smallestapplin · 1 year
I’ve always liked the reverse AU’s where Emmet is the one Hisui’d and Ingo stays in Unova, so if you’re willing, would you write an Ingo still in Unove while his brother and partner are both missing for however long? I love you!!
Ingo remembers that day so clearly.
He remembers waking up to your sleeping face curled into his chest, he remembers kissing your forehead accidentally waking you.
Apologizing as he had to leave for work.
He remembers chuckling at your sleepy plead for him to stay a little longer, to cuddle you more.
He didn’t, but he did linger to give you several kisses, linger to tell you how much he loved you and couldn’t wait to marry you.
Your ring and his shining in the morning light seeping through the curtains.
The ring that’s still currently on his finger even a year after your disappearance.
He remembers Emmet texting him, telling him he’d be in late as Archeops apparently stole his hat, paired with a video of the fossil Pokémon running and flapping around with a white conductor hat.
He remembers laughing at the video, but messaging his twin ‘good luck!’ Before heading to work.
Ingo didn’t mind being the only boss there then.
He does now.
He remembers getting worried and messaging Emmet if he was okay, or needed help as time quickly passed.
Yet no response.
He left for home on his lunch break, as Emmet lives next door.
Only to enter his twin’s home and seeing all his Pokémon there in distress, crying out and looking frantic.
Yet no sign of Emmet.
He rushed to his home to get you, knowing you were off of work today, yet you’re not there either.
He remembers the panic that went through him, the frantic calling for both you and Emmet, even calling your phones.
He loathed recalling how his heart plummeted when he heard his ringtone go off and found your phone on the floor of your shared bedroom.
You were taken, that much he was sure of, you never left home without your phone and at least one of your Pokémon.
Yet all six were accounted for, and weakly crying for you.
He called all your friends, his friends, Emmet’s friends, and anyone he could think of. By the end of the hour, it had already spread that a subway boss and the fiancé of one had disappeared.
Then the rumors started.
Rumors his friends tried to protect him from, but it was too late.
The most popular being you and Emmet fell in love and ran away together, leaving him behind.
But even if that were true, you would’ve taken your Pokémon and phone, he knows you and knows his brother.
He knew it wasn’t true and something more sinister happened.
The police tried, search efforts were made and news outlets pleaded for help for the return of the two of you.
But days turned to weeks, weeks to months, and now here he is, a year later, and still not a sign of either of you.
Ingo cried and still cries at even the mention of you and his brother, he couldn’t thank everyone for their help properly without sobbing.
Elesa and Skyla had to drag him from his home for the first five months, just to get him to go to work.
His loud voice was now hoarse from all his crying, and barely as loud as it once was.
He refused to part with anything of Emmets or yours.
He still introduces himself as engaged.
He can’t let go.
Taking care of so many Pokémon is a hassle, but he enjoys the comfort of them as it reminds him of his brother and beloved.
He refuses to let you two be forgotten.
He refuses to move any of your things.
Your side of the bed remains untouched, your side of the bathroom counter is just how you left it.
He makes sure to dust and keep things clean.
Even with Emmet’s home, he does the same, unable to bring himself to part with anything that wasn’t already in the trash can.
Ingo feels numb, he feels like a husk. The bags under his eyes are dark, his body sways more from being unbalanced. The exhaustion is getting to him, but no matter how much he sleeps, he wakes up even more tired.
He’s tired.
He wants you two home.
He can’t give up, you wouldn’t want him to.
But he’s afraid he’ll never see you two again.
Unaware of a museum in Sinnoh having some pictures and artifacts that are too similar to be a coincidence.
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tumblezwei · 11 months
Ruby is a Halloween Baby and should be leaning so much more into the spookiness
Why is she not?? Does her world not have halloween? No wonder it’s in shambles!
How did I fucking know you'd be the first person to send me an ask
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onestepbackwards · 2 years
I love Zelda and i love the twins, same as you
So I offer you this idea of mine that’s been haunting my brain:
You go to fight Ganon. And you go without the twins. You love them, you know they’re strong, but like with the blights, they are not suited for this fight. It’s your responsibility, and if this is where you lay down your sword? You’d rather it be yours alone.
Emmet and Ingo beg, beg you to take them, then to at least promise them you’ll come back. You have Mipha’s Grace, you have a rival should you need it. But only if you need it once. They’re so worried, so desperate to ensure your safety because this isn’t a blessing, it’s a curse. Hylia’s chosen is cursed to die. And they can’t stand it.
You don’t deserve any of this.
But you go. Because of course you do. Your heart is too big to be weighed down even by the most impossible of tasks. You kiss their hands at their last campsite, where they’ll remain until you return to them. Because you will return, right?
You say nothing, and disappear into the castle.
The twins watch the divine beasts do their duty, they watch as the castle explodes with a beast so terrifying. It rages the land around the castle, and they have to force their feet on the ground. They can’t go to you, they can’t save you from this. And they hate themselves for not being able to take this horror from you and deal with it themselves.
But the beast falls. It hits heavy on the ground, and the sky clears. The castle grounds are silent, no more guardians crawling around. They’re all at rest, no more movement.
And the twins wait for you, poking around the new husks full of delectable parts for their plans. But they don’t wander far from their campsite, too eager to see you. You did it! A congratulations is in order, not to mention you need to visit everyone and tell them the good news!
You’re not a failure!
But the day turns to night that turns to day. You’re not there, not racing to greet them, or soaring down from above.
The worried twins pace and fret and eventually decide to charge the castle. They climb the ruins and debris, screaming for you. They’re so scared you’re hurt, dying. They’re terrified you’ve been pinned somewhere, slowly dying while they just sat on their asses and let you die.
But they find you. You’re lying on the ground, in the arms of a gorgeous woman that glows golden. Your face is slack, more peaceful than they’ve ever seen you look, even while asleep, and the woman smiles down at you so fondly.
The twins feel their guts wrench. You. . . Are you. . ?
You let out a snorting snore, and the woman alights with laughter. The twins fall over themselves to rush you, hug you where you lie sleeping.
“I am Princess Zelda.” The woman introduces herself, but they don’t care.
Emmet and Ingo grip your hands and press kisses to your rough palms. They bathe you in praise and tears, even if you can’t hear them. You’re finally resting, finally relaxing.
And they are so, so happy.
Angst/comfort botw au my beloved
They’ve seen how heavy this burden had become, how it affected your day to day life. Even when sleeping, there was never truly any rest.
It broke their hearts, and there wasn’t a single thing they could really say or do that would help with that burden. You already had been through so much, the best thing for you was to get the fight with the Calamity over with.
Even if it was something they all dreaded.
But they made a point to let you alway know you weren’t alone! Even if they couldn’t join you on the battlefield, they’d be there in spirit.
So seeing you actually rest after fighting such a frightening foe, it has them so relieved. You can finally sleep. Finally rest.
They are so, so happy.
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shmothman · 6 months
boooooooooop 💕
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Booping you all back 🤣🤣💕💕
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wardenswateringhole · 2 years
@bellafragolina You remember way back when you drew a picture for my kid and I said we were planning something special for it?
Here it is.
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It took a while because the software to do this decided to go stupid for a bit but it got done.
What does everyone think? I was entertaining the idea of offering personalized mugs in whatever little commission bit i decide to do on here.
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outoutdamnspark · 11 months
Me too!! Mutual bingo pls!
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🥺💖 Bruh, you were one of the very first people I ever interacted with in the submas fandom~ I love you!!!!
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fluffabutt · 9 months
18 and 25
18: Are you scared of spiders?
Yes! Terrified of them! I had such an intense fear as a child I couldn’t touch pictures of them or look at pictures of them
Now it’s just a fear of proximity, I try to ignore spiders for the most part cause they do good things for the environment. And squishing the small ones isn’t as bad.
Anything bigger than a quarter tho? No thank you 💕
25: Do you miss anyone from your past?
I had a best friend when I was growing up, but we drifted in high school, and when she wanted to reconnect I had moved on. I hope she’s well though.
Mostly just friends I used to have in my life regularly when I was younger.
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yanban-san · 1 year
My first memory of you is from lurking through the submas tags for x reader fics and finding your lovely writing! I think it was the eldritch submas au I saw first and I was verrrry intrigued, especially cause you wrote it so well!!
You and several others made me want to start my own writing blog so bad! I hope to reach your level someday!
Ayo????? Ayo???? Coming from you that's a big compliment, I've always liked your writing quite a lot Bella!
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submastrain · 1 year
The crying while angry expression is 👌😩👌 love a good expression and all four you did great
aaahhhhh it makes me happy that you think so bc I usually tend to draw only smiley faces. 😆 So this is a challenge to me! Thank you sooooo much !! 🥰✨
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flowersbythebridge · 2 years
[continuing the rp]
Ren winks. “If I can prove that you’re interesting, I get something from you. If I can’t prove it, you get something from me. Winner chooses what they want. Simple!”
She shows her hands, palms empty, a show of no harm. “What do ya say?”
Reina frowns slightly, though it looks more like a pout.
"I guess... depends on what you want?" she asks. Sparing a glance at the relatively empty cafe, she hum in thought and unties her apron, setting it aside. "Okay, I'll bite. How you want to go about this?"
If nothing else it would be a good way to kill some time, and the stranger seems pretty amiable. (And, Reina thinks with a quiet snort of laughter, if things go wonky, she can easily sneak out the back.)
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pikatalia · 2 years
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More Than Just A Hero Chapter List🐶
*be warned, there is sexual content in this fic!!!🐶
🐶Chapter 4: Coming Soon!!!
NEW SHORT STORY- The Beast Inside can be found HERE 3(:)0
The Fire In Her Eyes - N x Reader
Bonus story✨ 3(:)
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tumblezwei · 1 year
Get your weeb songs off my dash!
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onestepbackwards · 8 months
I constantly reread your stuff all the time it’s so great!!
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I'm so happy you enjoy my writing so much!! (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)(´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)(´▽`ʃ♡ƪ) It makes me so happy people like my stuff (❁´◡`❁) Thank you so much!! ❤
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shmothman · 10 months
You’re making me verrrrrry interested in the sexy ginko man
seriously tho it’s an absolutely wonderful show. it’s got supernatural creatures it’s got calming vibes it’s got deep messages about the nature of grief and how to keep moving and being connected to the world around us and there is nowhere you don’t belong. and it’s got my weed smoking babygirl who travels and helps people and investigates the supernatural and gives sage advice. and is so so so pretty.
(if i had a nickel for every time i fell in love with a traveling light haired man from meiji era japan whose hair covers one eye, i’d have two nickels. which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice.)
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jossambird · 1 year
i send a kiss
keep fucking your priest-men babe
Mwah mwah mwah on your face!
God, I will keep fucking these handsome Italian Satanic priests like my life depends on it 😤
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outoutdamnspark · 2 years
*skids up in a strawberry pink corvette*
Get in superstar we’re making the toxic twins regret their entire existence
(Bless you spark)
Hell YEAH we are!!! X3 Gonna ruin these men's entire lives like they tried to ruin the reader's!
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(also I don't know why, but my brain tried to read "strawberry pink" as "strawberry milkshake.")
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