#Friend's Oc Pecha
wardenswateringhole · 4 months
Shadowed Cross - Chapter 3
(This is an AU worked on by @peachypede and myself. Inspired by @bluebellowl's 50's AU.)
Cut for length. Enjoy.
Ilona stared out the window, watching the world pass by as she rode in the backseat of the car. Buddy had said it was Mercedes Benz and then rattled of numbers and terms that swiftly flew over Ilona’s head. She ran her hand over the red leather seat. Her human hand.
It felt strange. Cross drilled a spell quickly into her head before he even let her step foot out the front door. The spell worked thus far. She was human again. But it was temporary. Cross said it would last however long she could hold it. He made her promise to start finding a safe place as soon as she felt even a hint of the spell fading. Promise wasn’t entirely accurate. It was more that he held her by the nape of the neck and hissed how badly things would go if she was caught. She gulped as she remembered the feeling of his hot breath against her ear, saying she’d be left to her fate and he would deny all knowledge of her as people who did not care about her well-being captured her and did gods knew what to her.
“You okay, kid?”
Buddy’s voice from the driver’s seat pulled her out of her mind. He still wore the shades but she could see his eyes glance at her in the rear view mirror as he drove. She nodded.
“Yeah. I’m okay…”
Her eyes drifted around the interior. It was all red. A dull boring red that didn’t assault the eyes but didn’t beg for the attention of such either. Ilona felt small. She could stretch her legs out completely. The tips of the white pumps still didn’t even reach the back of the front seat. Buddy could be heard laughing softly.
“Enjoying yourself?”
“Who in the world could need this much room?”
“You mean other than Mr.’I’m too tall for my own good’ Cross?”
“Oh yeah… I guess he would be a little squished in a regular car...”
She rubbed her arm. The conflicting feelings of right and wrong returned. The skin felt alien without the fur. But she knew it was how it should be. She could still feel Buddy’s eyes on her.
“Without all that fur… I think I recognize you now.”
Ilona looked up at him. “I don’t think I ever made a delivery to Mr. Cross’s mansion…”
Buddy shook his head. “Nah… Somewhere else… Were you ever a waitress or something?”
Ilona’s mind traveled back to a much less content time in her life. Her first job. She was a soda jerk. One of the few female ones. It showed in how the guests treated her. When she wasn’t being treated as completely incompetent for things beyond her control, she was getting harassed for the short skirt she was made to wear. The owner had definitely believed in the adage ‘sex sells’.
“Uh. Yeah… I was the soda jerk for a diner on the other side of town. Uh, Lenny’s Eats.”
“That was you!?” Buddy sounded like he was ready to wreck the car. “You’re the one who broke that dessert dish over that guy’s head!”
“You were there for that!?”
Buddy howled in laughter. “Boy Howdy! I was there with some other drivers while Joe-- I mean, Mr. Cross was at some function. The fellas and I were about to get up and get the guy after he yanked on your skirt but you beat us to it.”
Ilona’s cheeks still burned with how angry that had made her. She was also written up and had her pay docked for the incident. The owner was obligated to tell the guy to take a hike but he also made sure that Ilona couldn’t assault the customers in return, no matter what they had done. It didn’t dawn on her that she was the only one to actually put up with that treatment until she had decided to quit. The boss flipped between begging her to stay and verbally assaulting her as she put in her notice. In the end, she didn’t even finish the two weeks. The man was left short staffed for eleven of the fourteen days she had said she’d remain. Last she had seen the place, there was a for sale sign on the window and the doors were boarded shut.
Served the asshole right, she had thought.
“You got moxie, kid. Tons of it. Whatever happens, you’ll be okay. I know you will.”
Ilona thought for a moment before nodding. Buddy’s words seemed to almost magically dispel the anxiety that gnawed on her nerves.
“Thanks, Buddy.”
She saw the trademark red striped walls of Jerry’s diner out the corner of her eye. Buddy drove past and parked into another parking space for a business next door. He put the car in park and turned in his seat to look at her.
“You remember the plan?”
Ilona nodded. “I’ve got it. I’ll be okay.”
“Good luck. Kid. I’m routing for ya.”
“Thanks again, Buddy.”
The door clicked as Ilona opened the door.
Everett’s reflection in the face of his wristwatch glowered back at him as he tapped his fingers against the table. It had been twenty minutes. Twenty minutes since he and Pecha had arrived and sat down. They had a normal meet up time. 10am. Each time. It wasn’t unheard of for Ilona to be a few minutes late but she always made it close to time. She was never this late.
Everett’s eyes drifted up to Pecha sucking down her soda. His eyes watched the liquid disappear rapidly. The ice clinked against the glass as it no longer had it’s bubbly cushion to keep it a float. A loud slurping sound signaled the soda’s demise as she stopped and looked back at him.
“That never ceases to amaze me. Where does it go?” Everett replied flatly. Pecha shrugged as she dabbed daintily at the corners of her mouth.
“In my stomach, I would assume.”
Everett sighed. “As Ilona would say, ‘you’re going to hate yourself later’… of course she’s not here to say that…”
Everett propped his head on his hand and looked around the diner. It was a bit of a slow day. Some older diners chatted and the sounds of the cook working away could be heard. His voice yelling order names that sounded like some made up language would pierce the quiet from time to time. Without fail, the waitress would gather the order and deliver it where it needed to go despite the words that came out the cooks mouth making no sense at all. What the hell even was “Adam and Eve on a raft and two blowout patches and axle grease”?
Ilona would know. Ilona would have been the one to translate when either he or Pecha was curious. Ilona was not here.
Everett huffed once more before staring at his watch like it would magically bid Ilona to appear.
“She’ll be here, Everett.” Pecha stirred the ice around in soda-less glass absentmindedly. “She probably just got caught up in a delivery.”
“That’s what I’m afraid of…” Everett sat up straight. His hands waved in front of him as he spoke, “She’s always caught up in something since she left that diner job. That delivery job seems to hold all her time lately.”
Everett had been surprised when she had called him up to join her for a celebration. He had arrived at Pecha’s house and later stood in Pecha’s backyard with a watering hose as Ilona set fire to the uniform she had loathed so deeply. It was the night she vowed to never return to that place. She then proceeded to explain she was getting paid very well for her delivery job. It had made Everett scratch his head. He didn’t know of many delivery jobs that paid that well. He was happy for her nonetheless. That was before he got a good look at her new lifestyle.
“Haven’t you noticed how she’s been since taking up that delivery job? Her clothes at gotten at least three new patches in the past month and that was a brand new pair of pants! Her shirt is going ragged as well! And the injuries! She’s had bruises and scrapes for days!”
Pecha listened to Everett’s rant while still playing with the straw in her ice. He named off several instances he felt that Ilona had not taken her safety seriously. Several more were counted off on his fingers where he wondered about her hygiene as she was covered in dirt and debris from unknown sources.
“Is she still eating? Drinking water?” Pecha asked suddenly causing Everett to stop his complaining mid sentence. He looked at her blankly.
“Yeah? Seems so. She didn’t look thinner or anything…”
“And taking her medicine?”
“Well, yeah, she hasn’t had any episodes and still looks healthy all things considered.”
“Then there’s nothing to worry about.” Pecha assured him, looking down at her cup once more and watching the ice swirl with the motion of her straw.
“Ilona has always been a bit aloof. She’s rough around the edges and active. She doesn’t mean to get hurt, but she seems to know what to do when it happens. She may not have done anything with it, but that degree in medicine seems to have given her some knowledge when it comes to taking care of herself in those situations. I really don’t think you should worry so much about her. She can take care of herself… Don’t you think so, Everett?”
Pecha looked back up at Everett to see him staring at something behind her. His eyes were wide and his mouth was dropped open. She turned and saw the subject of Everett’s astonishment.
Walking toward them was Ilona. A green and white gingham dress flowed around her as she moved. Pecha couldn’t help but let her own jaw drop.
Everett was already clamoring to his feet to pull out a chair for her. His mouth had still not closed. Ilona sat and gave Everett a small thank you as he sat back down with eyes still glued to her.
“What? Is it too much?”
Pecha shook her head as if trying to set her ability to speak back in motion. “N-no! It’s great! I just… I thought you didn’t like dresses…”
It was true. Ilona had made a big deal about never wearing anything dress like ever again after the harassment she had suffered at her previous job. It had pained Pecha so very much. Pecha loved to dress up in pretty clothes, especially when Ilona was there to do it with her.
Ilona shrugged. “Those clothes I was wearing to do my deliveries were getting really worn and it’s hot. I’ll have to be dressy until I can get a new shirt and trousers.”
Everett found his voice finally. “I didn’t know you owned something so nice…”
“I…” Ilona rubbed at her arm once more. “It… was… well, it was buried deep in my closet. I didn’t want to have to wear it unless I absolutely had to.”
Everett opened his mouth to speak only to be excitedly grabbed by Pecha. “Here they come!”
The waitress came over and sat three plates down. Each had a serving of stuffed french toast with different flavors. One strawberry, one blueberry, and one chocolate. Each were drizzled in warm syrup and a dollop of whipped cream sat pertly atop it all but was quickly melting from the heat of the meal. The sugary substance slowly dripped down the sides of the bread and mixed into the cream cheese, flavoring, and powered sugar.
The scent assaulted Ilona’s senses. She could feel the familiar ferality rising as she stared at the three plates. Her jaw clenched hard as she held herself back. Despite her earlier meal, her stomach still growled loudly. Pecha laughed as she retrieved her cutlery from the rolled napkin.
“Wow Ilona, I can hear your stomach from here!”
Ilona forced a grin as she dug the heel of her shoe into the toes of the other foot. The pain was enough to push away the urge to plunge her face into the food. “Y-yeah! I didn’t realize how hungry I am. Uh, who’s is who’s?”
“Well…” Everett began, holding a fork at the ready. “We couldn’t decide which ones we wanted and didn’t know what flavor you’d like either so we figured we’d try all three together.” He cut a piece from the chocolate one and quickly scooped it into his mouth, taking care to not let the syrup and whipped cream drip everywhere. His eyes widened as he held a hand over his mouth. Pecha and Ilona stared at him.
“Well?” Pecha asked.
“This might have been a mistake… I don’t want to share.” Everett replied behind his hand.
Pecha and Ilona glanced to one another before digging into the other two flavors. Their reactions were much the same but all three managed to control themselves enough to urge one another to try what they themselves enjoyed.
The table descended into giggles and playful banter as they enjoyed the meal. Ilona had long forget about her earlier encounter, losing herself to sweet treats and the company of friends. The memory of her promise to Cross came back to her as she saw Buddy out the window. He threw her a thumbs up. She gave him a slight nod before he turned and left.
Good. He found my bike.
“So Ilona…”
Ilona turned to Everett with her fork still in her mouth. She grunted at him as she continued to lick the sweetness from it’s prongs.
“You know why we agreed to meet…”
Oh no, here we go, Ilona thought to herself. She pulled the fork from her mouth and set it back on the plate in front of her, long empty from their feasting. “Okay… You got me here. Let’s get on with it. What do you have to say?”
Everett gave her a sidelong look. “The same thing I said yesterday… Your new job is a bit too dangerous in my opinion.”
Ilona nodded. “You did say that, and I understand. I’ll try not to get hurt so much in the future.”
“Not good enough.” Everett grunted. “You keep saying that and I keep seeing new wounds and patches on your clothes.”
“What do you want form me, Everett? I’m not stopping being a delivery biker because you can’t stop being a worry wart.”
“And you don’t worry enough!”
“WHOA! Hey! Hey… let’s calm down now…” Pecha held her hands up at both her friends as they both huffed and looked away from one another. “Look, I get where Everett is coming from. You have been kinda… well…” Ilona’s eyes drifted over to Pecha as she struggled to find the right words. “… Raggedy…”
“What’s that supposed to mean!?” Ilona asked, crossing her arms. “So because I’m not dressed up prim and proper and reeking of flowers and perfume I’m suddenly a danger to myself!?”
“No! That’s not—”
“Dammit Ilona, can you stop being stubborn! You know you can’t keep going like this with your illness! What if you really get yourself one time and bleed out!? No one is going to be able to help you! What if those dogs really did get a hold of you!? You would have been killed!”
Pecha’s head swung toward Everett. “Dogs!? What dogs!?”
Everett scoffed. “Oh yeah, didn’t tell you about that part. The ever adventurous but oh-so-responsible Ilona Vincent decided it would be a good idea to cut through Mr. Carlson’s yard and take a chance that his dog’s wouldn’t chew her to bits.”
“Hey! I made it didn’t I!? I’m still here!”
“Yeah but you still got hurt! Your arm! ...Wait…”
Ilona looked to where Everett’s eyes laid on her. Her arm. Her bare arm. Her bare and uninjured arm.
“You… your arm… it was… it was all scraped and bloody yesterday…”
Ilona could feel her heart beat faster. She didn’t think of this. She should have insisted on getting her regular clothes from her apartment but she was so panicked about being late that it didn’t dawn on her.
“What? N-no it wasn’t. You must have dreamed that…”
“No. I swear it was. I would bet my entire inheritance on it. Ilona…”
Ilona looked away quickly. She could feel something wavering. Like a thin membrane threatening to snap. Pecha’s hands guided her gaze to Pecha’s. Pecha looked worried.
“Ilona? Your eyes. Are you feeling okay?”
“My eyes!?”
Ilona pulled her face away. She rubbed her cheeks, trying to calm down. A glance down at her feet saw the barest hint of black fuzz beginning to sprout around her ankles.
“I need to go!”
Ilona stood. Everett and Pecha stood with her. “Wait! Ilona! What’s wrong!?”
“I’m fine! I-- I just remembered I have an important delivery to make!”
She pushed away from the chair and rushed toward the door. She yelled back to her companions without looking back. “Thanks for the meal! I’ll call you both later!”
“Dammit! Ilona! Wait!”
Everett’s words were lost as she almost sprinted out the door. Everett grumbled as she dug money out of his pocket and threw it all the table before running toward the door himself. Pecha followed awkwardly. They both exited the diner just in time to see Ilona blazing down the street and into the distance. Everett grabbed his bike angrily.
“Everett!? What are you doing!?”
“If she thinks she can just blow us off like that after all that, she’s got another thing coming!”
Everett sped off leaving Pecha to scramble onto her own bike and attempt to catch up. Whatever Ilona was hiding, the pair were determined to confront her about it.
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peachypede · 8 months
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So Oc x Oc won! But in order not to feel conflicted about choosing which friend’s oc to pick, I’ve decided it’s gonna be a draw or write your oc inti my drawing!
I’ll draw my oc into a scene and leave space for you to add who you want!
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astererer · 9 months
5, 9, 11, 28, 33, 34, 48, and 56 for Cleo and Kaz? (I love them i need more of them)
Ask meme here
under the cut for length!!
5. Can they cry on command? If so, what do they think about to make it happen?
Yes she can!! She only cries on command for two reasons:
She finds anyone that isn’t a very feminine and cute girl super unattractive from a dating standpoint, to the point that if someone she isn’t attracted to tries flirting with her she will intentionally make a scene to either make herself as unappealing as possible or make them look like they’ve done something wrong. Is this incredibly shallow and unpleasant of her? Yeah. Does she care? No. She knows exactly what she’s doing. it’s a defence mechanism for her.
On rare occasions if a customer is being particularly rude at her barista job and she can’t be bothered with being professional. If she’s tired and someone starts having a go at her for being “too slow” at making their order with like 5 alterations to it she will turn on the water works and pretend to be a new hire to make them feel bad. Does not do this with regulars for obvious reasons. Her manager doesn’t care and actively plays into it sometimes because she thinks it’s funny.
Doesn’t have one specific thought, instead pulls up various bad memories so she doesn’t get too used to the same thing being used too often. Was bullied a lot in elementary school, so has a lot of options to choose from.
No. Doesn’t like crying in general because to him it shows weakness. If he ever cries it is genuine but private.
9. Do they give tough love or gentle love most often? Which do they prefer to receive?
Prefers to give and receive gentle love. She doesn’t like tough love because teasing and what others may consider playful insults among friends remind her too much of the bullying she’s experienced. Just wants to be cuddled and doted on and would like to do the same for her favourite people in turn.
Gives tough love to most people he cares for with a few exceptions and is used to receiving it in turn, but won’t turn down gentle love from the right person. Kind of craves the softness but at the same time it makes him sort of uncomfortable because he’s just not used to it. Gets kind of freaked out if anyone other than Aster, Cleo or @peachsodama ‘s Pecha are soft/gentle with him, and all three of them had to work over varying periods of time to get to where they are with him in their respective relationships.
11. If someone was impersonating them, what would friends / family ask or do to tell the difference?
Put a friendly and cute ghost type like a pumpkaboo next to her. If it’s the real Cleo she will probably have a panic attack before passing out from fright, due to having an extremely intense fear of ghost types. An impersonator would likely not react anywhere near Cleo’s level, or if they tried to it would be pretty obviously exaggerated.
Get the impersonator to play guitar. Kaz is a skilled guitarist and has his own unique playing style + alternative tuning preferences. If anyone else was just handed one of his guitars and expected to play something they would likely assume the instrument was out of tune and start messing with the strings, a dead giveaway for not being who they claim to be.
28. What do they tell people they want? What do they actually want?
Tells people she just wants to have a good time. To have an easy and uncomplicated life with nothing to worry about and plenty of time to spend partying with her friends. A cute girlfriend would also be nice.
Deep down she wants her DJ side gig to take off and be taken seriously within the world of electronic music, but kind of knows she’s dug her own hole with her internet presence as pokétwitter’s most annoying Klara stan. She wants fame and success but the risk of being tarred by her own actions makes her hesitant to fully commit beyond playing sets at friends’ parties and local shows.
Tells people he wants the band to take off and to be able to make an actual living off it. He wants the fame and attention and the travel. He wants to perform to crowds of thousands. He likes to think he would give everything he has to achieve this.
What he really wants is truly unconditional love. The sort a parent is meant to give except his never did. Doesn’t know how to ask for it anyway and finds it kind of embarrassing.
33. How do they greet someone they dislike / hate?
Actively avoids people she dislikes if she can. If avoidance is impossible she’ll blank them or make it abundantly clear she finds the other person’s presence repulsive. Pulls a face like she’s smelt something rancid and says something along the lines of “oh….. it’s you” 😒 before walking off.
With a precision aimed insult designed specifically to provoke the other person into trying to hit him. Then he has an excuse to hit back. Actively looks for fights he can start with people he hates.
34. How do they greet someone they like / love?
Hugs and kisses on the cheeks for her besties!! If she has a girlfriend they will be greeted with more kisses and getting spun around or picked up if Cleo is strong enough to lift them. Otherwise she will jump for them to catch her instead. Always very excited to see the people she likes spending time with. Will tone down on the kisses though if a friend finds that too much.
Playful insults (e.g. Romy frequently gets a “what’s up, cumslut?”) or just a casual wave of the hand with a lopsided grin. Plays it cool. Cleo gets scooped up in a hug though without any insults because she is Much More Sensitive than his other friends. Usually he wouldn’t make such an exception but she is like the little sister that he never had.
If he’s dating someone he will greet them by kissing them with tongue and maybe grabbing their ass.
48. Who would they say ‘yes’ to if invited to do something they abhorred / strongly didn’t want to do?
If she has a girlfriend she will say yes to anything she asks of her. Even if that meant going to an opera or through a haunted house or going/doing anything else she finds boring or scary. Cleo would watch paint dry if the girl she’s dating asked her to. A simp through and through.
Heidi can ask Kaz to go or do anything and he will likely say yes. He craves their validation and will put up with stuff he finds incredibly boring and tedious if it means they’ll approve.
Will also do things for Aster even if he’d probably hate it because he loves her. She doesn’t demand much and when she does invite or ask him to do/go somewhere she knows he wouldn’t like, she makes sure to make it up to him later.
56. If they’re scared, who do they want comfort from? Does this answer change depending on the type of fear?
Runs home crying to her parents every time. Still pretty attached to her parents and seeks them out for comfort 9 times out of 10. They kind of baby Cleo, to the exasperation of her sister. If they can’t tend to her she will go to her girlfriend (if she has one) or Kaz if he’s not busy. Otherwise she will just cuddle one of her pokemon until the fear passes.
Tries to deal with his fear on his own, and doesn’t like showing it to other people. If he can’t deal on he own, Kaz will go to Heidi, Aster or Romy but won’t outright look for comfort. Instead he will act antsier than usual and refuse to talk about whatever’s bothering him unless it’s painstakingly coaxed out. If they’re all busy he doesn’t really know where to go. Tries to distract himself by grooming his pokemon if that’s something he can do in the moment.
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fearlessdevil17 · 8 months
Listen up Pokemon fans cuz i got a little Mochi Mayhem AU Idea!!!
Ya'll better buckle up for this one!!!!
Spoilers for the Scar/Vio Epilogue
(i'm also calling Juliana/Florian MC in this so you can interpret your MC in this if you want)
So we all know about everyone's problems throughout Scar/Vio (both main story and DLC) and how it's up to the protagonist to solve these said problems right?
Well what about the MC themselves?!
Yeah their meant to be placeholders for us, and you might have made them into either your OC or Sona that might have some tragic backstory of sorts!!! (not calling anyone out, the MC in my Violet game is literally a pokemon OC of mine)
That got me thinking of this AU where during Mochi Mayhem, no one got possessed EXCEPT MC!!!!
Think about this: you've got the mythical pecha berry!!! you were the one to awaken Pecharunt!!!! Why isn't Pecharunt attached to you?!? You'er the one who woke it up!!! It should have at least been curious about you!!!
So here's how i think this AU would go:
So after MC awoke Peacharunt, instead of possessing the people in Kitakami, Peacharunt would start stalking MC since they were the one to wake it up, even following them all the way to Paldea after they got Arven's call.
Now the Area Zero crew meeting Kieran would play out the same way except this time no one in Kitakami is possessed so they would also meet Carmine a lot differently then in canon. (while that happened, Pecharunt sensed that "The loyal three" were nearby and decided to go seek them out and reunite with them)
Peacharunt is mostly interested in MC, but even tho it wants to get a closer look at them, it decides to keep it's distance due to their group of friends, allowing everyone to enjoy their week in Kitakami without anything happening (tho Peacharunt did manage to pull a few minor pranks for it's entertainment)
However throughout the days of stalking it's prey, Pecharunt has learned a lot about MC and their pokemon, even personal information that they perfer their pokemon to only know about, giving Pecharunt an idea.
You see, MC reminds Pecharunt of the old couple it once lived with. Knowing that they are now gone, Pecharunt wants nothing more than to feel their affection again, and seeing how MC treats their pokemon, they are now it's target, and this time, Pecharunt will keep both them and "the loyal three" close for good, not wanting to lose them again.
After learning that Kieran and Carmine were planning to take MC and their friends on a small exploration through Unova, Pecharunt decided that this was the time to strike.
With the help of Munkidori, it manage to infiltrate MC dreams, and use their personal feelings against them, causing them to jolt awake.
And upon memorizing the MC routine for the Blueberry Academy, Pecharunt knew that they would head to the terrarium to clear their head, not knowing that it and "the loyal three" were waiting for them.
(obviously Pecharunt can possess people when they eat it's toxic mochi, but i want to make this a little more serious, meaning sorry no chicken dance MC........ok maybe a little, but their not screamin mochi lol)
After cornering MC, Munkidori used it's psychic power to help Pecharunt telepathically speak to MC. Using the personal info it collected when stalking them, this caused MC to have a mental breakdown, trying to convince themselves that they were dreaming. (whatever tragic backstory you gave your MC, go crazy!!!)
But that wasn't going to help them after a malignant chain was wrapped around their neck. This caused MC to be under Pecharunt's influence, convincing them that they will be forever alone if they didn't go with Pecharunt and "the loyal three", seeing them as their saviours, and letting themselves eat the toxic mochi.
The next day when everyone was getting ready to explore Unova, they searched everywhere around the Academy and terrarium for MC with no luck what so ever, almost as if they vanished.
And things started to grow even more concerning when all six of MC pokemon (including their Raidon) crashed into the entrance of the Academy, Poisoned and incredibly weak, as if they were in some sort of poisonous struggle.
After taking the pokemon to the infirmary, everyone sent a search party of flying pokemon to look for MC all across Unova, even contacting the gym leader's and champion Iris for help. Unfortunately, nothing turned up.
But when all hope was lost, Kieran and Carmine get a call from their grandparents, stating that they spotted MC in Kitakami heading up to loyalty plaza.
With no time to spare, the group of five head over to Kitakami in hopes of finding out what has happened to their dear friend.
I'll let you guys interpret your own "what happens next" scenario. but i like to think of this AU being a "MC solved the problems of their friends, now it's their turn to return a favour" kinda thing.
like think of those last few episodes of Steven Universe, you know what i'm saying.
I mean, come on, let's have some MC angst shall we ;)
Hope you like this AU <3
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spicypechaberry · 8 months
I'm Pecha!! LIVES for drama, and a bit of flirting... I've got a boyfriend though, off-limits sorry! (Not sorry) Here to interact with my friends, maybe make some!! Feel free to send in a question or something :3
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//Atlas (mod) here!! Making a silly oc blog friend group with some friends, because goofy silly- I hope randoms can enjoy Pecha and his friends too though! For easier viewing of all doodles and stuff please look at his toyhouse profile. Pecha's friend list: @pupsteak @number1springbonniefan
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catbreon-draws · 1 year
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Another new baby… my friend @luxiios made an oc for me as an Artfight attack and I love her so much already!!! I wouldn’t outright call her a fusion, but she does have some very subtle sylveon traits (the blue eyes and heart markings on the paws… the ribbons too I guess, but those aren’t organic, they’re accessories and can be removed lol)
Molly is a very sweet but rather timid and socially awkward Nickit who enjoys nature and reading. She often worries about losing the few close friends she has and can be a bit clingy as a result, but she is incredibly kind and is always willing to help people (sometimes to the detriment of her own well being). Her favorite dessert is shaved ice with sitrus and pecha berry syrup!
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m4ster-ball · 2 years
OC Masterpost
Gonna put this all under a cut for convenience of viewing on your dashboard, so OCs under the cut!
Dorian Kanzaki
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Currently mostly settled in the Unova region, from Kanto. Orphaned at a young age, has a very peculiar looking Pokemon (that appeared from a different dimension via Hoopa portal, thanks you chaotic thing you)
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Which eventually evolved into this Tangeot
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Tangeot hardly battles anymore, serving as a rather ominous-speaking talking pokemon companion that's been with him since he was a child.
Dorian is very much a battler and gets pretty competitive when doing so, which is a remnant from growing up battling to earn money so he could survive. Dorian loves pokemon in general along with music (usually heavier music) and plants (although he can't grow them to save his life). Also tends to be a bit chaotic in general, being playful towards those around him. Dorian is also a decently accomplished pokemon breeder, sometimes giving out pokemon eggs as gifts to other people.
Has two partners. One is his wife Hina Kageyama who belongs to @outoutdamnspark and the other is his girlfriend Pecha who belongs to @peachsodama .
Voice Claim: Anthony Martinez from Dark Divine
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Dark-type trainer, friend and rival to Dorian. Born and raised in Unova, an absolute menace to the gym challenge. In one AU, he becomes a gym leader and takes over for Roxie in the Virbank City gym.
Tends to be loud and energetic, very excitable. Has golden retriever energy. Just as chaotic as Dorian, if not worse. Also tends towards heavier music much like Dorian. Led a pretty normal life, taking on the gym challenge a bit earlier in age before most do. Loves cycling through routes and exploring the region in his downtime.
Has a partner named Kana Kageyama who belongs to @outoutdamnspark but is also very polyamorous.
Voice Claim: Will Ramos from Lorna Shore (fair warning, this band is considerably heavier than the other two)
Rory Paloverde
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From Paldea, grew up in Montenevera before eventually going to Mesagoza to attend school.
Starts off as a person who doesn't talk too much to people he doesn't know but really opens up around friends. Over time he gets more comfortable around others in general though. Is very interested in pokemon history, ends up being a researcher because of it. Before moving away from Paldea, he took it upon himself to document all the Paradox pokemon for research purposes as well as researching the Treasures of Ruin (even going so far as to catch Chien-Pao).
Eventually moves to Unova, being fascinated by the story of Zekrom, Reshiram, and Kyurem.
Speaks both Paldean and Galarian.
Has a boyfriend named Rawst who belongs to @peachsodama .
Voice Claim: Noah Sebastian from Bad Omens
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His team is based around ancient pokemon (with the exception of Palafin but that's because he just thought it was adorable).
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outoutdamnspark · 2 years
See, when I have a hyperfixayion, I tend to try and cross it over with my Always And Forever Hyperfixation: The Legend of Dragoon.
So I'm sitting here, feeling cruddy from my flu shot yesterday, thinking up which of my and my new friends'? other people's ocs would be which Dragoon....
Current Thoughts:
Reina would be the Golden Dragoon, knight of Earth. But rather than the gold  and navy blue armor of the stoney earth, she'd have the russet armor and forest green green accents of fertile earth, with indigo stones in her breastplate and crown. Instead of her magic being earthquakes and landslides, it would be Green magic, poison and plants.
Kana would be the Blue-Sea Dragoon, knight of Water. Her armor wouldn’t be quite the same; (first of all, it’d be far less skimpy) the blue would be darker and and the white accents would be like a pale turquoise. The breastplate/crown jewels would be the same topaz, though. Her magic would be an appropriate mix of cure and harm - crushing, freezing Ice and Water, alongside cures and healing.
(Other people’s OC under the cut for length)
Rawst would be the perfect counterpart as the Black Burst Dragoon, knight of Darkness. I feel like his armor wouldn’t change too much,with deep indigo as the main color - though I could see him as having accents of tan instead of black, and red or possibly pink jewels. Appropriately, Dark magic includes life-draining and fear magics, so he’d even get to keep the horror aspect~
Pecha would beeeeee, hmm. Because of centiskorch!Pecha, I wanted to say she’d be Fire, but I think she’d be the White-Silver Dragoon, knight of Light. Her armor would be mostly the same as in-game, except instead of white with accents of teal (moonlight) or orange (sunlight) like the two different versions in-game, I think her accents would be pink like a sunset/sunrise, with green jewels in her crown and breastplate. Everyone assumes Light is just for healing, so her foes may very well underestimate her - until she rains down the searing wrath of the stars upon them.
Ren would be the playful, powerful Jade Dragoon, knight of Wind. The green armor and orange jewels would probably stay the same, but the deep blue of the accents would be sunny yellow instead. Wind magic has powerful offensive spells, but is also invaluable when used as a shield - so woe be to anyone out to hurt her or her friends, because they won’t be able to touch anyone enshrouded safely in the eye of a tornado.
(I have no one for Fire or Thunder, unless I toss my OC Hina in there, too, but ehhhh. Kind of thinking about Black Cherry girl or Licorice, but I don’t talk to either of these lovely people enough to feel like I’d be allowed to add their equally lovely OCs to this. ^^;)
Bonus Submas!:
Ingo is the White-Silver Dragoon, like Pecha, knight of Light, but his armor is black with accents of white, and the jewels on his crown and breastplate are red. People often mistake him for his Dragoon counterpart, and are surprised to learn he uses Light and healing magic.
Emmet is the Black Burst Dragoon like Rawst, but his armor is white with accents of black. Like with Ingo, people often mistake him as being of the opposing element, only to be caught off guard when he uses Dark and life-drain magic.
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Worldbuilding oc questions for Aevery?
Full name: Aevery Lumin 
Nicknames: Aev, Little Dove (Karen), Clover (Marianette)
Gender/Pronouns: Boy. He/him but he's gotten used to everyone using they/them
Orientation: Friend (Ace)
Age/birthday: 10, bday is May 22
Zodiac: Gemini
Major good traits: A strong trainer, can sorta understand his Pokémon through body language (or telepathy in the case of Chandelure and Banette), great at making friends
Major Flaws: doesn't really talk much unless he's emotional or excited, will run head first into danger whether he's scared or not, can be too trusting (ex: Karen), frequent nightmares but he hides the fact that he has them (downside is the emotional drain causes him to oversleep very often)
Goals: to stop Team Xen and the destruction of the world without anyone else dying. 
Fears: being forgotten or hated. Also trucks (sorry truck guy, you're very nice but truck is scary to isekai victims even if they cant remember why)
Optimistic or pessimistic: very optimistic if only to keep himself from losing hope. Everything has to get better right? So he'll make sure it gets better
Introvert, extrovert, or ambivert: a huge extrovert
Empathetic or not: Considering how much he can bond with pokemon and understand them, and how much he loves helping others, very empathetic
Do they wait and plan or Dive right in: if someone else has a plan he'll follow it, otherwise he'll act before any irrational (or rational) fear can stop him
Go with the flow or forge their own path: a mix of both. When the only way is forward he'll follow the path, but when there's an opening to make a better choice he'll take it
Other defining traits: is actually scared like 45% of the time during major story events but keeps up a brave face so no one gets worried.
Who's their family: Tesla and Amber have unofficially adopted him (a huge part of me hopes that thing Amber's been trying to give us is adoption papers lol), he also pretty much looks up to everyone else as family too
Where are they from: A loud, cold city in our world. Had no home or family so always had to fend for himself.
Where do they live now: Tesla offered him a room of his own so he'd like to think he has a home with her and Amber if he's really allowed to stay
Job: Ace Commissioner for the Aevium Help Center (not an official job but he's kinda the only one taking up the requests so he'll rock the title)
How are they with tech: he's ok enough with tech. If it has an interface with clear files, commands, etc he can figure it out. If it's something like hacking or figuring out a program he is mostly clueless
Connections with religion or spirituality: He apparently has a fragment of Arceus attached to his soul does that count? Also is pretty close with ghost types
Powers or magic: The power to change fate from being an Interceptor, and conditional immortality from the Black Box (just don't get killed)
Connections to lore: in Canon lore he's the Interceptor, one who lives outside fate and can change it
Favorite season/weather: Loves Spring and sunny weather. Warm but not too hot
Favorite places: He loves Sheridan Village for how peaceful it is, and Teila Resort actually feels like it could be a real home despite it being more of a vacation spot
Favorite food: Berries. Especially Pecha
Favorite clothes/accessories: His Eevee hairpin that he bought the first trip to the past (new outfit change). If he's feeling especially stressed or nervous but can't get away someplace quiet and alone he'll take it out of his hair and just rub his thumb over the back to calm himself down
Favorite animal (pokemon): Definitely Eevee. Especially after learning everything about him being a Soul Hotel, the Interceptor, and host to Adrest he feels like he can relate to the evolution mon
Favorite mode of transport: He loves riding around on Chandelure, but the trains are also real fun to ride
Favorite holiday: he hasn't ever had a chance to enjoy any holidays, even from when he can't remember, but he's heard good things about Christmas. Getting gifts for everyone sounds fun
Hobbies: Reading. He wishes he'd had the time to really read in the Hidden Library without having to fear Karen or worry about Team Xen
Favorite thing about self: if he had to give an honest answer? The fact that he can't get hungry anymore after he learns about the black box stuff. He hates every other non human aspect of it, but that one he likes
Best friends: literally everyone. You even think about being his friend? You're besties now.
Closest family member: even if she's not his real mother, Nancy will always be his Mom
Partner (in crime): Aelita. They'd gone through a lot together so she's his bestest friend
What organizations are they in: Technically he passed the Pokémon Ranger exam for the gym puzzle
Who are their antagonists: Pretty much Team Xen and Team Anti Assist, tho the Xen list might hopefully get shorter? (Zetta is stuck as a Solosis with Crescent but with how his Nighnare Realm self was he doesnt seem like an enemy anymore. Nastasia helped them out a lot with the Pyramid but she also had her own reasons so unsure there. And Geara doesn't hate him anymore so maaaaybe friendship?)
What are they like with their best friends: when it's just him and his friends and no worries, Aevery is able to just act like himself. That one scene in the penthouse when he jumps over the back of the couch immediately after Melia yells at Venam for doing just that? That's Aevery
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little-puku · 2 years
As some of you might know I am making a Found family/Papa Ingo au (open to change in the future since I am just doing things as the story develops), with some character. Finally I decide to organize my thoughts since there are a lot of ideas I am planing to do. New ideas are always welcome so feel free to give me some more
✨ The list of characters of the au: ✨
Omet and Miles
still need to work on the other characters too, I will keep updating this as the time passes
Under the read more you can find the comic ideas I am working on and  some I have done before, some ships names that you might find between some friend’s oc and mine:
💖Ship names: 💖
Penpastshipping || Ingo x Sugi 
Sunflowershipping  || Renee x Kaede 
Fashion Disaster Shipping || Kaede x Pecha
Gaming Bros Shipping || Gabi x Rawst
🙌 Finished Comics:
Hug (Penpastshipping || Ingo x Sugi) Warden Ingo has been very kind to Sugi since she arrived here in Hisui, but now she has been starting to develop a tiny bit of separation anxiety... is ok to ask for something in particular her heart desire? (Based on this lovely lil thing) 
Pen Pals (Penpastshipping || Ingo x Sugi) Ingo took Sugi to Jubilife Village but something is troubling him
✏️ Mini comic idea summary (WIP) ✏️
Rowlet’s hat (Rowlet) “Rowlet has stolen Professor Laventon hat and is flaying around with it in the whole village causing trouble and other mischief, now, is up to Rosie, Rei and the professor to get it back”
The boy and the creature (Zorua) “Omet and Miles got into an argument before their survey adventure, Miles decide to stay in Jubilife Village and let Omet do the work by himself. A sad Omet decide to adventure on the Alabaster Iceland, feeling lonely and scared he didn’t realize that a curious creature decide to approach him”
Perish Song (Misdreavus) “Recently at night in the Coronet Highlands people has been hearing some ghostly singing voices, Hazel got assigned to figure out who or what is the source of the problem”
Dimension Transfer (Porygon-z) Porygon-Z was been studied by their respective researches but one day The Pokémon just vanished into thin air, this been attributed to possible “incompetence of the program update” little did the academics knew that one day Porygon-Z will come back with some memories from the past
Headbutt (Cranidos) In the name of science Wamu, Richie and Akari want to test if they are able to beat a Cranidos’s headbutt, this already sounds like a bad idea but they all have the necessary safety equipment for the job.
Nary Sugi has started to go into labor and she really wants Warden Ingo at her side… and it seems she is presenting some complication, she send her Beautifly to search for Ingo… but will he be able to reach the warden on time? 
Stitchets of care Warden Ingo dreads trying to mend his uniform. It's one of the few things he still has from his past and he is afraid of altering it in any shape or form. One day a young hatchling tears up his hat he has left back at the cave after being called out for an emergency, he's initially heartbroken and ready to part with it complelty. Sugi has good intentions on fixing and stitching it back together… but will she be able to do it? She is not the best but she sure will try 
Bonding ritual for men Gaeric wants to bound with Warden Ingo since there aren’t many adult in the pearl clan he can be friends with. His intentions are good but will ingo survive them? 
Camera Flash (Kaede x Ren) Kaede was minding his own business when suddenly a camera flash get his attention, did someone just took a photo of him??? of him of all people?? his insecurities start to rise until he found out the “culprit” (little silly comic I want to do based on this )
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wardenswateringhole · 5 months
Shadowed Cross - Chapter 2
(This is an AU worked on by @peachypede and myself. Inspired by @bluebellowl's 50's AU.)
Cut for length. Enjoy.
Her body was made of lead. Heavy and immovable. A slow throbbing pain wound it’s way into every muscle. Even with her eyes still shut and stubbornly refusing to open, she could feel the world spinning around her. Nausea gnawed at the empty pit that was her stomach, battling with the hunger that tried to call out.
Ilona briefly wondered if she had been hit by a truck. Her mind grasped desperately at memories of what had happened last night. A sense of urgency. A storm. Something darting out in front of her. A sensation of falling. Someone had a rash on their rear end…?
She groaned as a piercing pain chased away the thoughts only to bring new ones to the forefront. She was screaming. Her body was simultaneously boiling and being ripped apart. The taste of iron flooded her mouth. Her vision was going in an out. From an empty void of pitch black darkness to a visage of a large man sitting by her.
Through the pain and terror, she could feel the gentleness of his touch as he held her hand. She tried to squeeze his as best as her seizing hands would allow her too. A desperate attempt to find grounding through the storm. Her own screaming and pleading was met with a soft voice. She tried to focus on it. His words were lost, but the comfort was there, barely making contact through the chaos wracking her body. All at once, it was too much. She could feel her body go limp and exhaustion pull at her eyes. The fiery pain that had once consumed her settled into a calm warmth. Something ran softly over her cheek.
“In the morning… you’ll be mine.”
Ilona willed her eyes to open. They stung and shut once more as the light flooded her vision. A very sore arm carried her hand to her face. Fingers rubbed at her eyes before moving upward to soothe the pain that still rolled in her head. She felt something hard. Her nails made a light tapping noise as they ran along the ridges.
Ilona blinked her eyes and tried to focus as she brought her hand down in front of her face. Her other hand joined it and they rotated before her, showing off darkened skin and black fur. Long claws protruded from the tips. Ilona didn’t like long nails. They got in the way of her work. She would constantly keep them trimmed as short as she could manage without slicing off the tips of her fingers. This seemed on another level.
With what felt like all the effort in the world, Ilona pulled herself upright and pulled back the sheets that covered her legs. They too were covered in black fur. Her feet were no longer small, but large with cat like toes. She moved them curiously. They obeyed her command, confirming they were indeed part of her body. Ilona’s eyes looked to the sides of her feet the back at the blanket she had just removed.
This isn’t my bed.
Ilona pressed her hands down into the mattress. It was softly cushioned. Not the hard wire coils that pressed up against her in her own bed. The blanket was cozy and warm. Not like the ratty swathe of fabric that she dared call a blanket. The pillow felt like a cloud as she ran a hand over it.
The room was a far cry form her apartment. She figured it was probably bigger than her apartment. It had lots of space but didn’t feel empty. In fact it felt surprisingly cozy with the few pieces of furniture there was. There was a small fireplace. Clearly the centerpiece of the room but it didn’t dominate over the other trappings. Art of peaceful landscapes and calm colors hung on the walls in beautiful frames. A small table and a couple chairs sat by the window. A vase of delicate design sat on the table catching the sunlight pouring in with it’s pale porcelain surface.
Ilona’s eyes gravitated to a full length mirror as she swung her legs off the bed. Her feet dangled above the floor like those of a small child before she pushed herself off. She stood, slightly wobbly, but familiar. She padded over to the mirror and looked herself over. The black fur seemed to be everywhere. Horns protruded from her head and curved along her skull. Eyes, completely blackened save for a ring of white stared back at her.
She opened her mouth and gazed within. Pointed fangs decorated her mouth like steepled formations in a cave. A long purple tongue rolled out and hung just below her chin. It rolled back in after a few moments and her mouth closed. Her ears, long and fuzzy, flicked gently as she regarded herself.
Her mind searched for answers. Somewhere it knew this was a situation appropriate for being upset or scared. Yet the sensations wouldn’t surface. They simmered just below the surface, beat out by an uncanny sense of familiarity. This was her. Yet it was not. She had always been like this, yet she hadn’t. The feeling of everything being incorrect was being beat out by a prevailing sense of correctness that she just could not put her finger on.
The thoughts were abandoned in favor of the curtains being played with by the breeze from outside. She hadn’t even realized the window was open until now. She approached the window and looked outside. A large garden lined with neatly trimmed hedges and flower bushes greeted her. A couple trees rustled their leaves, dropping delicate petals from their blossoms. A fountain could be seen surrounded by a paved path. It lead toward a large gate in the distance. Even with squinting her eyes, she could barely see the two figures that stood by the structure like guards to a castle. The iron gates had large imposing visages of the letter “C” on them.
Ilona nearly jumped out the window as something touched her shoulder. She turned quickly to see a figure moving backwards with their hands up.
“Easy! It’s okay! I’m not going to hurt you!”
They made for an interesting sight. Crisp white shirt with form fitting vest and slacks. A black tie was adjusted by black gloves as they cleared their throat. Ilona tilted her head slightly. Their eyes were hidden behind dark shades and their face from the nose down was covered with a mask.
“I had knocked on the door, but I suppose you did not hear. I actually wasn’t expecting you be be awake yet…”
His voice carried a gravelly quality to it. It was gentle yet rough at the same time. He kept his head turned away from Ilona slightly as he spoke.
“You probably have questions. You will get answers. The master of the house would like you to join him for breakfast.”
He gestured to a wardrobe that sat further into the room. “There are clothing options in there. You may wear whatever suits you.”
He turned and strode back to the door. “You can call me Buddy, by the way. I’ll wait outside the door for you to get dressed. Please take your time.”
Ilona could have sworn she could see the corners of his eyes crease as he introduced himself. He exited the room before she could find her voice and begin to bombard him with questions. She looked down at the sheer baby doll gown she wore before looking at the wardrobe.
“Master of the house?”
Buddy turned as he heard the door click to see Ilona standing shyly against the closed door. A green and white gingham dress was her attire of choice. It ended right at her knees that sat pressed together timidly. Her eyes seemed to glance at him from time to time. “I-I’m ready.”
“Might I say, you look very cute!” Buddy’s voice carried a noticeable lilt to it despite it’s coarseness. “Please follow me. I’ll explain things on the way.”
Ilona walked behind Buddy as he lead her through the mansion. Her eyes took in the splendor of her surroundings. Part of her wondered if it was all a dream. Maybe she hadn’t woken up yet. There’s no way that she would ever have found herself in such a setting. Buddy stopped briefly in front of a large display case. It looked almost like a shrine. Framed photos and news clippings sat with golden trophies and awards. It all framed a pair of large boxing gloves that hung under a light like a sacred artifact.
“This belongs to the master of the house. Joseph Cross. He was once a well known boxer before World War II.”
Ilona rolled the name over in her mind. Where had she heard that name before?
“I feel like I may have heard the name in passing…” She admitted. Buddy chuckled.
“That sounds about right. He hasn’t really boxed professionally in years. Not since returning from the war.” Buddy continued walking with Ilona lingering behind. Her mind couldn’t help but feel something else was nagging at her about the name. Buddy continued to speak as he walked.
“Master Cross is an interesting man to be sure. He participates in various activities that people would find questionable. Make no mistake, he is a good man, if not a bit harsh at times…”
He stopped before a door and opened it. He led Ilona into a very well-equipped kitchen. It looked as if it belonged to a bustling restaurant rather than for feeding one very wealthy man. Two large fridges and freezers. Multiple stoves and ovens. Processors that Ilona had never even seen sat on the counters. In the corner, a quaint little breakfast nook sat. A large man sat lounged back and staring at a page of the morning paper. The table he sat at looked a bit too small for his stature.
Buddy cleared his throat and the man looked up. Eyes the color of steel sparkled at Ilona. “Our guest is awake! Good! Good to see ya doing better, kid!”
He stood and approached Buddy and Ilona. Ilona felt her neck crack a bit as she turned her head up to look at him. He gave Buddy a pat on the back. “Thanks, Buddy, I can take it from here.”
“Very good, sir.”
Buddy strode off into the kitchen as the man extended his hand to Ilona. “I’m Joseph Cross.”
Even though Ilona’s hands were much larger than they were before, they still felt small in his grip as she took his hand and shook it. “I’m—”
“Ilona Vincent. I know. I’ve know about you for a while actually.”
“What? How--?”
“Sit! Sit! We have business discuss!”
Ilona was gently ushered toward the small table. Cross pulled out a chair for her and Ilona sat dumbly. Her words were once again lost to the situation. Cross sat down across form her and propped his elbows up on the table.
“Now.” he began. “I’m not one to delay in getting down to brass tacks so I’ll get right into it. I need you to answer some questions for me. Can you do that?”
“I… think so?”
“Good.” Cross reached over to the unused the chair and produced a tattered looking box. Ilona tilted her head as he opened it and turned it toward her. Inside, a familiar brooch greeted her.
“Do you know what this is?”
Ilona reached toward it but then retracted her hand. Memories began to flood back. “Y-yeah! I delivered that last night. I was rushing and something jumped out in front of my bike. I ended up wiping out and hurting… my… self…?”
Ilona looked over her arms and hands. They showed no signs of injury. Not even a hint of scarring was there. Just fluffy black fur. Cross nodded.
“Okay, that makes sense then. The transformation would have healed everything.”
Cross closed the box and set it aside once more. He sighed heavily. “I’m going to be honest. I’m the one that ordered that brooch. I’m the one you’ve been doing a lot of these deliveries for actually. You’re quite the delivery biker. You’re one of my best employees.”
Ilona felt a hint of heat spread over her cheeks. “Thank you… I was just doing what I do best.”
“Unfortunately, it seems your role is about to change. You handled that brooch didn’t you?”
Ilona nodded. “I wanted to make sure it wasn't damaged in the accident.”
“Your blood got on it. That’s why you look the way you look now. You went through a very violent transformation last night. I’m actually surprised you’re up and about already.”
Buddy appeared and set plates down in front of Cross and Ilona. The smell of salty bacon and freshly cooked eggs flooded Ilona’s senses.
“Which means you are probably famished. Please eat—”
Before the words could finish leaving his mouth, Ilona growled. Her eyes shined white before her body jerked forward. Her tongue shot out and coiled around the food before pulling back into her mouth quick as lightning. She swallowed hard as her eyes dimmed. Her breath was ragged.
“What was that!?”
“Bacon and eggs.” Buddy answered, seemingly not phased by the sudden action. Ilona shook her head.
“No! I mean-- I never-- geez! Excuse me!”
Cross scoffed. “Don’t worry about it. You’re not entirely human anymore. You’re going to have some strange urges that you’re going to need to learn to control…”
Cross waved his hand and Buddy took the plate in front of Cross and sat it in front of Ilona. Once more, her body jerked and her eyes glowed, but her hands grabbed the table harshly. She spoke through clenched teeth.
“NO! Let… me… taste… it…” Her voice was a deep growl as her eyes slowly dimmed. She slowly relaxed as she picked up a fork and began to eat slowly. Cross and Buddy exchanged wide-eyed glances before Buddy went back and prepared another plate for Cross. Ilona’s face brightened as she took a bite. “This is delicious! You did this Mr. Buddy!?”
Buddy laughed as he returned with Cross’s plate. “Please, just Buddy. And yes. I’m glad you like it. Lots of practice taking Master Cross’s picky—”
“—Specialized diet into consideration all these years.”
“Speaking of…” Cross speared a large portion onto his fork. “You’re going to need a specialized diet as well.” He shoved it all into his mouth, cheeks bulging as he chewed. He swallowed quickly as if he couldn’t stand to wait to get the rest of his thought out. “Lots of protein, fat, carbs… a heavy diet to fuel you through your training.”
Ilona froze with food in her mouth still.
Cross nodded through another bite of food. He took the time to pause and finish chewing this time. “The plan was for me to take that power now bound to you, for myself. Unfortunately I can’t now. You’re going to have to learn to survive with your new existence. I can teach you. I know quite a bit about such things.”
Cross’s eyes flashed red and dimmed slowly. Ilona felt a slight chill go down her spine. He continued speaking. “I want to take you on as my apprentice. I will teach you everything that I know. In exchange, you will work more closely with me and my organization. Things will be expected of you that you may not agree with, but this is the price for your safety.”
Cross gestured to Ilona. “I’m sure you’ve realized by now that going out in public like that is not happening without a shitstorm running you over.”
Ilona looked down at herself. He was right. People wouldn’t take kindly seeing her as she was now just walking casually down the sidewalk. Her mind began to run rampant with all the terrible possibilities that could happen. What would Pecha and Everett think?
Pecha and Everett…
“We can start your training immediately after we finish breakfast. You’re going to have to stay here until we can figure out a way to disguise those new features of yours.”
“I CAN’T!” Ilona stood up suddenly knocking her chair backward. Cross stared at her wide-eyed, almost shifting to anger.
“You can’t…?”
“No! I mean! Ugh!” Ilona scratched at her horns. “I need to be somewhere! I promised I’d show up! If I don’t show up, my friends are going to be very upset with me!”
“They’ll get over it.”
“NO! They won’t! They’re dogged! If I don’t show up, they’ll go looking for me! I’m pretty sure if they go to my apartment and see me not there, police are getting involved!”
Cross dropped his fork on the plate and rubbed his face. Buddy looked to him. “We don’t need anymore attention from the police, Joe.”
"I’m aware, Buddy.” Cross growled behind his hand. He sighed heavily before glaring at Ilona. Ilona stood before him like a scared colt, ready to flee at the slightest provocation. His eyes flared to life with a red blaze.
“Fine. Time for a crash course then...”
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peachypede · 2 years
📔 for pecha (you can pick between vernon or aster hehe)
I did both because why not both??
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bellafragolina · 2 years
*lays on floor*
Maaaaan. I wish I could draw in any capacity, because I would love to draw my OC Reina and her sisters making friends with other people's OCs. Like, Renee and Pecha are both so cute, and I'm over here holding up The Kageyama Sisters like, "y'all wanna hang out?!"
You don’t have to draw to interact with ocs!! I can’t lol
You can send me stuff in about your oc like you do about au’s and I’ll respond with stuff about renee! And we can back and forth that way, if you’d like! I’m always happy to talk about ocs, and I’d love to have renee interact with other ocs!
This goes for everyone who wants to interact with her and such!!
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ariannadi · 2 years
Come Home to my Heart (1/6)
Adaman x OC - Part 4/? of A Girl out of Time
Read the series here/background context on Ao3
Day 430 
I woke up once again to find that this is all not just some bizarre dream. The days practically blur into one another at this point; between the constant expeditions for the Survey Corps and occasional request from Jubilife townsfolk. It’s truly starting to feel like I’ve done all I can for this place.
Which begs the question: why hasn’t Arceus sent me back to my own time?
Sometimes I think about the life I had before. About my family. My friends. They all must be worried sick, if they haven’t simply accepted my death at this point. The closest I’ve come to encountering them all again turned out to be nothing more than a warped fabrication.  I find though, that as the sun continues to rise and set like clockwork, my true memories of them are slowly starting to fade.
What did my mother’s laugh sound like? What were the color of her eyes?
If I wake up one day only to find that I’ve forgotten everything I previously knew, it wouldn’t come as a surprise. I wouldn’t be the first, if Ingo’s situation is anything to go by. 
What will I cling to after that? 
The people here have guaranteed my sanctuary, but as previously experienced, that offer is fragile at best. In five, ten years, I’m not sure the same courtesy will be extended. 
When I am no longer relevant, what will become of me?
…I’d best wrap this up for now before these depressing thoughts and unanswered questions spiral even further. I’m sure Rei will be by in the next hour to alert me of the day’s protocol, anyway.
Until next we meet, my dear recollection.
”Hikari! You up yet?” came Rei’s voice from the front door, followed by a series of hurried knocks. Hikari had only just finished stashing her journal under her pillow when her companion arrived, and a quick glance at the window told her he was much earlier than usual.
With a sigh, the young woman rose from her futon and stretched upward, her back popping in three different places in response. The past’s solution to bedding was comfortable for the most part, but nothing could beat the sturdy support of a proper mattress.
Hikari groggily shuffled toward her quarter’s entrance, glancing at the dull embers of the sunken hearth along the way and noting that she needed to chop a hefty supply of firewood at some point now that winter was inching closer.
Maybe she could convince Rei to do it for her in return for some battle pointers. 
Upon opening the door, her fellow Survey Corps member greeted her with a bright smile and shoved a wrapped something into her hands. It was dense and warm and smelt sugary.
”Beni made pecha berry bread for the entire Galaxy Team this morning. I wanted to get your loaf to you before they all got snatched up, seeing as you don’t usually rise till mid morning,” Rei explained, and Hikari sent a grateful smile his way.
”Thanks, Rei. I appreciate it.” Glancing down at the lump in her hands, she then muttered, “You know… you could have just held onto it until the usual time, though.”
Rei simply laughed. “Well… since you’re already up, how ‘bout we head over to the training grounds? Might as well get a session in before it’s swarmed by everyone else,” he suggested, jabbing a thumb over his shoulder and towards the location in question.
”This was all a ruse to get me to train with you, wasn’t it?” Hikari asked with an unimpressed look, observing the shit-eating grin the boy was attempting to stifle. Taking a step backward, she added, “Fine, then. Give me ten minutes to get into my gear,” and abruptly shut the door in his face.
”Rude!” Rei called from beyond the barrier, bringing a small smile to Hikari’s lips. She made a beeline to the cabinet that served as her wardrobe in the back of her quarters, digging through the various linens and picking out a teal kimono and matching pair of hakama. Her breath caught when she spotted the t-shirt and shorts she had been wearing when she arrived in Hisui, but she closed the hatch before she could think on it too much.
Once everything was on and tied properly, she went to fix her flaxen hair into its usual updo for expeditions, but the shimmer of an item sitting next to her comb gave her pause.
A hairpin. More specifically, a beautifully crafted hairpin with the Diamond Clan insignia carved into it. It had been a gift from Adaman for her nineteenth birthday just a few months prior and she hadn’t worn it in public as often as she would like, mostly because she wasn’t sure how other people would react to seeing it on her person. It’s not like Irida had gifted her with a probably-very-expensive personalized trinket that could be taken out of context; she had given her a box of tea leaves.
Throwing caution to the wind, Hikari carefully picked up the pin and slid it into her bun - rotating her head back and forth a few times to make sure it was properly tucked into place. After grabbing her satchel and sandals, she made her way outside to meet up with Rei once again, and the two began their short trek down Floaro Main Street.
”G’morning. It’s been a while since I’ve had the opportunity to witness your prowess in battle, Hikari,” Ingo, tipping his cap, greeted them both when they arrived. “Rei must’ve made a fine offer to get you to come down here on a whim.”
”That’s right,” Hikari answered as she went to arrange the poke balls on her sash. “If I win, he gets to chop my entire pile of firewood for the winter.”
”Hey! We didn’t agree to that!” her companion protested, and Ingo chuckled under his breath.
The practice match started with Rei’s Pikachu and Hikari’s Typhlosion, the former taking a critical hit from the latter’s Shadow Ball and fainting on the spot.
Hikari didn’t think on the win too much, for her mind was still flickering to the dilemma it had encountered when she woke. It quickly began to show in the battle, however, when Rei’s Torterra managed to down both Vaporeon and Garchomp on Hikari’s team - her two strongest contenders.
”Everything alright over there, kid?” Ingo directed to the girl with concern, and even Rei was sending a questioning look in her direction. Both could visibly tell she wasn’t completely in her element today.
”I’m fine. Just… distracted.” she clarified, and somehow managed to pull herself together for the remainder of the match, which ended with her narrow victory.
”You still managed to wipe the floor with me even while having an off day. Might wanna watch it in the future though, or I’ll be knocking you off your pedestal!” Rei taunted once Ingo had called the battle.
Surely her friend meant it in jest, but Hikari could feel her face falling from the implication of his words. Rei must’ve picked up on this, for he came over and clapped her on the shoulder.
“So, that pile of firewood, yeah? I’ll go get started on it. Try to cheer up in the meantime; whatever’s bothering you, I’m sure we’ll get it sorted out.”
Hikari looked up at him and nodded. “Yeah. Thanks.” she replied, watching as the boy departed down the path back to town. A few minutes later she finally willed herself to start heading that way as well, keeping her eyes trained on the dirt under her feet.
That was, until she slammed face first into someone with an undignified squawk and nearly toppled backward. Thankfully, a strong arm reached out and caught her by the waist before she could plummet and humiliate herself further.
”Woah, didn’t know you were that eager to see me,” a familiar voice teased as Hikari blinked the stars out of her vision. Upon discovering who the unfortunate victim of her carelessness was, the young woman felt her body go rigid.
”Adaman!” she gasped, her cheeks turning fifteen shades of crimson as she began to scurry upward. The Diamond Clan leader smirked at the attempt, before maneuvering her back onto her feet with practiced ease.
“I am so, so sorry,” she apologized profusely once she was steady again, making sure to put at least four feet between them. “I was sort of running on autopilot there - I didn’t mean to charge into you like that.”
Adaman rose a confused brow, likely trying to decipher her modern speak. Evidently he gave up a few seconds later, if the half-hearted shrug that followed said anything.
”No harm done, Hikari,” he reassured her with his unfairly handsome smile - the one he seemed to have reserved specifically for her as of late. In that moment, with her current disposition, it was almost too much, and she had it in mind to simply duck her head and hurry past him before she made an even bigger fool of herself.
”Hikari?” Adaman quietly prompted at her likely horrified expression, and gently reached for her hand. “Hey, I promise you I’m not offended. Are you alright?”
The young woman ripped her hand away as though his touch had burned her flesh, and didn’t miss the hurt look that crossed Adaman’s features in response. Hugging herself instead as she turned away, she croaked out, “I’m fine. You should probably head over to whatever it is you came here for. I needn’t waste your time.”
”You could never waste my time, Hikari,” the man told her seriously, his rare tone of authority causing mild flutters to erupt in her gut. “And even if I did come here for some matter of importance, I wouldn’t leave you like this.”
Why was he being so kind? She certainly didn’t deserve such in her ridiculous state, Hikari thought as she fought to keep the tears from beading in her eyes. “Adaman, you… I…” she practically hiccuped, but was silenced when he approached her from the front, holding out his hand.
”Let’s go for a walk. The beach tends to be clear this time of day - perfect for getting out all those pent up emotions without an audience. What do you say?”
Hikari, blinking away the annoying moisture that refused to back down, found herself nodding. Lifting a shaky hand, she reached out and placed it in his own, and he closed his fingers around hers in a comforting, yet protective grip.
Just as Adaman predicted, Prelude Beach was void of any activity - save for a small herd of Spheal that were playfully rolling around in the surf. The clan leader, still holding Hikari’s hand, led her over to the dock, then sat down right on the edge so his legs were dangling over the water.
”Join me?” he asked of her, patting the spot next to him. She took the proffered seat, her eyes instantly moving out towards the pastel horizon. “Now, you and I both know that something is eating at you. Whether you want to talk about it or not is completely up to you; but I sincerely think it’ll help to get it off your chest. I’m all ears, if that’s the case.” Adaman spoke once she had gotten comfortable.
He was right, of course he was. It did her no good to let these worries fester; she just wasn’t sure where to even begin.
”Do you remember what your mother was like?” Hikari eventually managed, and the clan leader’s brow shot upward, likely caught off guard by the question.
”My mother?” he reiterated, and brought a hand to his chin in contemplation. “Uh, well… she was… kind. So kind. She always did her best to help out with whatever needed her attention within the clan, even when she was at her limit. She wasn’t a very good cook,” he snorted at this, “She was rather infamous for setting cooking pots aflame. Grandfather was so proud of her though, and I adored her with every fiber of my being. I was devastated when she passed. But I know she watches over us, over me, even now. And that brings me comfort.” 
“She sounds wonderful,” Hikari said to him with a smile, and he returned it in earnest. Glancing down at her feet, she uttered, “I’m sure you weren’t expecting me to bring up such a thing, initially.”
”It’s definitely not a question I hear often,” Adaman chuckled, and even Hikari managed a small laugh as well.
The gentle lapping of the waves against the dock was the only sound present for a time, coupled with the echoing squeals of Wingull and Pelipper overhead. Even so, the man at her side didn’t push her to keep talking, something she appreciated more than he could possibly know.
And then, she took a deep breath.
”I’m starting to forget mine.” When Adaman looked at her curiously, she clarified, “My mother. I woke up this morning and realized I had forgotten little things about her. And from there, many other things about my life before.”
”Hikari…” the clan leader murmured, but she pressed on.
”I fear one day I won’t recall anything about where I came from. And the thought terrifies me. Since I arrived here, those memories have been one of the few things to keep me grounded. To bring me comfort when I needed it most.”
Her hands began to shake, but she pressed on.
”If I lose them, I may having nothing left to hold onto in time. The Galaxy Team have already shown themselves to be wary of my existence, and should I give them reason to, they’ll exile me again without a second thought. Who’s to say I’ll still have a place to call home in the future?”
Her lip began to wobble, and tears began to stream down her cheeks, but she pressed on.
“I’ve done everything Arceus asked of me, I’ve given my all to protect this world and the people I’ve come to care for. Am I to be punished for following so blindly? Would Almighty Sinnoh be so cruel as to subject me to such a fate for doing its bidding? I don’t want to forget! I-I don’t want to be left behind! I-!”
By now she was openly sobbing, but it very well didn’t matter, for Adaman had turned and hauled her into his arms, embracing her with every ounce of strength she sorely needed in that moment.
“I couldn’t possibly understand the turmoil you’re feeling, Hikari,” he breathed into her hair, and clutched her even closer. “But what I do know is this: although I foolishly allowed it to happen once, never again will I let you wander this world confused and alone. You have done so much for me and my people, for all of Hisui, and the gratitude I feel I don’t think I could ever properly express. You will always have a home with me, Hikari. Even if the whole world turns against you, I will stand at your side. This I promise you.”
“Adaman…” she cried into his chest, the clan leader pressing his furrowed brow to the crown of her head in turn. He held her to him as she continued to sob, not minding one bit that she was getting his garment all damp and gross in the process.
“It pains me to see you so upset. But hopefully letting it all out has helped,” Adaman whispered to her after the worst of her breakdown had passed. His fingers slid from where they had been drawing soothing patterns on her back and instead moved into her hair, minding the pin he had gifted her. “Are you feeling a little better?”
Hikari could feel her lips rising into a minuscule smile; her heart squeezing at the fact that he had remained despite witnessing her at her lowest.
“Yes,” she sniffled. “Thank you, Adaman.”
“Of course,” he replied, his fingers brushing a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “I care about you quite a bit, y’know. I’ll do whatever I can to help ease your burdens, for as long as I am able. You need only ask.”
“I’ll remember that,” Hikari responded in kind, her smile widening as her grip tightened on his haori. “You’re promising so much today. Anymore and I’d say you were proposing or something,” she giggled wetly.
”And if I were?” 
The young woman blinked once, then blinked again to make sure she heard him correctly. Finally, she pulled away just enough to face him head-on.
Adaman smirked at her apparent dumbfoundedness. “If I were proposing,” he repeated, his eyes hyperfixated on her own, “Would you consider?”
Caught like a Stantler in headlights, Hikari simply stared. Her brain, and tongue for that matter, had melted into completely useless piles of mush in the matter of seconds.
He was actually considering marriage with her? Like, ‘I want to spend the rest of my life with you’ marriage?
When she had finally snapped out of her stupor long enough to actually speak, the first thing that flew out of her mouth was, “Adaman, we’re not even dating!”
”Dating? What’s—oh, you mean me courting you.” The man awkwardly scrubbed a hand through his disheveled hair. “I uh, kinda thought I already was. I mean, I visit you almost every day. Mr. Professor and Rei tease me every time I show up in Jubilife Village so I figured I was being obvious with my intentions. Plus you’re wearing the ornament I gave you,” he pointed out, his eyes moving to her hair.
”For my birthday,” Hikari deadpanned. “How was I supposed to know it was a courting favor?”
“It was supposed to be both?” he ventured, then slapped a hand to his forehead and groaned. “Dammit, I knew I shouldn’t have listened to Mai. Now I’ve gone and misconstrued the whole situation.” Hikari watched him for a moment in his apparent mortification, then shook her head with an exasperated smile. Slowly she reached for his hand, pulling it away from his face.
”No, you haven’t,” she reassured him, playing with his fingers bashfully when his eyes widened in surprise. “I actually do have feelings for you. But… the uh, process in regards to that kind of thing is much different in the future. It tends to take a bit more time; since we don’t generally have to deal with getting mauled by a wild Snorlax or freezing to death every time we step outside.”
“Ah. I see,” the clan leader responded, but still looked conflicted. “Then I hope you can forgive me for dropping such a thing on you like that. Especially with you being so distraught. I just… when you started talking about not knowing if you belonged somewhere I… I mean, it’s been on my mind consistently. You. Being with me. Sharing my home.” He sighed. “I just wanted you to know the option was there.”
“Adaman…” Hikari murmured. Her eyes settled on their hands, still joined, and she let out a hum. “I’ll make you a deal. Now that I know where we stand, ask me for my hand again in say… I dunno, six months. I’ll have a definitive answer for you then.”
“Really?” he questioned, the young woman holding back a laugh at the adorable way he perked up. “Does this mean we’re… what did you call it? ‘Dating’?”
“Yeah, I think we are,” she answered, and both finally broke down into a fit of giggles at the absurdity of the last twenty minutes.
When they had calmed down, Adaman regarded her with a look that she could only describe as mesmerized. He lifted a bandaged hand to her cheek, and his thumb tenderly stroked at the rosy flesh. Tawny eyes not-so-subtlety flickered to her lips, and knowing what was likely to come next, Hikari’s own eyes fluttered shut and she tilted her head. Just when she thought she could faintly detect the warmth of his breath against her skin as he inched ever closer-
“Jeeze, there you are, Hikari. I’ve been looking all over for you,” came the voice of Rei, who had arrived at the cove at the worst moment possible. Adaman and Hikari flew apart from each other the instant the interloper announced his presence, the color of their faces rivaling that of an Octillery. “If you’re done being all mushy over there, Cyllene has your orders for your survey at the Cobalt Coastlands. I’d get my butt moving if I were you.”
”Thank you, Rei…” Hikari drawled, blowing a raspberry at him when he had his back turned. She regarded Adaman with an apologetic smile, and let out a little squeak when the man leaned over and pressed a lingering kiss to her forehead. 
“It’s alright, we’ve got time,” he said with a smirk as he pulled away and stood, helping her to her feet. “Go on. Shouldn’t keep the captain waiting.”
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roc-writes · 3 years
San’s Adventures II - Lunch Break
I wanted to preface this by saying THANK YOU to everyone who enjoyed my first little ficlet and to Professor Peach for liking it enough to write a little RP response to it! Like I mentioned in the first one, I’ve been wanting to write about my Pokemon OCs for the longest time but never had the spoons to do so. But all the love, follows, and reblogs made me nearly cry and inspired me to keep going with San and Sheva’s little misadventures. This one is a little detour from the established canon and characters of Dōtaku Island. Tomorrow after my writer’s workshop on my first official short story (I’m nervous!)  I’ll actually get back to professors Peach and Grey and Sheva’s prosthetics. I’m super excited! This little chapter is under the read more <3
“I’m sure we can do something to help.” San already knew Professor Grey was committed to helping the tag team, but hearing Professor Peach’s affirmation hit San with a sudden sense of sobriety. They were on Dōtaku Island, truly and wholly. And the professors were here and they didn’t dismiss the two of them right off the Zubat. San reached out for her best friend’s face who eagerly accepted the affection with a content flap of its primary set of wings. San gently led Sheva’s head down and the two bowed respectfully at the lady of the isle.
“Thank you so… so much!” San watched Peach and her own pokemon partner leave and head off about their business. Where they walked they seemed to demand the respect of all other people and pokemon. Scary! But cool!
“Ok San, Sheva, you can settle in a bit first if you like, get food, have a look around, stretch your legs, or if you’re eager to get started, we can head to my lab right now, start the checks and routine stuff.” The ranger was eager to get started on helping her partner as soon as humanly possible, her mind was set instantly.
“Your lab! Please, if that’s okay.” It was easier to calm down from the encounter with Professor Peach when she had a goal in mind. San knew she looked a bit young, perhaps a little sloppy as her pants were hastily worn over her boots and her red overshirt was wrinkled to Kanto and back. Young hairs were fanned out of her Ponyta tail’s elastic band that gave her the likeness of a Flygon’s antennae. Sheva, the actual Flygon of the group, seemed displeased at its partner’s decision. The large pokemon’s claws clasped together and it cooed exasperatedly. No, Sheva did NOT want to go to the lab right away. San groaned in irritation.
“I told you already, don’t try and cheese your way out of this, Sheva! We need to get you fitted and everything else! We can explore after you get them on!” Sheva shook her head stubbornly and despite the halfhearted attempts to sway her Flygon, San already knew she couldn’t change its mind. The ranger relented with a sigh, managing a small smile.
“Fine. You win! I’m so sorry professor, Sheva is set on exploring it seems. I think we will get something to eat before reconvening at your lab in say, hour or hour an a half?” San couldn’t even wait for a response as Sheva lifted her into the air with a delightful trill and headed off towards some sort of direction. It wasn’t the cafeteria, and San could make out a signpost with an Oran berry painted on it. Berry fields, perhaps? And what a collection of berries the professors kept! Sheva slowed down just before entering the grove to place San back down onto the ground, and she was absolutely blown away. Every single berry bush she could recognize from her crash course on ranger survival was here, and a few incredibly rare subjects that were marked off from the general public were present and blooming just as beautifully. She didn’t think it would be quite possible, but shouldn’t have expected any less from a master in the field of grass types. And not just pokemon, it seemed.
“Purrnyan?” Oh? San blinked quickly and searched around for the source of the voice, only to look down at her feet when the sound was repeated again. A little Purrloin was the source of the inquisitive meow, and in its mouth was a freshly plucked Lum berry. San crouched down to the dark type pokemon’s level and grinned.
“You’re adorable little one, yes, but I know your type better than to think this berry is a gift for me.” San spoke to it, and the Purrloin frowned. Classic species behavior. However, what was unexpected was that it sat down, dropped the berry at San’s feet, and meowed again, different in pitch this time. Strange, it almost seemed like the offering was exactly that, a gift.
“Meeeerrrwoooww!!” San was lost on what to think.
“Do you mean it?” Another meow in affirmation. A hand reached out for the Lum berry. There were no scratches or bites when San picked it up. Another surprise came in the Purrloin gently head-butting San’s free hand as a demand for affection that the ranger freely gave. San had only seen such a delighted cat pokemon once before. “Thank you! And you wanna know something funny? Lum berries are actually my favorite. You have impeccable taste.” Purrloin purred in delight, it sounded like an agreement, and then it curled softly into a little ball to rest in the warm rays of the sun. Naptime after lunch? A dream. Sheva returned soon after that with a mountain of berries in between its claws. San exclaimed.
“SHEVA! Did you even leave any for the other pokemon on the island? Did you even ask if taking them was acceptable behavior from guests?” The ranger knew that berries, especially well-pollinated ones, grew back quickly in ideal conditions but this seemed a little excessive. Her worries were calmed when she noticed a trail of smaller bug and grass pokemon trailing behind her partner. Sheva sat down close to its partner and soon they were all overrun by excitable wild pokemon who reached for their favorites first, and even when they had their treats they didn’t shy away from the human in the group. There were several Treecko that found Sheva an exciting new tree to scale and San met the sweetest little Palm Turtwig who tried to take her Lum berry from her. With a laugh, the ranger instead offered a sweeter Pecha berry that it took to immediately. While lunch was enjoyed by so many of the friendly pokemon on the island, all the laughter and smiles soon wasn’t enough to keep her awake. The sleepless nights worrying over her partner pokemon’s health and safety had finally exacted their toll, San was yawning loudly and it created a chain reaction for the other pokemon around her to yawn as well.
“Gan?” It was a sound Sheva reserved only when calling its partner’s name, San responded with a drowsy smile.
“Hmm… Yes Sheva?” Sheva grinned triumphantly, settling on its back with wings outstretched and tail curling around a still-resting Purrloin. Sheva crooned, and San reached her arms out in front of herself lazily, trying to feel for her friend’s body. When the ranger found her target, San leaned against Sheva’s belly. A comfortable pillow, and a familiar position. Whenever the duo had to pitch a tent and sleep overnight on a mission, this was how they slept to keep each other in close proximity. Dozens of bodies surrounded them, all of their meal-mates huddled into the pile to recover their energy and rest.
San would have to formally apologize to both professors later.
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imintheunderworld · 5 years
10 Questions (tag game)
I was tagged by @milkyway-writes! Awesome that you decided to turn this into your own tag game! 😊
Rules: answer 10 questions, ask 10 questions and then tag some friends and fellow writeblrs!
1. What genre do you want to write for but haven’t gotten around to yet?
I definitely want to write sci-fi and horror!
2. What are some tropes you like to see (no matter how cheesy)?
villains that turn out to be the ones in the right
Found families... because... just that. No because.
The “I love you too much, so I’ll let you go”. Makes me cry everytime.
When characters who are tough break down crying.
Enemies to lovers
Healthy sibling bonds
Royal intrigues
when you already know a character’s bad intentions and see them manipulating a clueless character.
3. What tropes do you dislike and why?
Incested related tropes... i don’t really think I need to explain why, right?
When dating your bestfriend’s brother is seen as a crime
I don’t really like how “the chosen one” trope is portrayed. I prefer different twists of it. For example, the character choosing themselves to be the hero because no one else will... or at least explaining who they were chosen by and why, besides their personality.
4. What does your writing space look like? (Or your ideal writing space)
a desk and my laptop. I wish I had a room specifically for writing, that was comfy, had books in a shelf and cool decorations.
5. What do you like to snack on when you work on your WIP/writing?
I can’t eat and write at the same time.
6. If you were transported into one of your projects, which would you rather be in? Which would be the worst?
I would rather be in Requiem. The other ones are way too dystopian aha. I would die to go to the Night Of Gods’ universe if I was guaranteed to span in Zosleagro.
7. If you went on a date with an OC, which OC would you choose? How would it go?
Robert. I love how he looks and, although I dislike some flaws, he would be the best guy to go on a date with. He would be a date full of laughter or a deep conversation, I’m sure.
8. What’s something you’d like to see more of in the Writeblr community here on Tumblr?
I think more support. People don’t really support others. They just scroll down a post, like it and don’t really care more about it besides that. If you ask for an opinion or for an answer to a question you have, you only get likes instead of an answer.
9. Do you have any scraped WIP ideas you would like to go back to?
I think so. But I would have to work a lot on them.
10. Name something you’re proud of achieving this year.
Completing my wip!
My questions for the people tagged:
1. If you had to exchange your life with one pf your characters, which one would you choose? Why?
2. What topics/ideals/beliefs would you love to cover in future wips of yours?
3. Describe your wips and/or ocs with emojis!
4. What is your biggest goal when it comes to writing?
5. Describe your ocs/wips with colors!
6. If you had to attribute a zodiac signs to your ocs, which signs would you choose and why?
7. Do you prefer to write/read wips that take place in this world or in a fantasy one?
8. What are your favorite genres to write?
9. If you have one, what’s your daily word goal?
10. Who are your favorites writers/books, if you have any?
I tag: @wordsofpaintandsmoke @nectargrapes @iced-ginger-tea @rcvolutions @pechaes @where-the-sky-writes @andiwriteunderthemoon @surroundedbypearls @cataclysmic-writer @timefirewrites @fictional-semantics @llesbianwrites @authoressasusual @saxoniowrites (no pressure to do it!)
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