fearlessdevil17 · 4 months
Listen up Pokemon fans cuz i got a little Mochi Mayhem AU Idea!!!
Ya'll better buckle up for this one!!!!
Spoilers for the Scar/Vio Epilogue
(i'm also calling Juliana/Florian MC in this so you can interpret your MC in this if you want)
So we all know about everyone's problems throughout Scar/Vio (both main story and DLC) and how it's up to the protagonist to solve these said problems right?
Well what about the MC themselves?!
Yeah their meant to be placeholders for us, and you might have made them into either your OC or Sona that might have some tragic backstory of sorts!!! (not calling anyone out, the MC in my Violet game is literally a pokemon OC of mine)
That got me thinking of this AU where during Mochi Mayhem, no one got possessed EXCEPT MC!!!!
Think about this: you've got the mythical pecha berry!!! you were the one to awaken Pecharunt!!!! Why isn't Pecharunt attached to you?!? You'er the one who woke it up!!! It should have at least been curious about you!!!
So here's how i think this AU would go:
So after MC awoke Peacharunt, instead of possessing the people in Kitakami, Peacharunt would start stalking MC since they were the one to wake it up, even following them all the way to Paldea after they got Arven's call.
Now the Area Zero crew meeting Kieran would play out the same way except this time no one in Kitakami is possessed so they would also meet Carmine a lot differently then in canon. (while that happened, Pecharunt sensed that "The loyal three" were nearby and decided to go seek them out and reunite with them)
Peacharunt is mostly interested in MC, but even tho it wants to get a closer look at them, it decides to keep it's distance due to their group of friends, allowing everyone to enjoy their week in Kitakami without anything happening (tho Peacharunt did manage to pull a few minor pranks for it's entertainment)
However throughout the days of stalking it's prey, Pecharunt has learned a lot about MC and their pokemon, even personal information that they perfer their pokemon to only know about, giving Pecharunt an idea.
You see, MC reminds Pecharunt of the old couple it once lived with. Knowing that they are now gone, Pecharunt wants nothing more than to feel their affection again, and seeing how MC treats their pokemon, they are now it's target, and this time, Pecharunt will keep both them and "the loyal three" close for good, not wanting to lose them again.
After learning that Kieran and Carmine were planning to take MC and their friends on a small exploration through Unova, Pecharunt decided that this was the time to strike.
With the help of Munkidori, it manage to infiltrate MC dreams, and use their personal feelings against them, causing them to jolt awake.
And upon memorizing the MC routine for the Blueberry Academy, Pecharunt knew that they would head to the terrarium to clear their head, not knowing that it and "the loyal three" were waiting for them.
(obviously Pecharunt can possess people when they eat it's toxic mochi, but i want to make this a little more serious, meaning sorry no chicken dance MC........ok maybe a little, but their not screamin mochi lol)
After cornering MC, Munkidori used it's psychic power to help Pecharunt telepathically speak to MC. Using the personal info it collected when stalking them, this caused MC to have a mental breakdown, trying to convince themselves that they were dreaming. (whatever tragic backstory you gave your MC, go crazy!!!)
But that wasn't going to help them after a malignant chain was wrapped around their neck. This caused MC to be under Pecharunt's influence, convincing them that they will be forever alone if they didn't go with Pecharunt and "the loyal three", seeing them as their saviours, and letting themselves eat the toxic mochi.
The next day when everyone was getting ready to explore Unova, they searched everywhere around the Academy and terrarium for MC with no luck what so ever, almost as if they vanished.
And things started to grow even more concerning when all six of MC pokemon (including their Raidon) crashed into the entrance of the Academy, Poisoned and incredibly weak, as if they were in some sort of poisonous struggle.
After taking the pokemon to the infirmary, everyone sent a search party of flying pokemon to look for MC all across Unova, even contacting the gym leader's and champion Iris for help. Unfortunately, nothing turned up.
But when all hope was lost, Kieran and Carmine get a call from their grandparents, stating that they spotted MC in Kitakami heading up to loyalty plaza.
With no time to spare, the group of five head over to Kitakami in hopes of finding out what has happened to their dear friend.
I'll let you guys interpret your own "what happens next" scenario. but i like to think of this AU being a "MC solved the problems of their friends, now it's their turn to return a favour" kinda thing.
like think of those last few episodes of Steven Universe, you know what i'm saying.
I mean, come on, let's have some MC angst shall we ;)
Hope you like this AU <3
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pentacass · 10 months
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shadowheart 2/x
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mochiwrites · 3 months
couldn’t help writing a lil thing from @plumadot’s arts (linked here and here!)🥺👉👈 third life scarian possessed me so hard I broke out of my burn out for this reblogs would be really cool and awesome okaythankyou
“And how are preparations for Doom Day going, my good sir?” Scar’s voice is a light sound behind him, tone cheerful and inquisitive all at once.
Grian turns around from where he’s knee deep in sand, a small hole dug out in front of him. Scar comes to stand beside him, red eyes staring down at him. His gaze is soft, far too soft for a man who’s meant to be anything but.
With a soft noise, Grian pushes himself up to stand while dusting off his hands. He leaves his shovel in the ground by the hole. His wings flutter.
He hums, surveying the area. He gazes at the holes of sand, where the tnt will be set down, at the place where a bunker will be built. “Not bad, I’d say. I think this place’ll be ready by tomorrow or some time ‘round then.”
Scar whistles, moving to casually wrap an arm around the green life’s shoulders. “Amayzin’!” His lips lift in a smile. “Man, those Dogwarts guys won’t know what hit ‘em!”
“That’s if this trap even works, Scar,” Grian mutters, unable to hold back the bitterness in his voice. His traps have hardly worked all game, and he’d be lying if he said he isn’t worried about this one failing too. “It has to,” he says, brows knitting together, “there’s too much riding on this one.”
His eyes trail over to Scar, who doesn’t seem to share his worries.
“Aw, c’mon G,” Scar starts as he pulls the other toward him. He tugs so that Grian’s facing him, their faces a few inches apart. Grian can feel how warm Scar is this close, can see the way his chest rises and falls. “I have total trust in you and your trapping skills. So relax a little, yeah?”
Grian frowns at him in turn. Speculation and trust aren’t good enough when up against his fail rate. He needs one hundred percent certainty. But he can’t just test this one. It’s a one time pull. “Scar—”
Careful fingers grab his chin, rough and calloused from the harsh conditions of the desert but still far too careful. Red names aren’t supposed to be careful or gentle, and yet here Scar is.
“I trust you,” Scar says again, and Grian doesn’t think this is how things are supposed to go. It’s not the first time he’s had this thought, and he’s sure it won’t be the last (provided they both survive this, that is). “You really do worry too much.”
“One of us has to while you’re off gallivanting around without a shirt on,” Grian grumbles while reaching for the edge of Scar’s cloak. He holds onto it, fingers digging into the fabric.
Scar lifts a playful brow at Grian’s comment, “Does that mean I look good while valligaggling?”
Grian snorts, the action laced with too much affection. “That’s not even a word, Scar,” he replies with a little laugh, one that makes Scar’s grin widen.
“It’s close enough,” the man hums in answer, their faces moving closer. His hand drops to Grian’s elbow, the other drawing him in closer by the waist. Red eyes flutter shut as his breath ghosts over Grian’s lips. “And it made you laugh.”
“Your priorities are seriously mixed up,” Grian’s voice is hardly above a whisper as watches as Scar draws in closer.
Their lips meet seconds later, chapped and warm. Grian stares at Scar’s face, the way the creases in his forehead smooth over and relax. He looks so content, a funny feeling to express when the powder keg is seconds from exploding.
It hardly takes any time at all for Scar to deepen the kiss, raising his hand from Grian’s elbow to hold the edge of his jaw. His thumb settles too close to Grian’s throat, yet not an ounce of fear runs through him. His eyes shut as he presses his lips back against Scar’s, a bit more pressure than the other applies. He catches Scar’s wrist in his hand, and his grip is a little tight at first (too tight for a green name). He has to remind himself to loosen his hand, but Scar never gives a reaction.
He simply angles Grian’s chin up slightly, hand shifting to cup his cheek. His fingers tangle in his hair, brushing against his ear.
It’s kind of a shame they’re blowing up the desert. He wouldn’t mind sharing more kisses with Scar out in the open chilly air like this.
Scar kisses him like he’s something fragile, something precious. He kisses him like he’s afraid of breaking him, and really it’s laughable how gentle he is with Grian. His eyes say he shouldn’t be.
(Ironic then, that Grian is wearing more red than him.)
It’s with a soft sigh that Scar pulls back, setting their foreheads against one another. So easily, so fluidly, he holds Grian’s face in both of his hands, one of his thumbs brushing along his cheek. There’s a fond smile on his face, and Grian feels a little dazed by the sight.
“Gri,” Scar says quietly, a moment shared for only the two of them, “I need you to know, I—”
Some kind of alarm rings in Grian’s head, and he knows he cannot let Scar finish that sentence. Panic runs down his spine like electricity, zapping him. He sets his hands on Scar’s front, gently pushing back as he turns his head away.
“H-Haha, we’ve wasted enough time, haven’t we?” he questions, some kind of desperate attempt to change the conversation. “We have a war to prepare for, remember?”
He doesn’t watch Scar’s face as he turns away, unable to face it. He turns his back to Scar, wings twitching behind him. Grian purposefully looks down at the sand before him, reminding himself of what he’s meant to be doing. “We, uh, have much to do still,” he says, trying to focus on anything but Scar. “I mean, unless you want me to lose my first life!”
Grian goes to say more, but two hands land on his shoulders, stopping him. He jumps just slightly, startled. Yet it doesn’t last long as he feels Scar’s warmth against his back. “…Scar,” he mumbles.
Arms wrap around him proper, holding him close. He feels Scar bury his face in his hair as the smell of lilacs and poppies flood his senses. “Just a little longer, okay?” the red name murmurs so softly.
Let me hold you for a little longer.
Stay with me for a little longer.
Pretend this’ll last for a little longer.
How selfish, Scar is. Grian looks down at the sand below, its mocking grains. He grabs hold of Scar, keeping him right where he is. “…I’m not going to die, Scar.”
“Promise me.” Scar’s arms tighten around him, giving away how much he needs Grian to stay alive. How much he treasures Grian, both his partnership and company.
Grian squeezes him. He supposes he’s a little selfish as well. “…I promise.”
Scar lets out a shaky breath, burying his face further into Grian’s hair.
They don’t move for a little while. A gentle red name and a green name clothed in far too much crimson. Together they stand, selfishly.
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petorahs · 4 months
a look into the healing properties of ▆▆▆'s power
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...some notes from the "White Book"! Will you read it? >Yes
when I started this second comic, it was primarily to address these plot beats GameFreak left in their writing of the Hidden Treasure of Area Zero Epilogue that I found to be "immersion-breaking":
why didn't the protag tell anyone about Kieran? (my answer: they had to keep it a secret)
why did the protag travel from Kitakami to trigger the epilogue, then fly back to Paldea real quick before going back barely a week later? (I can't justify it for GameFreak lol so for me there are two protags and one of them was already in Kitakami, while the other got the call from Arven.)
I know in game this was done from a gameplay perspective, but it's fun to imagine an intricate story and reasoning for all this :] With this, my version of events can still play out in the games themselves without being too au-y. (It's even in-line with my previous pkmn art, which I'm semi-particular about.)
Of course, it was also to give my version of Florian and Juliana as well as Nemona some form of closure. I wasn't planning on healing them, but a kind comment from someone led me to this little brief passion project. Although the characters aren't mine, they seem to have taken hold of me anyway, driving me to finish telling their story.
Making this was what I call "wish-fulfillment" art. It has shippy elements, a bunch of specific exposition a nerd like me would care about, JP text for a character raised in fictional rural Japan that I'm aware not many would enjoy as I do? Or, idk. It's fanservice for me alone, and it was extremely fulfilling to draw, which is what matters. Believe it or not, it's been a while since I've been unapologetically able to enjoy drawing like this.
Basically, I blacked out and boom. These silly guys took over my life. I enjoyed it. I hope you guys do too.
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mochinomnoms · 5 months
Imagine how happy our sneaky eel is when someone asks about joining his club, and oh my....its that human he likes.
He's soooo happy! Not only does his club finally have a second member to keep it alive, but is faaaaaavorite human is with him! He'll intentionally take them on difficult hikes so that they tire out, just so he can take out the extra water and snacks that he “conveniently” brought. Oh, your legs are tired? Let him carry you, you poor thing. Drink so more water, take another granola bar, aren't you a silly little thing not properly preparing for a hike! No matter that he told you it would be a simple, short hike. After, he's asking how you're planning on repaying his kindness, after all, you took his spare food and drinks! He could've needed those. How about you join him for dinner at the Mostro Lounge? It's the least you can do 😊.
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fullcravings · 7 months
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Crispy Pumpkin Mochi Cakes (3-Ingredients)
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inkumochi · 10 months
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hydras are cool ⚡️
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yuri-is-online · 4 months
Ok but how did ace even get a girlfriend in the first place? Did she confess and he just went along with it? Did he think having a girlfriend would make him seem cooler? Was it a dare or something? Cause for someone like ace to just go ghost on her and not have an actual talk, kind of makes me feel like these two were not friends before they were partners.
So then, fast forward to nrc, ace is trying so hard to lose the feelings he has for his best friend. Because that's all they are: friends, homies, if you (duece) will. Yuu has the cream of the crop to pick from, he's kind of at a disadvantage here.
Plus, whose to say their entire dynamic won't change the second they get together? He doesn't want to get bored and start to hate one of his dearest friends by proxy, so might as well just play it safe and suffer a little than take that risk and the both of you suffer a lot 🤷‍♂️.
Meanwhile yuu, who still has their old phone/mp3 player, has been playing Jenny by Studiokillers on repeat. Lying in their bed, just down horrendous for this absolute ball of boyish mischief. How dare he, honestly?
Well. At least he gives them a lot of openings to flirt with him?
*disclaimer, I was home schooled so my actual knowledge about middle school dating is beyond non-existent so take what I say with a grain of salt
The information we get about Ace's girlfriend comes from his suitor suit vignette and he does not mention how they actually got together, just some of the things that they did and how boring Ace thought all of them were. And I agree! The way they broke up does not make it sound like they were friends before dating, though they could have been casual acquaintances. The way Ace likes to goof around makes me think he was probably pretty popular, and had a lot of those types of relationships. His description of the relationship makes me think he probably went out with her because he thought she was cute and that it would be fun to have a girlfriend, but didn't actually stop to think about who she was as a person or what dating actually means. And hey, he was in middle school. He was going to be a bit stupid about those sort of things. The experience seems to have made him think a lot about what he wants in a partner, and we know from Ortho he was telling the truth when he's forced to spell it out:
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His voice lines flesh out what he wants a bit more; he says he thinks it's important to find someone you have fun with and that he wants to get married later in life. So Ace knows what he wants... he just gets really embarrassed when called out on it and refuses to talk honestly about his feelings (though he kind of does that in general hehe)
So flashing forward to NRC. Ace knows what he wants and Yuu is such a perfect fit it hurts. Best friends to lovers is a popular trope in fiction sure, but in real life? At a school? Yeah right, Ace still has to see them every day if they break up, and not to mention... I feel like Ace, Deuce, Grim, and Yuu sort of fell into their dynamic almost immediately after the mine adventure and didn't ever stop to think about it because of how natural the friendship felt. And Ace knows if things end badly he's losing the whole squad, so yeah. Better to just swallow this and stay where he is. He's still in school! He doesn't need to think about dating! He's got a housewarden to surpass, upperclassmen he admires, and a bunch of idiots to take care of. He can worry about dating later. Besides, these feelings will go away after graduation he's delusional sure of it!!!
Meanwhile, back at the ranch Ramshackle Yuu is literally in a living hell. Maybe they're a bit more emotionally mature than Ace and they just know this could work out but THEY CAN'T TELL IF HE LIKES THEM BACK BECAUSE HE KEEPS GETTING SHY AND MAKING JOKES FML!!!! But like he also lets them steal his gym shirt :ccc and he gets pouty when someone else makes an offer :ccc and really smug when Yuu says no ccc: so like maaaybe? Or maybe not and this meaningless flirting is all they'll ever have and they just. Try to be ok with it and they sort of hate themselves for it.
until Sebek properly joins the friend group and looses his fucking shit
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mochispresso · 10 months
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I'm late for Buggy's birthday again this year
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mochixkisses · 6 months
mine, mine, mine. all mine. ♡
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angeart · 5 months
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@mochiwrites HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! <3
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macaroonkitti · 5 months
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Kieran doodles I did after beating Mochi Mayhem last night...love him
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musubiki · 6 months
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certified member of the mochi protection squad #3
(former member of mochi destruction squad)
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ask-prismaknight · 6 months
I like to think Susie is the funny auntie to Mochi (kirby too) who spoils him ANYTHING
And i like to imagine her transporting Mochi like a chihuahua in a bag to shopping too,Mochi is perfectly small to to be transported in a bag(¿)
And in the process drags MK and Kirby too into the stores
(Mk probably ends up like the guy who has to carry all Susie bought for the kids 😭)
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teddymochi · 9 days
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startistdoodles · 1 month
Hello! How are you?
I was wondering, on a scale from 1-10 , how huggable would Mochi be?
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100!! :)
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