archangel-arts · 2 years
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rage rage rage rage rage rage
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1spiricallove · 2 years
Illumination with Frixie- artpal
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444names · 11 months
Names generated from female German forenames, excluding the letter "H"
Adlexa Agabea Alene Alexana Aliannen Alinentia Alise Altrauke Amardmun Amonike Anade Anadlexa Anegard Anelise Anete Anettia Aniese Aniesi Aniette Anike Aniki Anjane Annanne Annellies Annid Antja Anuelmine Anzilorg Appolen Apporomi Ariesbert Aristana Astena...
Barda Barga Bargrebe Bargrina Barliande Barmaja Barole Beatrista Belenca Belgabi Berlina Bilie Birgina Birja Birmeta Birmga Birtam Brina Brude Caraukrea Carida Carie Carje Cekla Cilde Conja Consammel Corika Coriola Coritte Corne Corosa Cäcilke Dalia Danne Dansena Dionorde Dionste Diotten Doreika Dorie Doriesl Dorina Dorna Dorola Doronie Dorott Ebore Ebura Edwie Edwigisa Edwigitte Efangerie Effia Effiana Eidel Elardmun Elfra Elfrid Elgarde Elies Elina Elleonja Ellia Ellinete Ellydia Elmina Eloni Elotinike Elsberd Emaretita Emarissi Emarne Emelexi Emerlen Emete Emittia Ereglis Erliese Eroly Ertraud Ertun Evanja Fankarlia Fannel Fantia Fraud Fraulise Fregine Frete Fretrit Fries Frisepi Frixi Fränzi Gabritte Garaud Garga Garia Garie Garlie Gebeke Gebke Geboreza Gelle Gerid Gerlike Germani Germet Gertra Gertranie Gesta Giskate Gissa Gissane Gissard Gista Gitina Grega Gregine Greida Grenata Grete Greterise Gretriesi Gretta Greya Grika Grike Grina Grine Grise Gritta Gulia Gunde Ildagna Ildentia Iliane Iloista Immargret Imonja Imonsel Inadia Incarisa Inike Irgard Irisa Irmga Irsula Jetia Jolen Josabe Jossa Josweidi Julana Juliste Julla Jundela Kaelka Kaeta Kaetene Karam Karauke Karde Karga Kargitta Karika Karisa Karliesl Karne Karoly Karoti Katenja Katjanne Katje Katra Katrun Kinni Klanne Kolanja Kolina Konorina Koret Korette Kregard Krene Krina Kätia Lannies Leidren Lenrida Leoninza Leonotte Lesard Lessanne Lexantrud Lianne Liedionja Liesa Likorta Lildelia Lillise Lingrela Lista Liste Listrute Loiste Lonsa Loresl Lorgargit Lottam Luciline Lucille Ludianke Luditina Luisa Luisanni Luista Lukretta Lukridi Luziane Luzilke Luziseffi Lydinanna Lympie Lätia Lätin Lätine Madelinde Madia Madinema Madioni Madja Magarg Magarit Magdalie Magna Malene Manne Marda Marde Mardulise Mareida Marelesam Mareta Margard Margarda Margare Margarin Margina Margitte Margrise Maricke Marid Maridi Mariga Marigine Maris Marisa Marisanne Marisbea Marja Marje Marle Marlen Marlenja Marlika Marlina Marliste Marlistra Marne Marola Marolga Maromine Marose Matiane Meide Melfia Melie Mellie Melsel Menike Merta Micke Milda Milja Milke Millympie Minel Minike Mirgabel Netefanna Nieta Nikolen Niktora Norne Notine Olgargot Olotte Osabina Osele Patrunike Paulie Pauta Pepie Petta Plotta Plotte Poleoni Polgud Polone Porsuse Raudiola Reboret Regit Reikki Relkard Reneta Reste Resze Retabelie Retamut Retrie Rette Rettina Riannady Rigine Ritta Rolard Rolaula Romina Rosannet Roselot Roseltra Rosemine Rosena Rossa Rossi Rottale Rotte Sabele Sabrudi Sabrunda Sanda Selene Seleoni Sella Selmin Seltranja Sibylla Sibyllaud Sigarne Sigerosa Sigitia Silda Simmilde Sinde Sinen Singrid Sintia State Stine Susalen Sweike Swittane Sybina Sylvikare Tanemun Tanna Tanne Teffia Torne Tortra Traudia Traudwie Traulie Trautta Trikka Trisefa Uliede Uliste Ullenrisa Uraudra Urstia Usantin Usilia Vanate Vanne Verike Vertra Viani Vianke Vikara Vinetta Virja Vrola Walene Walie Waltrine Weidianni Weika Wenide Wenike Wigabris Wilia Wilina Winstrun Zente Zölen Zölena Zölexa
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rubywithin · 20 days
Atelier Frixi 12
-Over at the castle Darien sat alone- Merida....did you really put your faith in a novice? Who am I kidding, I know she is the type to always believe those who show a hint of talent! Two years of focusing on my duties....climbing the ranks and then one memory reminds of me the past. That other pupil of yours is far too ambitious...I can't believe she wants someone to take on a Grimwolf! Most people would not be able to handle that task....but I know I can, am I really willing to go that far for a stranger? -knock knock- (Darien) "Enter" it was one of my knights! (Knight) "Sir Darien will you be taking on today's training? I thought for a second. Ugh I will probably regret this later, (Darien) "I will pass the duty on to Sir Hamlell!". He was shocked at my response but I have made up my mind I will help Merida's pupil with her goal! I took out my sword and made my way over to the Shadowed Woods.
After a few hours I arrived.....I saw a pack of regular wolves and fought them off. The Grimwolf typically was the head of these packs but won't strict until the others wear the prey down. I took out many of them and then suddenly (Grimwolf) "GRRRRRL" it charged right at me. I rolled out of the way but it caught me slightly....ugh the wound stung a lot, (Darien) "Grande Blade" I swung right at it but it caught the blade in it's mouth! I cut off a chunk of it's fur while holding it in place. I need to leave the woods but this beast was holding me in place....I can maybe push it back and strike it in the short window I have. However if it catches me fight....(Azure) "Cobalt Arrow!" huh what was that?". He wounded it's leg and it retreated, (Darien) "What do you think you are doing here bandit?" (Azure) "Hey look I saved your life, cut me a break". (Darien) "Fine thank you helping me Azure but next time I don't want your help!".
I made my way out of the woods but Azure stopped me for some reason. (Azure) "If you want I can deliver the fur to Frixi since you are a big softie wanting to help her out". (Darien) "Ugh what a pain fine" I handed him the fur, "But how did you know I was getting this for Frixi?". (Azure) "She has tasked me with finding a certain item that is located in a nearby cave! I just happened to notice you enter the woods and suspected you were taking on her quest". We both made our way back to Ziele and went our separate ways.....back at the castle I got a telling off from Hamlell! When I told him I decided to take on a quest instead of the training session he laughed. I guess I gave him something he can hold over me -sigh-. Merida I hope your pupil can find her way as an alchemist one day!
-Back at Atelier Frixi- Okay I will stir this a few times....then add this for some a slightly more efficient cure! Stir a a little bit more and done, I decided to try and fine tune my potion making while I waited on the others. (Azure) "Ah well done miss Frixelliya, you will become a master alchemist in no time!". (Frixi) "Ugh thank you Azure and um did you find the Thunder Stone?" He nodded and I felt so excited then....WOW (Frixi) "Wait you got the Grimwolf fur too?" he nodded again. (Azure) "Of course one resides in the Woods near the cave I got the stone from, I brought a few spares if you wish to use them for other synthesis's!". (Frixi) "Wow thank you so much Azure" I was on my way to being able to make that special ingot, I gave Azure the reward money for the request I set up! All I needed now was the ice stone, I am sure Noire will be able to find it.
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t2000000000 · 1 year
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beetsburgh · 3 years
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Frixi ref - Bee Edition
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sonic-nada · 3 years
Sonic : last chance
issue 1 welcome to green hills
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Issue 1 / issue 2 ( unfinished)
Bouns art ( issue 2 cover)
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michinekot · 6 years
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they are way too adorable tbh QwQ Pixie&the fusion’s design belong to @pixie-chara <3
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slay-classy · 4 years
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Mandy set
Eshter dress
Senja set
Eshter V2 dress
Helena top
Hivi top seethrough version 
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Frixi top - DOWNLOAD
Frixi short - DOWNLOAD
Hivi top satin version - DOWNLOAD
Nixie dress - DOWNLOAD
Ray top - DOWNLOAD
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Siera top - DOWNLOAD
Ophelie top - DOWNLOAD
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isadora-triton · 7 years
“This is bad, this is bad, this is bad.” Penn kept muttering to herself, trying to somehow read and take notes from three demonology books at the same time. She really didn’t want to meet her mom, from what she’d heard she really didn’t want kids at the moment. Or any kind of responsibility, for that matter. She felt someone’s eyes on her, and quickly jumped, instantly blushing at her awkwardness. Finally, she stared at the girl and recognized her through her panic. “Fr-freya. You scared me.” 
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memories-in-ink-au · 4 years
For the drawing thing,,, could you maybe do 🌀 as a fusion with another OC and ☢ as a different fandom interpretation? With either Buddy, Tom, or Sinzy?
first up, is Sinzy fused with my OC Frixi!
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and then Buddy! Nuclear Throne Edition
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featuring the mutations of! Strong Spirit, Euphoria, Stress, Long Arms, and Gamma Guts!
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glitterwolfvi · 4 years
send over questions to @beetsburgh !
we’ve got Frixi (me!), Frighilda (mom!), and Bjorn (Ty!)
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1spiricallove · 3 years
Frixie N illumination - podcast
Frixie N illumination – podcast
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t33sims · 4 years
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Sarina Mitchell
Theresa Hair by @simpliciaty-cc
Glazed Skin by @savage-sims
Joana Top and Frixi Skort by @slay-classy @slayclassy-showroom
Tobi Sandal by @dallasgirl79
Makeup by @pralinesims
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rubywithin · 26 days
Atelier Frixi 11
I spent three days trying to find the ingredients I needed but I had no luck at all ugh, I will never catch up to master at this rate. Okay I will look through one more book.....nothing -siiiiiiiigh-. (Noire) "You are making me want to sigh as well! geez". (Frixi) "Noire I am sorry it's just I wanted to make this ingot in a week but I just can't figure out where to find the ingredients in any of these books!". (Noire) "-Sigh- Frixi do you not trust me or any of the others you have met here in Ziele?". I didn't want to make the others help me...."Kid your mentor made it soo far as an alchemist because she was willing to ask for help. You have me and my infinite wisdom, Azure and his shady connections and probably a few others to help you! So ask for our help and we will do our best!" (Frixi) "Okay um Noire can you try and find out where to find an ice stone?". She nodded and smiled.....I ran out to ask Azure if he could find a stone with lightning properties I just need to learn about 2 more parts.
I went to the quest office to put up a request for a certain monster part.....sorry Noire my payment might be lower till I get this task done! As I left the quest building I noticed Barlow staring up at the sky for some reason! I felt nervous about asking him if he could help but this could be a step closer to us becoming friends. "Hey um Barlow can I ask you something?" (Barlow) "Of course you helped me a great deal before!". (Frixi) "Do you know any items with fire properties?" he gave me a strange look at first. (Barlow) "Hmm let me check....ah this should do the trick, it isknown as Phlogiston it can be found in an abandoned mine near here!". (Frixi) "Thank you so much Barlow if you ever need help I will try my best to aid you" he smiled and I ran back to the Atelier I was now one step closer to making the item. It is a special ingot used for weapons that wield elemental magic thus required fire, ice and lightning properties!
I did some odd tasks at the Atelier while I waited to see if someone would take on my request! Unfortunately no one did....I guess I will go buy some in general ingredients. As I was walking back I bumped into someone.....(Amelia) "Oh it's you, I have to tell you that quest you put up is ridiculous!". She was right.....no one would be willing to take on the monster that has the fur I need. (Darien) "Amelia return to your pose!" (Amelia) "Huh why? I am ahead of schedule...". (Darien) "As the leading alchemist it is your duty to always be ready for requests!". Huh is she really being told off when she just admitted to already having all of her current requests completed? Is this what it is like being an alchemist in demand? "Don't bother trying to catch up to her she is as talented as her mentor Merida!". N...no way he just mentioned master....so Amelia was taught by her too but I guess she had more lessons with her.
I struggled to pick up my things....I could hear him sigh and he then tried to help me. (Frixi) "It's fine I can....oops" I dropped my staff and he picked it up for me but hesitated to hand it back. (Darien) "Oh sorry I have a habit of admiring craftsmanship, let me help you carry your stuff". He walked back to the Atelier with me but we did not say anything to each other the whole time! I thanked him before going inside! (Nina) "Oh hey you were gone a while, did something happen?". I told her all bout how Amelia shared the same mentor as me and she was shocked! Merida was the most kind hearted person I met yet she mentored someone who acts better than everyone like Amelia. I decided to lye down hopefully the others will find the items for the ingot I am trying to make.
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kikithedeceiver · 5 years
erena and karnel do look promising, i looked in pixiv :o aside from the main characters, i find silmina and crowa to have an odd sort of chemistry together. especially in chapter 5/6. other than this, what do you think of marinet's possible role in the story?
Let’s see what theories I have...
I don’t think Marinet is the Mastermind, tbh. That sudden moment where she remembers something is too much like a red-herring, especially this far in the game. That and the warped soul who told the Dragon to summon the sacrifice early wasn’t her anyway, as proven in Part 2 Chapter 4.
However, it is still unclear on what her role is in the story. After all, everyone is accounted for...except maybe...
1. She’s the Princess
So far, it is assumed Remi is the Princess, even though she is not one. Still, she’s the closets thing to being a Princess, so the Mastermind (maybe Necrovia since she does know Court Alchemist Karnel is from Finstaria, Erena is related to the Scarlotus Luna family, she ‘accidentally ’sent Ell and his party where Mimi is, and with her high magic power she must be someone who holds the Gold Emblem Erena saw). She could have wanted to use Marinet as the Princess, but can’t get her body out, so just had her soul out. But no one know she plays the Princess part since she has no memories of who she was, so yeah, used Remi as the replacement Princess in the end.
2. She’s the Dark Lord
Nooooooooooooooot likely though, but there is a slim chance like that. Maybe. She is sealed away within the Philosopher’s Stone with the Dark Lord, so maybe she is one to begin with but have no memory of it. The closets thing to setting her free is to take her soul out of the body trapped in the Philosopher Stone, but she’s unstable and weak, so that didn’t work out, so the Mastermind let her move about within the story.
But as I said. Unlikely. She’s a warden, who protects the Philosopher's Stone and was sealed away into it by the God of Destruction. Possible this God of Destruction is the Dark Lord, but who knows.
3. She’s the Narrator/Story Teller
This theory I have more faith in. The story is told from a 3rd Person’s Perspective, as the story is not told from Ell’s perspective. As the Narrator/Story Teller, Marinet’s role is to unintentionally make sure Ell follows the book she believes to tell the future while the Mastermind set everything up for her to believe the story is really true and that Ell must save everyone that needs his help.
BONUS: She’s Frixis’ lost sister
Not part of the whole Story thing, but Frixis is looking for her sister. So maybe. Just maybe.
On that note, I might as well share my theory on the who is the Mastermind thing. Like stated above, I think it’s Necrovia, however it might be deeper than that. I have this theory that since her cloak is special plus no one can see her face...that and she’s clumsy...
I say Necrovia is actually Fenny and her cloak actually hides her soul as a celestial/warped soul.
Fenny knows about the Faraway Dream story. Necrovia has a copy of the book.
In the bonus event with Fenny, we don’t see Necrovia meeting Fenny, just Crowa, Silmina, Remi and the King.
Fenny is in all the places where the events occurs...except for some reason she was not at Northyne in Part 2 of the game for some reason
The Dragon said the Mastermind has a warped soul. And since I mentioned Necrovia’s cloak might be able to hide what he soul is like, stating the Mastermind has a warped soul means that Mastermind might have a soul stuffed into their body. So maybe when the Fenny personality is out, her soul hides away the warped soul inside her. And the Necrovia personality is the actually warped soul orchestrating the whole thing.
That’s...my two cents? I wrote a lot, but welp!
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