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intellectures · 4 months
Nur ein Stück Fleisch
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2021 erhielt Tsitsi Dangarembga den Friedenspreis des deutschen Buchhandels, weil sie in ihrem Schreiben soziale und moralische Konfliktlinien aufzeige, »die weit über den regionalen Bezug hinausgehen und Resonanzräume für globale Gerechtigkeitsfragen eröffnen«. Heute feiert die Autorin ihren 65. Geburtstag. Ein Grund mehr, auf ihre fulminante Trilogie @OrlandaVerlag hinzuweisen, in der Dangarembga eine Welt erschließt, von der wir viel zu wenig wissen. Read the full article
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patriyotrenione · 11 months
Cliches, stereotypes and prejudices about Réunion Islanders
Reunion, an island rich in culture and diversity, is often the victim of clichés and prejudice. Discover the preconceived ideas that persist about the Réunionese and their life on the island, as well as the realities that deserve to be brought to light.
Reunion, the jewel of the Indian Ocean, is an island of many riches, both cultural and natural. Yet, despite its beauty and diversity, it is often reduced to clichés and stereotypes that do not reflect the reality of its inhabitants or their daily lives.
When the TV show "Camping Paradis" chose Réunion as the backdrop for one of its episodes, it could have been an opportunity to introduce the general public to the true essence of the island. Unfortunately, some viewers only saw the usual clichés, reinforcing the prejudices that persist against Réunionese.
In this article, we explore these persistent preconceptions, discuss the realities of Réunionese life and deconstruct the prejudices that obscure the island's true beauty.
Clichés about Réunion and its people:
When it comes to Reunion and its people, clichés are many and varied. They often stem from a misunderstanding of the island and a simplistic vision that fails to take into account its cultural and ethnic richness.
Among the most common misconceptions is that of an exotic island where everything is easy and paradise-like. Some people think that Reunion Islanders spend their days on the beach, dancing the maloya, and that life is a perpetual party. Nothing could be further from the truth, because like everywhere else, daily life on La Réunion is made up of challenges and hard work.
Another recurring cliché concerns the island's lack of development. Some people still imagine Réunion as an underdeveloped land where modernity has yet to take root. However, Réunion is constantly evolving economically, socially and culturally.
Racism and prejudice are also persistent clichés. We still sometimes hear derogatory remarks about the color of Réunionese skin or their ethnic origin. These stereotypes in no way reflect the reality of an island where diverse cultures coexist harmoniously.
The realities of Réunionese life:
Reunion is a land of contrasts, where modernity and tradition mingle, where nature offers breathtaking landscapes, and where cultural richness is unrivalled.
Reunion's reality is that of a people proud of their identity and history. The people of Reunion are attached to their roots, which they cultivate through their Creole language, music, cuisine and customs.
Life on Reunion Island is punctuated by an exceptional blend of cultures, each contributing its own stone to the island's cultural edifice. This diversity is a source of great pride for the Réunionese.
The island's economy is booming, with tourism, agriculture and new technologies all contributing to its development.
Reunion is also a place where solidarity and mutual aid are strong values. Reunion's inhabitants are committed to preserving their natural environment and cultural heritage, while working towards a future that respects their identity.
Clichés, stereotypes and prejudices about Réunion and its people are hard to dispel. Yet behind these simplistic representations lies an island rich in diversity, culture and history.
It's time to overcome these preconceptions and discover Réunion in a new light, embracing its complexity and richness. By ridding ourselves of these clichés, we can finally fully appreciate the beauty of this island and its people.
As Frantz Fanon said, "Each generation must, in relative opacity, discover its mission, fulfill it or betray it". By deconstructing clichés about La Réunion, we can help fulfill the mission of a world that is more open, inclusive and respectful of diversity.
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scribesandvibes · 2 years
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Mastery of language affords remarkable power. -#FrantzFanon ・・・ #scribesandvibes #therebirthofcool #languagearts #adifferentkindofvibe #thespellisinthespelling https://www.instagram.com/p/Cll06-YgNCP/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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canred12 · 8 months
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#pROSAS fANONiaNas #31 Os Condenados Da Terra @Leitor_Subversivo_ Gap filosófico #frantzfanon #fanon - YouTube http://dlvr.it/SxSD28
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juakita007 · 11 months
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"Cuando nos rebelamos no es por una cultura en particular. Nos rebelamos simplemente porque, por muchas razones, ya no podemos respirar".
✒ #FrantzFanon
#Filosofía #blackpawer
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chronic-kool-aid · 2 years
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A bit of Frantz Fanon.
Frantz Fanon, Wretched of the Earth.
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considermycat · 3 years
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Started #reading The Wretched of the Earth by Frantz Fanon. #reading #nonfiction #frantzfanon #decolonization https://www.instagram.com/p/CQ0NBO_LqAs/?utm_medium=tumblr
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wilsonneate · 3 years
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abridurif · 4 years
L'enthousiasme est par excellence l'arme des impuissants.
Frantz fanon, Peau noire, masques blancs, Éditions du Seuil, 1952
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intellectures · 5 months
Dissidentisches Kopfkino
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Stephanie Bart begibt sich für ihren bedrückenden Roman »Erzählung zur Sache« in die Gedankenwelt von Gudrun Ensslin. Dabei macht sie die Radikalisierung der RAF aus dem Inneren heraus verständlich, ohne die Taten zu rechtfertigen. In dem Versuch, dem dissidentischen Weltgeist eine Stimme zu geben, lassen sich Parallelen sowohl zu Klassikern wie Peter Weiss »Ästhetik des Widerstands« als auch zu Gegenwartsromanen wie Frank Witzels »Die Erfindung der Roten Armee Fraktion durch einen manisch-depressiven Teenager im Sommer 1969« oder Antoine Volodines »Einige Einzelheiten über die Seele der Fälscher« ziehen. Read the full article
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In Black Skin, White Masks, Fanon introduces the idea of ‘collective catharsis’. Collective catharsis is describes as ‘[i]n every society, in every collectivity, exists – must exist – a channel, an outlet through which the forces accumulated in the forms of aggression can be released’ (1952: 145). Catharsis is translatable from Ancient Greek as, ‘to purify, cleanse or purge’ (Oxford Dictionary of Critical Theory, 2010: 78-79). Aristotle used this term to describe a situation where there are feelings of pity and fear which are then relieved by an intervening event (Aristotle, 1996: Ch 6). For Fanon, this term is inextricable from the colonised subject’s experience of violently ridding themselves of colonial rule (1963: 42). The violence is the intervening event which is able to remove their feelings of self-loathing which have been internalised after constant repetition from the colonial power. The colonial subject is also able to restore their self-esteem and control over their political life.⁣ ⁣ This cathartic violence, also allows an individual to reclaim their humanity. Fanon eloquently describes the effect that this has:⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Thus the native discovers that his life, his breath, his beating heart are the same as those of the settler. He finds out that the settler’s skin is not of any more value than a native’s skin; and it must be said that this discovery shakes the world in a very necessary manner…for if, in fact, my life is worth as much as the settler’s, his glance no longer shrivels me up nor freezes me, and his voice no longer turns me into stone (1963: 45).⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ The physical act of violence perpetrated by the revolutionary reminds them of the humanity that they share with their colonisers. It also provides a sense of physical, mental and metaphysical ‘freedom’ (Fanon, 1963: 86). Fanon suggests that ‘violence … frees the native from his inferiority complex and from his Accordingly for the Algerians, violence is cathartic insofar as it allows them the restore the sense of self which was destroyed by colonialism.⁣⁣ (Josh Pallas, Critical Thinking Legal) #frantzfanon #fucklatinidad ⁣ ⁣ https://www.instagram.com/p/CDUN45oD4IK0aHmmTu9egmyTDLA6L21ESiRI3I0/?igshid=h8keochvz24d
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canred12 · 8 months
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#pROSAS fANONiaNas #31 Os Condenados Da Terra @Leitor_Subversivo_ Gap filosófico #frantzfanon #fanon - YouTube http://dlvr.it/SxS4H8
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juakita007 · 2 years
«No soy prisionero de la Historia. No tengo que buscar en ella el sentido de mi destino. Tengo que recordarme (...) que el verdadero salto consiste en introducir la invención en la existencia». #FrantzFanon
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dauwdrupje · 5 years
My very first column has been published in LOCUS, the magazine for Arts & Humanities of the Open University. I’m very excited! A drawing of mine has been included.
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