#Franz Ferdinard
paramar · 7 months
i've been finding myself daydreaming and thinking scenarios lately. like a lovely dovely nerd who makes tumblr posts about it. someone take me out like franz ferdinard
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whiskynottea · 6 years
An interruption in the 1st law of thermodynamics.
Previously, Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Chapter 21 Chapter 22 Chapter 23 Chapter 24 Chapter 25 Chapter 26 Chapter 27 Chapter 28 Chapter 29 Chapter 30 Chapter 31 Chapter 32 Chapter 33
@wunderlichkind, thank you so much for being my beta for this chapter!! ❤️
Chapter 34. Lingering Smiles
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Lingering smiles are sly creatures. Reluctant to leave your face, they tug up the corners of your lips until you’ve forgotten they’re there.
Clueless, you keep going on, proud that no one can understand what’s hiding under your skin; until that lingering smile betrays you, disclosing information you believed camouflaged.
Jamie had been gone by the time Lamb came back home, but a soft smile was still changing the shape of my mouth, lighting up my face. Lamb’s glance traveled from me to the chemistry book in my hands, and a raised eyebrow accompanied the glint in his eye. I didn’t know what he’d thought or had guessed, for he didn’t talk – thank God. He leaned over me and planted a kiss on my forehead, saying, “Hello, lamb.”
His hands ruffled my hair, something that he hadn’t done in years. “Welcome home!” I said, and swallowed my self-consciousness as I sat up on the couch, carefully placing the book on the coffee table. Lamb moved to the kitchen, opened the fridge absentmindedly, and stared at its contents.
“How’s it going?” he asked in a casual tone and nodded to the coffee table. The air tightly held in my lungs left my chest in a sigh of relief, and I started talking about my studying plans, thankful for escaping an awkward conversation.
Two days later, I found out that I wasn’t the only one who couldn’t stop smiling on Friday.
“So?” Jenny appeared next to me the moment I entered the courtyard, pursing her lips as if she was trying to keep tons of questions inside.
“Good morning to you too, Jenny,” I said with a yawn. I’d overslept after staying up until late to study, and all I wanted was to get back into my bed. My pillow… my soft duvet… I had already closed my eyes, stretching my neck, when Jenny’s voice dragged me out of my dreams again.
“Good morning, Claire. So?”
“So what?” I opened my eyes to see Jenny Fraser looking back at me, expectant, her blue eyes slanted from the slight smile on her lips.
“So, my wee dolt of a brother came back home on Friday night, wi’ the broadest smile I’ve ever seen on him.”
“Did he now?” I asked, feigning ignorance, while a similar smile was curving up my lips.
“Mmmph,” Jenny rolled her eyes, but decided that the Scottish noise wasn’t enough – she needed to say more. “Claire Beauchamp, d’ye think I’m a bloody fool? I know ye two did it! I was almost sure when I saw my brother, but I actually know it because Jamie told Ian!”
“He did? Oh, cool. Glad we are all up to date then.” I looked around, searching for Jamie, not sure what I’d do to him once I found him. Ian was his best friend – of course he’d tell him. “Oh, wait.” I felt my eyes go wide and turned my attention to Jenny again. “Does Murtagh know, too?”
“Ah, I dinna ken. I guess so. When Jamie arrived, Murtagh let out one of his unexplained grunts, shaking his head, but I think I saw him smiling under that thick castaway beard of his.”
Oh my God, Jamie. You could have at least tried to be a little less obvious.
“He couldn’t help it, Claire,” Jenny said as if she’d read my thoughts. “The lad was positively shining.”
“So, what else do you know?” I asked, wondering whether I really wanted to know the answer.
“Not much. No details, at least… Just some rubbish about ‘making love’ – as he called it – being magical and him being the happiest man in the world.” Jenny batted her eyelashes, mocking her brother, but she suddenly stopped. “You did use a condom, right?”
“We did,” I rolled my eyes, but my cheeks soon burned crimson with the memory of how we came to use that first condom.
“Oh my god, you’re blushing, too! Ian told me Jamie’s face looked like a ripe tomato when he told him ye’d had sex! You’re both insufferable.” Jenny linked her arm with mine through mine and we started walking towards the building.
“So how was it?” she asked, he voice now caring and serious.
“Good,” I said, nodding to emphasize the single word that didn’t even begin to encompass the experience; something surpassing words and meanings.
“Just good?” Jenny asked, worried. “Did he do anything stupid or – ”
“No, no. Jamie was perfect,” I interrupted her, smiling at the thought of him. I hadn’t lied, he was everything I could ever ask for. “The first time was okay, I guess… The – ”
“The first time?” It was Jenny’s turn to interrupt me, and I could hear the smile in her voice. “How many times did ye bang? Couldn’t stop after trying it, huh?”
I chuckled and shrugged. “Well, the second time was more than fun… I can’t even imagine how good it’s going to be from now on.”
“Good… Fun… Are you going to tell me the truth, Claire, or am I just losing my time here instead of… doing nothing but wait in the classroom?”
We both laughed, and I felt an easiness softly spreading around us like a comfortable, warm sheet in the crisp winter morning. It kept the emotions safe, close to our bodies, protecting them from roaming freely around the courtyard.
“It was amazing, Jenny.” I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath. “The way we felt, the way we connected, it was so different from anything else. We were really one.”
“That sounds wonderful,” Jenny said and sighed, squeezing my arm. “Lucky you!” she continued with a pout. “And I’m with Ian for so long and still nothing.”
“Oh come on… You never know when it’s going to happen. It came out of the blue for us – and we had the whole place to ourselves. It’ll happen, don’t worry.”
“Yeah, sure. Ian thinks too much, in my opinion. He keeps saying that we can’t just do it and keep living under the same roof with Murtagh and Jamie!”
“It’ll be weird, you think?”
“Hmm, I dinna ken. But Ian definitely thinks so. I’m sure he’s afraid of Murtagh. Deflowering his niece and all.”
“Deflowering!” I burst out laughing.
“Ridiculous, aye?” Jenny joined me. “Anyway! I’m so happy for you two!”
“Thanks Jenny. Really.” We were just outside my classroom and I turned to face her, wondering how this amazing woman could be my friend. “I love your brother, you know that.”
“I do.” She smiled broadly and winked at me.
“Where is he, by the way?” I asked, while searching around for a glimpse of him.
“Oh… Right.”
Monday. Morning session in the pool.
A few hours later, I saw Jamie Fraser entering the cafeteria and stopping short by the door, gazing around.
Searching for me.
I was sitting at our usual table, and his eyes didn’t leave mine as he was walking towards me, the curls on his forehead bouncing slightly with each step, his lopsided grin making me go weak in the knees. It was a good thing I was sitting down already. I smiled at him with my mouth closed, full of chicken, and my heart full of love.
He was like oxygen. Breathing him in was necessary to keep me alive. Having more of him made me light-headed; lost in a haze, never wanting to find my way out. It was always different between us, but this time I felt like nothing could break the bond we’d created. Something made by the two of us, for the two of us.
“I’ve missed ye so much,” he murmured when he sat next to me, pulling me to him and placing a kiss between my curls.
“Mmm, I missed you too.” I inhaled him deeply, his body’s musky scent mixing with the pear, nutmeg and driftwood of his shower gel - not that I could recognize the odors, but I’d read the description on the bottle when we bought it together.
“I’m sorry I couldna see ye during the weekend, Sassenach,” he said, lowering his head as his forehead came to meet mine.
“Power cleaning – I know.” I kissed the tip of his long, straight nose and he raised his head to look at me. “Is the house perfect to accept the Queen, now?”
Jamie chuckled, a hand moving from my hip to reach for my food. “Aye, ‘tis. Though I dinna think it’s the Queen. I’m pretty sure Murtagh regrets having his house full of people, sometimes.”
“He has someone?” I asked, raising both eyebrows and feeling happy for this grump, wonderful man.
“Mmm, I think so,” Jamie said, wiggling his eyebrows. “What are we eating?”
“I am eating chicken wings, Jamie Fraser, and you take your hands off my food!”
“Ye’re not going to share a wee bite wi’ the love of yer life?”
“The love of my life?” I asked, feigning shock. “That sure, are you?”
Jamie looked at me, seemingly deeply betrayed with a pout on his face and his eyebrows dropping low above his clear blue eyes. Before I had enough time to consider if he had taken my words to heart, a cocky smile changed his demeanor completely. “Aye,” he said, and his hand on my waist gripped me tighter. “And I intend to prove that to ye every day, until ye’re finally convinced as well.”
“Well now, that’s rather interesting.” Placing my elbow on the table, I cupped my cheek, ardently looking at him.
“I canna do it if ye dinna feed me, Sassenach.”
I sighed dramatically and pushed my plate towards him. “Here you are, my poor, starving lad.”
He gave me a cheeky grin and dipped a chicken wing in the tabasco sauce, almost emptying the container. “Hey!”
“You wanted that?” he asked, chewing. “Come, take some back.” He pursed his lips, full of tabasco sauce, and leaned in to kiss me.
“You fool,” I laughed and pushed him away. “Take it. It’s all yours.”
He licked his lips and came closer to me, bending his head so I could almost taste the tabasco on his breath. “I can’t stop thinking of you – of us.”
His husky words became images, dancing in my mind, and my body tightened in response. I breathed in deeply and gulped, trying to find something coherent to say in reply, but not a single thought in my mind made sense. Instead, I covered the small distance between us and kissed him, trying to share the fire he’d lit inside me before it would eat me whole.
“I didna ken that hot sauce is an aphrodisiac, Angus. D’ye think ‘twas written in Cosmo?” Rupert’s voice carried from a few feet behind us and we broke apart with silly, shy smiles on our throbbing lips.
“Ye’re the one who reads Cosmo, Rup,” Angus replied as he sat down across from us, but neither Jamie nor I had turned to look at him, still suspended between our precious bubble and reality. Angus lowered his voice and coughed, trying to sound more sophisticated. “Actually, tabasco peppers are grown in Mexico, not Africa.”
“What?” Rupert’s confusion was obvious in his voice. Jamie and I turned our heads in slow motion to face them, our initial frowns gradually transforming into wide smiles with understanding dawning on us.
“Aphro-disiac?” I asked, trying to suppress my laughter, already feeling Jamie’s body shaking against mine.
The next moment all three of us burst into laughing, with Angus looking at us confused. His furrowed eyebrows and the questioning grimace on his face made it even more difficult for us to stop. I had tears rolling down my cheeks when Ian and Jenny arrived at the table.
“What?” Ian asked, only to trigger another episode of uncontrollable, boisterous laughter.
I was in my room, with my chemistry notes spread over every inch of my desk, when my mind traveled back to the cafeteria and Angus’ dumbfoundedness. Chuckling quietly to myself, I did a quick search on google and reached for my phone.
Sassenach: So it seems that tabasco sauce actually is an aphrodisiac! And I found a Tabasco Chocolate Fudge Pudding recipe that we can keep in mind…
I turned my attention back to my notes, trying to focus, but the letters blurred, and the lines danced in front of my eyes. My gaze trailed back on my phone. No response from Jamie.
Sassenach: Hmm… Are you thinking about the pudding or would you rather have the chicken wings?
I put my phone to the side and grabbed my pen, deciding to concentrate on my homework on redox. A moment later, I reached for my phone again, realizing that he hadn’t been online for the last 30 minutes. Once in Oxford, I thought longingly, we wouldn’t have to deal with nights apart. We’d sleep together every night, whispering goodnights into each other’s skin with our eyes already closed.
But before that, we had our Easter holidays to look forward to. After Jamie’s win in the Scottish Schools championship, his coach had asked him to stay in Edinburgh during the break, not to miss his training sessions - which meant that he would stay with me, instead of going to Lallybroch for two weeks. And with Murtagh, Ian and Jenny gone, we’d have his place all to ourselves.
I looked again at my phone’s black screen. I missed him.
Sassenach: Do you think I can come to your place to study chemistry during the break? We could study together? 😎 😏
Sassenach: Where are you?!?!
It had been too long. It never took Jamie more than fifteen minutes to text me back. Moving from my desk, I lay in my bed and turned up the volume on my phone to distract myself.
“So if you're lonely
You know I'm here waiting for you
I'm just a cross hair
I'm just a shot away from you
And if you leave here
You leave me broken, shattered, I lie
I'm just a cross hair
I'm just a shot, then we can die”
Sassenach: Baby?
He must have fallen asleep. There was no other explanation.
I was already half asleep myself, when fifteen minutes later, my phone buzzed against my pillow. In my rush to grab it, I hit it with my hand, making it fly halfway across my room, where it hit a chair and fell down on the carpet.
I rushed to retrieve it, praying not to see the screen broken. Making sure that it wasn’t, I let out the breath caught in my chest and unlocked the phone, fully awake again.
Scot: I’m here.
Sassenach: You okay?
Scot: No.
With my heart in my mouth once again, I dialled his number and waited, only to have him reject my call.
Scot: Can’t speak right now.
Sitting on my bed, I texted him back.
Sassenach: What happened?
The next messages came one after the other, in a success that made my teeth borrow deep into my lip.
Scot: Spoke with my da.
Scot: I’m not allowed to stay in Edinburgh during the break.
Scot: He said, I’ll have to stop swimming if my grades don’t get better.
Scot: MacMahon called him today.
Sassenach: MacMahon? Why?
I couldn’t understand why our maths teacher had called Jamie’s da, instead of sending a formal letter to him – no matter the reason behind sending the letter.
Scot: They know each other.
Sassenach: And?
Scot: He told him that I failed the last test.
Sassenach: Shit. I’m sorry, Jamie.
Sassenach: But come on! Failing one test doesn’t mean you have to stop swimming!
Scot: Tell that to my da.
Sassenach: It’s just one test! You’ll do better next time. I’ll help you!
Without waiting for a response, I texted again, typing words I’d already sent earlier, but truly meaning them this time.
Sassenach: We’ll study together.
Scot: I’m going to bed, babe.
Sassenach: Jamie…  
Scot: Sorry to fuck up our holiday plans.
Sassenach: Stop this!
Sassenach: You didn’t fuck anything up.
Scot: I’m going to Lallybroch for the break.
Sassenach: It’s just two weeks – and you can study there! Then you’ll be back, and you’ll rock both tests and the races.
Scot: I don’t know if I can. It’s getting too much.
Sassenach: Can I call you?
Scot: Ian is in the room. We’ll talk tomorrow, Sassenach.
Sassenach: Okay. We’ll fix this, Jamie. Promise. Sending a huuuuuuuuuuuge hug.
Scot: I wish you were here.
Sassenach: Me too.
Lingering smiles are sly creatures. When you think them gone, they’re still there; when you need them most, they disappear.
Chapter 35
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taniushka12 · 6 years
nothing gives me more shock than listening an artist and suddenly hearing a song from a character playlist from 8tracks i heard in 2015
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whateveralice123 · 2 years
Tumblr Game 😚Rules: Make a new post and spell out your URL with song titles, then tag as many people as there are letters in your URL!
Thank you for tagging me @captainhysunstuff you make me feel like I'm part of the pack 😭😚
When they call my name by Black Veil Brides
Holo by Leehi
Afraid (feat Harlee) by James Hype
Take me out by Franz Ferdinard
Enemy (Jid) by Imagine Dragons
Voices by Stray Kids
Elastic Heart by Sia
River by Bishop Briggs
Angels by Kat Nestel and Vicetone
Life starts now by three days grace
I am (flo) by Baby Tate and Flo Milli
Crazy=genius by Panic at the Disco
E For Extinction by Thousand Foot Krutch
Had lots of fun! Hope you guys have fun too ❤️❤️❤️
Anyone that I haven't tagged feel free to start the train 😘
@missioncatalyst @dotti55 @azusa-calypse @gh0stbeeee @light-yagami-apologist @huyandere @kiranatrix @ponury-grajek @pyreneese @carniphilia @ghostlyeddie @queen--of--maggots @queersturbate @juicequeen21 @sinsandbells @yoonbooty @harukasupremacy @transasahi
Also is it just me that wants to make a massive collab Spotify Playlist? ☺️
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killercardiagn · 2 years
I'm making a re4 leon playlist because he's my fave vrs of young leon and I can take suggestions but you guys consider:
It's a trip - Joywave
Take Me Out - Franz Ferdinard
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archiesfagfantasy · 4 years
20 & 14 for the playlist thing
20 - Make a playlist of the last 5 songs you can remember listening to
tbh i just listened to drunk walk home over and over today But,
just found this artist (last night at 2am) called frank/ie consent and they are so, so good.. “golden hour” feels like becoming a vivid orange fungus
america by sufjan stevens
um there’s this danny denial song but idk what it’s called or even rlly what the lyrics are since it’s kinda (?) grunge. that’d make the list
not (technically) a song but “angela davis statement” lmao. cue michael jackson i love this song dot jpg
14 - What are 5 songs you know all the lyrics to, and would go hard to if they came on?
xs rina sawayama bc sexy :)
under the table fiona apple. bruh. i broke the heel of my best shoes off angrily stamping to the beat of this song
take me out franz ferdinard
also i know the lyrics to umbraya erze by theodor bastard sort of.. my pronunciation is shiiit probably but i get out my best shawls and bang a few pots, and play it full vol on the kitchen stereo regardless
[resisting the urge to say another mitski song dont say it dont say it dont sa] strawberry blond.
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roombagreyjoy · 4 years
lI have been tagged by @innerartisanfan and @scifitoad to shuffle my music, list the first 10 songs that come up and tag 10 other people. Thank you!
Arsonist’s Lullabye - Hozier
La source - 1995 (French)
Je Staat Niet Alleen - Guus Meeuwis (Dutch)
Take Me Out - Franz Ferdinard
Il est où le bonheur - Christophe Maé (French)
Old Fashioned - Panic! at the Disco
Way Down We Go - Kaleo
Hot Mess - Cobra Starship
Entre Poetas y Presos - La Raíz (Spanish)
Fiesta Pagana - Mago de Oz (Spanish)
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st4rry-anu · 6 years
assignment for uni with composing a scene based off the music video "take me out" by franz ferdinard
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mushewhosta · 6 years
List 10 songs you’re currently obsessed with and then tag 10 people
Hi there, @crushed-andpulverised :) thank you for tagging me 💛
The thing is, recently I haven’t really been in a mood to obsess, but here are the songs I’ve been listening to a lot these few weeks
I'll Rust With You // Steam Powered Giraffe
Faith // George Michael
Girls and Boys // Blur
A Most Peculiar Man // Simon & Garfunkel 
It Don't Mean A Thing (If It Ain't Got That Swing) // Tony Bennettn & Lady Gaga
Blank Space //  Scott Bradlee's Postmodern Jukebox (They’re in Poland this month, I’m sad)
Always Ascending // Franz Ferdinard
Freak Flag // Shrek The Musical
The Butterfly Song // Pink Martini
World Gone Mad // Bastille
Tagging @keisha-pl @bluepink-y @jonaskkahnwald @taralkariel @canellaaa @ladyiridiscencia @i-dont-want-to-just-exist @hyperagitatedcydonian13 @miliiimoi @marvelatthis 10 isn’t quite enough tbh :p
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norteamerica · 3 years
La Primera Guerra Mundial y el Wilsonialismo
Como sabemos la primer guerra mundial fue un evento catastrófico que sin duda no solo marcaría para siempre la historia sino que daría por entendido que la puerta no se cerraba para un conflicto mayor.     Sabemos que las potencias de Europa se organizaban en dos grandes alianzas; la primera, llamada “la triple entente” o también conocida como “los aliados”,  la cual estaba conformada por Gran Bretaña, Francia y Rusia, por otro lado estaba “la triple alianza” que después pasaría a ser “los imperios centrales”, conformada por el imperio Austro-húngaro e Italia, ambas alianzas mostraban rivalidad entre ellas.
El desacuerdo que desata este conflicto bélico fue primordialmente por movimientos nacionalistas entre el imperio astro-hungaro. El archiduque Franz Ferdinard, es asesinado mientras realizaba una visita de estado en Sarajevo una de las capitales de Bosnia, lugar donde los esclavos querían anexar a la vecina Serbia.
Las alianzas entre potencias alcanzan niveles no controlables y Alemania respalda al imperio Austro-Hungaro para llevar a cabo un ataque contra Serbia. Es aquí cuando los Sabios apelan a Rusia para movilizar al ejercito, Alemania declara la guerra a Rusia y Francia el 3 de Agosto de 1914 invadiendo así  Bélgica. dando un fuerte inicio a esta primera guerra mundial.
El 4 de Agosto gran Bretaña declara la guerra  a Alemania, Rusia y el imperio Austro-Hungaro atenuando la invasión de su rival.
Estado unidos quería permanecer en un punto imparcial, pero la realidad es que muchos norteamericanos no eran genuinamente imparciales;  mientras algunos apoyaban a Alemania, otros tantos apoyaban a Gran Bretaña.
Para este momento de la guerra los norteamericanos eran la esperanza de los aliados para suministrarlos, por otro lado norteamericano pensaba que con suministrar ayuda naval seria suficiente para Apagar la fuerza de la contienda. A medida que la guerra transcurrió se alargaba más y las tácticas de Gran Bretaña y de Alemania comenzaban a impedir la comercialización de norteamerica y con la libertad del campo marítimo.
Esta guerra introdujo a los estadounidenses una atmósfera de intolerancia, favoreciendo a las políticas federales, para Estados Unidos esta guerra represento un avance para los reformadores, generando un recesión corta, pero con una desestabilizad gigantesca.
El wilsonialismo: Wilson tenia una idea de paz internacional por medio de la democracia y de justicia, el tratado de Versalles fue uno de los acuerdos que redacta con la esperanza de esto mismo, pero estaba lejos de lo que el presidente podría desear, sin duda este tratado calmo la situación, pero no tardaría mucho para que los conflictos físicos entre naciones volvieran a surgir, Estados Unidos decide alejarse un poco de esta ideología 
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Fotografía: La vanguardia, google imágenes.
BIBLIOGRAFÍA: Brinkley, Alan, Historia de los Estados Unidos, Un país en formación, McGraw Hill, pp. 619-673.Dolbeare, Kenneth M., American Political Thought, pp.
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danganrnpa-archive · 7 years
Leon Kuwata playlist
for anonymous 
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1. Cooler Than Me  / Mike Posner
2. American Idiot / Green Day
3. Good Girls Go Bad / Cobra Starship
4. Take Me Out / Franz Ferdinard
5. Caught Like a Fly / Falling in Reverse
6. Hey Tomorrow Fuck You and Your Friend Yesterday / Mindless Self Indulgence
7. Don’t Ask Me / OK Go
8. American Beauty/American Psycho / Fall out Boy
9. Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing / Set it Off
10. Ready to Die / Andrew K.W
listen here
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morpholibros-blog · 5 years
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Autor: Simon Reynolds Título: Postpunk: Romper todo y empezar de nuevo Caja Negra Editora. Colección: Synesthesia | ISBN: 978-987-1622-23-8 
Si bien existen cientos de libros que documentan aquellos años en los que el punk desafió al status quo de la música con su nihilismo de tres acordes y la ética do it yourself, Postpunk. Romper todo y empezar de nuevo es el primero en recuperar a aquellas bandas que supieron ver en las condiciones generadas por el punk la oportunidad para establecer una verdadera ruptura con la tradición y experimentar por fuera de los estrechos parámetros del rock. Entregados a la tarea de profundizar la revolución iniciada por el punk, grupos como PiL, Joy Division, The Fall, The Slits, Devo, The Residents, Throbbing Gristle o Liquid Liquid exploraron territorios previamente desconocidos al incorporar las técnicas de producción del dub y la música disco, las radicales estrategias compositivas del krautrock, la música contemporánea y el free jazz, y el groove y la economía sonora del funk. Pero no solo de música se alimentó el postpunk: Cabaret Voltaire tomó prestado su nombre de Dada; Pere Ubu adoptó el suyo de Alfred Jarry; Gang of Four, inspirado por Brecht y Godard, trató de deconstruir el rock; los letristas absorbieron la ciencia ficción radical de J.G. Ballard, Philip K. Dick y William S. Burroughs; y bandas como The Pop Group o Contortions se inspiraron en el teatro de la crueldad de Artaud para romper las barreras entre el público y el escenario. Al purismo estridente del punk, el postpunk le opuso eclecticismo e hibridez. Y a su tradicionalismo rockero, un imperativo de cambio constante.
Escrito seis años antes que Retromanía, en este libro el crítico británico Simon Reynolds le rinde homenaje a una de las últimas vanguardias que dio el rock, “más que un género musical, un espacio de posibilidades que engendró incontables géneros y escenas”. Si bien aquellos años del postpunk que van de 1978 a 1984 vieron nacer a muchos grupos que luego gozaron de una enorme fama –como New Order, Depeche Mode, The Cure o U2– su historia no fue escrita por los vencedores: muchos de ellos grabaron discos innovadores pero nunca alcanzaron más que el estatus de grupos de culto, teniendo que conformarse con haber influenciado a megabandas como Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Nine Inch Nails o Radiohead o alimentar la retromanía actual de bandas neopostpunk como The Rapture, LCD Soundsystem, Franz Ferdinard o Interpol.
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funcks-archive · 7 years
fuchsia, salmon, bittersweet, lemon glacier n inchworm
Fuchsia:  Number of pets? i have three cats right now !! their names r charlie, ripley, and phantomfighter !
Salmon:  Place you wish to live or visit?ummm i’ve always wanted to visit scotland i don’t know why mybe just 2 confirm it exists ?? i feel like scotland isnt a real place
Bittersweet:  Favourite music artist?rn i really like franz ferdinard and um !! mother mother and also i rlly like the strokes dfjvdg im sorry i couldnt stick to one NO WAIT MY ANSWR IS KRAFTKLUB THEYRE A GERMAN BAND AND IM LOVE THEM
Lemon Glacier:  Favourite album?hhh?? im drawing a blank so mybe first impressions of earth by the strokes ? its been a while since i heard it but i think i really like it !
Inchworm:  Favourite song?i just heard ulysses for the first time so i might just go with that hahah 
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surveys-r-us · 5 years
“dancing with a stranger”
1. Which song describes the mood you are in right now? As Long As You Love Me - Backstreet Boys 2. Which song describes the mood you are usually in? Time of the Season - The Zombies 3. Which song describes one of your favorites things to do?
Carried Away - Passion Pit 4. Which song describes something else you like to do? Miss You - The Rolling Stones (lol but no) 5. Which song explains the way you think about love? Pulling Leaves Off Trees - Wallows 6. What would you sing to your soulmate right now? Born and Raised - John Mayer
7. Which song best represents you? Pork Soda - Glass Animals 8. Which song describes your sexual preference? Somebody’s Crying - Chris Isaak 9. Which song describes what would occur between you and a (male) prostitute The A Team - Ed Sheeran 10. Your lover on the side? The Story Never Ends - Lauv 11. How about your wife or husband?
Henrietta - The Fratellis 12. Which song would be played at your wedding? Adam’s Song - blink-182 (that’s not depressing or anything) 13. Which song would be played at your wedding reception? Troublemaker - Weezer
14. Which song describes yourself in the future? Even the Losers - Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers (lol great)
15. Which song describes yourself in the past? Broadway - The Goo Goo Dolls 16. Which song would be appropriate for a one night stand? Dilemma - Nelly and Kelly Rowland  17. Which song would best describe your first time kissing? Last Young Renegade - All Time Low 18. Your first time having sex? Most of Us Are Sad - Eagles 19. Which song would best describe your fashion sense? How to Save a Life - The Fray
20. Which song would describe your taste in the opposite or same sex? I Don’t Know You - The Marías 21. Which song best describes your parents? Big Yellow Taxi - Counting Crows 22. Which song best describes your family in general?
Believe - Mumford & Sons
23. Which song best describes your friends? Lost - Dermot Kennedy 24. Which song best describes your school?
2021 - Vampire Weekend 25. Which song best describes your public personality? Murder - Justin Timberlake and Jay-Z 
26. Which song best describes your private personality? Still Waiting - Sum 41 27. The weather outside is…
Life of the Party - The Weeknd
28. I feel like… Steal My Sunshine - Len 29. I would really love to… I Want to Hold Your Hand - The Beatles 30. No one can stop me from… Day I Die - The National 31. Today I will… Living Loving Maid (She’s Just a Woman) - Led Zeppelin
32. Love is like… Good Life - Kanye West and T-Pain 33. I would call myself…
Dream of Mickey Mantle - Bleachers
34. I’ve never been to… Sincerity is Scary - The 1975 35. If I were a… Cherry Bomb - John Mellencamp 36. Never forget… Don’t Throw It Away - Jonas Brothers 37. Noone believes me when… A Song About Being Sad - Rex Orange County
38. I would never… Good Times Bad Times - Led Zeppelin 39. I could see myself as… All Together Now - The Beatles 40. I’m as fun as… Wild World - Cat Stevens 41. I wish… Jello On My Mind - Half Moon Run 42. He will never understand why… Heroes or Ghosts - The Coronas 43. I’m nearly…
Blue Ridge Mountains - Fleet Foxes 44. I want to see… Autumn Love - Death Cab for Cutie 45. At night time… Best Days - Graham Colton 46. My fashion sense is… Hard Times - The Wild Feathers 47. I cry when… I’d Love to Change the World - Ten Years After 48. The moon is… Love is Blindness - U2
49. I get tired when… Can’t Take My Eyes Off You - Frankie Valli
50. I lack… Shameless - The Weeknd
51. I’m so absorbing in… To: My Old Self - Real Friends 52. I should be… Candy Paint - Post Malone 53. I can’t seem to forget… I’m Made of Wax, Larry, What Are You Made of? - A Day to Remember  54. Where in the world is… Wish You Were Here - Pink Floyd 55. I don’t want to hear… Fallingwater - Maggie Rogers 56. Don’t give up on… Pursuit of Happiness - Kid Cudi (aw this one actually works) 
57. I should give up on… Take a Break - Hamilton  58. I want to be… The Air I Breathe - The Hollies
59. I like alot of… Stockholm - Judah & the Lion
60. I often think about… Hunger - Florence + the Machine 61. I don’t understand why… Sober - G-Eazy and Charlie Puth
62. Guys are… I Wanna Be Yours - Arctic Monkeys 63. Girls go to… Bear Claws - The Academic 64. I’m in trouble for… Sad Song - Scotty Sire 65. Candy is for… No You Girls - Franz Ferdinard
66. Take me to… Surrender - Angels & Airwaves 67. All I’ve ever cared about was… Waste a Moment - Kings of Leon
68. Take me away from… I Can’t Explain - The Who 69. The worst possible thing is…
The Blizzard - John Denver 
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dangerous-muse · 11 years
It’s been some years But you’re still my Caesar
With everything I feel I feel you've already been here The only difference is that all I see is now all that I've seen. It's bright on the outside The bright love the dark side I know.
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kayincateyes · 11 years
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