#Frubbo neg
terezicaptor · 7 months
qtubbo enjoyers when the qtubbo storyline will not be interrupted by fred again unless tubbo specifically asks for it 😌
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dozyrogue · 6 months
I don't know how but apparently the only sane people that see qtubbo has his own person and not a part of another character is on this app.
I hop on tiktok which is already a mistake in itself and get a sad edit of tubbo "replacing" fred with ollie. Idk guys maybe tubbo is just a guy and living his best life. He flirts with one bunnyboy and suddenly hes "replacing" a relationship that hasn't been touched in 25 years.
I'm soooooooo done bro
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haloberry · 7 months
Listen— listen to me when i say i want, full-heartedly, for Frubbo to come back.
But, for it to make fucking sense.
Fred, at this point in time, is like a guest star more than a full on love interest to q!Tubbo.
And yes, that coral date which i have my own issues with meant they are on good terms, but not enough for you to ignore the plotholes.
For Fred to have come on Valentines wouldn’t have made sense. For Fred to come back at all right now doesn’t make sense. Not until we address what had happened to the Bear Workers in the first place, and for where he went after the date.
For Fred to come back right now, it would have to cover where the og Fed Workers went, why there was no further communication, and why the Board decided to move spawn in the first place.
We need more actual lore before Frubbo lore me thinks, and until we get it, its just not going to feel right for Fred to pop back up in the storyline and “save” Tubbo.
As of now, unless the federation is directly involved with q!Tubbo’s revival, it won’t feel right.
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qtubbo-is-not-fine · 8 months
You know, I'm reading my rage posts and think: "damn, I'm such a hater" and for that I'm sorry.
But also im still hoping frubbo will crash and burn, and qtubbo continue being an asshole to everyone, and run away, and people realize that this "cute" romance wasn't a panacea for qtubbo and also stop being fucking ableists
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smallz-o · 4 months
Thats Maze thing had me wanting to believe Fred was a double spy, working for Cucurojo while trying to get as much information out of the Federation as possible, and q!Tubbo was fucking up their whole plans by giving Fred the capability to feel human emotions
this would've been such an interesting take on things and would've added actual depth and complexity to the relationship. that and actually being a good way to tie it in to already existing lore, rather than just "letting tubbo have a ship"
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urlocalwormtoday · 8 months
frubbo ?
I'm so so very conflicted about frubbo rn
Bc like-
I love it. I do. But at the same time, there's no way it just fixes all of q!tubbos issues, right????
And on top of that, the progression, at least to me, seemed very fast
It went from "I don't think Fred likes me anymore" to "woah okay then date time" to "we're boyfriend's now 😌"
And also I don't think it was either of their faults-
It's 100% not Tubbos fault his dyslexia decided to be a dick that day and it's especially not Fred's because what else was he going to do?? Combat log from Quackity????
I don't like the way the chatters put all of the blame on Tubbo. It's just not something that could have been helped, an unfortunate circumstance, a miscommunication
But at the same time all of this negativity and intense conversation on what should happen, what did happen, what people hope won't happen, is making me a lil irked
And at the end of the day,,
Realistically, we have no say in what tubbo decides to do with his cubito
Knowing tubbo, if he just accepted the new relationship and felt fulfilled (both irl and in qsmp) that'd be in character for him as a person xd
He's not a very big lore or angst guy, and he hasn't been ever since dsmp ended (understandably), he can finally just be a little goober and joke around and not have to deal with scheduling or intense conversations or arguments, even if it is in rp
So honestly I'm a little bit torn
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phatcatphergus · 8 months
technically bagi did try to wingman so fred could’ve asked around about tubbo but the pacing is still so bad
That's fair, but I feel like Bagi's intent was just for them to talk and not that there was a problem. Unless someone specifically mentioned to Fred that Tubbo was misunderstanding what Fred meant then it just feels like a fix-it for the meta misunderstanding. especially bc Fred said the rumors were about qtubbo misunderstanding his letter.
The pacing is so bad and qtubbo feels so out of character when you take into account his past meeting with Fred and his trauma and actual feelings. ccTubbo has made it clear that qtubbo is not the way he is bc of a romantic relationship (or lack thereof) and is instead acting the way he is because of changes with his friends and their relationships and feeling left behind by everyone. His purgatory trauma plays into that as well.
To me, this feels like a band-aid that's more pandering to chat than anything. I think ccTubbo feels like he's stuck because half his chat (not his chat but I digress) is making his whole personality about having a relationship and liking Fred and making it seem like the miscommunication was on him and not a mutual misunderstanding so he has to rectify it.
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syncedalone · 8 months
Ain’t no way some people are getting THAT pissed over gay Minecraft roleplay 💀
My brother in Christ this man is 20 years old and yet some of yall are treating him like he’s a kid who’s just gonna let chat bully him into doing something he doesn’t want to smh
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sweet-potato-42 · 8 months
Tubblings will cry and beg for all the cool and interesting qtubbo lore arcs but all we get is frubbo
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sweetie-peaches · 8 months
The frubbo situation is deeply confusing me, what the fuck is happening????
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terezicaptor · 5 months
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dozyrogue · 6 months
it took the entire fanbase art and fanfic for me to begin seeing frubbo as romantic
i want an aro qtubbo also becuase if we get that sort of storyline it would be huge for like representation stuff
like we get lots of aro and ace characters which is cool but its always because the cc is aro and/or ace or ebcuase they dont want to be shipped
i would love to be able to see a character have the aro realization
tbf i dont think tubbo himself is particualrly familiar with aro things so i doubt he would do it but I can dream lmao
I am a hater at heart so even if the fan art was really good I still had hatred for fred LMAOO /j/j
I want him so have that awaking, so I'm just doing that myself lmao.
But yeah if we had a character actually having that moment of "um love???" Would be so much more satisfying compared to cc's not wanting to be shipped, which is nothing wrong with that as they should. But it would be more fulfilling if that makes sense??? At least to me
Cctubbo is only here for a good time and a good time only.
But yeah im frubbos biggest op and tubbos aromatic.
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haloberry · 8 months
I didn’t get what I wanted and I’ve accepted that. Not really, but I can work with this.
I know I have to rewatch that awful date again, but I must stomach it for the analysis.
Cuz, thankfully, q!Tubbo is still broken. Which, I know sounds awful, but it makes sense! Yes! Don’t change yourself for that bear! Don’t magically get better just bc you got some dick!
That date was so OOC but I don’t care, bc q!Tubbo still is broken. Getting a date with Fred and a bright future for a relationship with them didn’t fix anything! Q!Tubbo is still very much traumatized and has his sacrificial tendencies! Hopefully, with the upcoming Prison event I’ll maybe get what I wanted, but I can work with this.
I like to think, that the reason q!Tubbo was so out of character today was because their starting over. Last time they had a date was months ago, and my guy went through Purgatory 1 and 2, got convinced Fred was dead and mutilated, and got a daughter in that short amount of time!
Q!Tubbo is not the person he was last time Fred and him had a something good going on, and he’s acting so unlike himself bc he’s scared Fred wouldn’t like the new him. He’s scared that he has to lose another person over his “nonexistent” trama.
He acted so horrendously fake to try and keep the other close to him. He’s being extra flirty and nervous and submissive because he doesn’t want Fred to see the fucked up, cut up version of himself. Fred deserves better than a Tubbo that now hungers for blood and kills without mercy.
Fred loved Tubbo’s kindness, but that kindness and empathy had to be tossed and burned to survive in the world he lived in. He can’t give up his survival for only a chance at living. He’s already lost to much by making that mistake. And with a daughter in tow? He can’t let Fred get too close to the real him, lest he gets the only one he cares for killed.
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qtubbo-is-not-fine · 8 months
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tiger-willow · 8 months
To all the rude Tubbo charters who have been absolute dickhead in chat, you can all fuck right off! Quite being so fucking disrespectful and being negativity into his chat!
I don’t give a flying FUCK about Frubbo being dead or whatever just fucking stop!
To all the Tubbo chatters who aren’t doing this, thank you so much and please keep supporting Tubbo. He deserves it <3
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urlocalwormtoday · 6 months
so uh-
Q!Tubbo fans have had a lot to talk about 0-0
mainly Ollie and Tubbo and how they hope it doesn't turn into a Frubbo situation
and I can't help but agree, considering how even tho last time it WAS pretty cute, the fandom seemed to make it into his whole personality?? And on top of that there was little to no communication between him and the admins
honestly, I just hope it's like a really close friendship TvT
irl I have so many close friends that all flirt with each other (and me) but it's never like a serious romantic thing, y'know??
so I think it's a general consensus that the fandom would rather not have Frubbo 2 xd
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