#Frances Drummond
crushermyheart · 11 months
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Happy Valley / Series 2 / Episode 6
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francisg · 1 year
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this show
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wombofheaven · 1 year
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classy relationship best pics compilation
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beautyarchive · 1 year
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Shirley Henderson in season 2 of Happy Valley (2016).
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Marie Claire France, 1987
By: Peter Lindbergh
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petermorwood · 5 months
Crisps / Chips again
Associated with this post, here's an artefact, two anecdotes and an opinion.
The artefact is a slightly dented but still remarkably airtight "Charles Chips" tin.
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It was bought, full, many years ago from the Vermont Country Store, from whom we subsequently bought reflll packs - given their size, "sacks" would be more accurate - which were shipped to Ireland in sturdy cardboard boxes.
VCS no longer carry Charles Chips in either tin or refill. I know. I checked. BUT...
The Charles Chips company, which per Wikipedia was doing just fine in 1990 then got sold and went bankrupt twice in less than three years (gosh!) is Back In Business, and note has been taken, with considerable interest - oh, you bet - that they do international shipping...
Anecdote No. 1 is from when @dduane lived in Bala Cynwyd near Philadelphia, in what was known as "The House of Dangerously Single Women" (ahem). She tells me that the household used to get Charles Chips delivered to the door about twice a week, by the company's own vans.
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Speaking as a long-time crisp fan, I found that both very neat and a source of mild envy. :->
Anecdote No. 2 is from 30-ish years ago, when we were in New York for something or other and, being rather jetlagged with our internal food clocks out of whack, did our usual thing and went out for a walk.
Curiously enough, this involved visiting several food stores and supermarkets where we bought a lot of Interesting Foreign or Much Missed (i.e. American, in both instances) junk food for grazing on back in our hotel room.
In one of them DD was about to lay claim to a huge bag of Wise potato chips (its bag would have been the design in the middle)...
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...while nattering to one of the shop staff how much she missed them. He told her that a new delivery was expected in about 20 minutes and if she wanted to wait, she'd get much fresher chips.
And So It Came To Pass.
Well done, that guy!
Finally, while Saratoga Springs may have been where potato crisps / chips were popularised, standardised, commercialised or whatever, it's definitely not where they were invented.
Even the oft-repeated "creation myth" frequently has its hard-to-please celebrity demanding to have his potatoes sliced and fried really thin "The Way I Had Them In France" - which kinda sorta suggests they were, um, being made there just like that well before the Saratoga thing happened.
Myths are okay, even marketing myths - so long as they're recognised as myths and not shilled as true by places with reputations like the Smithsonian.
It's a bit like the still-current nonsense about spices being used in medieval kitchens to disguise bad meat. As far as I've been able to find out, this originated with a historian called J. C. Drummond in the late 1930s - yup, just before World War Two - simply because he didn't know his period terminology.
"Green" meant fresh - even nowadays, an inexperienced or immature person is "green" - so green cheese was newly made, and green meat was newly slaughtered, unaged and consequently tough and flavourless.
Just ask any steak fan the difference between a fresh steak and a 30-day dry aged one.
Drummond, in his overspecialised-scholarship wisdom, assumed that "green venison" meant meat which had gone off, and that a recipe to improve it with spices was to cover the bad smell and taste.
In fact it was somewhere between a marinade and a rub, meant to improve the tenderness and flavour of fresh meat as if it had aged for a while, thus shortening the waiting time between killing a beast and getting it to the table of a hungry court.
As I've said before, it's always easier for no-proofs-given pop history to dismiss medieval people as (insert derogatory observation here) than take the time needed to explain why and how they in their time were not that different to us in ours.
PS: when looking for that previously posted stuff about green meat I found a post where, with even less evidence than Saratoga Springs inventing crisps, a Brit poster claimed Brits invented curry.
Among other more or less pertinent observations, I mentioned that what Brits invented was BRITISH curry, and anyone who has read "Nanny Ogg's Cookbook" will know what I meant by that... :->
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scotianostra · 13 days
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On 21st May 1424 James I was crowned King of Scots at Scone.
James I of Scotland was a complex and colourful king. He was a poet, a sportsman, a musician and a patron of architects.
James survived being kidnapped by pirates when he was just 12 years old - and the following 18 years he spent as a hostage to the Lancastrian kings of England.
In 1424, he made a triumphant return to Scotland and was crowned at Scone, but 13 years later he was brutally stabbed to death, his body dumped in the sewer below the Blackfriars monastery in Perth.
James Stewart was born in 1394, the third son of King Robert III and Annabella Drummond. By the time he was eight years old, he was their only surviving son. His brother Robert died in infancy and his other brother David, the Duke of Rothesay, died in suspicious circumstances at Falkland Castle while he was being detained by his uncle Robert, the Duke of Albany.
After David’s death, James was the heir to the Scottish throne, but he was also an impediment to the royal line being transferred to the Albany Stewarts. Fears grew for his safety and plans were made to send him to France.
In March 1406, he boarded a boat bound for France, but just days into the voyage, the vessel was intercepted in the English Channel by pirates who delivered him to Henry IV of England.
On 4th April 1406, Robert III died and the 12-year-old James was now the uncrowned King of Scots. But he was imprisoned in England and his uncle, the Duke of Albany, became regent in Scotland a position he had no intention of giving up.
James may have been a prisoner, but he was allowed to keep a small household and was treated well by Henry IV. This lasted until 1413 when Henry IV died, his son Henry V became king, and James was transferred to the Tower of London with other Scottish prisoners.
It took another seven years before James’ standing improved enough for him to be regarded more of a guest than a hostage - but it took a third change of monarch in England before James was finally allowed back to Scotland. Henry V died in 1422, and the regency council for the infant Henry VI were eager to organise his release as soon as possible.
Despite opposition from the Albany Stewarts, it was arranged for 1424 when he arrived triumphantly in Edinburgh on Palm Sunday, accompanied by his newly-wed English wife, Joan Beaufort.
Prominent members of the Albany Stewarts were found guilty of rebellion and executed, but a conspiracy against the King began to grow and he reigned for just 13 years before his death.
On 4th February 1437, the King and Queen were in their royal apartments at the Blackfriars monastery in Perth, when a group of about 30 people was let in by one of the conspirators against him. James was alerted and had enough time to hide in a sewer tunnel, but his exit was blocked and he was trapped and killed. He died in a pool of his own blood, stabbed dozens of times.
The assassin, Sir Robert Graham, is said to have screamed after his death: “I have thus slayne and delivered yow of so crewel a tyrant, the grettest enemye that Scottes or Scotland might have.”
James I was buried within the grounds of Perth Charterhouse, but the priory was destroyed in the reformation, now no-one is exactly sure where his grave is.
The last pic is a reconstruction of how the site at Scone may have looked.
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thethirdromana · 5 months
OK, I had fun with Woman in White predictions, so now it's time for some Catriona predictions.
We already know that Davie will have:
Misfortunes anent the APPIN Murder
Troubles with Lord Advocate GRANT
Captivity on the Bass Rock
Journey into Holland and France
and Singular Relations with JAMES MORE DRUMMOND or MACGREGOR, a Son of the notorious ROB ROY, and his Daughter CATRIONA
Honestly it sounds like that's the whole plot of the book. But I'm going to have a go at some further predictions anyway.
I think misfortunes anent the murder, troubles with the lord advocate, and captivity are all part of the same thing - so Davie's captivity is going to be some manner of temporary or permanent imprisonment after tangling with the law.
I have no idea what the Bass Rock is and I'm resisting googling it, but I'm thinking it sounds like some kind of sufficiently remote island that you can dump prisoners on it without too much fear of them escaping.
However, Davie knows a thing or two about escaping from remote peninsulas islands so I reckon someone (Alan?) is going to rescue him. With swordplay and derring-do.
This will do nothing to stop me from picturing them as the Second Doctor and a weirdly tall Jamie.
Davie fleeing from the law will therefore be taken to the safety of the continent. There will be a ship. He will feel very confident and experienced about ships now.
He'll meet Catriona in *spins wheel* Paris and they will have a charming and romantic interlude together. Davie still being about 17, I think this will be mostly chaste, but full of tender promise for the future.
Davie will secure Catriona's dad's trust in some way - maybe by coming over all heroic again and saving Catriona's life?
Then her dad will somehow help with the process of getting Davie back to Scotland on the right side of the law.
Some non-plot related predictions:
Davie will not enter England at any point.
Davie will learn a very small bit of Gaelic, and pronounce it badly, and both Alan and Catriona will find this charming.
Davie will lose his shiny new sword at some point but...
He will have and win at least one swordfight.
For what it's worth I have significantly less confidence in any of these predictions relative to any of my Woman in White ones. No spoilers, please, I'm looking forward to finding out slowly just how wrong I am.
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gogmstuff · 11 months
Some post Louis XIV fashion -
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1715 Jeanne-Cecil Le Guay de Montgermon, three quarter length in a white satin robe with gold trimming and a ruby and pearl brooch by Nicolas de Largillière (Robilant & Voena, specific location ?). From their Web site; From their Web site; fixed spots in background with Photoshop and increased color saturation. 2721X3532.
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1716 Mary Josephine Drummond, condesa de Castelblanco by Jean Baptiste Oudry (Museo del Prado - Madrid, Spain). From their Web site;fixed spots w Pshop 2045X2717.
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ca. 1715 Louise Adélaïde de Bourbon by Pierre Gobert (Châteaux de Versailles et de Trianon - Versailles, Île-de-France, France) photo - Gérard Blot. From Réunion des Musées nationaux; enlarged by half 726X956.
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ca. 1715 Sarah Lascelles (1656/1659–1743), Mrs Joshua Iremonger II, then Mrs Christopher Lethieullier by Michael Dahl I (Uppark House and Garden - South Harting, Petersfield, West Sussex, UK). From bbc.co (now artuk.org) 652X800.
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ca. 1716 Friedrich Ludwig of Württemberg and his wife Henriette Marie of Brandenburg-Schwedt by Antoine Pesne (Staatliches Museum Schwerin - Schwerin, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany). From Wikimedia; removed spots and linear and splotch flaws with. Photoshop 2078X2763.
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ca. 1716 Marie Louise Adélaïde d'Orléans the future Abbess of Chelles, daughter of the Regent of France by Pierre Gobert (Domaine de Sceaux - Sceaux, Hauts-de-Seine, Île-de-France, France). From Wikimedia; fixed spots w Pshop 1069X1235.
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ca. 1717 Madame de Ventadour by Pierre Mignard (Châteaux de Versailles et de Trianon - Versailles, Île-de-France, France). From Wikimedia 1516X2000.The abundant lace ruffles on her sleeves point to the future while the headdress looks back to Fontanges and cleft coiffures.
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Lady, said to be Marie-Elisabeth Le Fèvre de Caumartin (d. 1717) by Nicolas de Largillière (Sotheby's - 13Jun07 auction Lot 56). From their Web site; fixed obvious spots & cracks w Pshop 2396X2866.
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emetophobiahelp · 2 years
Victoria on Masterpiece Masterlist (S1-S3)
Hey it's about time that I make this review. Victoria on Masterpiece with Jenna Coleman has a few unsafe scenes. Imo they're actually not that bad since their just a few seconds (I am severely sensitive so if that helps) and every v* scene is while she's pregnant and has morning s*ness. For context, she has about 9 kids so. I will start with actual scenes and then possible trigger scenes by the season. These are DVDs so there are no timestamps. Episodes with v* will be bolded and I will provide episode titles as well.
Season 1- Ep7 (The Engine of Change)- (Episode starts off like this) Victoria and the castle are attending a live orchestra at the castle. She begins to breathe heavy and look ill. She brings her hand up to her mouth and leaves suddenly. Albert and Lehzen follow after her as she runs through the hall saying "I will be illous quickly". She returns and the orchestra continues. That night she mentions that she did not feel well and Albert sends for a doctor. A servant says "she is indisposed through her mouth". She finds out she is pregnant. Throughout the episode her mother feeds her a drink for n*. Victoria and Albert schedule to take a trip up North to see the railroad. She looks s* during the carriage ride and hurries out the carriage. She is shown standing outside and Lezhen holds an umbrella over her to block her but she doesn't v*. Ep8 (Young England)- There is an assassination attempt on Victoria while she is out touring. Later in the episode while her mother, Albert, and her uncle are talking Victoria walks by with a drink and stumbles off to the side and Albert catches her. Mentioned this because it looks like she could be s* but she's not, she's just in pain and is worried about them capturing the man who tried to kill her. Season 2- Ep2 (The Green Eyed Monster)- After the ball, the next day they show the castle from the outside (it is light out). Go ahead and mute because suddenly it shows Victoria from a distance v* into a bowl in the bedroom. Audio and visual of leaning over. Audion consists of coughing as well as a v* splash sound. About 2-3 seconds long. She wipes her mouth and glances in the mirror and realizes she is pregnant. It's safe when Albert and his brother Ernest are outside training together. During dinner, she leaves to go outside for air and leans over the balcony. Lezhen goes to check on her. She doesn't v* again but she's upset about being pregnant again. Ep3 (Warp and Weft)- Lord Melvin is also dying of illness this episode but he is never shown to s*, just pale.
Ep4 (Sins of the Father)- Eliza (Nancy's sister) daughter is s* she has a small congested cough in the background. Victoria also goes to visit a hospital of wounded soldiers, no one is s* just hurt. Albert and Ernest get drunk but nothing happens. Ep5 (Entente Cordiale)- Victoria, Albert, and the servants take a boat trip to France. Albert is seas* and stops to hold onto the railing. He says "I am not a good sailor". The scene switches to the inside of the boat with the servants. Nancy is also seas* and is shown g* into her hand. Ep6 (Faith, Hope & Charity)- This episode deals with a plague of typhus. Traill visits with the s* people throughout the episode, often coughing is heard in the background but no one v*. Ernest is discovered to have syphilis. During vapor treatment he coughs a lot and looks s* but nothing happens. During training with Albert he also coughs a couple of times. Traill also begins to cough at the very end of the episode. Ep8 (Luxury of Conscience)- Vicki falls ill with a fever, but she doesn't cough or anything. However at the very end (major spoilers sorry) Drummond takes a bullet for Peel and a good bit of blood drips from his mouth before he dies on the ground. Christmas Special- Albert and Victoria have an argument. Later on she ventures outside to find him. While figure skating on the ice, the ice cracks and Albert nearly drowns. Minor water can be seen dripping from his mouth, no coughing. Season 3- Ep3 (Et in Arcadia)- Victoria attempts to go swimming but nearly drowns. She is rescued by Nancy and can be heard slightly coughing with a little water dripping. Ep4 (Foreign Bodies)- This episode deals with a cholera outbreak. Consistently throughout the episode Victoria and Dr.Snow make visits to hospitals, houses, and areas of s* people who are dying from cholera (mainly children so brace yourself). No one is shown v* but coughing and screaming can be heard. Nancy also reveals in this episode that she's pregnant. She picks up a tonic and can be seen drinking it throughout the episode, but she is often seen grabbing her stomach. During dinner with their friends she excuses herself and stops in the hall hunched over in pain. She declines throughout the episode and can be mainly seen doubled over holding her stomach and screaming until ( major spoilers) she passes away and has a miscarriage. The water pump is shut down towards the end of the episode so no one else contracts cholera. Ep5 (A Show of Unity)- About halfway through the episode, Victoria and Albert have a disagreement. He invites her for dinner and she claims she is not hungry. Victoria leaves and the next scene it shows the estate panned out. Go ahead a mute. Victoria is sleeping, and suddenly wakes up and grabs a bowl from beside the bed and v*. It's mainly coughing, audio, no visual just her leaning over the bowl. She is pregnant again. This covers the entire show! Sorry about no timestamps, but they differ based on DVD and streaming service. Hopefully the details can still help you be prepared. Take care everyone! -Blue Anon
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crushermyheart · 11 months
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Happy Valley / Series 2 / Episode 5
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francisg · 1 year
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wombofheaven · 1 year
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sporadiceagleheart · 13 days
This edit says for birthdays and deaths of May 19th 20th and 21st and Jesus is our only holy God just like our father God who healed and lifted them up to be our Angels
Star Hobson, Peggy Cass, Andrea Helton, Emmett Goins, Gavin Lane Morris, Evelyn Ward, Robert White Creeley, Alexander Dale Oen, Biggie Smalls, Philip II, Aurelia Cotta, Alexander Pope, Elizabeth Fry, Mary Anning, Henry VI Of England, Albert David Hedison Jr., Albert Hay Malotte, Sir Michael Elias Balcon, Anthony Arnatt Bushell, Albrecht Dürer, Eleonore Maria Josefa of Austria, Gaspard-Gustave de Coriolis, Joseph Fouché, 1st Duc d'Otrante, 1st Comte Fouché, LUCIEN BONAPARTE (PRINCE OF CANINO), 1775-1840, MINISTER, Dabney Herndon Maury, Reverdy Johnson, JOHN F. LOUDON, Konstantin Petrovich Pobedonostsev, Brigadier-General Mosby Monroe Parsons, George Lafayette Beal, William Peter Sprague, Elizabeth Storrs Mead, Newton Martin Curtis, Louis Renault, Joseph Parry, Charles Albert Gobat, Léon Victor Auguste Bourgeois, Henri Julien Félix Rousseau, Giuseppe Mercalli, Princess Stéphanie Clotilde Louise Herminie Marie Charlotte of Belgium (21 May 1864 – 23 August 1945) was a Belgian princess who became Crown Princess of Austria through marriage to Crown Prince Rudolf, heir to the throne of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.Stéphanie of Belgium, Émile Adolphe Gustave Verhaeren, Jacques Marie Eugène Godefroy Cavaignac, Princess Sophie Helene Cecilie of Schönburg-Waldenburg, Maybelle Evelyn Taliaferro, May Frances Aufderheide Kaufman, John Peale Bishop, Baroness Suzanne Lilar, Raymond William Stacy Burr, Marcel Lajos Breuer, Manly Wade Wellman, Harold Robbins, Andrei Sakharov, Doris Mae Akers, Justine Kay Kendall McCarthy, Alice Elizabeth Drummond, Malcolm Fraser, Hernando de Soto, Archibald Primrose, Jane Addams, Sammy Davis Sr., Rajiv Gandhi, William Russell Hardie, John Emery, James Stewart, John Gielgud, Otto Waldis, Ion Dumitrescu, Peter Copley, George Leslie Goebel, Edith Marilyn Fellows, Elizabeth May "Betty" Driver, Alfred Moore, and so many more names I probably can't add but I got names on my paper list of Angels
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Elle France, 1987
By: Marc Hispard
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hitchell-mope · 10 months
Hypothetical titles for season seventeen of 88
Golem. Season premiere. Part one. Drummond is bequeathed a Golem in his biological grandparents will. He doesn’t want it. So he hatches a plan to offload it.
Yosemite. Season premiere. Part two. Lysander’s continued effort to befriend Drummond puts his life in danger when he offers to help deliver the golem to an old contact of Drummond’s. First appearance of Tom Holland as Roxas “Yosemite” Winchester.
Dull. The team works a cold case from ten years ago when a victim turns up having been killed in the exact same way. Guest starring Nolan Gould as Dahl Kramer.
The long and short of it. Devon has to intervene when Jonah accidentally resurrects William Shakespeare after Andy teaches him how to safely use a ouija board. Guest starring Mat Baynton as William Shakespeare.
The man makers. Part one. The team investigates a cult in a Long Island suburb comprised of mothers who endorse a long disproven Roman belief about masculinity.
Rampage. Part two. A college senior freely admits to killing all the women in his family six years after they’d subjected him to the machinations of the suburban cult.
New Rochelle. Findlay and Sidney go undercover to protect a sitcom star from an assassination attempt. Guest starring John Mulaney as Eugene Mayberry III and Elizabeth Olsen as Charlotte Linter.
What do you need? Findlay takes it upon herself to help an engineering prodigy that took control of his family’s business building after repeated mistreatment from the staff. Guest starring Graham Phillips as Clyde O’Bannon.
Watch the queen conquer. Findlay heads to the Cabal Academy in Russia to deliver a speech on gender equality as a favour to one of Barnaby’s old dorm mates. Guest starring Dara Renee as Naomi Morris and Cobie Smulders as Diocese.
Alakazam. While Findlay’s in Russia, Drummond, Odessa, Coleman and Solaris get trapped in an old board game Gideon was combing for hexes.
Exhumed. Findlay finds herself at odd with Donovan’s ghost and and Celestine when she blocks a protest group who want to dig up Donovan’s body to enact alleged reparations.
Christmas at the White House. Midseason finale. Part one. The DuPont family invite the Five Families to the White House to celebrate Bethany’s final Christmas as president.
The Vice President. Midseason premiere. Part two. Bethany DuPont is offered a new role at the White House by the incoming president. First appearance of Adam Beach as Marcus Marley.
The presidential oath. The Five Families are invited to Marcus Marley’s inauguration as the first male president of the United States of America.
Bad to the bone. Findlay’s fiftieth birthday is coming up. So Sidney conspires with Tatum Mercer to get her a starring role in a music video that Emerson Davenport is making for charity. Guest starring Aubrey Plaza as Tatum Mercer and Chris Pratt as Emerson Davenport
Butterball. Findlay finally relents on her “no pets” rule and allows Jonah to buy a puppy. Especially when she finds out that Zoey’s terrified of corgi’s.
Those who get left behind. Birch bars Findlay from talking to the parent of a teenage boy who killed himself because of her downright atrocious bedside manner.
Brimstone and treacle. Findlay is called as a witness in a competency trial focused on her family’s old nanny. Guest starring Neve Mcintosh as Fiona Abernathy.
Complications. The team is tasked with protecting a senators pregnant daughter after word gets out that her mother had sold her daughter’s first born child to bag the election. Guest starring Alan Cumming as Rumplestiltskin
Extended family. The 400th episode. In this two hander, Lisette Christensen and Drummond have a long talk about jewellery, family and birthrights. NOTE: this episode is a synchronous episode, taking place at the same time as Complications
Suited and booted. Season finale. Part one. Drummond, Andy and Caine set off for the south of France. Features the return of Tom Holland as Roxas Winchester.
Stowaway. Season finale. Part two. Drummond is incensed when he discovers that Jonah’s snuck aboard the plane and refuses to go back home.
Watch the master at work. Season finale. Part three. Drummond’s team lands in the south of France and immediately runs afoul of the smugglers they intend to steal from. Guest starring Matthew Broderick as Ulysses Haven, Alan Ruck as Ulysses’s husband Wallace and Nathan Lane as their enforcer Torvald Macher.
Blood emeralds. Seasons finale. Part four. Drummond enacts a final, last ditch attempt to nab the emeralds right from under Macher and the Haven’s noses.
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