#prince halkenburg
kurapikunt · 4 months
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they're my roman empire tbh. my hbo succession
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tangsakura · 1 year
For when you got time: do you have any theories or something you would really like to see happening in the next chapters?
Contains content from arc after Hunter x Hunter - up to the latest chapters. Please DNI if you don't want to be spoiled.
Machi's backstory with Hisoka. Really need to know wtf is going on between them that it all lead to what it did in ch 357. They have this relationship that I can't just pinpoint no matter what........
Speaking of which, Machi needs to go up the tier. My girl is still in Tier 5 ;--;
Tserriednich has something to do with Sarasa's death indirectly. Some people also speculated it when Chrollo mentioned about the film set where Sarasa died and 'showing off their artwork' or something along those lines. When I first read it, I thought about the Heily family. Heily was sponsored by Tserriednich until Morena happened lmao. Plus one of the guys who were abductors look like the tattoo artists at Tserriednich's suite.
Hisoka will be the reason why Kurapika will find out that the Troupe is in the Black Whale. This self-explanatory.
I want to see Hisoka see all the Princes and their beasts. You know what I'm interested about? His reaction when he sees Tserriednich, Camille, Halkenburg and Benjamin
I have a feeling Hisoka will sneak into the royal banquet lmao. I can feel it in my bones ahahahhaha
The hidden Nen user in Kurapika's Nen crash course class. Is he a mole from Morena in Tier 1 but couldn't get any closer to Tserriednich that's why Morena wants to lure one or more of his private guards? I wanna know who the person is in the next batch of HxH chapters.
As for the silent majority person, I thought it's the bob-haired girl that Hinrigh first chased in Tier 3 in 390 - perhaps she has powers that don't need her to be actually in Tier 1. Also with revelations in ch 399, Morena is most likely also aware of Kurapika as he is involved in the underworld for awhile now and he is a Prince's guard - probably realized why he is there in the boat in the first place. Idk maybe Morena is testing his patience or something and is considering her as one of her chess pieces. (One of crackhead theories as you can see)
Tserriednich meeting Melody. This gonna traumatized Melody as she'll hear his heartbeat and realized how evil he is. And Tserriednich obsession of art from promising ladies or some sht is making me super scared for Melody. I hope she survives and lives.
Hisoka and Chrollo rematch when they touch down at the fake continent. Fake continent probably has hot weather by then and thus it will fulfill the end of Hisoka's real prophecy from Yorknew
Illumi and Hisoka are working together where Illumi and Kalluto will escape or attempts to, then Hisoka double crosses them or almost does it (crackhead theory)
Shizuku's death. Easiest to target by Hisoka. But if Hisoka won't or can't kill her then it'll be either due to Tserriednich or Morena directly or indirectly
Tserriednich, Halkenburg, Camille and Benjamin's next move. I'm craving for Tier 1 events lmao xD
Hinrigh having second thoughts about double crossing or playing further with the Troupe
More Hinrigh content lmao he grew on me during this comeback omfg now I don't want him to die ;---;
And that's it for now lmao my brain is fried so ima yeet out rn
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missazune · 8 months
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Halkenburg Hui Guo Rou || HUNTERxHUNTER
“If you say we don’t need a king, then become king first, then say that...!!”
‘m trying to practice drawing him 🫠 wanted to draw all princes tbh
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your-favourite-plague · 11 months
My subjective ranking of which Kakin prince should win because I'm stressed beyond human comprehension and need distraction
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1. 2nd Prince Camilla 😳 2nd Prince Camilla 💕 2nd Prince Camilla 😭
Probably she would be an awful king, but she could kill me and I would thank her.
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2. 3rd Prince Zhang Lei
I think he's a cool, reliable guy. He is the king in my heart (and of my heart?). If he'll turn out to be evil, I will feel personally betrayed and hurt.
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3. 5th Prince Tubeppa
She didn't have much time to shine, but she seems to be intelligent and trustworthy, a good fit for a king.
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4. 9th Prince Halkenburg
The succession battle costs him too much emotionally, but I'm sure he would be a solid king. But why does he like Tserriednich? Sus.
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5. 10th Prince Kacho and 11th Prince Fugetsu
Double king for the win. The perfect ending we should have gotten.
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6. 6th Prince Tyson
Too precious for this world, politics don't deserve her.
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7. 7th Prince Luzurus
Doesn't really strike me as a person interested in ruling or a dedicated future king, but not the worst choice.
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8. 8th Prince Sasa-Lélé
A perfect material for a puppet king, but he's a nice guy overall. His Nen beast could make Kakin quite a peaceful nation, which is always good.
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9. 12th Prince Momoze, 13th Prince Marayam and 14th Prince Woble
They're kids. It's hard to judge how they would rule the country.
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10. 1st Prince Benjamin
He would declare a martial law the second the crown touches his head.
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11. 4th Prince Tserriednich
This man should be kept as far from any position of power as possible. Preferably kept in the casket.
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progg · 2 years
Nihilism in the Succession Arc
I’ve written extensively about Togashi’s existentialism and how it permeates Hunter x Hunter’s story. However, in the Succession Arc, Togashi seems to be employing nihilist themes much more, likely to create an even greater distinction between the two philosophies.
Firstly, the idea that Theta is “trapped” is reiterated throughout the Tserriednich plot.
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Salkov explains to Theta that she is the only one capable of stopping—or at least, slowing—Tserrednich’s rise to power. It’s actually Theta’s own competence, ironically, that locks her into this position. Like she says, it’s not fair: She doesn’t have a choice regarding her fate.
The idea of fairness is closely tied to nihilism in that a nihilist world can essentially be broken down into random, chaotic events. Things don’t happen for a reason—in fact, they specifically happen for no reason at all. It would seem that, thus far, there’s no special reason Theta in particular was forced into this quest. A quest which, even if she successfully completes, means death:
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Alternatively, if she fails, an even worse fate awaits her:
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If there is a meaning to Theta’s quest, it seems like something akin to divine punishment. But, as far as we know, Theta hasn’t done anything to deserve such a thing. To quote one of my favorite games, “is there no punishment greater than that for which we do not know the reason?” (Blasphemous)
Her entrapment is restated when she tells Tserriednich she knows Nen.
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She has to do it. She has no choice. This contrasts starkly with the existentialism of previous arcs. I suspect, however, that this is all setup for a massive existentialist turn later on.
Probably the most overt example of nihilism in this arc, Keeney chooses to take the fall for Kacho and Fugetsu’s escape by taking his own life.
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Keeney’s last act is a desperate grasp for meaning. His wife and daughter died in an accident—in other words, a random event, and one he had no control over. There was no reason for them to die, and this weighs heavily on Keeney. As a consequence, he decides his death (and what remains of his life) will serve a greater purpose, helping to save “two wonderful girls” (a phrase that could also be used to refer to his own wife and daughter).
However, Keeney’s plan seems to fail miserably. He succeeds in taking the fall for the escape, but the escape itself is unsuccessful, and actually leads to Kacho’s death. Not only that, but it’s discovered the two princes were actually trapped the whole time. So we have a concrete representation of being trapped (the wall of hands outside the ship) and a metaphorical representation of being trapped (Theta and Keeney, among others).
The escape chapter, for me, is not only one of the best but also one of the darkest. Hunter x Hunter has never shied away from dark themes, but there always seemed to be light at the end of the tunnel. Chapter 383, however, is incredibly bleak, and while we can imagine the escape attempt eventually benefitting our protagonists, there’s no guarantee that it will.
When considering the nihilist themes of the Succession Arc, it would be a mistake to forget that nihilism is at the core of Kurapika’s character arc right now.
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Kurapika believes that, after collecting the last of the Scarlet Eyes, his life will have no purpose. He is, of course, wrong, but he doesn’t realize that. Instead, he has trapped himself in a self-destructive cycle—one that punishes him for no reason other than his own angst and survivor’s guilt.
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There are a few other characters I believe embody the philosophy of nihilism (i.e. Sandra, who makes the brave decision to stay by Woble’s side only to quickly meet her demise), as well as others who may in the future (i.e. Halkenburg). Togashi is setting up a contrast between nihilism and existentialism, which I believe will culminate in a massive existentialist turn at the end of the arc. In the case of Theta and Keeney, it’s easy to see how their actions may have a great influence on the later story. Theta could be the one who informs others on the nature of Tserriednich’s Nen ability, while the existence of Kacho’s Nen Beast and Melody’s detainment will have trickling effects.
The climax of this arc will likely involve Kurapika’s rejection of nihilism and acceptance of his future. Freed from his quest, he will no longer be “trapped”.
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hamliet · 2 years
Oh, about the HxH ask, it's just that there are a lot of panels of meals and I was thinking what this could mean... like, maybe the conflict could be resolved in a pacific way, by sharing a meal (also the princes only get together during the banquets). But there's also a panel depicting Goya's Saturn devouring his son, so maybe it's the other way around and is foreshadowing of the king's plan.
I don't know if I'm reading too much into this haha do you have any thoughts?
At the current moment, I think it's more symbolic of people resting before/gearing up for the storm, so to speak. I don't see the conflict being solved in a pacific way, though that would be ideal of course, at least not at first. Tserriednich, Morena, Halkenburg, Hisoka, Chrollo--they are not going to stand down imo, at least not without further losses first.
To be clear, I also don't think that any of these winnowing-outs will be entirely successful; I would bet more than just one prince survives, and Hisoka, Illumi, Kalluto, and Chrollo all will not die here, so. I do think a nonviolent approach will be chosen, but more in the sense of some people like Kurapika eventually, as the situation grows more and more dire, opting out of the violence and escaping it rather than solving the violence, if that makes sense.
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antoniettap1303 · 1 year
Little tought about the succession war
We already Have the survivor princes ?
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Hello! Today i want to share a tought about the succession war that's currently taking place in HxH. As you can note, Togashi sensei always put 3 specific princes together ( In order ): Fugetsu, Mariyam and Woble are always put in a "group of their own",in the manga, in riepilogations, official illustrations and also in the shikishi. It can mean something ? Maybe no. Or maybe yes. Maybe, and i still say Maybe:
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• Obivously i hope like everybody that Fugetsu will feel better after what we saw in ch.400. I also hypothize that maybe she know that kacho is a spirit beast now and maybe she will give her some advice for the future events.
• Probably they can also create an Alliance with Oito/Woble, due also to melody and kurapika, as i think that we can even get that Finally Fugetsu will rebel to her mother and along with Kacho, Ilardia, ladiolus and melody will move away. Also i'm sure she will be protective and fond of Woble and will do anything to protect her ( in think she will do so for ANY Child ❤).
• We can count that if they will start move on their own, maybe also Fu will stars a " Consulence Tour" along kacho,melody or some guards, to see some princes (a situation like Oito's meeting with Zhang Lei ).
• i also think that maybe the Final match will resolve in a Two factions war ( some by Tserriednich's side and some by Fu as candidates for the throne Obivously i imagine woble, mariyam and maybe also Tyson by Fu's side while Camilla and benjamin by Tserri's. Halken and Tubeppa are the most unpredictable, since tubeppa has pratically found a sort of link for an Alliance with both Tserri and Woble, But i still think that there's good in Halken. )
• In way or another there will be a huge caos ( Maybe because of Morena, Hisoka, the Phantom Troupe or all together), that will put the main boat ( the luxury one ) in danger. This probably will get at a mess that major part of the remaining princes will be murdered ( between themselves or by the mess happening. ) at some point, they will discover the chamber where momoze is ( maybe the Kakin tree and it's secret will be discovered.). By realizing what's going on, the dead princes are put in there, including Nasubi's half brothers ( yes. Them. I also think that Morena is the most dangerous and i think she will also survive), killed during the mess. For me at least for what i think, it will happen a really sad but fundamental Moment. A container must be filled. And there's still the Trolley Problem. Which is choosing between the other princes or the people of the kingdom. Maybe the great tree of Kakin will be a very important fact to what's happening. And that's the point. I think that, to allow the tree's Role to be complied, Halkenburg will sacrifice himself. In a high note, he will ask fugetsu to shot him, so that with him the great tree of Kakin will be complete. Is obivous that she won't, but he will told her that this is necessary for the kingdom and everybody else ( trolley problem ), and he's sure that she will be the one kakin needs to reach the future he wanted to create himself. So, the act has to be done. The thing will be on her conscience for many long, but it has to be worth for the kingdom.
• and so, after everything is done, is probably that she will became the monarch. And i think that she will save Woble and Mariyam. They're children. They shouldn't pay the price.
in short words, Fugetsu, Mariyam and Woble will be the ONLY SURVIVORS of the succession war.
Is also probably that the spirit beasts will disappear after everybody will leave the ship. I also imagine, after the post shot breakdown, while trying to reach the life boats in a situation Titanic style, kacho will reassure Fu, by tolding her that there will be so many people that will be near her and that will never leave her alone, also admitting that she is also capable to show strenght, and that everything will be worth it. All with the chef's kiss of her pushing her twin with both hands on the back foward. Towards the future. While she has disappeard. I also imagine how Fu will watch Back by see that nobody's there, as she smiles bittersweetly While starting to run. I also think that both Kurapika and few members of the Spiders, and like i said before also morena, will survive too, and the final fight probably will be Kept for the final arc.
So.. that's it. I make you remember that this is only a tought of mine and we don't know what Togashi sensei will do for the next chapters.
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casgirl · 1 year
Sad that there’s no gay brother/mean sister duo in hxh. Maybe Halkenburg and Camilla bc Halkenburg seems like the gayest prince but frankly he’s too boring for me to care that much about.
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basedkikuenjoyer · 2 years
The Great Succession Contest Roundup
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We’ll call this a spinoff of Late-Night Togashiposting...but being honest this is mostly so I have something to refer to in like, three years when we finally get back around to the main thread of this arc. Not complaining, I’m about to get to see baby Nobunaga so I’m happy. I’m just tired of needing to do a re-read every time and sort out the fluff from the parts I feel like I actually need to remember in order to keep things straight. Sure, what I consider “fluff” will likely come back to haunt me later and I’ll probably have to re-read this arc about six more times by the end. Luckily it’s awesome...I think. That’s Hunter x Hunter for ya. I’m sure it’ll melt my face off by the end. So let’s go from one extreme of sibling bonds to the other and place your bets on who emerges the next king of Kakin!
1st Prince Benjamin: Ew, no. Muscles McHardass and the Stupid Jumpsuit Apparatus? Too obvious even for hack writers. Will likely die in spectacularly embarrassing fashion.
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2nd Prince Camilla: Hey! You’re a crazy bitch... I like her. She has what it takes to be a woman in leadership. How you gonna kill her? Checkmate bastards. I mean figurative bastards not the double scar ones.
3rd Prince Zhang Lei: Booooooring. Coin ability seems cool though. I had an RPG villain who did something similar.
4th Prince Tserri: Only calling him that from now on because they made a point of it. Definitely intrigued. He’s set up as a clear villain but the more I see the more I wonder if awakening Nen isn’t pushing him towards something like we saw with Meruem. It’s changing him. That plus the old friends is a cool story bubbling. That said...this mutha has a date with a certain chain dude. He might have the best story, but I don’t see a winner. Too obvious. (See #9)
5th Prince Tsubeppa: Nice to see women in STEM I guess. Gonna do something other than play Dr. Bunsen? Meh.
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6th Prince Tyson: Heh, this chick cracks me up. Probably the biggest wildcard. This is a long sea voyage, people are going to get bored enough to read that book. It’s such a devious trap...think about it, even an enemy reading it to try and glean some edge could fall under her spell. I know she doesn’t seem as clear a threat, but keep an eye on Tyson. Never underestimate the power of delusion and a sexy man-harem. 
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7th Prince Luzurus: Define “winner.” He might not end up king, but a free cruise spent getting high with Basho sounds like a hell of a time. I’m pulling for ya buddy. You’re right, screw learning Nen superpowers. That’d be like, a total bummer maaaan. More anime potheads.
8th Prince Sale-Sale: First off, momma’s name Swinko-Swinko is awesome and I always remember that. This dude is like Luzurus but not as fun. Though...given daddy’s titty demon Nen Beast, you certainly seem like the most chip off the old block. Otherwise...meh. Easy to kill someone plowing is way to the Dark Continent. Much easier than a perma-paranoid pothead and his warrior poet bodyguard.
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9th Prince Halkenburg: First off, nerrrrrrd. With that out of the way, a favorite for good reason. Clearly getting a lot of focus and he has an iron will. This dude is convicted as all getout. That said, starting from the pictured scene (which is a gorgeous panel) I smell Tserri’s opposite. This contest is going to shatter this man’s high-minded ideals. He’ll either win but come out the other side a brutal tyrant or die after crossing a nasty moral boundary.
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10th Prince Kacho: KAAAAAAAAAAAAAACHO!!!!! Made me bawl like a baby. You were too good for this world Kacho. Even though you were the second out, you have a path to victory because...
11th Prince Fugetsu: Guardian angel sis has this taken care of. Fugetsu just needs to focus on being her lovely self. Together forever bitches, to hell with the rest! Especially since that tunnel ability is easy mode for assassination should Fugetsu turn to the dark side. Would she use it? No. Would Nencho? Hell yes. Count me on Team Twinsies. They have Ms. Melody. 
12th Prince Momoze: Eh, someone had to die first. Kinda wish it wasn’t here because I did like how she seemed like she had a more shrewd mind than appearances would suggest.
13th Prince Maryam: Bold strategy. Hide out in extradimensional space and hope everyone just kinda...forgets about you. Given the high likelihood of a mass murder-suicide to top this arc off, I actually like his chances. Especially with Biscuit in his corner.
14th Prince Woble: First off, you do have to consider Kurapika’s angling for a stalemate. Which is a real possibility of course. As much a possibility as teaching everyone Nen backfiring. Or getting distracted by an amusing task The Phantom Troupe. Being attached to the main character in the arc is of course a bonus, Queen Oito seems in it to win it, but all of that pales in comparison to Woble’s biggest advantage. Absolute gigchad Bill. Seriously future Rhea, don’t forget about Bill.
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halt-kun · 1 year
Hunter x Hunter Chapter 400 - Concealed
FINALLY the 400th chapter ! Before the hiatus, we learnt they were thinking of changing the schedule for Hunter x Hunter serialization. It’ll probably stay at Shueisha though but probably not in the Weekly Shounen Jump, I doubt, they’d let it be on the Jump Ryu since it’s only online and Hunter x Hunter definitely help selling some jump issues. Monthly would cover the amount of chapter we had before 2018 before Togashi tried to be more active. We’ll see but I think something bimonthly  like One Piece could be possible but we’ll see
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Back to Phinks and Feitan, sooooo the hideout is not on the 3rd floor but on the 4th or 5th floor. 
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I thought tier 2 wasn’t an option but maybe it’s. Phinks’ En can reach 100 meters it seems, pretty good. Of course,processing all that could be hard, fuck. And we’ve got confirmation that En really lowers defenses.   
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Nobu’s BACK ALREADY ! He found them pretty quickly in this crowd too. They’re really convinced it’s on tier 2, we’ll see
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Oh so there was a nen space not just a regular space protected by nen ? But you did think transmutation was a possibility ? Yep something feels off
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It’s true there wouldn’t have been any problem if Morena was on the higher floor, away from her turf. But we know her office was empty so where is it ? Franklin is a good option to get rid of them from the doorway but wouldn't he risk targeting a counter type ? 
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OH FUCK, an emergency announcement is bad news. 
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WTF, don’t tell me Taithon taboo has been breached. We’ve got a liar little bro without a scar, all of them seem so weird
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This is fucked up can she rewrite personality, please no, I’m scared. Juliano seemed so cool
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Okay I freaked out for nothing seems Taithon’s beast can bring happiness, maybe they’re just all high on serotonin
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Izunavi really wants a shipwide reading brainwash, OH FUCK, is this the emergency announcement ? Taithon looks more endearing here. I know she has nearly no chance to survive this trip so I feel bad
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Wait how do you know about Kaccho, did you see the corpse in the ship that was retrieved ? 
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This is still Kaccho, maybe she told everyone ? But would she be draining so much aura, death should be a sufficient condition to lower the burden even if it wasn’t nen after death that usually seems to run indefinitely. 
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I agree to everything there, it’s good to see Kaccho back, but her death really wasn’t hidden long then
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Melody is resolved then
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I guess For Tsubeppa and Luzurus, Duazul is the main readon they can leverage amnesty. Well, please let Melody be okay, She’s even protecting a ghost’s feelings about Keeny’s death. She’s so kind 
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Okay so yep, Melody’s ability is best to heal mental health issues and the body can be affected a bit too. Giving away a counter measure against her ability is a bit reckless in this war though
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OOF that would be hard 3 nen users in there who are quite dangerous
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A CONFESSION !?!? CUUUUTE, but your plan is still so dangerous
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Is that why Melody thought his heartbeat always felt weird and calm ?????
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Or maybe not, yeah maybe he’s dangerous. melody, how many fucked up manipulators have you met ? Beside Morel and Zushi it’s pretty much the Slytherin category
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MELODY TIME anyway, I’m so happy !!! Is there any reason to not kill Terrorsandwhich ?  I can’t see this guy being affiliated to Camila, Taithon, Halkenburg or Marayam ???? Melody must be annoying to interrogate if she just flexes her right to remain silent non stop, pretty efficient though
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This guy just really seems to be after everyone being as safe as possible, maybe Halkenburg’s men control him ? Maybe not 
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More political fuckery, martial law is the worst, the army is the least trustworthy branch of the government and it’s lead by a prince anyway there
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Where did she goooooooo ! PLEASE DON’T BE DEAD 
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Probably went to confirm your death
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WAIT WHAT, Is Kaccho giving you energy ? Like nen after death aura tank ? Or maybe you’re just unwell Fu  
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Or what I feared she’s exerting herself too much
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I can’t cry I just feel bad and worried, like I’m really getting anxious for her
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Yep she’s weird but let her sleep
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What’s this BZ BZZZ BZZZ
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What ?!?!?
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Camila’s men didn’t commit suicide ? It wouldn’t have been powerful enough unless it was close to her anyway
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I love Zhang Lei, really a nice guy ready to give out his coins
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Urgh never accept, even if it could maybe help Kurapika
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Yep get out, Melody big brain time
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This is Camila’s doing right ? But when ??? Granted the overuse of her ability could help weakening her but still
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The last one that knew nen was Longiiiiii OKAY, well she didn’t sound like the user of Secret Majority, who it’s then, Cleapatro seemed weird but maybe it’s a judge. 
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BACK TO HIATUS, I am anxious as fuck, a lot will be happening in the next batch, I love these chapters spent on catching up on various plot and princes shenanigans. melody chapters are always welcome. It was so nice to see Kaccho again. AND WHAT was THE ANNOUNCEMENT ABOUT. Nice hiatus everyone
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constellyations · 5 months
Kakin Empire princes; Would they treat you right? (An analysis)
1, Benjamin
Not really surprisingly, yes! He would be a good partner. I think he would prefer someone who’s physically more active and thus be more influenced by that but I think he’d treat you right.
2, Camila
Not really…. She seems like someone who’d emotionally manipulate you just to see what she could get away with. Like Nicole from Class of ‘09
3, Zhang Lei
Probably idk 💀 He seems like he’d try to call you something suave like Darling or honey but fail and just seem like a little weirdo. Love him tho he’s silly!!!
4, Tserriednich
NO BITCH!!!! NO!!!! NOOOOO!!!!!!
5, Tubeppa
She’s the kind of partner to be scared (aggressively 😒) about being cheated on and thus treat her partner like they’re gonna cheat on her.
6, Tyson
UH YES????? Literally she would be an amazing partner I don’t even like??? Idk how to explain it but she’d act like a sugar baby minus the money and idk she just seems amazing I love her
7, Luzurus
I think he’d like… treat you okish and then eventually try to get you to smoke w him if you don’t already and if you deny it then he’ll be a little bit less nice. He just seems like the type 😒
8, Sale-Sale
9, Halkenburg
Yes. Do I even need to explain???? He’s the perfect man I will take this to my grave. He is amazing and intelligent and caring and amazing and great and I love him.
Ok analysis over go home /lhj
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hol-sashimi · 1 year
Waaah sashimi!! I didn't expect that you'd actually do my request!! I'm blushing and crying right now uehuhvowhfouwehfouhewon :,D Thank you so much!!!
Your art style is pretty and cute as ever! It makes me want to eat it and take it all for myself. I love this AU so much I don't think I'll stop thinking about it for the rest of the day.
I really like that Prince Theta has a good relationship with her brothers (especially with Halkenburg >.< they would have so much fun doing archery). I also like that bodyguard Tser is basically possessive and territorial over her sometimes (we all know that Tser is an obsessive man). It goes to show his twisted personality and that it reflects in his way of "protecting" Theta. I really think you captured his fun side as well as the dark side of him well.
Speaking of Theta, she's as selfless as ever. Even though she knows she's going to suffer without Tser (job well done to him for making Theta dependent on him), she still thinks Tser is someone that shouldn't exist in the world. I think this endgame for them is tragic and it suits them well because well, that's just how it is (especially when we're talking about Tser of all people).
Sorry for the late reply! I'm glad that you liked it, thank you for commenting and analysing my work, it's the best reward I can get! <3 I still feel ashamed for drawing everything with a brush I've never used before, that's why the drawing is so grey and a bit messy, forgive me for experimenting. Drawing your idea was a huge pleasure, I hope we will meet again in the future. I wish you good luck!
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star-fiend · 2 years
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Hunter X Hunter, chapter 384, "Awakening"
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hxhweek2021 day 5: angst. prince halkenburg has a lot of grief in his heart.
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progg · 2 years
A Wheel-turning King
While it’s almost impossible to predict who will win the Succession War, I think there is a very strong argument to be made for Zhang Lei. He will likely be the prince most equipped to end the Succession Contest, breaking the conditions of the Seed Urn and allowing for multiple survivors. In this scenario, he would be the eldest survivor and would inherit the throne.
In addition, the design of his Spirit Beast is related to the Buddhist idea of a chakravarti or “wheel-turning king”. To become such a king, one must enact extraordinary change, which Zhang Lei can accomplish by breaking the Succession Cycle and ending the Hui Guo Rou dynasty.
This write-up will operate under the assumption that Zhang Lei is not the son of Nasubi but rather Onior Longbao. If this is the first you’re hearing of this, I recommend reading my post entitled Longbao Conspiracy. In it, I explain how Onior Longbao might have hatched a long-term plan to place his son on the Kakin throne.
First, let’s investigate why Zhang Lei may be in the most ideal position to win the succession war.
Matching Nasubi’s Description
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Nasubi (notably a past victor) believes the prince most equipped to win the Succession War must…
Take indirect political and military actions.
From the get-go, Zhang Lei offers his guard, Sakata, to Kurapika, and it seems his mission is largely motivated by information collection. Mind you, Kurapika is a person of extreme interest (and value!) to almost all parties. In the same exchange, he rids himself of Duazul’s spy, Slakka. Zhang Lei’s indirectness is contrasted with the approaches of Benjamin, Camilla, Tserriednich, and Halkenburg. All of these characters are capable of taking indirect action, but they are inclined to direct action.
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See the long path to victory.
Have a talent for long-term vision and deep design.
In both cases, Zhang Lei is perhaps the best fit. He is the only prince who considers what will happen after becoming king. His thoughts do not come from a place of overconfidence—rather, he is inclined to think about the future. He plans ahead, seeing value in an alliance with the younger princes (more about his long-term planning later).
Have a spirit beast skilled in logistical support.
We don’t necessarily know what Zhang Lei’s Spirit Beast does, but we do know it can grant powers to his subordinates. In general, the idea of distributing coins amongst your followers is very in line with the term “logistical support”. Other Spirit Beasts might fall under this umbrella, but Zhang Lei’s certainly does. His ability can provide hierarchical benefits to his organization, and based on his personality, it seems likely his Spirit Beast will be beneficial in long-term plots.
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The framing in this panel is very interesting. If you look closely, you can see Zhang Lei is smiling in the bottom left panel, while frowning in the bottom right. However, the three frames form a single image.
It may also be worth noting that the prince who appears immediately after Nasubi’s monologue is none other than Zhang Lei.
Following in Nasubi’s Footsteps
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In his meeting with Onior, Zhang Lei is told that Nasubi won his Succession War by waiting patiently. Thus far, Zhang Lei has been doing the exact same thing: letting the numbers dwindle around him as he plans ahead.
There are, of course, others who are waiting patiently (such as Tubeppa), but Zhang Lei is the only prince who is explicitly following in Nasubi’s footsteps. And what better way to win the Succession War than to copy the man who won it last?
Looking into the Previous Succession War
As I will explain later, Zhang Lei’s interest in the previous Succession War also makes him the most equipped to break the conditions of the Seed Urn’s Nen, allowing for multiple survivors. It seems likely that Onior’s findings will shed some light on the mechanics of the Seed Urn and the fourteen coffins. Zhang Lei is the only person looking into these events.
Playing the Long Game
The idea of waiting patiently and being rewarded is something that has been emphasized ever since the Dark Continent Expedition arc, initially by Beyond Netero.
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Impatience, on the other hand, has been negatively portrayed and will likely lead to failure.
Scaling Power Spirit Beast
I know many people believe Zhang Lei’s inner monologue in Chapter #390 points to him becoming king. I agree, but just because he thinks about what will happen after his victory doesn’t mean he will actually win. In fact, he’s probably wrong about the mechanics of his Spirit Beast’s ability.
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Very frequently in the Succession Arc suspicions are incorrect, reasoning is flawed, and plans go completely wrong. A perfect example of this is Sale-Sale and “the speech that will change the world”, or more recently, Basho’s suspicions about Shikaku.
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Well, at least he’s confident.
Zhang Lei is wrong: his Spirit Beast will have a tangible effect during the Succession War, and that effect seems like it will only get stronger as time goes on (suggested by the increasing numbers on the coins and the daily drop rate).
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Hardly Targeted
Zhang Lei is being targeted by Benjamin’s guard, Coventoba, but he is nowhere near figuring out his the third prince’s ability. It also seems like his mission is destined to fail.
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Coventoba’s discovery about the increasing numbers on the coins also immediately follows Sarahell and Fukataki’s discussion about failure having drastic consequences…
Zhang Lei is also being targeted by one of Camilla’s guards, but they don’t seem to be an immediate threat. Overall, he is being largely overlooked by the other princes.
This makes him incredibly dangerous. The longer he is left alone, the more difficult it will be to eliminate him. He is constantly gaining information and will soon learn about the details of Nen from Onior. His Spirit Beast will only grow in power.
Allied with Kurapika
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As the Succession War has drawn on, increasing emphasis has been placed on Kurapika’s importance. However, only Zhang Lei has created a true alliance with Kurapika. Yes, there is a tentative alliance between Kurapika, Halkenburg, and the younger princes, but this alliance has been made through either subordinates or Hunter Association members, not through a queen or prince.
The Same Question
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I think it’s very possible Zhang Lei asked the opposite of Camilla: for Nasubi to accept drop-outs that were not biological death. This exchange occurs almost immediately after Zhang Lei expresses surprise at Woble being targeted early…
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…and shortly before Shimano suggests he will not target the younger princes.
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Let’s assume Zhang Lei and Kurapika break the conditions of the Succession War, ending it prematurely. Who becomes king in this scenario, assuming Nasubi is dead? By equal primogeniture, it would be the eldest child. If Benjamin and Camilla are dead (this seems likely), that would be Zhang Lei.
A Wheel-turning King
In Longbao Conspiracy, I wrote about Zhang Lei’s association with Buddhist iconography, specifically that of the dharmachakra. The dharmachakra is a wheel-like symbol that serves as the inspiration for Zhang Lei’s Spirit Beast. It represents wisdom, knowledge, and insight. It is also known as the “wheel of dharma”. Rulers who brought about major change or reform were known as wheel-turning kings, or chakravarti.
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With this symbolism in mind, it seems likely Zhang Lei will win the Succession War. Armed with the knowledge of the Succession War’s mechanics (and empowered by an alliance with the younger princes and Kurapika), Zhang Lei will be capable of ending the Succession War and ensuring multiple survivors. In doing so, he can qualify as a “wheel-turning king”.
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Zhang Lei can also bring about another major change: the end of the Hui Guo Rou dynasty. While this may not seem like a big deal, the importance of family has been emphasized throughout the Succession arc, beginning with the Seed Urn’s test of inheritance. Not to mention, the Kakin practice of scarring illegitimate children shows the royalty are very possessive of their line.
The child of a “second-liner” becoming a king, establishing a new dynasty (Longbao), would be another “wheel-turning” change.
Themes of Cycle-breaking
An important theme in Hunter x Hunter is that of violent, unfulfilling cycles. I wrote extensively about this idea in my analysis of Chapter #337, “Repentance”. If we view the Succession War as part of an ongoing cycle (one Succession Contest after another), it makes sense that this cycle must be broken. I have another write-up in the works explaining this idea, but for now I suggest reading the one linked above (as well as Kurapika’s Fate or Shadow and Light).
Ruling the New Continent
We shouldn’t discount the possibility that one prince rules over the New Continent, while another assumes the traditional Kakin Throne. If this happens, I’m almost positive the former will be Zhang Lei.
To further understand this idea, let’s look into the term chakravarti again. There are three types of chakravarti, each defined by their rulership over the continents. Specifically, the dvipa chakravarti rules over one continent. It’s impossible to know if Togashi is familiar with these distinctions, but the fact of the matter remains that the dharmachakra, upon which Zhang Lei’s Spirit Beast is based, is heavily tied to the idea of continental kingship.
The symbolism seems a bit on the nose considering this entire arc is dedicated to the colonization of one continent and the exploration of another.
I hope I’ve adequately presented the argument for Zhang Lei. To be perfectly honest, I’m not entirely sure Zhang Lei will win. My main reason for doubting is that Zhang Lei becoming king almost seems too obvious. Not only that, he has also presented himself in many ways to be the most viable candidate for competent kingship. With all the signs pointing to him winning the Succession War, it seems likely some if not all are red herrings.
And, as I’ve said, not everything goes according to plan…
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antoniettap1303 · 2 years
Similarities Pt.2
Hello everybody! As i said before in the post i reblogged here,
i've talked about Killua and Fugetsu's similiarities. That doesn't end here. Yes, because i've found some more ! I still repeat that all i say here is a tought of mine and we don't know what Togashi sensei will do for the next chapters.
7. Similiar outfits.
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Generally i found similiarities between these two suits they sported respectively in the Succession war arc and York Shin arc.
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( Also to note the relationship/linking with Melody, which we'll consider n° 8. )
9. The photos
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Happy faces. Arms up. Only the backgrounds are literally different. This also matches with their happy and playfully innocent personalities, which gets back to the will of being Normal kids/teens.
10. Color schemes.
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Is obvious that the color palettes are different. But at the same time they're also 'identical'. Blue and cobalt ash (?). Who's also matched with a dark blue/purple ( even though is more purple yet in the manga, but blue is also related to killua too ).
Also... Bonus!
The japanese saying "Kachōfūgetsu" (花鳥風月) is literally translatable as "Flower, Bird, Wind, Moon" .
While Killua's theme,"Ginpatsu no Shōnen" (銀髪の少年) is literally translatable as "The Silver-Haired Boy".
Now, you know that Togashi Sensei is married to Naoko Takeuchi Sensei, who's the creator of Sailor Moon. The plot is simple, and yet we can found a detail that can easily take our attention: the Moon and the Silver Millennium. Also, we can note that Princess Serenity, previous version of Usagi, has Silver hair, is the heir of the Moon kingdom. And Prince Endymion. Dark hair with a blue sheen. Had a royal court (even if it was only four generals). And became King (Ok i know some may say "but this is without sense", but the succession war arc is about a battle royal to become the next Kakin Empire king/queen, so it makes sense in a way).
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Coincidence ? Who knows. But i still say that this is just a THOUGHT OF MINE and we don't know what Togashi sensei will do for the next chapters. P.S.: Regardless of theories and all, i really hope Fugetsu survives this Battle Royale, along Kacho Beast, Woble, Oito and Halkenburg (if there's going to be a king out of this, i think it should be him. And yes, THIS IS ALSO A TOUGHT OF MINE).
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