petday · 1 year
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s0ftand0nly · 6 days
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Some more princes
Fun fact: the only times I cried during the manga were over pairo and over these two
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ascendbat · 4 months
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HXH Succession Contest Doodles
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sullenhighstar · 1 year
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前回は店内飲食が可能な風月さん @fugetsuusa の投稿をさせて頂きましたが、持ち帰りでも🆗ということでしたらこちら、日本食スーパーMitsuwaさんと同じモールにあるサンノゼ店さんもおススメです😄 お好み焼き以外にもずらりと並んだ美味しそうな惣菜たち🍜🥟🍱🍙🍤が気になってしまい、予定外の大量購入必至です💦 #japanesepancake #japanesepancakes #fugetsu #風月 #お好み焼き #お好み焼き屋 #海外 #海外生活 #海外移住 #海外在住 #海外駐在 #アメリカ #アメリカ生活 #アメリカ在住 #アメリカ暮らし #アメリカ駐在 #駐在 #駐在妻 #駐在生活 #駐妻 #カリフォルニア #シリコンバレー #サンフランシスコ #あつまれ駐在員の森in🇺🇸336投稿目 #atsuchuin🇺🇸336thpost (過去投稿を再編集したものです。) (at Fugetsu USA) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqE0ex6OdpE/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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turtledotjpeg · 4 months
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thinking about that "I don't have anyone close to me" line 🤔
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thing in hxh that wrecks me: kurapika wearing his traditional kurta wear less and less often as he goes further down his path of self-destruction until he is finally shown in the most recent arc having not worn it even once-
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kurapikunt · 7 months
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they're my roman empire tbh. my hbo succession
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your-favourite-plague · 3 months
Happy @hxhbigbang24 posting day!
Here are my pieces for the amazing fic by @besiresmith (can't wait to link it, you should definitely check it out once it's posted!)
EDIT: You can read Close x The x Door here!
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It was my first time participating in an event like that and that was a great experience, very inspiring
I'm really happy I had the opportunity to draw for this particular fic, because it "forced" me to focus on characters I don't usually draw, but always wanted to. I find Melody to be a fascinating character and narration from her perspective was a treat! Additionally, the twins' story always resonated with me, so I'm glad I could show some of my appreciation for them too ♡
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They’re not friends but you know…
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tryingmybestiguess · 4 months
I still find funny how Kacho and Fugetsu design went form this.
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To Killua and Gon 2.0.
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antoniettap1303 · 1 year
"Thank you for the signatures and warm messages!!"
Is this the message Yoshihiro Togashi has written on the drawing done for his family paper shop house the last september 20th. There's also a visitor book where people and fans can leave a message. Gon, killua,kurapika and leorio, together like the good old times.
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lyrainworld · 3 months
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If there's something I loved in the DC arc and what's ahead in hxh manga, it's those sisters. For a moment, they're safe in a world only for them. @greedislandchallenge
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basedkikuenjoyer · 2 days
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Let's have a fun one. I'm really excited for the next batch of Hunter x Hunter and plan to have a lot of fun here with the new chapters. Probably going to shoot for full reviews like I do One Piece, Jojolands, and Skip & Loafer presently. When you have these big cast shonens, I feel like it really helps to know what kind of fan someone is. Who do they gravitate to? This is the bulk of my top 10, #1 is after the cut but don't think there's a super important order. It was hard to pare it down to 10. The rest of the main quartet, Ging, other Phantom Troupe members like Machi, Shizuku, Kalluto, & Chrollo could have been on here.
Pariston & Pouf are such good antagonists. "I can't wait to see what I do to someone I hate" is a line that goes so hard. Melody on the other hand? She's just so lovely and the whole Sonata of Darkness quest is really cool world building. Alluka is a sweetie and we say trans rights here. Kurapika is a sweetie and we say trans rights here. I kid...but Pika's easily my favorite of the main four. Shocker given how much I loved Kurama in YYH.
Nobunaga's my favorite in the Troupe. I love samurai, even more when their backstory implies he probably went with that aesthetic because of some old samurai movie he found in the Meteor City trash heaps. I want a drag off of Morel's pipe. His ability is so cool. If you've followed my Kakin Succession stuff you probably know I like the twins and yes Katty & FuuFuu can share a slot. They just keep getting better. I love a good brat especially when one like Kacho has a heart of gold underneath. Speaking of brats, my most controversial entry but I love Neon Nostrade. Lovely Ghostwriter is my favorite ability, funny lil brat at first but she develops well. So now for #1...
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Oh Biscuit. Bisky. Bisky-chan. Miss Kruger. I have loved this girl since she first showed up. Top-class hunter despite her ability being completely useless for combat. I think that says it all really. She's still that fearsome even if she uses much of her Nen for cosmetic reasons. Buff Biscuit is always a classic gag, especially this new guy on the boat who is absolutely smitten. All wrapped up in a lovely Fujoshi package.
I like that she's a mentor figure, especially the twist of being Wing's master, but how it fits in her own goals. Biscuit is a Gem Hunter, she sees her students as uncut gems. That's something I can really relate to especially as I get older. I love nothing more than working with younger people who want to better themselves. And that's why she's my fav.
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starlit-seadragon · 4 days
Day 19 - Taken
The Eorzean Alliance is yet young, though it has many allies.
Some of them are a little closer than others expected.
Set early post-SB
WC: 1453
Rated F for fluff?
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My FFXIV Write Masterpost here.
Nanamo was the first to notice.
Had she not been seated next to Lord Aymeric, she might have missed the exchange entirely. Though the mountains in which Ala Mhigo were tucked cooled the air significantly, the day was still hot. For their privacy, the doors of the meeting room had been closed, but the windows remained open, curtains billowing lazily in the desperately-needed breeze. Outside the palace, far enough away that they could not hear, people milled about, performing various tasks.
Beside her, Lord Aymeric straightened suddenly and looked away from the conversation. Nanamo fought the urge to stare. She had not considered the present topic to be an offensive one, but perhaps there was a cultural difference with Ishgard that she was not aware of. She had a mind to inquire about it afterwards─and then watched him break into a radiant smile that was gone from his lips a moment latee but remained in his eyes.
Curious, Nanamo followed his line of sight.
Out the window, the Warrior of Light was walking past. When she caught Nanamo's eye, she waved. Nanamo waved a small hand back.
On her other side, Raubahn leaned forward.
"I must apologize, Your Grace, for not being engaging enough company to keep your focus," he teased.
"Your apology is accepted, Raubahn," Namao replied archly. "Pray rest assured you have my full focus─I merely chanced to espy our friend Shirayume through the window and was returning her greeting."
The other Alliance leaders turned in their seats to peer out the window. Now red-cheeked and smiling apologetically, Shirayume waved to them all. The leaders of the Alliance returned the gesture.
"Perhaps a short respite is called for" Kan-E suggested. "We have been in council for an extended period─a little fresh air and movement might do us good."
The group assented, agreeing to return at the next bell. Slowly, they rose, stretching and making small talk. Nanamo remained in her seat. Raubahn stood just behind his.
"Do you mean to remain here, Your Grace?"
"For a time, I think. I'll follow soon, Raubahn. I'd like to walk the garden. Pray take your leave."
"I should be glad to join you, Your Grace, when you do."
Nanamo smiled. "Then I shall meet you there shortly, my friend."
With that, he quit the room. Nanamo sat back in her seat and sighed. Though the long hours could be wearying, to have so many in the Alliance warmed her heart; these meetings gave her far less headache than did those of the Syndicate. With a prolonged yawn, she hopped down from her seat and rubbed her eyes.
Upon opening them, she noticed the Warrior of Light was still outside the window.
As was Lord Aymeric.
Shirayume beamed up at him, and he mirrored the expression as he spoke. She listened attentively, almost enrapt, one arm crossed over to hold the other, tail swaying gently back and forth. He was inclined towards her, bent slightly at the waist, lessening the distance between them. They did not touch as they spoke, but they stood so near to one another that a breeze could have pushed them into each other's arms.
Nanamo blinked, breath caught. She could not remember when she had last seen Shirayume smile so.
Footsteps announced someone's approach.
"Your Grace?" Raubahn asked. "Forgive me if I've disturbed you; I just wanted to see if you were all right."
Evidently, she'd been standing here longer than she thought.
Raubahn approached her, looking to where her attention had been focused. When he caught sight of the pair outside, he inhaled sharply.
Eyes still on them, he asked in a low voice, "Do you think they're...?"
"Without a doubt," Nanamo confirmed, turning her gaze back towards them.
"I must admit to some surprise. I never would have expected such a match."
Nanamo looked up at him. "No? Whyever not?"
Raubahn scratched his chin. "It feels somewhat foolish to say aloud, but given how long Ishgard had been absent from the Alliance, I expected it would take a longer period of time for them to 'warm to us,' so to speak."
Nanamo smiled. "They may still be warming to us, my friend. But I believe it quite apparent that Lord Aymeric has warmed to *her.*"
They did not hear other Alliance leaders approach until Merlwyb spoke behind them, "Well. That certainly explains the Grand Melee."
"Do you suspect it has been going on since then?" Kan-E murmured.
"For such a strong affection? It must have begun well before."
Kan-E nodded, brow pinched. "He seems quite taken with her."
"Can you fault him for it?" Merlwyb asked. "She has a way of disarming shuttered hearts."
"Has he the shuttered heart, or is it Ishgard who possesses it?"
"Well," Lyse drew out the word as she reached the group and joined their observation. Her cheeks widened with her grin. "I see their time apart has done very little to change their feelings for one another."
Nanamo, Raubahn, Merlwyb, and Kan-E all turned to look at her as one. The grin dropped off Lyse's face. A flush spread over her cheeks.
"...I don't suppose you could pretend you didn't hear that."
After a moment, Kan-E touched a hand to her chest. "Did they intend to conceal it indefinitely?"
Lyse huffed out a laugh. "Only from themselves. There's nothing happening between them. At least, I don't think there is. Though... Yume didn't really talk about what happened during their camping trip..."
"Camping trip?" The group echoed, brows raised.
A tense silence followed.
"Oh gods," Lyse muttered. She cleared her throat and raised her hands, fingers splayed in defense. Her eyes darted wildly between them.
"Look, it's really none of our business, is it?"
Merlwyb crossed her arms. "Ordinarily, I would agree. In this case, however, there is somewhat more at stake. The star can ill-afford its champion playing favorites."
Lyse's voice was hard and sharp as a blade. "She wouldn't. You know she wouldn't."
The silence that descended smothered like the heat.
Lyse scoffed. Her hands clenched at her sides "Has she ever given you cause to doubt her before? What of when she was an adventurer based in Gridania? Did she play favorites then?"
The other leaders exchanged a look.
"She did not," Kan-E conceded, slow and even-toned, "but this situation does not quite compare."
Lyse shook her head. "I don't believe this."
"Mistress Hext is right," Nanamo interjected. "We ought to trust in our friends and allies. We are all of us adults. Since Ishgard's rejoining of the Eorzean Alliance, Lord Aymeric has been naught but a staunch ally."
"A little before that, even," Raubahn admitted.
"And that aside," she continued, "Shirayume deserves our confidence in her. As our friend and hero, we owe her the benefit of the doubt."
Kan-E, Raubahn, and Merlwyb looked to the floor. Lyse leaned against the window sill.
"And... just look at her," Lyse said softly.
They did. Aymeric spoke with animation, and in response Yume laughed so heartily that a few other people around them turned to look.
"Even if it doesn't go anywhere..." Lyse said. "The Twelve know there's been enough misery lately... we can afford them a little bit of happiness, can't we? Just a little."
She threw them an imploring look. They acquiesed with tight smiles. Nanamo met Lyse's eyes with open regard.
"We should certainly make an effort to," Nanamo agreed. Lyse returned her smile.
The bell struck then.
All in the meeting room turned towards the open window to find Aymeric and Shirayume, looking back at them with disquiet. Only Lyse had the presence of mind to duck to the side, out of sight.
Their gazes held a moment longer before Shirayume's lips moved inaudibly. Aymeric turned to look at her and then nodded stiffly before walking away. Shirayume turned in the opposite direction. She did not look back to the window.
Moments later, Aymeric reappeared in the meeting room's doorway. His face was a mask of composure, the only sign of his discomfiture the redness in his cheeks.
"Shall we proceed?" he asked calmly as he took his seat. Without another word, he took up a quill and scanned the parchment in front of him.
The other Alliance leaders remained standing, staring at one another.
Finally, in strode Lord Hien, whistling an airy tune. He stopped short as he took in the scene before him.
With a hint of confusion, he spoke, "I... trust all had a pleasant and refreshing recess?"
Nanamo chuckled as she retook her seat. "Some of us more than others, I expect."
Aymeric froze, quill mid-air. Lyse smirked.
"But pray," she said. "Let us return to business."
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お好み焼きでお馴染みの風月 @fugetsuusa さん😀 ベイエリアで店内飲食ができるのはここだけなんです❗️ 現在はサニーベールのRokko Japanese Restaurant @rokko_sunnyvale さん内にございますが、以前はEl camino real沿いに単独店舗としてサンタクララ店がありました😮 現在の営業時間🈺は、 月曜休み 火~日 1130am~130pm, 530~830pm (但し日曜のランチはテイクアウトのみ) となっております😄 昨年にはラスベガス店 @fugetsu.lasvegas もオープンされたようです👍👍👍 #japanesepancake #japanesepancakes #fugetsu #風月 #お好み焼き #お好み焼き屋 #海外 #海外生活 #海外移住 #海外在住 #海外駐在 #アメリカ #アメリカ生活 #アメリカ在住 #アメリカ暮らし #アメリカ駐在 #駐在 #駐在妻 #駐在生活 #駐妻 #カリフォルニア #シリコンバレー #サンフランシスコ #あつまれ駐在員の森in🇺🇸335投稿目 #atsuchuin🇺🇸335thpost (at Fugetsu USA) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqCOnWSuDZx/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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