#Frick Zeffo
(You've been there once, you never want need to go back)
Me, tearfully and frantically glancing from the map to the tangle of ziplines above me: I just wanna go home Q~Q
Me: *finally figures it out and have a clear shot back to the mantis, but still upset cause i hate this place sm- *
Game: *grabs me by the face, throws me onto the floor, traps me in an electric net, kidnaps me, takes my light saber and BD-1 and my fricking map *
Me: *slowly crumples to the ground, curls into a ball and waits for death, sobbing *
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tarisilmarwen · 10 months
Ahsoka: "Master and Apprentice" & "Toil and Trouble" Liveblog
We've added Marrok and Hyuang and one of the mercenaries and Chopper and Sabine to the opening character swivels, nice.
Digging this drum cue.
And we get an opening crawl! Nice.
Hilariously this bridge sequence feels more Star Trek than Star Wars.
Good for this captain he's very suspicious.
Hi Baylan! Hi Shin!
Aaaaaaaand they all dead.
All right, well thus far I can say I definitely like Baylan's heavy forceful presence and Shin's near feral nimbleness and speed.
Also digging the general Black Knight feel of Baylan, when he calls her "Lady Morgan" here.
Definitely feeling Zeffo vibes off this temple here.
Aligning the pedestals to light up each of the map icons definitely feels like it'd be a perfect JFO minigame lol.
That... is a Treasure Planet map.
Love how these droids move.
Welp, they blew up quite a bit of the ruins.
Oh and she does have the lekku markings, nice.
I'm sorry, lol, the height difference is gonna bug me, Ahsoka with her large montrals was like... one of the tallest characters on the show and LA!Hera's got inches on her here it's unintentionally hilarious.
Makes LA!Ahsoka look like a shrimp.
This is a call to improve the alien makeup Disney, I'm sorry I will never not be disappointed in it.
My heart. :(((( Hera came to believe that Thrawn (and most likely Ezra too) died in the Liberation of Lothal. The quiet fearful hope on her face as she's holding this map.
"If Thrawn survived, does that mean Ezra--?"
And Lothal looks beautiful. *sniffles*
Hi Ryder!
And Jai Kell got to be Lothal's senator! SWEET.
The camera shot that introduces her. *chef kiss*
Sabine being A MESS because she misses Ezra so much and she can't stand being at the dedication ceremony honoring him. :((((
There she goes to the tower.
We don't ever learn its name do we? Then I'm calling it Skrunkles.
OHHHHH I heard Sabine's theme! With the pan down to her stored armor.
The cat is really too cute, they did a fantastic job on it.
Ezra's theme playing too aaaaaaaand frick I'm dead.
"Hey Sabine! Sorry for disappearing on you." YOU HAD BETTER BE SORRY YOU LITTLE SHIT.
Ha ha now I understand all the weird Sabezra related asks I got over the weekend, y'all were trying to warn me.
Like I've said before, canon validation isn't my be all end all, I love these two and that's not gonna stop.
Also? Eman is nailing this.
And there's the Nightsister reveal.
I'm slightly confused as to how and why Baylan knows that Ahsoka had Sabine as her apprentice.
Like, where to find Sabine, that's easy, obviously she's on Lothal, she's the local hero and protector.
But why does he know about Ahsoka's connection to her?
Anyway, Lothal still looks beautiful.
Bury me in Sabine having maybe prophetic nightmares and waking up gasping Ezra's name.
"Everyone was there." "Not everyone."
Natasha is killing it with this look like she's trying to hold back from crying.
They cut out the "It's been a while." line, huh. Interesting choice.
Oooooooo Sabine has doodles in one of the bunks on Ahsoka's ship!
This dialogue seems a bit redundant to the Hera-Ahsoka scene. Like, isn't this the same conversation she had with Hera?
I can't get over it, lol, it's literally a Treasure Planet map. Love it.
"The map stays here." You're going to turn around and Sabine's is gonna be GONE honey.
See, told ya. Lol.
Callbacks to Maul scenes from Phantom Menace, nice.
Skrunkles is adorable. I love him.
Ohhhhhh we are definitely exploring Ahsoka's lingering guilt over leaving the Order, leaving Anakin, before his Fall.
That design looks a bit like a Celtic knot. Maybe tying into the whole Authurian legend theme with some of the names and aesthetics?
Sabine are you seriously planning to go off looking for Ezra by yourself?
You've got it baaaaaad girl.
Okay, glad they finally explained where the turbolift was in this thing lol.
Youuuuuuuu didn't need to lurk, Shin? Literally could have just taken the map and left?
Ho ho Shin grabbing the lightsaber in order to throw Sabine around.
Ooof that's gonna scar.
Soooooo was Shin just being Extra and wanting to fight another Jedi?
Bet that was it.
"For our friend, Ray" RIP good man. :(
Star charts credits nice!
These are gorgeous and I wanna study them so much more closely. I think there's a chimera? Some kind of worm thing.
The score is also excellent and I love Sabine's theme and Ezra's theme throughout.
Bet Sabine had to spend quite a while in a bacta tank. Good thing she got medical attention right away.
Seatos! Okay. And a "reflex point"? Color me intrigued.
Loth-kittes aww.
Ahsoka's looooong sigh when she sees that Sabine's been rewatching Ezra's holo, lol.
A lovely little moment between Hera and SAbine here.
Nightsister ichor!
I am loving the star map.
"Thrawn calls to me... across time and space." Okay lady sure take a cold shower before your crush gets too hot okay.
So there are a LOOOOOT of plot McGuffins in this story thus far lol.
I'm sorry, Shin's actress is so dead I need her to emote more in her quiet scenes, simply being vicious and feral in fights isn't working.
The Phantom II looks so beautiful.
Oh wow we're actually exploring the fact that rebuilding the New Republic is messy and complicated and you can't just fire and/or jail a bunch of low level civilian machiners just because they worked on Imperial ships.
And we're ALSO getting some hard-handed slapping Ahsoka in the face with the fact that she's a mess and needs to deal with her mess.
"I see you still have your lightsaber." "Ezra's lightsaber."
Filoni I love the messy prickly falling out between Ahsoka and Sabine but I would really like... ONE paragraph of exposition about why Sabine went to Ahsoka and asked to be trained, or however that happened.
I mean I know I can inference that she was desperate to feel closer to Kanan and Ezra and mourning them and trying to be the hero Lothal needed and worked up in her feelings about, "If Ezra's not here to be Lothal's Jedi I have to be." but the general audience might need some help.
So I'm confused is it that the New Republic was lazy and/or too trusting/too willing to give ex-Imperials another chance just to keep some kind of order and peace and infrastructure in place or are they just that bad at uncovering spies?
Because there is a good point that not everyone who worked for the machine of the Empire has to be rooted out and displaced from their jobs and livelihoods, that just builds resentment, makes it easier for the Imperial Remnant to gain support.
At the same time though I feel like this is tying into the general New Canon "The New Republic is incompetent." trend that I'm not a fan of.
Next setpiece yay!
Love Ahsoka using the droid as a body shield.
Oh, have we remembered we need to clear atmosphere BEFORE jumping? Thanks that's great. SW been slacking on that.
Oh what? Oh this is new, hang on the bulleted lists have a character limit.
Where were we?
The new Chopper model is so much more expressive than the one they build before, it looks great. Very much like the cartoon.
And cue the Kanan parallel scene with Sabine.
Gimme a minute.
Right so even if you don't ship them, their bond is hugely undeniable, they are in fact the Most Important People to each other, she misses him so much and she's been drowning in her grief about him.
Ngl the finger touch is still getting me.
"It's more me." Frick, how she's been hiding away from her true self, essentially cosplaying as Ezra because she thought that was what Lothal needed, and now she's struggling to understand who she is now.
Oh what?
Are they building a hyperspace ring? A special one???
(Reference, on the show Stargate SG-1 the plot revolves around a network of alien wormhole transportation devices called stargates, that connect to each other across the galaxy. But to connect to OTHER galaxies you either needed a plot device energy source called a ZPM or YOU HAD TO BUILD A REALLY REALLY BIG HUGE HONKING STARGATE.)
I am very nicely happy with how things are unfolding, aside from a few nitpicks here and there about the worldbuilding and backstory that's been kept from us. (Ahsoka and Sabine's whole... everything.)
But it does not look like Sabine is Force Sensitive, which I'm glad about. I've seen a couple people salty about her being a Jedi and honestly between the two options of "Make her Sensitive and retcon large parts of Rebels" or "It's a new era, there are No More Rules, we can't be picky about who we take on as Jedi so sure let's have a non-Sensitive, Ahsoka maybe thought it was safer that way anyway", I know which one I'm picking.
The whole plot with the celestial navigation is fascinating. I need to study screencaps of the starmap and the end credits for clues because WOAH BOY DID I NOT EXPECT EXPANDING BEYOND THE GFFA.
Ezra baby come hoooooooooome. :(((( Your girl misses you.
Wew lad, I hope there are plenty of gifsets, 'cause Imma reblog 'em all.
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cosmiciaria · 4 years
Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order review! (Spoiler free)
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Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order (SWJFO) appeared out of fricking nowhere and to everyone's surprise, it was a striking success? How? But… EA was so bad at making SW games!! I don't see micro transactions and… is this… actual… plot… with actual… good characters?? I'm shooketh.
So, yes, SWJFO is a good game! It's not perfect, it has its flaws, yes, but considering where we come from… Battlefront II I'm looking at you.
The game takes place between Episode III and Episode IV. I won't say it's a "bridge" between those two Episodes because it isn't, and some may argue that talking about Jedi in the middle of those two pieces of media doesn't take you anywhere, since we all know what happens next, but let me explain to you: the story fits so well. So well.
We follow Cal Kestis, your average ginger Good Boi, who's a padawan in disguise. It's been five years since Order 66 and he's been hiding all this time in Bracca, a junkyard, where he works mostly enslaved by the Empire. His good pal Prauf tells him he should go outside and explore the galaxy, since he's young and cute probably, but Cal is so scared of being found and he's suffering such a huge survivor's guilt that he doesn't take any action to leave that planet.
It all seemed to be like another ordinary day of work, dismembering old ships and searching for useful parts, when the wing that Cal and Prauf were working on suddenly falls from the body of the ship, and Cal, who hasn't been using his Force since the execution of the Jedi, is forced (pun intended) to save his friend from falling to his death. Prauf understands the stakes, and swears to keep the secret.
However, destiny seems to hate him, because the Inquisitors (the Second and Ninth Sisters to be more precise), an order of Jedi-turned-to-dark-side that serves the Empire, arrive at Bracca, looking for a remaining Force-wielder who hides among the workers. Prauf steps up for his comrade, only to be impaled quite literally in front of Cal. Cal loses his composure and snaps at the Second Sister, revealing his nature as Jedi, and so the hunt begins.
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Cal faces the Second Sister, who menacingly swings her lightsaber with red emitters, but he's too weak to defeat her. Just when we thought that everything is lost, a new spaceship arrives: the Mantis, and a woman reaches out from the main gate, asking us to jump. Cal doesn't think twice, bids farewell to a very angry Second Sister and jumps into safety.
Inside the Mantis, Cal meets his saviors: Cere, a former jedi who purposely cut her link with the Force, and Greez, a lateros who is the owner and driver of the ship. Cere goes straight to the point: she's been looking for Cal (or any other Force-sensitive to be honest) for years now, because she has a clear plan: to rebuild the Jedi Order.
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From here onward, the game opens up. You'll be visiting Bogano first, which is the sanctuary more or less of Cordova, a dead character that will have a great impact on the whole story. Cordova was Cere's master, and he's worked and compiled information about the Zeffo sages and other interesting mythos from around the galaxy. Cordova swears that in the ancestral chamber in Bogano, sealed by ancient technology created by the Zeffo, lies the Holocron: a cubic thingy only readable for Jedi, that holds key information about the names of the kids who are Force-sensitives. With this list of names, Cere plans to bring back the Jedi and strike back at the Empire.
So the main objective is to get this Holocron, but to get there, you'll have to go to many planets and explore many nooks and crannies. I won't spoil it for you, because I try to never spoil in my reviews, and like I said before, it may sound like this goal doesn't make any sense since we know they don't succeed in rebuilding the Order (hell, not even with Rey and it's been a whole generation since then), but hear me out: the story still fits so well! PLEASE TRUST ME IN THIS ONE
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So instead of talking about the plot, let's talk about the characters!
Cal will be your main character. I read that some people think he's boring, ok, I can take that. The reality is that there's so much more to him than just his dashing appearance (alright, maybe I am biased, since I love red hairs) and his kindness and good-boy-ness. Cal is deeply regretful by his actions during Order 66 and he can't forget nor forgive what happened to his master. He feels remorseful and blames himself for the outcome of the purge. He has a scar on his face that constantly reminds him of it. He's a clear case of survivor's guilt syndrome, and it doesn't take one much to see it. I won't say when or the context, but there's a moment in which he has to ride a escape pod, and he looks around, nervously, as if he's going to suffocate, because it reminds him of the purge – man, there's a lot not said that really touches you. I don't need a character to tell me that he's sad. He can show it to me and that's exemplarily well done with him.
Another example of a sad character, more in-your-face this time, is Cere. A former master, now devoid of the Force, Cere wanders the galaxy with a clear goal in mind. But in her past, she hides torture and some too-close-for-comfort connection with the dark side. She wants to redeem herself and she trusts that this sacred mission will, not wipe out, but compensate for her mistakes. Cere is a great north in this game and she always supports Cal in everything. Her unconditional trust may seem overwhelming at first, but she's careful and she knows with what they're all dealing with. Besides she's badass af.
Greez is a less warrior character but much funnier than the rest of the cast. As the owner of the Mantis, he takes care of this ship as if it were his daughter. He has a knack for cooking and even though he tries to hide it, he does have a soft spot for Cal. Maybe his past of gambler and addiction makes him come across as the one who doesn't give a damn of what's going on, but if that were truly the case, he wouldn't be here, trying to rebuild the Order as well. He has by far the best lines in the script, and he's so unintentionally funny. There was this scene, out of context, where Cere and Cal were having an argument while eating, and he was sitting in between, in the background, adding peppermint or whatever spice to his dish, but the thing is, he never stopped throwing peppermint to his dish because he was watching them argue. Damn. I love him.
Merrin is introduced later in the game, but she does play a large role in the story. Born and raised in Dathomir, Merrin is a Nightsister, an order of 'witches' let's call them that have twisted the Force and use it in a different way than the Jedi. After General Grievous (as much as we assume, because he's mentioned as "armored man wielding lightsabers") wiped out all the life in Dathomir, Merrin remained as the sole survivor of her planet, roaming around the corpses of her sisters with no goal whatsoever. She resents the Jedi and has sworn to fight them even if it cost her life. This led her to get in with a bad crowd… but she'll find a better purpose after she meets Cal (And if you ask me, this SHIP HAS SAAAAAIIILLLLEEED).
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And last but not least, the Second Sister, who, as I said before, was a former Jedi who was forced into the dark side, now hunts the remaining Force-sensitive that have escaped from the purge. She seems your ordinary villain at the start of the story, but slowly the plot will be unfolding a lot of details about her past and how she became an Inquisitor, making her as much, if not more than, important like the rest of the cast.
If there's thread connecting all these characters, is their broken pasts. These are all broken characters who now must face the consequences of their decisions, however much they don't want to look that way. They have to reconcile with their pasts and overcome their fears. They have all suffered, but in this suffering they found strength. And each other.
And I cannot not mention BD-1, your companion droid. He has personality, you can't deny it. Every time Cal went like "How is it going, BD-1?" and the droid threw his "Boops-beeps", please, they're having a profound conversation DON'T INTERRUPT THEM.
As far as gameplay goes, this game borrows from other great creations of the PS4 era: Uncharted (you'll be climbing and doing parkour a lot), Tomb Raider (sliding down and tomb raiding, yes), Dark Souls (meditation/save points where you can level up your skills and also whenever you die you lose your exp gained, but not the ability points. You can recover that exp though), and Sekiro (parry. Parry a lot). This may seem to all of you like the game lacks originality, and while it's debatable, I still think that it has a lot new and original gameplay to offer, specially when it comes to Force wielding and lightsabers. Oh, yes, you're a Jedi (padawan, actually), you'll be using the Force! The game tries really hard to integrate the Force not only in combat, but also while you explore and while you solve puzzles. The more you level up, the more powerful your abilities become, and it comes a point when you feel unstoppable. The Stormtroopers might sound cocky at first, but when you start pushing and pulling, oh, yes, fear the Jedi! So yes, the game may look like a copycat of previous works in the gaming industry, but it does make a good use of all those mechanics, while still throwing something new elements into the mix.
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The level design is ASTOUNDING, sometimes I turned around one corner and appeared somewhere I thought it was like miles away from my place, and I was marveled at how well everything interconnects with everything. The level of detail also is so meticulous and well crafted, like there are so many little things that if you stop to stare and pay attention you'll be so mesmerized by them. Some of the places are so eye candy, even Dathomir with their "I AM DEATH" vibes has such a beautiful color palette, that I couldn't help but take a thousand screenshots. This game looks gorgeous, and it shows. You know, when a game has a photo mode, you know the devs are convinced of its beauty.
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But, like I said earlier, the game isn't without flaws. While I praised the intricate level design, there's also one thing I hate a lot: backtracking. Yes, in these huge maps, there are no fast travels. You can create shortcuts and such, but, if you want to get to that 2% that was left unexplored in that particular area, you must return to it by foot. This is a huge let down for me. I did the game with a guide, so I grabbed most of the collectibles during my first time in each planet, but still there were some things that I missed, and I had to go all the way there to revisit places with the only purpose of grabbing that stupid chest or filling that small percentage of the map, while trying to survive against the enemies, since everything in this game, everything, wants to actively kill you. Damn, Cal was wanted.
Another huge drawback for me that it normally doesn't bother me much were the low framerates. I played it on normal PS4, not the Pro, and the rendition of the game wasn't good. I wasn't even fighting or doing a lot of stuff on screen, I was just climbing and chilling, and still the framerates would fall like under 20. When there a lot of things going on screen, the game suffers from it and it makes you know that the play station is giving its all to make it function. I believe this isn't a problem for those who have a nice computer and play it with the highest specs, but as I know that there are people out there who really care about the performance, I had to at least mention this.
Also, do not come here thinking that this is an open world game. Yes, granted, you can travel from planet to planet with no real rush and take things with time, but the maps are mostly linear (except for the interconnections between each area), and once you explored or got all chests, that's all there's to it. Now that I have completed the game and platinumed it, the planets feel barren, empty, like there's no real life breathing through the leaves or the rooms. And I think I know what this game could've benefited a lot from: sidequests. There are no NPC's here, except for some Wookies at that moment in the story or your crew members, so there's no one to give you a sidequest. But even without NPC's, they could've thrown sidequests from the different collectibles that you come across in your path, or maybe when on arriving at a certain place. There's like one thing that gets close to a sidequest and it's exploring a crashed Venator in the planet Zeffo, but that's all there's to it: more of the same killing, climbing and cutting ropes. If you're a rookie collector, then yes, this game got you covered, for there are over 200 collectibles (I think over 300 actually, considering echoes and chests and scans), but it's not like there's anything in between these, except for enemies. No banter with your crew members while you walk around, some occasional beep boops from BD-1 only.
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I think those are my main complaints, but all in all I believe that the good compensates the bad. The last "mission" is reaaaaally good, and they did something I really like, which I won't spoil. I'm just going to say that I'm so glad with the decisions they took. The relationships between the characters grow vividly before our eyes, and we see Cal develop from a frightened fugitive into a fighter. There are moments in the story and in the gameplay where the game made me go like "whoa", I was truly amazed by what was going on. The acting is flawless, the music gets under your skin and the vistas are just dreamy. There so many easter eggs to appease even the most hardcore SW fan! They could polish all the things I said, but if there's another SW game developed by Respawn and with that writing team, I'll be there to buy it.
It's not perfect, but it's good. Give Cal a chance!
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vagrantblvrd · 5 years
Jedi: Fallen Order isn’t a perfect game but I loved it so much, I cannot even.
Spoilers under read more/cut.
Respawn did so well with the Titanfall 2 campaign and I had high hopes for Jedi: Fallen Order and they did such a great job.
I was like :DDDDDDDDDDD when they didn’t kill Cal or the Mantis’ crew off. Genuinely surprised and delighted because it would have been so easy to do? Fall into the trap of “Oh, well. All the Jedi are dead by the time A New Hope happens, so of course we have to kill them” setting aside the fact Obi-wan and Yoda and other Jedi I probably don’t know about did, but yes. (I actually put off finishing the final chapter because I thought they were going to kill him off for ~DRAMA and was like no, c’mon, no. Don’t do the thing.)
Cal was super likeable even if he gave me conniptions after discovering the identity of Second Sister and that whole mess. (I mean, yes, ~naive kid and the whatnot, but yes.)
And! Making the smart choice with regards to the holocron! (I feel like I’ve seen too much of characters being idiots recently to be so delighted by things like that.)
Also, also? Respawn loves their Protagonist And Their Robot BFF super a lot and I’m so here for it
(That cut scene with BD-1 and Cal on Ilum? Just, why are you like this, Respawn? You know you’ve got me with the robot BFF thing already, don’t make me feel more FEELS about them.)
Second Sister/Trilla was an amazing antagonist and just a brilliant character all around.
There’s so much potential for more games and if this is true we might get them??? (Pleased dear God, let it be true. I’m still sad we never got a sequel to Titanfall 2 knowing BT’s still out there somewhere okay. Please let Respawn continue Cal and the rest of the Mantis’ crew’s adventures in future installments.)
I’m super curious about what happened to the padawan who survived the Start Destroyer crash on Zeffo, okay?
Did he manage to make it to safety? Did the villagers take him in? Will he show up somewhere later the way Mirienna did on Kashykk? Or did the Empire find him?
If not immediately after the crash, then when the mining operation came to Zeffo or some such???
(If he does show up again later, I’m totally leaning towards him getting captured by the Empire at some point and turned into an Inquisitor who is Cal’s foil in a future game because their tragic backstories that mirror one another so perfectly, okay.)
ALSO. How great was it we got to meet Mirienna in person after discovering what happened to her and her family on Zeffo? Not a happy meeting, but we gave her closer regarding her partner and found out she and her kiddo were still alive? (Gonna assume she still is, after leaving Kashykk that last time, because yes.)
As for the game itself some story beats felt off with pacing/resolution to certain issues but not super terrible plot wise? Predictable in spots, but I mean. Star Wars? Idk.
Technical issues and the whatnot that were annoying but not enough to be a major problem.
Still really annoyed by the camera that made certain parts a pain - going after all the secrets and chests and whatnot where aiming is pretty important? Yes.
The fricking slides. (Kashykk and Dathomir, I’m looking at you.) I liked the checkpoints they gave us for them but my God, what a pain. (Camera, I’m also looking at you.)
No fast travel got old fast, especially with all the backtracking involved with getting the scannables/chests/secrets after earning new abilities that made it possible to get them.
That would have come in handy for that so much.
The ability to replay missions would be great, or even a New Game+ system, but I’m glad they have more than one save slot so you can do playthroughs on different difficulty settings.
It would have been nice to have some kind of databank entries on the Haxion Brood bounty hunters that pop up to keep track of? Just know how many of them there are and so on, but that’s a minor quibble.
Aside from all that, though I really liked this game and hope for more from Respawn in the future.
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