#Fuckfuck condi plays!!!!!!!
leafatlaw · 1 year
man, I am in such love with vyncent sol being comepletely unable to trust things and being oh so stubborn about it. He came from a world where danger is around every corner, so he’s prepared he’s on edge. His own dad betrayed him. HIS OWN DAD. So of course it makes sense he would have difficulty trusting people. And then he comes to Prime, a whole new world with new rules and things he doesn’t, can’t ever understand. And then as he’s still trying to get things under control, he gets betrayed by Doug! Bam he’s betrayed again, and it’s like well at least he can trust his friends and father figure, no wait, tide betrays them as well!(albit not consciously) Even he works with Mal a little bit to prove his own home, so he’s learning that no one can be trusted not even himself! And even William and Dakota betray him by not agreeing with him on killing the lynch. His best friends. Can not be trusted.
And because every single thing in this fucked up world has tried to hurt him, he runs into initiative sword first. He hits first asks questions later. Because asking questions first is how you end up dead. It’s a lesson this world has taught him over and over again. At this point he’d be stupid not to learn it.
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