queenofgone · 1 year
🖤┊ ❝ @defeatsthem ❞┊ [ continued from HERE ] 🖤
(      sms.      )      that's not hard to do when you're approaching menopause. 
(      sms.      )      don't freak out. i was joking. 
(      sms.      )      i reiterate again though.... why are you TEXTING ME? 
(      sms.      )     i only like your cats, that's it.
CONTACT → FuckingHateYou
[text - sent]: me almost dying is funny? god forbid i had the same reaction for you. i would throw a party if it happened. [text - sent]: you can’t like my cats and NOT me. that’s not how it works. [text - sent]: we’re a package deal. i am their owner after all. [text - sent]: so what’s it gonna be, douche? wrong answer and i’ll make 2Pawz block AND report you
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candiedfain · 1 year
Adult Near as Poofesure #5
Near: I…
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foulgalaxyghoul · 7 years
When they say theyre a better person, but theyre still friends with the asshole that abused, raped, and ruined you.
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slutt0n · 8 years
god when i just saw styles i should've walked right up to him and punched him in the nose. he's fucking lucky i didn't and he was at work
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angstchim · 6 years
Him: you only have two choices Marie
Him: You have to fucking choose
Me: ajksdlfg 🤪🤪🤪
Him: I fuckinghateyou pick bitch
Me: 🤪🤪
Him: gonna go crazy on your bitch ass and then go stupid when the cops can’t find your body
Me: 😔
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mcltrn-blog · 6 years
Tumblr media
Haha, that’s so me right now!
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xlyan · 8 years
Ik ben er niet trots
Maar ik hoop dat je nooit meer gelukkig word.
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alaska1996 · 9 years
Wow you make me want to kill myself
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ocean---tears · 9 years
Im getting fat & thats pretty fucking awful. :))
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p-a-t-i-i · 9 years
Demasiado bom ✌️ #dubsmash #estegajosóquer #tarado #atéocurto #fuckinghateyou @johnresendee
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sushi-sunn · 9 years
Can I just quit yet?
Everyday thoughts
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gwigeroni-blog · 9 years
do you ever take ONE FUCKINGMOMENT from being a selfish whore in your life to SEE HOW FUCKING SHITTY YOU TREAT OTHER PEOPLE but most ESPECIALLY fucking me 
no becuase you only fucking think of your own self and your own fucking problems and thats fucking it. stop your fucking fake ass whore show.
 i fucking hate you 
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More Ranting
i just remembered yes... true i'm riding the band wagon on the moretz thing, though i'm pretty sure my reasons is not part of what people say... i guess totoo nga na di naman magiging kami if 18 na nga siya... simply put there would be endless possibilities... forgive me if i would put this bluntly, and it would be really offensive but i must say it to be able to defend the side i am on... Possibilities that maybe moretz would do something scandalous and it would result in something that wouldn't be anything underage... or might be even she poses for some adult magazine and it won't be underaged... so no, i am not expecting that Moretz would be suddenly knocking on my front door, nope... I'm just not fucking fine with you saying shit at me and not listening to what i have to say
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catsarefuckingrad · 10 years
If you'd actually listen for once you'd know I fucking hate you.
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rayelizabethvivix · 10 years
lt-palomo. i fucking hate you for making me read rwbyquest.
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