 a.m.. “Fuck.” you cursed as you noticed the dress that rested on the chair across the room. There was only a few days that you’d be caught dead in a dress reunifuckincation day was one of them that was against your will. For two years since you started at Basgiath with Xaden and Garrick; you’ve represented your group on your boyfriend's behalf. You wished none of the rebellion children had to represent the group on the day that each 107 children lost their parents. You’ve been going for Xaden and Garrick each year because those two would never be caught dead at that celebration. Thank the gods this was your last year before getting your assignments at the end of the year.
You smiled as you noticed there was a box and a note from Xaden on the table. 
I’m sorry Mo ghràdh that I couldn't be here this morning, especially today. Gare and I had to make an unexpected supply run. Don’t start with me Mo ghràdh you have enough to deal with tonight we didn’t think we needed to bother you for an extra run this a.m. I thought this necklace I was able to find on our last run would go perfectly with your dark blue dress tonight. If I don’t see you before I’ll see you after for our favorite activities of the evening. I know this year has been tough but we are almost done, Mo ghràdh. I can't express in words how thankful I am to call you Mianach; I love you just one more time for this day. You have this, we have each other. 
I’ll see you later tonight .
 do gaol
You're insufferable right now. Your dragon Ilmari scoffed in your mind. You're not to pleasant yourself  either this morning, you chided grabbing the box of our night stand.You pulled the blue ribbon of the box and opened it to reveal a note and a small velvet blue bag.  
Brennan finally found this before our last supply run. He said he spotted the silver one morning on the sand near the river. I thought it would go perfect with your dress. I can't wait to take off of you.
Pulling the drawstring bag out of the box your heart fluttered feeling the light to heavy weight and the all too familiar shape even before you took the necklace out of the bag you knew what it was. It was your family crest necklace, the Mairi family crest. It was a Tyrrish tradition to give each newborn a necklace of their family crest. You had thought you had lost yours forever during the rebellion when you had tried to help save your younger sister from being separated from you and Liam even though both were a sad defeat. You were a wreck that night once you realized the necklace did indeed fall off your neck. It took everything in Xaden to get you to calm down over the necklace and everything else that had happened that day. Being the eldest Mairi child you had the original necklace that had been passed down from your favorite Grandmother. You manipulated the air slightly to help you open the bag and grabbed the all too familiar silver chain and cried at the touch. It’s exactly how I remembered it when your Grandmother wore it when she was my rider. You would make her proud. Ilmari chimed through your bond which you could have sworn was the nicest thing that she had ever said to you. You do have a sweet side.  
You chidded back to your green daggertail.
           The day had passed and you hadn’t run into Xaden or Garrick. You knew the supply run had run late. You endured your morning run with Imogen and Violet. Imogen was like a sister to you but Violet you couldn’t stand. When Sgaeyl’s mate bonded with Violet during this year's Threshing you were furious. On top of everything else you had to deal with this year you wished that she wasn’t one of them. You sighed, putting on your dress and tightening the last string on your corset in the front. Because of the mated bond you now had to keep your sworn enemy alive just so your fiance didn’t die due to her weaknesses. You hated the fact that you were actually starting to like her. He tried to bond with you because you were Xaden’s mate. I warned him not to touch you because you were my rider's descendent.  
   You just simply sighed making any final adjustments to your dress to smooth it out and touched your necklace and smiled as there was a soft knock on the door. “Hey Li.” You smiled softly joining your brother. “You look amazing. Is that?” “Yeah it finally turned up.” Is all you could say with Violet on the other side of Liam. “Let’s just get tonight over with.” You sighed as you always dreaded this evening but thank the gods it was finally your last year at Basgiath before you became Lieutenant Mairi. “Xaden and Garrick are?” Violet asked as Imogen joined the three of you at the courtyard. “In their right minds and not here.” you responded a little too sharply.  You knew where Xaden was and it pained your heart each year that you had to be the one to represent the group when he was you didn’t want to use the word sulking on the parapet but that was the best your mind could come up with; Garrick and Bodhi acting as his bodyguards. 
     You jumped and made a rush of air go past the group as you felt a soft brush on your hand. “Relax Mo ghràdh.” Xaden said quietly, turning you around to face him. You looked up smiling into his onyx eyes not expecting him or the other two to be down here in the slightest. “You look beautiful Mo ghràdh.” He whispered quietly to you. “What are you?” You started to ask your fiance softly as he brushed a stray piece of hair out of your eyes. “It’s our last year and you’ve endured so much this year my girl.” He soothed as his shadows were running soft touches down your arm as he held your hands tightly. “With Tairn bonding to Violet, with me making you and Imogen train Violet, so I have a chance at staying alive, to all the stuff with you know (and you did he couldn't say the words rebellion or supply runs with everyone else around), to you getting hurt; it just seemed like we could never catch a break this year.” You held your tears back as you crashed your lips into Xaden’s which he chuckled  against yours and happily returned. You let your mind wander during your kiss as the fireworks went off in the distance. Everything Xaden had said was the epiphany of your worst year at Basgiath. Which was why on winter solstice this year and also your birthday; Xaden gave you the best gift ever which was asking you to marry him. “Xad.” You said softly as your lips parted but not fully. “You don’t have to be down here.” You said softly wrapping your arms around his waist as he chuckled softly. “I’m only down here for one reason and that's to relieve you of your duties early this year.” He smirked his shadows lightly touching your ankles. “Then tell me what are you think of my Xad.” You said through a cheeky grin as he held out his hand for you to take. “I’m thinking our bed is very empty at this moment. Walk with me my queen.”  You smiled and took your fiance's hand as you both walked in the silence of each other's company towards your shared dorm on the third floor. 
    You finally broke the silence once you were on the third floor; “You know there was one thing about this year that wasn’t so bad.” You tried to smirk through your tears as his shadows now out of habit wiped your tears away whenever you cried. “And what's that?” “My birthday, that was the most romantic thing you’ve done since the first year we were fostered together.” Xaden chuckled. “It was the only fitting gift this year for you, Mo ghràdh.” He soothed “Mianach.” You whispered softly into his chest. “Mise, Geo Deo.” Xaden returned in the same tone. “I Gconai.” You mumbled softly into his chest. 
Once you both entered your room and locked the door; Xaden smirked “You know there's only one question I have left for this evening. “Hmmm.” You mumbled into his chest. “Do you want to take it off, or should I do it for you?” You giggled as his hands started to wonder up and down your dress. “You're the one that's skilled with taking off corsets.” You smirked and nibbled his ear. “Oh y/n.” You know what that does to me he purred as he worked his way down the laces on your chest. You whimpered at the feel of Xaden’s calloused hands against your almost bare chest.  Xaden nipped at the last bit of lace with his teeth and the dress came undone easily in a pool of navy blue at your feet. He unclipped your bra while sucking on your neck; as his shadows danced around your skin playfully.
 Ever since Xaden had managed to control his shadow signet, his shadows had become second nature in your bedroom activities. Sometimes they'd even be a little naughty and go places in class where Xaden couldn't physically touch at the time. “Xad.” You whimpered as he began his work sucking away on your breasts and lifting you up around his waist only to throw you on the black sheets on your shared bed. You smirked sitting up Xaden was usually the dominant one but you had your moments. “Lay down Xaddy.” You purred and poked his chest which earned a grave chuckle from his lips. “I love this side of you.” Xaden purred as your lips worked magic on one of his nipples and your hand started stroking his tip and working it's way up and down his perfect cock. Xaden started to suck on your neck, his shadows making aclit. “You've gotten me hard my queen and you're so wet for me.” “Only for you my king.” You whispered through raspy breaths as your breathing became heavier. 
   Xaden finished with a moan as you pinched his tip when he flipped both of you over with ease. You moaned out “Xaddy.” As he aggressively took one of your pert nipples in his mouth, your hands clenched the black sheets for purchase as that mouth continued It's way down your body and joined his shadows by slipping his tongue inside of you. “God's fuck Xaddy.” You moaned at his tongue slipping in and out of you, his teeth giving a small nibble on your clit every now and again. “Say it again my love.” He said through a rasped voice peppering kisses up your stomach as you whimpered at the loss of his touch where you needed it most. “Xad N-need you.” You managed to pant out  somewhat coherently. “Sshh Mo ghràdh. I have you.” He whispered as his lips aggressively found yours once more as his tip graced your entrance; his shadows still dancing inside of you. “Mine and so beautiful. Always so beautiful.” He breathed and started to trace your rebellion relic with his tongue. You whimpered and arched your hips while wrapping your legs around him once more. “You know.” He breathed and tilted your chin up so you were looking into his sexy onyx eyes. “Mmmm.” You moaned as his tip slid into you. “I may be bonded to Violet due to mated dragons but God's, y/n your the only one that could ever have me like this. You're the only one I promise Mo ghràdh.” “Please don't say her name right now.” You whimpered as Xaden chuckled and sucked your neck softly but also just enough to mark it. Violet was definitely not someone you wanted to be thinking about right now. “So wet so beautiful my baby girl.” Xaden rasped. “F-fuck Xad. I'm.” You moaned as he thrusts in and out of you with his cock and shadows at the perfect pace. “Your what Y/N?” He groaned as you knew both of you were about to completely lose all train of any common sense. “Xads.” You whimpered as you became a squirming mess around his cock. Xaden started to kiss you passionately once more as he came undone inside of you after two more thrusts. Xaden didn't pull out of you as he pulled you into his sweaty chest as you placed a soft kiss on his forehead and whispered “Mianach, Geo Deo.” As you rested your heads together; “Mianach, I Gconai.” Xad whispered in a matching tone and traced the lines of your necklace. “Thank you baby.” You whispered, squeezing his hand that was over the necklace. “No need to thank me my queen I'm just glad you have it back my love.” “Xad?” You whispered. “Hmm my girl.” “promise to never let me go ever.” You whispered nuzzling into your fiance's chest. “Never. I never plan to lose you ever my love. We've been through so much and it's only made us stronger; especially this year. I love you always.” “I love you to, forever and always.” You yawned and Xad chuckled “I suppose it is late. Curl up against me and rest y/n. I have you, good night, my love.” He said soothingly, wrapping his arms around you tighter. You couldn't even muster a good night as Xaden smiled and realized you had already drifted off. Neither of you knew what you were going to endure next but you knew it didn't matter because you would always have the safety of each other. 
Authors note: This is my first really big smut piece I put out. Any feed back is welcomed! I want to thank @angstywaifu for giving me some feedback before posting!
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yanny-77 · 4 months
I Don't Feel Safe with You Anymore
"What makes a dragon abandon her rider?" It's been five days since the Battle of Basgiath and Xaden still hasn't heard from Sgaeyl. The dragon left the college, needing time and distance to reflect on and process the changes to their bond since Xaden reached for power. Xaden is determined to give her that space, even as his magic drains the longer she stays away. He fights the urge to channel from the earth with everything he has but being a rider, his body is no longer compatible with life without magic. He can wait for her to come back. He can hold out. The alternative is unthinkable.
Rating: Mature Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Category: F/M Fandom: The Empyrean - Rebecca Yarros Relationships: Xaden Riorson/Violet Sorrengail, Xaden Riorson & Sgaeyl, Bodhi Durran & Xaden Riorson, Xaden Riorson & Garrick Tavis, Xaden Riorson & Jack Barlowe Characters: Xaden Riorson, Violet Sorrengail, Sgaeyl (Empyrean), Garrick Tavis, Bodhi Durran, Jack Barlowe Additional Tags: POV Xaden Riorson, Post-Book 2: Iron Flame (Empyrean), Venin (Empyrean), Venin Xaden, Hurt No Comfort, Angst, if it isn't the consequences of my own actions, Primary Riorgail, Secondary Imrrick, Secondary Bodoc, Xaden's Choice, Violet really fucking loves Xaden, So at least he's got that going for him Tasteful Smut in chapter 3
Publishing Schedule:
Chapter 1 - May 23rd
Chapter 2 - May 30th
Chapter 3 - June 6th
Chapter 4 - June 13th
Chapter 5 - June 20th
I had an angst prompt for the Fourth Wing Birthday Bash hosted by @skyfallscotland and @justallihere
Thanks to @creativepromptsforwriting for the prompt.
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taumoebaa · 4 months
A fic for the Fourth Wing Birthday Bash 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 in which Xaden and Violet go to couples therapy together.
“We’re going to start with sixty seconds today. No distractions. No words. Just gazing.” “What’s this supposed to achieve?” Xaden grumbles, having grown sick of listening to instructions. “It’s an exercise to build intimacy,” the therapist explains, scratching away on his notepad, as if he’d gleaned some vital information from Xaden’s resistance to comply. “We’re intimate,” Xaden says, deadpan. “Xaden! Just let him do his job,” Violet whispers to him, eager to have the session go smoothly. Her voice is laden with shame when she turns to the therapist and says, “I’m sorry about my husband. I know it doesn’t look like it, but we do have sex on a regular basis.” “That…was not the sort of intimacy I was referring to.” “Oh.”
Thank you to @skyfallscotland and @justallihere for running the challenge, and to @creativepromptsforwriting for the prompt!
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littlefirefox · 5 months
Just posted this for Fourth Wing Birthday Bash!
Prompt credit: @deity-prompts for the prompt used!
Credit to @skyfallscotland and @justallihere for the Birthday Bash that gave me the opportunity to write fanfic again! This was a blast 😊
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hoeelliexx · 3 months
Finally posted part one of my Fourth Wing Birthday Bash 2024 (organized by @skyfallscotland and @justallihere) Fic!!! No idea when the next chapters will be out but well here is my word vomit bahahahah
My prompt will stay secret until the last chapter so stay tuned!
Special thanks to @yanny-77 and Astro for beta reading!
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miminitodoke · 4 months
Thanks to @justallihere and @skyfallscotland for starting this birthday bash! :)
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alitaar · 4 months
Hi so this is my very first time writing anything so please bare with me and be kind, also this isn’t my first language so there’s also that.
Anyway here’s my contribution to #FourthWingBirthdayBash hosted by @skyfallscotland and @justallihere
Mt writing prompt was “I can’t believe you remembered that” by @deity-prompts and without further ado here you have it hope you enjoy and constructive criticism is always welcome!
I jump, suddenly awake in my bed I look around for any sign, most probably of danger in this college, of what has startled me so. But i find nothing and looking outside tells me is still night so I should try to fall asleep again while I can, and so I do, except the moment my head finally touches my pillow i hear a low knock from the door, probably the reason I’m awake right now, and with a sigh I get up to check who it is disturbing me right now.
“Who is it?” I say quietly when I reach my door but without opening it, after all you can never be too safe.
“It’s me” Says with excitement a voice I can instantly recognize. With a groan that really hasn’t much effect given that I’m smiling I finally open the door.
“To what do I owe the pleasure of being woken in the middle of the night by you Bodhi? I’m gonna warn you right now that I’m not in the mood for a booty call so you can just go and bother someone else alright?”
“Damn baby you wound me” He says mockingly clutching his chest which inevitably makes me smile, I just can’t help it when it comes to him, there’s something unexplainable about his presence that just puts me at ease and makes me want to smile.
“Okey… so to answer my question?”
“Oh, right!” He chuckles while getting exited again “Come with me I have a surprise for you”
I can’t help but startle at that, a surprise? For me?
“Yeah, but we’re wasting time so hurry up getting ready I’ll wait here but I seriously don’t want to get caught” And the way he says it with pleading eyes has me rushing so much that I almost trip a couple of times but manage to make it out in a minute. Before I can really think about it we are already out the dorms corridor and out in the grounds, and that is when I finally gather myself enough to ask.
“Where are we going exactly?”
“Oh” And he blushes, he actually Blushes! “I was hoping you wouldn’t ask and I could just show you” He says it more like a question than a statement and I decide to have some mercy on him and just nod with a smile even though I’m getting more curious by the second, especially after that answer.
We keep on walking for twenty minutes in companiable silence even after we entered a forest and he grabbed my hand to guide me, and thank the Gods it was dark and he wasn’t looking because my cheeks started heating up and I don’t think I could’ve taken it if he would’ve made a joke about it. Finally he stops and turns to me instructing me to close my eyes and trust him and when I go to answer that I’m not going to make it that easy for him to kill me he just interrupts me by putting a knife in my free hand, I hadn’t even noticed that he didn’t let go of the other, and saying that that should be enough to defend myself should he try something funny, and for some reason I feel reassured enough that I do just as he instructed. Closing my eres he guides me just a few more meters forward.
“Open your eyes” He gently says, never letting go of me and I do once more just as he asks. And immediately I’m in awe, this place is wonderful, I’m looking at a lake littered by dragonfly’s and the gentle chirping of some frog in the distance, everything is just illuminated by moonlight and the reflection of in the lake is just magical. Astonished I look at him waiting for some kind of explanation and just find him blushing again but unapologetically looking at me.
“W- wh…” I clear my throat trying to find the words.
“I found this place a couple of weeks ago” He starts finally looking away for a second but immediately finding my eyes again “and just knew that I had to share it with you, especially once I remembered you said that first week how the lake by your home by moonlight was what you were already missing the most and then I just figured it best to show it to you as a birthday present so I just waited”it’s all said with such speed that when he finishes he has to take a deep inhale before he panics at seeing me standing still and with tears in my eyes “Wh- why are you crying? Did I fuck this up? I did didn’t I? Of course I did I’m so sorry plea-“
“No” I simply say and immediately he stops “It’s perfect I just…”
“Yes…?” Gently he prompts me.
“I can’t believe you remembered that”
“Of course I remember that, I remember everything you say to me and something this important I just had to try and give to you” Slowly he tugs my hand until I’m in his arms and before I can think better of it I gently kiss him “Oh” is all he can manage and then he adoringly smiles at me.
“Thank you” I say trying to convey just how much I mean it in those two words, I’ve been feeling especially homesick lately and alone and with this gesture, especially on my birthday he is showing me that I’m not, and so I just tell him how I’ve been feeling about him since the day I’ve met him if I’m being honest with myself “I love you”
“I love you too”
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justallihere · 5 months
Are you also participating in the fourthwingbirthdaybash?
Yes I plan to write something! It probably won’t be very long but I’m planning to take one of the million ideas I have floating around and make it fit with the prompt
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skyfallscotland · 5 months
A side note about the #FourthWingBirthdayBash 🎉🎈
We just thought it would be fun to do a lucky dip of prompts, if you don't love yours and want another that's cool, it's also equally fine to pick a prompt from the internet you like and run with it, publishing under the hashtag. I can recommend some accounts if you need 🙂
It's meant to be fun and just a nice way to get people into writing fic and plumping up the archive. It's not meant to be a chore, so if you're an anxious bean or demand-avoidant (like me!) don't feel like you can't participate 💖
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garricks4thwingqueen · 5 months
My New Pillow: Dain Aetos X Reader
Prompt: Your My New pillow. Credit for this prompt goes to @deity-prompts
This fic is apart of the #FourthWingBirthdayBash !  
Dain Aetos × Rebellion Garrick's younger sister reader. 
Word Count 1469
    Being a child of the rebellion was never easy. You've managed to endure your first year at Basgiath but not without lack of training from your older brother Garrick, relieving of tension via friends with benefits style from someone your older brother would definitely not approve of or any of your friends for that matter. Frankly you shouldn't even be attracted to the man but yet you couldn't help but not feel head over heels in love with him. Yet you and Dain Aetos remained friends with benefits for the most obvious of reasons. 
   After war games this year and after the outbreak at Basgiath you find yourself at home in Aretia with your brother, Xaden and the other rebellion children along with 100s of other cadets that choose to come to your side after the chaos ensued. Even Dain had come along, although you were pretty sure it was only for your sake. After how war games ended this year Dain was basically enemy number one of your group. 
  You had never been more thankful that you had your own room in Riorson House due to your father's work with Xaden's father. Both you and Garrick had often found Riorson House more your home then your actual home. You currently found yourself on the verge of mixed emotions. You were mostly conflicted between your love for Dain still and every God damned fucking thing happening. Especially losing Liam. Even though your group majority blamed Dain you didn't. You knew he only knew one side of the story until you told him the story your group grew up with. You told him about war games and how everything went down including the Wyvern and the Venin; including how you held your best friend in your arms as he was dying and finally including the scream of Deigh that you'll never forget. Dain apologized for his father's actions that affected the rebellion group during war games; he felt awful and you knew he did. He had even been taking the shit from the others like a champ. Needless to say, your anxiety has been on the rise lately.
   You sniffled and wiped your falling tears as you got up and answered the soft knock on your door and gave Dain a half assed smile and a barely whispered “hey,” as you stepped out of the doorway so he could come in. You took in his shirtless and sweaty frame and noticed a few new scratches on his face. “You missed dinner.” he said soothingly, wrapping you into a hug. “I wasn't hungry and those are new.”  You stroked his scratched cheek  as you shrugged your shoulders as Dain led you both to your bed. “I wanted to check on you earlier but I figured I should at least wait until your brother went to bed and training with a few gryphon riders.” “You don't want to die yet, do you?” You smirked with a yawn. With that you earned a chuckle from Dain and that had quickly become one of your favorite sounds this year “I guess it is late. I should go.” He said going to stand. “No wait.” “Y/N?” “Please stay. I haven't been sleeping the greatest since I’ve been home.” you admitted softly. With a nod of Dain's head he took his shirt off and stripped to his boxers and climbed back into bed with you. 
    You snuggled into him and laid your head onto his chest as he pulled you close. This was a slightly new feeling for the both of you. Usually you just fucked in your room back at basgiath, Dain never staying long for fear of being caught from the both of you. But now you didn't care and honestly you're done with being just friends with benefits with one of the people you cared most about. You bury yourself into his chest as you feel him wrap his strong arms around you and feel your fingers intertwined together as he holds your hand. “Dain,” you yawn softly. “Mmmm?” You take your gambled risk and say the damned thought that's been on your mind hoping he feels the same way or else you're shit out of a friend. “I love you.” It's silent for a minute but then he grips you tighter and your greeted with the best sound you've ever heard “I love you too Y/N.” 
    “I can get very used to this.” You mumbled into his chest. Dain chuckled again; “Oh I know you can. I'll just have to deal with your brother first.” “Don't worry about him. I can handle Garrick. He just wants me to be happy.” “And you want to know one thing that's making me very happy right now?” I yawned. “Me?” “Well yeah, but I mean a very specific part of you.”You smirked as you bury yourself into his chest more and trace soft circles on his skin. “A specific part?” Dain smirked back “Yeah my head is super comfy right now. In fact I think your chest is way more comfortable than any pillow I've slept on ever. In fact it's my new favorite pillow.” You smirked with a yawn and kissed Dain softly as he chuckled. And gods did laying on his chest just amplify your favorite sound. “My chest mmmm? Those muscles didn't get there themselves. But they'll accept being your new favorite pillow. I just want my girl safe, happy and loved and she can have me however she likes.” Dain said softly and kissed your forehead.
    “Forever? No matter what we are going to get tossed at us and it's going to be a lot of shit. You know that right?” “I know.” He soothed and stroked his fingers through your hair. “Whether it be from my brother or Xaden and not to mention this impending doomed war shit.” “And we will be together through it all, together; I love you. You know we'll have to deal with my father to” He sighed and started tracing your relic which was the largest relic of the females in your group. Almost as large as your brother's. “I think my father is in for a good one next time I see him.” You sighed into his chest burying your face further, if that was possible. “Just be careful please. You don't need to get hurt because of me.” “I can handle him.” Dain said softly and started to pepper kisses down your neck. “Mmm.” Was your only response as you just took in the moment of being with each other. A moment like this you two had never had before but now you couldn't imagine falling asleep any other way from now on. 
   You woke up to your alarm going off at 5:30 with a groan, but smiled as you felt Dain’s arms tighten around you once more. “Good Morning my sweet girl.” He rasped and kissed your forehead. “Good Morning my Great Dain.” You smirked and kissed him softly. “Great Dain, is that supposed to be a pun?” He smirked. “Maybe.” You teased and ran your finger through his hair as there was a knock at your door. You groaned “Imogen.” Into Dain's chest. He chuckled softly as you yelled “Just a minute Immi and I'll be out.” Impatient as ever Imogen opened your door which you must have forgotten to lock. “Right a minute.” She smirked, taking in the sight before her. She opened her mouth to speak. “Don't start. I'll explain on our run please don't”. You sighed. “Fine but hurry up. Violet is annoying this morning.” 
  “I forgot about your runs.” Dain smirked. “Shut up. I don't wanna move.” You groaned, burying yourself into him. “Well I certainly don't want to start this off being any more on Imogen's bad side. So up and at ‘em for you.” He smirked, sitting you both up. “Not before a morning kiss.” You smiled and ran his fingers through his hair.  He chuckled and compiled by kissing you deeply. You sighed as you started to get dressed. “I'll see you at breakfast, lover.” You sighed and kissed him once more. “I'll see you later my princess.”  
 You both left your room; Dain heading to the showers and you heading to the back yard of Riorson House to meet Imogen, Violet and Rhiannon who started joining you yesterday. Imogen stood with her arms crossed and a stern unreadable look on her face. You loved Immi and she had always been like a sister to you, that you never had but her bad side was always something you tried to avoid. “Please don't Imogen. Can we talk about it later and alone?” “Fine.” She huffed and added “But don't accept me or everyone else to be remotely happy about this.”
Authors Note: I kind of left this as an open ending for a potential part two! Thoughts?
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yanny-77 · 4 months
New Chapter: I Don't Feel Safe With You Anymore
Chapter 1 of 5
Word Count: 1,295
Summary: It's five days after the Battle of Basgaith and Xaden and Violet are holed up in her room. No one knows Xaden's secret yet, but he's beginning to wonder how long he can keep it.
He’s afraid someone will figure out what’s happened to him. Garrick is getting restless. He’s asking questions Xaden doesn’t want to answer.  What makes a dragon abandon her rider? Garrick’s words from last night still echo in his ears. They’re in the middle of war, a fight for their very lives, and Xaden is grounded. This frustrates Garrick, as it should. It frustrates Xaden too. Not because he can’t fight–he has nothing left to give–but because he can’t explain why. His friend wouldn’t understand, and if he knew what Xaden had done, then nothing would ever be the same between them. Xaden can’t lose anyone else. He’s already lost too much.
Updates weekly!
Part of The Fourth Wing Birthday Bash Celebration Thanks to @sarahydeart and @housetomte for Beta
@siobhanbooks @shipmistress9 @nireduh @biggestqiblifan @poisonivy206 @iftheshoef1tz @hunt-athie-athalar @strawberbie @korrinamoe @preally19 @freckledfern @ramzesfics @acourtofladydeath @chunkypossum @secret-third-thing @sarahydeart @alexandia03 @greeneyedwildthing @vanthh @evaja @feetreadyheartbeatsteady @chasing-a-dreamer @skyfallscotland @justallihere @taumoebaa @housetomte @toberealnow @ubiquitouslyme @alltoowellread
Let me know if you want on or off the taglist.
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skyfallscotland · 4 months
Not me taking a smutty little prompt and building a whole damn world around it—very on brand. The prompt was: "I’ll take good care of you, I promise." from @nightprompts and let me tell you, he does, in fact, take good care of her 😉
“So you’re the one who gave me that scar.” I stare, uncomprehending. “What?” I manage to bite out. He lifts a hand, tapping his finger over the scar trailing from his ear to his collarbone, a match for the one I’d had clawed into me by a gryphon just like his. I bite down on my tongue as I think about the mirror of a burn long-since healed, that mars the skin of my torso. A scar that every man or woman I’ve ever taken to bed since has commented on. And he’s worried about a line on the side of his neck? My blood boils.
— The State of Rider-Flier Relations, now up on AO3, xf
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bookwormysblog · 5 months
Thank you @creativepromptsforwriting for the prompt: "Were you ever going to tell me the truth?"
Thank you @skyfallscotland & @justallihere for organizing Fourth Wing Birthday Bash! Y'all are awesome!
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garricks4thwingqueen · 4 months
Your Boys: Reader is Bodhi's younger sister x Garrick????? X Liam????
Your Boys 
Prompt: Please Please Please Don't Leave me Please.
Prompt was given by: @a-cure-for-writers-block  
This fic is a part of the #Fourthwingbirthdaybash thanks to @skyfallscotland
Reader is Bodhi Durran’s younger sister X Liam Mairi? X Garrick Tavis? 
Synopsis: You loved Garrick, you had a relationship with him before he left for Basgiath that ended before he left thinking it would be easier for the both of you. This caused you to grow closer to a certain friend in your life and you did have a friend with benefits relationship with Liam which started around winter solstice the first year that Gare had left. When a certain injury be folds into your life it makes you realize one of the true feels for one of them. But which one?
P.s. this is the fic I based on the poll I did a few weeks ago where Liam won. 
Trigger Warnings:” Break up”, Unconsciousness due to injury, Swearing, angsty and fluffy! (I think that's it?) 
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***Your POV***
“You have this.” Liam soothed you as you got ready to spar Jack Barlow. You sighed heavily resting your head on his shoulder. “He's only been trying to get his hands on one of us since he saw you and I in the line for the parapet in the beginning of the year and with me being Bodhi’s younger sister I’m his perfect target. “You're strong, you have this. Will have our date later tonight.” Liam soothed as you heard Professor Emettiro yell “ Y/N Durran, Barlow, you're up.” I sighed leaving Liams side and glancing across the room where Garrick, Xaden and Bodhi stood against the wall all with arms crossed against their chest; expressions unreadable but knew they were ready to protect you at all costs. 
   You stepped onto the mat watching Jack Barlow do the same. Both of you started to pace the mat and size each other up. Jack had made the first move and grabbed for your braid. You hissed as he took you down with the sudden jolt. “I’ve been waiting to get my hands on one of you marked bastards.” He hissed that you took everything in you to lift your knee up and aim for his most sensitive part of his body. Jack jumped back at the sudden contact giving you some space between. You went to close the gap, but Jack was stronger and had a good two feet of height on you as he slammed you onto the mate on your back and that was the last you remembered as you heard your brother frantically yell “She yields.” before you had blacked out on the mat. 
    You woke up in the infirmary, not sure how long you had been out. You felt a strong grip on your hand and tried to sit up as you hissed through the pain; your head throbbing “Hey, hey don’t you even try.” Garrick said softly standing up and putting a hand on your shoulder to help you ease back down, you patted the side of your bed and scooched over slightly as he gave you a questioning look. “I should go before Liam comes back.” He said softly, looking away from you. You shook your head “Stay please. Also how long was I out.” Garrick sighed sitting down on the bed next you, it had been years since you two had any time alone like this. “It’s been five days.” He said softly. “Jack?” You asked curiously. “He took a pretty good beating from the four of us.” Garrick chuckled as you laid your head on his shoulder. 
           You could feel his sigh as you did so, but that didn't stop him from running his fingers through your hair and kissing your forehead. You smiled softly at his touch.” I missed this.” You said softly. Before Garrick had left for Basgiath you had been dating for three years; somehow managing to keep those years quite, but you had started to drift away from each a few weeks before he and Xaden had to attend Basgiath knowing that that would be easier then the pain of being away from each other. This was the first time since you started this year that you and Garrick really had a chance to talk and a month had already crossed since you crossed the parapet.   
    “Thought you would have fallen in love with Liam by now.” He said softly as you leaned into him and shook your head against his chest. “I mean sure friends with benefits but nothing more at least for me. He was never you. Extreme polar Opposite of you actually. What about you? Any girls find their way into your room?” Not that you wanted to know but you had to and honestly you couldn't blame him for you and Liam had messed around many times. You felt his chest rise as he sighed. “A few. Even Imogen once. But they weren't you, not even close.” he admitted softly and ran his fingers through your hair. “God's, I've missed you. Missed this.” You sighed leaning into his muscular chest. Gare chuckled softly and you could feel the light vibrations in his chest. You smiled up at him and smirked cupping his cheek. “Are you ready for Boh’s rath?” Garrick smirked; “Your brother doesn’t scare me Durran; I have more muscles then he does.” At that you let out a soft giggle and pulled his face down to meet yours; your lips finding each other. 
        You both become so wrapped up in each other's touch and the pure bliss of having each other again that you didn’t realize the door to your infirmary room was now open. Between the door frame stood a speechless Liam Mairi.
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                                       ***  Liam’s POV***
    Liam wasn’t sure how long he stood there watching the two of you before he could talk. He knew Y/N and Garrick had a past but he had thought that ship had long since sailed, especially with how he and the girl had grown closer to each other in the older boy's absence. But then again he and Y/N had always been close but the thoughts contradicted in his head as he also realized you and Garrick had always been close. Liam was beginning to love you more than the friends with benefits relationship you had and he cursed to himself as he thought you had started to develop the same feelings. Liam finally got the courage to speak as the two were still deep in their reunion; “What in the actual fucking hell is going on?” The two before him instantly parted but Y/N still leaned into Garrick’s side. “Liam.” The girl started to plead.  “I’m glad to see you're finally awake again. Garrick and I had been taking shifts checking in on you. I see he managed to get the right one.” Liam said in a sharp and salty tone fist clenched at his side and leaning on the door frame to support himself. 
              “Liam-” she started to say softly again he could see the tears that were rimming her eyes and threatening to escape. “I thought you had gotten over him?” I snapped a little too sharply at the glare I had received from Garrick shot stone cold in my direction. She shook her head softly and buried herself into Garrick’s chest. It was in that moment where I felt my entire world collapse around me. I hadn’t realized what Bodhi’s younger sister was starting to mean to me until I felt her slip away as I dropped to my knees beside her bed. I took her other hand in mine that was engulfed by Garrick’s much larger hand, even larger than mine. She looked at me longingly and tried to pull away as I squeezed tighter and managed to spit out a very stammered and staggered “Please please please don't leave me please.” “I’m so sorry Liam.” She whispered softly barely audible as she inched herself further away from me and closer to Garrick as if that was even possible for her. “I thought we were starting to fall in love with each other and you're leaving me for Garrick?” I stammered, stepping back on my last thread of strength. I saw her shake her head again, tears steadily falling as Garrick whipped a finger across her cheek. Y/N finally spoke, and the words were like daggers to my heart “I thought I was truly Liam, but then being reunited with Garrick this year. I- we realized how much we truly missed each other. I’m so sorry Li. I was going to talk to two days ago, but then that match with Barlowe happened and then this.” Your words cut like ice. I decided to try my luck another time with another “ “Please please please don't leave me please.”  With another shake of your head and a glance down towards your lap and Garrick whipping more tears away; “I’m sorry Liam; I truly wished this wasn’t how you found out.” And with that I couldn’t respond and walked out of the infirmary room and slammed the door behind me and bumped into Bodhi almost knocking him over on the way out. “Woh Mairi, slow the fuck down. Care to talk about it?” “Fuck off Durran.” I hissed and shoved him in the shoulder out of the way and made my way to the flight and needed a good flight with Deigh to clear my mind. 
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  ***Your POV***          
   You sighed leaning back into Gare’s chest as he wrapped his arms around you. Your first thought shouldn’t have been this but “Was I really out for two days?” you asked softly. You felt Gare’s chin nod on the top of your head; “Two long days and don’t worry Boh, Xad and I already got back at Barlowe.” You sighed and shook your head at the thought of the three most protective boys in your life; your brother, your cousin and your boyfriend sticking up for their girl once more. “What the hell is up with Mairi?” You bother stammering into the room looking at Garrick and not realizing that you were awake yet. “Oh, thank the Gods you're finally awake.” he sighed giving you a hug; “So what’s up with Mair?”  “He kind of walked in on Gare and I kissing each other.” You sighed, still feeling bad that that was how he found out. “Back with my sister Tavis?” Boh smirked. “You knew?” you asked, taken back slightly by the sudden statement out of your brother’s mouth. Bodhi chuckled “Of course I did. We all did, you two really thought you were being that subtle before Garrick left?”  Bodhi was about dying with a hand clasped over his chest. “Oh, shut up Durra.” Gare snickered still holding you tightly. “What the hell is up with Mairi?” your cousin asked, now joining the room. “Oh, you're finally awake Y/N.” Xaden smiled, giving you a hug just like your brother who was still laughing his head off. “What the hell is wrong with you?” Xaden asked, looking at your brother. “These two actually thought they were hiding a relationship from us before they split when you and Gare left to come here” Boh said through a fit of giggles looking at Xaden. “So, you're back together, is that what's wrong with Mairi?” Gare spoke for you this time before you could even muster a response “He walked in on us kissing. I think he was starting to develop feelings when Y/N wasn’t returning the same.” “I still feel bad about him walking in on us and finding out that way.” You sighed. Your brother grabbed onto the other hand that Gare wasn’t holding as Xaden walked around and stood by the top of your bed and placed a hand on your shoulder. Your brother was the first one to say “We’ll talk to him. We will all get through this, and this isn’t going to put a wrinkle in our group. Sure, he's going to be pissed for a while and probably won’t speak to you and Garrick for a while, but you’ll always have the three of us supporting you. All at the same time you felt your brother and Garrick squeeze each hand they were holding, and you felt your cousin tighten and squeeze your shoulder lightly in reassurance. You weren't exactly sure how your relationship with Liam was going to progress; but you knew that you would always have the three boys that meant the most to you by your side protecting you through anything. In this moment you were never more grateful to have your boyfriend, older brother and cousin by your side and couldn’t help but bury your head in Garrick’s chest and let your tears fall. They weren’t sad tears necessarily but tears of contentment and reassurance as you took in the rare moment of the three of you together where you actually got peace and quiet. I felt Garrick wipe your tear and you let yourself mumble out a soft “I love you all.” As you yawned. “Rest little one. We are here and not going anywhere.” Gare said soothingly as you drifted off into sleep let your body get its rest that it still needed surrounded by the people that you loved the most in life. They would do anything for you, and you would do anything for them in return, that is if they let you.
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