#kakin princes
kurapikunt · 3 months
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they're my roman empire tbh. my hbo succession
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star-fiend · 9 months
I think I like this Fugetsu because her possession might provide her a fighting chance. It's like she's ready for anything with her newfound bloodlust.
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Hunter X Hunter, chapter 400, "Concealed"
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banqanas · 13 days
me @ triking when am i gonna get my romance route with leiya ?????? pls you can make a whole event story about them being bugs but not as boyfriend???!??!??? smh you can do this once!!!!!!!!!!!
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neelrahh · 2 years
prince camilla & the ‘have-nots’
togashi has already brought in a lot of political players and concepts that will eventually come into action as we reach the peak of the succession war/approach the dark continent. 
what i find especially interesting is the inclusion of a caste system that strictly functions under the kakin empire - and how only one prince allows the lowest caste, or ‘have-nots’, to work under her. the ‘have-nots’ are 100% based off of dalit communities (only one kanji difference exists between the “have-nots” and the japanese word for dalit). we have not gotten enough exposition on them as of yet and i’m not sure if we will, but the have-nots are unable to claim high positions in public office or in the military - these parallel restrictions that have been set upon dalit communities for decades. 
i’m loving how post-mortem nen has become such a significant theme in this arc and is also being highlighted through the nen powers of the have-nots - but what is even more interesting than that is how post-morten nen is so heavily connected to an oppressive ritual practice that the have-nots used to go through. whether it is still an on going practice is not something that’s been clarified afaik. 
the willingness prince camilla’s lower caste guards have to serve her after death by using this antiquated practice to their advantage shows how they genuinely think they have nothing to lose as they go through with their assassination missions and honestly? it’s fascinating. we’ve seen the different ways in which loyalty manifests for the guards of other princes we’re following and for these ones, it’s budding due to their gratefulness for the position prince camilla has given them and the strong bond of trust they’ve developed as a team. it’s quite tragic that their loyalty stems from being empowered to do things any human being should be allowed to - but it makes sense.
i’m so curious as to what else we’re going to get with the have-not guards and how their curses will play out. hoping to see at least one succeed in cursing a prince
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tangsakura · 1 year
A Possible Future Based On Hisoka's Fortune - HxH Predictions
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Hunter x Hunter Chapter 105 (Raw)
"A red-eyed customer will visit your store. Half of them is angel, and the other is the god of death. Presumably they are hoping that you will sell the moon's secrets to them. They ought to be especially pleased about that of the frost moon.
On a hot day, with the mediation of the said customer, the two of you, the man of a reversed cross and you, are probably to be left alone together. The false fourth moon will be torn away from the calendar. With this, those that remain will become 6."
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I'm gonna put it here to remind us all of Hisoka's real fortune.
We all know how Shalnark ended up dead according to the fortune he received back in Yorknew arc. Now everyone is paying attention at Shizuku's fortune and making predictions. One of the most popular of these theories is how Shizuku will die around merchandise covered in black, which are brought by the Kakin mafia or one of the princes, if I remember correctly.
So now, I shall make my own predictions on what will happen in the future HxH chapters. But this time it will be based on Hisoka's real fortune.
WARNING: IF YOU HAVEN'T READ HUNTER x HUNTER CHAPTERS 349 TO 400, ESPECIALLY 391 TO 400, DO NOT INTERACT OR READ FURTHER. Keep in mind that this is unedited, and you are bound to read some cringey parts at some point.
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First Stanza:
"A red-eyed customer will visit your store. Half of them is angel, and the other is the god of death."
As Hisoka accepted Hinrigh's offer of going to VVIP room at tier 1, he's currently on his way there. The only one there who is described as a "red-eyed customer will visit your store. Half of them is angel, and the other is the god of death" is Kurapika, who is, at present, the bodyguard of 14th Prince Woble and Queen Oito.
At some point, they will meet again. They have to. There is no way that Hisoka will not go to the next banquet nor snoop around and find out what's up in the said tier. He will be there and his encounter with Kurapika for the first time since Yorknew arc is inevitable.
"Presumably they are hoping that you will sell the moon's secrets to them."
With Hisoka's presence in tier 1, Kurapika won't be able to help but wonder what happened to the Phantom Troupe, especially Chrollo, after Kurapika and the main gang left Chrollo, Hisoka and Pakunoda on top of the cliff/mountain (pls my brain isn't cooperating right now, somebody remind me), in the middle of nowhere.
Kurapika will definitely ask Hisoka about the Phantom Troupe. Presently, he wants to know about them and, obviously, he will get curious whether they are in the Black Whale or not. Remember, the Phantom Troupe is also his target, but obviously more secondary as 4th Prince Tserriednich is his first and foremost target as of this arc.
Kurapika will definitely find out that they are onboard the ship, and in all probability, Hisoka will let him know about it. After all, wouldn't Hisoka want to form an alliance again with Kurapika?
"They ought to be especially pleased about that of the frost moon."
I believe Hisoka will reveal something about the frost moon with Kurapika.
As you know, the frost moon refers to #11 of the Phantom Troupe. Back in Yorknew arc, they were referring to Uvogin. But he died. He even got a tombstone-less tomb and a requiem on the night of the underground auction. So, how is frost moon still relevant to this arc?
Well, sucks for you, but the one who replaced Uvogin is none other than this man:
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Hunter x Hunter Chapter 377 (Official English Translation)
Illumi Zoldyck.
With the way he is acting at the moment and how he divulged his assassination deal with Hisoka is making him super suspicious. There has been so many theories about him being Hisoka and so on because of how sus he is at the moment.
Though the theory about him being Hisoka has been debunked as of the current available chapters, you cannot deny that this is not merely just a "kill me and my engagement ring to or prenup with you is that you get paid". There's something more going on here.
I predict that he and Hisoka are on cahoots with each other. Surely, Hisoka had a deal with him, but I think it's more of helping him destroy the Spiders from the inside and so Illumi can save Kalluto from Hisoka's murder plan.
If it is true that Hisoka and Illumi are working together because Hisoka asked him to just like in Yorknew and Illumi can save his younger sibling, then Kurapika will be pleased. Because that's less spiders he has to worry with, considering that he also has to get closer to Prince Tserriednich to take back the remaining scarlet eyes, while also helping Queen Oito and Prince Woble survive the succession war.
(At this point, you may take a break. Resume reading once you are ready.)
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Second Stanza:
"On a hot day, with the mediation of the said customer, the two of you, the man of a reversed cross and you, are probably to be left alone together. "
I am mostly onboard with the prediction that Kurapika and Hisoka will come up with some sort of agreement regarding the Troupe. Kurapika already has too many things in his plate regarding the succession war with the remaining princes and how he will get close in contact with Prince Tserriednich. It won't come into surprise if Kurapika asks Hisoka for a helping hand or accept Hisoka's offer of his own kind of alliance, which I think he would do just like in Yorknew. But I think this time Hisoka will warn him not to remove Chrollo's nen. xD
Hisoka will perhaps help him take out some of the members. I feel that he will go for Shizuku and/or Bonolenov first. They are currently with Chrollo, so perhaps with Kurapika's help or someone's help, Chrollo can get separated from them, and then he can kill Shizuku and Bonolenov right then and there.
But we can also take into account that the closes Spiders to Hisoka right now are Nobunaga, Phinks, Feitan, and most likely Franklin and Machi. He can go for one of them first, as well. But I really feel like Shizuku and Bonolenov will die and I'll explain why in a short bit.
And of course, the one I'm most excited about is the showdown between Hisoka and Machi. I'm so ready to witness the best tragic romance of all times
Later on, Kurapika will maybe help him get another chance to be alone with Chrollo in return of him getting rid of some of the Troupe members. The ship is on the way to the false Dark Continent right now, so maybe he can set up a place there where Hisoka and Chrollo can face off. And it will be hot on that place on that day.
But it can also be that because of Kurapika, Hisoka and Chrollo will be alone together in the Black Whale ship, whether intentional or not. But how can it be a hot day in a ship, especially later when they can no longer go out of the premises due to the unpredictable travel conditions?
When the whole ship is in chaos and on fire. Now that will be wild, but not impossible.
"The false fourth moon will be torn away from the calendar."
In Yorknew arc, the false fourth moon was Hisoka, the former #4 of the Spiders. His allegiance to the spider was never true and he was willing for the existence of the Spider to perish.
But the one to replace him was Kalluto Zoldyck, the youngest member of the famous Zoldyck family.
As of now, it looks like he is getting along with them, and based on chapter 377 and 380, he has found some sort of comfort with them.
I mean look at Kalluto sitting near Machi, whom I previously analyzed based off of her speech language as someone considerate to kids.
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Hunter x Hunter Chapter 377 (Official English Translation)
And how she is reacting when Illumi revealed to Mizai about everyone in the Phantom Troupe onboard the ship.
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Hunter x Hunter Chapter 380 (Official English Translation)
Even so, how can Kalluto be a false fourth moon?
Because he is a Zoldyck.
At some point in the current arc, he will have to choose between the Zoldyck family and the Spiders, considering the fact that Illumi is most likely in cahoots with Hisoka, who is trying to kill the Spiders and have a rematch with Chrollo, perhaps.
And he will definitely choose the family. Because before he is a Phantom Troupe member, he is a Zoldyck. Knowing the dynamics of the family and all of that, I think he will have no choice but to choose his own biological family over the one he found some comfort with. Thus, he has always been a false fourth moon, just like Hisoka.
"With this, those that remain will become 6."
Whether this happens before, during, or after the Hisoka and Chrollo being alone together on a hot day, it doesn't matter. I predict that there will be six members of the Phantom Troupe left, including Chrollo.
And you know what's funny, I think the ones who will have to die are Shizuku and Bonolenov, as I stated previously.
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Hunter x Hunter Chapter 397 (Unofficial English Translations)
The ones who will be left will be the original Phantom Troupe members.
Originally, there are nine members. But three of them are already dead: Pakunoda, Uvogin and Shalnark.
When Shizuku and Bonolenov dies, the ones who will be left will be Nobunaga, Phinks, Feitan, Franklin, Machi, and Chrollo.
The original six.
I really think that if this will be the case, then we have a big potential or two when it comes to exploring the dynamics and relationships between the founding members. We have already witnessed the tension and conflict between the founding members when Chrollo was kidnapped by Kurapika back in Yorknew.
So this time it'll be interesting if we see it once again. And it'll be better if six of them are alive, but Chrollo is alone with Hisoka and they are far away from the other five. It'll be another dilemma for them once again. Do you save Chrollo or do you live on and keep the Spider alive?
And it'll be more interesting if the other people's predictions that the Hei-Ly family had something to do with Sarasa's death and the six founding members finds out about this and ends up being face to face with the benefactor.
These two events can tie into the Spiders' backstory a lot with the former possibly igniting or making them recollect the strong bonds that existed back on that day in the forest and the latter resolving the grudge and guilt they have been carrying since childhood.
Also, having the six founding members dying at the same time or together can be melancholic and sorrowful. A tragic and sad ending, but which provided them resolution and catharsis.
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And that's about it. I hope you enjoyed reading my predictions. This post has been in my drafts since the day before my birthday last year and I just completed it in one sitting. Finally, I posted something decent after a long time.
Anyways, I'll go to sleep now. It's like 2 or 3 am here right now.
Until then.
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misscherrys-world · 1 month
Welcome back to:
Random things I think about.
Starring: The fourth prince of Kakin empire, Tserriednich Hui Guo Rou.
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Warnings : Tserriednich.
Yes that’s it he’s the warning.
Okay just kidding… but he’s a warning himself.
Warnings: nsfw, spoilers from the manga obviously, abusing behavior, spitting, rape mentioning. If there’s something I missed inform me about it plz.
This one took longer than I thought to have the courage to say my random thoughts about that man. Turned out he’s complicated.
First let’s talk about his amazing muscular body. He’d crash me with just one hand effortlessly.
Sometimes I hope Togashi would let Hisoka and Tserried meet and fight. I’d die from excitement.
Poor Theta, I’m genuinely worried about her fate. I think she’ll help Kurapika get closer to the Prince so they can kill him.
Also poor Pika, I’m worried what will happen to him when he sees Pairo’s head..
That man is worse than the five threats. I hope he’ll stay alive until they reach the dark continent so they let him die alone and painfully there.
By surprise he has friends? Like how did they tolerate his ass talk about male philosophers? Boring hypocrites.
So I ended my trash talk about him. Let’s start my random things I think about.
I think he does have skin care and hair care routine like Patrick Bateman from American Psycho.
They look too much alike. The hair, the face, the body, the bloodlust.
I think he takes interest in music too. Not any genre of music. Classical music to be precise, his favorite musician is Mozart. Typical
He doesn’t like dogs. He thinks they are too clingy, useless and stinky. I bet a dog bit him when he was a kid.
Doesn’t like kids. Annoying, useless and stupid. Yeah Unma dropped you on your head for sure.
He gets grossed out when someone talks about women’s menstrual cycle.
He gets the ick when he smells certain feminine perfumes like “La vie est belle and Scandal” so typical every damn woman smells like these two.
His favorite perfume is Versace Eros eau de parfum.
His favorite feminine perfume is YSL Libre eau de parfum Intense.
He owns a big collection of hand watches.
Despite his “hobby” he wouldn’t practice it on someone related to him. Friend, family, mistress..
Speaking of his mistress. It would be very difficult to satisfy him. His lover should have certain qualifications that go along with the image he painted himself to deceive people, and of course his lover herself.
He’s homophobic. But he secretly takes liking in men more than women. I don’t make the rules.
Doesn’t mean he’s not into women.
His s/o must be a woman. Royal reasons obv.
When it comes to sex he is selfish.
Fucks you like an animal in heat, and insults your entire family line while fucking you.
He’s abusive. If you did or say something that isn’t acceptable to his taste expect a slap on your face when you’re alone with him. He would spit on you too.
You can’t get away from him, you’re trapped.
He will remind you how lucky you are, nobody gets the privileges you have or the insane amount of spending you spend everyday, all thanks to him.
He’s generous enough to let you do shopping and get all these clothes and makeup without asking what do you spend all these money on.
But he will not tolerate ignorance and misbehaved brats like you.
Of course you finally knew exactly who you are in a relationship with.
He doesn’t mind raping you, he sees you as one of his belongings he has the right to do anything he wants with you. Your opinion doesn’t matter.
Sometimes he gets a soft spot for you, after a “silly argument” and another abusive episode he will catch you crying where no one can see you, he will hug you and pat your head while saying he’s sorry.
After you’re finished crying he’ll give you a soft kiss on your lips, and says he won’t hit you again.
Of course he’ll do it again. Sometimes he’ll threaten you with a gun or a knife. It gets worse by time.
Tell me what do you think and send me your headcanons too. 🤍🎀
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xyliane · 4 months
Fake fic ask game again! Tags: Murder Mystery, Locked in, Reunion, Exes to Lovers
hey did you know that the leader of the cha-r family of the kakin empire, one of the big 3 mob families? the one affiliated with the 7th prince? did you know who the leader is? that their leader's name is brocco li? broccoli? BROCCOLI IS THE LEADER OF THE MAFIA FAMILY??? his brother is ONION? togashi?????????
all that remains, however improbable (hunter x hunter, leorio paladiknight/kurapika, heil-ly mafia family, neon nostrade, melody, post-canon, murder mystery, locked in, reunion, exes to lovers)
summary: kurapika had promised they'd never see each other again. leorio had never promised anything of the sort. in fact, if he remembered right, he'd made a lot of other promises, ranging from the vaguely plausible to the outright hopeless. he'd meant each one. they all seemed impossible.
but trapped on a resort island with the bodies piling up, the remnants of the heil-ly breathing down his neck, and all the clues starting to point to an infuriatingly unhelpful kurapika, leorio is starting to wonder if anything is truly impossible.
fake fic ask game! give me a fake fic and I'll make it up!
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justin-peudeau · 1 year
Yo I already talk about this in some comments. But I really wanted to make an official post of that theory here in my blog.
So there is this genius @itsmyara and @hunterexamcheatsheet who talk about the fact that each actual queen of Kakin's name are related to their position in the harem hierarchy :
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Then we have Theta, Theta means nine in ancient greek.
And with what we highlight above. We know that Togashi put way to much attention in the queen's name just for accidentally making such a "coincidence".
Furthermore, there is Oito's backstory. Oito WASN'T born to be a queen AT ALL. Her backstory shows to us reader that EVERY WOMEN of every social statues have a chance to be a queen if the king "fall in love" with them. And that includes my baby girl Theta.
Of course only 8 women success to make it, so it's nearly impossible. Plus, "the King falling in love again" is an even rarer possibility because of the context of the succession war. Indeed, why Nasubi would marry a woman when he seems to be ready to die in 2 months. Theta can't even have the time to birth a new prince at this point.
If he marries Theta she would not make any heirs to the throne, so she would be a pretty "useless" queen. That the second biggest reason why it seems impossible for Theta to be Nasubi's wife.
Let's go back to the comparison of the meaning of Theta's name and the other queens. All the queen's name are related aproximatovely to numbers but they don't have any meaning by themselves expect from Oito = eight and Seiko which is a famous watch mark in japan.
On the other hand, the word Theta has an HUGE array of meanings. Many recognize the mathematical symbole for naming angles.
But it is above all a letter in its own that has been derived and incorporated into the alphabet of many dead languages :
The Ionic, Ancient Greek, Modern Greek, Etruscan, Gallic, Cyrillic, Slavic, Coptic and Armenian alphabet for examples.
This letter will then take as many different forms depending on the civilizations that use it.
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In the end, Theta’s name in comparison to others can be interpreted as adaptability, communication or even impartiality. So even throught Theta doesn't make any child she would be an excellent key of power stabilisation if she is used correctly.
The story already shows us very well how Theta can adapt to a large panel of complex situation. She is also an essential source of information and meticulous analysis.
Nasubi will probably feel for those qualities. Plus, to survive this far, Theta WILL NEED to deploy every weapons she had in order to survive. I am sure that she will indirectly stole some other royal hearts in her tricky way to the mysterious mission success 😁
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But it was also sooooo fun !😊 Anyways, I hope I was clear and if I was not or if you want to hyperfixate over Theta with me TALK TO ME, IT WOULD BE AN HONOR FOR ME TO HAVE DEEP THETA CONVERSATION WITH YOU *Trembles uncontrollably and violently*
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your-favourite-plague · 11 months
My subjective ranking of which Kakin prince should win because I'm stressed beyond human comprehension and need distraction
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1. 2nd Prince Camilla 😳 2nd Prince Camilla 💕 2nd Prince Camilla 😭
Probably she would be an awful king, but she could kill me and I would thank her.
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2. 3rd Prince Zhang Lei
I think he's a cool, reliable guy. He is the king in my heart (and of my heart?). If he'll turn out to be evil, I will feel personally betrayed and hurt.
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3. 5th Prince Tubeppa
She didn't have much time to shine, but she seems to be intelligent and trustworthy, a good fit for a king.
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4. 9th Prince Halkenburg
The succession battle costs him too much emotionally, but I'm sure he would be a solid king. But why does he like Tserriednich? Sus.
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5. 10th Prince Kacho and 11th Prince Fugetsu
Double king for the win. The perfect ending we should have gotten.
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6. 6th Prince Tyson
Too precious for this world, politics don't deserve her.
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7. 7th Prince Luzurus
Doesn't really strike me as a person interested in ruling or a dedicated future king, but not the worst choice.
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8. 8th Prince Sasa-Lélé
A perfect material for a puppet king, but he's a nice guy overall. His Nen beast could make Kakin quite a peaceful nation, which is always good.
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9. 12th Prince Momoze, 13th Prince Marayam and 14th Prince Woble
They're kids. It's hard to judge how they would rule the country.
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10. 1st Prince Benjamin
He would declare a martial law the second the crown touches his head.
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11. 4th Prince Tserriednich
This man should be kept as far from any position of power as possible. Preferably kept in the casket.
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futuredaysbycan · 2 years
Me on third floor of the black whale: oooh nooo im so kissable and in need of nen assistance so i can Kill a lot :( (preferably princes of kakin empire) if only some hot goth woman could help meeee :((
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qworflordking · 2 years
Chrollo/Reader Imagine: Headcanon Delight
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Chrollo Lucilfer as a 4chan poster
As a young lad, Chrollo frequented /a/, with great dreams of founding his own fandub group. The innocent child would only be routinely mocked and chased off the board for claiming dubs > subs. How were they to know how many of Meteor City's children were illiterate? All he wanted was to share it with his friends...
Depressed and embittered by the rude anons, Chrollo went down a dark path of despair... and yet, fascinated as he is by the darkness of the human soul, he remained hooked on the site.
Today, Chrollo posts elegant, if slightly incoherent, screeds of the vilest shit you've ever read in your life.
His /pol/ threads are so bad they're actually deleted, only for him to promptly repost them on /x/ or /int/.
Chrollo tends to get overly involved with the ensuing debates, often reading replies aloud to you. "This ESL frog-poster is mocking me for posting from my cell phone," he tells you, shoving his phone in your face. "Not even bothering to engage with any of the points I've raised. How am I supposed to debate anon, when he refuses to offer proper reply?"
You're well aware that the frog-poster is Feitan, who haunts Chrollo's every thread to troll him relentlessly, but you would never tell Chrollo this. He's half-convinced it's Hisoka, but the clown only wishes he knew of Chrollo's dark web secrets.
"You could assume his race and call him a slur?" you offer.
Chrollo stares at you, dumbfounded. "Y/N, I'm not racist, and I refuse to let my arguments be tainted with slurs."
He says he's not racist, and yet you can see he's put the word Kurta in triple parentheses. "I don't know, Chrollo," you tell him. "I don't think that site is healthy for you."
"You unironically consume soy products," Chrollo tells you in disgust. "Yet you presume to lecture me on health. Interesting." He goes back to his phone, tapping furiously. You peek over his shoulder to see him typing out, in grisly detail, his exact plans to murder the frogposter along with his family and curse anon to the tenth generation - which you're not sure how he'll manage if the whole family is dead - struggle with the catchpa, hit post, and then wait for the update.
"Nice copypasta," Feitan's replied, coupled with an image of a rare Pepe indeed, modified to resemble Prince Benjamin in a Make Kakin Great Again hat. "Kill yourself."
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aspoonofsugar · 2 years
Any thoughts on the new hxh chapters? I've loved all four so far.
Hello anon!
I have LOVED them as well! So so much :D I am happy Togashi is giving us so much action and development on the mafia side of things. I am curious to see how our 2 conflicts are gonna meet each other and what it will mean for the characters...
As for my thoughts, I will probably have to reread the whole arc at some point, but as for now...
What I have seen of the Heil-Ly family just confirms to me what I mention here. The people of the Heil-Ly have overall a very low level of nen and Morena is clearly using them as sacrifices to start a revolution. I mean... the game metaphor is not subtle... they are pawns in her hands. She has selected a bunch of people unhappy with society and has filled them with promises and dreams, which are clearly gonna go unfulfilled. In a sense, she is treating them as she treats herself, which is psychologically interesting. She sees herself as a lower being (lower than a Prince, she is only level 45, while Princes are level 50). Her plan is nothing, but an elaborated suicide plan, as she herself has told us:
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She wants to rip down the whole system, including herself. This is why she gives up on a powerful role in the mafia to try and cause a war between the mafia and the kakin empire...
Now, her people are really just tools in this game, which is why many of them are introduced as people with very humble or normal jobs... they are people you could meet on the streets... very normal...which is why they are getting killed one after one by more expert nen users. All in all, it is interesting to see such inexperienced fighters try to get a grasp on nen and failing to fully make use of it because they lack preparation and thought. It is refreshing considering we have so far mostly seen super talented people.
At the same time, I think the Heil-Ly might have an important thematic role, especially when it comes to the Spiders:
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Like, Luini might be an idiot that got himself killed immediately... but he is not wrong here... there has clearly been a shift in the Spiders' role in this arc. In York Shin, they are presented as a destabilizing element. They go out of their way to refuse rules, even if these rules are those of the criminal world... nobody is supposed to steal from the mafia... and yet, they go against both the criminal code and Meteor City's code and start a mafia war. This arc, however, things are different. It is true Chrollo has announced they are going to reach the first deck and steal Kakin's treasures... still, they are so far working with the mafia to preserve the status quo and doing everything they can to destroy the Heil-Ly's family, which this time embodies the destabilizing element. This transformation is also conveyed by how the mafia treats the Spiders: they are seen as celebrities :'''). The group of thieves introduced as mafia's nightmare has now become mafia's idol group...
Now, this doesn't necessarily have to be something negative, but surely it is something that must be addressed... Who are the Spiders? Are they a chaotic immortal element like Chrollo envisioned them to be? Are they an ideal? Or are they deep down a group of people and when they lose a member it actually hurts deeply? And if they are people, then why do they need to steal? Why can't they be content with each other, which is clearly the only thing they care about anyway? Not the treasures, but their comrades?
Speaking of comrades... I love them:
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I like how they are absolutely normal soldiers that know nothing about nen. I also like they are presented as loyal to Tserriednich, but far more likable than his other soldiers and I am curious to know more of their relationship with the Prince.
Finally, there is Hisoka... our joker :''') Even this time, he is the most difficult to read and I am especially curious about his next moves and his role this arc...
Thank you for the ask!
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basedkikuenjoyer · 10 months
General HxH question, since I believe you're caught up. I'm caught up with the series to where the 2011 anime concludes, am loosely familiar with the current events of the manga, and am wondering how hard Kurapika's story is going on the revenge against the PT angle lately? Is Gon and Killua not being around to snap him out of going too far now something that has come up?
So far most of the Kakin Succession Arc has had Kurapika embroiled in the internal plot while the Phantom Troupe does the same on a different level. If I remember right, the two aren't even aware the other side is involved. Kurapika's mostly had his eyes on a collector that bought most of his clan's and did soften at the prospect of sparing some of the younger princes from being caught up in the succession contest.
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antoniettap1303 · 1 year
Little tought about the succession war
We already Have the survivor princes ?
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Hello! Today i want to share a tought about the succession war that's currently taking place in HxH. As you can note, Togashi sensei always put 3 specific princes together ( In order ): Fugetsu, Mariyam and Woble are always put in a "group of their own",in the manga, in riepilogations, official illustrations and also in the shikishi. It can mean something ? Maybe no. Or maybe yes. Maybe, and i still say Maybe:
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• Obivously i hope like everybody that Fugetsu will feel better after what we saw in ch.400. I also hypothize that maybe she know that kacho is a spirit beast now and maybe she will give her some advice for the future events.
• Probably they can also create an Alliance with Oito/Woble, due also to melody and kurapika, as i think that we can even get that Finally Fugetsu will rebel to her mother and along with Kacho, Ilardia, ladiolus and melody will move away. Also i'm sure she will be protective and fond of Woble and will do anything to protect her ( in think she will do so for ANY Child ❤).
• We can count that if they will start move on their own, maybe also Fu will stars a " Consulence Tour" along kacho,melody or some guards, to see some princes (a situation like Oito's meeting with Zhang Lei ).
• i also think that maybe the Final match will resolve in a Two factions war ( some by Tserriednich's side and some by Fu as candidates for the throne Obivously i imagine woble, mariyam and maybe also Tyson by Fu's side while Camilla and benjamin by Tserri's. Halken and Tubeppa are the most unpredictable, since tubeppa has pratically found a sort of link for an Alliance with both Tserri and Woble, But i still think that there's good in Halken. )
• In way or another there will be a huge caos ( Maybe because of Morena, Hisoka, the Phantom Troupe or all together), that will put the main boat ( the luxury one ) in danger. This probably will get at a mess that major part of the remaining princes will be murdered ( between themselves or by the mess happening. ) at some point, they will discover the chamber where momoze is ( maybe the Kakin tree and it's secret will be discovered.). By realizing what's going on, the dead princes are put in there, including Nasubi's half brothers ( yes. Them. I also think that Morena is the most dangerous and i think she will also survive), killed during the mess. For me at least for what i think, it will happen a really sad but fundamental Moment. A container must be filled. And there's still the Trolley Problem. Which is choosing between the other princes or the people of the kingdom. Maybe the great tree of Kakin will be a very important fact to what's happening. And that's the point. I think that, to allow the tree's Role to be complied, Halkenburg will sacrifice himself. In a high note, he will ask fugetsu to shot him, so that with him the great tree of Kakin will be complete. Is obivous that she won't, but he will told her that this is necessary for the kingdom and everybody else ( trolley problem ), and he's sure that she will be the one kakin needs to reach the future he wanted to create himself. So, the act has to be done. The thing will be on her conscience for many long, but it has to be worth for the kingdom.
• and so, after everything is done, is probably that she will became the monarch. And i think that she will save Woble and Mariyam. They're children. They shouldn't pay the price.
in short words, Fugetsu, Mariyam and Woble will be the ONLY SURVIVORS of the succession war.
Is also probably that the spirit beasts will disappear after everybody will leave the ship. I also imagine, after the post shot breakdown, while trying to reach the life boats in a situation Titanic style, kacho will reassure Fu, by tolding her that there will be so many people that will be near her and that will never leave her alone, also admitting that she is also capable to show strenght, and that everything will be worth it. All with the chef's kiss of her pushing her twin with both hands on the back foward. Towards the future. While she has disappeard. I also imagine how Fu will watch Back by see that nobody's there, as she smiles bittersweetly While starting to run. I also think that both Kurapika and few members of the Spiders, and like i said before also morena, will survive too, and the final fight probably will be Kept for the final arc.
So.. that's it. I make you remember that this is only a tought of mine and we don't know what Togashi sensei will do for the next chapters.
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progg · 2 years
A Wheel-turning King
While it’s almost impossible to predict who will win the Succession War, I think there is a very strong argument to be made for Zhang Lei. He will likely be the prince most equipped to end the Succession Contest, breaking the conditions of the Seed Urn and allowing for multiple survivors. In this scenario, he would be the eldest survivor and would inherit the throne.
In addition, the design of his Spirit Beast is related to the Buddhist idea of a chakravarti or “wheel-turning king”. To become such a king, one must enact extraordinary change, which Zhang Lei can accomplish by breaking the Succession Cycle and ending the Hui Guo Rou dynasty.
This write-up will operate under the assumption that Zhang Lei is not the son of Nasubi but rather Onior Longbao. If this is the first you’re hearing of this, I recommend reading my post entitled Longbao Conspiracy. In it, I explain how Onior Longbao might have hatched a long-term plan to place his son on the Kakin throne.
First, let’s investigate why Zhang Lei may be in the most ideal position to win the succession war.
Matching Nasubi’s Description
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Nasubi (notably a past victor) believes the prince most equipped to win the Succession War must…
Take indirect political and military actions.
From the get-go, Zhang Lei offers his guard, Sakata, to Kurapika, and it seems his mission is largely motivated by information collection. Mind you, Kurapika is a person of extreme interest (and value!) to almost all parties. In the same exchange, he rids himself of Duazul’s spy, Slakka. Zhang Lei’s indirectness is contrasted with the approaches of Benjamin, Camilla, Tserriednich, and Halkenburg. All of these characters are capable of taking indirect action, but they are inclined to direct action.
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See the long path to victory.
Have a talent for long-term vision and deep design.
In both cases, Zhang Lei is perhaps the best fit. He is the only prince who considers what will happen after becoming king. His thoughts do not come from a place of overconfidence—rather, he is inclined to think about the future. He plans ahead, seeing value in an alliance with the younger princes (more about his long-term planning later).
Have a spirit beast skilled in logistical support.
We don’t necessarily know what Zhang Lei’s Spirit Beast does, but we do know it can grant powers to his subordinates. In general, the idea of distributing coins amongst your followers is very in line with the term “logistical support”. Other Spirit Beasts might fall under this umbrella, but Zhang Lei’s certainly does. His ability can provide hierarchical benefits to his organization, and based on his personality, it seems likely his Spirit Beast will be beneficial in long-term plots.
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The framing in this panel is very interesting. If you look closely, you can see Zhang Lei is smiling in the bottom left panel, while frowning in the bottom right. However, the three frames form a single image.
It may also be worth noting that the prince who appears immediately after Nasubi’s monologue is none other than Zhang Lei.
Following in Nasubi’s Footsteps
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In his meeting with Onior, Zhang Lei is told that Nasubi won his Succession War by waiting patiently. Thus far, Zhang Lei has been doing the exact same thing: letting the numbers dwindle around him as he plans ahead.
There are, of course, others who are waiting patiently (such as Tubeppa), but Zhang Lei is the only prince who is explicitly following in Nasubi’s footsteps. And what better way to win the Succession War than to copy the man who won it last?
Looking into the Previous Succession War
As I will explain later, Zhang Lei’s interest in the previous Succession War also makes him the most equipped to break the conditions of the Seed Urn’s Nen, allowing for multiple survivors. It seems likely that Onior’s findings will shed some light on the mechanics of the Seed Urn and the fourteen coffins. Zhang Lei is the only person looking into these events.
Playing the Long Game
The idea of waiting patiently and being rewarded is something that has been emphasized ever since the Dark Continent Expedition arc, initially by Beyond Netero.
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Impatience, on the other hand, has been negatively portrayed and will likely lead to failure.
Scaling Power Spirit Beast
I know many people believe Zhang Lei’s inner monologue in Chapter #390 points to him becoming king. I agree, but just because he thinks about what will happen after his victory doesn’t mean he will actually win. In fact, he’s probably wrong about the mechanics of his Spirit Beast’s ability.
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Very frequently in the Succession Arc suspicions are incorrect, reasoning is flawed, and plans go completely wrong. A perfect example of this is Sale-Sale and “the speech that will change the world”, or more recently, Basho’s suspicions about Shikaku.
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Well, at least he’s confident.
Zhang Lei is wrong: his Spirit Beast will have a tangible effect during the Succession War, and that effect seems like it will only get stronger as time goes on (suggested by the increasing numbers on the coins and the daily drop rate).
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Hardly Targeted
Zhang Lei is being targeted by Benjamin’s guard, Coventoba, but he is nowhere near figuring out his the third prince’s ability. It also seems like his mission is destined to fail.
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Coventoba’s discovery about the increasing numbers on the coins also immediately follows Sarahell and Fukataki’s discussion about failure having drastic consequences…
Zhang Lei is also being targeted by one of Camilla’s guards, but they don’t seem to be an immediate threat. Overall, he is being largely overlooked by the other princes.
This makes him incredibly dangerous. The longer he is left alone, the more difficult it will be to eliminate him. He is constantly gaining information and will soon learn about the details of Nen from Onior. His Spirit Beast will only grow in power.
Allied with Kurapika
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As the Succession War has drawn on, increasing emphasis has been placed on Kurapika’s importance. However, only Zhang Lei has created a true alliance with Kurapika. Yes, there is a tentative alliance between Kurapika, Halkenburg, and the younger princes, but this alliance has been made through either subordinates or Hunter Association members, not through a queen or prince.
The Same Question
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I think it’s very possible Zhang Lei asked the opposite of Camilla: for Nasubi to accept drop-outs that were not biological death. This exchange occurs almost immediately after Zhang Lei expresses surprise at Woble being targeted early…
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…and shortly before Shimano suggests he will not target the younger princes.
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Let’s assume Zhang Lei and Kurapika break the conditions of the Succession War, ending it prematurely. Who becomes king in this scenario, assuming Nasubi is dead? By equal primogeniture, it would be the eldest child. If Benjamin and Camilla are dead (this seems likely), that would be Zhang Lei.
A Wheel-turning King
In Longbao Conspiracy, I wrote about Zhang Lei’s association with Buddhist iconography, specifically that of the dharmachakra. The dharmachakra is a wheel-like symbol that serves as the inspiration for Zhang Lei’s Spirit Beast. It represents wisdom, knowledge, and insight. It is also known as the “wheel of dharma”. Rulers who brought about major change or reform were known as wheel-turning kings, or chakravarti.
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With this symbolism in mind, it seems likely Zhang Lei will win the Succession War. Armed with the knowledge of the Succession War’s mechanics (and empowered by an alliance with the younger princes and Kurapika), Zhang Lei will be capable of ending the Succession War and ensuring multiple survivors. In doing so, he can qualify as a “wheel-turning king”.
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Zhang Lei can also bring about another major change: the end of the Hui Guo Rou dynasty. While this may not seem like a big deal, the importance of family has been emphasized throughout the Succession arc, beginning with the Seed Urn’s test of inheritance. Not to mention, the Kakin practice of scarring illegitimate children shows the royalty are very possessive of their line.
The child of a “second-liner” becoming a king, establishing a new dynasty (Longbao), would be another “wheel-turning” change.
Themes of Cycle-breaking
An important theme in Hunter x Hunter is that of violent, unfulfilling cycles. I wrote extensively about this idea in my analysis of Chapter #337, “Repentance”. If we view the Succession War as part of an ongoing cycle (one Succession Contest after another), it makes sense that this cycle must be broken. I have another write-up in the works explaining this idea, but for now I suggest reading the one linked above (as well as Kurapika’s Fate or Shadow and Light).
Ruling the New Continent
We shouldn’t discount the possibility that one prince rules over the New Continent, while another assumes the traditional Kakin Throne. If this happens, I’m almost positive the former will be Zhang Lei.
To further understand this idea, let’s look into the term chakravarti again. There are three types of chakravarti, each defined by their rulership over the continents. Specifically, the dvipa chakravarti rules over one continent. It’s impossible to know if Togashi is familiar with these distinctions, but the fact of the matter remains that the dharmachakra, upon which Zhang Lei’s Spirit Beast is based, is heavily tied to the idea of continental kingship.
The symbolism seems a bit on the nose considering this entire arc is dedicated to the colonization of one continent and the exploration of another.
I hope I’ve adequately presented the argument for Zhang Lei. To be perfectly honest, I’m not entirely sure Zhang Lei will win. My main reason for doubting is that Zhang Lei becoming king almost seems too obvious. Not only that, he has also presented himself in many ways to be the most viable candidate for competent kingship. With all the signs pointing to him winning the Succession War, it seems likely some if not all are red herrings.
And, as I’ve said, not everything goes according to plan…
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oujibaka · 2 years
I think it's really funny how, if I'm not mistaken, togashi was accused of plagiarizing jojo stands with the territory abilities in yyh while nen abilities esp in succession war are like soo much more stand-like. Did the dudes with really specific powers in chapter black have a silly little invisible guy following them around supplying their silly little powers? No but the kakin princes sure as hell do. Nen beasts are just a bit fleshier on average than stands
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