#Frenchman Peak
redrcs · 1 year
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Frenchmans Peak, Cape Le Grande National Park.
On my travels.
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✅️ "SMASH MEURSAULT because in l'etranger he literally talks about how his house is a mess and yet he's still constantly fucking marie so the dick must be crazy."
✅️ "I KNOW meursault would eat pussy like a champ. can you imagine his tdick. powerful"
✅️ "our aroallo king tht we deserve. i want him to crush my head in his tits"
✅️ "he loves boobs. in l'etranger he like, constantly talks about marie's breasts. and they fuck!! multiple times!"
✅️ "remember how he said he was searching for life’s pleasures when he talked about going to the club. imagine how fucking crazy his sex life must be. he’s had to have tried the craziest bdsm shit he’s a freak and a slut i KNOW it.
he’s the ultimate verse switch with a monster cock and/or deep dish pussy he can do literally anything you want he hell fuck you stupid or take a pounded from 12 inches he’s perfect
✅️ "This is not a propaganda, but I just want to tell a story. There was this one time I had a dream where Meursault is eating me alive, like start slicing open my thighs with a knife. And let me tell you my dude, I have never seen cannibalism as a fetish before, but that was one of the hottest dreams I've ever had."
✅️ "★★♥︎♥︎♥︎"
✅️ "HOW CAN YOU NOT SMASH THE BIG TITTY FRENCHMAN? He's tall, he's handsome, he has the biggest hongabalongas on the bus (bar Rodya and maybe Faust), and that man is without a doubt great in the sack, okay? Sex God Meursault. Peak Service Top material. A fat chunk of the novel is him fucking Marie and she's very, very eager each and every time. He loves titties and he PROVIDES HIS OWN FAT TITTIES. A true believer in making sure his partner is as pleased as he is. It's equality. Equalititty, even. His cock is probably massive. We should all aspire to smash Meursault."
❌ "I could never smash Mersault. He's tall and quiet and thoughtful, and I get the appeal, but if you put some coke bottle glasses and a baggy sweatshirt on him he's basically my father. I don't have that many daddy issues. I just wanna give him a model train and a plate of orange slices."
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devoutjunk · 7 months
Novel Syllabus 2024
This coming year I think I'm going to be on here more often than I am on twitter or elsewhere, and as part of that, I'm going to start documenting the process of writing my novel more actively. I want to return to/resurrect the momentum and energy I had while writing the first draft and be more intentional about setting aside time to work, even when it's difficult. Below are my writing goals for the coming year as well as my reading list of texts for inspiration, genre/background research, comps, etc. Would welcome any suggestions of texts (any genre/discipline) pertaining to Antigone, death & resurrection, Welsh and Cornish myth and folklore, ecology & environmental crisis, and the Gothic.
Writing Goals
Reach 50k words in draft 2 overall
Finish a draft of Anna's timeline
Finish a draft of Jo's timeline
Polish & submit an excerpt for the Center for Fiction Prize
* = reread
Sci-Fi, Fantasy, & The Apocalyptic
The Memory Theater (Karin Tidbeck)
Who Fears Death (Nnedi Okorafor)
Urth of The New Sun (Gene Wolfe)
Slow River (Nicola Griffith)
Dream Snake (Vonda McIntyre)
Black Leopard, Red Wolf (Marlon James)
Notes from the Burning Age (Claire North)
Invisible Cities (Italo Calvino)*
Frankenstein (Mary Shelley)*
The Last Man (Mary Shelley)
The Drowned World (J.G. Ballard)
Strange Beasts of China (Yan Ge, trans. by Jeremy Tiang)
City of Saints and Madmen (Jeff VanderMeer)
Freshwater (Akweke Emezi)
The Glass Hotel (Emily St. John Mandel)
Pattern Master (Octavia Butler)
Sleep Donation (Karen Russell)
How High We Go in the Dark (Sequoia Nagamatsu)
The Magician's Nephew (C.S. Lewis)*
The Golden Compass (Phillip Pullman)*
The Green Witch (Susan Cooper)
The Tombs of Atuan (Ursula K. Le Guin)
Black Sun (Rebecca Roanhorse)
Gideon the Ninth (Tamsyn Muir)
Lives of the Monster Dogs (Kirsten Bakis)
Brian Evenson
Sofia Samatar
Connie Willis
Samuel Delaney
Jo Walton
Tanith Lee
A Wild Swan (Michael Cunningham)
Til We Have Faces (C.S. Lewis)
Gingerbread (Helen Oyeyemi)
Circe (Madeline Miller)
The Owl Service (Alan Garner)
Literary Myth-Making, Mystery, and the Gothic
Nights at the Circus (Angela Carter)
Frenchman's Creek (Daphne Du Maurier)
Possession (A.S. Byatt)*
The Game (A.S. Byatt)*
The Essex Serpent (Sarah Perry)
Wuthering Heights (Emily Brontë)
The Secret History (Donna Tartt)*
The Wild Hunt (Emma Seckel)
King Nyx (Kirsten Bakis)
The Name of the Rose (Umberto Eco)
The Lottery and Other Stories (Shirley Jackson)
Beloved (Toni Morrison)
The Night Land (William Hope Hodgson)
Interview with a Vampire (Anne Rice)*
Sexing the Cherry (Jeanette Winterson)*
Night Side of the River (Jeanette Winterson)
Bad Heroines (Emily Danforth)
All the Murmuring Bones (A.G. Slatter)
The Path of Thorns (A.G. Slatter)
Gormenghast (Mervyn Peake)
Prose Work, Perspective, and Stream of Consciousness
The Chandelier (Clarice Lispector)
The Waves (Virginia Woolf)*
The Years (Virginia Woolf)
The Intimate Historical Epic / Court Intrigues
Wolf Hall (Hilary Mantel)*
Menewood (Nicola Griffith)
Dark Earth (Rebecca Stott)
A Place of Greater Safety (Hilary Mantel)
The Mabinogion (trans. Sioned Davies)
Le Morte D'Arthur (Thomas Malory)
The Collected Brothers Grimm (Phillip Pullman)
Angela Carter's Collected Fairytales
Mythology (Edith Hamilton)
Underland (Robert Macfarlane)
The Wild Places (Robert Macfarlane)
Wildwood (Roger Deakin)
Vanishing Cornwall (Daphne Du Maurier)
Lonely Planet: Guide to Devon & Cornwall
A Traveler's Guide to the End of the World (David Gessner)
The Lost Boys of Montauk (Amanda M. Fairbanks)
A Cyborg Manifesto (Donna J. Harraway)
A Treasury of British Folklore (Dee Dee Chainey)*
The First Last Man: Mary Shelley and the Postapocalyptic Imagination (Eileen M. Hunt)
Antigone's Claim (Judith Butler)
Theories of Desire: Antigone Again (Judith Butler)
Ecology of Fear (Mike Davis)
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fernandoswarcrimes · 1 year
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𝓘 𝓴𝓷𝓸𝔀 𝓹𝓵𝓪𝓬𝓮𝓼..
Sneak Peak.
Note: this is going to be part 3 in the PPP series
Tag list: @pitchandgrid @yourmom-lmao @dessxoxsworld @yellowscuderia @buendiabebeta​ @stillbreathin​ @flyingmushroomss @moneymasnn​@christianpulisic10 @pierre-gasssllyy @heavengirls111 @evans-dejong @hungryhungarian @glitterquadricorn @mariar31 @pitconfirmbutton @squirreljoe
Full chapter coming May 4th✨
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Charles had taken Gracie on a day trip to Milan, figuring it would be harder to spot the two of them in the Italian city unlike Monaco, which was a very small and everyone practically knew everyone,
The two had met up with Pierre who offered to take them around to different spots, he knew Charles had seen them already but that the blonde princess hadn’t seeing as his bestfriend explained she didn’t get to get out much. He thought that was a bit sad.
Unlike Charles, Pierre could walk freely about Milan without swarms of people following him or crowding him which made it easier for the three to just have a calm day blending in with everyone else touring the city
They did normal tourist things, grabbed lunch, shopped and enjoyed just being normal people for a while, something the three of them didn’t get to do very often. By sunset everything was winding down and Charles knew he had to get Gracie back before ten because Dimitri could only stall for so long.
“We should probably head back soon, it’s getting late.” Charles sighed, he didn’t want to have to bring the bubbly blonde back to the confined walls of the place that overlooked the city they both grew up in but he knew he didn’t have a choice.
“Thank you again Pierre, for taking the time to hangout with us today it was really fun.” Gracie smiled as her and Charles walked out of the restaurant with the Frenchman, they had a bit of a ways walk back to Charles car so they chatted idly.
“It’s no problem really, Charles never shuts up about you. So it was great to offically meet you, us boys thought he was trying to pull a fast one over on us.” Pierre grinned when he saw how red Charles face got at him admitting that he had been talking about the blue eyed girl to the rest of the guys on the grid.
Gracie could feel Charles hand on her waistline, they were out in plain sight of the streets in Milan an had let it slip their mind that they were infact very public figures as people whispered as they walked past by.
It was a bad sign.
As they got closer to Charles car, Pierre stopped them so they could take a group photo. Charles hadn’t let them take any the whole day, more so just wanting him and Gracie to live in the moment but he figured one couldn’t hurt, to atleast rememember the fun they had today.
But Pierre being Pierre, absentmindedly posted the picture of the three of them on his Instagram story thinking nothing of it.
What the Frenchman didn’t realize was the domino affect that singular post would cause.
After Gracie had gotten into the car Charles gave Pierre a bro hug before feeling his phone vibrate as he walked around to his side of the car, he pulled the device out to check it and paled at the notification.
“Pierre you’ve got to delete that” the Ferrari driver stressed after realizing his bestfriend had posted the picture of the three of them and tagged him, Dimitri had warned him that nobody could know that he and Gracie were still hanging out outside of him, Alexei, and Annaslise.
Especially her parents.
A rule he had already broken by meeting up with Pierre, but he figured his bestfriend could keep this to himself if Mick and Lance had known her for years and never told a soul, but evidently not.
“Okay okay, my bad I didn’t know.” Pierre said as he quickly deleted the picture from his story two minutes after he posted it.
But unfortunately the damage had already been done.
Loose lips sink ships all the damn time, and love’s a fragile little flame that was going to get burnt out before it could even be fully lit.
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tf2-oneshots · 1 year
i have a silly lil hc that boils down to pyro and spy being long lost siblings, could i please have a oneshot of what happens when thats found out?
Dear god…of course you can
Warnings: none!
Rating: General
Medic couldn’t believe the results. He stares at the sheets of paper, eyes flickering between the two in his hand. Multiple grey streaks were printed onto the lines, many of which were in identical placements. He scans them, confirming their matching positions before setting the papers down.
Earlier, he collected blood samples from each member of the team. He ran it through his fancy new machine, giggling as he pressed the buttons to run his tests. When the last sheet of data escaped the clunky printer, Medic came to a startling realization.
Spy and Pyro were siblings! Full blood and everything. Medic grabbed both of their papers, hurrying out of the medbay to find them in the common room with the other mercenaries. The doctor clears his throat.
“Spy, Pyro, could you two come with me?” The papers are held close to his chest, concealing their contents. Pyro looks up from their coloring book, head tilted with curiosity. They set the periwinkle crayon back inside the box and stand. Spy, however, has gone completely invisible.
Medic looks around only for his sheets to be snatched out of his arms. Spy uncloaks, analyzing the papers much to Medic’s dismay. The doctor tries to snatch them back, but a hand to his face keeps him at bay. The two hiss like cats, trying to fight for the papers. Medic pulls on Spy’s arm while the Frenchwoman fights to keep his distance.
“Whatever is on these papers can—“ He pauses, eyes wide at the fine print. Medic finally takes the papers back, glowering at Spy’s rude behavior. That is, until Scout snatches the same sheets out of his hands. He hunches over, blocking Medic from taking them back.
“Lemme read it, god! Ok, uh, Spy’s got a, uh, sib-ling match with…Pyro.” Scout’s jaw drops. Pyro slaps their hands to their cheeks, demonstrating their shock. Medic grabs Scout, throwing him onto the nearby couch and finally getting his precious lab results back.
“Well, since none of you care about patient confidentiality, I might as well tell everyone your secrets! Scout, you have a—“ The younger shouts, tackling Medic to stop him from speaking. He covers the man’s mouth, loudly shushing him with panic in his face. Bandaged hands are pressed to the German’s mouth before being yanked off.
“Dear god. Men, Spy has been lying to us! I always knew you weren’t from Paris, Texas!” Soldier jumps from the couch, forcing Spy into a headlock with a war cry. He punches the woman in the face despite the protesting screams coming from her.
“Get off of me!” Spy stabs the American in the back before sliding his larger body to the floor. She rolls his shoulders, straightening his back with a brush to her sleek suit. Bastard could have stained it.
Spy marches away, infuriated and confused by the revelation. Pyro? His sibling? Don’t make her laugh! That psycho was probably raised by fire obsessed wolves! There’s no way Pyro of all people comes from the refined and quaint city he refuses to name for anonymity.
Hours go by after the ordeal. Spy had retreated to his smoking room, quietly huffing one of his cigarettes. There’s a knock to his door, which drags his attention away from his newspaper. As it creaks open, she has a feeling she knows who it is.
“Mmph, mmph mn?” Pyro peaks their head into the room. Their glass eyes look to the Frenchman as he sets down the paper. Spy stands, approaching them with an exhausted look.
“Don’t tell me you believe that crazed doctor? I believe that those results were a mistake.” Pyro makes another muffle, hand gesturing slightly before they fully enter the room. They hold a tray of eclairs, and from the looks of it, they were freshly baked.
“A peace offering? Well, who am I to say no to that?” Spy takes one eclair, deciding to spoil herself today. After being punched in the face, he deserves a reward. Taking a bite, he instantly perks. Its delicious! The cream was mixed perfectly, and the chocolate has just the right amount of sugar. Its almost familiar to Spy. Too familiar.
She swallows, not daring to take another bite. It…it can’t be. He looks into those empty glass eyes that never blink. Pyro stares, hands still holding the tray of eclairs. Their filter emits a soft sound with every breath they take.
“This is mother’s recipe.”
Rip Spy -H
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thewardenofwinter · 1 year
Character Inspo Tag
Tagged by the wonderful Nopal over at @writernopal! Thank you so much, here is their post with some absolutely insane character combinations lol
(also some of these are not characters but real people but I wanted to include them anyway)
Rules: List your OCs and the characters that inspired them!
Very gently Tagging: @sam-glade @elshells @zestymimblo @crowandmoonwriting @captain-kraken @indigowriting @rownanisntwriting and @eurydicefades
Give No Quarter
Circe of Aeaea (Greek Mythology)
Gamora (Guardians of The Galaxy)
Golsifteh Farahani (Actress)
Wonder Woman and Talia al Ghul (DC Comics)
Sypha Belnades (Castlevania TV show)
Yennefer (Witcher)
Aya/Amunet (Assassins Creed: Origins)
Mix together mommy issues, witchcraft, and ancient knowledge in large bowl with a gilded dagger you get Circe.
Adam Bonny
EDWARD FUCKING KENWAY (Assassins Creed: Black Flag)
Trevor Belmont (Castlevania TV show)
Charlie Hunnam (Actor)
William Thatcher (A Knight's Tale)
Jack Sparrow (Pirates of The Carribean)
Westley (Princess Bride)
Flynn Ryder (Tangled)
You let a BLONDE MAN speak to you like that??? Ceo of 'maybe if he were a little less fuckable we wouldn't be in this mess.'
Henri Bellamy
Ichabod Crane (Sleep Hollow TV Show)
Chris Cornell (Musician)
Julien du Casse (Assasins Creed: Black Flag)
Dracula (Bram Stoker's Dracula 1992)
Armand (Interview with the Vampire 1994)
The only Frenchman to ever exist, the rest are fake. Don't let anyone lie to you.
The Resurrectioners
Samara Dombroski
Isabel Dodson (Constantine 2005)
Selene (Underworld Series)
Victor (Umbrella Academy)
Sidney Prescott (Scream)
Sarah (The Craft)
Pretty much the human personification of what happens when you gain too much Insight in Bloodborne.
Nazriya Akkineni
Theodora (The Haunting)
Morana *gasp* (Castlevania TV show)
Zoya (Leigh Bardugo's Grishaverse)
Satine (Moulin Rogue)
Nancy (The Craft)
Jennifer (Jennifer's Body)
God only made her 5 feet tall because was afraid of her being too close to him.
Zekiah Rush
Chyna Parks (ANT Farm)
Janella Monae (Actress)
Belle (Beauty and The Beast)
Rachel (The Craft)
Karen (Blade)
Resident walking encyclopedia. If you give her a bookmark she might propose to you on the spot.
Dmitriy Mikhailovich
Dmitri Pisarenko (Actor)
Morpheus (Sandman TV Show)
Levi (Attack on Titan)
Viktor (Arcane TV and for his design ONLY that weird mix of a czech/russian accent fucking kills me)
Men with big noses and dark hair>>>>> Frequently pretends he doesn't speak English so people don't talk to him.
What We Undertake
Dolores Clive
Dolores O'Riordan (Singer)
Mina Harker (Bram Stoker's Dracula book)
Edith Cushing (Crimson Peak)
Lydia Deetz (Beetlejuice)
Being the village freak isn't easy but someone has to do it.
Charles Morrison
Alan McMichael (Crimson Peak)
Hercules (Hercules)
Thor (Marvel Franchise)
Milo Thatch (Atlantis)
I wouldn't call Charlie a himbo per say because he's actually quite clever, so I guess he's more of a 'golden retriever nerd with really weird interests.'
Vincent Karloff
Thomas Sharpe (Crimson Peak)
V (V for Vendetta 2005)
Jason Dean (Heathers)
Edward (Edward Scissorhands)
Victor Frankenstein (Mary Shelly's Frankenstein)
Voted most likely to disappear under mysterious circumstances in high school.
Reading some of these combinations is giving me whiplash.
— M. Warrin
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rosethreeart · 8 months
Have a little sneak peak at the wip 👀 This is basically everything I wrote yesterday so consider it a "chapter 1" kinda deal lmao
As per usual: Nedame
fic is basically a first meeting :}
about 1.6k words long
Abigail was…overwhelmed to say the least. She had never been surrounded by so many nations before! She shuffled in her stiff and stuffy gown, all too aware of the eyes on her.
 A party, to celebrate her. She didn’t feel like celebrating. Sure, she was happy her people found freedom and independence from the English, but selfishly, she was mourning. 
“You are no daughter of mine!” Her father, no, Empire barked. His hands gripping his musket so tightly she was terrified it would snap in two in his shaking, blood stained hands. 
Not his daughter… Was she really ever his child to begin with? All those lonely nights locked away in her home, utterly terrified of the world, waiting for her father’s return. And for what? Some sick twisted fate that she would be disowned on their first reunion? 
God was cruel. 
Just like her father.
“Why such a glum face, hmm?” came a much too cheery voice.
Quickly she sorted herself, plastering on a gentle smile for the Frenchman.
“My apologies, Mister France,” she said, giving a quick little curtsy as red dusted her face, “I suppose I got quite lost in thought there…”
The slightly intoxicated Frenchman chuckled, “I could tell! Honestly, you needn't worry yourself with such negative thinking, my dear!”
She was only able to give a slight nod before being forced into the man’s grasp.
“You know, all of this here is to celebrate you and your people!,” His other arm swept across, gesturing to the whole room, the champagne almost spilling out of its glass as it did so, “Go and have fun! Mingle! Meet some new faces! You are your own nation now, you need to go out there and connect!”
“I know but—”
“Then what are you waiting for?” He interrupted, gently shoving her towards the crowd away from the little nook she had wedged herself into.
She stood stock still for a moment, only to slowly turn her head back to Mister France, eyes wide in disbelief.
He just waved his hand, a smug smile barely concealed as he took a sip of his drink.
 Abigail was glad that her legs weren’t visible, as they were shaking like a newborn lamb. She was never quite good at socializing and years spent in isolation had done her no favors if she was to be frank. 
Her eyes quickly darted around the ball, as if in search of some sort of safe haven. Someone or something she could cling on to.
She remembered how her father would chuckle as she hid behind him, grasping at his pants. She could still feel the way it would vibrate, the warmth of his being, the softness of his eyes…
All of that is long gone now. No longer would she get to feel the warm embrace of her father as he held her gently. No more warmth, only icy glares and cold shoulders. 
Abigail sighed, and did one of the few things her father had ingrained into her being: chin up, and a stiff upper lip. 
There was an uproar of laughter to her left. The boisterous kind that was unforgettable, the one only a certain albino Prussian could produce. She felt a weight lift off her shoulders as she hastily made her way towards the source of the noise.
She almost had to skid to a halt to not run into the man, “Mister Prussia, oh I am so very glad to have found you!”
“Abigail— sorry Madam America,” Prussia said, giving an overdramatic and playful bow; hand flourish included. “I am very glad to see you as well.”
His cheeks were almost as red as his eyes; crimson irises which sparkled with pride.  Abigail knew that a part of herself will forever feel indebted to the man, he had been the one to find her and bring her back to camp and look after her, after all. She would never dare voice the thought out loud, but at times she had found herself viewing the man as a paternal figure. She had a feeling that he was acutely aware of it; she was not one for subtlety it seemed. 
“Mister Prussia, “ she began.
The man held up a hand, “Gilbert.”
“Mister Gilbert,” she rephrased, as she watched the Prussian not correct her but not hide his smirk either, “I wanted to thank you once again for all the help and effort you have provided.”
“Abigail, you really don’t need to keep thanking me. I mean, I know I am absolutely, positively undeniably a legend of a man…”
“But..?” She asked, raising an eyebrow, waiting for him to continue.
“But?” he retorted, raising an eyebrow of his own.
Abigail shifted her gaze unsure of what to do, or where to go with the conversation. She had thought about changing the subject before another round of laughter had bursted from the man.
“I merely jest!” He laughed as he placed a hand reaffirmingly on her shoulder. 
A nervous giggle escaped her lips, “ah..”
“Listen, I know I am always deserving of all the attention, all of the time. “ He said as he pulled her into a one armed embrace, “But I’m aware that there are times which other people deserve it more. Today is your day. Revel in the praise and adoration. ”
Things she seemed to have little to no experience with. Things she yearns for always. Yet…it didn’t feel right. Empty, almost. She knew she should be pleased, and indulge in the niceties; let the gifts be showered and let the words stay sweet, but it felt wrong. For the one singular source that she actually wanted such things from would not be there nor provide them to her. 
“Stop lamenting,” Prussia said, his voice firm yet soft, “all it does is make the aching of your heart worse.”
Abigail subconsciously lifted a hand to her heart, and nodded.
She engaged in some small talk with the man for some time. Well, as large as small talk could get;  he was no short on pride that was for certain. However she had begun to feel all too trapped. The weight of her dress, the noise of the crowd, the heat, and the smells were starting to feel all too much for her to handle. 
Abigail cleared her throat as he excused herself, “My apologies but I feel as if I need a breath of fresh air.”
She barely even registered his concerned response before forcing herself to calmly walk towards the balcony. Quickly, she shut the door behind her, feeling all too relieved as she exhaled a breath she wasn’t even aware she was holding, and closed her eyes.
She just needed a moment to compose herself, and then she would go right back in. Yes, that was a splendid idea…
After a few deep breaths, she began to flutter open her eyes. If she was going to sit out here for a bit she might as well enjoy the beautiful garden below. 
Abigail quietly admired the fine landscaping that had been done. Trees and flowers and statues had filled the yard, bright splashes of color illuminated by the light of the manor, the moon, and the warm light of a match.
Light of a match?
She furrowed her eyebrows. What in god’s name—
Oh dear lord she wasn’t alone out here.
  She shot up, correcting her posture, and patted down her dress to get rid of any non-existent dust. Excuses had begun stuttering out of her mouth almost as quickly as her eyes darted. Her face was red and hot despite the breeze that gently passed by. Mentally she  berating herself; how could she have let someone see her in such a state?!
“Uhhh.” She so eloquently said. 
The man just seemed to stand there, unbothered and took a drag of his pipe. 
“I apologize for that behavior, I was unaware there was someone else out here as well,” Her voice slightly gravelly as her throat had felt all too tight.
“It’s quite alright,” The man replied, “you seemed like you needed a moment.”
“Ah, uh, yes.” She coughed into her hand. 
“Care to join me?” 
She hesitated at first but she had already seemingly humiliated herself in front of him, and he seemed to not be bothered, so why not? Carefully she made her way over to the man at the edge of the railing. 
“It’s quite lovely out.” She stated, her hands fidgeting with the marble in front of her.
“Oh do forgive me, I haven’t introduced myself!” She blurted out.
“You seem to apologize a lot.” The man responded. 
Does she? She hadn’t noticed but perhaps there was some merit to his statement…
“Perhaps,” she cleared her throat, “My name is Abigail—also United States of America. It is quite a pleasure to meet you.” She said curtsying to the man. She messed up that introduction hadn’t she? Was it rude to state human name first? Or was it the other way around? Or—
He grabbed her hand.
His hands were cold. Then again, hers ran warm so perhaps it was that or the chill of the air. Long Lanky fingers gently wrapped around hers. She watched, almost mesmerized as they were led oh so slowly to the man's face. She hadn't noticed how tall the man was before, he seemed to almost bend in half to reach it. She could see in the dim light that his eyes were the color of Topaz, or even gold. His hair was a dusty blond which seemed to stick up in a peculiar, yet oddly charming hairstyle. He was a handsome gentleman that was for certain. 
“The Netherlands. Lars Van Dijk,” He said as he pressed his lips to her hand, eyes never wavering from her own,” I am very pleased to meet you as well.”
Abigail was not aware that one’s own heart could beat so quickly. 
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tricornonthecob · 8 months
I'm trying to wake up early
LK 114: The Forst Firth Of July
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Why the fuck is Lady Phillips in Philadelphia and why isn't she more incognito oh my god is she looking for Benji? Is she trying to get the Frillips polycule back together?
NOOOO oh my GOD is she doing super secret Whig shit??? I bet its Whig shit.
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*vague hand gesturing* something something edutainment
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awww omg is Uncle Benji showing her the ropes?????? She looks so happy. This is so cute.
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Ain't nothin' gonna kill her vibes today.
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Well, maybe one thing (her crush being in distress)
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I could say something meaningful here about how you saved his life, and he saved yours, brothers to the end, but the desire to make a comment about how Henri is still the best agent in this outfit is fighting with me.
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I mean he never really is the way y'all gaze at each other.
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"YEAH, YEAH, WASHINGTON WANTS A RESOLUTION. God that man is being such a Karen rn."
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Benji's considering it.
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Will he vote for independency???
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Honestly I'm just disappointed he's not wearing 1970s burnt orange.
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A missed opportunity, really.
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Oh my god they opened up a window.
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That bean is peak Proportions right now.
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They gave the feral frenchman blur lines.
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Damn she is just having a blast today isn't she. Who put xanax in her porridge? We know it was you, Benji.
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What a fucking sassbucket.
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"And John Adams won't sit the fuck down."
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"the frontier will fall -" Bitch they live there???? Have always lived there??? The fuck you on about???
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Just in case you weren't paying attention in geography class, they've kindly provided some unsubtle edutainment.
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Wow when did she become my mom.
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This is almost a complete recreation of a common argument in my house growing up, minus the multiple people yelling at the top of their lungs while thumbing through multiple dictionaries *nostalgic sigh.*
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depressedraisin · 10 months
Alex hasn't had anything to do with Gainsbourg for some time now, (although I don't like to make comparisons) lately he is very reminiscent of David Bowie and Bryan Ferry in terms of aesthetics, voice and stage presence. That slimy Frenchman I hope he don't mention him again in his career because if he were to be inspired by a similar character again it would really piss me off
yeah fuck gainsbourg (not literally)
to me he is definitely trying to embody the persona of a 70s european new wave leading man. he probably has an alain delon moodboard on pinterest. he probably has read the how to dress like a jean luc godard character article. (it's cool bcs if u read it that way the narrator/protagonist of the car is an auteur type who is most likely past A peak of his career and grappling with questions of fame, public perception and the weight of his own genius. but that's 'nother conversation)
but yeah, i do see the brian ferry. not sure abt the bowie but please guide me towards that vision.
for a strictly frivolous fashion perspective though, i wish he got a bit funkier with his outfits. kinda like jarvis cocker in the 90s: he drew from similar references but got playful with fabrics and silhouettes etc. and we Know alex has put thought into it, we had that post from the vintage store/dealer last year about sourcing clothes for him. so idk what's going on in that noggin of his.
what i am saying is, he can serve so much what's stopping him from changing his suit then 😔
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yvesdemetz · 1 year
@mobscene-starters​ Dated: 20/1/23.
By this point, Yves was almost certain the only reason the bartender who quite ardently despised him hadn’t cut him off was because he was drinking the expensive stuff. To excess. Quickly. There was very little to elevate his mood enough to feign politeness, though, and that was precisely what had him looking for some peace in the bottom of a bottle. So plagued were his days by the dread of potentially burying another person he loved—if they were merciful enough to give enough of her back—that for tonight, instead of the comfort of his family, he sought to feel nothing at all.
Frustrating, then, that a rare display of emotion seemed to peak just as the Frenchman sensed the presence of somebody loitering nearby.
Either the person had no respect for personal space, or they wanted something.
“If you value the integrity of your spine, this better be important.”
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hms-tardimpala · 2 years
I'm slowy chipping away at Luke Arnold's filmography (because I've realized I've hardly ever seen anything Australian, and also hyperfixation), and I've just watched Murder in the Dark (2013, Dagen Merrill).
And it is an interesting movie! The premise is pretty basic: a bunch of people traveling in Turkey spend a night in medieval ruins, play a spooky game, and then they start dying one after the other and they have to figure out who is the killer among them.
But the concept is super cool. The actors only knew their part, not the whole script, so they didn't know who was the killer, who was gonna die, or what they were going to see as they went from set to set. So there is quite a lot of improv, and they handled it really well (except for one performance I didn't like). I usually find improv cringy, but it works in this movie, and it doesn't take away from its atmosphere. There are some genuinely unsettling moments, and some gore that I didn't expect.
The highlight of the movie for me is that the characters are from different countries, and there is a frenchman. And him making zero effort on his accent, saying "putain" every 30 seconds, and getting angry in a french way (if you know, you know), was peak French representation. Loved him.
The ending isn't great, but overall I've had a good time, and I think I'll watch it again (even though I couldn't rent/buy it in France and had to find a low-quality streaming site that made my antivirus work overtime).
There is even a nice making-of segment at the end where the creators and actors explain the project. And Luke Arnold looks cute as fuck in it, he must have already been working on Black Sails when it was shot.
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(excuse the shitty quality and streaming bar, okay)
Next: True Colours! I'm curious about Rarriwuy Hick too.
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mrdirtybear · 1 year
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I could discover nothing about the product, Absinthe Mugnier. But the designer of the poster, Frenchman Lucien Lefèvre (1850-1902) was highly rated among the artists who created posters. The above is a lithograph he created in 1898 remains highly regarded over 120 years after the first creative peak of advertising/poster creativity. He first exhibited at the Salon des Independents in Paris in 1872 and 1873, where he gained a reputation as a posterist in his own right. His work counted as one of the artists whose work is included in the publication ‘The Masters of the Poster’, one of the most prestigious and influential art publications in history. Its 256 colour plates have preserved for successive generations a wide-range of outstanding posters from the turn of the nineteenth century. Needless to say, first edition copies of the original publication are highly prized, but later reprints are more affordable to the public.
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drluciengaudet · 1 year
Lucien had stopped by his mansion in the village to clean up and change after visiting Kaden who was on his good side for the moment. Likely not to last long. Of course he hadn’t yet figured out how to use any of the magic he now had, not ready to face he had it or anything about him was different, despite the fact he was currently going through heat for a second time. Dressing in a grey suit with charcoal pinstripes he headed back to the castle in the mood to hide away in the lab, sure his last encounter in Kaden would keep him sated for hours. 
It, in fact, did not keep him sated for hours. No sooner did he arrive back at the castle then he was uncomfortable and annoyed. He should have went to his lab, part of him knew that, but as he walked by the door marked with infirmary he found his black dress shoes stopping just past it and his steps reversing. He straightened the cream button up and grey tie fixing the matching cream handkerchief and making sure his hair was perfect. He had to be perfect to fully berate the idiot butcher that hid behind the guise of castle doctor. 
He didn’t knock letting himself in and ignore any that were there. He was Dr. Lucien Gaudet, everyone was second class to him. The Frenchman had entered the infirmary ready to immediately lay into the hellhoud not at all intimidated by his size or physical prowess compared to his own. Usually he didn’t even notice it considering Raiden was his fledgling. Though it gave him pause this time for reasons he’d never admit as he silently studied the brute of a doctor, not exactly hating what he saw, of course that was until their eyes met and Lucien face shifted with a frown. 
“I’m surprised you aren’t mindlessly humping your desk. Seems a better use of your time than treating patients.” Lucien scoffed looking away from the fool or trying to, but his eyes kept being drawn back to the large frame, the scares that peaked from his shirt, the callouses on his hands that were far rougher than Lucien’s had ever been and it made the room feel so uncomfortably hot. 
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stateofsport211 · 3 months
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📸 ATP official website
One of the peak action of this week’s finals was the Naples Challenger finals, where a generational battle between eighth Pierre-Hugues Herbert, who previously defeated fifth seed Corentin Moutet 4-6, 6-3, 6-1 in a topsy-turvy all-French battle, and second seed Luca Nardi, who overcame an all-Italian derby against Francesco Passaro 3-6, 7-5, 6-1 in an epic fashion. This match turned out to deliver in one way or another, with their pressure points being mostly tested before the balance came into play toward the end of the match.
L. Nardi had an unideal start to the match, double-faulting around once or twice to start the first set while trying to deal with P-H. Herbert’s depth, where his preceding volley helped to create his break point before its eventual conversion to 2-0. Despite the Frenchman trying to maintain his hold, the home hope started to find a way to appear more aggressive, starting from his forehand return ace 2 points after the former’s double fault, saving his break point thanks to another volley afterward before the said hold to 3-1. Interestingly, this could be a point where L. Nardi started to absorb some pace, pressing P-H. Herbert’s second serves since the latter double-faulted twice in the said game, including one for the Italian to break back to 3-2. L. Nardi then held his serves to 3-3 thanks to his timely forehand down-the-line winner to not only secure the aforementioned service game hold, but also winning him the first point of the subsequent game prior to P-H. Herbert’s service-game hold to 4-3.
Four consecutive games later, P-H. Herbert seemed to find his range from the baseline. Right on L. Nardi’s game point, P-H. Herbert fired a cross-court forehand winner to force the first deuce, and continued by foiling another game point thanks to his cross-court forehand pass. Ultimately, L. Nardi’s +1 forehand error generated P-H. Herbert’s set point, converting it thanks to his preceding forehand to L. Nardi’s forehand error, which was fired too wide to take the first set 7-5, setting himself one set away from another Challenger-level singles title for this year, technically.
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ailtrahq · 8 months
The influential leader of the SHIB development team, known to the community under the alias Shytoshi Kusama, has spread the word about "something brewing" in the official SHIB Telegram channel "Shibarium Tech."Kusama responded to a message from Telegram user "The Frenchman"; it was he who messaged "something is brewing," apparently referring to the SHIB team. Shytoshi Kusama responded: "Very much so."Source: Telegram channel "Shibarium Tech"Earlier this week, Kusama stirred the SHIB army with his message published after his meeting with several members of the Bad Idea AI team. Back then, Shytoshi wrote that among the things they discussed were "advances on secret and not so secret AI initiatives for Shib." The SHIB leader offered no further details.Besides, Shytoshi recently warned Shibizens on Telegram against trading the Calcium (CAL) token, reminding the community that it was created as part of renouncing the BONE contract and is not a real token. Besides, Kusama promised "to end the silenc"” soon after a long period of not posting messages to the community on social media.Shibarium keeps growingIn the meantime, the Layer-2 blockchain Shibarium launched by the SHIB team in the middle of August during the ETH Toronto conference continues to grow in terms of its key metrics.Thus, the number of total transactions has surpassed the 3,300,000 level, and the amount of connected blockchain wallets reached 1,252,370. As for the number of minted blocks, it currently stands at 997,748, according to the shibariumscan explorer.The current count of daily transactions stands at close to 15,000, while not so long ago, on Sept. 13, it managed to reach a peak of 200,000.SHIB price actionCurrently, Shiba Inu strives to recover after a more than 5% fall faced by the token at the start of the week, when SHIB plunged from $0.00000759 to the $0.00000719 level. After several attempts to regain the losses, SHIB has returned to the same level, where it is exchanging hands at the moment.
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tandrew · 1 year
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Back to posting from my January 2023 Malaysia/Australia Trip!
January 2023 - Thistle Cove to Lucky Bay, Cape Le Grand National Park, Esperance, Western Australia
Our next stop in Cape Le Grand National Park after Frenchman Peak was one I had been excited to check out which is Lucky Bay where supposedly you could find kangaroos hanging out by the beach.
Unfortunately we didn't see any kangaroos, but we still had a nice scenic coastal trail run starting at Thistle Cove over to Lucky Bay and then back. It was a pretty short and flat 1.2 mile (2 kilometer) trail run with only 570.9 feet (174 meter) elevation gain.
We ran into another family (no pun intended!) and chatted a bit since they too were disappointed that they didn't see any kangaroos. We ran into them again as we turned around at Lucky Bay and then ran into them a third time when we got back to Thistle Cove lol. And when we were at Lucky Bay Brewing, when we ran into the first family who jokingly thought we found an elevator at Frenchman Peak, the two families happened to be friends!
📸 Susanna Tan (my cousin, twin sister, and road trip buddy!)
For the full experience (no login required if viewed on a web browser - just click the links!):
Public Facebook reel: https://www.facebook.com/reel/215387678113964
Public Instagram reel: https://www.instagram.com/reel/Ctw10OApHDJ/
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