#Francesca Vecchio
hwaetnot · 2 days
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Timestamp Roulette Art Challenge!
Burning Down the House, minutes 0, 12, 15, 20, and 26.
These were meant to be quick sketches… ha! Got immersed and blinked at myself many hours later. It was fun, though! I'd also like to practice looser techniques.
Big thanks to @mortmere for the fantastic challenge! 🙌 Excited to see more entries to it!
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gayvecchio · 3 months
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Timestamp Roulette -> due South -> 3.11 "Dead Guy Running"
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sammaggs · 2 months
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due South | Text Posts Part One
[One] [Two] [Three]
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exuberantocean · 1 month
Im just gonna come out and say something wildly controversial:
Francesca Vecchio can assemble IKEA furniture and Benton Fraser cannot.
Francesca's methods are unhinged. She doesn't look past the first page of instructions, she gives all the pieces names ("Pass me Bob." "Bob who?" "Bob. You know, that Bob!" "The screw?" "Whatever, Bob, screw, I need it." "Why Bob?" "It looks like a Bob."), she fights with Ray the whole time ("You're doing it wrong!" "I am not!" "It says here that-" "Those are only suggestions!" "It's the DIRECTIONS!!!"), and yet somehow it isn't only perfect but idk somehow has an extra drawer or other bonus feature.
Meanwhile Fraser falsely accuses Deifenbaker of stealing pieces.
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allofthebeanz · 22 days
All right, so I had a bit of a bat problem recently (ie bats were in my house) and because dS is always on my mind lately, I thought of how the characters would react to this.
Fraser gets a call in the middle of the night, and at first he can't understand what's being said because Ray (Vecchio) on the other end is screaming. He can also hear Frannie screaming. He immediately thinks that something horrible is happening and is halfway out of his apartment when Ray explains that they have a bat in the house. Ah.
He comes over. Frannie is shrieking in the living room and runs over to Fraser for help. He finds Ray also shrieking in the living room swinging around a broom. Apparently, the rest of the Vecchio family has locked themselves in their rooms for safety.
The bat - a big brown bat if he's not mistaken - is flying around the living room in clear distress. Frannie and Ray are both telling him to catch it, and Fraser has to explain that while he has read several scientific journal on bats, he has never actually dealt with them considering he lives in the Territories.
Cue Frannie, Ray, and Fraser all desperately trying to figure out how to get rid of the bat while dodging its swoops. Ray volunteers shooting it, but Fraser immediately puts a stop to that because bats are our friends, Ray, they are vital to the ecosystem.
Cut to a couple years later. Fraser is once again called during his evening out with Ray (Kowalski) by Frannie about a bat in the house. They are doing repairs since the fire, and apparently a bat has gotten inside from the open window.
As the same scenario plays out (Fraser has a better understanding of how to catch the bat, but for some reason the idea of getting close to its little claws and teeth seem... unfavourable), Ray rolls his eyes and opens the window in the house, shuts off all the lights, and tells both of them to shut up and sit by the wall.
They wait for fifteen minutes before Fraser sees the bat vacate the house. Ray has practically reached sainthood in the eyes of Mrs Vecchio. Later, Fraser asks him how he was so calm about the situation. Ray explains that his childhood home used to get a couple bats every year and his mother taught him how to get them out humanely.
From then on, each of them is assigned an important role. Obviously, RayK's job is to take care of the bats. Fraser and Dief are responsible for any and all types of rodents or other possible fauna. Frannie takes care of spiders. And RayV takes care of the phone.
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verushkak70 · 6 months
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I love Francesca. I love how Ramona Milano plays her. All the many changing facial expressions. The way she wears her heart on her sleeve. You would never not know where you stand with Frannie.
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thepunkpanther · 1 year
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Francesca and RayK committing to the bit
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ddesole · 2 years
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Due South 4x05 “Dead Men Don’t Throw Rice”
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ds30below · 6 months
shade_nightwalker's old fic finds
Crossposted from Dreamwidth with permission
Reclist post at ds-ficminers.
"Happy 30 Below history week!
I've been digging through the archived Hexwood sites, and found some more stories not available on AO3."
Mod addition: bear in mind that this is a masterlist, not a reclist, and some of the stories on it are very of their time. Due to its length and different tagging conventions (or lack thereof) at the time, I haven't been able to tag this post comprehensively.
Amber: I Dream of Bennie
Cheryl Barnes: Peaches and Creme
Katrina Bowen: Someone to Watch Over Me
Compass aka mnemosyne23: Solitude My Guide
Corrinne aka Cassandra Hope: Healing Love Home Life 2: The Neighbors Nicholas' Story Pancakes for Breakfast Teaching Mom the Computer
Miriam Elizabeth Cooper: A Drop of Golden Sun
Catalina Dudka: The Bet - or Baking Cookies with the Kitchen Challenged
Diana Leigh Edwards: A Mountain Crag Left
Kari Eissinger aka Cheezhed aka Dueser: A Cop, Two Mounties and A Baby Confessions Iraqi Dream I Wear The Uniform Jack's Day Possessive Obsessions (Obsessions 1) Rescued From The Ashes Road Trip To Hell (Obsessions 3) Slipping Through My Fingers (Obsessions 4) The Room Without A View Time To Heal (Obsessions 2) To The Death You Can Never go Back
elaine: Things Change
Ffand aka Harriet Vane: Two To To Victoria Returns
Sharon Gillson: Coming Home You Will Always Have Friends
Leslie Goodwin: Chicago Heat
Barbara Griffith: The Dreaming
Janet Horsman aka Janet Lawrence: Upheaval
maria jackson: I wanna kiss ya in Paris, Ben
Chris Lark: Let's Stay Engaged
Gilda Lily aka BradyGirl_12: Under the Christmas Tree
Marie-Andrée: Any Excuse to Burst into Song Be Strong for Me Not Easy Sometimes
Maya: Due North
mohairbear: Nosebleed
Silvia Mosca: Train of thoughts
Cate North: Fallen For All That's Lost If The Shoe Fits... Neige
Pollytiks: A Self-Contained Woman The Adventures of Margaret and Frannie The Adventures of Meg & Ben....oh, and Ray too, of course! The Button Casting Out Demons The Evidence For The Love Of Margaret A Luv Pome Snowblind Toggle Heart The Train
Karin Ransdell: Blessed Are the Peacemakers Golden Feather (Sequel to Meadows of Heaven) Meadows of Heaven We Ourselves The Week's Second Sunday
The Raven aka estellarose: Lucky Chance (A New Perspective 1) Savior Xenophobia (A New Perspective 2)
Diana Read: Afterbath
Caroline von Trott: An Ordinary Stake-out Realizations
Laura Trout aka mrs_fish: Dreams Really Do Come True
Alberta Skies: Conceived In An Igloo, Born In A Barn (complete!) Reality Found (complete!)
Dee Smith aka Wolfwalker: Bitter Winds Bitter Nights Bitter Sweet Bitter Thaw Bitter Pause Bitter Ground Bitter Dreams Twenty Four Hours Two Poems
Lee Sterling: The Victims No One Knows
Elizabeth Vecchio: Fool in Love
Shinz Wong: Going Home
unknown: Chicago Passage Dream Catcher Flowers for Ceila No Love Lost Story You Know How it is With Mounties...
Welmach: Independence Day On the Edge
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eaion · 2 years
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DUE SOUTH: 4x08 - Good For The Soul
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hwaetnot · 2 months
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duds South — Francesca Vecchio edition
Some memorable looks from Frannie. 💖
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gayvecchio · 2 months
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timestamp roulette -> due South -> 4.02: "Easy Money"
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mortmere · 2 years
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Fraser and friends take a short walk down the yellow brick road. (I'm tagging this as F/K because they're my OTP, but feel free to sail your own ship - there are many options here to choose from!)
Lots of notes (if you like your art explained to death by the artist, haha) on the AO3 post: https://archiveofourown.org/works/42581016
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alexandramrobertson · 3 months
New Northern Lights Chapter: Shooting on an Empty Net
Elizabeth and Jon get a dressing-down from Lieutenant Besbriss. The Vecchio family sits down for a raucous family dinner.
Scroll to the end of the AO3 version for an important update about the schedule for future updates.
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allofthebeanz · 1 month
Writing my AU where the main three characters are (perceived as) women is a lot of fun, but I'm stuck with Frannie. On one hand, the only other two characters who had to be swapped from woman to man is Stella (now Stanley Kowalski lol) and RayV's ex-wife. But with Frannie I don't know if I should switch her to a man to show how invasive her behaviour is with the constant flirtation (though there is something to be said why she acts that way due to being brought up as a woman). Because I already have Dewey and Louis being the creepy guys that constantly hit on Fraser...
Hmmm... any thoughts?
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verushkak70 · 6 months
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It's all part of her plan
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