the-dust-jacket · 1 year
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Congratulations to the 2023 Newbery Medal winner and honorees! 
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bookcoversonly · 4 months
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Title: Freewater | Author: Amina Luqman-Dawson | Publisher: Little, Brown Books (2022)
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alexmfrank · 11 months
By: Amina Luqman-Dawson Homer and his sister Ada are slave children who have found themselves alone in the swamp after fleeing the plantation of their master. In the process of trying to escape, their mother was captured so the children must find a way to safety on their own.With help from a mysterious man, the children are brought to a swamp community called Freewater where the population is…
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illustration-alcove · 2 years
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Cozbi A Cabrera’s illustrated book cover for Amina Luqman-Dawson’s Freewater.
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By Frankie Freewater : Glacier National Park, Montana USA 🇺🇸
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mrtechnicalji · 9 months
Small Business Ideas | Free Water in India | Business Idea 💡
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luglowrs · 1 year
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4月から大人気のfreewatersのサンダル。 売り切れていたサイズが再入荷しました!! メーカー在庫も少なくなってきているようなのでお早めに!! ブランドの立ち上げ時から10年間ずっと、柔らかいだけ、足裏にフィットするだけではないどれだけ歩いても疲れにくい『究極のクッション性』を追い求めてきました。 そして2022年springシーズンで新たにリリースされた【Cloud9 Footbed】の開発で、その追い求めてきたクッション性を実現、大ヒット商品となりました。 ただ柔らかいだけでなく反発性も共存させるため、特殊な配合を加えたEVA素材を使用し、それを独自の温度と時間で熱成型することにより、硬すぎず、柔らかすぎない素材を開発することに成功しました。 この特殊製法で作られた【Cloud9 Footbed】は半永久的に持続できる反発力を持っています。 またその素材をストラップからアウトソールにまで使用しており、家やオフィスでの使用、運動後のリラックス等シーンを選ばず使用できます。 2023年では新たにクラッシクな形状のトングタイプが登場、シームレスな新時代の厚底トングサンダルです。 @freewaters_jp サンダル アウトドアサンダル リカバリーサンダル ビーチサンダル トングサンダル freewaters フリーウォータース Cloud9 Ultra Unisex UO-008 https://www.luglowrs.com/shopdetail/000000004067/ freewaters フリーウォータース https://www.luglowrs.com/shopbrand/fre/ SHOP:https://www.luglowrs.com/ LINEの友達登録はこちら 初回300円OFFクーポンプレゼント https://line.me/R/ti/p/%40gle3450x #surf #california #cali #usa #sanfrancisco #freewaters #freewatersjapan #waterproject #fashion #luglowrs #goout #beach #フリーウォータース #サンダル #リカバリーサンダル #フットウェア #ルームシューズ #キャンプ #グランピング #アウトドア #フェス #メンズ #ウィメンズ #ユニセックス #ビーチ #新入荷 #新商品 #再入荷 (California) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cre93ACvZUS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mixedbagofships · 1 year
Moore Town in Jamaica has a fascinating history as well.
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the-dust-jacket · 1 year
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Congratulations to the 2023 winner and honorees of the Coretta Scott King (Author) Awards! 
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hutt2011 · 2 years
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『freewaters』のビーチサンダル、『FRIDAY(Mens)』『BECCA(Womens)』がそれぞれ入荷しています。全体が濡れる事を気にせず、濡れてもすぐ乾くこちらのサンダル。ラバーに比べてサラサラとした触感であるTPUをストラップに使用、擦れを軽減し貫通タイプのストラップなので抜けにくくするためにプラスチックワッシャーを装備しています。フットベッドはEVA素材を使用することで軽く、土踏まず部分にアーチサポートを施しているため、フィット感も良く、疲れも軽減してくれます。アウトソールにはグリップ力を強くするためスリットをいれてあり、雨の日や濡れた路面で滑りにくくなっています。カラーはBlackのみとなります、サイズが揃っていますのでぜひお試しください。 #freewaters #ビーサン #removaloutdoorequipment #リムーバル #秋田市雄和 #outdoor #snowboarding #trekking #アウトドアショップリムーバル #outdoorshopremoval (at Removal Outdoor Equipment) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cfkt0weP-1h/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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drosdro · 2 years
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⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ブランドスタートして10年追い求めた最高のクッション性をついに実現、ということで履いてみたところ感動です。 ⁡ 元々以前のモデルから履き心地には定評のあるブランドでしたのでその更に上をいきましたね。 ⁡ サンダルが動き始めましたのでご興味あれば。 ⁡ 7,920円(税込) #drosdro #鳥取 #米子 #freewaters #sandals #サンダル #ビーチサンダル (dros dro) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfS5sXOBP2c/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gamerwoman3d · 3 months
A Family of Tornadoes
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Okay so there is more tornadic activity in this image from March 05, 2024 than meets the eye. But to see it you have to look at the ground. They're walking in a straight line, each kicking up a cone of dust and debris - even the invisible ones have a cone of dust and debris at the base.
That implies that there's a funnel above each of those cones. These funnels can be invisible- they're made of air, after all.
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To see what I see, here's an illustration of what it might look like if the funnels were suddenly visible [marked in yellow above].
Below, a pair of illustrations highlight these possible debris cones in yellow. The first image highlights only the cones where visible funnels have dropped. The second highlights all the possible debris cones.
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To me, this is a family of tornadoes. And they are dancing a line dance. They are having a meeting of some sort, the same day I started my "Old Man Yells at Cloud" warning rambling - which you can read here if you like.
Meanwhile, the New York Times is editing their latest tornado article that they titled "Three Killed [...] tornadoes [...]" after NOT A SOUL died yet. Lots of injuries, no deaths. They also had to change Indiana to Indian in this quote.
"We have never experienced anything like this, anything this severe in the 75 years that I’ve lived around here,” said John Coleman, the president of the Indian Lake Area Historical Society.
Don't expect up-to-date reliable twister news from that souce in particular. They are at least redacting their statements but the headline stayed the same. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/14/us/tornado-storms-ohio-indiana-kentucky.html
The Weather Channel also reported the deaths, but I believe those deaths were counted prematurely.
The National Weather Service received more than 400 reports of severe weather from Thursday morning through Friday morning. That's the most of any 24-hour period in the U.S. since last August.
Now keep in mind, nobody is dead yet to my knowledge. There have only been two deadly twisters recorded in 2024 and both fatal twisters were recorded on January 09, 2024.
Until the deadly twisters are recorded here, it's safest to assume no one had perished.
But the destruction across the USA so far, just on March 14 and 15, has been a lot. I'm still thinking a Dust Bowl type event is not impossible in the near futre, in the aftermath of these events.
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wintercorrybriea · 2 years
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cathygeha · 1 year
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The Marauder’s Mistress by Tabetha Waite
Wanton Wastrels #2
 Riveting read that drew me in and kept my interest from beginning to end!
 What I liked:
* Constance: survivor, spent years as a courtesan, business savvy, trust issues, wants more, self-reliant, drawn to Devin
* Devin: survivor, lived on the streets, ex-convict returned from penal colony in Australia, smitten by Constance
* Luke: good friend, difficult backstory, pseudo-father to Devin
* That it was believable
* That the characters were not upper class but classier than many in the upper echelons
* The friends Constance had
* Drennan: owner of gaming hell that Constance once co-owned, in debt, intriguing and would like to see him in a book of his own…perhaps Brutus and even Luke, too
* The way the story ended…put a smile on my face
* That I cared about the outcome and was happy that the bad guys received their comeuppance
* All of it really except…
 What I didn’t like:
* Who and what I was meant not to like: Granville and Isaacson and their cohorts
* Thinking about life in this era and the big discrepancy between the haves and have-nots
 Did I enjoy this book? Yes
Would I read more in this series/by this author? Definitely
 Thank you to BookSirens and the author for the Book – This is my honest review.
 5 Stars
 Constance Freewater has lived almost two decades of her life as a celebrated courtesan known as Madame Corressa—a woman always living on the edge. As she approaches her fortieth birthday, she realizes that what used to be a fulfilling existence no longer holds any excitement for her. She’s tired of the empty sort of temporary passion that used to be enough. When she crosses paths with a mysterious gentleman who becomes intent on pursuing her, she is inexplicably drawn to him. But when circumstances alter their fate, she has to decide if she is prepared to be his mistress—or nothing at all. Devin Blackmore had a hard life. Growing up with drunkards, scoundrels, and pickpockets on London’s city streets was a normal way of life. But one mistake was all it took for him to learn a harsh lesson. After spending five years in a penal colony, he returns to England determined not to succumb to his old ways. However, he never intended to meet such an enchanting woman as Constance, nor believe that she could make him a better man. But when a late-night attack leaves him fighting for his life, he realizes that he can’t escape his past. He doesn’t want to drag Constance into mire with him, but he finds out she’s not easily intimidated. As hearts become entangled, they have to decide if what they feel for each other runs deeper than the demons of their past. Or is love even possible for these two, broken souls?
Kindle Edition
Published February 14, 2022
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