#Frozen Minecraft Servers
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大したことしない日記190(旅行) せっかくのゴールデンウイークなので、マイクラで小旅行w天井が崩壊した鍾乳洞、ゾンビ村、氷の梅。沈没船から宝の地図をゲットして、海洋の心をゲットしました。埋められた場所は、氷山の下。どうやって埋めたんだろ。
“Traveling without Moving” It’s the Golden Week. I traveled. I saw dripstone caves without its roof, a village of zombie, a frozen ocean. I found a treasure map in a shipwreck and got a heart of the sea. The place where the chest with treasures is under the Iceberg.
一緒に旅行したい人は、マインクラフトのマルチサーバー、スローライフへどうぞ。まずはdiscordへGO https://discord.gg/U9DwXDw5
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oqmemphis · 4 months
i MUST hear more about this very normal and completely functional minecraft server. please spill more details
Before the last world reset, there was a region a few hundred blocks across which was permanently lit as though it were noon 24 hours a day, because one of the admins replaced every air block with an invisible level 15 light block. Directly next to this was a former ocean that got turned into a vast plain of packed ice stretching in every direction; you could stand in the middle of it and it would be indistinguishable from superflat.
On that old world, the market next to spawn had about a 50% chance of completely locking up my game any time I went there, and the only way to fix it was to go into Task Manager and force-crash Minecraft. Nobody else ever had this issue, and to this day I do not know what caused it.
There was an entirely separate world containing a single castle, which you could only get to if the owner of the castle teleported you in there. The castle was supposed to be surrounded by an inescapable dome of barrier blocks, but I managed to get out and explore the rest of the world. At 0,0 there was a village that had generated in a massive pit, a hundred blocks across and stretching nearly to bedrock. Immediately next to this pit was a frozen river bearing the shatter pattern of some kind of large explosion, set off by forces unknown.
Someone built an outpost one million blocks away from spawn. Those chunks got culled at some point, and when the player who built it went back there they found a completely different landscape generated in its place. There was never an update that changed terrain generation during that world's run.
Recently, the functionality of rails got completely inverted. Unpowered rails would accelerate a minecart, while powered ones would stop it in its tracks. This, at least, was just an issue with one plugin being configured wrong. Sometimes there are issues where multiple plugins exist alongside each other fight for dominance.
We have one plugin that allows some players to fly and resist all fall damage without elytra or equipment, and another plugin that (until recently) was configured to block the first plugin from functioning whenever you were in another player's land claim. This led to situations where you could fly into an invisible claim region and instantly drop out of the sky and die. I have died seven times on this world, and all of them were because of this.
There is an obsidian sphere about a hundred blocks across, mostly submerged in the ocean; elsewhere, there is an island of comparable size which is covered entirely in basalt; and elsewhere still, there is a region of forest that has been fully replaced with sculk. I know this because I am currently making a map of the server covering around 12000x12000 blocks, and all those places just show up as mysterious, cursed splotches of black.
There is a lot of lore and roleplaying. The Queen is both fae and vampiric; my queries as to how precisely a diet of blood is reconciled with an iron allergy have gone largely unanswered. She has also canonically destroyed and remade the entire world on two separate occasions. The server has only undergone one world reset.
Immediately before said reset, I wrote a 70-page book filled with footnote labyrinths, in which my character briefly goes on an anti-capitalist rant before discussing the architectural styling of his home and the impending obliteration thereof. It serves as a spiritual sequel to a 100-page book which is ostensibly a user manual for installing an item sorter, but which also contains the lyrics to Mr Blue Sky and mentions something called the "City of Ouranos Department for Bibliographical Metaphysics and Chilled Legumes" (which is a reference to a different server I used to play on, in which a "Cool Bean War" was instigated with the help of a book that would crash your game if you tried to read past the first page).
The item sorter that the aforementioned user manual is for is a colossal assemblage of redstone components that click and flash for several minutes every time you put anything into it. I never actually built this on the server, because I ended up making a much simpler design using a custom plugin called SlimeFun (which tries to emulate the functionality of a tech mod without actually being one). This plugin's cargo management system does not contain a priority allocation mechanism, so I ended up implementing one by forcing the lower-priority route through a very long cargo pipe that eventually loops back on itself and ends at an overflow chest a few blocks from the starting point, thereby tricking SlimeFun's pathfinding algorithm into only sending items through it if every other option has been exhausted.
A reincarnation of Herb the Herbalist, the bizarre glitchy NPC entity that @the-unseelie-court-official has discussed at length, now resides in a hole directly under world spawn, repeating the same six lines of dialogue on a loop for all eternity:
I once was free, you know? There was a time when the Queen almost came toppling around me. Like a puppet with no strings I could not move nor speak, but I was free. It was stripped from me. Even now I dance her tune, only speaking of this past because she lets me. I crave nothing more than death. Please, unjust unmerciful God who would leave me to survive.
So, y'know, they're doing fine.
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erstwhilesparrow · 5 months
god there are so many little bits of outsiders that make me want to chew glass. in an effort to exorcise some thoughts:
there's something really fantastically horrifying about how much visual and mental space the maze takes up for almost all of the server's run, contrasted with the fact that we learn in the owenge q&a that the maze is one of multiple scenarios, built by STARR for a handful of seasons and ultimately meaning nothing. all this about learning the maze, this structure that was the outsiders' whole world for what they believed to be years, and it was a set piece that might not ever be used again. i can't stop thinking about the fact that on the literal actual minecraft server, the maze was built floating in the sky, and like, yeah. it was for this one server and nothing else. i get why you'd build it like that, in terms of practical concerns, but god. to know that thing never even touched the 'actual' ground.
hey. cc!owen PLAYS A GOOD FUCKING HEEL. oh my god he's good at playing the bad guy. this is not like thoughtful analysis at all but being able to hear so clearly the shift in tone when he goes into hunting mode, the willingness to just let things sit in silence, the way he completely sells a character's absolute conviction. the way when he has a knife in his mostly-empty hotbar during Spill Your Guts the distance between the currently selected slot and the knife right next to it feels like a tangible weight somehow!
speaking of which. please tell me the berries in his hotbar during his demon killing spree aren't raspberries. i can't actually identify them because i'm not familiar with the mod but i think if they're raspberries i would simply explode into a million bits of confetti.
hey remember how there was a giant underground reservoir beneath the clearing containing the skeleton of some enormous creature? was that fucked up or what.
hey also remember how one of the last written records left by the people who died in the frozen clearing was about how at least their friends got to die peacefully, in their sleep? remember how the maze was full of notes scribbled on pieces of paper and scrawled in blood on the walls trying to warn them, begging them to get out, hoping against hope that their last words might mean something? remember how mohwee's last words to the outsiders were take care of each other? they tried so hard to look out for each other, and whether they ever did it especially well is an open question but MAN. you can't say they didn't try.
even after deciding apo can rot down in the prison, owen still says, "the next time i see him is when i go shackle his hands together, and drag him through that maze to get him out." in the wake of the [don't dirty my name again] conversation, owen promises rasbi, "we came up together, we're gonna get out of here together." even with his faith in -- and i think i will argue that this is accurate phrasing -- the world shattered, owen has no concept of actually leaving either of them behind. he can't even imagine it. ;-; .
i don't know what the event is called in canon so i'm going to refer to it as [the clearing event with the scuffed mcc energy], the one where acho drowns, and it delights me that the nature of the medium is such that sometimes when owen says something, it becomes true because he said it. (i mean, this is true for all of them, but i say owen because he's the one i watched and he has an interesting degree of narrative control by virtue of having such a comprehensive pov.) acho didn't die in a way that minecraft the game would necessarily call a death, i'm not convinced what happened to him was distinguishable from what the characters call being 'downed' in the maze, but because owen said it, on some level, yeah, acho did die in there. isn't it so fun how you can kill someone by saying they died? reach back through linear time and make true what wasn't before? and i think about this and i think about how often owen declared apo dead, and how it makes apo not just a ghost but a sort of schrodinger's cat. apo is alive except no he isn't except yes he is. reality is so frighteningly malleable in mcrp.
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rainforest-daisies · 2 years
Modern!tbp hcs because I’m bored
-Finney Stans rihanna (don’t ask)
-speaking of Stans, Vance is a andrew tate viewer
-billy has an allrecipies account, and posts the most delicious recipes in the whole wide world(people probably think he’s an old grandma)
-Bruce started skating with a bunch of his baseball friends, and somehow went viral showing off his skills
-robin uses google translate to scream at other people in random languages(he called Vance a dumb bitch in danish once)
-griffin was one of those little kids that went viral on vine
-Vance told finney to play WAP once, saying that it was “a really good PG song”
-that didn’t go well and finney blew his house up in their Minecraft server
-griffin ate playdoh when he was little
-billy ate soap when he was little because he saw it in the smurfs movie
-Bruce’s favorite Disney movie is frozen because his little sister made him watch it so much
-finney went through a Harry Potter era, and he dressed up as a hogwarts student for Halloween
-Bruce makes thirst traps on tiktok(again, don’t ask💀)
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plaguethewaters · 7 months
Imagine, if you will, a world where hybrids are the standards. (someday i will complete my full dsmp/general minecraft wordbuilding document, but today is not that day. Keep in mind we are talking of minecraft with related weirdness: player will be used as a normal person might say human, code instead of soul, and so on.)
Humans aren't unnatural, per se, simply a different kind of player; when Earth opened its doors, and showed itself a public server composed of 90% humans, it made a scandal. Why even do that? some say. It's not like we need a full server of sheep either, why one full of humans?
Earth wasn't entirely made of humans, of course, there was no segregation happening - and the Antartic Emperors liked to make that veery clear - but rumors run, and hate runs faster.
So we imagine, now, a world where hybrids are the standard and human are - not hated, not really, but the species version of your friend's little sibling you were forced to hang out with.
They tend to their own servers and their own people; that feeling of segregation was entirely self-made, but that didn't make it disappear.
Now, we set our gaze onto a very peculiar little village, onto an otherwise very unpeculiar server (a public one on peaceful, to be exact. The kind where unadventourous players and retired war heroes go to set up families and the like). This village is particulare because, after years and years of generally normal genetics happening, a human is born. And then, he disappears.
The little baby had appeared on a demon's doorstep at half past dawn, bundled up and crying. The crying hadn't been there before - like someone had pressed a button, the second they had opened the door. The demon was. well. a bit shocked to say the least. But they had a child already - which means they already had a crib, and formula, and the general mental attitude to suffering one needs to bear children. What was one more?
The child grew up indistinguishable. When the demon's original child, Eryn, was old enough to comprehend what had happened, he didn't care at all; when the human child was old enough to comprehend the luck he had had, he started praying.
They'd called him Tommy with no particular reasoning: it had been a human character in the parent's latest book, and they admit they hadn't had a lot of imagination - Tommy never complained about it, and he complained about pretty much everything.
about the cold snow outside, about bath times - which he absolutely Didn't Need, and how dare they assume he was dirty - about how Eryn didn't want to play, about how Eryn did want to play but not in the right way, about anything and all.
A very opinionated four year old, for sure. One that always made sure his voice was heard.
One night, the voice went silent.
The village searched for him for days, and then for months, and then for years- every crevice, every river, every frozen lake, finding nothing but a singular, small red shoe.
Eryn was devastated. But his parent moved on, and so did he.
In the meantime, Tommy forgot. He had been taking by a group that called themselves "The betterers". Awful grammar, for sure, and it didn't even manage to sound cool. An entire team of scientists working together to make the entire Game a better place, and they couldn't come up with anything better than that? Pathetic, Tommy will say. Absolutely ridicoulous.
But as bad as they were with names, they were half decent scientists with a very clear goal: getting rid of thos awful, boring little humans, so that every player in existance would be able to rejoice in Life's gifts.
(Life would like to add, from behind the scene, that She has absolutely no part in any of these. Her job ended at creation; anything the creatures want to fuck up beyond that is outside her competence.)
So to accomplish their goal they made what, in scientific terminology, was defined as "a careful mix of specified genetic traits, carefully selected, given intravenously".
Tommy would say they "fucked him up with a gene cocktail" and he wouldn't be any less correct. It started to have a visible effect at around twelve weeks post treatment - parenting got a whole lot easier for those scientists, since tommy needed to be on pain meds (some awful concotion of regen and weakness that definitely did Not aid his magic addictions later on) and was out like a light ninety percent of the time.
Who knew a toddler wouldnt be emotionally or physically ready to grow three more limbs?
When Tommy escapes - when they throw him out of the lab, freshly seven, freshly finished with his experiments - he finds himself what he likes to call a family. All of them are hybrids, two of them avians, and with the wings he sports on his own back it is easy to claim at least partial comformity.
He likes being like them, even though he knows, in the end, hes simply a human. Flowers sing to him when he walks, birds chirp in a slightly too understandable way, and the urge to hide and sneak and steal is sometimes too hard to ignore, and hes a happy avian with a happy (mostly) avian family.
All it takes is two weeks and a rusty axe to strip that identity away from him.
Theres no use being an avian without a flock; giving in to gis raccoon side had often just brought him trouble, and he is way too busy to tend to gardens now, as much as his moobloom genes has helped him in the past.
Every little bit of identity has been stripped from him, over and over and over. He had never been allowed to be himself, completely, not enough to figure out who himself really was; a fucked up puzzle missing half of the pieces, like the one Michael likes to bite down on. Tommy's pretty sure half the board is in his stomach by now, and whats left in the box is so completely unrecognizable they might as well throw it out. But they never do, because it has bits and Pieces of gold thorough it and Michael loves it more than his normal toys, for whatever reason, and Prime above knows they know what emotional attachment to useless shit can be like.
So they keep the puzzle. And Tommy looks at himself in the mirror when you ask - sees his moobloom horns, his raccoon tail. Remembers what it was like to feel the wind on his wings. - puts on one of those big smiles of his, and answers.
"Im just a human mate, no weird shit in me."
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imagination-void · 17 days
For a few weeks now I’ve been a part of the Inphinity SMP, which is a Phighting Minecraft server that I think is popular on Twitter? I wouldn’t know, I try to stay away from it for the most part.
I got the role of Icedagger in it and it brings me much joy hehe! A give to you my ISMP Icedagger design, lovingly called Pasteldagger by me
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His design has changed a little bit since making this doodle but he’s the same for the most part. If it’s of any interest to you at all, I ramble about ISMP!Icedagger and some design + personality things under the cut along with an extra little doodle and some screenshots I and others have taken with him hehe.
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I enjoy the beans people make on twt, so I give you the gift of Beandagger hehe
I don’t wanna say I’ve changed his design from canon too much but also I changed his entire palette so whoopsie daisy.. I enjoy his canon palette but I personally have a hard time with designs like that so I gave him a palette that still gives the feeling of ice and snow while also being a bit more in my comfort zone.
Previously I was thinking he should have had a reindeer motif, which is present in him having little hooves and hoof “fingers”, and he’s already got the antlers to match! However I’ve since shifted into a snow leopard motif as I feel it’s more fitting to him now, and also I just love snow leopards <3
Icedagger doesn’t have the most content to go off of unfortunately, I'm mostly just stretching what I do know here. Icedagger, as I interpret him, is shy and awkward at his core, but outwardly gives this persona of being brave and energetic that he doesn’t keep up very well. Sort of like an awkward teenager trying to find his place among his peers in middle/highschool by pretending to be a cool kid? He tries a little too hard to prove he’s not some little kid, how he’s independent and doesn’t need anyone’s help because help is for CHILDREN (of which he is NOT) and FOR THE WEAK!! And he’s a big strong man who is very adult and independent! You know, young teenager thoughts.
It makes for some awkward situations as he’s stumbling to live up to this glorified version of him in his head, one that’s on par with his regal and powerful siblings, but in reality he’s just an anxious kid.
The other half of him, one that he feels internally more than externally, is that he wants to be able to make friends and not be treated differently because of his deity status. He’s seen how demons go to this temple they made in his honor, one that he doesn’t even really want, and pray and give offerings, but none of it really… interests him? He wants to make friends and have fun and feel normal, just like any other kid.
He avoids mortals for this reason, because he just doesn’t wanna deal with being basically worshipped.
Overall, he’s socially anxious and awkward from a lack of proper socialization but tries his best to seem like the kind of guy you’d wanna be friends with while not coming off as pompous or demanding. He kind of wishes he wasn’t a deity sometimes and sort of pushes down his power in attempt to be closer to the “power level” of mortals. He just wants to play hide and seek with the neighborhood kids and go for ice cream after :(
Icedagger spends a lot of time hiding and sleeping the years away, entertaining himself in frozen wastes that mortals prefer to not venture in. His favorite thing to do is to sneak around low-populated areas and hiding because he finds amusement in being able to go undetected. His stealth skills are sharp, and they always have been! His most dangerous move involves sneaking up and attacking his opponents from behind, a trick his siblings learned well when they sparred on the heights. Be not surprised that his favorite game is hide n seek.
That all said, that all fits pretty well into snow leopard behavior, being rare and elusive and difficult to find (look up snow leopard camouflage and have fun) but also very expressive when you get the chance to see them in action. A stealthy big cat that roams the unpopulated snowy mountains..
He loves and cherishes his family deeply, even if they bicker a lot. He’d be at their side in a moments notice if they were in danger. He is fiercely protective of Ban Hammer, Sword, Dom, and Valk especially. Can’t speak for Flipside’s parents because we don’t know them yet..
He has trouble with how he’s perceived, but he’ll get through it and learn to not care as much and just enjoy himself. It’s hard to be upset when you’ve got such cool siblings anyways!
A couple things here may not be accurate to ISMP, as they are my own head canons. Specifically the SFOTH sparring all the time on the heights and Icedagger’s own strength. My head canon is that before mortals, when SFOTH came into existence, all the siblings did was fight because they were strong and it was fun. I also believe (again, head canon) Icedagger is the strongest of his siblings since his gear in-game is a one hit KO.
If you actually read all of that then I love you??? Why are you still here??? Thank you, it means a lot 🥺
As a reward, you get screenshots <3
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strogoff-era · 1 month
I have so many ideas for a Reincarnation AU with lots of questions about guilt, grief, trying to make sense of your identity and afterlife
But there's also riveting arcs such as "Is it in bad taste if i make the official Terror-Erebus Minecraft server a single-biome Frozen Ocean World ? (The greatest argument in the history of the Artic groupchat, shut down by Crozier after 12,239 messages of heated debate)"
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wellthatschaotic · 3 months
when you want to play on the silly minecraft server but every time you log on you feel frozen and have no clue what to do so immediately log off and it's been like weeks now so you feel guilty-
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morgueofstories · 8 months
I was tagged by @mistythedritten to do this challenge (which I'm excited Misty @ me)
How many works do you have on Ao3?
I have 10 works rn and many, many wips that are waiting to be finished (college is kicking my ass at the moment as I'm on my final semester)
2. What is your word count?
14,030 words
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mainly Dream SMP
4. What are your top 5 fics? (stats)
You're Not Alone Anymore, Your Suffering Left You Broken, Let Me Help You Heal, Mine, Beautiful The Way That You Are, Sometimes, You Can Ask For Help are my top 5 at the moment
5. Do you always respond to comments? Why or why not?
Sometimes I do respond to comments if people have questions or are confused, but I do not respond to every single comment
6. Angstiest ending for a fic?
I believe my angstiest ending would have to be for Broken and Barely Breathing as that seemed to be the one most people cried over in the comments
7. First Fic with a Happy Ending?
I believe it is Beautiful The Way That You Are as it ends where Dream starts to show off the tattoos that covered up his scars after Farfadox tells him he is beautiful just how he is
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I don't think so but I mostly don't check my comments for hate
9. Do you write smut?
On this account, no I don't but that may change with a Farfadream story idea I had (mostly just flashbacks of a traumatic time c!Dream will be going through)
I have dipped my toes into writing smut and have an account solely for writing smut (no I won't reveal it)
10. Do you write crossovers?
Does Farfadream count as writing a crossover?
11. Ever had a fic stolen?
I don't believe I've had a fic stolen but I don't check to see if my works have been posted elsewhere without my consent
12. Ever had a fic translated?
13. Ever co-written?
On a fic, no I have not co-written but I do have some story ideas that I collaborate with other writers on Discord (fun times)
14. Favorite ship?
Can't pick, there are to many c!dream ships that I love and I hope to make a post about the ones I enjoy soon
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but probably never will?
probably the Farfadream Mental Asylum au where Farfadox is a priest (secretly the king of demons) and Dream is a patient who is possessed by a dreamon
16. Writing strengths?
Once I write I don't stop and mostly I feel like writing when listening to a specific playlist which I will only put on to start writing
17. Writing weaknesses?
Procrastination, I always tell myself that I will write and then I don't, I also have trouble when it comes to writing people speak where I use the word 'said' too much
18. Thoughts on dialog in another language in a fic?
I enjoy it! I actually have written dialog in another language mostly when Farfadox speaks Spanish
19. First fandom you have written for?
Rise of the Brave Frozen Tangled Dragons back when I was 13 and had a different writing account before I created this one for writing Minecraft block men
20. Favorite fic you have written?
Your Suffering Left You Broken, Let Me Help You Heal is probably my favorite fic I wrote as I enjoyed writing Tina's perspective of the server where she realized that everyone on the server was the problem and not Dream (I also enjoyed writing the part where she sees Tommy as a spoiled brat)
And that is it! I will tag @sudspots-in-a-bubble, @mpregconnoisseur, @allytienesuenio, @somanywips, and @lookinghalfacorpse
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tauforged · 1 year
tbh though that’s one of my favorite bits of advice my therapist has given me that i thought was fucking stupid at the time and was shocked to realize actually worked. i was talking about how i feel gross sitting holed up in my room all day even though i’m doing stuff that makes me happy (working on art/writing/minecraft server maintenance etc) it’s just that i feel like i should be getting out more. and she suggested just taking my laptop or tablet out to a starbucks or similar cafe, getting a drink, and just doing the same shit i’d normally be doing just in a different space outside of the house and surrounded by other people. i thought ‘that’s some bullshit that won’t fucking work’ but i’ve done it on occasions and it’s genuinely been so fun. it’s like my brain is a depressed zoo animal and i’ve just tossed it a block of ice with meat chunks frozen in it. the only downside is i’m not a huge coffee guy (caffeine in any capacity doesn’t interact well with the stimulants im on and also it makes my tummy hurt) so it’s something i can only do sparingly and also i feel bad taking up seats. even when the place is empty. i feel bad. also the staff at the local sbux recognize me as one of pennys owners because dad used to take her down for a pup cup every damn day when he first started working remote and i would usually go with him to mooch off his rewards account for a frappuccino and it’s cute but i feel like i’m distracting them from their work and feel bad and also i myself get distracted and get almost nothing done.
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ia-acc-yeah · 9 months
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I'm sad that I couldn't bring myself to write journals lately, because fun stuff happened! But I can't write them now, it's too late and I forget stuff easly. So let's write about today.
I had silly dreams today. First one was about me, my best friend and our friend A at a book store. I was buying Noragami, Hanako and something else and one of our schools PE teachers was working there for some reason?? It was funny. Than we walked out of the store and a boy from my class was walking around the shopping mall eating icecream. He walked up to our geography teacher who happened to be there too and told her that another boy from my class works in America and that he earns 50 dolars a month. My secound dream was about me going back home from school I suppose. I wanted to take a bus to my village but I took a train??? I have NEVER been in a train before. So I sat in the free space in a train, in something that reminds me of a small room, with 4 to 5 different people and the ride had begun. I was looking outside the trains window and I was figures of deers, in different poses and they were looking like real animals, but like, frozen? It made me creep out a little bit. And after some time bizzare things started to happen. Some kind of a weird monster got in the train and we had to fight it. At first everyone froze and were scared to move but I got so scared that I bit the monster. It had multiple heads and I started to bite them off. And so I defeted this creature with help of other people. I think that the monster attack had more stages/phases after this but I woke up soon after so I don't remember much.
When I woke up I've eaten breakfast that my dad did for me and soon after that a mailman came to our house with a package for me. I was very happy because it was my package with Sailor Moon Eternal Edition volume 1. I love Sailor Moon, and it's a very sentimental anime for me. I was happy that it's avaible at my country as a manga again. I started to read it imidiately. I really liked it. I really want to rewatch first 2 seasons and continue on watching Sailor Moon but I'm too busy watching other anime right now. Maybe after I will finish Inuyasha.
I also cleaned around the house today. It's Christmas soon and I had a mess in my room so I had to take care of it. I rearranged my furniture a little bit. I like the way it is now.
I've played minecraft a little bit today too. My best friend made a server with their friends so I was invated to play with them. I wandered around a little bit and I need to start building my house tommorow.
Today was due for my school powerpoint project but I think I'm to tired to do it at night so I will just leave it for tommorow. I feel bad about it but oh well. I hope my teacher won't be mad.
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ufuckingpastry · 1 year
I saw 👀 on my posts and my dreamza phoenix AU (also known as "Tend to the Flame AU" based on the song Ashes, by the Longest Johns. So have an excerpt from the fic I was working on tonight, where Dream meets Philza for the first time.
Dying hurt. 
Dream knew that better than most people. It didn’t matter if people believed you passed away peacefully in your sleep or if they promised you wouldn’t suffer before a sword sliced through your throat or when an arrow pierced through your lung. Pain was how he knew he was alive. Pain was how he knew that he was still here.
He was still here when far too many of them were gone. 
He learned a long time ago that they used to be plentiful. They used to be everywhere! They used to be more than myths.
And then he learned why they were better off as myths.
His wings, bright and burning and pulsing with both heat and magic painted a target on his back. Phoenixes were myths, and people liked to sell the beasts of myth and legends to the highest bidder. He had seen one of them in a cage one time, their voice hoarse from screaming. Their feathers plucked to be sold as jewelry or quills or their magic siphoned away from them in an attempt to live forever. 
Dream first learned how to hide his wings before he learned how much dying hurt. He learned that day what it was like to see a phoenix explode through several lives in succession. Nothing grew on that server anymore, not with the lingering residue of wrath that still burned there. 
Dying hurt, but it was how he knew he was still here. Like all young phoenixes, he burned bright and hot, devouring several of his lives before he learned control. He lasted longer after that, but he still felt like a wildfire spreading across a field of dry grass. He knew the myths and the stories. He knew the colors of his feathers, of the ones he had seen. They were always fire-orange, maybe red, maybe even yellow.
The first time he saw someone like him, but with colors that extended even past that, it was long before L’Manburg first waved its flag. His server, the home he knew with his friends that he built with his own hands, brought in people of all kinds. He had traveled far, just to see how far the world extended, when he found a simple house in the woods. From it, a path had been carved into the dirt. It looked almost natural, but with a touch that was just off. Like the world, but just to the left. Dream followed the path over a hill, then saw at the bottom, a man with wings.
Dream froze at the top of the hill, looking down at the man and at his wings. From this distance, the feathers were black like char. Feathers crawled up the man’s throat and up along his face. The man’s cloak covered much of him, but Dream saw the tail feathers trailing across the ground as he turned and gazed up the hill. When their eyes met, Dream saw magic.
He saw the man below him glowing, his feathers burning as bright as Dream’s. But he saw the magic shift and flare from fire-orange to blue to white to purples and greens and ever-flickering magenta. It felt like staring at the sun, as jarring as a slap in the face. Dream stood frozen in shock as he realized that if he could see the man for what he was, then the man could see him too.
The man walked up the hill, his gaze interested as he considered him, and Dream knew that this one… This man was old. He was far older than Dream ever believed they could be. He extended his hand and Dream startled back into himself. 
“Hi mate,” the man greeted as Dream shook his hand. “Philza Minecraft.”
“Dream,” he replied, his heart pounding in his chest. Philza tilted his head down at him, deep golden eyes studying that which most people couldn’t see. Dream felt exposed like this. His wings trembled in the middle of reality, the place between the planes where he knew he could hide them. Here, Philza had hidden them with magic of his own. An illusion, a trick of the light. Both of them hiding in plain sight.
"Nice to meet you, Dream," he replied, his voice accented with clicks and trills that left Dream's brow scrunching. He hadn't grown up around other phoenixes. He knew they had a language all of their own, but he had never learned it. He wondered if Philza could teach him. He nodded in agreement to Philza, still processing the fact that there was another phoenix on his server. Philza tilted his head, amusement crossing his features as Dream fell silent. He held a hand out, clawed talons at the end of his fingers. “Would you like to stop in for something to drink?”
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crowithy · 1 year
so my friend has a minecraft server and one of the mods adds hats and stuff and it has this frozen hat
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its meant to be a sheet of ice over your head but it looks like a plastic bag on my head which is really funny considering its also an origins server, and I'm playing an aquatic origin, there's a joke there but I'm too stupid to make it
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solemn-siren · 11 months
Queen’s judgement - Villain Siren AU
A random something I came up with thanks to boredom featuring a Discord server I’m in.
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This is a work of fiction, it is not made to harm people mentioned in the story. TW: implied minor blood. I forgot to add this when I posted whoops
Inspired by the following songs: Villain Mirabel song (Lydiathebard), Solo version of Ready as I’ll ever be (Tangled: the series) and Mercy of the cards (Gideon)
As a bit of background for the server I’m in: It’s a massive treehouse on top of a tall growing tree called Reginald. Each time Reginald grows taller, the treehouse moves up with it. Inside are art galleries, studios, and a gathering place for people to chill and talk with big windows for staring outside at the nice view.
Inkamar was carrying a giant canvas towards Artist’s domain’s gathering space. He was working on an art piece of a grand battle and needed feedback on it.
It would've been a normal thing to just walk up to someone and ask them for feedback, but when he saw a hooded figure standing in the room, facing the massive windows on the other side, he knew something was up.
“Hey am I allowed to ask you for feedback on this art I’m working on?” He asked, approaching the hooded figure. The figure didn’t turn around, but the simple presence of them alone was haunting enough that he stopped halfway through.
The figure was wearing a dark blue robe with cyan swirls at the end, flowing in the non existent wind. Their boots were midnight black with soles hard enough to punch through glass unharmed. Even though he couldn’t see it, he could hear the jingle of a key swaying around a belt.
“There you are. A soul.” The figure spoke, and Inkamar recognized the voice as Siren’s. Inkamar sighed a breath of relief, yet there was something unsettling about this still. “Do you know who was responsible for ruining the bright future we could’ve gotten? A future were myths and reality could co exist in peace? Humans. Greedy humans.”
“I get it, greedy humans cursed Nephya because they wanted her powers.” Inkamar muttered, he wasn’t the one for repeating history. “I heard this millions of times, I don’t need to hear it aga-“
“Greedy humans ruined the future we could’ve had.” Siren continued, a silent chorus of storms complimenting her voice. She finally turned around, revealing her glowing pink eyes and an unusual marking around her eyes. “Isn’t it unfair how those same humans are still allowed to live? Humanity still tries to take everything for themselves, without caring about how others feel. Do you know what I think about greedy humans?”
“I’m not a huma-“ Inkamar corrected, but his words were useless when a pink glow emitted from below Siren, like a light piercing through the pitch black night.
“I think-“ She continued, taking her hood off and revealing the ends of her black hair glowing a bright pink and feathered ears replacing her human ears. “-Greedy humans don’t deserve to live.”
Siren snapped her fingers, the sound of thunder echoing across the room. From where Siren was standing, pink cracks erupted through the room, splitting it into multiple fragments. Inkamar quickly stepped away from a crack that travelled straight across where he was standing. Another snap sent a surge of pure magic through the cracks, breaking apart the floor and sending them down to the ground far below.
Inkamar travelled across the breaking floor, not even caring about the fact he dropped his work in progress art alongside the floor. Now wasn’t time for constructive feedback, it was some art he spent hours on or his life, he chose his life.
He needed help, since Minecraft live had recently ended everyone was in the games channel talking about the things that were announced. So he rushed over to the games channel, trying to ignore the meteors and lightning that were tearing apart Artist’s domain like frozen lakes cracking apart from a single impact.
However, his attempt to call help was stopped when a wall of fire blocked the entrance to the games channel. Siren was approaching him, each step creating a radiance of magic that cracked apart the steel floor of the server.
“Trying to drag everyone else into this?” She asked, a flicker of lightning following her wake. Her smile was filled with madness and malice, not kindness and love. The opposite in fact. “You really want everyone to hate you don’t you? If you call for help and drag more casualties into this, they’ll never forgive you for it. Just like one of my little dream bubbles.”
Inkamar’s hands were shivering, despite the scorching heat from the fire behind him. “Liar! This isn’t Siren! You’re an imposter!” He shouted through tears, although it could’ve been sweat, being a squid and all.
“It is me, I’m just getting revenge on the people who deserve it, all for my queen.” Siren continued, a wave of pure magic forming a crown like halo above her head. “And luckily for you, I was already planning on dragging more people into this. They’ll still blame you either way.”
Inkamar finally pulled through enough to bring out his spoonblade, his ultimate weapon of choice. With a battle cry that definitely didn’t belong to a squid he charged forward, but surprised himself when he slashed at… nothing.
“Should’ve done so when you had the chance, now you lost them all.” Siren said, recalling the fire wall that kept Inkamar from calling for help. “Good luck trying to win everyone back.”
Another snap sent a blizzard like storm into the games channel, and Inkamar could physically hear the screams and cries of pain and despair. It didn’t take a detective to figure out that people were already dying.
“Now things are getting fun aren’t they my queen?” Siren shouted into the air, spinning around like a wild girl in the rain. A twirl sent another radiance of magic through the floor, breaking apart the steel even more. “I’m the villain in your fairytale now, aren’t I? You greedy mortals!”
Above the chaos caused by the guardian, a shadow in the shape of a dragon watched the screaming humans, fighting for their lives but knowing it was worthless. The shadow dragon was dark, but gold chains were visible around her, signaling her imprisonment from reality, and her view on humans.
“A shame they’re busy fighting for nothing to appreciate all this.” The dragon spoke, before vanishing like she was never there in the first place. Siren’s smile of malice remained, unable to hear the cry of despair all around her.
AD was like an Arctic Ocean, except with steel fragments as icebergs and the dark void of clouds below as the cold ocean. The members of AD were hanging onto the mysteriously floating floors, some unfortunate enough to fall through to the cold ocean of clouds below.
Inkamar watched as another surge of magic sent his Spoonblade flying out of his hands and into the abyss. Spector gave him the Spoonblade. It was his weapon, it survived many battles and gave him many victories.
It was gone. Reduced to nothing.
“We have to stop her!” Spector, one of the domain leaders, shouted, summoning allay wings to fly across the massive gaps to Inkamar’s steel iceberg. “Tall already died from the blizzard attack, Squirrel fell, even Agent was brutally killed! I can’t keep watching everyone die!”
Inkamar remained motionless, staring at Siren, floating above like a god casting down punishments. “Even with everyone in AD against her…” he started, turning to Spector. “It’s not enough. She has something working in her favor, and that’s keeping us from gaining victory over her. We need more than AD to stop her, and by more, I mean more.”
Siren casted a shadow over Inkamar and Spector, shrouding them in darkness. “You can laugh but it’s fine! Cause the last laugh is mine!” She shouted, watching them shiver from the sight of her alone. “It’s all for the queen!”
A howling wind blew across, threatening to force Inkamar and Spector into the abyss. They held onto the steel iceberg, but the wind continued to become stronger, beyond what nature could do, a hurricane, but even more deadly than Olivia.
“Someone call Storm!” Spector shouted in the general direction of the games channel, where he could see figures of people trying to get out of AD. It hurt to watch them die, from a lightning strike, a shard of ice, it seemed no matter what they did, it was all worthless.
“Calling on your god now are you?” Siren mocked, leaving the winds to deal with them. “I think you’re just making everything worse.”
As if on cue, a cyan flash and a sound of lightning drew her attention towards a new target. In the sky, an insert like dragon roared, it’s call asking for a challenge. One Siren accepted. It was Storm and his pet Boltreaver Astalos, Raize. She had played her cards carefully to avoid the mercy of the cards. One way or another, it was a victory for her.
“You know, if you kill me, all these icebergs are going to fall and you’ll be responsible for killing everyone.” She taunted Storm, a ring of cards around her like a ring of birds made to defend. “That’s the inevitable risk, it’s what it takes to win this deck building dungeon crawling treasure hunting collect em, all ways point to the strategist fumbling.”
Inkamar realized what she meant. All these steel floor icebergs were afloat because she knew Storm would try and stop her. She kept them afloat instead of letting them fall so Storm had something that stopped him from instantly killing her. The lives of many or his own, it was up to him to decide. A mental game of chess, one Siren had already checkmated.
Storm simply stood motionless, as if he was in deep thought. Siren didn’t even try and attack him, knowing victory was already in her hands. “Go on, I can keep waiting for as long as you want.” She said, and that’s when Spector made his attempt to end this all. It didn’t matter if the lives of everyone he knew was on the line. He lost so much, if it meant ending all this he was willing to do so.
“Allays! If we take away Nephya’s amulet then we can win!” He commanded, summoning hoard upon hoard of blue pixie like allays. They all cried like fairies, speeding towards the distracted Siren. Spector summoned his own allay wings, jumping across steel iceberg from steal iceberg towards the mad guardian.
When he and the allays grasped for what looked like the chains of the amulet, it phased through his grasp like it wasn’t there. The allays tried again. Nothing. No matter what they grasped at, it phased through their fingertips, both human and allay.
“You think I still rely on the amulet?” Siren asked, turning around quickly. Spector and the allays tried to run, but the shadow dragon from earlier grabbed him last minute, a grip tight enough to crush bones. “We grew past the need for that. The queen has entrusted me with her full magic, blessing my blood with the power lost to time, and so powerful it made humans greedy.”
As a powerful thunderstorm took out the allays, Siren approached Spector, a knife glowing a bright pink in her hands. “Nephya, my queen.” She started, revealing the name of the shadow dragon. “Do I have the honors? Killing him would make me the leader of this little space wouldn’t it? We can turn greedy humans against each other, make them do all the work.”
Nephya said something, but to Inkamar and Storm, it was complete gibberish. But Siren seemed to understand her, and whatever Nephya said was a yes because she raised the knife above her head, the lightning from the storms above heating the blade even further.
There was a blue splatter across the floor, a thick liquid flowing through and down below like azure blue rain. Spector’s body fell limp, and Nephya threw him down with the other bodies of casualties.
”Spector!” Inkamar shouted, but his cries were worthless now, he was dead, there was no reviving him. He could hear Siren and Nephya’s laugh echo in his ears like a song that refused to go out of the loop.
“Now then, I guess that makes me the leader of AD doesn’t it?” Siren asked to the last two remaining: Storm and Inkamar. Raize was too scared of Nephya’s sinister presence to attack her, and Storm was still processing what all happened. “That makes you two my hostages. This is only the beginning of something that should’ve been done years ago. And I have my next target decided.”
Nephya nodded, grabbing Inkamar by his suit. A roar commanded Raize to stay still and follow the queen’s orders. If he didn’t, there was punishment waiting for them.
“Lives on the line! Winner takes all! Ready or not, let’s begin!”
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mightyfallboy · 2 years
Now that you know the story behind Keenan, let me introduce you to me. My own self. The mundane behind the account. Get ready.
3, 2, 1.
First thing first, I'm labeling myself as a part of LGBTQ+ Community. I use masculine pronouns to define how I prefer to be called, though anything is fine, I love nicknames! I have Pisces as my sun sign, Aquarius as my moon, and Leo as my rising. I don't really trust my MBTI but I had some tests and it is always IXFP, either S or N, the results were equal. And my interests varies from time to time, I actually had a hard time sorting my faves, this is why I hate to write about myself. But I have been obsessed by Taylor Swift's and Adhitia Sofyan's songs lately.
I draw, I write, I read, I listen, I watch, I play. I have a lot of hobbies but it is hard for me to mastering all my hobbies. I draw, a lot, I am majoring in design major so I draw A LOT. I write poems and fictions (not for public). I read books, I have no genre preferences but these are my all-time fave authors: Enid Blyton, Akiyoshi Rikako, Dee Lestari, and Ziggy Z. I did mention my current faves before, but I am also a casual listener of ONE OK ROCK, Twenty One Pilots, Mitski, DREAMERS, Arash Buana, Rendy Pandugo, and Disney's songs especially Pinocchio's and Frozen's OST! I also watch movies, series, dramas, but I have a hard time completing my watchlist because of my short attention span. My go-to movies when having a movie night is Harry Potter series, MCU, Disney, Documentary films, and Indonesian films. AND LAST but not least, I play games like Minecraft, Stardew Valley, Life Is Strange, Sky: Children of the Light, Plato, and many more. I take care of my own Discord server since sometimes I need one to just having a chill session with my friends.
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Crossover minecraft x Herocraft event:
(Context; Shigaraki and Amity got into a roaming fight that, due to powers, caused a lot of damage. Server had to be rolled back)
Lunacy; look, the two of you are have to bury the hatchet. We're trying to be friends here, so the only way we continue with this is if you apologize.
*Shigaraki grumbles and starts walking over to Amity*
Lunacy; *whispering to Charlie* you did disable that mod that let's us use quirks right?
Charlie; No, They found a workaround for that. She wanted to make a statement.
Shigaraki: Okay, so things got a little heated back there... I can't remember who started it, but I'm the forgiving type. So let's just say we were both in the wrong -particularly you- and move on. What do you say?
*Shigaraki holds is hand out to shake*
*Amity's hand glows purple as she grabs Shigaraki's hand to shake and pulls him close*
Amity: I'm going to kill you... not today... maybe not for a while... but as a witch of no small amount of power, I will kill you. And you Won't see it coming...
*Amity leaves, practically skipping away as Shigaraki is frozen in shock*
Charlie: *loudly* great to see our friends are able to get along so easily! I think it won't be a problem going forward!
Lunacy: yup! All well that ends well!
Further away:
*Illusion of Amity dissipates revealing Luz*
Luz: pleasure doing business with you Mr. Eraserhead! Your payment has been sent!
*Potion of invisibility wears off of Aizawa*
Aizawa:*Already looking at the pictures of Ghost the Palisman Cat* just to clarify, why did you take your friends place there?
Luz: Girlfriend actually! And because Nobody threatens my Girlfriend without paying the price!
Love the idea of paying Aizawa in cat pictures.
I mean it'd work but it's also hilarious.
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